HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-10, Page 2Pegg: . 10. The Times,Advocate, May 10, 1902 planting your for sale items in Tamik It's time o star 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 13.for .Sale .2.WILEEL TRAILER, 8'ie4'x2' sides. Phone 228-6872- 10e DEEP FREEZE CHESTS now on sale, large 625 lb$, capacity deluxe freezer, 5-year warran- ty. Our price $239,00, More than 50 sold and each and every owner happy. Our money back guarantee is your .a.sattr- price. Seedy Elliot, 444 Main St. 10e LOADER for Ford-Ferguson. Apply Gerry Vandertioek, ItlI I Lucan, phone 227.4392, 10* 12 Cars,. Trucks. for $410 McSTE:PHEN AUTO wRgctcgfo. RR 1 Crediten Behind Centralia Air Base Wrecking: '56 Plymouth, good motor '53 Choy, good motor 53 Oldsmobile, slick shift '51 Om.' 1 ton truck 13 For Sale 9 Services EI ECTROLUX sales and ser- vice Bert Barris, 109 New- gate St., Goderielp phone JA 4-7917. 1 Lot, Strayed. 9 Services .„. HOUSE TRAILER, 21', partial,. iy equipped, priced reasonable. Apply 420 Marlborough St., Exeter, phone. .335-0114, 10e PERENNIAL PLANTS — iosa daisies, phlox, lupins, rock garden plants. Mrs. Gor- dort Smith, 168 Main St, North, Exeter, 3;10* '59 VAUXHALL VICTOR, A-1 conditiop, one owner, $975; canary and cage, 810; 17" RCA. Victor TV with legs, $50; Vi- king wringer washer, 2 years .old, $65, Owner transferred overseas, LAC L. D. Shaw, phone 228-6705, 10e . . , COCKSHUrr •SCUFFLE13, to fit a 20, 30 or 540 tractor, used one year. Phone teican 27, 4356, 100 STEER, part Hereford and Shorthorn, from lot 211, con- cession 3, Stephen, about 750 lbs., notch in right ear Phone collect 235-2427 or 235- 1027. 5.ltltfne Bruce Refrigeration C, V. PICKARD CUSTOM WEED spraying, on grain, corn and pasture. 2.4-D Amine $1.40 per acre. :M'C'P Amine fornew seeding in grain, $1.75 per acre. The above prices include all mater- ials. Also Atrazine and Dale- pon ..for twitch grass at com- petitive. priCes. All work guar- anteed, Lionel Wilder, RR Zurich, phone 9913.6. • 10:17e REAL ESTATE 4: INSURANCE We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see es. HOUSE, 3 or 4 bedroom, suit. Able for larger family or dup. lexing; modern kitchen and bathroom; forced air heating; renovatedl e,and clean; price re. awed to a very low figure Tor 3 MODERN HOMES, nearly new, on very easy terms. 50 ACRES with medium-sized brick house, Tidy barn on well; good roofs; drilled well with water on tap in house and barn; hydro throughout; soil deep loam, suitable for any crop, 25 acres ploughed; well located east of Kippen. Price $8,000.00. for any type of general insur- ance, We also solicit your business S..A.LES AND SERVICE TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT ICE MACHINES PHONE 724 GRAND BEND 5:4.tfne 3 Male Help Wanted WANTED Men Over 50 Good used bat•tertes for, ear, tractor. or -combine, Sa.0(i exchange PATIO STONES and stones for flower beds, Apply Harry Eiaensehink, Sin1C0e St., Ex- PHONE 228-0214 eter, phone 235-2502, Custom Pasture fertilization 'YAW CETTE 4 burner heavy duty apartment size .electric stove with oven, $15; phone Lite-tin 227-4500, General Bice- trie hot-point 4-burner heavy duty stove, upright oven, in. good condition, $12. Phone Lucan 227-4347. 10e 3;10;17:24* 4:5tine 30 FENCE POSTS, metal, 601 each. Lloyd Taylor, 140 Huron St„ Exeter. 10* TV SET, Admiral deluxe, 24", one year old with .stand. Apply Gerry Brenderhorst, Box 187, Hensel', phone 261,13. 10* WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts remind you there is less than three days to purchase Mother's Day gifts and cards. Free gift wrapping. 10c TRANSISTOR PORTABLES — Choose one now as a gradua- tion gift for your student, RCA Victor madeamaCanada models as low as $20.95. Snelgrove's, phone 235.0770 Exeter. ternational. Don Geiser, 313 SAVE STAKE TRUCK, 1952 L160 to. T H E CALF! Carling St., phone 2354543. Vita Fort 3:10c 5,000 Units of Vitamin. A Huron Colorcrete Western Ontario Company of- fers genuine opportunity for respectable, challenging and interesting employment — part or full time in your own com- munity to mpri ever Si) sears of age. Preference given to Men who have been forced to retire due to age retirement regulations. Shia: he in reason- ably good health. For full par- titulars send name, address, age and last occupation to P,ox No. ANR, Exeter Tunes-Advo- cate, All vet-the; held strictly confidential. TM 26:3:10c ____... Let us boost your pasture production! Increase the feeding value of your hay! We broadcast liquid 9-9-9 or urea for as little as $5.00 per acre. Phone us collect for particulars. Give at birth to prevent sieteness $1.00 Package '51 CHEV TRUCK, 1 ton, good working condition, Apply Ger- MIDOLETON'S DRUGS 10* 3 Exeter 2r(a;I BT3r.anderhorst, Bensall, phone 235-2411 F: 1955 (-) N I A C, reasonable, Phone 243 Hensel'. 3:10c RIDING SCHEELER, 4 row, $15. Phone Lucan 227-4347, 10e SANDBLASTING Brick Homes Our Specialty Industrial and Commercial Exterior and Interior Cement Block Buildings and Basements Colorereled Free Estimates CAMP STOVE, 2-burner Hig- gins, a good buy, Bob South- cott, phone 235-0025. 5:3tf* WEDDING GOWN, Alfred 'An- gelo, size 10 - 12, purchased in united States at $70; wilt sell for half price; also fingertip ve il o f pearls and sequins. Mrs. Albert MacGregor, phone 294-6646. IOc THRESHING MACHINE, George White, 24" cylinder, 42" body, equipped with shred- der and grain thrower, in excellent condition. Leonard Harris, RR 1 Kirkton, phone 3418, 10* PIONEER seed corn is tested for seed strength in cold wet soil at a temperature of 48 degrees. For hybrids with PLENTY OF HUSTLE and BIG YIELDS, plant Pioneer this spring, Keith Lovell, Hen- sel!, phone 265W1, 10:17c RANGETTE, electric, with automatic oven control, good condition; girls' clothing, size 6 and 6X. Apply Mrs. Edwin Morley, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, phone 2933068, 10* PORCH GLIDER, in good con- dition. Phone 235-0904, or ap- ply 385 Andrew St., Exeter, 10* 13 For Sale 14 Wanted To Buy FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensel! 696r2, 8:31t.fne TV SERVICE — Our expert takes less time to find the trouble, saving you money. Snelgrove's, phone 235-0770 Ex- eter. 4 :191Inc TRY RENOVATOR—The mir- acle automagic cleaner that beautifies rugs and upholstery. Only $1.75 per bottle. You can rent our applicator at very small cost, Hopper-Hockey Fur- niture, phone 235-1990. 3:29tfne NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open gilts. Top prices paid, R, D. EtheringtOm phone 235.1628 Exeter. 3:22tfnc CANN'S MILL LTD, Exeter Phone 2354782 26:3:10:17c H, W, "BUD" PRESZCATOR 235.1693 or 235-2802 5:10tfne APPLICATIONS CALLED FOR ROAD SUPERINTENDENT The Township of flay is calling for sealed applications for road superintendent. Appli- cants to stale qualifications, Salary to he negotiated with sucessful applicant. No appli- cation necessarily accepted All applications to be in the hands of the clerk by Satur- day. May 19. 1902, al six o'clock p.m. H, W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk - Treasurer Township of Hay 1n:17c C. V, PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 8:24c 5:101ine SIMMONS Beautyrest matt- resses; Rogers Majestic TV sets; Philips tape recorders; Maytag washers and dryers; Kelvinator refrigerators, wash- ers, ranges. All quality mer- chandise at Sandy Elliot's, where you buy the best for less. 10e HIG•REST PRICES for scrap radiators and batteries. Phone MeStephen Auto Wreckers, 228- 6214. 4:5tfnc DEAF ANIMAL, REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48r10, Licence No, 175-C-62. 1: stint 10 Livestock For Sale MODERN LAKEFRONT cot- tage, Norman Heights, 4 miles north of Grand Bend. Living room 'with large picture win- dow and fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, all finished in knotty pine; carport and additional guest room or utility room. Phone 213 Zurich, Ont, 3:10c 4 BOARS, Wessex-Saddleback, service age, Apply Gordon C, Ford, Kirlaton, 41i-3. 10* 15 Wanted WALNUT TEA WAGON, elec- tric rangette; 39" bed with box springs; coffee table with glass top; antique settee; 3-drawer dresser, 1, F. Stutchbury, Cen- tralia, phone 228-6805, , 1.0c HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, due soon. Apply John Berendsen, High- way 83, 11 4 miles east of Farquhar, phone Kirkton 21r4, 10:17:24e FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- postal Act, License No. 66061, 1;25tfe ')() WEANL1NG PIGS, good. George Bailey, Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 25r16. 10* REFRIGERATOR, Serve', in good working condition; also small kitchen set, wooden table and 4 chairs. Apply Mrs, Arthur Rundle, phone 2354976. 10c 3 CHICKEN SHELTERS—Ap- ply to William Walters, Win- chelsea, phone 1406 Kirkton, 1 One MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn, 3:22tfnc 16 Property For Sale W, C. PEARCE, REALTOR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. Highway 100 acres, also 150 a eres, Choice 143 acres. See before buying elsewhere, Some hund- reds and three fifties. Hardware stores, general stores, houses. RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 11:9tic BRICK, ranch style, large liv- ing room, natural fireplace, dining area, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, 'vanity, basement, garage, 236 Huron. East, Exeter. 3:22tfne 200 ACRES OF LAND, Lot 23, Con. 7, Stephen Township, brick house, barn, L-shape, steel roof; shed; 60 acres grass; 4. acres bush; 140 acres under cultivation; good water supply. Louis Masnica, RR 2 Crediton. 5:3-6:7* Custom Corn 4 Female Help Wanted 10 WEANER PIGS — Phone Kirkton 90211, Jed Dykeman, RR 1 Centralia, 10c 7 WEANER PIGS, choice. Ap- ply Clayton Kooy, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, phone 228-6206. 10* LANDRACE & YORK PIGS, 8 weeks old; also 7-month-old bore, Apply Ken Fischer, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-2516. 10c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due May 14; Shorthorn cow, due May 18, Apply Russell Snider, phone 98r9 Zurich. 10c STOP SCOURS Get Ilibitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter, 4:5tfne STENOGRAPHER Planting DON'T LOOK NOW, but every- body is talking about the beautiful Thistle baby carriage now on display in the new showroom at Sandy Elliot's. 10e. 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex- eter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3:8tfnc LADY to do part or full time housework in Exeter. Phone 235-0362. Atrazine supplied in same operation. John Deere 4-row planter. Picker shelter to har- vest your crop in the fall. CLARENCE KNIGHT Phone Exeter 235-2666 26: 3:10: 17c FORAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper; hay condition- ers, on display. We also handle Kools forage blowers; Jong double chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G. & E. Weld- ing, Main St., Zurich, phone 721312, 4:5-6:28c LIVING ROOM GROUP, 3- piece, Danish style; refrigera- tor and washing machine. Call 234-6424. 1.0e TO SAVE ALL — farrowing crates. Apply William Cole- man, Kippen, phone 263,11 Hen- -sail, 10* BICYCLE, 28", like new, ac- cessories included. Apply 20 Victoria St., Exeter, phone 235- 0344. 10* STRAWBERRY plants, choice; also Columbia raspberries. Mrs, Emalie Carter, phone Ex- eter 235-0706, 10c 1051 FORD TRACTOR, has operated only 1015 hours; also 2-furrow Dearborn plow, 8 ft, tandem disc, 3-section diamond harrows. All in good order, Will sell only as one unit. Con- tact Ira Geiger, Bensall, after 4:30 p.m., for interview. 10;17e BABY SITTER, reliable lady who would he available to care for two-year-old child on Sat- urday and Sunday during sum- mer months, while mother works. Apply the Times-Advo- cete, Box TQV, 10:17e NOTICE TO FARMERS! Any- one wishing Atrazine applied on corn or 2 /4D on corn or grain call early to have it ap- plied at the proper time. Hu- bert Cooper Spraying Service., RR 1 Exeter, or phone 235- 2807. 5;3-6:28* VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 5-10:24* SHERLOCK • MANNING pianos for the modern home are care- fully built from selected ma- terials to a high standard of piano craftsmanship. Choose from 8 models, 3 finishes, Snel- grove's, 235-0770 Exeter. 4: 19tfne 11 Poultry For Sale STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; 6 week old, 79c; 9 week old, 981; 12 week old, $1.29. All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limited, phone 645.11, Seaforth. 3:22-4:26*tfne PROMPT SHIPMENT on most varieties dual purpose; day- olds and started 3-4 week old, Also Ames. Send for list, Bray Hatchery, Eric Carscad- den, Exeter, phone 235-2734. lOcn BOOKKEEPER, experienced preferred, permanent. position. Apply Centralia Farmers' Sup- ply. FOR LOCAL, dry cleaning plant. Apply 508 Main St., Exeter, or phone 235-2131. .10c BANK TELLER, experienced, for ;summer months, May 15 throitgh to September 15. Ap- ply Mr. D. L. Robertson, Bank of Montreal. Grand Bend. l0:17c • — WAITRESS: also kitchen help: best wages for experienced person. Apply RPther'a ea- ta.urant. 10c: STUDENT for weekends and. atinamer holidays. Apply Satur-• day or Sunday. Cheryl-Ann French Fries. 5: Intim; NOW 1S THE TIME to kill the dandelions in your lawn, They are young and tender. We have new material this year. It is a powder and is very easily applied with a shaker can. You can apply it yourself, very cheap too. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235-1414. 3:10c HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft, diameter up to 150 ft, deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfnc HOME FREEZER FULL? Store your extra food in a locker at Exeter Frozen Foods. Rental by the month or year. Phone 235-0400 Exeter. 19:26:3110c SHARPEN THAT MOWER! — You can damage grass with a dull blade. Let us sharpen and repair your mower now. Fisher's Hardware, phone 235- 2190 Exeter. 26:3:10e WHITE STRAW CMOISS AN IMPROVED WHITE LEGHORN S.peed mowing curing John Deere filower ,llay Conditioner Combinations John Deere No, 8 Caster-Wheel, No. g Three-Point-Hitch, and 10 Side-Mounted Mowers cut 35 or more acres per day. The 21 crimper and 31 crusher Hay Conditioners speed curing up to 50 per cent. With a coin, bination hookup, you'll cut and condition 35 or more acres per day. Stop in soon for full details. HOUSEWIVES Vale free time In earn with Avon. Neighborhood territories now available. Townships open maStephen, Hay. Tuckersmith. WRITE :MRS, 11. MILLSON, 960 Wellington Rd S., London. or call collect GE 2.9019 between 7 and 8 P.m. Inc (0 Dishwasher operator :lune 13 - Sept. 15, approx. (2.) Room Housekeeper June 13 Sept. 15, apprnx. OAKWOOD INN GRAND BEND 10c Please call or write for aanilabiltities and prices. Custom Corn Planting AY, -reit •06. rt— if you want the type of bird that vriii make a STEADY, reliable profit, you need the high- production Leghorn — STONE H - 56. CA or write ROE FARMS LIMITED Atwood, Ont. , Phone 356-2211 Seed and fertilizer supplied Also band treatments with at- ra.zine available, Your choice of DeKalb, Funks, Pfister and Warwick. Good equipment with reliable operators. We are also equipped to harvest your crop. Picker shelter at your dis- posal. 5 Help Wanted MEN OR WOMEN start your own Watkins business. Nothing to invest. Opportunity for pro- mntion. Products nationally ad- vertised. Write (o Jules Gau- thier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. In: 17: 24:31e MUSIC TEACHER, applications for a music teacher for SS No. 11 Stephen will he received by the undersigned. Duties to commence month of Septem- mer 1962 continuing through to June 1963, approximately 36 plaPils. attendance requiring cite-hour lesson_ .per week. Write or phone Ken RR. 2 Dashwood, 34r9. CANN'S MILL LTD. Exeter Phone 235-1782 26:3:10:17c Combine your home-grown grains NATIONAL GET OUR, PRICES! CUSTOM WORK — We are equipped with a No. 70 John Deere Flexi, Planter for all your planting of torn, beans, turnips and beets. Remember the Exeter Farm Service has new and modern eqpipment to do all your work, froM spring to fall such as baling, combin- ing, ' swathing, ploughing, pick- ing and shelling corn. W. Vie, for Knip, RR. 1 Centralia, phone 2354815. 10:17:24:81c Get at the root of your CANADA THISTLE problem with 1.1,11nn in in inn ilt imInn in in 111111(,11,11111111111 Innifnunfnum tint in min II,i,l f Bargains in Used Machines iI (HICK DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE the fresh mix with the meat meal base! Want to start each young egg-factory oft on the right road in life? Then feed 'cm your own home-grown grains fresh- mixed with National Developing Concentrate, It's rich in meat meal protein., so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply! Whether you have your own grains or we supply them) we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill ... using National Concentrates of course. P.S. New from Nationab—National Poultry Growers a complete feed, plain or medicated! • ta i * 1954 OLIVER 68 ROW-CROP TRACTOR * 1951 FERGUSON * JOHN DEERE 60 * JOHN DEERE A * JOHN DEERE AR Wool 6.. Business OpportunilieS Ice Cream Business 2 M4ssey.Fergusan 62 Combines Any Ooverninent Defittetity PAyrnent wilt Aor)Iy only on Protiorly graded WooLs, Sooner the Utinnst by Patr,trlik1042 the teganIzatton that meat this onssible SHIP COLLECT TO otie. RegiSferecl Warehriuit No, I, Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and, twine without charge from EXETER bI TRItT COOP Box 0K, EXefer o' by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St, Clair Ave EaStr t oonta 7r °Molt') Good turnover in ice Cream, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks and COnteetiOnory. WHITE'S ICE CREAM BAR "'" 445 Main St., Exeter 10:17c eleinnein 1011mi-e11n hieellenallheli Huron Tractor ........ 110/i0TOW PLUS snot =of your wetit prokiers.tn foss; killino action it in the toot, That h Why .you get tr c)diitivei kill even with d fser, 1410:0 Oethnnial 3ueh Co'noila Thistle i6y6ur Gferin, ndxanct I6Vot olOs on Sommer' follows, sk sot (CAROM' ninttia Mn fIslito..msawoasim,n4s Miltufferefte bp 4 $1011W., • 0401111,1111, *A PRODUCT or C VAl IAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED eD & EQUIPMENT CO, Dial 2354115 Exeter North 9 Services ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact 13i11 Wat- ton, phone 37r19 Dashwoed. 5:25*tfric SEPTIC TANKS 131.7:krinn — Immediate service, a l w a y a available. Harold Sutler, ran, phone BA 7.4254 or PA 7- 012 e Harold .Kellerman, 'Dadiwood M., E Raft SOrir Sc teis flovota .Lfd, Lu art L„. P, Bouliaritio dAtblION, ANT. , , .