HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 8.JENNY LAND CEOCOLATES CHANEL Perfumes and Colognes COTY'S Al LICA= Perfumes and Colognes LOVELY CORSAGE $1.00 $2,00 $3,00 Candy oth r's Day 0:ifts co.smertics COULP yQu uSE $10,000 15 YEARS FROM NOW? investors .can skeet you how you can accomplish this by settirin aside luit few dollars a week. T.eP FIQI-MES 1,15 .Deer Park London GE 4.95oz. or Enquire At Thc Time:‘• Advocate ry nvestors f ;ANA oAe 1, 1,411Ae uality B-A Products save you money I Your farm machinery and equipment is subject TO the toughest kind of wear anti tear . . that's why )3,A has spent so much time and Money de's/eloping exactly the right oils and greases to Meet every farm requirement. order your supplies today His topic was, "The Meaning of „T:df t Fa y e ,a reading on Lir N '% Pennington also briefly. Air''1(t 1,1:r sila. spoke meeting is of special In the afternoon, the gi r l s interest and is to be held at were driven toio•tE Franks to lin homeof NT l' S. T. L, ig• seethenevAnglL anrc.cr ;ftiDash\o0c h member to bring a donation St. Anne's-at Port .Franks, The hostesses for the day for banal'. were: Diane .Hood, J attic e Lunch was served by the Hood, Carol Bossenberry and hostess Mrs. Freels assisted by Janice .Gill. Mrs. Harry Bos- Mrs. Keel MacKenzie anti Mrs. senberry and Mrs. John Asel- Lloyd Baker. Mrs, Ken Young styne were in charge of the poured tea. luncheon.c vwmeet gy MRS, 'WEI-J-WQQ/a •PILL A committee was appointed (tRA.ND BEND to look after the flowers out• The Huron. Diocesan Junior side °mech.' Chancel Guild held its annual St, Johns'-lpy-the•Lekg WA spring rally at St. John's•by- The meeting of the WA of St. the•Lake Church. Grand. Bend, J o hns.hy.the.Lake An g 1 i c a 21 on SaturdaY. Diane Mond. Ares" Church was held on Monday. ide.nt of the St. John's group. May 7 at the home of Dr. and welcomed the guests. Mrs. Lloyd Erode. Treasurer's Miss Beth Pennington and report was given by Mt's. Miss Florence Langford of St. Fred Chapman. Pant's Cathedral drove two ears front London with mein The group's social activities for the summer' and fall were Ca t. the Bev, discussed. Mrs. Ken Young was man p of camp ippe'r '‘'s.'ags"h appointed as .c It air m a n in (dated at 11 a.m. communion c h arg e. of Bri'an 2 emerit s for the and ‘vas the jun own speaker. season s activities. Mrs. Bop- Grand Bend group host to guild rally By MRS. M. Fit 15-[` The sue Ming .of the Ladies" Aid and WSWS was held on Thursday .everting, May 3 with Mrs, Clayton Sims as .cheirladY assisted by Airs. Leonard WeM,. Mrs. Allan Fin,kbeiner and Mrs. E. Wenzel. The them was "The Christian Family's tiespnusi A double trio of girls favored With a number in song, also an accordion solo by Linda Haugh. Mrs, A. Al. Schlenker gave a talk on different items she beard at the WSWS convention at Waterloo last week. Mrs. E. Wenzel, vice•presi- dent had charge of business. it was decided to get a new elec- tric sweeper for the church Mrs. Wenzel and Mrs. M. Faist to look after same. A fund was started to get new gowns for the choir in the near future. Mrs. lake Ratz gave her report of the conven- tion on Thursday. An invitation from the Ship-ka ladies to attend Eight join Zion church 0y, MISS muRiet, HERN ZION The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed on Sun- day morning in Zion 'United Church. Those joining church were Miss Elsie Miller, Miss Elsie Gainble, Mr. Larry Hern, Mr. Paul Baker, Mr, Vernon Hern and: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gamble by profession of faith and Mrs. Fred - Miller by transfer from I) ashwood. P orSena I items Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Skinner and boys, Exeter. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern, Larry and Gordon visited Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family. Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques, :Yvonne and Dalton were Sun- ifiy visitors with Mr, and Airs. Cecil Dobson, Kirkton, Mr, Milton Brock is a pa. tient in St. Marys Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Rowcliffe and• family were Sunday cal- lers with Mr. and Mrs. Wel- lington Brock. Miss Muriel Heat spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horn, Dennis, Douglas and Mary El- len and Mrs. Edna Langford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hero and family. their tea and bazaar at the Community Centre on FridaY. May 11 at 3 p,m. was read. Lunch was convened by Airs. Morlock. Personal items Mr. .Stuart 'Kuhn of Baden was a caller in town last Wed- nesday. Airs. Lorne Morlock had a touch of pneumonia last week and is showing some improve- ment. Mrs. Elizabeth Morlock of London and daughter. Mrs. Dwight Fletcher of Toronto, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser on Friday. Air. and. Mrs. Howard liaist and girls of Fenwick attended morning worship and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fah- ner and family. Mr. Matthew England of Hen- sail attended service and visit- ed with Mrs. William Roeszler and family. Next Sunday, Mother's Day will be observed in EUB church with a ladies' choir and a spe- cial program in the Sunday School With Air. Carleton Wells of London, guest speaker. Mr. Ernst Guettinger, who has spent the winter with her daughter Airs. M. Bowman in Detroit, returned home Satur- day. Mrs. Lloyd Hey is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter. She fell down the cellar steps and broke both arms at the wrist. Clarence Moon is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill of Clancleboye and Mr. H. H. L. Pratley of Montreal were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill on Sunday, Mr. and Airs. Joe McCann of Clinton spent the weekend with Mrs, M, Clark. Mr. and Airs. Nelson Radford of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rad- ford and Shirley, Airs. Alf Tilley fell and broke a few ribs recently and has been confined to her home, Air. and Mrs. Lorne Fink- beiner, Air, and Airs. Ross Haugh and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and boys of Hensall spent Saturday at Niagara Falls. Mr, Kenneth Riggs. of River- side, visited with Mr. Reg Fink- beiner on Sunday, Little Walli . Lippert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Karl Lippert, is in War Memorial Hospital, Lon- don under observation and treatments. Mrs. Margaret Hooper of London and Milton Hey and daughter of Detroit visited over the weekend with Air, Lloyd Hey, Crediton. and Mrs. Hey, who is in the hospital, New slate for 1.<.:irkton lay MISS -IgAK. cgFai-ANia- K1RKTON President elected. for 1813,e,63. of Kirkton was Airs, Clar- ence Switzer. Honorary presi- dent is Mrs. .Erie litimphreys. Vice-presidents are Mrs. .F.w• art .Crago Ales. Lloyd Jaques; secretary •treasurer, Mrs. lie• her Shute; assistant, Airs. Jack Robinson; pianist. Mrs, Archie Levy; assistant, Mrs. Laverne Slope; district director. Airs. R o t Ratcliffe; alternate, Mrs. Erie Humphreys: public relations and press, Airs, .john Barnett; assistant press Miss Jean Copeland; card and flower secretary, Mrs, Carl Mills; nominating corn co.rninittee, Al r s Rae Stephens, Airs, Roger l'rquhart. Mrs. Burris Blackler; branch directors Mrs, Laverne Stone. Alt's. EMT .Bayne, Mrs. Archie Levy. Airs. John Rodd. Mrs. Jack Robinson; assistant: KCA representative, Mrs, Jim AtcLachlen; auditors, Airs. Or- ville Roger, Airs, Horace Green- street. Standing committee convert- ors, Agriculture and Canadian :industry, Airs. Bert Duffield, Mrs, Milne Pullen; citizenship, Airs. Russell Morrison, Air's. jim McLachlan: education, Mrs. Harold O'Brien, Mrs. Archie Dewar; health, Mrs, B o g e r 17 rquhart, Mrs, Harvey Spear- in; home economies, Mrs. Alex OaTtenburg. Alt's. La wrene e Beckett; historical research. Airs. Burns Blackly'', Airs. Jack Roundell; tweedsmuir b a ti k, Mrs, Stuart Shier: resolutions, Airs. Emerson Paton. The report of the nominating committee was given by Mrs. Jack Williams. The roll call was answered by naming "a vegetable or flower beginning with the ini- tial of your surname." Mrs. Russell Morrison gave current events, Mrs. Eric Humphreys. retiring president, conducted the busineos. The meeting, was held at the home of Mrs. Ewart Crago. Many attend horticulture meet A large crowd attended the open meeting of the Kirkton Horticultural Society in Aber- deen Hall on Tuesday, May 1,, The hall was appropriately dec- orated with spring flowers. Miss Macbeth McCully of St, Marys showed pictures taken while teaching in England for a year and a half and also of a trip taken to the continent. Other program numbers were: solos, Doris Johns; duets, Carol Foster and Sharon Hod- gins, and Elizabeth and Linda Thacker; piano solo. Susan But- son. The door prizes were won by Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, Miss Catherine Maitre, Mrs. Wal- lace Selves. Mrs. Jane Somer- ville, Miss Tyre Neil, Mrs. Har- ris Butson, Mrs. Alton Neil and MPS. Milne Pullen, and Lloyd Whiting visited with Ginger and Debbie LOT Air and Mrs. Wallet Farley of London and Mr. and grN. George Mitchell of Moray vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roger Farley. Mr. and Air's. flordon Wood- burn and .family, Mr. and Airs. Milton. Woodburn and faintly, Ale. Cordon illens and Mr. 4,111d Mrs. Hugh Adair gathered at the home of Mr. and Airs. Ray Patterson arid family for a surprise birthday party on Ales. Patterson's birthday. April all. Family tiny service will be held in Grand Bend United. Church. nn Sunday., May 13 at 11 a.m. This will he a entre, bin.ed service of the • Sunday school and cherch service, This week in Winchelsea 13y MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS Miss Anti Stewart, reprosenta- live of Scottish Young Farm- ers who is visiting Huron, was a visitor on Friday at. Winchel- sea School. Air and Mrs. John Coward returned to their home ,an Fri- day evening after spending the past two weeks with Mr, and Airs. .Beverley Parsons and. family of near Exeter, J1rs. Win. w a iters visi te d on Friday with her mother, Mrs. Nelson Cltirke, at Farquhar. Miss Penny Lynn. Smith of Crediton visited on Thursday w ith h er g ran dpare nts, My, an d Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Airs, Howard Hay- n.an and faintly of Kippen and Airs, :Joseph Dayman of Exeter visited on Sunday evening with Air. and Mrs, Wm, Walters, P404. Tho 'Time$,,Ativopata, May 1962 Group .a Crediton to buy ,choir gowns The afternoon and evening units of UCW met for their Easter thankoffering meeting an April 27, with 35 present, The .devotional in charge of Mrs. Wilma Desjardine was in form of a two-part play. The first from the old testament and the second part from the new testament. The business was conducted by Mrs. Douglas Gill. The next scheduled joint meeting is for :tune 8, when Miss Audrey Finkbeiner will be guest speaker, Personal items Air's. Sarah Patterson is visit- ing in Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott, Air. and Airs. Roy Pask and Airs. T. Tetreau of Zurich spent a few days last week with friends in Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. arid Airs. William Love, Mr, and Airs. Jim Love and children and Mrs. Ethel :Laing of London visited on Sunday with Air, and Airs. Colin Love and Jerry. Aliss April Whiting of Park- hill visited last week with Don- na Ruth and Anne Sturdevant VW 1111,,MINVIWNIVOWIY. onest to goodness N N N new Pepsi's the most for savings! Topics from By MRS. ROSS SKINNER. !#16*.M.SMINZIMP..gsWW.'?.:... • The Elimville YPIT was held on Sunday evening with Miss Janet Skinner in charge assisted by Fred Delbridge and Marilyn johns who led in singing. The meeting next Sunday evening will he honoring the mothers as members bring their mother as guests, The Elimville CGIT will meet on Thursday evening for their last meeting of the term. Choir practice will follow after as the CGIT are in the choir for next Sunday morning for Mother's DaY. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Skin- ner, Noel,. Laurie and Steven of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Pyrn on Sunday, Miss Hazel 'Heywood of De- troit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood. Mrs. Floyd Cooper and infant. daughter, Nancy Jane, returned home from South Huron Hospi- tal on Thursday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Share and Mary Ellen of London spent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. PLANTING TIM IS NEAR Don MacGregor PH 235-1273 EXETER Electric and Acetylene We io'ng Trailers Built Of All Kinds See the Quality-Built REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS SEE US FOR . MOTO-BOY LAWN MOWERS .• AAAdV -- gar''.' enttner OfAr 25,2411 ExoToe 1117' TTi-Ria.:i4 5 Kelt NEW THREE GLASS`ICE EPSI AT A MONEY SAV1 IS ICE! Here's the biggest refreshment value in town! Save with it best cjuality buy in town! Think of it 3 servings from every new 16 oz. Pepsi bottle . gnjoy meals with it —1 or 2 bottles serve the entire family! Party with it get 18 servings from one handy carton! Shop easy with it! How it's Pepsi, ,, for those who think young! t;.igw 1 ot, otpti. t.HrW AVAILAtttIN ti4t. AttA StkVittO IIY tUtKtY ttVtkAGE$4 -axittk Pick Up Your FUNK'S 6.11111BRID Seed Corn NOV. ii4AROLO 'ELOER •HtifitAll Phori# 249)1