The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-03, Page 18Page 18 May 3, 1942
and, district news
CQrresponclent: Miss Lino Abbott
SNOW WHITE OPERETTA ACCLAIMED----.A large audience acclaimed the pre-
sentation of the operetta "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by the Lucan School
of Music under the direction of Phillip Squires. Cast. included Doris Culbert (Snow
White); Paul Stony, pianist '.)avid Hill. the .servant, and Anne Culbert, the wicked
queen. —Wayne Culbert
cr w lau s
hiter operetta 1 no
Perfect for the family and
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meammeommiesemeimosemes soinem.
A capacity crowd filled the
memorial centre Thursday night
for probably the greatest and
most colorful production es er
staged. in Lucan when Phillip
Squires of the Lucan School of
Music presented the operetta,
"Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs". with two-piano ac-
The star roles of the wicked
queen and Snow White w ere
Rains holds off
for 'Bunny Tea'
The weatherman ceeperated,
by withholding the predicted
showers. until after the Bunny
Tea, Saturday,
Receiving at the door were
chief explorer, Barbara
Cooper, Mrs:: 'Erwin Scott, pre-
Sident of Holy Trinity- We non's
Auxiliary, and Mrs. Wilmer
Scott, president of the Clande-
At a lace ens erect table,
centred with a floral arrange-
ment of snapdragons. iris and
daffodils Mrs. G. W. Sach
poured lea.
Mrs. C. H. George. president
of the Lucan CCW, was tea-
t-able supervisor. Serving from
2:30-3:20 p.m. v ere Jane Cro-
zier, Joyce Butler. Helen Lew-
is, Nancy Weller and Joan
Lewi s, Serving f rom 3:30.4 :30
Linda Coursey, Patsy Bradley,
'de Cochrane, Janis Free-
• and Leslie Carlini;
.ichen convenors were
0aunsellor Joyce Coursey and
honorary counsellor Iva Hon--
gins. Mies Rela Chown made
the tea.
Selling candy were Mardyn
Hearn, Helen Simpson, Nancy
Z'ark and Marianne Gabel,
Carol Haskett. who was in
charge of admi'ision was as-
sisted by Jane Corbett in pre•
stinting each guest with a wool
lamb or chicken favor.
The room was decorated
with bunnies, chickens and
:Easter eggs, Each tea table
was centred with a nest ni
colored eggs. The children had
made .place mats for each
table of cardboard and colored
bunnies. An added attraction.
especially to the children, wag
a large deeerat red hoe con-
taining one of Nancy Hardy's'
real live bunnies.
Margaret Sach was in
charge of the Explorer pro.
gram which included vocal
duet, 'Nancy Weller and Lori
Crudge: tan dance, Betty Park
and., LOH Crudee; poems, Pat-
eY Bradley and Leslie Cariine ;
vocal trios. Nano' Park, Mari-lyn Hearn tort jam, Cvoteer'
piano duet. Nailer Park and
Marilyn Heern and ince] duo.
:Maureen Smith and Cathie Ar-
Rec news
flu Wednesday el-rtina nun'
Pre Tr,(1) Town held their
Beatnik dance. We had a i ere,
gond turnout.
This Saturday morning at lit
A.m. at the arena registration
for arts and crafts course udtl
take place. Thie will take in
the age grout) 81 chars. Titre
will be held every Saturday
Morning from 10 to VI. Charee
for this will he 1:1" h
cast of materials lt,rd
taken by leo sisters, Anne and
Doris Culbert, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert.
Mr. Squires, mil() v u M
from Glencoe has put on a
number of operettas in Glencoe
but this is his first with his
Lucan pupils, but We hope it
will not be his last.
He broughi with him six dane•
ers. who assisted in one of the
scenes; also Karen Gould and
Larry Ross, pianists. Carlyle
Cross, guitarist and Robert. Mc-
Donald aiyi Larry Cross ac-
cordionist, who entertained he.
tween scenes, The elaborate
scenery was all designed by
Mr. Squires and constructed to
fold up quickly.
The one -fly in the ointment"
is as one mike which refused
to function and it is doubtful if
;hose in the rear of the audito-
rium were able to hear the
The costumes were most
beautiful and et:tire:till' and ad-
ded much to the production.
Ail the pianists performed
splendidly rte the two pianos
and were a credit to their tea-
chers, the double trio of six.
kept splendid time together.
In one scene Susan Crozier,
who was the little bear, was
so engrossed watching the
wicked queen dancing to her
.death. that she did riot notice
the curt am drop. Her sudden
exit, when she found herself
atone. on the stage brought a
big hand of applause, never
did a bear dart feeler.
.liter the "finale'', Mrs. Stu-
art :McDonald of Glencoe pre-
sented iolloiiine diplomas
to the Lucan pupils;
Piano — Oriole 1, Jane Cor-
bett: grade 2, Willi Haruki
grade 1, Elizabeth .11i11; erado
5, Wayne liodgins; grade 6.
f latly Scott, Helen Sigeworth;
evade 8, Norma Stewart and.
Paul Steacy.
Theory.- — Grade 1, Judy
&oil, Helen sigseorth: grade
2. Norma Stewart. :Paul Stea•
Mrs Brue Stalker of GI an-
ion, on behalf of the parrots
Brigade called
to more blazes
r),,Ime ram. the 'lateen fur
department has again been
Kent busy:.
Tuesday, a ,e'rass lime aot nut
of control al the ,home of Mrs.
Eva Henson on Water St.,
Thursday a call was received
from High Park for, assistance
in a barn fire but beCaUSO of
poor direr" ions the voluetrers
Noted on near Moine(' and
helped lint our the auto herly
shop Ore there. ilernom another
local call as; received ex•
lineuish a fire hark of the Nte
way :Motors.
Medway euelire-
Te.enty inendieN of the
Medway Euchre ChM Inc; at
the hemp of Mr, and Mrs. Au'.
tinIfohbe, last Mmidav eve,
nnte. Inv a turkey dinar'
Thr winners of the taller
w, ere: high seorb, Mrs..
Summers and Mrs Wm, Stew-
art; lone hands, Mrs. Carman
Iledgins anti Mn'. ()Ulm Daley
and low 5ror0. Mr. a ml Mrs.
Earl MirirlIcton.
Sruthcr u rine kll, ilt1Ifi it
tele home of Mr. Ches)er Mt'
.'rah on ;Monday. April 30.
and pupils thanked Mr. Squires
for his untiring effort and pa-
tience, in staging Snow White,
and one of the ch.k arfs, Jane
Corbett, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Corbett, presented
him with a gift,
Helen Sigsworth received the
prize :for selling the most tick-
Mr, Squires thanked all who
helped him in any way, espe-
cially the 39 members of the
cast, the Boy Scouts, Wayne
Hodgins, Robert Mosurinjohn
and Terry Thomson, who had
charge of lights and curtain,
and the ladies who assisted in
dressing and makeup.
All proceeds from the oper-
etta will go to crippled chi].
Mrs, Lon Lobsinger and
daughter Marie of Sarnia spent
a few clays last week with
Lucan relatives,
Mr, and. Mrs, Don Downs
and Dianne are home after
spending a few days with Mr.
and: Mrs, Fred Ford of De-
Mrs. Burns Smith of Alice
St., who spent most of the . win-
ter with her son, is back home
Before sailing for Europe
Mr. Spencer Armitage Stanley
spent a few days with his
niece. Mrs. Russell Goddard
and family of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Crozier
and tarn ily have returned from
a few clays' vacation with Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Waterman of
Pcterboro and Mrs. A. I. Cro-
zier of Kingston,.
Mrs. W. J, McKenzie of Ma n•
houlin lsland who has been
holidaying with her sister,
Mr:;. R. K. Montgomery, left
with the Montgomery family to
visit another sister, Mrs. W,
C. Shepherd, in Toronto,
Miss Sharon Simpson of Lon•
don spent a few clays last
week with her grandmother,
Mrs. Ernest Iles.
Allan Dickson,, son of Mr,
and Mrs,. Keith Dickson, had
his friend Robert Smith of
London le spend part of the
Easter va entice) with him.
Paul and John Conlin, son
ni Mr, and ,Mrs, Ed, Conlin of
'RrIchener, were Seturday
guests of Mr. acct Mrs. Calvin.
Ileskeff and fancily.
On Fridny. ,toe Hodgins at-
tended a meeting in the Crn-
riri Memorial Observatory,
London, whore lime vest snealt•
ems a err Dr. Williams Wehlati,
who snake on 'The Motions of
the Planets" and Mrs. G.
Salthin s, who spoke On
Paul Grahani. who .spent
part of his Easter vacation,
with his sisters in Toronto,
has returned home.
Mrs. Louis Kilmer was a
Friday guest of Mra. Ella May
Whetstone of Thamesford.
Mr, and Mrs.. Perry Chars-
'ley have returned home from a
Jive week visit i.n Donyea ar yl
Sudbury. 1. • Ottawa they Wel•
corned a new granddaughter,
Kerri • Ann Goddard, daughter
of Mt, and Mrs. It, L. God•
dard, and arrived in Sudbury
in time to welemtie anOthr
"randri ugh Ler. Eliza beth A nit.
char0-v, daughter of 'qr. cod
Mrs, R. P. Cherslev -.Beth'
girls iv right rl exactly the
00 years
A Masonic .centennial serv• held in Lucan L'C at
3 o in. out Sunday, to which the
public were invited. Speaking
on "A Memorable Mile-Stone",
it or Bro Alex Campbell, War
Master of Si. James Lodge 78
of St. Marys. was the guest
speaker. The pastor', Ure Rev.
G. W. Sach was in charge of
_eau to wnrshin.
Rt War Bro D .u.'n e a n
Guest, past grand _chaplain of
Centralia, led in the Apostles'
Creed; Rev. Bro Frank Tom-
linson, District .Chaplain, the
responsive psalm. Bro Don
Pettigrew was in charge of
male quartette assisted by
Bra Robert Hamilton and
Messrs. Stuart McLellan and
Ernest Ross.
Masonic dinner
Friday eight, nearly 200
members of the Masonic Lodge
celebrated its centennial with
a dinner at the Memorial
Community Centre, in connec-
tion with the 100th anniversary
of Irving Lodge 154, Lucan,
Guests were present from
Detroit, Windsor, 'Kitchener,
London, Tweed and Conn.
Wor Bre Clifford Culbert,
chairman of the centennial
program commttee, was toast-
Speaking on Masonry. Dep-
uty Grand Master RC Wor Bra
John A. Irvine, of Lambeth,
was the guest speaker.
Lucan I,'CW catered for the
Granton WI
helps family
At Granton WI meeting held
et the home of Mrs. Clifford
Robert, the roll call was ans-
wered by giving an early' re-
collection of the WI,
Mrs. George Wilson gave a
paper on "Foods that the Can-
adian settlers introduced to
Mrs. B, M. Hanson presented
the auditor's report and an
Easter reading.
A donation was voted and
articles sent to a family who
lost their home by fire.
Mrs, George Wilson and Mrs.
Alex Irvine were assistant
Guild plans repairs
At the meeting of the Ladies
Guild of Holy Trinity Church,
held in the parish hall last
Monday evning various im-
provements to the church
were discussed.
It was decided to purchase a
large door mat for the parish
hall and some additions to the
church kitchen, Most of the
ti me was gi ven over as t o
what best to do about the
church carpet. A motion will
he presented to the board to
remove the cam-pet in the chan-
cel and to either refnish the,
present floor or instal a new
hardwood floor.
Plans were made to eater
for a wedding. President Mrs,
Joe O'Neil was in the chair
Off for a good start
Howard Rosecroft, owned by
Messrs. Sheridan Revington
and Bud. Gilmour, is off to a
good .1962 start, at the Ham-
burg Raceway, New York,
having won two seconds and a
Mrs. 0. F. Banting of Rich-
mond, Mich., visited iv i
Lucan relatives. Friday,
Jean Atkinson. small daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald At-
kinson of London spent a few
days last week with her grand-
mother, Mrs, Wes Atkinson,
returning home with her par-
ents on Sunday.
Billy Park of Petrotla, who
spent part of his Easter vaca-
tion with Ward and Wayne
Hodgins returned home with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Stewart Park on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Russell God-
dard and family spent a few
days last week in Uttemson, the
guests of Mr. and MrS, Dalton
Kirk Montgomery, Bill Dar-
ling of Lucan and Don Pepper
now of Sarnia (•formerly of
Lucan) are spending their
Easter vacation in the Mont-
gomery cottage on the Mani-
toulin Island and report good
fishing and hunting.
Rev, and Mrs. Harold Dick-
ins of Rochester, were Tuesday
guests of Mrs. Bob Coleman,
who accompanied them to St.
Thomas, where they were all
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Knapp for a few days.
Mrs, Perry Charsley who
was away at, the time of the
election of WI officers, on 'her'
return. Consented tb act AS
treasurer 10 succeed Mrs. IL
B, Langford,
Mr. Gary -Elton spent the
ri aster we ek end with his
mother, Mrs, K. Elsoe and Mr,
and Mrs, Wm, Eton and fant-
ily of Thamestord Were Sun ,
day guests, ,
and Mrs. Cliff Abbott
called on Mr, amid Mrs, Charles
Tindall of Grand Bend on Sun-
day and picked up their grand-
d,,tighter Muriel Abbott, who
had been visiting in 'Marton,
Mrs, Ira Carling And Miss
Muriel Carling were weekend
guests of Mr., And Mrs, Elmer
Walpole of
Avis home glee spending her
Easter vacation but Lucate
Mrs. Ron Crozier on Sun•
da.s., held- a billidaY.. cerebra-
floe .fors her 21-year ,old nephew
Brian Vance of Byron. Other
guests *hided Miss Pam Ho-
ganof Kingaville, Mrs. Mary
E. 'Vance and Miss fROSeinary
Vallee. of Byron And . MrS, R,
Cameron' Varice of AgineOurt,
Mist Julia Crosier of Mae*
donald . Institute, 'Guelph, was
home for the OreasiOn.
A number of farmers in the
.7,trene district report seeding
is completed.
United. church
At the 11 o'elock service ott
Sunday a ceremony of dedica-
lion to missions was held, with
the representatives .from the
V a rious ,organizations making
t h e i r missionary donations;
'Wayne Hodgins for YPLit Pa-
trivia Coldeigh for CGIT: Carol
ilaskett for Explorers, Jane
Loekyer (assisted by her
mother, Mrs. J. W. Locky'erl
for The Messengers,
Mrs, Iran Stanley. re,presen.
(alive of the Missionary and
Maintenance Committee re-
ceived the contributions and
Mr, Cliff .Culbert, chairman of
the Christian Education Corn•
mince, dedicated them.
Couples' club
The meeting of the Couples'
Club took the form_ of a pot-
luck supper in the church
schoolroom last Wednesday',
with 23 present,
Air. and Mrs. Dave Park
were in charge of the worship
service. The president, Mr,
Alden Walker, presided,
The guest speaker was Mr.
Jim Simpson of London (son of
Mrs, Ernie Ross) who spoke on
-Painting — and Do4t-your-
Mrs. :Harold Butler and Mrs.
Stuart McLellan were named,
to make the neessary arrange-
meets for an :evening of bowl-
ine and :Mrs. Ernie Ross and
Mrs, George Carpenter, to ar-
range for the painting of the
Sunday evening, 13 members
of the WTI met at the home
of Eleanor Walker.
The devotion was taken by'
Coralyn Donaldson. The lunch
committee was Judy Scott,
Barbara .Ready, Barbara Park
and Eleanor Walker and the
eye opener was Randy Paul,
During the business session,
plans were made for a barbe-
cue and dance at Fanehawe
next Saturday evening, mem-
bers to meet at the church at
1:30 p,m,
The date was set as June 23
for a trip to Greenfield Vil-
lage. A report was made of
the Easter sunrise service at
Parkhill at which 13 Luca n-
Clandeboye YPIJ attended.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
In the absence of president
Paul Graham, Mrs. Howard
Currie was in charge of the
Friday Young People's meet-
ing. Following a chalk quiz on
young people of the Bible,
Mrs, Currie gave a talk on.
"Choices We Have to Make",
Rev. E. A. Gagnon and Miss
Lorrane Graham sang a duct,
Prayer meeting
Last Thursday afternoon the
Pentecostal church members
from Exeter, held their prayer
meeting at the home of Mr.
Harold Butler Sr., here with
the Lucan members as guests
and assisting in the service.
Speaking on "Grace", Mrs. .1.
A, Graham of Lucan was the
speaker and Mrs. Ed Butler
sang a solo.
Anglican Church
Mr, Al, 0, Smith provided
flowers for the altar, in mem-
ory of Mrs, Smith, a faithful
altar guild member.
The flowers in the chancel
were in loving memory of the
late Mrs. Oscar Hodgins.
Mrs, Clarence Hardy, pre-
sided at the organ. The new
organist, to succeed Mr. Ken
Clarke, will be on duty next
Mrs, 0. Hodgins
lifelong resident
All's. Oscar Hodgins, 63, the
former Mary Jane Lucinda
Reith (Lula ) of the Courser'
Road, died Wednesday, April
24, at the home of her daugh-
ter and son-in-law Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Grose.
A large number of relatives,
friends and neighbors attended
the funeral service at 2 p.m.
:Friday, at the Murdy Funeral
Home, Lucian, Rev. E. 0. Lan-
caster of the Anglican Church,
officiated, Internment was in
St, Iames Cemetery, Clande-
Pall bearer's included Messrs,
Harvey Ii, Hodgins. Dave Park.
Allan Ryan. Joe O'Neil, Clar-
ence Stanley and Bernie Hod-
She is survived by four sons
and two daughters, Hamilton
Austin, Lawrence Gwendolyn
(Mrs, Charles Grose) oh Bid.
dulph Township, Vincent and
Genevieve (Mrs, Lyle Worroll)
of London Township, also three
sisters, Mrs. Flora Thompson
of Guelph, Mrs, Nellie Watson
of Strathroy and Mrs. Ger-
trude Barnes of Toronto,
Daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs, Ezra Reith, Mrs, Hod-
gins was born on concession 16
London township, From there
the family moved to Strathroy,
At, the age of five she moved
to Ltteen, where she attended
public and high schools, After
hor marriage she lived on the
farm now occupied by her son
Austin and family on the Cour ,
sty ilbad.
Tier husband died March 30,
1956, after which she kept
house for her son Lawrence
antic his m ar riage when she .
gave up her home and did
practical nursing, foe the past
five years, Between Christmas
and New Years, she took a
stroke and Was hOSpilaliXed
until coming to live with her
daughter. Xtts, Grose and fam-
Site was a Oti itOPT 61 Holy
Trinity Church, Local.
Persona( itenit
Mrt, Percy Wisbey (teethe
of Ares. Ted Bridge:) nteved
it) aft apartMent in Londori oil
Mrs. Ir. r. Stanley of Ltican,
'hey, And Mrs, G. A. Moore or
P1, Dover and Mrs, j. W.
Moore isf LontiOrt have ee-
homed honte from .A week's
1 aieditni lit New Yor,
Sisters alternate
in hospital led
Linda and. Susan Bridger, 15
and 16 year old daughters of
Mr. And Mrs. Ted Rridger
seem to take turns as .patients
of St. Joseph's Hospital.
After nearly a year in a
cast, following a injurY.
Linda is now back in school.
hut Susan underwent another
beg operation last Friday, Su.
son was badly injured July 30,
103 when hit by car while
playing on the sidewalk.
After many months in the
hospital her east was rern0Yed.
TWO weeks later she fell and
brOke her leg again and .again
was hospitalized, The leg is still
a little short and now the doc-
tors plan to break the knee
again 'this summer in spite of
the fact she now walks with
seercely, a noticeable limp and
is able to attend school reg.
Shower fetes bride
Prior to the wedding of Miss
Dorothy Jean Lynn, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Lynn of
.Clandeboye, to Donald Lankin,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack
LAnkin of Lucan at Grand
Bend, May 9, by the Rev. Ed-
gar Roulston, Airs, Wes, Rev-
ington, Miss Rose Revington of
Lucan and Mrs. Harry Me-
Naughton of London were joint
hostesses at a miscellaneous
shower last Monday night at
the home of Mrs. Revington, in
honor of the bride-elect,
miss Marie Lobsinger as-
sisted in the opening of the
gifts and Mrs. Ralph Lynn
read the cards,
The 25 guests present were
all relatives of the bride-elect
and groom-elect,
One amusing feature of the
evening was the dressing up of
the 'bride in a miscellaneous
array of articles, provided by
Mrs. Harvey Revington of
A number of the young peo-
ple present assisted in the ser-
ving of refreshments.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Dun-
das of Windsor and Air, Ed-
ward Dundas of Detroit, were
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Hamilton,
'Pine WI executive, met at
flue home of the new president,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington last.
Monday afternoon, to arrange
the 1962-63 program.
Personal items.
Mr. Jim Donaldson returned
.home from. Si, Joseph's Hoe, pital on Monday, H underNvenl,
an,oPeration last week,
Mt. and Mrs, Andy Carter
had As guests on Sunday Mr.
and Mrs, Clarence Lewis and
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Sar-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MgEwen
entertained their granddaugh-
ter and her husband, My. and
Mrs. Lemstlett And the
great granddaughter, Mary
Jeanette Lemsden, on Sunday,
Rev, Stanley and Mrs. Tomes
of St. Peter's Clwyd), Big Trout
Lake, Ontario, visited Mrs.
Emily Tomes on 'Thursday eve-
Mrs, Bill Downing of .Q10.
ham and her .mother, Mrs. M-
iner Itendrie, visited Mn'. and
Mrs, Herry, .MeNanghton and
Rev, L. C, and Mrs. Harrison,
:London, and Mrs. Emily Neale
one day last week,
Mr, and Jim's, Jim Sigsworth
And Billie were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur Lee on Sun-
day, Miss Helen Sigsworth re-
turning home with them after
spending the weekend with her
aunt, and family following the
Snow White Cantata on Thurs-
day 'night in Lucan,
Mr. Orton Leatherlano, of To-
ronto, visited his sister and her
:husband, Mr, and Mrs. Rea
Neil on Sunday and Monday.
Guests with the Paton family
on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs.
Alan Douglas and Harold of
Staples, near Leamington, and
Mr. and Airs. Gordon Banting
of, Lucan on Sunday evening.
Alr, and Mrs, Maurice Simp-
son visited with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Peter Banks and Cindy in Sar-
nia, Sunday,
Misses Margaret, Patricia
and Daisy Cobleigh spent some
time with their sister, firs.
Clare Paton, last week.
St, James
At St. James Church starting
May 13 the service will be at
0:45 a.m. DST for the summer
A confirmation service will he
at St, James Church, Septem-
ber 16 with the Right Rev.
'Townsend,. Suffragan
Of time Diocese of Huron. .offi.
Two members of St, James
Church WA, Mrs. Andy Carter,
president, and Alt's, E. Tomes,
vice-president, Attended the an-
nual -meetiug of the WA at St,
Paul's Cathedral and the Ma.
sortie Temple for the business
WA and Guild
Mrs. Emily Tomes entertain-
ed. .the ladies of .the WA of Si,
Jenne Church on 'Thursday aft-
Mrs, Andy carter, president,
presided and was assisted in
the devotional by Mrs, Wilfred
Cunningham, Mrs, Ernie Lewis
and Bev, E, 0, Lancaster,
The Easter thankoffering of
self denial was received,.
A gift of five dollars was
given at the thankoffering of
the Woman's Auxiliary at their
75th anniversary,
A scripture contest was given
by Mrs, J, IL Paton which was
won by Mrs. Karl O'Neil.
Mrs, Alan 1-101, president,
presided for the Guild meeting
with the reeler, the Rev, E.
0. Lancaster leading in prayer.
Mrs, Omar Cunningham gave
a report of a visit to the On.
tario Hospital to visit mem-
bers there. A quilt was dis-
played, which is for sale.
Airs, Hill displayed several
settings of china for the mem-
hers to choose a pattern suit-
able to be mused at bazaars and
teas, A report of proceeds from
the "make believe lea" was
United church
The united church will con-
tinue the afternoon services
during May.
If You're TIRED
low end then everybody lees a "mired-out.' feeling and may be bothered by backaches.
Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a tempor-
ary condition caused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's the time to take
Oodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the
kidney, In relieve this condition which may often cause hackache and tired feeling, Then you
feel better, rest better, work better. 81
..ews (;):1 Clandeboye
Lucan personal items