HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 18Page la April 76, 1962
Phone 2IA.2.55
LAnon ..:,...,. . ,.
and 41060 news
Miss Tin;, Abbott 4erreepenelen
11 8( S hears
Taking as her theme, "The
Best is None Too Good," Airs.
Florence Cummings, of Byron
Branch of the London Library,
was the. guest speaker at the
meeting of the Home and
School Arsociation last Tues-
day night.
Mrs, Cummings suggested
many ideas as to inculcating
a love for reading, some of
which were asking the libra-
rian as to the best book suit-
able for the child, by taking
time to read to him or her and
by going to the librersd with
the child, choose the proper
books from the thousands now
Mrs, Cummings, with a keen
sense of humor, told many of
her amusing experiences with
the children, She brought with
her a number of hooks which
she displayed and gave the
members an opportunity to ex-
amine later.
She was introduced by a
member of the staff, Mr, Tom
Beet' (who at.
one time at-
tended Mrs. umming's story.
period), and was later thanked
by Airs, Harry Wraith.
Five dollars was voted to the
annual music festival to he
held May 22 and 23. and prob-
ably the 24th and five dollars
was voted to the War Memo-
rial Hospital.
Principal Robert Jenkins
spoke briefly urging the
ones. see their children been
studying for the final exams.
Tie also reeorted that the com-
mittee in charge for next Sep.
leMber's kindergarten class,
had rounded up 20 children.
Air. Beer's room won the at-
tendance cup.
Good year
for syru.p
Berets! Corbett, one of this
community's largest producers
of maple syrup, reports a geed
year on his farm, about seven
miles west of Lucan, De again
tapped in the neighborhood of
1,000 trees this year.
Ile has erected a now
shanty beside the old with
large reservoir front which the
sap , is conveyed to the vats.
Mr. .Corbett has not as yet
modernized to plastic tubing
but still collects the sap with
sled and tractor,
Gpid \On Glenn and his
helpers have charge of syrup
The camp has many visitors,
including teachers with classes,
church groups, purchasers and
those who come out of the
curiosity of seeing a sugar
camp In operation.
The making of maple syrup
dates back to the days of the
Indians and is probAbly Can-
ada's oldest industry,
During the past years Mr,
Corbett has displayed his syrup
at the Royal Winter Fair and:
has won many prizes, Besides
shipping to the States, he has
this year shipped to Halifax,
Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton,
Vancouver and Victoria, so his
produce is becoming known
Farewell presentation
Prior to moving to Windsor,
Mr. .Dougal Clark of conces,
sion 5, Ricidulph was presented.
with a plecL of luggage, wal-
let anti cuff links by his
neighbors and friends last Tiles-
day at a social evening held in
the SS 2 schoolroom,
Euchre and dancing were
the highlights of the evening's
entertainment. with music for
the latter being provided by
Mrs, harry Clarke of Crediton
and Mrs. Harry Shepherd of
Dash wood. •
Personal items
Airs. Wes. Hodgins has re-
turned home after spending a
few days with Mr. and 'Airs.
Joe Hodgins of Owen Sound.
Mrs. J. R, Murray and Me,
Bob Murray in London, guests
of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Murray
and family,
aNOt15T1t, m,
n se-eLee
.1 -4 10r finanti :cy,
A Sou' ( goitit •
cuna dia rt
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If you are engaged in a business—or if you plan to start one—
and required financing is not Available elsewhere on reasonable
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financial assistance to almost any type of enterprise and for a
variety of business purposes.
For further infOrtriation, write for this descriptive booklet,,
Visit; An 1.013 Offide, or consult your auditor, lawyer or chartered
At the mee ting pf the Lucan of Detroit died in Wyomin 8ry MRS, J, H, rATQN
WI, held In the community 'Tuesday, April 17., -**,,tsamo.44-.41,,,,
Memorial (..'.entre Thursday al- She is survived by two sons
tereoen, Mrs. Erwin Scott, a and one daughter'; William Mrs. Stanley Tomes, Big
former president, presided for Rosewarne of Wyoming, Ralph Deer Lake, Ont,, Mr. and, Mrs,
the election of otlicers, coin. Rosewaroe of Detroit and Ma- L.,y na sawy er And f am il y of
pried by Airs. Murray Hodgins (lane (Mrs. Jack Cochill) of petrol:la and Air. and Mrs.
and. Mrs, Erie Young and pre- Detroit and tom, talpti Lynn and family were
rented by the former. (then. also one brother and One guests of Mrs. Emily Tomes
President is Mrs. Sheridan sister, Ross Afowbrey of East- on Sunday,
fievingt,onz vioe presidents, ern. Ontario And Edith (Mrs, Mr. Austin Bice returned
Aire. Jack Steacy, Airs, George Keith Harper) of Toronto. home on friday front St,
Paul; secretary, Airs. tleed Mrs, Rosewarne, the former joseph's Hospital,
'Formerm$1;ifmt .CIOndebOYP..W1
executive dftes'nw-YPm'ng- News .of Clandeboye r"ect"fficgr5
Mrs. Willittni Tien:wane, 74, Mrs. David pestle was re-
WI elects
Ethel Atnwbrays WaS the daueeln Mrs, Nand. Wainwright spent
ter of the late Air, and Airs. a. few days last week in South
Ralph Mowbray of Alice St., Huron .Hospital, Exeter, She is
1.-itlean, She attended the Wean new with her daughter in Lon-
Public and High Schools end ••den-
ientied Church-.
wes member of the Liman Alr. Arthur Hodgins has been
called for jury .duty and. be.
She was a registered nurse .!°-grn t
chosen,, to act on a case'
having graduated in the States,
where she worked for a num- " C. Harrison aol't
Harrison visited with Mr, .and, ber of years, After her mar- - Mrs, Ajmer Hendrie on Fri- riaee she lived in Detroit. clay.
Tier niece, Mrs, Doug 'Ewen .;fir. Ron Inglis of Watford
'of.Lhas not as yet re., has been ditching for Mr.
cejvcdLCaL 1loartietilars .forterat Arthur Simpson and son George
arrangements. for .severed days last week,
Guests with Mrs. Omar teen-
.ningha in on Saturday were her
granddaughter, Carole Cunning.
ham of Detroit, who is of the
nursing class in the Henry
Ford Hospital, Mrs; Robert
Crinnian and Aire, Arthur Mor-
gan of Elginfielcl and on. Sun.
clay, Mr, and Mrs. Hrnol Gun-
innehein of Glencoe,
Mr. and Mrs. john Hewitt,
spent the weekend in Sarnia
Remove rubble
forpost office
The rubble from the recent
penile building fire has been
removed and during the east
week the old hydro building,
facing Main St., and the large
frame building facing . Frank
St., have all been taken down
to make way for the erection
of Lucan's new post office,
In fact that section of Lucan
has been a busy spot the oast
low days for workmen have
been also replacing Die siding
on the Masonic Building which
was so badly singed during the
April 4 fire,
Local .couples honored
Thursday a number of the
friends and neighbors met at
the Glen Allen Restaurant,
London, to honor Air. and Mrs.
Helton Roberts. who are mov•
ing to their new home at Lu-
can and Mr. and Mrs, Vincent
Hodeins, who are moving to
their new farm, at Durham.
On Saturday evening the
same two couples were again
honored at a party held for
them in the Parish (Tall,
derton. They were presented
with gifts at both parties,
St. James
At St. James Church, Easter
Sunday wee observed with the
highest number of communi-
cants yet attending the holy
communion service,
The junior choir joined with
the senior choir in the special
Easter music.
The rector, the Rev. E, 0,
Lancaster', took his Message
front the text "Mary Magda-
lene cometh and telleth the
disciples, I have seen the
Atd. The flowers on the re e ble
were placed by Mr. and Mrs.
News budget from Altirless in memory of their
On. Sunday, April 2e the serv-
ice will be at 2.30 p.m. DST,
with their son, Stanley 'Hewitt
-St, _Joseph's Hospital and
with 'their tiaughtor-in-lair, Mrs.
Hewitt and theirgranddatigh.
ter, Doreen, On Sunday they
attended Easter service at
their former church, Trinity
Anglican, at Pt, Edward,
Mr. and .Mrs, Bill Walden of
Chatham. and. Mr. .and Airs,
Carlyle Carter and Jimmie
and Air, and Mrs, Douglas
Carter of ,London with Mr, and
Mrs, Mervin Garter And can,
:Mrs, till Dewning and dangli.
ters Karen and jean, Chatham,
visited the former's .parents,
Air. and Airs. Minor Ile .chic
over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs, Rea Neil were
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alton
Neil and Donald of Whalen on
elected -president of ,Clundeboye
WI at the .annual :meeting held
at the home •of Airs, Rea Neil.
Other officers are: second
vice-president. Airs, Andy t_lar.
tee, secretary -treasurer, Mrs,
Alex Macintosh; assistant, Mrs.
James Donaldson:. .district
rector, Ali's, Norman hardy;'
branch directors, Mrs. Dodo
Lewis, Airs, Rae liodgins and
Mrs. Rea Nell; auditors, Mrs.
Omar Crtneingham, Mrs, Cecil
Carter; .pianists, Mrs, Albeit
Rosser, Mrs, Alan. DM, Mrs.
J, if, Paton;
Conveners of standing tom-
Mitteeet .agriceltere and Cana-
dean industries,. IVirs Rupert
citizenship and edu.
cation, 'Mrs. Ray -Cunningham;
historical research, Mrs, Don
Pettigrew; h o M e .e Q(MOM les
and health, Mrs. Karl O'Neil;
resolutions, Mrs, James Pon,
aldson; public relations, Mrs,
Wilmer Scott,
Annual reports were given.
During the past year $20 was
given towards the upkeep or
an Italian three-yearold child,
Adda Zarfati in Rome, Lucati
and Riverview Institutes share
the child's support. Other do-
nations included five dollars to
the Music Festival, four dol-
lars to Children's War Memo-
rial Hospital, three dollars to
The Institute also sponsored
a 4-hi girls club, placed flow-
ers for past members in St.
James Church at the memorial
service, assisted with cancer
drive and held two hake sales.
The branch will entertain an-
other institute at the May
Roll call was answered by
giving hints for using salt and
With the ice going out at
the arena, and the hockey and
skating season over until Oc-
tober, plans for the summer
playground are getting wider
We hope to have the, school
baseball and volleyball seheds
the for boys and girls started
within the next two weeks, This
will be competition between
80.1001A arid will operate as the
hockey did this winter,
The Lucian Recreation Com•
mission has sent two gills,
hiss MAO, Alathere and Miss.
Carol Davis to the arts and
crafts eourse in Chathant this
week, When they rotUrit, I plan
to get gelded the arts and
crafts program for the young
Tennis enthusiasts are slow
in showing their interest for
this activity, To be able to
-iirogram• this, We have to know
approximately the aniount sit
interest there is in
The main feature at the
arana this week ra the prescitta.
lion by Me. Squires of the play
"Snow White anti the Seven
twat?-5," Tide lakee plait
Thursday evening, April :26, IP
the anditotinfil,
the junior drama telikei IS
Practieing all this Week in
PrePatetion for its play. It Will
be performed the near fit-
tete, Watch fee date And
Mee to tee our lode talent in
Mrs, Murray Hotlginf.t,
bonny drive
School opened Thursday
morning with an impressive
Easter assembly.
Rev. E. O. Lancaster led in
the prayer and Rev. G. W.
Sach spoke on the resurrection
which he likened to the life
history of a butterfly, He told
A number of interesting events
during his missionary service.
He ended by repeating hi ice
"Christ is Risen," to which the
children twice repeated, "He
is risen indeed."
For some time the teachers
have been taking turns in puts
tmn on a display in the glass
trophy case. Dill month being
the principals' turn. Mrs. ,Ien-
kins helped him out by arran-
ging a beautiful and colorful
Easter scene, of the Trium-
phant Entry.
Pupils from four of Lucan's
six rooms exhibited their Eas-
ter spirit by donating to the
LTPL Bunny Bundle for Crip-
pled Children. Mr. Beer's
room, $10; Mrs. Ross McRob-
erts' room $5.60; Mrs. Cor-
bett's kindergarten, $3.40 and
Mrs. Arenthal's room, $5,00, a
total of $26.00. The school as
a whole collected $27.00 for the
Red Cross.
Mr. Douglas Corsaut has ac-
cepted a position on the Lon-
don Public School staff and
milt be succeeded by Mr. Keith
O'Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe O'Neil of RR 1, Luean.,
Pupils present
operetta tonight
The teacher and the pupils of
the "Lucan School of Music",
have, for weeks been working
overtime preparing for the
presentation ni the operetea.,
"Snowevhite and the Seven
Dwarfs", to be presented in
the Community Memorial Cen-
tre, Thursday evening, April
26. Rehearsals are being held
all this week With a dress re-
hearsal Wednesday afternoon.
Mr, Squires is no amateur
at staging operettas as he ha.
presented several in St. Tho-
mas, so Lucanites are looking
forward to a rare treat Thurs-
day night,
It is expected there will be
a capacity crowd present, to
see this colorful display, with
its two piano accompaniment.
AlI proceeds go to the crip-
pled children,
Fires and more fires
The Lucan Volunteer Fire-
men were again kept busy Fri-
day and Saturday with three
:more grass fires, The first, at
the' back of Mr. Don Hearn's
-which quickly spread toward
the barn of Mr. Frank Kelly.
The second was at Mr. Erwin
Scott's and the last a. the
clump. It is hoped the weekend
rain will give the firemen a
respite for a while at least.
Man found dead
with rake in hand
Mt. Cyril Genereaux, 34. who
lived on concession 12, London
Township at the Cameron side-
road was found dead in a grass
fire at his home last Tuesday
It is thought he died of a
heart attack. Ile still had . a
rake in his hand when dis-
covered by his wife.
Coroner Dr. Win. Butler of
Ailsa Craig and OPP. Con-
stable Robert Abra Lucan
are investigating,
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Sach
and: Margaret on Sunday eve•
ning atte n d e d the Easter
Thalikoffering service at the
Londesboro United Churc
ii here Mr, Sach was the guest
speaker, giving an illustrated
talk on Labrador,
Of the 200 High School etu.
dente visiting New York during
their Easter vacation 26 were
from Medwas School, including
Ilene Donaldson and Judy Has-
kett of Luean,
Mts. Fred Thomson of Van-
eouver (wife or the Rev, Fred
Thomson. a former pastor of
the Litcan Pentecostal Holiness
lurch) flew clown to attend the
funeral of het Mother,
Rupert, Gagnon, al. Hartilleri,
April 12, and then SPent a few
days in Lucan with her bro-
ther the Rev. E, Gagnon
and family and Lucan friends,
Mr. and Mee, Robert lenkins
spent Good Friday with their
daughter, Mrs, John Woods
and family or London, who
snent Easter with , them. OA
'Monday, bit, and Mrs. Jenkins
left for Termite. where the
former attended the 't'eacher's'
Convention r'ttesday and Wed.
Miss Lorrain' 'Graham of ix.
on and her deters, Mrs. Bob
ertiNter,atIll Miss June Gra.
bait Toronte, spent A few
1ayS with friends' in HAMS-
htirg, Penn.
OnGood Friday, Stout Mas-
t arl Carling and whits
rent tin a hike and etiliketit
of, the village,
Matie ;Liddell
Churches active
over Eastertide
Anglican Church.
The baskets of _flowers in the
church Were in memory of the
late Mrs. Warner Weetman and
the Easter lilies in memory of
Mrs. Pearl Cobleigh,
Over 40 members attended
the 8.30 a.m. communion and
a capacity erovid filled the
church at 11 a.m. for the East-
er service.
For months the junior con•
gregation has been striving for
an attendance of 60, but owing
to measles, chickenpox, mumps
and flu, eould never reach its
objective, However, on Sunday
all here happy to reach an.
all-time high of 63.
United Church
Chairs were required Sunday
morning to accommodate the
large Easter congregation.
Thirteen YPL7' members at-
tended the sunrise service at
The Messengers
Mrs. Stuart McLellan and
Mrs. .1, W. Loekyer were in
charge of the Messengers'
meeting in the church school-
room Saturday. The fanner
read the story, 'The Easter
Morning" and the latter read
the scripture lesson.
,Tanette Barr and Jane Lock-
yet. read Easter poems, and
Ross _Pettigrew gave the clos-
ing prayer, Being the Easter
meeting there was a hunt for
Easter eggs besides other
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Owing to the death of the
pastor's mother. Mrs, Rupert
Gagnon, there was no WA this
There was a mad a:tendance
at the Sunday services. At the
morning service ,lovce Butler
sang, "What Easter Really
Means" and the nastor look as
his text, "Behold the Empty
Holy week in Lucan
At the united services in the
Pentecostal. Church Monday
evenine the Rev. Harry Grant
of Arthur was eueet sneaker.
Mr. Grant gave a talk on.
Christ's suffering in the Gar-
den of Gethsemane. The re-
cently organized choir, directed
by the nastor Rey. E. A, Gag-
non, with .Mrs, Jack Eizenea
at the piano sang two num-
bers. Twenty - seven 'Explorers
and their leaders helped to
makeup a splendid congrega-
On Tuesday night, at the
United Church, the Rey. Har-
old J. Snell of Oakridge Acres
eeoke on '"rile Centurion",
The choir lee in 1'7^ ire -le
with Messrs. Ernest Ross, Stu-
art McLellan and Don Petti-
erew singing "The Old Rug-
ged Cross."
On Wednesday night at the
Pentecostal Holiness Cherch,
Rev. G. eer, San, sunlit> nn the
love of God. The pastor played
a cornet nomber• accompanied
bY Mrs. Ed Butler.
The last united meeting. was
held in the 'relin e d Church
Thursday evenine. when the
Rev. Peery A, Pune, nf ton-
deehoro, snake oe "The Three
("metes", Rev, E. A. Gagnon
led in prayer and the chair
provided .sneetal nincic
On Thursday evening the
riffled Church relebretPrl F"‘'
Communiee ain't received Ain
and Mrs, 'r,„ Savard. Mrs. Pa-
tricia Stull. Mrs. Alma Price
and Miss Gertrude Demnsv as
new members, At 10:30 a,m,
last \Wednesday there was
Holy Cemmunion in Ilely Tri-
nity Church, At 8:30 p.m,
Thursday the rector gave an
addrese on nraver anti at 8:30
e,m.. Good Toridev, the eneciel
service of the Seven Sayings
on the Cross was held.
Friday ter Sherbrooke, Que.,
where she mill spend her Eas-
ter vacation with her sister,
Airs, Keith Jeffrey and fir,
Mrs, Dan Lewis has returned
home fo Ailsa Craig after
spending a week with her sis-
ter, Airs, Gordon Benting and
Mr, learning.
Lucards two .students at the
London 'reecho's' Colleet. Slat ,
fete 'Revington arid Keith O'-
Neil, have code secure a
school for September. the for-
me, at the Oxbow Area School
neat Merton and the latter' in
the Lunn Public Sehodi
lilt and Airs. A. R. Wilkie,
son and family visited Mr, Wil-
kinson's 4,year.old rather. Mr.
Wm. Wilkinson at the Dear-
ness Home, 'London, on Sun-
Alter five years as clerk in
the Radeliffe Drug Stem Mrs,
Bert Thompson hat retired and
has been replaced by Mrs, Glee
Haskell in the morning, and ,
Mrs, till Allen in the after,
Mrs, Torn "Flanks and P es! gY
havt, returned from a five day
visit with Airs, Bank's, Mother,
Mrs, John Parent. of Leem-
ill glee,
Sirs. Thomee Dickson and
Alias Marjene Dickson of ten-
ded were last Stindek' guests
of Mr, And Mrs, Keith Diek,
son and Mr, and Mrs, A.
Sewed, alSO of London, spent
Meefley With them, On e gaette
Sunday Mr. and bf.rs, •Diekson
Arid family spent the day With
Mr, and Mrs , Seeord,
Robb.; .distrret director-, Mrs.
C. It. George;• brava directors
Mrs. Wm, Brownlee, Mrs. Ira
Carling and Atrs, Roy Hamil-
ton; auditors. Mrs, Harold
Ilodgins and Mrs.. George
Conveners of standing com-
mittees: agidealtnre and Can-
adian industries, Mrs. Guy
Ryan; home economies and
health, Mrs. Frank Joliffe; ci-
tizenship and education, Mrs,
Erie Young; historical research.
and current events, Mrs. Gov.
don taMing; resolutions, Mrs,
Jack Wilkie; public reeteone,
Airs. John Park; Tweedsmuir
History committee, .Mrs, Frank
Hardy, 'Mrs, Erwin Scott and
typist Mrs, Murray liodgins;
publicity, Miss Lina Abbott;
pianists, Mrs. H. B, Langford
and Mrs. Roy Hamilton; sick
and sunshine, Mrs. Harold Cor-
Roll call was answered by
the paying of fees,
The president, Airs. C. IL
George spoke on the motto,
"The man who makes no mis-
takes, does not usually make
A letter with picture and par-
ticulars of the child being spon-
sored by the Lucan, Clande-
boye and Riverview Women's
institutes, was read and pas-
sed around,
Mrs. Sheridan .Reyington,
Mrs, Murray Hodgins and Mrs.
Erwin Scott volunteered to at-
tend the District Annual, May
Ali members were asked to
bake a pie or cake (prefer-
ably pie) for the dessert to be
served at the Dog Show, May
12, and a number volunteered
to assist with the serving. All
annual reports were presented.
Aire. James Donaldson of
Clandeboye gave a talk on "Re-
solutions" and conducted a
contest based on the word "Re-
solutions," which was won by
Miss Lina Abbott.
At the May, grandmother's
evening meeting :Miss Marilyn.
Brownlee will give an illus-
trated talk on her recent trip
to Europe, The Jr. Institute will
be guests. All charter members
will be sent a special -i te-
am to attend and each -t-
he. was asked to bring at —et
one 'friend to the meeting,
Airs. William Brownlee, as
lunch convener, was assisted
by Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs.
George Young and Mrs. George
Campbell and family of Toronto,
Mrs. Harry AleFall.s, Mrs. Grace
Wiliburn a n d Carole, Mr.
and Airs. Cecil McFalls,. of.
London and Mrs. John Martin
and family of Toronto.
Ms, and Mrs. Dwight Hen-
derson and family in Bothwell,
guests of Mr. and Airs. James
Henderson and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Austen.
Mrs, Ira Carling and family
in Kincardine the guests of
Sir. and Airs, Elmer Walpole,
bringing Avis Walpole, back
with them to holiday with Les-.
Mr, John Rinn, Howard,
William and Miss Noreen Wal-
kom were S u d a y evening
.guests with Noreen's mother,
Airs, Grace Walkom, of Russel-
bliss Mary De Brabanderc,
of St. Joseph's Academy, Lon-
don, is spending the holidays
with her parents, Air. anti
Mrs, Jules De Brabandere, and
Air, and Mrs. Jules De Bra-
bandere and family were Sun-
day guests with her sister,
Mr, and Airs, Joe Delesia, of
David Straiten is spending
Ids Easter holidays with his
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Strahan, Eighth Line.
elr. Robert Elston is at pre-
sent a patient in St. Mary's
Hospital due to a severe at-
tack of asthma.
Mr. arid Mrs. Harold O'Brien
and Owen were Sunday guests
with Mrs. O'Brien's brother,
Max Barnet and family, Agin-
court. Owen is remaining for
a few days holidays.
Mrs. Verna Johns, of St.
Thomas, was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Baker and
family on Good Friday.
Ross and. Blair Scrivens, of
Rochester, New York, are en-
joying the Easter holidays with
their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Airs. Nelson Baker and family.
Sunday guests with MT, and
Mrs, Oliver Baker and Elton
were her father, Air. Herb
Beer, and Anna, of Munro, and
Miss Wilena Bimmy, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elston
Were, Sunday guests of Airs,
Elston's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Daynard and family, St.
Seeding has started in the
cam m unity. :Farmers will be
working day and night for a
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs, William Spence were her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Brock and BM, West Zion, and
grandparents, Mr, and Airs.
Milton Brock, of Zion. Sunday
evening guests were her sister.
Mrs. Bill Strong, and Bill, of
United church
At, the United Church a good
congregation attended the East- Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Carter
er service. The minister, the entertained on Sunday, Mrs,
Rev. G. W, Seel took as his Levi Carter, London, and Mr,
text "Jesus said unto her, and Mrs, Andy Carter,
"Mary;" she turned and said Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKee.
unto Him, "Master." tan, blatinda, Susan and Ricky
bliss Marjorie Donaldson of Northville, Michigan, were
sang "The Holy City." guests of Mr. and Mrs, Andy
On Sunday, April 29 service Carter, Sunday evening and
will be on Daylight Saving Monday.
Time at 1.45 due to the cen- Ain Alfred Kilmer is a Pa-
feudal Masonic service in Le- tient in the Craigholme, Ailsa
can at 3 p.ni, Craig.
2,3,4 or 5 Years
Interest Payable Half-Yearly by Coupon or
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Do you know that, on request, our Company's
debentures issued to an individual solely, can
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Serving London and District since 1870
Dundas St. at Market Lane and
Market Square, London, Ont.
Lucan personal items
Easier visitors
blr, and Mrs. Allan Tindall
of Wiarton with Mr, and Mrs.
Cliff Abbott. Their niece Mu-
riel Abbott, daughter of air',
and Mrs. Arthur Abbott, re-
turned with them to.. a holi-
day in Wiarton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sugden of
Montreal and Air. and Mrs, H,
.1. Knowles of Toronto with
Air, and Airs, J. S. Radcliffe,
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Morrison
of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs,
Ralph Rummell. The latter's
sister Joyce Rummell returned
with them for a holiday in De-
Carol leaskett, daughter of Dr, C. Bruce Cantelon and
Air, and Mrs, Glenn Ffaskett, two sons David and. John of
Accompanied her grand-parents West Lorne with Mr. and Airs.
Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tnlede, J. 11, Canteen, the boys re-
London to St. Clair, Mich., maining over tot a holiday
where they were guests of w ith their grandparents. Mrs. William Nixon for the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and weekend, baby in Toronto, visiting their
Mr, and Airs. Bruce Cornford grand mother Mrs. Margaret
and son of Torohto, Mr. Ken- Donnelly who is at present
neth Simpson of Ottawa and hospitalized.
Miss Heather Allison of Wind- Miss Edythe Cook of the Tor-
sor with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest onto PS staff with her father,
Ross. the Rev, le, M. Cook, Mr. and Airs, Clarence Har- Air. Wm, Lockyer of Cain- dy and family with Mr, and lachie with m e . an d -g ra , .3,
Mrs, Ross Love of Shiplea. W. Lockyer and family, Miss Eva Lancaster of SE, With Mr, and Mrs, Wm. kit- MaryS and 'Mr. Fred Thorne of esteek were Mr, and M's.
London with the Rev. and Sirs. Frank• Aylestock and son Ron- E, 0. Lancaster. rile, Mr, Howard Aylestock and
With Mr. and Airs, Calvin daughter Rella and Mrs. Mary
Haskett and. Mr. Mitchell Hee- Sawyer, All •of .elontreal, eed kett on Sunday were, me, and the R ev, A. Aylestock of North Airs. Jack Cumniins and fam- Buxton was a Sunday guest.
fly, Toronto, Air. aed Airs. eirs, Irene [licks and son
Jack Graham and family, Chat- A
ham and Mrs, H. Ritchie and
Mr. and Mrs, Harold meFalls, son, Leedom
Ms. tend Mrs. Rufus Thome-
Ain and Airs. Win, Butler son with their son, Mr, George And family end Mr, Harry But 'rhompson and family of St. lee of Toronto. with Mr, and cptbariaos,
Fl, B. Langford. Air, and Mrs, W, W, Garrett
MP, and lira ' Geor ge Stan- and lad; of Edgeteeod and hey of Hamilton, Mr, and Airs, Mr. And Mrs. Don AleTaggi.rt
Peter Wiseman and bliss Jean at Lotidori with firs, Bob Cole.
Stanley of Teronto with Mr, mail on Sunday,
and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley,
• Mr, and Aire, Keith McComb
C. r. lean gt°Pd a t.eW With Owen Solind relativot over days with her Inn th(17, MM the weekend:.
John Casey before returning to Alt', and Airs, n ey d Cook arm Toronto, on Monday, family of Lohden With Mrs, td, Morris with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jack i4“, grid
Sturdy, last week and was Ae nd umr,su.illteeo ll id
joined by Mrs, Morris on Sat. Alt,
utdrly and both spent Easter O4,o,..p' waoid „ 4 Tor.
with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Mar-
onto. with wir Pei' Alt, ris of Owen Sound,
and Mrs. N. W, Wssoidge.
With Mrs' A ' 11°d ..';'.'"" Ter ...remit Culbert and Were Mr ' and Willi a m friend, Miss. Catherine P'Arkin.
estn" Wst MU ' MP.' and sag of Lention, with Mr. Add Ales, Colin Nuent and family, mt.,. tto
;hisses holly and '411 M u Af,,, and my,A, t,,o ut A Kii mor Londonof And 'Zee Miriam of tAteatt and Alt', and ;fir's,
Martin ref Delrbit, !Omer now Of Weston
Strallitoy with Sir, and Mrs. to London,
Mr. "tVin ktnn Stant6Y. of with Air. and Mee, Min Hons.
Ivan Stanley. A ti s,s Tt u b v ip,owil of Toronto
and Mr's, Eleanor McLeod ;,.,1.0.s 1.,:l guA ci 85i5s `.1674 h m4:°"tlysdp,,
Kinard-tilt , with Mrs, Alma
'"e' d P and
sey. 1"88 6 "" Dr, and ill ;Marvin Stibtit Ps, m
Mr, Arid Met, ClArerte fiat, 1'011,17 and ,Mr: klt. tri 011ey o t t.tls.tin
An, Lon to?
11,,t,o»,trin Ann Lanni Of ge t Loudon,
tor? Sunday,
Aire, Warne' bielltiberta Of sort
the Dresden High Staff, ltudd and Cot -
at her hefilt herd. tie tit ''.reentori and Aire. Lloyd
With Me, and Mrs. Sheridan Bissell a tondoti with M. and
flevitigton f Mr, and Mit, Abit
Personal items
Tel: GE 11-a61