HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-17, Page 6Henson
:and d4trict .new
Mrs. Mavc.Ig Hocicton, Phcnc
/Am Archie MocOrPgor, Phone Sb
W I treat
aptie .o-ur
I:Matta Family S nday
was held in St. Andrews t'ni-
led Church. Kippen, with the
pastor Rev. H. Johnston in
charge ot abe service. The
church N‘tta t'aatefullY decor-
ated lay Airs. .Emmeraon Kyle;
and Mrs. Ron Littleton with
different varieties of spring
flowers. The junior. choir was
nutter the direction of Misa
Jean. Ivitsoa and extra flower's
were placed by the families in
meaner), of the late Robert .1,
Elgie and the late Elston Dow.
Four babies were baptised.:
\'ieky Lynn. infant daughter of Mr. and airs. Jack. Bell;
Lori Margaret. daughter of
Air and Alva. Leonard Lovell:
Rubin Darlene. datteincr of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MeLel-
Ian; Sue Ann Finlayson, daugh-
tar of Ale. and Airs. Laird Fins
P11.27 11E175111.1.
Enjoy Milk
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Get the milk-habit .
enjoy delicious refreshment
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Registration of
Be 111.44 At The $0991 .Qn
Wednesday, May 30
.2100 .3:30 p.m.
Pupils must be five years of age DA or
before December 31, 1962.
iTIENSA1414PH5LIC SCHOOL BOARD Announce wedding plans
Wedding plans have been announced. by Miss Gwendo,
lyn ,lean Spencer and John Frederick, Lewis, The
elect is thei, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C, Spencer,
Hensall, and the groom-elect: is t.110 SOB of Mr, and Mrs.
George P. Lewis. Sarnia , The mmiage will take place
June 9. at 4 p.m., in tlensall United Church.
Present SS awards
to Carmel children
Diplomas and seals were pre- Randy C a in p b e 11, Gordon
settled toSunday School schol- Wright: second year seal to
ara at Carmel Church Sunday Beatrice Thompson, Pam Sang-
morning service by Mr. Clar- stet, Sheila Sangster, Gall Saug-
eller Voltam!, Sunday School ster; third year, Bryan Camp-
superintendent, Bibles by Miss bell, Brenda Koehler, Mary
Hannah Murray. Thompson, Michael Sangster,
Diplomas went to Linda Bell, liar Campbell, Johnny Moir,
Wendy Muir, Cheryl Little;
fourth year, Dorothy Skew, Sou.
used clothing will be 'packed nie Foster, Billie Hoy, John
this month. Lunch was con•
vetted by Ales. \\'rn, Kyle and Little;
Mrs_ Eileen Canad_ Fifth year, Lose Marie Camp-
Aira, E. Dowson is spending bell, Carolyn Campbell, Garry
a few drays with a nephew and Scholl, Ann Lawrence; sixth
niece, Air. and Airs. 'Edward year, Cheryl Mousseau, Patsy
Sheffer of Dryden, Mich, Moir; se v c nth year, Lois
Air, and gra. john C, Doig Wright;
of Grand Rapids, Stich., called Eighth year certificate, Bibles
Sunday on Air. and Mrs. Nor- and dipi o m a s to Marjorie
man Long, Schwalm, Michael Hoy, ger-
Alr, and Mrs. Bob Dalrymple, vyn Bell; ninth year, Colleen
Bonnie and Betty of Brucefield, .Baynham, Charles SehWalni
visited Sunday with Mn'. and tenth year, Gerald Volland;
Airs, Edgar McBride and Sinn- eleventh year. Alargaret Hyde,
on, Barbara Schwalm,
Skea, B o bb y Moir, Marcia
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Baptize 11
at service
Eleven babies ;waned the
mcrament papti,,In
the United. Church Stinitav
they \vile Scott David AN (.,*.
.5011 of Mr. and Alra. Dontial
Avery; Stephen Douglas Coop
er. on of Air. :tad Mrs. Doug-
lira. Cooper, A:tier! liarvvY
C„Orbeit, sun of Mr. anti Mrs..
Ras' Corbett; Lisa Ann lla de,
daughter of Mr, and afra.
jaMes Hyde:
Julie Maraarct Inaram. daugh-
tor of Mr. and gra, Raymond
Ingram: Gregura, Gordon Lay' •
ory, sort of Mr. and gra. Got,
don .Later': .1taiie Ann Mock,
daughter of Mr, and gra. lion
Mock; Marilyn Irene Pcpper.
daughter of gr. and Airs. Cecil
Robin, John Pra t te, son o f air.
and Mrs. Robert pradc van!
Lyndon Stringer. son of Mr. and
'Mrs. Robert Harvey Stringer:
T)ebra Lynn Vonner, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ven-
Misa Joace Fla 1»1 aana
solo. flowers In the church
were in mentor - of the l'ale
Mrs. Dougall and Mrs.
David Dignan, placed there by
members of the family Rev,
Currie Winlaw delivered art am-
pressive message. The church
Naas filled for the occasion.
Mrs. B. M. Peel, Jack Pep-
per of EaPOen Mrs. James
Smillie and Mrs. Delbert Get.
ger, Zurich, attended the Howe.
Poore wedding at Leamington
on Saturday.
Mrs. Gary Branderhorst re•
ceived word of the anklet' death
of her father. Mr. W. Lafeher of
Den Helder, North Holland. Mr.
Lafeber was in ha 69th year.
Mr. and Airs. Bill Simpson, of
Detroit, were weekend guests
with Mrs. Lou Simpson.
At the initiation ceremony of
the Explorers of Carmel Pres•
byterian Church. Michael Hoy,
Billy Hoy, Alan Armstrong and
Douglas Armstrong passed their
tests and were preaented with
their certificates. Explorer pin,
and pictures of "jest's Follow
Rel.. W. A. Young, chaplain
at the OAC, Guelph, will be
guest minister at the anniver-
sary services of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church Sunday. May
27. Mr, Young was a former
minister of this church. Mon-
day evening. May 28, a con-
gregational supper and social
evening will be held.
UCW units two and four were
pleased .wit their special Moth-
er's Day order bake sale on Sat-
urday. They realized 535 00.
Twelve fluorescent lights have
been installed by the PVC in
the business section of Main
Street and are being greatly
admired. Jim Clark and Bill
Fuss were in charge of the
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Lindsay,
Pamela and Sheila, of London,
visited over the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap-
man and Roddie spent the
weekend visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Westaway and
family in Hamilton and with
their son-in-law and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Don. MacLaren
in Toronto.
Miss Betty Parker of Lon-
don visited over the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Eva
Parker and brother Bill.
Miss Dianne Rennie, nurse-
in-training at Sarnia. spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Sam Rannie.
Air, and Mrs, Clarence -Rus-
ton and family of Stratford vis-
ited on. Sunday with Mrs. Rus•
ton's mother. Mrs. Eva Park-
er. Bill and Betty.
Mr, William Rooseboom of
the London Road, highway 4,
purchased the properly of the
late Miss Clarissa Mitchell at
the auction sale on Saturday,
Price paid was 53.7511. Mr.
Ronseboom intends , renal, acing
it for sale or rent.
Win bowling prizes
Members of the Hensall Bowl-
inc team, the Iii-Lifes, cap-
taiaed by Airs, E. R. Davis
won third prize at the howling
play-offs at Zurich Bowling
Lanes and were presented with
their prize at the bowling ban.
(vet held .at .the HO.
Grand Bend, Wednesday
:night, May n, They also won
third prize (he 'fashion par.
a& of comical spring hats.
Members of the team are
Captain Mr's. .1)m/is" Mrs, Jim
Clark, Mrs._ W. Cameron.
Mrs, Wm. Iltown„ mr.5. F. 14,
Broadley, Mra, T. Kyle Jr,,
Mrs. -.1olin .Brenttan,, Mrs. Clar-
ence Acid. Mrs. Clark, Mrs,
CariterOn and Mrs. Brennan
won door Prizea.
Also attending the banquet
Were members of the }ILA leant
from Hensall captained by Sirs.
Den Havens who was mistress
nf• ceremonies. Members of her
teat?' were Mrs. llaraid .Camp-
hell, Mrs, Miliaria Forrester,
,trs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Gor-
don Munn, Mrs. Howard- smaler
Mrs. „lTarry Horton, Mrs,
ham Soule arid Mrs. Havens,
Mrs. Taylor won a _prize kit
Mitt the healer,
enjoy cctmedy
by area choir
A nna-aeal l eomedy. play -Hap-
.pineaa Ahea.l" was preaented laa-
Brtivelidd Unitel r_lotrch elutir
under the direction of Airs. R.
a. Murdock to a large and ap-
preciative audience in the town
had. Henaall. Monday evening,
.Fat.,ortal ha the Past Noble
(=rands ol AIII by r Rebekah
The ptay ava.. a delightful
comedy oath the east portraying
their roles exceptionally well.
lack Caidu el' accompanied at
the piano.
Between acts Alissi Dorothy
Parker rendered vocal solos
and Jaen Caldwell and Bill Gib-
atm favoved with accordion
and piano selections,
lielrealunents were aerved to
the cant at the lodge hall.
Will mark 95 years
Mrs. Sarah Glazier will cele-
brate her 95th birthday quietly
at the home of her daughter
and aon•inalavv, Mr. and Mrs.
"Asa beeves, on Tuesday„ May
A native of Clinton sae has
been a resident of Hernial! for
eight years.
She is the mother of six chil-
dren: Allred, William and Han-
old. Clinton, Herbert. Stratford;
g ra , Ed w i n P i c k ar d , Dun d as.
and Alra. Deem.
Mr. Laird Sickle and. Charles
castled on Saturday in Ridge-
Mrs, W. B. I oaon rat Zurich
aS a recent visitor with Mrs.
Archie MacGregor.
Air. and Mrs,, G. T. Scott, of
Detroit, were gues(s with Mrs.
McAllister last week.
Air. and Airs. Clarence Reid
entertained the Reid-Smith brid-
al party following rehearsal
Friday evening.
;Sirs. Inez Ai CE %A eat is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mr, R. E. Kea-a. Barry and
Brian of Burlington. Mr. and
Mrs. A, E. Keys and grand-
children Beth, Daryl and Bon-
nie of Exeter visited on Sunday
with Mr and Ales. J. E. Ale-
Airs. J. B. Jarrell, who makes
her home part time with her
daughter and son-in-law, Ala.
and Airs. E. H. Broadley, left
Thursday on the SS Saxonia for
Europe where she will .spend
two months touring the different
Sir, and Mrs. Laird
Charles, 'Bob and Ann spent Sun-
day in Kitchener with the for-
mei"s daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alegillan
and David.
gran max
IirandrOnlho s e specitll
Ll)l,!,lS' at luatorieal reaeareh
meetine of Hensall Women'a
Institute held Wedneaday, May
9 in that ,',ion hall. FiRY
seven members and gueat
at ere weleomed ha pre•htero
Mrs. t, red Beer Roll call an ,
swered with "Sumethine
.i-ea a tiee that belonged to my
grandmother". Wednes d a v.
dune 13 Was the day set for' the
annual picnic to he held at
Heaahaven cottage at the Pin-
Airs, N. it, Cook presided for
the program which included a
poem by Sirs. Conk, nuintelte
composed of Mrs. John t'or-
belt. Mrs. George A rm ,f
Mrs. Alice Joynt, Airs. George
Hes ,: and grs. Laird Mickle;
reading. Miss Mallie Ellis:
solo, "Rocking alone in my rild
rucking chair - by GoolLIC
Hensall perscnuis
m Roasts
a Cheese
end Chuck
Tomatoes 25c
Golden Yellow No. 1 2 POUNDS
Bananas 29
• tsakf...61,A4te
Thirty ladies of Kippen VCW
attended the meeting on Tues-
day evening, Slay S in the
schoolroom of the church.
Mrs. Eldon Jaraott was in
charge of the worship service
with "Mothers flay as the
theme noting that :Mother's day
began May 10, 1908 by Mrs.
Anna Jarvis as a tribute to her
President, Alas. Harold Jones
took charge of the business pe-
riod, it was decided to cancel
the annual strawberry supper
for this year because of a wed-
ding to he catered to in June.
ICess w i th mr,s, mice, ,10 ,.01 Alas. Win. Bell moved a vote of
1)011 raYilW. the role of aft-1,11111,1A tghieallfl ast, ltaoce gift of a a Robert 111:11e.
mother: reading. Mr`;. rairiaa,o, followed wi th a dem- church.
on ,ti.ation hc me‘srs. Jack Sirs, Emerson Kyle and Mrs.
Caldwell and Bill Giharm of ti' Eileen Conant are to be
-Jay S'Itst.eapitet%, g
:firs, Cart
maeteeill attend.Ehe 1, e they a trecg;ignacli
Bend on May al,
Pa y ne. 1\1". 1-m rne Cl"'"-na n' The study was taken 'by lantindieAlisi.as Bonnie Kyle act in; as Emerson ,Kyle from the study
hook and she also gave a sun-
Prizes awarded were: able reading on "A Parable
mother with most granddauaihs for Mothers.,,
tors, Mr',- E. J. Wi l lert inv. Al the conclusion of the meet-
grandmothers .attending moat ing atm 11, Johnston showed
meetings during the a'eaa. Airs. slides of different typos of
P. "E. Pock and Mrs. Grai"..a scenery' which he had taken
Armstrong, attended nine mec'- Mrs. Ralph Turner expressed
mother with birthday- closest
B. p
ar t in the meeting, A bate of
day of meeting, Mrs. W. B.
Cros a, win celebrated her
birthday. the eiav of meeting.
gra, Robert. 'Elaie extended
courtesy remarks.
Program conveners were Mrs,
N. E. Cook and Ales, Envie
Chapman; hostesses, Sirs.
Pear] Koehler, Mrs. J. Fern.
son, Miss Greta Lammie ac-
companied at the piaho for 1110
musical numbers and . n g-
100F at St, Paul's
Atembers of the 1001•' and
Amber Rebekah Lodges attends
ed divine aervica: in St. Paul's
Anglican Church Sunday eve-
ning and wore addressed by.
Rev. Breit deVries who delivered
a challenging- sermon.
Mrs. R. If, Middleton presided
at the organ console. A large
congregation attended.
CGIT see films
At the meeting of the CG1'1'
aroup held at Carm.el Church
Wednesday evening, May 9 two
nets of films were shown.
-Growing Girls" and -A broth-
er for Susan". Ann Lawrence
and Judy Jenkins conducted the
worship and Linda Lenaghan
led a period of games.
la g s an d miasett one: erand- appreciation for those taking