HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 4The 'InletAdvocate, May 10, I?6Z SEPARATES FOR SUMMER,—Weallng ti12 ,barmaid; iney made in the project Separates for Summer. these girls received county honors at Achievement Day in Seaforth on Saturday. From left to right are Ruth Ann 'McNichol, Julie Chappel, both of Kippen; Margaret Johns, Elimville, and Joan Rader, Dashwood. —Phillips Girls set for summer with their separates RECEIVE PRQVIKIAL .HONORS — Miss Sharon Mc Bride (left) of the Thrifty Kippenettes and. Miss Joan 'Westcott (right) of }foram-tale Jolly Jilts were presented with prm,incial honor pins and certificates by Mrs. Harry Strang !Centre), -district WI. president, at Achieve- ment Day in Seaforth. Saturday. —Phillips, Seaforth Award lanyards at CGIT service . Mrs. john Boyne of Caven Presbyterian church was guest speaker at the CGIT mother and daughter banquet in James Street church last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Boyne reviewed the CGIT purpose: cherish health, seek, truth; know God and serve others—the last one be- ing the most difficult to follow, she said. She cited Dr. Albert Schweitzer as an example of what a truly dedicated life can do for others, She was intro- duced by Mrs. John Schroeder and thanked by Miss Joy Sel- don. In an impressive lanyard service 16 girls received their lanyards denoting their seniority. They were Anne Fairbairn, Linda Snider, ;Joyce Bower, Ma ry Corbett, Sandra Prout, Linda ,logy, Nancy McTavish, Sharon Sanders, Susan, Dinney, Elizabeth Gosar, Norma Young, Yvonne Fisher, Dianne Geiser, Nancy Brady. Laura McMillan anti Elizabeth Cochrane. The lanyards wore presented by Vella Smith, Marlon Kerslake and Linda Westcott, President Anne Fairbairn was mistress of ceremonies, Yvonne Fisher prososed a toast to the mothers to which Mrs. Warren May responded and Rev, S. B. Lewis renlied to the toast to the church proposed hi' Dianne Geiser, Mrs, Lyle Little led in a singsong and her group pre- sented a skit. The banquet room was dec- orated in apple blossoms and the tables in CG1T colors, blue WHENEVER LADIES MEET,YOUHEARTHEM MENTION, THEY LINE OUR STYLING PLUS PERSONAL ATTENTION gave, ma'am, FOR save! PARTY FUN rf FOUR WITH FAMILY'S12E SEVEN-UP Clearance 1961 Models Frigidaire Ranges RDG 38C;61 WITH * CLOCK-TIMER * FULL-WIDTH STORAGE DRAWER * OVEN WINDOW 8 LIGHT * INFINITE HEAT Delivered, Serviced and in s talled - NO CHARGE FOR MILEAGE ON SERVICE OR DELIVERY TOM 1/11LIN Ativa Cal Collect GE 24916 opot 'Evenings 'Tit Oe. Saturdays Mother • Day Sunday • May 13 T have shower Study ghalien for girls' home in Oritish Guiana ItNAivtertshe armeie,3xlicutger of peltlete• .c.Ool tti A At...,,,the meeting.ti of th e G..ordn ;), .(0.131..kutt7\rhe4 held at 'ftollreliiile71311cethoefl Auxiliary -4.071701: ej: kg, 1111:'1.:( It 1...1. Sirs, vern i?ostja it was, decided Monday evening Bonnie lIogar for Girls, ItZses ril;Prile-Qblilltcol.' Pre- one", .She told of the -need fo,, day's Challenge' in. British GM. seined the message on "This leadership in industry, schools. was the meaning of service-" and Churches iii that .country, Mrs. Mel Holmes gave a read- carol Hogarth led in the do- ing ."soldiers amazed by Sol- votional and Donna E.rsinan omen Island Christians," was in charge of 11w program. During the worship period Mrs, Jim Bell read the treas• Shirley Postill, Shirley Prouty .nrer'S report in the „absence of a wl J ean Jolly led in prayer. eases. Miller, Carolyn Sh M un- rs. Stuart Triebner presided son and .Mrs, 'Bell were host• for the meeting. LETS LETS YOU. ENJOY COOKING WITH EASE Regarcilcss of where yov Iiva, you can cook on a modern range with gas safe, clean and thrifty, The cost is low .end the convenience great. Call us today for complete information, We sell. appliances too, HOT SO N PROPANE P hony I56W Grand Bend Don't forget to take Lots of Pictures on Mother's Day then leave your FILMS here for... Huntley's Drug Store etClitly, • FILMS . *CAMERAS • SUPPLIES EALe • FRESH NEILSON'S & ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATES' Say, men.. Sunday is Mother's Day and we have the nicest things for your Mother Wife Motherwin-law Grandmother You really don't have to know everything about what she lik es tither because we can be very helpful in picking just the right gift, * DRESSES * HANDBAGS * LINGERIE * BLOUSES * GLOVES LADIES' WEAR DIAL n5,000 Summer weather can no: come too soon for the 4-11 Homemaking girls, who have just completed the course "Sep- arates for Summer" and dis- played the results at a fashion parade at Achievement Day in Seaforth District High School on Saturday. Around 130 girls from 11 clubs attended and put on a display of skits and demonstra- tions as well as the fashion show, The highlight was the presen- tation of provincial honor certifi- cates and pins to Joan Westcott of Hurondale Jolly „tills. Sha- ron McBride of Kippen Thrifty Kippenettes, Margaret and Mary MacGregor. Eleanor Keys and Antonnette Van Den Hengle, all of Seaforth, Mrs, John Mac- Lean, Seaforth, FWIO director, •46 4 .M Cloverdale W elects Mrs. Harold Brophey elected president of Cloverdale WI at the annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Bea. Dixon, Honorary presidents are Mrs. Sara Mollard and Mrs. W. .T, Dixon. Vice - presidents are Mr;z. Wetter Statham, Mrs. George Dixon; secretary. Mrs. Clayton Dixon; treasurer. Mrs, Nor- man Mallard; branch directors, Mrs. Bea Dixon. Mrs. M. Craven and Mrs, L. Brophey: district director, Mrs. Stan Mollard. Standing committee conven- ers: Home economics, Mrs. Fred Heaman; health and can- cer society, Mrs. \Y, Ritchie; citizenship, Mrs. Elton Curts; education, Mrs, Ellison Whit- ing; historical research, Mrs. Carrcian Woodburn and Mrs. M. GerOrnette; public relations. Mrs.: Eric Mallard, Mrs. Bus Lagerwerf and Mrs. W. Barnes; agriculture. Mrs, George Dix- on: Canadian industries. Mrs. Ciiifttrd Ritchie; resolutions, Curts; question box. Mrs. Arthur Brophey; press reporter, Mrs. Bruce Vernon; pianists, Mrs. Fred Heaman, Mrs. L. Curls and Mrs. E. Whiting; auditors, Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, Mrs. A. Holson, The treasurer's report show- ed a successful year financial- ly. A ,quilt-making project 'WAS a highlight of the year. Roll calrwas answered by the pay- tent of fees, A brief report was given on the short course "Buttonholes and BOA," which was held at the home of Mrs. Clayton Dixon on April 12. Sixteen members interested in better methods of sewing had attend- ed. Miss Dora Burke front the extension branch, Toronto, in- structed the group, Mrs, A, Brophey opened the program with a meditation about Easter, describing the significance of each part of Easter Tiny. Everyone took part in singing a round, the French nursery rhyme "Frere ,rattitt6S", An amusing contest, "Progressive Sketching." pre- pared by Mrs. Willis Steeper, Was enjoyed. Mrs, Stan Mollard led in the discussion of items from the hand book, Further plats for the bus trip to the Niagara area dur- in g Blossoin Week were report- ed by Mrs. George Dixon. The bus leaves Parkhill Town Hall arl.:45 a.m., May in. The. District Annual' isto be held on May ;If at 'Linty Church at 9::(t 0,M. Dinner will he served In West Me. Ctilfivray Hall. The now president, Mrs. Panict Brophey closed the. Meeting; made the presentations 5.5 hien also included a current copy of Encyclopedia Britanniea of the Year. County honor certificates were presented by Mrs. Harry Strang. RR 1 Hensall, president of South Huron District WI, to M a r g a r e t Johns, Elimville ('tub, Ruth Ann McNichol and Julie Chappel. both 01 Kippen Thrifty Kippenettes, Joan Ra- der, Dashnood and Mary Buch- anan. Robe Doi and and Mary Mc- Kerc her of Seaforth clubs. Crediton exhibit "Separates for Summer" comprised pale green denim shorts. with skirt of striped denim and white blouse with striped trim. The commentator, jean Krueger, emphasized making the ensem- ble of mercerized and senior- izcd material and if the mate- rial is resin finished it is crease resistant and drip dry. Kippen Thrifty Kippenettes demonstrated the taking of measurements and alterations of patterns with Deanna For- regt showing how to take car- rel measurements and Jean Mc- Naughton pointed out how to nake alterations. They both UCW aids BC mission At the meeting of 1..:CW after- noon unit. of Main Street. Church Thursday Mrs. Cecil Murray re- ported that a bale of crib quilts and layettes valued at 5100 had been forwarded to Wrinch Me- morial Mission Hospital, B.C. a d a bale of clothing for over- seas relief had been sent to Toronto. Mrs„ Mervyn Grainger took as her theme for the devotional "Citizenship" and was assisted by Mrs, O. Tuekey, Mrs. G. McKnight and Mrs. P. Merkley. Misses Miriam. Hiltz. Christine Tuckey and Judy Walters favor- ed with a musical number. The June meeting will be held at the cottage of Mrs. R. B. Russell at Blake. Mrs. Clara Wellington was the guest speaker at the meet- ing of the evening unit on. Mon- day evening. She spoke on friendship," Cathy Smith and Susan Din- ney favored with a duet. Mrs, Atchie Webber took the devo- Clonal assisted by Mrs. Robert Turnbull, Mrs. poDald Mc- Curdy. Mrs, William Marshall and Mrs. Gerald Skinner, Mrs. Wayne Tuckey is leader of the unit. wore the outfits they had made which harmonized well, Dashwood club girls with Di- ane Weber as commentator and using miniature dolls as mod- els showed that good quality in summer separates gave the best satisfaction. These three clubs then modelled their garments in a parade. Alargaret Hyde was cOMmen- talon for the Hurondale exhibit pointing out the color of the outfit should suit the wearer's facial color and the style should suit the figure. Margaret using her own outfit showed how many ensembles she could make for different occasions, Elim vine Club 1 also ex- hibited Separates for Summer and. Dorothy Dickey as com- mentator said the cost of mate- rial should be considered in or- der that the wearer may get the most for her money. Elimville Club 2 gave a skit proving that "separates" are truly the club girl's best friend as each of the girls was dressed for a different occasion ranging from playing badminton to go., ing to church. In the, fashion parade the girls named the material they had used and the cost of each outfit, Home economist, Miss Isa. belie Gilchrist, presided for the program and was assisted by Mrs. Howard Richie, former Perth home economist and Miss E. Kidd of the clothing depart- ment, Toronto. Three other Achievement Days are being held for the same project in the county. .srlItgalSinteEttlatniftiglettc. Town topics .406216MOMMiegg MOY Mrs, Lee Wilson rettu-ne borne from Hollywood, Call fornia where she spent seVera weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Robert Dennis; Mr. Dennis and family. She was accompanied home by her granddaughter, five-year-old Lisa. Dennis, who is visiting with her, Mrs. Chris Beckley, Rodonda Beach, California visited with her father, the late Frank Down, prior to his death and has since visited with her friends in the community spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Moir, Mr. and Mrs. Oran Wino, Hamilton, visited with the let- ter's sister; Mrs, John Luxton, over the weekend. Give .second WI .bursary Huron County .Rally of the Women's. Institutes composed of three .districts, South Huron, =East Huron .and West Huron, Presented its second bursary last Saturday afternoon to Miss Clare McGowan, .director of the Children's Aid Society for Huron County.. The presentation of the cheque for WS was made by Mrs. Ar- thur Clark, alt 1 Auburn. sec retary-trN surer of the Rally. 1' is to .be used to assist a ward ot the CAS to .further his or her .edneation. Last year's bursary of $590 is at present helping a girl in a hairdressing course at a Hamilton school. This .bursary was established by each WI .member contri- P ,huting 50 cents towards this project. The presentation was made in front of the :Huron County court House with the three district presidents pre- sent: Mrs, Harry Strang, RR 1, lima, for South Huron; Mrs.. Howard Harris, RR I. Fordwich. for East Huron and Miss Jose- phine Woodcock, Blyth, for \Vest Huron, This project is the second one for the rally; the first one was to buy a 'Judy" for the. Huron County museum. The Rally will meet in East Huron the first Monday in October. Showers honor Maxine Reeder Miss Maxine -Reeder, bride- .lect of Saturday, has been lion- wed at a number of pre-nuptial events, The hospital staff numbering 62 dined together on Thursday evening and presented Miss Reeder with a miscellaneous shower, The Hospital Board made the presentation of a silver tray to the bride-elect who has been secretary since the hospital was opened. First Exeter B Pack presented their leader wth a gift and the group council and group com- mittee of the Boy Scouts gave her a figurine, Mrs, William 'Musser enter- lathed relatives and friends as- sisted by her mother, Mrs. F. W, Huxtable, in honor of the bride-elect tendering her a mis- cellaneous shower. Miss Jean Taylor also was hostess at a miscellaneous shower. Neighbors , gathered at the home of Mrs. Waller Cutbush and made the bride-elect the recipient of an electric toaster, kettle and clock. Trousseau tea Mrs, Elmer Reeder entertain- ed at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Miss Maxnc. Pouring tea in the afternoon were -Mrs. Sam Jory and Mrs, J. A, Traquair and serving were Misses Jeanette Taylor Shirley Genttner, In the evening Mrs. Frank Taylor and Miss Alice Claypole poured and. Miss Verie Smith and Mrs. Ralph Switzer served, Displaying the gifts and trous- seau in the afternoon were Mrs. Cyril Blommaert, Mrs, Elmer. Rowe. Mrs, Clayton Sterner and Mrs. Arnold Ford and in the .evening, Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, Miss Myrtle Reeder, Miss Jean Taylor and Miss Afarjorie Doh er ty„ BRLAKS ARM Mrs. Charles Harris fell on Saturday in front of Snelgrove's Electric and broke her right arm at the wrist. She was taken to South Huron Hospital by _Miss Judy Snot- grove where X-rays revealed the break. 'She is remaining in the hospital for a few days. Of all taxes paid by Can- adians something less than :1.5 per cent goes to schools and education, and white, all done by the girls. L'CW unit 3 convened by Mrs. William Johnston catered for the banquet, About 90 were in attendance. View pictures of Europe tour At the meeting of St, Peter's OWL held at the home of Mrs, Victor Overholt Miss Lucile Geroux, teacher of ROA'? Ccn , tralie showed pictures of Burn pear countries she had visited. Plans were made for the spring bazaar to he held at Neil's School, May 26 at 8.30 p, m. Ben, Father Kelly and 19 members were. present, In the past five years labour income in Canada has increas- ed from $14.9 billion to $19.2 billion. Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensall 696r2 GIFT ! Every consumer who installs a 40-gal. automatic electric water heater purchased from" Exeter PUC will receive this handsome Universal Op'n Top Electric Kettle absolutely free. This offer applies only to consumers in the Town of Exeter. Act now! Exeter PUC DIAL 235.1350