HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 3classitied ..acis to ..liarve 14. Properly ,.b.r 51e 20 Wanted To ',Rent 24 Tenders Wonfed25 Auction Sales Call ,18 at 1863 BEDROOM HOUSE, in Ex- eter. away frnm Main Street. T - lege stele fie -Ohne covered ENDERS FOR COAL, :Clearing. Required for .iltily 15. Call 235. South limn District HighAUCTON SALE !keit new aephalt Shillg1PS OM. 1844 after 5 p.m. 1717w, .,,oate int hes tenders I ine of le. mg and dining for Coal Mr ihr school build- Of Valuable Modern and room. bedroom with clothes 25 ACRES OF LAND suitable ing on Gidley Street, Exeter, for 'beans. Phone 235-1227. Al' The two Livingston Stokers Antique Furniture enr.pr. modern kitchen, built. of fons Kiritz and Sone. 3:1Pc will require 160 tons of Ile x 1.1 nee lt installed 3•piece balh- On the premises, room and gas furnace., Pro - 22 Notices _ - nit treated stoker coal. Tenders sbould Main Street, in the en ewe Miley situated with enae* Chice :Durham St., full basement and oil heal; irate cAN NOW get Dr, sais. as required., and should Include NEW 3 -BEDROOM, me Vicieria ' - , at the school quote oriel? VILLAGE Ofe ZURICH iefie leen and ample garden ;L.:Neat:40 $68 per month carries mortgage ill 'V. .1* '. ' .t. I. o- an allele sis. a11( axes. SATURDAY, -IS9AY 12 at 400 p.m., 4110rP lanl‘"C:rins or Real Estate. im. borough St., -full basement and NEW 3 -BEDROOM, on MALI' garlh's' . 10:17c please address tenders t„ ..... . , . . on day nr g alp_ balance in Th unnersigneo auctioneer sine .. sold some( to a rya .e7 43 NwN ;ItirePriahhPetiera'sn "*In•Pri ,00 h,at; garage. re pr TOWNSHIP OP STEPHEN •O• flowee, Exeter, Ontario, be public auntie: , the Secretary of the Board, E. has been instructed lo sell ky :0.1r. 1.4.%--,4, .1)(1 ii.: nni levp: 2 -BEDROOM house, on Carlin" I Axes, in n n t h pays mortgage and Re: ABANDONED CEMETERIES necessarily accepted. Lowest or any lender not . • • f 7 rjtir?nielSt IE ilSpecial()L14Eg4;:a4;;d4';- fe.:ficsfiSe:, vaInneliii.c.,e arNrcaone,1:edt.eiinrilgg. alrerjrnii TI DAY em y 17, 2.30 plrk, t io,i..Iy inicl, May 31, 1002. IIENSALL SALES BARN en. 17., I . light oak, with bench libra,ry It(; s ate b:, miner earthed. St., attached garage; fenced The Township of Stephen has * desk; 3-Inece chesterfield slit' l itig the Auctioneer or Mr. Ted for •the estate nf the late all around; heat for $100 and assumed responsibility Mr the 25 Auction Sales occasional table; foot stools; pooley. Exeter, prior to sale taxes only $172. maintenance :of three abandon- • • terigidaire refrigerator; 2 -burn- iim'efetioLD P:F le E C T S; Pad table: 9x12 cloth rug; date THEODORE RADER RR 3 ZURICH 2 -BEDROOM T R A I L E R, nn ed cemeteries Under section tin er electric. rangette; mall Beach 4.burner gas range, like William SL, in excelleet condi- of the Cemeteries Ad. revised AUCTION SALE kitchen table; side board, table nett • Cr -I • — • — lion. Owner moving and offers statutes of Ontario 1900, Onall' , , attractive price. ler 47. 9 Real Estate and six enaIrs: silver tea ser- wp. like new: geerelierle ienic'ecie. cemeteries are at the Viee; elocks: six•Place set of trie washer. like new; 2 Quebec AUCTION SALE 4 -BEDROOM brick, John St. These • . There will be offered for sale green glassware; 5 cryetal gob- healere; westinghouse 2I -inch ne 1 1 4 -BEDROOM brick, Andrew St. r.ollowing locations: west part on 415: e0111Plete 8.Plaee Set of television with aerial; modern -vt '''vestock and Haying 3 -BEDROOM brick, Main St. of lot 1, concession 1; and SATURDAY, MAY12, ;,. . , , of lot 8, concession 8: east part leo 22 keret gold dishes; fish 3.pioce bedroom suite; hum; Equipment 3-BEDROom brick, Riverview north-east corner of lot 5, con. I marium; coal nil iamp; inn. 2 at the hour •ef 200 p.m. log board: crocks; pots And , (heeled:Wel ehairs; occasion - Heights. cession 2. , in the afternoon the residence pans; large quantity of sealers: rifest or drawers; kitchen Lot 21, Concession 9, al chair. 4 chrome rheas; On the premises, rter. 3 -BEDROOM ranch type, Ex- We propose to close these of the late Laura eeda Elliot Simplicity washing maebine; tame: centre and end la „les: HIBB le RT TOWNSHIP 45' MOBILE HOME, Hensall. rernelPfles after June 5, 1962. on the premises being Parts of ellokhle. utensils: hufeher ket- oak rockers; card table; laree 1 mile west of Staffa, on After that date there will be Lots 442 and 443, Plan 20, tie: sausage grinder; meat assortment nf dishes; fence no further burials or reillfWaia. SATURDAY, MAY 19 St. 4 -BEDROOM rug brick, Main Any persons interested in 1. row; garden tools; Town of Exeter, County of saw: lawn mower: wheelhar- glassware; noveltire; eompleie these properties please contact Inron, known for municipal Vaenrn dinner set: silverware; kitchen At 1:30 p.m. DST purposes as 410 Carting street, cleaner; round wall mirror; utensils; electric toaster and 2.BEDROOM rug brick, Calling the township office in Crediton -, , , . new set or golf clubs; electric LIVESTOCK; 6 purebred Jer. Se before June 5, 1902, down, balance in 30 days. I NRAIS: Real Estate — 1.0',, .. guile; mantel radio; quantity 1 • spy cows, 4 registered; 2 iron; cushions; mats; blankets: VACANT STORE and dwelling „ n cat tams and drapes; maga- seNertsp:EeerTic.:kies Pel.e0 0 PLcs 4, crossbred cows; 2 Shorthorn at Cram arty. Low price with ROSS HAUGH., Clerk, This property will be snin eine reek and stand; arm low down payment. Township of Stephen subject to a reasonable re- ehaire; end table; comfortable aeme serve bid. GROCERY and meat store. Let arm chair; antique rocking us show you and make us an ALvits emu", Auctioneer chair; electric. kettle; electrie offer, THE STE P H EN"TO WNSHIP frying pan: electric sandwich AR ENDAL A. SIMPSON, (easter; coat racks; radio n e 25 Auction Sales ri is.ealtialerl a frame rot. Tinie;Acivroc.atot MAy 1•0i 1962 P-4308-..14 crop. -of Bolla 25 Auction ,....... , Estate Sale in clipboards, utility room, ,50 ACRES, house and barn; 0 leFICE Exeeulor of the Estate of cabinet: chest .of drawers; 2 Laura Eda Ethol, trunks; large storage box; odd 24,m down. 50 ACRES, 'house and barn; $9,000 full price. 3 TO 13 ACRES, fruit trees and berries, 2'2 ms south. east of Centralia; reduced to JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 2 LOTS, good location, in the town of Exeter, suitable size for building two homes. Apply W. Westlake, phone 235-2417, 10* BA:RN, 36x80, good frame, steel roof, in .vicinity of Hen - sell. Apply Box &Bel, Exeter Times -Advocate. 10* 17 Properly For Rent APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 rooms, 3 -piece bath, private entratic.e, immediate possession, 112 miles north of airport, Apply Earl W. Neil, phone 235-1921. 4:26tfnc PASTURE, LAND, Bay swamp area, for 25 - 30 cattle, abund ant water supply. Apply to Harold Rader, phone Dashwood 26r11. 5:3tfnc APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, un furnished, healed, living room, modern kitchen and bath, stove supplied, hot and cold water, private entrance, utilities paid; miles west on Huron St.; available June 1. Phone 235- 2427. 5: 10tfnc NOUSE, ranch style, 4 -bed- room, in Zurich, immediate possession, Phone 235-1957, Ex- eter, after 6 p.m. 10* TWO APARTMENTS—One fur- nished, one unfurnished, both wo bedrooms, available at end of the month, Former Sim- mons apartments, phone 235- 2012, after 6 p.m. 100 APARTMENT, furnished, cent- ral location, available June 1. Apply Beavers Crest Hard- ware, phone 235-1033. 5:10tfric HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, Le mile north of Kippeh, Highway 4, immediate possession. Apply William Coleman, Kippen, phone Hensel] 26311, 10:17e ROOM TO RENT — lady or gent; $7 per week, Phone 227- .1652 Ltican. 10c: S AI E R COTTAGE, lake front, lower level, hot and cold running wafer, all conven- iences, available month of July, Beavers Crest 11 ard. ware, Exeter, phone 235.1083. 5:10(frio BRICK 14005E, 3 bedroom, hardwoed floors, tiled bell, oil heat; also cottage at Grant Bend from .July 1 to August 18. Apply A. Nartilton, 60 Wellitig- St, East, phone 2354177, Inc lo Credilon WILL BE CLOSED from MONDAY, MAY 14 TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 GLENN WEBB, Reeve ROSS HAUGH, Clerk 10;17c TOWNSHIP OF HAY BUILDING INSPECTOR The Township of Hay has ap. minted Willi a m Clarke as 3; ne chairs; electric irons and medicine chest; antique nil Large Community pa Milne and stand. AUCTION SALE years old; modern 3-pieee bed. Of Household Effects room suite, like new, with Antique spool bed, over 100 at Frank Taylor's, 287 Main St., TOWN OF EXETER SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1962 at 1:00 p.m, hLIUdIng inspector for the town- Electric stoves; electric ship to inspect and see that all washing machine; TV set; cup - provisions of the Budding By- boards; chairs; buffet; drop law of the township are corn - leaf table; dining room table; plied with, Building; permits sewing machine; 11 kitchen are required and may be eb. chairs;,dishes of all kinds. tabled from the clerk. Entire household effects of the late Elia Link. W. 33ROKENSH1RE, Chesterfield, in good condi- Clerk - Treasurer, tion; single bed; floor latelPs; Township of Nay .cupboards; bureau; eh a ir s; 10:17c large quantity of dishes, some antique. Chesterfield and chair; oc- casional chair; small frig; cof- fee table; baby carriage; has- sock. Chesterfield; 2 chesterfield chairs; coffee table; magazine rack; 5 lamps; 2 Spartan TV; 2 end tables; chrome kitchen set, grey; 32" MeCiary stove (hydro); kitchen server; high chair; Beatty washing .ma- chine; ironing board; clothes rack; large crib and inaUress; s in g 1 e bed and mattress; no undersigned auctioneer double bed and mattress; 4 pit- reeeived instructions to sell by lows; bedspread (beige); sund- public. auction on ries; medium size hicycte with new tires, first class shape. TERMS: Cash. 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Minnie Normyle, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Minnie Norrnylr, late of the City of Kalamazoo, in the State of Michigan, Widow, who died on or about the 24th day or January 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of May 1962, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ont. 10:17:24c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS INVITED Village of Grand Bend One only, 1 -ton, dual rear wheels, heavy duty truck, 6 - cylinder engine, One only, 122 -inch w.h., half - ton 1:ruck, utilise body, 6 - cylinder cogine. Tenders MUST be sabinitted on tender forme which may be Picked up at the clerk's office, Grand Bend, Tenders MUST be in the hands of the clerk by 5 p.m. May 23, 1962. Lowest. or any lender not necessarily a ecopted. MURRAY DES JARDINS Clerk 10:17e TOWNSI.IIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR WEED AND BRUSH SPRAYING MATERIALS COZY APARTMENT, heated Sealed [ceders plainly mark. and ferniehed, separate ent. cd as to contents wea be re„, ranee, suitable for twel. 4170„ eeived by the undersigned mail CIfr arling St. - 12 a'cfock noon,v um, , , 3-11,0051 COTTAGE, eehlret 111962, far 0'6 f°11°wing; !meet fan; 1 n 01ertia le 06mA 5sion:45 gni, dru M 2-1•0 K.k.10 porsohs: Lnw Volatile Ester 96 Weed naikwee 47 John St. E., Killer containing 96 oz. All:. , add per gal. Phone j0c me25 gals. le 5 gal. MO inOtft UPSTAIRS APART.MENT, 3 ot( Low Volatile. 128 Brush rooms, fmtished, with bath, Killer eolith:thing 64 oz. private entrance, Phone 235- 2-4-I) acid and 51 oz. 245 1654. lOe T acid per gal. " Said containers to be proper, 11001,., furnished, with the op• is" labelled. tine of preparing breakfast. /0 A * ny acicn/ (Ma a 111 Olin S , Phone: 235401 /Neter, tinired must be supplied at • ..., .:.... quoted price. 26 Wanidd To: Rent The lowest (17 anv lender not riocesori y amp oc. Fultr8V,, orgotit, t '11. VA. .eier •Ahd fictisali, i toii. tOSS HAMM, Clerk voinetces, 2 . .3 It .; rtli. LAWPI4NCII tlltt,, Road Supt, able VirttallOnt' Trtit, . Apply Stephen TownsInp, Ng FtLi. Exeter Times -Adm. (Indite% 'Warta 440.4e. .3:104( ID; 17t, • * • 4 •• 51151'. TECO friOjc: 12. eows; 2 Hereford Shorthorn inch jig saw with tmotel steers (fat); 2 tieref°1'd heifers 1 -inch jointer flintier. euttippeet (fat a; 2 stocker steers; 2 dew sander‘ equipped with 1, Hereford steer calves; 4 ilere- 11 p. motor: &mile ford heifer calves; 7 small hp. 0)0101'; power grinder with .alees, Hereford and Durham; levihih wheels'; hn ; hee.etilimisnr: saw, sattipsaw,p7.4edr,..4 v Je' $0 g; Jersey IJ)ueliisecalf,yheifer y turning lathe and motor: Tyco IMPLEMENTS: inlernation- WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 Briggs & strew., 2 h.p. 4. al No. 45 haler, excellent con- At 1:00 p.m, cycle rotary mower. The fame ditinn; brand new Alayrath mentioned items ail in brand PTO elevator, 34', complete REAL ESTATE: Consists of new eondition. with grain head and shoot. Part Lot 165, Plan 20, ln the Town of Exeter, 249 Main SI., on which is situated a 2-stnrey white brick dwelling. Main floor: large living and clime rbedroom, 2-piecc bath- rg°1o1.111L, modern kitchen and utility room. Second Dome :1 bedrooms with clothes closets and 3 -piece bathroom. Hard- wood floor throughout; full sire basement; large soft water cistern; newly installed oil furnace; also garage. Dwell- ing nicely situated and in first Creeplete net nf .ale ni neet class condition with spacious week's paper lawns and shrubbery. Inspec- tion invited by contacting auctioneer. Terms of Real Estate: i0 an day of sale, balance in 30 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction $81e$ ti ILlearatrit, st°oevtlea. r posts: Moffat aribaHlNe.015.LrISgosled:trivoseL°111)1j)iedetr,F1°F:c7;74. AIRS. ARCHIE JEFFERY & MISC. ITEMS: Oak dining SPENCER JEFFZRY. Props. room extension table. 6 match. Phone 11r10 DubLin ing chairs: lineee chester- r field; 21 -inch Westinghouse television, blonde finidt, like Phone liensall 690r22 new: televimon antenna with (1ERALI) CAREY, Clerk .electric rotator In he offered 10:17e separatelY: occasional chairs: buffet, end tables. chest of drawers; library tattle: dron leaf table: kitchen chairs; (113 12 cu. ft. refrigerator. bhp new: Niagara solid chrome hand unil vibrator: electrie heating pad and belt; 2 oak bedroom suites, complete with springs and mattress: dress - cis; commodes; vanity dreee- or; steel bed, springs and mattress; daybed; oak rork- ers; combination writing desk and bookcaee; email talk': electric lamps. fancy eoai•nil lamp; mirrors; hid lamp. kitchen clock; email mantel dock; vacuum cleaner; carpel sweeper; suil case; combination hall mirror and rack; electre- toaster and iron; electrir tee, kettle; pictures and frame'; large assortment or dishre; glassware; dinner set . antique diehes; novelize., cu.silione; e a; fsAltilriTinceisfe. ware; electric strive; eiectrif washing machine, gait tube; sealers; crockslawn and vele. andah chairs: garden Arld puller Mole; n t it v of On the premises 249 Main St, weather stromme, rubber heee TOWN OF EXETER Firsi house south of Beaver mention Al any arfitlee tno nmeerone Lumber. The undersigned a ucHoneer received instructions to sell by public auction on Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items Important Oti the premises. John St. North, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH SATURDAY, MAY 19 Complete list of sale in next week's issue. HENRY STEINBACH, Proprietor WALPER, Auctioneer Inc ALVIN important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items , Large assortment nf ea rpen. Otonnawa 10' SP swather, hy- Sealy mattres.s; '4"size• he°- ter tools including drills, vises, draulie controlled header and morn suite; dressere; ir°0 hemmers, saws, chisels, brace reel; e'ockshutt 70 tractor, bed, mattress and springs; ;3. and hit, sledges, electric cord, PTO; John Deere 7' semi, m (wan" drawer dresser with "rt."; caulking gun, grass and hedge mounted mower; Case manure bathroom scale: foot Stools; sheers. garden tools, rubber spreader; Case side rake; conedeurugs; large hose. torch, galv. whs. sten Henderson m a 0 u r e loader;' litY of blankets and bedding; ladder, lawn chairs: 2 high Ebersol shredder and blower; and many other miscellaneous powered repealer rules, shot Dearborn 2-furrnw plough, 3 - items ton numerous to men- tion. gun, brand new; fishing equip- point hitch. 12" bottom; 8- No Reserve. men; ladies' bicycle, like new; pita to . one-way disc. 3 -point TERMS: Cash. many other misc. limns. hitch; Dearing mower, 5'; ANTS, ELIZZIF, HEY, Prop. he sold. No R eserve, :everything, will t.tronnilenelln'sdaaltesmnik4er.c02ws ;11nit:ikianet: WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer TERMS: ( Ash, proem separator; 2 - wheeled. • . . trailer; weigh scales; electric Dial 234-6282 Crediton REG & DORIS TAYLOR, pail; 1927 Buick Master car; Inc • 'Proprieinrs also 10' buckrake; 2 colony Al;VIN WALPER, Auctioneer houses (min is 7x14 and the 10c. other 7x7); 5 hydro poles; Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects Power Carpenter Tools Equipment & Misc. Items On the premises, East Hall of No. 6 North Boundary, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, 112 miles west of Exeter, or 51i miles east of Dashwood on Iligetway 83. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer East Half of No, 6, North CLARK FISHER, Clerk Boundary, Township ar Ste. 10e phen, 100x150 ft. of land on ,O• , 72 5, te HOMES EXETER — 3 -bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 down. EXETER — New 3 -bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 clown, Terms. EXETER 2 -bedroom home 'with full basement and oil furnace, $1,000 down. GRAND BEND — Over 20 listed properties in this area. See our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines. FARMS EXETER — 200 Acres CENTRALIA — 150 Acres Mt. Carmel. — 125 Acres Mt, Carmel * 225 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard, good land, modern buildings. Terms. 3USINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. EXETER — General store with separate paint, store. 0(1 main Millet. Equipment includes paint blender. Terms. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) and Van. Terms. MOBILE PEED MXER — With established route of over 50 customers. EXETER.»Gcneral Store, $2,000 down. BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION WE HAVE OTHERS Lisfinto invited, $8,500; 1960 truck. Ltds Real Estate — Irtsurance PHONE 215.2420 EXETER' J. Gaiser, Phone 23$4420 Wrn, C. bade, 01'014 gelid,. Oliond 621t1 Nn flesert r rie thing s be enld. TERMS. ca ele NATHANILI., OGDEN, Prop. rVINET NICKS. Clerk ALVIN WALP.Ell. Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood In:17e AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items On the PreniieeF Sisin Si , jo ilio LILA G E OF ZURICH WEDNESDAY, MAY 39 Estate or the late Mrs. Edna Dewald ALVIN W ALPER Auctioneet . . . . . . . e0019•9900000000000990000900000110•1090000•••00009900090090••90 900040900000 4t49 • • torrid performer/ ;,,t A/ LDC,437 hot new 117V/e8 with sports oar action / , • • 47. 0 •-aNn• r•••••••1". a re 0 9 • 9 0 0 • 0 9 9 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 Now ! Buick combines the thrill of sports car zip with the comfort of fine -car luxury in this new addition to the Invicta series. WILDCAT! With exclusive Advanced Thrust. Buick gives you arrow -straight going ... pancake -flat .. ....... . ./.....4,2••••••••• cornering. Hurry down to your dealer—see WILDCAT! ettee .6.*22211:%* • Wildcat 2 -door Sport Coupe 019009900006040009009e0000,0of000•0•••••••94140.1104110000000000000 e9,00090099,9,999 .'*-..15t...-'4.4-41'.:0:41,••••••••,...„,. • Skylark Convertible 13 LTICIK, SPECXAL 4- \ S E71711.4ARIc, hoppy medium sae 84110 now in a coyote/71e 1-lere's light. hearted beauty with all the flair. It's the tops—try it! do 050 Buick Electra 4,door iii-ei.ert;;; Seda:tt : -;:.•,, • *10 100 — iroi• pirm ova lit ***1 *MO *air *NO Ili* 00 s Le Sabre 08s/est 1/14y I tO71Y 0110 better 1 Le Sabre is the easiest way to go Buick. If you feel you could go one better—try Le Sabre. 1 Buick Le Sabre t2 -door Sport Coupe I* NNW Pal WO MX 000 into *006 eomit Witt/ewe/ tire,A optional et 0.1.-i5d tOgl Thlki, Buick where extravagance' in sdrtrs equipment. Expo- :ricqice the fileetra 225 six.04;le thetxtanosj in. Buick luxur, Oroa Buick -prove 'Buick's worn .7. i see .Bt*k,:effq:Buiel(egl I . y e 1 0, eteeemeeinillialt*ititieelieteteeseetteitireilettegeteetreetesefeek at you t d'S todyf A100 1001 !Oa ._ WO A GENtRAL OTORS vALT1E, ieeleteeeeeeteeeee''' I3e ame to tie "The Tointily Ambreele Show" oft thd C8C ,Let*ork Miley evetebige. 'Meek local leillega for thaneel awe time, TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED' "Thtt NOW COIF kihei .1eff Huron County" ZURICH lidlifidt tOiCk V6UXhilif GMC Truelo • Bedford V,15 OMIT pt eel OS 2e