HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 6Pape, 14 May It% 1942
and district new-$.
Winners of local twist contest
Best twist performers were selected in a competition held at the community centre
here recently. From left, they are Dianne Cooper, Susan Shipway, Betty Ann
Lewis. Judy Coughlin and Philip Lewis. The judges were Barbara Park and Bar-
bara Ready. --Wayne Culbert
We A e °king For
Experienced and direct selling for food incluetry en asset
hut not essential, since enmplete training is Provided.
We are interested in talking to men presently making
better than average Dwaine.
Product achertised in Life ant Look magazine, ftuaranteed
by (Mod housekeeping.
You own it to yourself to irivestigale the unusual °poor ,.
(unity in the fond and freezer industry.
For an individual interview with our Sales Manager,
phone Lnedon GE 3-4021, 9 a ra. to 5 p.m, only.
* Reminders about your
Separate premiums are required for
your insurance from noW on. Obtain
application form et a bank, a hos-
plod or the Commission.
Pamity preetioni must be paid to
cover linehend arid wife, Tell your
group OR, if you pay your pretniures
direct, notify the Commission.
Follow carefully'the instructions ott the
back of the Certificate of Payment
Forel 104, Which your employee is
ecquireci to give you.
Always deep your
hospital Insurance
Certificate handy,
elee Yaftliet teeteti TOtkoeten oNtAato.
Changiorr 0
Quality leather and summer handbags, gloves, scarfs,
blouses, costume jewellery, fine bone china, cups and
saucers, and many other distinctive items too numerous
to mention,
All items specially priced for this special occasion.
The Treasure Chest
"up ih the air'
You can call a halt to progress any time— even "up in the air".
The quickest way, for both individuals and business is to stop
planning for the future—or riot to have the ability to plan for
any future,
in essence, the principle of fire, automobile and casualty in-
surance iS that it is a plan for the future. It ensures progress by
banding people together to share the expected losses of the few
among the many, Because it allows people to "average out" their
chances of a completely crushing loss into a relatively small fixed
expense, insurance enables them to move ethoctd on a planned basis,
The fact that Canada's fire, automobile and casualty insurance
companies are paying out more than a Million and a lictlf dollars
every day this year in claims indicates that prudent Canadians
make safe plans for their future.
on behdif of over Poti tornoting
ailtoniebad, end eauctity Insurance MAPdhiAA
Return officers
of Birr Institute
At the annual meeting of the
Birr WI held at the home of
Mrs. Otto Daley, May 18,
Mrs. Harold Horigins Jr. was
re-elected president.
Other officers are: vice pres-
idents, Mrs. George O'Neil and
Mrs. Emerson. Stanley, some-
tarydreasueer, Mrs. Sherman
Adams, district - director. Mrs.
Frank Liddell, assistant, Mrs.
Ivan Stanley. directors, Mrs.
Spencer McLeod, Mrs. Emer-
son Stanley, Mrs. Ernest Mor-
row. Mrs, Beyriold Keffe, pub.
Ire relations. Mrs. Otto Daley,
program Mrs. Win. F. Hod.
gins, Mrs. Ernest Dobinson,
Mrs. John Haskett and Mrs.
Clifford Hodgins.
Standing committee conch-
ere, agriculture, Mrs, Clifford.
McAllister; Canadian indus-
tries, Mrs. W. W. Garrett; Chi-
melte Mrs. Emerson Stan-
ley: education, Mrs. W. 5, O'-
Neil; home economics, Mrs. Al-
len MeNair; health, Mee, Peed
I IIeon; historical research,
Mrs. Jack Legg: resolutions,
Mrs, Clarence', Lewis; sunshine,
Mn,e Ken Hardy and Mrs. 1- an
Santee; Tweeclsmuii R o n k.
Mrs. Jack Legg; piahiste,
Otto Daley, Mrs. Ivan Stanley;
auditor s, Mrs. Cliffoed McAllis-
ter anti Mrs. 1"rank
Articles for the War Memorial
Childten'e Hospital were dis•
Played, A copy of "Bier and
Beyond" is being eat to the
V.S. Library of Congress in
Washington, D.C.,
Lemon Auxiliary meeting
)the meeting of the Legion
Atieilieey was held in the
*tort Hall last Tuesday evenine.
Plans were Made for attend-
ilg the %one rally let Parkhill on
May 7, The eonferenee
pre Falls lees also distusseri,
The Mystery prize was won by
Mrs, Vat Grudge,
This Friday, May 11. at 7;30
at the Lucan Arena our ,Junior
Drama School Will present their
'lest play, The Golden Tale, The
cast will consist of all mem-
bers of the drama school.
The proceeds from this play
will go towards further studies
into drama, There are still vac
ancies in the school so if you
have a boy or girt who would
like to attend please send them
Plans have been laid for an
intermediate ball team in the
Huron-Perth league. Another
meeting will be held this week
to draw up a schedule. AR in•
terested ball players report to
the Arena Wednesday evenng
at 6:3(1,
This Saturday at the arena
the Southwestern dog show will
be presented, Seeurday evening
is the Saturday night dance.
On Saterday morning we held
the arts and crafts course. It
was a very small turnout. I hope
for a larger, turnout this Sa(tli--
day morning at 10 a.m. until 12
so mother let us baby sit your
boy or girl for 15 cents.
Mrs. G. Strasser
born in Seaforth
Mrs. George Strasser. 77, took
a heart attack Saturday, She
was taken by the Haskett am-
bulance to St. .Joseph's Hos-
pital, but died early Sunday
The body rested in the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home
until 9:30 aan. Wednesday,
May 9 then to St. Patrick's
Church. Bicidulph, for requiem
high mass at 10 a.m. with Fa-
ther Frank Bricklin officiating.
Interment was in St, James
Cemetery, Seaforth.
Pall bearers were Messrs,
Norman Cnursey, Fred Reving-
ton, Dr. T. A, Watson, Tim
Tookey, Harold Ryan and Ed.
McLaughlin. •
Members of the CWL of St.
Patrick's church held prayers
al the funeral home at 2 p.m.
Besides her husband Mrs
Strasser is survived. by two
sons and one daughter, Ralph of
London, George of California
and Thelma !Mrs. Cecil Hod-
gins) of Lucan, also six grand-
children and eight great grand-
Mrs. Strasser, the former
Aloyelus (Lout McMahon was
the daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John McMahon of Sea-
After her marriage she Acton,
in Toronto, Claremmt, Acton,
Guelph and Wingham helm-c
coming to Lucan in 1919. In
1922 Mr. Strasser herein baking
and in 1930 they began ()twitt-
ing the eonfectionery and lunch
More on Main . St. where she,
made e..host of friends, before
her eudden death Sunday.
More Lucan News
on Page 13
Another busy
month of fires?
When the Lucan Fire Depart.
mere answered the call to as-
sist. last Monday, in controlling'
the fire on the farm of Mr. El-
more McBride, Biddulph, that
cell made the 12th during the
month of April — probably. an
nil time high, Though most of
the 12 were grass fires yet
even a grass fire can he dan-
gerous if not controlled.
No time is being lost in May
for on the very Bret day a
call came from Clandeboye to
put nut a car fire there.
About 2:45 a.m. Sunday many
residents were awakened by a
loud explosion back of the Nu-
way Motors. A car (involved in
a recent .accidenti was on fire
— cause unknown. in the after-
noon a call was received for a
chimney f . fire at the home o
Mr. Jack Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Austen
and 'family of Bothwell were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Dwight Henderson and family.
Mrs. 0, Lancaster, who
has been laid up with a sore
back, is able to be out.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wind-
sor have returned home after
spending a few days in Cass
City, the euests of Mrs. Ralph
Le- and family.
ad Mrs. Ron Crozier and
fa - were among the 90
gueLe at the Early-Voilick wed-
ding at Canfield, Ont., Satur-
day. Mr. Crozier was master of
ceremonies at the reception
which followed,
Mr. and Mrs. 'IL Ritchie of
London were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin 'Haskell.
and family.
Mrs. A. C. Calder of London.
formerly of Water SI., London
was re-eleeted president of the
Woman's ' uxiliary of the Ang-
lican Church of Canada, Dio-
cese .ef Huron, at the final ses-
sion of the 75th annual meet-
ing, teed in Cronyn Hale Len-
don, last Tuesday. Mrs. Calder
has been president since '1949.
Mr. and Mrs, Witham TAM-
ker of 'Winnipeg are spending
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hardy,
Mrs. Isabelle 'Underwood of
Greeter' (formerly of Lateen).
celebrated her birthday last
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Coursev and family of the
Co'irsey Road,
Mr. Ted Bridger and family
moved Saturday lo concession
11. London Township.
Mr. and Mrs, j, Bruce Jef-
fery and danehter Dawn, have
returned home to Kearns, On-
tario, eller vieitine with Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Park and fam-
Mrs. Matinee Moore of Mon-
ello was weekend euest of
Mr. and Mee. living Gibson,
Miss Line Abbott, fell in her
home lest Wednesday. Though
she broke no hones, yet house-
eleenine and gardening are at
-Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Hall
and son Kenneth were Satur-
etre. Li' Darling, 61, a pa-
tient of the •Green Gables NM'S-
ing Home. Parkhill, fnr the past
year, died a tragic death in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, Sat.
14311;“ , April 2e
it was her habit to smoke one
cigar et after each meal.
Whether she took a third stroke,
no one knows, but after her
tray had been removed Thure
daz, fi ening she accidently set
fire 10 her clothing. The other
patient in the room tmentell
ulst lay on her bed and watched
her burn.
A patient in the room cross
he hall, smelling smoke, gave
`he alarm and a nurse, with en
,xtineuieher, WAS able to put
ell the fire, but not before
Ii's. Darling iwlm was sitting
o a chair r was terribly horned.
'le was rushed to St. Joseph's
eispital but died Saturday
miming, wit bout regaining
Besides her husband she is
ewived by low- sons, and (NVO
MghterS, Willis, Sydney, El-
or and Morris, of London;
('evil (Amelia) Armitoec of
clean and Mrs, Ross clellen1
bra m of Arkona. also 11
Tamichildren, one brother and
me sister, Mr. Melvin Culbert
f London, and Mrs, Clarence
;Aerie of West McGillivray.
Rev. H. E. J. eloorehoeso of
oonducted funeral ser-
vices at 2 p.m. Monday, April
en al the T. Stephenson and Son
Funeral !home, Aliso Crete,
with interment in .511, Pleasant
Cemetery, McGillivray Town•
The four sons and two sons-in-
law, were pall bearers,
mrs, Darling, the former An-
nie Rebecca Culbert, was the
daughter of the late Mr. and
Sirs. William Culbert, of West
MeG illivra y, She was well
known to Lucan residents as
both she and Mr. Darling often
made extended visits with
their (Wielder. Mrs. Cecil Ar-
mitage of Frant St., and her
family. Three years ago they
hot h, spent the winter in Luean.
Change of date
Owing to the three days re-
coined fnr numeration for the
doe show at the Lucan Com=
Al unity Centre, Slay 12, it has
boon necessary to chance the
date of the Levan Jr. Drama
School nlay. "The Golden Tale,"
from May 8 to May 11,
This two-act, hour play,
was written In Mr, Tom P,
the Loran PS staff and Mrs.
Beer, and will he directed, by
Plan festival
A committee nicotine was
held al the home of Mrs. She-
ridan Bevineton nn Monday af-
ternoon to make arrangements
for the seventh annual music
festival to he held in the Com-
munity 'Memorial Centre, May
23, 24 and 25.
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Abbott. elr. Hall, a
former Pentecostal pastor here,
is still working for General
Motors in London but has re-
cently begun holding Pente-
costal services in the St, Marys
Mrs, Wes Itodgins returned
on Sunday from a few days'
visit with Mr. aerl Mrs. Sain
Earl and family of Woodstock/
Her son Mr, toe Hudgins of
Owen Sound called on her short-
ly after her arrival home.
Golden opportunity
When the Exeter 'l'imes-Advo-
cate distributes 1,1100 ex t r a
copies of the May 17 and May
24 editions of the T-A what a
golden opportunity to advertise
anything you have for sale, on
both, or one of these dates,
As to non-subscribers to the
T-A he sure and lake advantage
of the special offer to new sub-
scribers. Ring your Liman cor-
respondent, at 227.4255 and
make the neeessary arrange-
meats for your ad or your sub-
scription or bath.
Carpenter loses finger
Friday night, Me. George
Aikcns took his lawn mower to
the Firm Station for repairs and
received a painful accident
when he lost the large finger of
his right hard and badly dam-
aged the one next to it,
Mr. Aikens, who is carpenter.
Is left handed, so his loss will
not he as had as if he were
cffIJR41-1. NgWS
The meeting of Holy Trinity
Woman's Auxiliary was held at
the home of Airs. Jack Murdy
with the president, Mrs. Erwin
Send in the chair, She was as-
sisted in the worship service by
Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Mrs, P.
O. King.
Mrs. H. S. Stanley, Dorcas
secretary. displayed all the art-
icles to he sent to St, Nut's
school, The president read a
letter of appreciation from the
head of the school, for last
year's bale.
Alt were urged to really get
behind the dessert-euchre to be
held at 1:30 p.m, in the Perish
Mey 16, The executive
well be making the .arrenge.
Most of the business session
was given over to reports on
the 75th annual. held in Lon-
don. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane re-
ported on the first day, and
Mrs, Wiltia•m Brownlee on the
second day. A ounber of other
members attended the meet-
Mrs. Scott reported particu-
lars of the workshop, being held
the last weekend of May but
none of the members present
are free to go,
Miss Lilies o w ell, t h e
branch's prayer - partner, was
present for part of the meet-
ing and gave a short talk oe
her work in Japan and of the
50th anniversary in October of
Cleislianite in jaoan. She pre-
sented the president with the
booklet "Where are the Nine?"
Mrs. Wm. Brownlee offered
her home for the ,Tune meel•
Evening Auxiliary
The Holy Trinity Evening
Auxiliary met at the home of
Sirs, Clare Stanley last Wed-
nesday evening wth Mrs, Kay
Egan and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
as assistant hostesses.
The president Mrs. Don An-
kers presided. Mrs. Clare Stan-
ley read the Scripture Lesson
and Mrs. Roscoe Hudgins took
tie, slues' book on the chapter,
"The Servant. King,"
It was decided to provide the
dessert for the mother and
dauehtee banotiet, (The HOW
are providing the firs( course),
A tentative date of May 26 was
set for a bake sale to he held
ifI Ttlibee nNexu t-"n'ateetilnogto \lv'sill be held
at the home of Mrs. Calvin
Church service
Mr. Gordon Jacklin lhe new
organist was present, nre only
for the Thursday choir practise
but also for the church service,
Next Thursday evening the
choir will meet with the Arva
choir at Arva for a :hint Ascen-
sion Day practise.
United Church
On Saturday night Mr, and.
Mee. Don Abhott and 18 YPU
enjoyed a barbecue and dance
at re nsh neve.
Sunday morning all 11 mem-
bers of the CGIT, their leader
and three guests toured the Lon-
don Moslem Mosque, Oxford St.,
and attended their teaching
After lunch (hey visited the
Russian Orthodox church on
Whetter Se, in connection with
their study of other faiths. Mrs.
Nells Cooper (Bud) assisted in
conveying a carload to London.
Registration forms
At the Sunday Church School.
registration forms for attend•
ance at Camp Kee-mo-kee were
distributed, Extra forms may be
secured from Mr. Cliff Culbert
or Mrs. Murray Hodeirs.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
At the evening service there
were two choir numbers, a trio
and mixed quartette. The trio
comprised Mrs. Jack Eizenga,
Mrs, Clayton Abbott and Mrs.
Lorraine Graham and the quar-
tette, Rev. E, A. Gagnon, Paid
Graham, Mrs, Clayton Abbott
and Miss Lorraine Graham,
Pour car loads of YP' visited
the Exeter YB on Friday and
put on their program. The choir
sane, "Youth of the World,"
with Rev. E. A, Gagnon assist-
ing the piano with his cornet.
The Lucanaires and a mixed
quartette sang.
Seven .m em be rs presented
the skit, "This Train I'm Bound
for Heaven."
Speaking on "Youth's Place
in the World of. Today," Mr.
Jack Eizenga was the guest
Rev. Stanley G. Tomes, BA,
LTh, rector of St. Peter's Ang-
lican Church, Big Trout Lake,
•Ontario, a former member of
James Church here was
guest speaker At the church
service on Sunday. The rector
the Rev, E. O. Lancaster intro-
duced the speaker and asked
him to 'tell of his work. He said
each Sunday et morning and.
Afternoon service is held in
Cree and an English service in
the evening, At the other posts,
Cree catechists take the ser-
vices. Mr. Tomes has the, bap-
three, weddings and holy corn-
mullion services about every
two months at Bearskin Lake,
45 miles west, Sachigo Lake,
100 miles west, Kesebenaka, 60
miles .east and Augling Lake,
16 miles east.
Ile told of St, Peters Church
being built in a b o u t five
months by the Indians both
men and women a couple of
years ago. Its design is very
much like St. James Church
here, Their .church hangings are eery beautiful being hand
United Church
On Sunday, May 20, anniver-
sary service will be held with
the guest minister, the Bev, D,
Al. Guest of Centralia, The see-
vice will he at 2 pen., DsT.
Personal items
On Friday morning the Rev,
E, 0. Lancaster, with the Rev,
Stanley G, Tomes, assisting,
conducted the committal service
for the late Canon , C. Simp-
son, of Orangeville, at St.
James Church Cemetery. Fol-
lowing the, service, relatives and
friends were entertained for
illiverll onait e•sthe home of Mrs. Em-
Mrs. Ed Flynn visited • on
Thursday with her sister, Miss
Wins first
horse race
Last Wednesday night, at (he
opening harness race program,
at the Western Fair Raceway.
"Meadow Arts' Lady", owned
by the Hardy Brothers of
Lucan and driven by Clarence
Young, also of Lucan, won the
first race coming from well
beck to win. Mr. Young also
took the third race with Rocket
13, his own horse, and third
place with his Frankie Atom.
Driving joanie Chief owned by
Alt', Jack Hardy and Hot Tip
owned by Mr, Norman Hardy
he came fourth with each.
On Thursday night. Pauline
Volo belonging to the Hardy
Bros. came fourth and fifth,
Cora Atkinson of London at the
home of her Move Mrs. Harold
Broderick in EXeler. Miss Al-
kinson had been a patient in St.
,Josephs. Hospital, London, for
several weeks,
Alr..and Mrs. Ralph Lynn en-
tertained on Sunday, Rev. Sian
ley Tomes of Big Trout Lake,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer.
David and Andrea of Petrolia
and Mrs. 'Emily Tomes and
Tom Tomes,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp-
son were guests of their son,
John and Mrs. SiMesell of
Kirkton et Dominion. Hotel,
Udell, the neasion being . a
Party for their son Paul's first
birthday and Mrs, john Simp-
son's father, Mr. Rodgers,
'leirkton, birthday too,
Messrs. Kelly Galway and
Douglas Wesley, St. Celherines
spent a few days with [he for-
tiler's sister, Mrs. Barney
Welch, returning homy With
the former's parents, My. and
Mrs. Laverne Galway, St. Ca-
le-teethes, on Sunday.
Mr, and ales. Emerson Pa-
ton of Klrkton and Mr. Lyle Pa-
ton and friend of Stratford els-
ited the Paton family on Sun-
Miss Joan Lewis of Luean
spent the weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Br-
nie Lewis.
Mr. and Mee, Melvin Flet-
cher of W a Ile eburg were
guests of Mr. and Airs, Rea
Neil on Sunday.
Prior to the marriage of Miss
Dorothy Jean Lynn, bride-elect
of May 0, a miscellaneous
shower was held in the Sunday
schoolroom of the Clandeboye
United Church when Miss Lynn
w,ae assisted in opening. her
gifts by her sister, Airs . Ron.
aid Haynes of London and Miss
„lean Marie Lankin of lateen,
sister of the groom.eleet, Two.
nieces and a nephew, .Nancy
anti Ivan Hera and. Karen
Brook of Zion, presented the
Sirs, Clarence Carter gave.
selection . on her piano. aecor-
dion and Miss Berbera Cue-
ningham on her hawedan gui-
tar. Airs. Alex. Macintosh and
Mrs, Murray Hodgson „con-
ducted contests,
Mrs. Macintosh read the ad-
dress on behalf of the ladies
-of the United Church and route
lewdly. Miss Lynn made a
suitable reply.
Mrs. Kenneth. Carter enter•
tallied at her home here on Sat-
urday evening at a kitchen
shower in honor of her niece,
Miss Joan Diane Lee, daugh•
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley
Lee, London, bride-elect of May
Assistingthe hostess were
her -daughter Patricia. and Mrs.
Cyril Lee of London, Guests
from Oshawa, Harriston, Lon-
don, 1, a in di e t h, Lucan and
Brinsley .attended.
Mrs, Arthur Simpson enter-
tained the .UCW at her home
for the May meeting with Mrs.
Wilmer Scott presiding.
Mrs, Arthur klodgins gave a
report of the Luean Couples
Bowling Club et the banquet,
The . same committee is to he,
in charge of the next banquet.
Discussion followed on the
best plans to have the ceiling
in the church painted. It was
decided to get estimates on the
work. An invitation was read
from Brinsley United Church
to attend a tea and bazaar,
Mrs. Rea Neil gave a chap-
ter of the study hook "Beyond
the Horizon" on "Declining
ady dies Church
from 'burns activities
4' Minister describes
work among ees
Bride honored
at showers, tea
Prior to the t rousseau tea,
Miss Bowman was guest of
honor at seven pre-nuptial show-
ers, Hostesses for five miscel-
laneous showers were, Mrs. Don
lerleshott and Mrs. Campbell
Caverhill of Ilderton, Miss Shir-
ley Phillips and Miss Sylvia
Shipley of Denfield and Miss
Carol Young of Lucan.
Mrs. George Thomson of II-
derton held a grocery shower
and Mrs, Don Ankers of Lucan
and a long list of Miss Bow-
man's beauty salon patrons
clubbed mettle!. and purchased
two chairs,
Trousseau tea
Last Tuesday afternoon and
evening. Mrs. Russell M. BOW-
man of Main St. South, enter-
tained at a trousseau tea in
honor of her daughter, Diane
Elizabeth prior to her marriage
on Saturday,
Assisting Mrs. Bowman and
the bride-elect receive, was
-Mrs. Andrew Charlton, the
groom-elect's mother.
Mrs. Harold Bodgins had
charge of the guest book in the
afternoon and her daughter,
Mrs Don Ankers, in the eve-
UpstaBee, Mrs. William The.
bodeau displayed the shower
gifts, Miis Carol Young, the
linens and dishes, Mrs. Gordon
Bowman, the wedding gifts,
and Mrs. Bob Evans the trous-
Pouring tea in the afternoon
et a lace covered table, centred
with an arrangement of pink
and white spring flowers and
pink candles; were Mrs. H. B.
Langford of Lucan and Mrs.
Harvey Shipley of Denfield.
They were assisted in the serv-
ing by Miss Shirley Phillips and.
Miss Sharon Stanley.
In the evening, Mrs. Stewart
Rosser of Denfield and Mrs.
Milton Burnard of St. Marys,
poured tea and Miss Sylvia
Shipley and Miss Brenda Cayce-
hill. served.
Assisting in the kitchen were
Mrs, William Phillips and Mrs.
Wiliam McDonald of Denfield
and Mrs. Milton Burnard of St.
Mar e.
Lucan personal items