HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-05-03, Page 1414 The Time0-Ativ May 3, 17 2 Pa Arizona .Continued Irvin page 13: We were into Meeivo but the p.„.an .fights weren't on that (Jaya In the line of sport,. though. ...''etau • the Cleveland Indians train here and we saw games they neady compieted had with the •Chicago CUbs, Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants. It la Pl'n1wsed that the advi- So life is varied and inter- Nora. board will continue to esting. We hope to have more function and will meet with the to relate later. provisional hoard at reenter in- We are glad to know that ort 44:. it will study and rec- spring is coming in nicely ommend on matters of policy back home, hut sorry that in respect to negotiations. quo- Carat Hamilton who has sera' tae. costs of any operation. .sti- ed so efficiently for the last mitlation of sales of milk, five years in the Middlesex cream and milk products and agricultural office, is leaving all other revelant matters for Renfrew at • May 1st. He The propose/5 for the opera- will certainly be missed, but 'ann of the plan was considered the best Wishes of all go with by the advisory h n a r d on him and his family as they apiel 27. move on to wider experiences. ring cleaning will turn .up ur s 9 Services 9 Services. ciassification.4 4. Female. Help ..Wanted 9 Services A eoncerterf ettort. hv the ern-Uhl/led four Ontario math and cream greepe him be- ing made to develop .•1 market. big plan which fulla benefit,: the hest interest, et all pro• dtWere of intik and rs.:tm to Ontal io. eind ennteeenee, have been occorme erantara eluting the past three • re.. At .the reelect. the four protiu. .veragroups executneve an -advisory role. Dunne tee,'" weeks of provisional bun:: .a.• nfembers has been attpooriel to •complete window: on' the details of the plan This teeeet is elmaposed of three met/lib-re from each of th e executives, and ,ant' member from the Chan r ei I•t:ar i Breed,. Milk Producers avesnaearion. The exeeutivee et ine tour producer groups, net: one pro, dueer represenline the eneme- rative Union ot are', one producer representatea the I'ne ted Dairy and roidary Co-one. rative, and out prodoeee rep resenting the Channel 1,1ate: Breeds Produeer aaasreea. lion,-will continue their• arki- eory role on aa boarri .10 he knorn es the fintarm Milk and Cream 'Producers a-isogon Board. When the details of lee Ale are completed. the provieionai board' 1611 request the (wale.) 'Ii1k Industry 1-ioare to take a vote i pf all producers. In preparation ''or tae vote, the provisional hoard iniends to fully inform all milk and cream producers in Ontario on particulars of the plan, and give_ all full opportunity to study lilt merits before then are called upon to vote, flaa the plan is approved, if will he administered by the provisional beard in its initial operational stages. and until a marketing board, with equi:- able representation for :al: pen• dncers is elected. Studies are now' bottle lade of methods Inc this election. EXCAVATION of water ponds m the Exeter area with, drag- line shovel. Call Mitchell 318.- 5611 or apply Clarke .Construe- tine.. . SHARPEN THAT MOWER! - You can damage grass with a dull blade. Let us sharpen and repair your mower now. Fisher's Hardware, phone , ...}.35- 2100 Exeter. 26::3:10c• IMDCO DIGGING-Ma- chine dug 1 ft. .to ft. diameter up .to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepeoing. .Highway 85. Elmira. MO 9.3761, ,or 'Await BA .74680. 27:104NQ . - HOME I, IIEEl.ER FULL? Store your extra food in a locker at Exeter Frozen Foods. Rental by the month or year. Phone 235-0400 Exeter. 1.9:20:3:10e SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - immediate service, al NV a y s available. Harold Butler,. Lit. can, phone RA 7-42.54: or BA 7- 4;i12 collect, 5:95 lnic $TENOQRAPHER 1 yogi, Surat ed 2 Found 3. Mate Help Wanted 4. Female Help la'anted :••1 Help Wanted 0. Busineaa Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted Steavicea Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 13 F0.1' Sale it Wanted To Buy lee Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Properly For Rent 18. For Rent 19 For Sale or Rent eo Wanted To Rent 21 'Property Want ed 22 Notices 23 Legal Notices al. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 5.DAY • WEEK For permanent position in lalx- cter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3:6thic Custom Pasture Fertilization EXPERIENCED housekeeping companion for elderly lady; live-in privileges. Write PO Box '305. Clinton, Ont. 3a ATTENTION 1 What section of Stephen, flay or Tuckersmith do you live in? Do you have an Avon Repre- sentative calling on you'? if You don't, perhaps it is an open territory which could offer you a good earning opportunity. If you would like to sell Avon please write MRS. 51, MILLSON, 060 Wellington Rd . S., London or call collect GE-29019 between 7 and 8 p.m. 3c Let its boost your pasture production! Increase the feeding value of your hay! We broadcast liquid 9.9-0 or 32aa urea for as little as $5.00 per acre. Phone us collect for particulars. Here's how .plan must be developed about how these plans are de- veloped apparently. The pro- ducer representatives set out what they want in a marketing scheme but the actual plan must be put on paper by the OFPUB. It is empowered under the act and has the legal staff and so on to do the detail work, Of course, the producer representatives must approve of the final plan since they then take it to the country so every egg producer, to this ease, knows what he is voting for or against when a vote is held. The next step will be the completion of the petition, Near- ly 5,000 producers have signed thus tar but nobody seems to know exactly how many egg producers there are in Ontario so it's impossible. to say whe- ther this represents 15',, the number required before a vote can be authorized. President Tom Babson, in his report, said the only figure available indicated about 37,00 but that investigations by sev• eral organizations put the fig- ure considerably lower - per- haps 20,000 to 25,000. The available figure comes from the number registered through grading stations for deficiency payments but many have gone out of egg produc- tion since deficiency payments were introduced by the federal government. The meeting ask- ed for a survey by the OFPM13 to provide a more accurate figure. There are a number of other things to he investigated be- fore any plan can be drawn up. For example, Mr. Robson re- ported that surveys must be completed to show the egg flow by areas and many other de- tails about the mechanics of any plan, There has been much discussion about the proposed teletype method of sale but it is only a proposal. It took a lot of work to develop but it only shows one way in which the sale of eggs could be handled, Incidentally, opponents of a marketing plan seized on the suggested lot size of 100 cases to criticize but it turns out that the teletype system could handle lots as small as one case each. By DON FAIRBAIRN oniario egg producers at :heir annual meeting in Toron- to !alai week gave their direct- ,r* the green light to proceed with the development of a marketing plan as soon as noeeiblIP . They endurseii the s t e p s •alten so ler but it appeared quite evident from the feelings expressed lit most delegates that •they wan! a plan. There had been some doubt early to the convention where resolution was introduced asking the Farm Products Mar- ketine Beard to institute a trial marketing plan for two years if ell' of the egg producers in lee province signed a petition. This resolution envisaged the trial period to inform all pro- derers the workings of a marketing sehome so they would be able to vote intelli- gorilla at the end of the two year Him-ever, this resolution was 'elated so the 'directors are now ent powered • to proceed with the completion of the petition eurrently being circulated and !hen ask the Farm Products Marketing Board to develop a Plan which can he put to a Vol (s. There is sonic confusion CANN'S MILL Exel er Phone 235-1782 26:3:10:17c 5 Help Wanted DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48r10, Licence No. 175-C-62.. 1:5tfne COOK. kitchen help and wait- TOSSOS. Apply Snack Shop or 20 Woodward Ave., Grand. Bend. 3c 6 Business Opportunities FOR. PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- postal Act, License No. 66C61, 1:35Lie stays potent longer to fight animal diseases 2 Found Ice Cream Business POTENCY-PROTECTED ANTIS C LEFT AT lion al a cGregor's for repairs three years ago- two sections of drag harrows. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for expenses. Will be sold after ,tune 1 if not claimed. 3e Good turnover in lee Cream, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks and Confectionery. The potency-protected molecule in Ter- ramycin Animal Formula makes it the superior antibiotic for drinking water treat- ment of disease in ground water areas. Other antibiotics break down and lose potency rapidly in alkaline water, Terramycin Animal Formula promotes growth, prevents stress setbacks and fights scours, respiratory diseases, rhini- tis and leptrospiroisis in hogs, shipping fever in cattle, enterotoxemia in lambs and sheep and infectious enteritis in mink, Potent, economical Terramycin dissolves instantly in water; administer it in drinking water, feed or individually. Complete directions on package. Other Potent TEFIRAMYCIN Animal Health Products: Poultry Formula with Anti-Germ 77 • Liquid Formula for Mastitis • A tg 0 Scours Tablets * Injectable Solution Custom Corn Planting WHITE'S ICE CREAM BAR 445 Slain St., Exeter 3" 3 Male Help Wanted 7 Teachers Wanted WANTED Men Over 50 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP School Area requires a teacher, duties to continence for fall term. Reply in writing stating former inspector, experience and sal- ary expected to Wilmer D. Wein, Sec.-Treas., Box 181, Crediton, Ont, 26: 3c Atrazine supplied in same operation, John Deere 4-row planter, Picker shelter to har- vest your crop in the fall. CLARENCE KNIGHT Phone Exeter 235-26136 26:$:10:17e Western Ontario Company of- fers genuine opportunity for respectable, challenging and interesting employment - part or full time in your own com- munity - to men over 50 years of age. Preference giveno . t men who have been forced to retire due to age retirement regulations. Must be in reason- ably good health. For full par- ticulars send name. address, age and last occupation to Box No. ANTI, Exeter Times-Advo. rate. All replies held strictly confidential. 26:3:10c Giant Farm Machinery A C T 1 Gel a test paper from your dealer and see if your farm water Is alka- line. If It is, you need Terramycin, the antibiotic that stays potent longer In alkaline water. 9 Services SOWING GRASS SEED a prob- lem? Our 3-point hitch seeder sows all kinds of seeds. Order your seed requirements from Cann's Mill Ltd. and use our grass seeder free of cost. Phone Exeter 235-1782, 26:3e ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone ,TA 4-7917. 27:10atfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting, barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son. phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5 : 25* tfn r. Hundreds Of ;TRACTORS, TRUCKS & FARM IMPLEMENTS All Sizes, Ages and Models 4 LEADING AUCTIONEERS SELLING INVISIBLE REWEAVING - Slake holes, cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fabrics, Save your damaged garments by having them invisibly rewoven. Fair prices; prompt pick-up and de- livery. C, Latour, Exeter, phone 235-2087. 3* • 90% of Canadian farms hare ground Water supplies which are usually alkaline. SINCE 1849 Wed., May 16, 1962 2362A SPECIAL • $4.5,1 5 Rechargeable Flashlight ONLY $2.00. Send $2.00 rtIon?',;laalsiNg1/07 ,1:)+1.Ysor xer;iarnonAinrlemaia3l ,H4.ualelh Product OFFER! Bruce Refrigeration 10100 a.m. Sharp SALES MONTHLY AT CdtRNER OF NO, 5 HWY. & 7TH LINE, OAKVILLE, ONT. OPPOSITE HAYS SALES ARENA 4 Female Help Wanted Women for spring house- cleaning Dishwasher Machine Oper- ator„tune 15 - Sept. 15 Room housekeeper, June 15 to Sept, 15 Clerk. typist, student, ,tune 15 to Labor Day, live out Two pantry girls, students, June 13 to Labor Day Please Call in Person 1, SALES AND SERVICE TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT ICE MACHINES PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 5:4Ifnc Buy Terramycin From Buy Terramycin From NOTICE TO FARMERS] Any- one wishing Atrazine applied on corn or 2/4D on corn or grain call early to have it ap- plied at the proper time. Hu- bert Cooper Spraying Service, RR 1 :Exeter, or phone 235- 2807. 5:3-6:28a 2. - Not ional Farm go' chinery Sales Huntley's Drug Store 235.1070 Exeter Middleton's 3. RR 1 OAKVILLE, ONT. PHONE 845.7187 Drug Store 235.1570 Exeter 4, ALL TYPES of lawnmowers sharpened and repaired. Have them sharpened the Electra- keen way, perfect cutting ac- tion. Rotary blades balanced Lou' true operation. Apply John- ny's Shell Station, Grand Bend, Ont.. Highway 21 South. 3:22-4:26c 5 ATTENDS TRACTOR SCHOOL Larry Snider, Exeter, is at- tending a Ford Motor Com- pany tractor and implement school in Georgia this week. Along with other dealers rem the province, he left Tor- onto on Sunday in a chartered flight and is expected to return Thursday. NOW IS THE TIME to kill the dandelions in your lawn. They are young and lender, We have new material this year.. It is a powder and is very easily applied with a shaker can. You can apply it yourself, very cheap too. L. V. .Hogarth, phone 235-141.4. 3:10e 4 Buy Terramycin From Buy Terramycin From ARRY NIDER AKES OAKWOOD INN, GRAND BEND Exeter Coop Cann's Mill Se ABULOUS 235•1782 Ltd. Exeter 235.2081 Exeter RADES '62 -CONSLII, (Demonstrator), 4,800 '61 FORD Sedan, overdrive, V-8 WI FALCON Sedan, lovely black '60 PONTIAC Coach, 6.cylinder, gem '60 ENVOY Station Wagon '60 Vauxhall Station Wagon '60 ANGLIA, low mileage above '5? METEOR Sedan, 6-cylinder, one. owner '57 PONTIAC 2-door, automatic, 6-cylinder '$7 FORD Fairlane Sedan '56 MONARCH Sedan, has kitchen sink '56 FORD Sedan, black '55 CHEV Sedan, 6-cylinder, automatic, Bel Aire '58 RENAULT Sedan, an ideal second car for the good woman or those who want economy '56 FORD Coach, V-8, stick shift, a steal al '54 MONARCH Sedan '53 FORD Sedan, automatic '53 DODGE Sedan '53 FORD Coach miles, a steal $1,850 $2,500 $1,600 TIMELY TIPS Flush out your milking ma- chine as soon as you finish milking, say Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture dairy spe- cialists, A delay of even 20 to 30 minutes is enough to start the formation of milkstone. Once millstone has started to form, you'll need a milkelone remover to clean. it out of your equipment. 1-1-56 s art automatic, a real 1444.1rE MTRAIRI CROit$ AN IMPROVED WHITE LEGHORN $2,100 Your Choice 51,350 $1,200 $1,395 51,095 950 average Please call or write for availabilities and pricers. ..... everything except the $ 950 $ 750 S 750 Irk producers - Continued from page 13 find 20,000 egg producers in Ontario," "Phis is just one more good reason why Ontario producers should join together in the or- ganization of one marketing plan for eggs", said Mr. Rob- son, "The drastic reduction in the number of producers in On- tario, and the regular recur- rence of such threats to the egg price structure in Ontar- io points again to the need for such organized action". ON HOi TO SAVE MORE PIGS AT FARROWING TIME 144 4444. 1•4,4 $ 650 $ 595 S 200 5 175 $ 100 $ 100 . If you want the type of bird that will make a STEADY, reliable profit, you need the high. production Leghorn STONE 56. Call or write ROE FARMS LIMITED Atwood, Ont, Phone 356-221 I .................... , ........ PREMIUMS PAID ON GOOD CLEAN TRADE-INS TRUCKS '62 CHEV PICKUP, only 2,760 miles, completely loaded, above average, lists At $3,050 , , Snider's reduced price 52,300 '62 FORD PICKUP, demonstrator, 7,000 miles, hen everything. Save $583 at , 12,300 Waterloo C .Breeding ciati n 1. Scrub sow with solution Of Purina C & S Powder, rinse with clear, water, then with Purina Disinfectant Con- centrate solution 1 oz, to gals. water, 2. Clean and disinfect farrowing quarters and equipment to control scours and transmission Of worms or diseases, 3. Keep 'farrowing place well yen tilated. 4, Try to keep temperature above 40° in winter, under 70 6 in auentriet. • 5, Take up each "pig and immediately tie and clip navel cord, at about 2 inches, and paint with, a 50.50 iodine. and glycerine mixture. 6. Wipe away alirtiy mucus from boat and mouth. Put in brooder or under heat lamp. 7. Clip needle teeth, using sharp clip. pars, to prevent pigs froln injuring each Other and sow's udder. 8, After teeth are clipped, paint gums with iodine-glycerine nibiture, if ears are notched, also paint with iodine- glycerine mixture: foild„q;, efficient feed service earl, '58 FORD 174" chassis and cab '59 DODGE PICKUP, long box, low mileage '56 FORD 3.ton dolma, ready to roll '56- FORD PICKUP, above average '51 FORD 3-ton stake with tarp and grain auger $1,600 $1,250 51,150 $ 850 $ 650 AS NEAR AS YOUR LINTY OF SIRES TRACTORS H AVING TOP RATINGS 0 N TYPE AND PRODUCTION N OW AVAILABLE TO E VERY PARMER FOr terViC0 Or information weekdays Mill from 7;30 9;30 alit, Sunday terVicet call Saturday eve 6 0 pan, Clinton Office, Zenith 9.5650 WATERLOO CATTLE BIR EWING ASSOCIATION "Where tt.etter Built Are Used" '57 OglDSON Major Diesel with Freeman leader, only 1,000 hours $2,200 ALLIS CHALMERS row crop $ 39$ MASSEY 101 Junior, she'r, good (for something) $ 29$ '53 SEDORE rear-loader $ 100 LETZ GRINDER, fake it off my hands .it $ sb '59 MASSEY 2-furrow lift plow $ 50 MASSEY 2-furrow drag plow ... $ 50 Cann's Mill Ltd. Exeter Phone 235.1182 Whalen Corners Phone 3505 Kfrition Larry Snider Motors feed (DU RI NA CHOWS today! Canadians who want bigger profits tomorrow LIMITTO, P1-1 235.1640 Pord, Monarch, EXET5Ft Forst .Ertel Fat u Teutkt M eiaaaeriaealifailealteilitalei