HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-03, Page 1516 Property For Sale Call 113 at 1863 NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Victoria St., full basement and oil heat; $68 per month carries mortgage and taxes. NEW 3-BEDROOM, on Marl- borough St., full basement and oil heat; garage; $71 per month pays mortgage and taxes. 2-BEDROOM house, on Carling St., attached garage; .fenced all, around; heat for $100 and taxes only $172. 2-BEDROOM TRAILER, on William SC, in excellent condi- tion, Owner moving and offers attractive price. 4-BEDROOM 4-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM Heights. 3-BEDROOM eter, 45' MOBILE 4-BEDROOM St. 2-BEDROOM rug brick, Carling St. VACANT STORE and dwelling at Cromarty. Low price with low clown payment. GROCERY and meat store, Let us show you and make us an offer. 50 ACRES, house and barn; $4,000 clown. 50 ACRES, house and barn; 39.000 full price. 3 TO 13 ACRES, fruit trees and berries, 21 /2 miles south- east of Centralia; reduced to sell. JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 brick, John St. brick, Andrew St. brick, Main St. brick, Riverview ranch type, Ex- HOME, Hensall, rug brick, Main N.E.VAINVAIONWOMMOORMIV462110V*WATo. Business Directory qeelWieeeetsreeteettilitteirefe'Wer „. . .,IleffeeAreelesetetie G, A. WEBS, . DOCTOR. OF .CHIROPRACTIC CLOStO WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 215460 C, V, PICKARD, REALTOR 04 Main St,, Exeter Phones. '235•0316 arid 235.0114 Real Estate HOMES EXETER -- 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 clown, EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. Terms. EXETER — 2-bedroom home with full basement and oil furnace, $1,000 down. GRAND BEND -- Over 20 listed properties in this area, See our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines, FARMS EXETER — 200 Acres CENTRALIA -- 150 Acres Mt. Carmel — 125 Acres Mt, Carmel * 225 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres Kippen Area —150 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard, good land, modern buildings. Terms, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters, EXETER — General store with separate paint store, on main corner, Equipment includes paint blender'. Terms. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 19t10 truck and van. Terms. MOBILE PEED MIXER With established route of over 50 customers, tXVIS11,---General Store, $2,000 down, BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. H. Hodgson Ltd. beat Estate Insura nce PHONE 235.2420 EXETER M. J. Gaiser, Phone 235.2426 Wm. C. Date, Grand Bend, Phone 62R3 CONSTRUCTION OF POLE BUILDING Tenders will he received by the undersigned for the erec- tion of a pole building, 28x56, on Kirtkon Fair Grounds, simi- lar to the building already built. Tenders to he submitted by May 19, 1962. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, All. No. 1, material to be used; steel to he not lighter than 26 gauge. Apply to Milne Pullen, RR I Granton, or Alex F. Crago, RR 1 St, Marys, 30 *, For Sale Modern 4 bed-room home CENTRE PLAN DRY HIGH BASEMENT PHONE 235.0855 DAILY AFTER 5 P.M. NOTICE TOWN OF EXETER At the request of the Council of the Town of Exeter the Ontario Water Re- snurces Commission has investigated the possibility of installing a sewage works project in the said Town at an estimated cost of 3267,365. It is proposed to raise this sum by bor- rowing $133,803 from Central Mortgage and 'Housing Corporation to be repaid over a period of 30 years and the balance of $133,562 will be repaid to the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission within the same period. The proposed project would consist of the following works: SANITARY TRUNK, INTERCEPTOR AND LOCAL SANITARY SEWERS TO BE CON- STRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: ON' Marlborough Street Anne Street Easement, Reg. Plan #20 Easement, Reg. Plan #20 Huron Street Mill Road Street N. of Ausahle River Easement E. of Main St. Easement. E. of Main St. 'Easement W. of Main St, Easement W, of Main St, FROM Existing John St. Sewage Pumping Station Marlborough Street Main Street 300' N. of Huron Street Easement, Reg. Plan #20 approx. 150' E, of Main Street Andrew Street William Street. Wellington Street N. Limit of Lot 143, Reg. Plan #20 Wellington Street N. Lim it of Lot 172, Reg. Plan #20 TO Anne Street Main Street 100' E. of Main Street Huron Street. Edward Street William Street Stain Street N. Limit of Lot 147, Reg, Plan #20 S. Limit of Lot 31, Reg. Plan #20 N. Limit of Lot 69, Reg. Plan #20 Huron Street TOGETHER WITH PRIVATE HOUSE CONNECTIONS, SEWAGE EJECTOR. STATION, FORCE MAIN SEWAGE PUMPING STATION AND A SINGLE CELL WASTE STABILIZA- TION POND '1'0 BE LOCATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $267,365. After Allowing an estimated write-Off of $33,451 on the loan from. Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the es'ti'mated annual cost of the project is $24,600 which ineludes interest, debt retirement, operating cost and reserve for renewals, replacements and 00efingencies. It is proposed to raise $12,005 by a general levy of 4.1 mills on all lands within the Town of Exeter. $3,517 by a surcharge of 33 1/35, of each USOr`A water bill, and 38,988 by a frontage rate of 42e per foot. On the basis of these levies, a house on a 60' lot assessed for' a 101.0 of $2,800 Ahd paying All annual water bill of $30.00 would pay the following amounts annually: The Titres-Advocate, .,May 3, ,1907; Paso 15 ihings that T A want ads can convert into cash 9 Services 12 ,bars, Trucks 'For Sale 13 For Sale ROOM & BOARD. by the week KARMANN GHIA, red, white. for one person. Phone 23.5-0320, walls, radio, reasonably priced. 3 Tretle considered, Apply Victor Dinnin, phone 10 Ur- Custom Corn STAKE TRUCK,. 1952 .L1.60. ternational. Don Geiser, 213. Carling phone .2354543, Planting 3:10e 1955 P '0 N T 1 A C, reasonable, seed and fertilizer supplied, Rime 243 liens.all. 3;10c Also band treatments with at- .... razine available, Your choice 13 for Sale of 'DeKalb, Funks, Pfister and Warwick, Good equipment with SEED CORN.—Choice of. pfis. reli4ble, operators. We are .also ter, DeKalb, Warwick, Funk's equipped to harvest your crop, and Belleriver. Order yours. Picker shelter at your sow at. Cann's Mill Ltd., phone posal. 2334782 Exeter. 12:19:26:3e CANN'S MILL 1,TP, FILTER QU E EN sales and Exeter Phone 2354782 service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zer- 26:3:10:17c ich, phone Hensall 6960. 8:311.fne 10 livestock For Sale TV SERVICE, — Our expert • takes less time to find the HOLSTEIN COW, 4 years old, trouble, saving you money, just freshened, blood tested, Snelgrove's, phone 235-0770 Ex- from clean herd, good milker. eter. 4:19tfne Phone 41r1 Grand 'Bend. 3* TRY RENOVATOR—The mir- acle automagic cleaner that beautifies rugs and upholstery. Only $1,75 per bottle, You can rent our applicator at very small cost. Hopper-Hockey Fur- niture, phone 235-1990. 3:29tfnc ROAN DURHAM COW, 5 years old; also a 400111. York hog. Phone Robert MacLean, 344J3 3c 50 W.EANER PIGS — Apply Arnold Stebbins, Grand Bend, phone 47r11.. 3c 10 BULLS, 15 females, Here- fords Annual Spring Sale, Clin- ton, Tuesday, May 8, Govern- ment bonus on hulls, ;le 2 JERSEY COWS, just freshen- ed; also 1 jersey yearling heifer, Apply Hilton Truemner, phone Zurich 85r11, 11 Poultry For Sale STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; 6 week old, 790; 9 week old, 98e; 12 week old, $1.29, All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limited, phone 645.11, Seaforth. 3:22-4:26*tfne EGG SPECIALISTS, A m e s, Sykes and Comet, some started pullets, to reach best egg mar- kets. Best dual purpose varie- ties, and Leghorns, m i x e d chicks, pullets and cockerels. Request price list. Bray Hatchery, Eric Carsca.dden, Ex- eter, phone 235.2734, 3cn. 12 Lars, Trucks For Sale McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton. Behind Centralia Air Base Wrecking: '36 Plymouth, good motor '53 Chev, good motor '53 Oldsmobile, stick shift '51 Chev 1 ton truck Good used batteries for car, tractor, or combine, $4.00 exchange PHONE 228-6214 MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 8i NOTARIES PUBLIC (Carrying on the practice of law of W, G. Cochrane, Q,C.) CHARLES L, MACKENZIE, 13, Comm., I.L.B. PETER L, RAYMOND, B.A. Hensall Office Open Wednesday Afternoons from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER ALVIN WALPER. PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 119 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office ..— Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy RR. 1 Kirkton Presided Timothy B, Thorley An 3 Vice-President Litcan William IL Chaffe 1111, 4 Mitchell E. Clayton ColquhOun Flt 1 Science Hill :Martin EeeneY 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner CromartY Agate thigh tenninger Dublin Harry Coates Itft I Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitor W, tl, cochlthd, &der Seeettiry.TeeettU Arthur Fees& Eketer MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 Nairn. 3:22tfnc YOUR MUSIC STORE in Ex- eter. Records, sheet music, record players, stereo combin- ations, TV, pianos and musical instruments, all at fair prices. Snelgrove's Music Store, dial 235.0770 EXeter, 4:19tfnc STOP SCOURS — Get Hibitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter, 4:.5tfnc FORAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper; hay condition• ers, on display, We also handle Kools forage blowers; long double chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G. & E. Weld- ing, Main St., Zurich, phone 72R1.2. 4:5-6;28c SHERLOCK - MANNING pianos for the modern home are care- fully built from selected ma- terials to a high standard of piano craftsmanship. Choose from 8 models, 3 finishes. Snel- grove's, 235-0770 Exeter, 4:19tIne WASHING MACHINE Motors— Used ones, all in good running shape, Take. your pick at $5,00 each. Russell Electric, dial 235-0505. 3c BOY'S BICYCLE, 26", good condition. Apply 162 Andrew St., Exeter, phone 235.1532, 3* SUPERIOR SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 PHONE 235.0233 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C, C. V, LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235.0440 EXETER C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE lIOURS Mon, on, ThurS., Fri, 9 - 12, 2 - S Tues. and Eri, Evening, 7 9 By Appointment Meek. Office Phone 654 Horne 1498 SET-TEFL-ER for WD Allis- Chalmers, everything complete and: in good shape. Apply Ward. llern, Wo.odbain., phone 41r7 Kirkton. GIRL'S BICYCLE, complete with kick stand and basket. This bike is In excellent con- dition. Phone 235-2933, 3c ROLLER SKATE'S — Bauer's inett's and ladies' models, black and white, plastic and wood wheels,. Expert repairs, W•tierth's Shoes, dial 235-0611. 3c CAMP STOVE, 2-burner Hig- gins, a good buy, Bob South- cat, phone 235.0625, 5:3tf*. RANGE'PTE, 110 volt, in good condition, $20.00; 26" boys' bicycle, excellent condition, $20,00. Phone 235-0172 Exeter. 3* WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts invite you ' to see. the new Horizon Luggage by Samsonite in different sizes and colors, with hidden locks, 3c PERENNIAL PLANTS — Glor- iosa daisies, phlox, lupins, rock garden plants, Mrs, Gor- don A. Smith, 168 Main St„ North, Exeter, 3:10* I CAN TELL YOU Pioneer seed corn is the best you can buy, but you will have to plant it to fully realize 110W MUCH it has beep costing you to plant. other hybrids. Call or see me now, Keith Lovell, phone Hensall 265W1, 3c REFRIGERATOR, 9.4 cu. ft, Westinghouse, 5 years old, Phone 1.75W Hensall, 3c PATIO STONES and stones for flower beds, Apply Harry Eisenschink, Simcoe St,, Ex- eter, phone 235.2562. 3:10:17:24* WILSON'S jewellery & Gifts Exeter, have a large selection for you to choose from for Mother's Day in various price ranges, 3c McKEE HARVESTER, wagon and box, in excellent condition. Apply lan McAllister, RR 1 Zurich, Ont. 3c 6 GOOD YEARLINGS, white- faced. Mr. Clayton Flynn, RR 1 Centralia, SAVE THE CALF! Vita - Fort 5,000 Units of Vitamin A. Give at birth to prevent sickness $1,00 Package MIDDLETON'S DRUGS 235-2411 Exeter 14 Wanted To Buy NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open gilts. Top prices paid. R. D, Etherington, phone 235.1628 Exeter. 3:22tfnc HIGHEST PRICES for scrap radiators and batteries, Phone McStephen Auto Wreckers, 228- 6214, 4:5*c MUSCOVY DRAKE—Apply Wil- liam Dickey, RR 1 Woodham, phone Kirkton 22r11., 3c PASTURE for cattle. Ross Oke, phone 235-1707. 26:3* 16 Property For Sale BRICK, ranch style, large liv. trig room, natural fireplace, dining area, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, vanity, basement., garage. 236 Huron East, Exeter. 3:22tfnc 2 LOTS, good location, in town of Exeter, suitable size for building 2 homes. Apply W. Westlake, phone 235-241,7. 3* LUCAN V.LA new brick, 3 bed- rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil furnace, 1.6 acres, tow taxes. Ralph Smith, phone 227. 4694 Lucan, 16e C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE We have clients prepared to NV, If you wish to sell, see 3-BEDROOM HOME, close to post office; large living room, modern kitchen and bathroom; geed basement With MI-burning furnace, This is a comparative, :ly new house and in good condi- tion, Moderately priced, Terms. 50 ACRES with medinin-sized bridle houSe. Tidy barn on well; good retif8; drilled welt with Water 'on tap in house and barn; hydro' theettglibut; soil deep Suitable for ally crop, 25 kits ploughed; well located cast of Kippen, Price $8,000,06, We also solicit your business for any typo Of general incur, HEATED APARTMENT, fur. rushed or unfurnished, 3-piece bath, available now, White's lee Cream Bar, 445 Main St., Exeter', APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 rooms, 3.picee bath, private entrance, immediate possession, e miles north of airport. 2't154)-121. 4:2 Apply yEarl Neil, phone PASTURE LAND, Hay swamp area, for 25 -30 cattle, abund- ant water supply, Apply to Harold Rader, phone Dashwood 26r11. 5:3tfnc APARTMENT, upstairs, five rooms, heat .and hot water sup- plied. Apply Penhale Apts. 70 John St. 5 :itfn c 20 Wanted To Rent 25 ACRES OF LAND suitable for beans. Phone 23S-1227. Al- fons Kintz and Sons. 3:10c PASTURE for 8 purebred Hol- stein yearling heifers. Apply Russell Brock, phone Hensel! 242,14. 30 HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter, by semi-retired reliable couple. Apply The Times - Advocate. Box TIDE, 3* 1101,SE, urgent, between Ex• eter and liensall, modern con- veniences, 2 3 bedroom; reli- able permanent tenants. Apply Box FZL, Exeter Times-A.0o- cafe. 3:10"' 22 Notices TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Re: ABANDONED CEMETERIES The Township of Stephen has assumed responsibility for' the maintenance of three abandon- ed cemeteries under section 60 of the Cemeteries Act, revised statutes of Ontario 1960, Chap- te '.1-1'h4e7s.e cemeteries are at the following locations: west part of lot 8, concession 8; east part of lot 1, concession 1; and north-east corner of lot 5, con- cession 2. We propose to close these cemeteries after June 5, 1962. After that date there will he no further burials or removals, Any 'persons interested in these properties please contact the township office in Crediton before June 5, 1962, ROSS HAUGH, Clerk, Township of Stephen 3:-1.0c 24 Tenders Wanted INSTALLATION OF 3-PIECE BATH AND PRESSURE SYSTEM Tenders wanted for the in- stallation of 3-piece bath and pressure .system .for Kirkton Public Library, Kirkton. Ten- ders to be in the hands of Secretary Mrs. Mary Neil by May 5, 1962, For further infor- mation contact Eldon Robinson or Ross Everett, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept cd, 26:3c DIAL :.EX CHANGE' al,11t-PINP Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the con- struction. of a dial exchange building at Grand Bend to be completed by July 1, 1962, All lenders must be clearly marked as such and must he accompanied by a certified cheque amounting to 5':%, of the .amount of lender and should be in the hands of the undersigned not later than 5 p.m. May 9, 1962. Specifications and plans are available at the office of the Company in Zurich. Township of Hay Municipal Telephone System, It. G. Black, See'y-Treas.„ Box 130, Zurich, Ont. 26:3c 0 NTA RI 0 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF STRAW FOR SEEDING 30 TONS NEW SARUM, 15 TONS PARKHILL 760 TONS TEMPO-IONA, Separate sealed bids marked "Bid. for Supply of Straw Lon- don District" will be received. by Mr. W. L, Fraser, the District Engineer, P. 0. Box 217, London, Ontario, until 12:00 o'clock, Noon, E.D,S.'I'., Wed- nesday, May 9, 1962. Specification, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes may be obtained at the above mentioned ad- dress. The lowest or' any quotation not necessarily accented. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO LONDON DISTRICT 390 Saskatoon St., London, Ontario. POVRTH. ANNUAL SPRING STOCK AND FEEDER CATTLE SALE Of Cattle for Grass, Cattle for Feed Lots Plus a Few Holsteins Heifers and Cows DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Denfield, Ontario 4 miles west of Elginfield, I mile south of No, 7 Hwy, THURSDAY .EVE„ MAY 10 7;30 p.m. 1::!.$.1', Sharp 320 HEREFORD. CATTLE — Consigned by A. L. Robb, riderton. Top quality cattle that have been wintered in Ontario, 800 CATTLE EXPECTED — Top quality consignments of both local and western cattle, Please arrange well in ad- vance by contacting one of the. owners of Denfield Live- stock Sales Ltd. for further in- formation or trucks, • A real opportunity to buy your requirements at the right time. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Modern and Antique Furniture On the Premises, Main Street, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH SATURDAY, MAY 12 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Full list in next week's paper. MRS, ELIZZlE HEY, Prop, WM, 14, SMITH, Auctioneer Phone 234-6282 Crediton 3c AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate -There will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1962 at the hour of 209 p.m, in the afternoon the residence of the late Laura Eda Elliot on the premises being Parts of Lots 442 and 443, Plan 20, Town of Exeter, County of Huron, known for municipal purposes as 410 Carling Street, TERMS: Real. Estate — 10% down, balance in 30 days. This property will be sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. ALVIN WA.LPER, Auctioneer ARENDAL A. SIMPSON, Executor of the Estate of Laura Eda Elliot, 3:10c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, 249 Main St., TOWN OF EXETER First house south of Beaver Lumber. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 REAL ESTATE: Consists of 2-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor—large living and dining room, bedroom, 2-piece bath, modern kitchen and utili- ty room. Second floor-3 bed- rooms with clothes closets and 3-piece bathroom, Full sized basement; also garage. Dwell- ing nicely situated and in first class condition with spacious lawn and shrubbery. Inspec- tion invited by contacting auctioneer. Complete list of Household Effects in next week's issue. NATHANIEL OGDEN, Prop. ALVIN W ALP ER , Auctioneer 3c $25.20 11.48 10,00 $46.63 . r. „........„. 17 Properly For Rent 24 Tonder. Wanted 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 200 ACRES OF LAND, Lot 23, Con. 7, Stephen Township, brick house, barn, .'shape, steel, roof; shed; BO acres grass; 4 acres bush: 140 acres under cultivation; good water supply- Louis Ma.snica, RR 2 Crediton. 3:3.e:7* C. PEARCE, R EALTQR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. Highway 100 acres, also 150 acres. Choice 143 acres. See before buying elsewhere, Some hued• reds and three fifties, Hardware stores, general stores, houses, RUSS .13RODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 11:9tfc WRINGER WASHER with pump, in perfect working con- 4:5tine dition. Phone 228.6927, 3c EXETER Phone 235.0991 Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays MAINTENANCE 15 Wanted MODERN LAKEFRONT cot- tage, Norman Heights, 4 miles north of Grand Bend, Living room with large picture win- dow and fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, all finished in knotty pine; carport and additional guest: room or utility DR. H. H. COWEN room, Phone 213 Zurich, 0.nt, DENTAL SURGEON 3:10c LIM., D.D.S. In area, Canada is about 40 times the size of the United 3c Kingdom, has about one-third the population, On' .1.0 ONTA G (a 42e PFi re FOOT, 4,1 MILLS ON ASSESSMENT $2,800 3,1 I;V,, WATER. PILL, Any owners nr other persons affected by these charges may file their objeC- tion th.n'eto in writing with the undersigned within 21 days of the date of first publication. MI plans, reports and estimates may he inspected at the Office of the under , signed during business hours. Dated at. EXETEll and first published this 3rd day of May 1962, C. V. ?IMAM), Clerk, Town of Exeter, • •