The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-03, Page 27Congregation
honors pastor
The church school teachers
and Bible .leellowship met at
the United Church Wednesday.
Mak 2, for a presentation for
Rev. Currie IVinlaw, who has
accepted a call to become
elimeler of Central United:
Church, Stratford.
Donald Joynt, superintendent
of the Sunday School, present-
ed Ale, Winlaw with a paper
case and purse of money.
Luncheon was served.
Unit wide delegates
LEV unit a of which Mrs.
church Monday evening with.
DeveeKyle is leader .net in the
Mrs. Kyle presiding and with
Mrs. Earle Rowe, UCW pres-
ident, as guest.
Mee , Pear) l'assniore, Mrs.
Clendon Christie, Airs. Percy
Webster and Airs. Wilmer Fer-
guson were appointed delegates
to attend the Presbyterial of
the United Church Women al
Grand Bend, May 31.
Mrs, Percy Webster eon-
dueled the devotional, Mrs.
Doug Coo the Bible study and
Airs, William 'rues the study.
Mrs. Currie .Winlaw and Mrs.
Pearl Passmore rendered a
duet w ith ei re „i„ f' G o ddard
at the piano, .
YPS to hold debate
The Young People's Society
of Carmel Church met al the
manse Monday evening. At the
meeting May 22 the YP of :Ca-
ren Presbyterian Church, Exe-
ter, will be guests.
Highlight of the meeting will
he a debate "Is it alright for
Christians to dance," followed
with a discussion.
Unit to pack bale
Mrs. Orville Jones presided
for the meeting of Mrs. James
McAllister's unit 4 of UCW
Thursday afternoon with 1.6 in
attendance. The devotional and
prayer was given by Airs. A.
Roweliffe, Mrs. J, Flynn and
Mrs. Jones,
Airs. George Armstrong took
the study "Hasten the Day"
And "Signals for the Sixties."
Airs. McAllister took the chair
for the business, It was an-
nounced that the bale will he
packed June 5 and quilting
June 5, 6 and 7,
Vets stage
bingo again
At the meeting of liensall
Legion Branch 408, presided
over by John Skea, president,
it was announced that bingos
sponsored by the group will
resume every Saturday night.
0. McClintock was appointed
secretary-treasurer to replace
Cpl. Ilaig: Pincent who has
been posted to Northern Que-
Sgt. 0. G, Williams was ap-
pointed sports officer to re-
place Cpl. Don Havens whn
has been posted to Portage la
The group will sponsor the
pee wee baseball and voted
$10 to the War Veterans P13
Sumner Camp,
Mrs, E, Oswald
buried at Zurich
teun.eral services for' the late
Mrs, Edna Oswald. of. Zurich
were held from the Westlake
funeral home, Zurich, Thursday,
:May 3 conducted by 13.ev, A.
11. Amacher of the Evangelical
United Brethren Church, Air.
and Air's, •Amacher sang ap-
propriate duelts„ :Interment was
in Bronson Line TUB cemetery,
Pallbearers were Harold Thiel,
Leroy O'Brien, Milton Desch,
Edgar Wuerth, Howard 'Klapp;
flower bearers, Ray and Carl
Finkbeiner, Roy and Don Dalt-
Mrs. Oswald died on. May 1
at. the home of her grandchil-
dren, Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Finkbeiner of Kippen.
The former Edna Wurm she
was horn March 8, 1886, daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Wurm. Her husband.
Daniel Oswald predeceased her
in 1949, and one daughter, Airs.
Thelma McClinchey in 1948.
Surviving ate one brother, Ne-t
son Wurm, Zurich; three grand-
children, Mrs. Finkbiner, Kip-
pen; Airs. Murray Dalton, Sea-
forth; Nelson McClinchey, Ctin-
ton, and nine great-grandchil-
Relatives and friends attend-
ed the funeral. from Sault Ste
Marie, Detroit, Mich., Kitchen-
er, New Dundee and Goderich.
Hensall personals
Miss Ruth Anne Traquair of
St. Thomas, spent the weekend
with her. grandparents, Air. and
Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Alvin W. E. Hemp-
hill were Mr. and. Mrs, Howard
Hemphill and Nancy of Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. A. E, West-
endorp, of Clarkson; and Harry •
Cook of Clarkson, Continued from page 4
served as Christian Fam ily it was published in August 1960.
— 79 ‘veeks on the non-fiction
By coincidence the third vol- Mr. and Mrs, Don Spearman
friends In lb on Settle- war history, "The Grand MU
ance" day, once else published as A
paperback last, k Although musical comedy play "Hemet-, „ „
eess Ahead" Will be presented eull"a'ns pages lt Seems lightweight compared to "The in the ay A town hall-chheer e Monday, Rise And Fall of the Third
eld I
- Reich"
ration nf Airs: It, Mttrdoek, Liri0111 for the Ages
soonsored by Past Noble Grande Did you,ever wonder Why
of Amber Abraham Lodge. Abtlha incoln, is() year's
Air. Ed Plink, RE 2 liellsr 11 , :liter his birth still le load
\\ as
taken by ambulance on upon as the Man who has most
urday to South Huron HOSP1tat , affected the lives, thoughts and
Extder. actions Of modern Americans,
Alt's. Garfield tyoderielt, her in "Lincoln for the Ages" 78
hmthcr , Mrs- A , lid,bOld of -21ira finest writers and distinguished
and lice 1Vrs. Twaln' Ince reveal Lincoln's tree en.
ley of Stratford, visitedv1th dour impact upon the world in
Mrs. Annie Hisenhoffer at Kitell- as collection of writings and
cnee4aterleo Hospital' on Sat,,, pepee e
Utelay where she s bop, a Those papers arc on .$nd h
-patient fer 18 years.
Mrs. Eisen. ml bjte tg 130;vitood,
hotter was ,a former Hensel] relneole es a laWYer, Lincoln
resident., enters Politics,. Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Gelderinfid Press', The Self-education cif
of itidgetown, Mr, and Mrs. Don Lincoln, The Faith of Lincoln,
nedds . h., and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln's Humility and many
Dodds Sr. of Seaforth visited on more,
Sunday with Me, and Mrs. Sint This hook was edited in 'OM
Itnohol. Its lklpit NoWinktn, 'Oeiner Of
Mr, Jack Chipchase of Tor. the Abraham Linetel ll Itool<
bad Visited over the weekend Shop in Chicago.
turned after spending two
months with her daughter and
son-in-law, Lieut. and Mrs. G.
If, Craven and family at Vic-
toria, B.C.
Mr, and Mrs. Laird Joynt,
and their son and his wife Dr.
and Mrs. Larry joy.nt and baby
daughter Susan all of Toronto,
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Alice ,:Joynt.
Rev. Lorne Sparks of Bay-
field, was guest minister at
Carmel Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning in the absence
of Rev. Ross MacDonald.
The TOOF liensall Lodge 223
and Amber 'Rebekah Lodge will
attend Divine service in St,
Pattie Anglican Church Sunday
evening, May 13, at 7:30 p.m,
and will be addressed by Rev.
Bren Dc Vries. The morning
service will be withdrawn.. -
Mrs Elgin Rowcliffe has re- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Chipchase.
Mrs. Gus Val and grand-
daughter Tracey MacArthur of
Detroit visited over the week-
end with Mrs. Voth's mother,
Mrs. Lou Simpson.
Messrs, Tom. and Bill Fisher
of Collingwood visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Airs.
Kenney La Porte,
WMS studies port work
President Mrs. Earl Camp-
bell presided for, the. WMS
meeting of Carmel Presbyte-
rian Church Monday evening,
Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Ar-
chie Hoggarth had charge of
the devotional and topic on.
"Port Work and Immigration."
Mrs, Ross MacDonald sang a.
Plane Were discussed for the
birthday party in June.
Ladies Aid followed with reg.
War business, 'Mies. E. Mc-
Ewen showed lovely pictures
and told of her European trip
last summer.
Your library
may 13 will be ob. seller lists almost from the time
Sunday in the 'Hefted Church. list, much of that time in top The Sacrament of Holy Bap- Iism \No he celebrated at the spot. The publishers,
11:00o'clock Service' of W Book Co., in Canada sill arse
or- having trouble keeping the book ship, in stock, Mr. Harry Horton sang a solo
at the United. Church Service T h e F"Veett World Library
on Sunday morning last, which bought the paperback
An% and lire, Reas macnen. rights, paid the record amount
theprivilege, reportedly M old attended the Huron-ait. for $400,000, It is being sold in the
land Presbytery at Kincardine Tuesd ay even i ngo th i s week, paperback edition for $1,65.
Alr,and Mrs, Harold nod. The hardcover book had
1,244 pages, the paperback has den and family, of Dresden,
1 599 pages of, fairly small spent the weekend with Herb ,
Hedden, print,
and. Jack, or -b resderi, visited time of Sit' Winston Churchill's
Pa9o. 5 May 10., 1967.
MT, Oa, Vr.
and district news
Mrs. Maycle. fieddent Phone 3.
Mrs, Archie MacOre9or, Phone 56
Stewart of Prospect
Mr, Joe Carter of 14011t1011 Town-
Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. Young
of St, 'Marys,. Mr, and Mrs.
Jack ..Goilings of :Granton. Mr.
Wes. Mossey
Robert. ,ind Jim Mossey .spent
Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
Jas. Mos.sey.
Mr, and Mrs. .G 1.• d w
Booper, Veryl and. Jean-
ette' attended the Junior B.
hockey between St. Thoni4s
BP1'0113 and Waterloo Siskins
held at ,G.ttelpb Memorial /Veil!,
on Friday
Beef Pork Sausage 3
Robin Hoot!
Aylmer Fruit
16-0, (iris
4 t'btot, 89'
Sunny Vale Gr'apefr'uit
Lewney'S 16-ot, pely hop
goo, WON yob
Amu' 8R/Ogwile,10
/NTO citiorg.,retw Of wee. flaw,
• s : • •
P111:31 HENSAM
promoted by corporate inter-
ests but surely it is time that
both labor and farmer realise
that they are literally and fig-
uratively closely related,
Carl Hemingway
1956 FORD, new motor
1956 NASH Metropolitan
Alyie W. E. Hemphill,
74, the Teenier Etta Davis Of
London, formerly of
died Saturday, May 5 at Avert
Crest Hospital, Stratford.
ND'. Hemphill, a former deo-
gist here fer many years, pro.,
deceased her some years ago.
Surviving are one son, !Pow-
anti, Stratford, one_ daughter
(Marti') Airs, K, A. Westendorp
Of Clarkson, and six grand-
Public funeral services were
held !torn the BofithrOn Funeral
Chapel, Hensall, Monday, May
7. at 11,36 p,m, conducted by
11,ev, Currie WinlaW. termenL
Was in 'Hensel( Union eenieterY.
Pallbearers Were 1Vni. C.
Smith, Laird Miekle, Walter
Sponger, George, liess, B. Ir.
AliddletOii and Elgin Rowelifte,
PeeSenal ifetitt
The businessmen a the tewn
and Other centreS ]cave donated
some tine pi*.es tOwarOs the
Penny Sate , sponsored by the-
Logion Au x iliary. They are on
display in the PUG office,
John .P.Pwson .Hei p ready • I
di PS in Seaforth youth camp .01ansh.arct
Happenings. In
is:IPPEN ,
John Elston Dowson died „"Py„Jeto,kjils. M r u' t
pRillt4elt,liYs'eaat i.067:tabt.t ols-nlenllrrildaaly.1Wast: PHoYudge' .ternoort after a brief i llness , ti e tannedmbieiresv. orilocs;sarmAeliacDcolittuarlcdh,
suffered a heart attack the
Friday previous and. later two 7t1;le'S‘'yo:ts,kle :vnitt weekend at
strokes in the hospital. 14ii1tail near
He was born in Stanley Town- Ooderich, where they were act-
ship and was in his 83rd year. lvely e n,g a g d in cleaning,
lie farmed all his life and was painting And. preparing the
a member of the united Sonic ep f8o0r: the0111slgum pm4rple ijo months.,lr
iic leaves to mourn him his Huron Presbytery participated
wife, the former Clara Work- in the project.
man, one daughter, Ales, El- Mrs, Earl Campbell,
din. Kerr tAlildred) of near president of Carmel Church,
Seaforth, three sisters, Mes, leaders of youth groups and
Wm., (Laura) Stogdill of Tor- Mrs. Boss MacDonald, vice.
onto, Mrs, A. Keyes (Flossie) president of the Presbyterial,
of Seaforth and Miss Elta Dow' attended the Presbyterial
son of Clinton; one brother, cutive at Clinton on Tuesday,
Lloyd. of Seaforth, Rev, D. A. May 8.
MacMillan of :ilderion and Rev. war Brownies given ads Harold ;Johnston Kippen • • • - • • Many mothers were on hand United Church conducted. the funeral servi ce 'Monday at 2 Tcit)t le,csdh aytoaftseerenootlit elr at the United
}Pionitiii,e,filTenoi sal,t31,onthron Funeral •
awarded for work Neel! done.
Bearers were three nephews Brown Owl Airs, E. T. Rowe
the Keyes brothers of Varna, ti;iNeirs.iniolothbeerrst oandok
two nephews Emmerson and.
John Anderson of Kipper) and explained
of ,,
the different steps in
Saeaneliin..1411,err'mlecinint }Cwears17 1)11\'°'ew'llv IeBip'nr‘o411:eesss'enrolled were
Beyfield Cemetery, Iris Alexander, Sandra Munn To the editor
a n(Cli ollidoge baj no'shnSlit,°e1.11 presented —Continued front page 4 K 17plialeen:1(ig.papsetn
VIdasi. WI meeting to Katharine NI c E wen and
will be held in Kippers United We.ncly Webster; golden hands
Church on Wednesday, May 16 and Brownie wings to Betty
at 8:30 p.m, with the Kippen Cameron, Carolyn Cook, Linda
group as hostess. Keys, Sharor Laverty, Cheryl
Airs. Thomas Hough of Strat. Mousseau and Patricia Parke.
ford is to be the guest speaker Proficiency b adge$ were
and Miss Sharon AleBride to earned for houseorderly, Betty
give her talk 'The Nationalis- Cameron skaters, Ann Bell. Su-
tic epmr.oeng san Broadley. Carolyn Cook Ocher
numbers will and Jane Smith; minstrel, Dor-
be given by the visiting Insti- °thy Kipfer, Katharine Mc-
lutes which wilt be Staffs WI, Ewen, Patricia Parke; cyclist,
Hurondale WI, Elimville WI Ann Bell, Carolyn Cook; toy-
and Seaforth WI. makers, Beth Cook, Carolyn The .Kippen Institute mem- Cook,
bees are reminded of the 'WI
bake sale on Saturday May 19. Demonstrates painting
at 3 p.m. in liensall Legion At the meeting of Hensel!
Hall and the birthday party at Kinettes Tuesday evening .Mrs.
Ifuronview Home on June 13, Douglas Cook gave a demonstra-
At Achievement Day in Sea' lion on art and painting and did
forth on Saturday, Nay 5 the a sketch and painting on the
Thrifty Kippenettes was well spot. She had a display of her
represented with 18 girls take own work in painting.
Mg part in the fashion parade Plans were finalized for the
of "Separates for Summer." spring rummage sale on Satur-
Two girls namely, Julia Chap- day, May 26. Mrs. William Fuss
pelt and 'Ruth Ann. McNichol won the raffle. President Airs.
received county 11 o n o r s for William Clement chaired the
completing six projects. Sharon meeting for which Mrs. John
McBride received provincial Heal was hostess at her home.
honors for completing 12 pro-
Deanna Forrest and Jean Mc- atives in St. Thomas.
Naughton were the commenta- Mr. and Mrs. D. Peterson and
tors for the demonstration on family of Clinton have moved
measurements and pattern ale into Air. Lobb's house.
terations and received good Saturday evening visitors
comments from the judge for with Mr. and Airs, Harold
their work. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Per-
The Thrifty Eippenettes "Sep- cy Willert of Zurich and Sun-
arates for Summer" will lie day evening Air. and Mrs.
on display at the district an- James Love and. Elaine of
nual in Hensel] United Church Hillsgreen.
on Thursday, May 10. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ship-
Observe anniversary man. Gail and. Garry and Airs.
Al. Finkbeiner of Exeter were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lostell, recentvisitors of the Jones
RR 3 Kippen, celebrated their
Seed Grain
Kitchener rites
for local groom
White ehryeenthem erns Adec•
°rated St, Mai'ys Roman Cath-
olic Church, Kitchener, Satur-
day, May 5 for a lovely wed-
ding when •Cecelia Eileen Ha r-
nack and. Ronald James Brode-
rick exchanged marriage vows
before Rev, Claude Straus in a
double ring ceremony,
The bride is the daughter 0.(
AIr, and ',Ws. Stanley Harnack
of ilespeler, and the groom's
parents are Alr. and Airs. Gar-
field Broderick of Hensel).
A formal .gown of silk organza
over taffeta and net was worn
by the bride, it was fashioned
on princess lines with a fitted
bodice adorned with side lace
insertions extending along the
low hipline at back, a scoop
neckline, and. cap sleeves, A
pearl crown held her fingertip
veil and she carried 'a prayer
book crested with a mauve
Miss Gladys Sowa of Kitchen-
er was maid of honor wearing a
two-piece ensemble of sea green
organza. fire short sleeved
jacket covered a shirred bodice
and the skirt had unpressed
darts at the waistline. She car-
ried a cascade of yellow sweet-
heart roses and white feathered
ea relations.
Murray Harnack of RR 2 Hes-
peter attended the groom.
A reception for 40 guests was
held at the Walper Hotel, Kitch-
ener, For receiving guests the
bride's mother chose a gown
of green nylon with accessories
Lt white. The groom's mother
wore a gown of flowered nylon
over taffeta with white acces-
sories. Both wore corsages of.
yellow baby sweetheart roses.
For a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario the bride wore a
black .and white checked linen.
suit with accessories in white
and rose corsage,
They will reside in Kitchener,
Attending the wedding from
Hensel] were Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
field Broderick and Karen;
from Zurich, Mrs. A. Liebold,
grandmother' of the groom.
B ride feted
Prior to her marriage the
bride. was feted at several func-
tions in her honor. The girls
on the staff of the Bank of
Montreal, Kitchener, were host-
esses for a linen shower•
S. Sowa, Kitchener, and rela-
tives met at the home of Air.
and Mrs. :Harnack, ellespele•r,
for miscellaneous showers. A
reception for the bridal couple
was held at the Harnack resi-
dence Saturday evening when
the young couple were pre-
sented with. a purse of money
and gifts.
Grandson baptized
Brian Robert, infant son of
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald. Gaiser of
London received the rites of
baptism in a baptismal service
at the home of his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver
Jaques on Sunday, May 6 per-
formed by Rev. A, M. Schlenk-
er of Crediton.
Attencing the ceremony were
Air. and Airs, William Ferguson
and 'Mr, and Mrs. Wes Jaques
of Exeter great-grandparents;
(Mrs. John Morlock, Crediton,
no in September, another great-
grandmother, was unable to be
present); Air, and Mrs, Aub-
rey Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Geiser and Brian, London; Air.
and Mrs, Clayton. Vanaistine,
Exeter; Miss Frances Jackson,
Crediton; Miss Marie jarrott,
London; Harold Jaques, Kip-
pen; Rev. and Mrs, Schlenker
of Crediton. A smorgasbord.
lunch was served,
Rebekahs plan special events
NO Mrs. A. Orr of Amber
:Rebekah Lodge presided' at the
meeting on Wednesday evening
when arrangements were made
to hold a Past. Grand's night on
June 6,
They arranged also to attend.
the 50th anniversary of. Edel-
weiss Rebekah Lodge, Sea-
forth on Thursday, May 10 at
6:30 pm.
A special meeting for Good
a.nd Welfare is planned for the
meeting on May 16 when every
member of the Lodge is urged
to attend,
25th wedding anniver'ary with familA,- Irving a turkey dinner held at their • ns' ming Robinson was ad- mitted Monday to Clinton :Hos- home on Wednesday. having suffered an a t- ette table was centered with PitAt
a two-tiered wedding cake, tack of appendicitis.
white candles and silver hold-
'they were married at Hen-
sat! on May 1, 1937, by Rev, W.
'Young, AIr. Lostell was the
son at. Mrs, Joseph Lostell and
the late Joseph Lostell Sr., of
Frobisher, Sask. Mrs. Lostell
was the former Margaret O'-
Brien, daughter of air, and
Mr. Charles O'Brien, Exeter.
They are blessed with tour
of a family, Phyllis, on the
staff of Toronto Dominion Bane,
Seaforth, Donelda, on the staff
at Sills Hardware, Seaforth,
Susie Mae and Lloyd at home.
Those attending the dinner
besides their :family were Air.
and Mrs. Charles - O'Brien,
Exeter, Air. and Mr. Frank
Lostell, Jilt 3 .Exeter, Air. and
Airs: Wilmer Dalrymple, Air,
and Airs, Ben Tinney, both •of
itensall, They were recipients
of many lovely silver gifts,
Personal items
Rev, D. A. MacMillan of
derLon and Rev. B. Cook of
Lucian called on friends in Kip-
pen last Wednesday.
Mrs, Joe Lostell is slowly im-
proving in health,
Mr, and Air's. Harold Jones
and, boys accompanied by Mr.
and. Mrs. Herb Jones of Hen-
sel!, visited recently with rel-
Full Line of CIL Fertilizer
Mrs. A. Hemphill
former resident Rt Bologna
Fresh Side Pork
Rolled Pot Roast
A. Hess Jewellery Store Zurich
Saturday,. May 12
100 x (3:00 p.m.
See and Try the Latest in Hearing Aids
Ballo-ries, Cords and Repairs for ail makes.
If the detail work connected with
your investments, stocks, bonds or
other assets is taking up your valuable
time, avail yourself of the sound advice
and practical help of specialists in these
As more than one of our clients has
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prawn, with this contenvetity. Your
business in our hands is made secure
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Head Ofticeo Sornio Orrice': Forest, Petrolio
Agents — Wallocebyrg, Dresden, Strolhroy
39 ,
3 c”b
18-ez, fin
. [;Ad
29' liENSALL
me, and Mrs. Jack Piekell
and boys of St. Marys spent
Saturday .evening with Mr. and
Airs. Kenneth Parkinson,
Alr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones
and family, Mrs. Lottie Jones
were at .1ondesboro On Sunday
afternoon to see the late Mr.
Bob Townsend of Londesboro.
Mr. and. Mrs- Leonard Thac-
ker and family,. Mr. and Mrs,
Percy ljodgins and family, Mr.
and Mrs, Orville Langford and
John spent Sunday with. Air, and
Airs. Fred Pattison of St. Marys
it being Mrs. Pattison's birth-
Miss. Anne Thomson spent the
weekend with Mr. and Airs.
bastes Lambert of London,
Mrs, Jas. MosseY is spend-
ing a couple of months with Mr.
And Mrs, Cecil .Alessey.
Visitors during the past week
with Mn, and Airs. Cecil Mo-
sey and Airs. Jae, Mossey werei
Mrs, Clarence Martin and Mr.
Jack :Marlin, of St. Marys.