HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-03, Page 30Whether it is a complete new installation,. :at alteration to your present system, or a service •.Yequirement „ WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM! !Dee estimates, Finance plans available with up to five years to pay. Lindenfields Ltd Phone 235.2361 Exeter LOVES CANDY THER GIFTS FOR Moir 's Chocolates 2 1/2 .16. Box NEW LOW PRICE! HAIR DRYER. 11.77 "LADY TORCAN" Suggested. Retail $19.95 OTHER MODELS A. L.,/ A. $7.9 5 FULLY IMMERSIBLE ELECTRIC FRY PAN SUGGESTED RETAIL $16 Heavy gauge aluininuM for fast; even beating, Vented cover for baking, roast- Ina, etc. CoMplete with removable probe control and lid, ECONOMY VALUE Electric Kettle tiOitiOtt Z 41t5 size,aUtorriatid -safety control, 1S60-watt E iitthiersiert element, Solid roping with blaek, firtyluallidp t Ord mist plug includod. Terrific Valtat, • eihrACZ; NOW 1.9 7" T/41E TO A 8ETTER WED CAR! 195.B STUDEBAK14,113, Hawk, radio, overdrive 1.958 STUDEBAKER Station. Wagon, 6-cylinder, VerdriVe. N56 DODGE 2-door, standard transmission 1l1541 PONTIAC, first glass condition We have several older models at low, low prices, Graham Arthur MOTORS DIAL M-1371 Drop In And Test Drive The AMAZING LARK EXETER r 1011•1 •1•10•001. 0.11.10. f•••••11M I SAFETY I STYLED Lawn Master Mowers incorporate features . designed to meet the code of the Lawn Mower Safety Associ- ation of America. 111M01.1•111 11101.1•01. ••••••••• 1 POWERFUL 1962 LAWN-MASTER Rotary Mower! Here's a full-size, full-powered work horse that'll trim your lawn-cutting problems down to size in jig time. Smart styling — and performs as good as it looks, Heavy duty 1-piece blade, cuts up tight to paths and shrubbery; staggered wheels for easier handling; front-side clipping ejector; all-steel , chassis, detachable chrome handles. 21az h.p. 2-cycle rope start Clinton en- gine. See it nowt • ......ommeromemomprimionommompr LAWN. MASTER Impulse, star- ter equipped —Powerful 3 h.p. 4 cycle engine de- signed to take t h e biggest lawn in its stride. Cuts right up ID walk, trees — nn more hand trimming. the Biggest Selection in TOWD - and at Canadian Tire you pay less Choose your Mower Now from el 43.6. MAIN STREET EXETER Rhone .$,6166 MiltoN ktibbi11$ &Sort Ltd, 4-ravroatiracavaarataarliaamiais Lloyd Eagles-on.. Mrs, Everett Heist, Mrs. J, M. Tiernan.' and Mrs. George Link. !Bersenal items Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schmidt of Kitchener spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. Miss Ruthanne Rader and "What I learned from Grand- friend of London spent Sunday mother" was the roll call, Mrs. afternoon with .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz discussed the Ervin Rader and family. risotto, "How Grand mother conked :tor threshers an years ago". Miss 'Norma Weigand played several numbers on the clarinet acompanied by Miss Lynda Tieman at the piano. Mrs. Charles Snell read two poems. Plan swimming .pool for Huron VC ca. Mrs. Merrill James was guest speaker talking on chil- dren and grandparents. Mrs. Arnold .Kuntz conducted a con- test on old and new articles. Mrs. Lucinda Masan received a prize for the oldest grand- Mother and Mrs, Ervin Schade for the youngest. Mrs. Sid. Baker. president, conducted the business, airs. J. M. Tiernan and Mrs. Chas. Snell were appointed delegates to the District Annual at Hen- son, May 10. Two dollars and twenty cents were collected for "Pennies for Friendship". The ne.w conveners brought in their planned programs for the new year. The past president, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, was pre- sented a gift from the Insti- ll:Re. 'Mrs. Wes Engeland thanked the Institute for an enjoyable evening on behalf of the grand- Mothers. Attend rally A number of men from Zion. Lutheran Church attended the Lutheran Laymen League con- vention at Tavistock on Sunday, May..6. Guest speaker was E. W. Schrooter of Buffalo, executive secretary of the New York Dis- trict of the LLL. Named, delegate 'Mrs,--Merrill James, who was appointed Branch. Secretary for Youth with the W'S, has been appointed delegate at -Youth. Convocation at Espes Park, Colorado, August 25-30, WSWS meeting The WSWS meeting of the Evangelical UB church was held May 4 with the Christian social relations group in charge and Mrs. Gordon Bender, con- vener. The theme was, "Mother and Daughter". Daughters were guests. Airs. Clayton Merner as- sisted Mrs. Bender with devo- tions. Mrs. Eben Weigand and airs. Jessie Rader read poems. Miss Lynda Tiernan played a piano solo. Patricia Bender and Janice Tiernan sang a duet. Message from Greenway By MRS. C. WOODBURN Airs. Harvey Eagleson was hostess for the meeting of the United Church Women. Mrs. Bruce -Steeper was in charge of the worship service assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Curls. Mrs. Harold Brophey took the chapter "The Declining of our Standards" from the study book "Signals for the Sixties". The president, Mrs. Joe Hor- ner, opened the business part of the meeting with prayer. Further plans for improve- ments in the Sunday School rooms were discussed. Plans were made for the ladies to cater to the CUT mother and daughter banquet on May 15. The date for the strawberry and ham supper was set for Friday, June 22. An invitation was read from Shipka DOW to attend the bazaar and tea on May 1.1 and also from Brinsley for May 18. Personal items There will be a family day service and baptism service in the United Church on Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Dettloff of Detroit spent the weekend with their aunt. Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. E. McKim of Ingersoll spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne English and Mrs. R. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dellow and family of Ilderton visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Lagerwerf and family, Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and airs. Clare 'Ritchie and son of Sarnia visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Curts, Miss Barbara Glousher enter- ed South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, last week, taking the nurse's aide course. ,panel t Shipka SHIPKA Tice meeting of the I'CW was held at the home of airs. Mat- thew Sweitzer .on. Wednesday evening. airs, Harry Sheppard and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer took the devotional part of the meet- ing. Airs. Al, ta Fletcher And a panel of young people of the LOGS class of James Street Sunday School were guests and discussed the topic "Are par- ents slaves to their children". Mrs. Harry Sheppard favored with an accordion solo. Mrs. .1acoh Ratz thanked Mrs. :talet- eller' and the young people for their presentation of such an interesting program. The president Mrs. Jim Clarke was in charge of the business and plans were made for the spring lea to be held this week in Creditor). Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Frank cote- man, Mr. and Airs. Wes Cole- man, Agnes Ann and George and Miss May ;'picot, all of London, were Sunday evening visitors with Air, and Mrs. Hugh Morena and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold of London visited Saturday with Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mr. and Mrs, Collie of Lon- don were Sunday visitor's with their d aught e r, Mrs. Don Adams, Mr. Adams, Mark and Brock. Airs. Roy Morena returned home Monday from l'ompana Beach, 'Florida, where she has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willough- by and brother, Mr. Carl Wil- loughby, Mrs. Willoughby and Mr, and. Mrs, Chris Baum- garten spent Sunday with Mr. Huron Presbytery United Church plans to build a 25x60 swimming pool al its summer camp north of (Merle!). it was revealed at the spring meeting al Goderich. last week. Members of the ,presbytery inspected the camp groneds along Lake Huron shore after their sessions in Victoria. St. L'C. Elect Seaforth man Rev. C. Britton. Seaforth, was elected chairman of the. Presbytery to succeed Rev. IL S. Mita. Exeter. Rev, R. E. AluLagan of BIM was re-elected, secretary; Joseph Snider of Goderich was re-elected treasurer .and Elgin McKinley of Zurich, Jay .com• missioner, • The Presbytery sub in itted Plans for a $75,000 United Church at Blyth. Over-all cost of the two-storey brick build- ing, including furnishings, is about $90,000. The McKillop United Church congregation will amalgamate with the Seaford) congregation July 3. and be known as the Northside-Cavan charge. Approve calls The presbytery approved the following calls effective July and. Mrs, Charlie Brown at ,Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs, Witmer Harri- son and a loan.ne of Goderich were Sunday' visitors with Mr. and Airs. Ross Love and 'Kath- ryn. 1; Rev. T. Garnet Ilusser, -of Wingham, to T e.r race Bay Community Church; Rev. W. C. Smith, of Ba.yfield, to St. Da- vid's Church, .Queenstown; Rev. R. C. Winlaw, of Hartsell, to. Central United Church, Strat- ford; Rev. Nicholas Gostonyi, of Manitoba. to Dungannon United Church, and Rev. Chin. ton Rrittain, formerly of Sas- kataliewan, to Grand Bend, Canve tiers of committees named by presbytery for the coming year are: Archives, Rev. W. D. Clark, Wingham; broadcasting, Rev. C. W. Lew- is, Auburn; presbytery projects, Robert Soulhcott, Exeter; Chris- tian education, Rev. 3, IL Var- dy, Egmandville; church prop- erty, Rev. D. AL Guest, -Centra- lia; college and students, Rev, W, a. TenHoopen. Goderich; evangelism end social service, Rev. A r t 1c u r Higginbotham, Walton; publications, Rev. J. H. Anderson, Beigrave; recruit- ment, Rev. 11, A. F un g e, Londesboro; rural life, Rev. A. H„Tohnston, :Brueefield; pas= coral relations, Rev. H. C. Wit. son, Exeter; Westminster Cole lege, Mr. Lewis; world mis- sions, Mr. Anderson; Church unity, Rev. C. S. Park, Clin- ton; church worship and ritual, Mr. Tentioopen; records, Rev. I. Vi7. Kaiser, Ashfield; home missions, Rev, Fred Taylor, Carrie; information and stew- ardship, Rev, Alex. Coles, Ford- with; missions a,nd. mainten- ance Mr. Park; obituaries, Rev, E. Taylor, Goderich; pensions, 'Rev. C. A, Dukelow, Goderich; presbytery boundarie s, Mr, Britton. Oronsley By PQRDPN M.PRLEY Joint Uncial. service A joint service was held at ;Brinsley United Church. on Sun- day, May 6 with St,. Mary's. Anglican Church congregation as invited guests. Rev. K. Hick was assisted with the service by the Rev. Jackson of Ailsa Craig. The progress made by the Canadian Bible Soeiety and the need for funds to help with the work was shown .on an interest- ing film by Rev. .1. C. Thomp- son, representative of the for- eign Bible Society, A Mother's Day service will he .observed. at Brinaley United Church on Sunday, May 13, also the rite of infant baptism. A junior choir tinder the direction of Mrs, ,lack Trevithiek is to be in attendance. Brinsley laCW are holding an annual:tea and bazaar at 2.30 on. Friday, May 18. 'age .:8 The Times.AdvacOtet May TO, 1962 ,.Doshwood Institute host rond.mothers Presbytery meets • otter' 'From I y MRS, ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD The annual grandmother's Meeting of the Dashwood WI Was held Tuesday, May 1 with the home economics group us Charge and Mrs. .Eben Weig- and, ,convener. wen Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and .family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family. Mr. and Mrs.' Hello' Rassow and Emma of Zurich and Mr. Ford Miller accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan and Larry to London on Sunday where they visited with airs. Ferd Miller. who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Miss Pearl Kraft received word on Monday of the death of her sister-in-law Mrs, Sam. Kraft at Eaton. Sask, Mrs, Kraft was the former Tillie Wein of this district. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Itutehi- son, Alva and friend of Preston called on relatives and friends here on Sunday, The EUB church will be hav- ing practices Wednesday after- noon for Children's Day rather than Boys' and Girls' Fellow- ship. Miss Erma 'Keller of London visited at her home here. The Walther League of Zion Lutheran church attended the Zone Rally at Seebach's Hill Sunday. Twenty-two ladies and Pas- tor Wm. Gatz of Zion. Lutheran church journeyed by bus in Wartburg Thursday evening to attend the spring rally of the LWalL. rtman Elsie Hartman Elsie, 88. died at UCW plan events Huronview County Home, Clin- ton, Sunday, May 6. His wife, the former Pauline Rinker of Dashwood prede- ceased him a number of years ago. He is survived by a grand- son, Ronald Garvie, of Sarnia; one brother, Sam Elsie of Dashwood. He owned a plumbing service in D ah wood for over 40 years, The late Air. Elsie rested at the T. 'Harry Hoffman funeral home until Wednesday when services were conducted by Rev. Wm. Gatz of Zion Luth- eran Church of which he was a member. interment was made in Exeter cemetery. I.,LL convention Mrs. Carl Oestreicher spoke air. and Mrs. Earl Nephew on "The Christian 'Farnily"„a and family of Woodstock visit- film strip on family life was ed on Sunday with Mr. and shOwn. Mrs. Selbourne English. Mrs. Chas. Snell, president, Airs. Margaret Lawrence, of conducted the business. Used Detroit, visited on Sunday with nylons are to be left at the "air. and Mrs, Walter MacPher- church by Sunday, May 13. Va- son, cation Bible School is planned for the first week in July. A strawberry supper will be held Asked a woman in an art in. June. Mrs. Chas. Snell and 'shop, "You don't consider this - Mrs. Eben Weigand reported horrible thing art do you?" on the c o n v e n t i o n held in "No madam," replied the Bridgeport. dealer, "your're looking in a - , Lunch was served by Mrs, mirror," 4:;W:444.0.4ir4aZaattaaleklaaaaa,„aaaaf. .49 MIXED DELIGHTS • FAST 400-WATT ELEMENT • 8-FL CORD ATTACHED • CONVENIENT HEAT CONTROL SELECTOR • NO RADIO OR TV INTERFER- ENCE Styled for dresser top harmony. Hose and cord are wrapped around case for 1K6iivenient and attractive stor. age, Decorator selected case and color, (Easily adaptable for complete portability.) Deluxe, /1 h.p. 2i h,p. Clinton Engine 4.CYCL LAWN MASTER with IMPULSE START Side trims right up to edge of house, fence, shrubs, flower beds, etc. Blade cuts full 20" path. , 4 cutting heights. Extra heavy-duty 14.-gauge steel deck with front and rear baffles for added strength. Easy rolling 1" wheels have semi-pneumatic tires, staggered to avoid scalping of lawn, Includes mulches for shredding fanco. leaves, Shana Features as above, with 2 h.p, 4.-CYCLE BRIGGS &co 95 STItAXPON ENGINE', only COP RECOIL STARTE