HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 5MR, AND MRS DONALD L. HENC)RICK
—1'11010 he Deco.
Honeymoon in New York
* Domestic
* Commercial,
Motors, Controls
70 Huron St. West
Come in get this
FREE with purchase of ONE GALLON or more A
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House Paint
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gal. 8.75
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The biggest values in town
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If it's wOr th havinz it's worth &wino for!
save tzt ee4a8 N K
'62 CONSUL (Demonstrator), 4,800 miles, a steal $1,850
'61 FORD Sedan S2,150
'60 FALCON Sedan, lovely black .. $1,600
'60 PONTIAC Coach, 6-cylinder, automatic, a real
gem . $2,100
'60 ENVOY Station Wagon Your
'60 Vauxhall Station Wagon Choice 5I,350
'59 METEOR Sedan, 6-cylinder, one owner $1,395
'57 PONTIAC 2-door, automatic, 6-cylinder $1,095
'57 FORD Fairlane Sedan $ 9$0
'56 FORD Sedan, black $ 750
'55 CHEV Sedan, 6-cylinder, automatic, Bel Aire $ 750
'S6 FORD Coach, V-8, stick shift, a steal at S 59$
'53 FORD Sedan, automatic S 175
'53 CHEV Hardtop, a nice one $ 350
'$0 MERC Sedan, above average .. $ 250
'62 CHEV PICKUP, only 2,760 miles, completely
loaded, above average, lists at $3,050
Snider's reduced price $2,300
'62 FORD PICKUP, demonstrator, 7,000 miles, has
everything, Save $503 at - $2,300
'58 FORD 1'4" chassis and tab $1,600
'59 DODGE PICKUP, long box, low mileage 51,250
'56 FORD 3ston dump, ready to roll ,.. . ......... $1,150
'54 GMC 3-ton dump . $ 500
j $7 "ORDSON MAIO Diesel with Freeman loader,
MASSEY 101 Junior, she's pood (for something) $20940:
only 1,000 hours
row crop
little ....
61 Freeman Leader for POrtIsen Maier, Wed very
27 0
MASSEY 2.1urrew drag P16w
'53 SEDORE rear-loader $ 100
LETZ GRINDER, take it off mY hartds at ..... *
Larry Snider Motors
Pod, MoNeth., Pod Mid Fakers Trucks
.. • IN•oaallwaxami
. , .
Pauline Venice Adams, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Elgin V.
Adams, Dashwood, and Donald
Leroy .Hendrick, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Edmond Ifendriek, Credi-
ton, exchanged marriage vows
in Grand Bend United Church,
decorated will- baskets of white
mums, pink snaporagon, fern
and candelabra, on Saturday,
May 3 at 3 p.m,
Rev, Edgar Rotilston per-
formed the ceremony and Mrs,
(1, Kennedy played traditional
wedding music and accompa-
nied the soloist. Miss Anne
Koehler, Dashwood, who sang
"Wedding Prayer" and "Per-
fect Love."
Given in Marriage by her
father the bride chose a floor-
length gown of sheer miramist
accented with dainty motifs of
lace. The fitted bodice featured
a drop waistline, elbow-length
sleeves softly draped to a V
neckline. The bouffant skirt
swept to a chapel train. A
queen's crown of pearls held
her veil of French illusion, She
carried a white Bible crested
.with gardenias, pink sweet-
heart roses, slephanotis with
trailing ivy streamers.
The bride's attendants, Miss
Elaine Devine, Exeter, as maid
of honor and Misses Patsy
Adams and Yvonne Devine, both
of Dashwond, as bridesmaids,
Mrs. Robert Jackson, 185
Columbia Dr., RCAF Station,
Centralia, was quite surprised
to find a 850 cheque in the mail
A letter followed, which should
have arrived first, anti ex-
plained that Mrs. Jackson had
won first prim, for her casse-
role recipe which she had en-
tered in the Toronto Star Week-
ly. competition, "It was so long
ago that I had forgotten what
1: bad sent" she said,
The recipe was for a chicken
vegetable casserole and. Mrs.
,Jackson is being interviewed on
Cre.NX-TV on ST'Lady program
this afternoon (Thursday),
Mrs. Jackson's husband has
just been promoted to Flying
Officer anti they will be leaving
the Centralia station in June
for Beausejour, Stan,, about 50
miles from Winnipeg. The Jack-
sons have one daughter, 15
years of age, attending SHDHS.
Chicken Vegetable Casserole
This is the recipe which won
Mrs, Jackson $50.
3 small potatoes
2 large carrots
1 white turnip, optional
112 green pepper
2 large sticks celery
2 small onions
6 mushroom caps
2 small peeled tomatoes
1/2 strip bacon, cut in
2 The. chicken pieces
11/2 fps, salt
1/8 to, pepper
I bay leaf
1/2 .tp,, rosemary
1/4 cup water
Prepare vegetables first, Peel
potatoes and cut in half, scrape
carrots and cut in quarters,
peel turnip and cut in twodrich
pieces. Cut pepper in strips,
celery in 1.-inch pieces. Peel and
quarter onions, Wash .mash-
roore caps and drain well. Slice
tomatoes in half.
Heat oven to 175 , degrees..
Place bacon on bottom of 2-
quart casserole, Cover with
chicken pieces which have been
By MRS, J. M, S.
, ,,,, ..ta.a.ea.N,;eViemeae.eiil.azge.,;?
washed and dried well. Sprinkle
with some of the salt and pep-
per. Put mushroom caps be-
tween pieces of chicken and top
with layers of the remaining
vegetables ending with toma-
Put bay leaf clown well into
the vegetables. Sprinkle sur-
face with. rosemary and rest of
salt and pepper.
Pour water over mixture,
cover and bake ii hours or
until chicken anti vegetables arc
tender, Thicken broth in casse-
role it desired.
This makes foUr servings and
reheats well,
Coq Au Potr,me
At the "Hydro Showtime" in
Exeter Legion Hall on Tuesday
Miss Gwyn Reed, 0 ntario
Hydro's Service consultant,
demonstrated another chicken.
casserole. She named it Coq Au
6 pieces cut-up chicken
1/2 to. thyme
1 '3 cup huller
1 bunch chopped green
1 can sliced mushrooms nr
1/2 lb, treat) mushrooms
2 diced tomatoes
4 thl, leMon juice
2 tp. sugar
2 tp, salt
213 cup apple juice
Coat chicken with seasoned
flour, Sprinkle with thyme.
BMW chicken i.n butter in fry.
pan. Transfer to casserole dish.
Add onions, mtishrooms and
tomatoes, Put remaining ingre-
dients, except parsley, into
frypan, :Bring to a boil, Pour
over chicken in casserole.
Cover' and bake at 350 degrees
for 50 minutes,
Ceremony at Woodharn
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Dobbs, of
Exeter, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta
and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
"leather and Michael were Sun-
day guests with Air, anti Mrs,
Orland Squire, Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and Mr, and Alt's, Clarence
Davis attended the Conserva-
tive convention in London arena
on Saturday.
Airs, Tom Kooy, 'MI.'S, Harry
Carroll and Airs. Heber Davis
attended the 75th annual meet-
ing of the WA of the. Anglican
Church at St. Paul's Cathedral
on. Monday, April 30 and the
afternoon session at the Ma-
sonic Temple and -the historical
pageant at Beal Technical
School in the evening.
M.r. and Mrs. Jack Dickins
were guests on Sunday with
Mr. and. Mrs. A. Caldwell, Shed-
den, Mrs. Caldwell is Mr. Dick-
ins' sister,
Mrs. 'Ron Carroll attended a
shower for Miss Maxine Reeder
of Exeter at Glenn Allen res-
taurant on Thursday evening,
May 3,
Air. 1-1, F. McLean of Tees-
water is spending a few clays
with his daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Afrs. Fred Dobbs
The story in
31281$.,11"1 meeting
it Kirkton In :Woodham United ,church St, Alarys on Friday,. .111,:ay 4 at
,decorated -with baskets of of- 5:30 p•m• ored sopdagons ,40 lighted Rev. Wareham officiated
candelabra the ceremony was played the stsh121=414s:=114anni
performed uniting in marriage Accompanied, the soloist, Mr.
Janis Marlene Webb, daughter Ken. tilaekler„ RR 1 St. Marys
of Mr, and Mrs, Norris W. who sang "Wedding Prayer"
Webb, Bit 6 SI. filarys, and. and "0 .Perfect Love.'
William A Crago, son of Mr. Given in marriage by her fa-
and Mrs. Alex 1, Crago, RA 1, filter the bride wore a full-length
gown of white lace over taf-
feta. A finger-tip veil and boo,
(wet ,of red roses and stephanotis
completed her ensemble.
Miss Joanne Webb was maid
of honor for her sister' wearing
pink crystalette with matching
gloves and hat and. Carried a
MR$. ARchilf PEWAR nosegay of white mums and
pink. roses. Miss Marion Thorn ,
son, fiR 6, St, Marys and. Miss
Ruth. Miner, Woodham, were
.bridesmaids in blue and yellow
crystalette respectively with
Matching gloves and hats, They
car r ied
mumsedi n3;l yellow roses.
°ef ll
blu e and
Albert Berry, Princeton, New
Jersey, was best man and Har-
old Burgin and Dennis Webb
A reception was held in the
church rooms, For Ira vei lin if
the bride changed to a pink.
wool suit with white aceeaso-
Mr. and Airs. Crago will re-
side in London. The groom is a.
graduate of Stratford Teachers'
College and of Faculty of Ap-
plied Science, Queen's Univer-
She was born in Blanshard
Township in 1873, the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
ander Hackney. She was mar-
ried in 1899 to Ben Wilson who
died in 1950. Since her marriage Mr. and Airs. Bob Tindall and she had resided on, Base Line, Nancy were Saturday guests
She was a member of Wood - with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Tin- ham United Church. dell, Grand Bend, and guests
Surviving are four sons, on Sunday with Mr. and Airs,
Charles and Gordon at home, _Howard Clarke and girls, Shipka.
George, .Biansbard Township Mr. and Sirs. Bill Johnson
and. Jack, Toronto; two sisters, attended the funeral in London
Mrs. Mary Ellen Gilfillan, Lon- Tuesday afternoon of their
don, and Mrs. Maggie Gardiner, friend, the late Mrs. Bowers of
CrOMRrty, Centralia.
Funeral was held on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. George Atkin- ,.,
May 6 at the Marriott funeral
Scotch girl
visits area
hiss Ann Stewart of Scot-
land, one of the four Seottish,
young farmers who is on tour
through Ontario at the present
time, Is staying at the borne, of
Miss Marlene Marshall during
ter visit here.
Marten e, who was once
teacher at the. Base Line School,
brought her to call on Mrs, El-
lis Strahan, who came here as
a bride several years ago from
Scotland was indeed pleased to
see her, bringing home (Scot-
land) and memories so near to
Personal items,
Miss Hannah Rinn spent the
weekend at the home of her bro-
ther, Mr. John Rinn and fam-
Mr, and Mrs. lack Coward,
Winchelsea, were Sunday guests
with Air. and Mrs, Tom Coward
and family, Mrs, Coward is
home again from the hospital.
much improved in health.
Miss Ella Holland of Hamil-
ton is spending a few clays with
her brother, Mr. and Sirs, Da-
vid Hoilaed. and family,
Mr. Jules De Brabandere at-
tended a meeting at St. Jo-
seph's Academy, London, Sun-
day in connection with a prac-
tice of choir singing for the
Holy Name Catholic Church in
St. Marys,
Mrs. Robert. Elston visited in
Toronto last week where her
nephew, Mr, Donald Arthur,
has been attending Radio Col-
lege and now leaves for Ottawa
for further training,
Air, and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Naughton of Allsa Craig were
Sunday evening guests with his
brother, Mr. Duncan McNaugh-
ton and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker
attended the funeral of a friend
Mr, Ray Wellick of Sarnia, one
day last week.
Mrs. B. Wilson
dies in Stratford
Sirs, Benjamin Wilson., BR.
St. Marys, died Thursday, May
3 in Avon Crest, Stratford,
where she had been for the past
six months.
home, St. Marys, with Rev. j.
Wareham officiating. Burial
was in Kirk-ton Union Ceme-
Coopers UCW
The meeting of Cooper's UCW
was held at the home of Mrs,
Otto Reimer on May 3 with 12
members and one visitor pre-
sent. Mrs. A, Baker and Mrs.
R, Elston had charge of the
Mrs. A. Baker read a chapter
from the study book "Hasten
the Day" and Mrs. Elston a
chapter from "Signals for the
Sixties". Florence James gave
a temperance reading and Mrs.
.MeNaughton, a mothers Day
reading, Mrs. McNaughton had
charge of the business. A social
hour was spent.
4":—..$55 per M Feet Def'd,
$"--405 per M Feet Dahl.
6"—$110 per M Feet Dat'd.
7"—$155 per M Feet Del'cl,
8"—$185 per M Feet Del'd.
Above prices based DO .1000
Linear Feet, in full truckloads
or more, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F,O,B, out
plant at Elgidield, write or
LTD,, RR 2 LONDON — Phone
227.4721 Lucan.
A number of mothers and
friends were guests at the
meeting of "The Class Mat
Counts" 'Thursday evening, MAY
Airs. ItaYittond Poynter cnn-
.diteted the worship service the.
theme being "Mother's Day".
She was assisted by Mrs. Ross.
Robinson and Mrs. Stuart Shier,
Mrs. Charlie Bailey, Mrs.
Carl. Mills. Mrs. Jack Robinson,
and 5irs. George Burgin favored
wilt a song. The roil call was
answered by a parade of grand-
mother's hats.
Slides on "The Life of Dr.
Albert Sweitzer were shown by
Mrs, Roger Urquhart.
Mrs. H. Burgin A !so showed
slides of her trip to the western
Mrs. Clarence Hawkins of
Anderson demonstrated 1 h c
making of . spring hats.
Club hears ,profes;or
St. Paul's Anglican Fellow-
ship Club met on Sunday eve-
ning, May 8 in the church
basement with twenty five pre-
sent. Ken Blackler took charge
of the worship service.
Plans were made for - an eve-
ning of howling, May 14.
Rev. Lyle Bennett introduced
the guest speaker, Professor
Barris of Huron College who
gave an interesting talk on
Christian Education, Jack
Bounden thanked the speaker.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Burns Blackler and Mrs. Bill
Summer Servettes
The fifth meeting of the .Kirk-
ton Summer Servetles met at
the home of Mrs. Watson on
Tuesday evening, Beth Crago
read the minutes.
The topic on "When To Wear
Shorts" was reviewed by the
girls. The girls were given
-their notes and discussed them.
They were shown bow to insert
a zipper.
Pete: "My uncle started to
build a new kind of ear. Lie
took huh caps from a Cadillac,
a radiator from a Rambler,
rear lights from a Ford .
Celsus: "And what did he
Pete: "Two years."
son and family were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs, Her-
man Atkinson,
Mr, and rs. Ken Broom am'
Carolyn, Exeter, were Frida
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tot
held -- The Times*Acivocato, May 79, 196 Pa04
Parents are urged to register children for Nindergarten for the school
year. September 1962 to June 1.963. Children must have reached the age
,of 5 before December 31., 1962. Please note carefully the following ar,
rangements for registration.
Exeter children whose birthdays are, in the months of July to. December
will register in the MORNING FROM 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.
Children whose birthdays are the months January to June will register
in the AFTERNOON FROM 1:30 to 4. p.m.
Proof of age by Birth Certificate must be submitted at lime of registra•
lion. and parents are asked to have immunization information available
for the health nurse..
Help us Celebrate(
Interior Shop
DIAL 235-1511
were gowned alike in cocktail•
length dresses of French blue
ehromespun taffeta. The shal-
low scoop neckline made way
for short cap sleeves while the
skirt fell in princess line folds,
They wore tiny bow head-
pieces to match. They carried
cascades of white mums and
light pink roses.
Howard Hendrick was best
for his brother and Harvey
Adams, Harold Hendrick and.
.Bob Galloway ushered.
A reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received guests in a
wedgewood blue sheath with
matching jacket, beige acces-
sories and white corsage, The
groom's mother chose a rose
beige sheath of silk organza
over taffeta, brown accessories
and yellow rose corsage.
Waitresses were Misses Cath-
erine Rader, Alma Hendrick,
Jane Restemeyer, Barbara Pah-
ner, Marjorie Hendrick and
Marilyn Desjardine.
For a honeymoon to be spent
in New York City the, bride
changed to an English wool
champagne beige ensemble with
brown accessories and tawny
gold rose corsage.
The couple will reside in Exe-
ter. The groom is a recent grad-
uate of IUdgctown School of Ag-
riculture, Garage
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through-
out the week.
54514 Milli St