HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 17The, Titre.040qcotot .Apri1 2b, 19b2 Pope 17
ner and family spent .StmclaY 'eine ralmer,
fn .Zurich. Next Sunday night, Daylight
Miss Nancy F.a.hrier, Cent- Saving 'Time starts. •Don't for•
retie, spent Sunday with her get to move your, clocks on one
parents, Mr. and Aim Clear- hour.
Davies Grant Denning Bann
Municipal Auditors
Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Air. Edward Schenk, of St.
Catharines, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ilugo Schenk and children,
Cathy and Julie.
Miss Pearl Geiser, Toledo,
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through.
out tine week,
• .
News budget from
United Church Personal items
At the United Church Sun. Mr. Glanville Sgariglas, Pre:
day morning a girls' choir ton, Airs. Louise Gowdie an:
sang the anthem "Christ is Dessie of Exeter and Miss Joan.
Risen" and also during the Switzer were Sunday guest:
offertory they sang "Open the with Mr. and airs. Fred Swit-
Gates to the Temple" with zer.
St. Paul's Anglican
The Easter service in Si.
Paul's Anglican church at 11
ant, was celebrated with holy
comm union.
Easter lilies were placed in
the church and flowers in
memory of the late Mrs, Al
bert Scott and the late Haroe
Personal items
Airs, George Dunn has been
a patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, for the past ten
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebot-
tom, Danny and Mary spent. the
weekend in Parry Sound with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. C, Shoebottom,
Mr. Wayne Greb and Miss So-
nia Ritchie of Parkhill were
Good Friday visitors with the
former's uncle and aunt, Mr,
and Mrs. Murray Smith in Agin-
court, and also with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Amos
Smith in Mount Albert,
Mrs. C. Lewis and Mrs. Ful-
ton of Glencoe visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson on
Good Friday, (Mrs. Thompson
is a niece of Mrs. Lewis).
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hux-
table and Billie accompanied by
Mrs. 'Andrew Hicks spent Eas-
ter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Madge in Hillsgreen,
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Arthur McFalls and Helen were
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Quinton and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lilley and family of London:
David Lilley remained with. his
grandmother for the holidays.
Paul Theander, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander,
llielllli eliellielelllei
111 Iii
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Declining standards
concern at Centralia
The story in Creths.on In.4Titute and Mrs. F. Alogeoele and Bog,
opent the weekend. with Mr.
intsb. ury Billie Deckwor th , Goderich,
elects •.new officers
Joseph Finkbeiner.
Ross Krueger end ,1Can.
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mre Lloyd Geiser and family .of Exeter, • •
Air. avd• Airs. Andy Bierling By MRS.. M. FA 1ST Mr. and.
CRED1TON , . . — • • , ' tics, Paul Schenk and Hew- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan --• • • - • — Mrs, Ewe Ned was elected „,„,,, ...., family e,e ,,,eeee. am all spent Easter Sunday
president of Creditor WI at the sel„'leun'L, at e',""'"uu" with me, and Mrs. Neison
evening succmling Pr''' Ed. anti faintly of London, Air. and Mrs. Cliff bill of Exeter -31;*
annual meeting last 'Tuesday "" Air, and Mrs.. Grant Roeezler 'Settenk•
Lamporte Mrs. Don Bell and son of Ex• tended morning worship on.
V I c e - ,VPS10111ti are Airs. elm' spent Sunday with. Mrs. Sunday morning and. visited
Lorne Hodge and Mrs. Russ William Roeszter and family, with friends in town,
Krueger; secretary, Mrs: It Mr. and Mrs, L. Feist and Mr. anti Mrs, Austin Fehrner
Reid; assistant, Aire. Bruce boys of Waterloo spent a few a nd son, of Willowdale, spent
Shapton; treasurer, Airs, W• days with Airs. M. Feist over a few days with the former's
Weber; asisetant, Airs, Art Alt- the le asLee h oli days.
E. Heist, Mrs, W. Mack; spent a few clays with his father, Air. Everett Fahrner.
field; tlistrie , ,direciere. Mrs- Ricky Gaieer of Dashwood
branch directors, Airs. 'ROY grandparents. Air. and Airs. L. one of Air. Atafteitre apart-
Mr. and Airs. Gordon Hutchin-
Sweirtz, Mrs. Allan Flail and Geiser.
son have taken up residence in ,
Airs. Audrey Geiser; Rev and Airs. A. Al. Sehlen- meats. ,
Public relations officer, Mrs. ker anti family spent a few Air, arm
Willi ant (3 aiser; resolutions, days with relatives at Elm wood
Mrs. E. Heist; historical re- over the holidays.
search anti current events, All'. Garnet Bill was taken to
Mrs. Ed Lamport; T wee d s ottur South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
book, Mrs. W. Mack, on Sunday for observation.
Airs, Lorne flicks, Mrs. Coo.
Per AleCede., Mrs. learveY
. Smith, Mrs. Murray Cutoff and
mrs Fred HOMO, were the com-
mittee in chain) for the meet-
iess of the 1.1CW with Mrs. Hicks,
'residing for the program.
The Easter story was pre-
, sented by Mrs. flicks in verse
under the .topicst The least Sup-
per, Gethsetnene, Betrayal,
Sentence, Mockery, Prepa-
ration, On The Cross, Death,
Sepulchre, Pilate, Mourning,
Resurrection, Christ is. Risen
and kt Was Easter. A poem en-
titled "An Easter Song" Was
, read by Mrs. Howe,
• The Bible study from the book
of Acts was taken by Mrs : Mer.
- ray Elliott, "To be .a witness
means to- be loyal no matter
what the cost", was the theme,
A solo was sung by Mrs. Coo- , per McCurdy with Mrs. Ken-
neth Hodgins at the piano, The
story from "Hasten. The Day"
was read by Mrs, Harvey
Smith, "Declining Standards of
the Sixties" was the topic of
study, given by Mrs, Lorne
Hicks. Aire. Hicks pointed out
various ways in which we cheat
our selves and suggested if we
stop we might be surprised at
the ontcorne.
"The Voice of Women IP the
Cause of Peace" was the topic
chosen by Mrs, Albert Smith
for her talk on citizenship,
The president, Mrs. Ross Mc-
Falls, was in charge of the bu-
siness and reported on the
workshop on programming held
in Exeter.
The May meeting will be at
8:30 p.m.
Sunday service
A large congregation includ-
ing many visitors attended the
Easter Sunday morning service
in the United Church with the
Rev. D. M. Guest delivering
the message on the subject
"There was a garden, a new
sepulchre where man was
never yet laid."
"A cross in the garden hut, a
sepulchre too, it didn't seem
right" said Mr. Guest "that
there should be so much beauty
in the spot where our Lord was
so cruelly put to death but the
outcome was triumphant, The
risen Christ is the only answer
for the world's frustration and
disappointment, "Because I
live, ye shall live also,"
The special music for the ser-
vice was an organ-piano duet
by Mrs, Kenneth Hodgins and
her daughter, Eleanor Mae.
With the change of time this
coming Saturday night the
church service will revert to
the summer schedule. The
Sunday School service will pre-
cede the church service, begin•
ning at 10 a.m. The church
service will follow at 11:15
• M
Is a p in atient
Hospital. Exeter,
Mrs. W. B.. Essery and Rob-
ert visited last week with her
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
Neweombe in Drayton Plains,
Michigan, Mr. Essery spent the
weekend with them and all re-
lented home an. Sunday.
Mr. Isaac fiesterd Of Grand
Bend called on Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Haddock on Monday.
Klee Eleanor Mae Hodgins of
London was hoticlaying last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Hodgins, Sunday visi-
tors with them were Mr. and
Airs, Donald Pickering of Lon-
don, Mrs. Norman Frolick and
Richard of Royal Oak, Michi-
Easter visitors
Richard and. Miss Ann
Shoebottom with their uncle
and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Don
Johnson in Stoney Creek,
With Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Es-
sere, were Mr, and Mrs. C.
Rowe, Linda and Carolyn of
Windsor for the weekend, on
Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Dave
Roger and Danny of St, Marys,
Mr. Jack Essery and Ronald,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mor-
gan and family of Melbourne
accompanied by Air, Welling,
tort Skinner with Mr. and Mrs,
E. Foster in St, Marys,
Mrs. Bruce. Mitchell of Exe-
ter with Mr. and Mrs, Albert
Miss Wilda Pollock of Kitch-
ener with Mr, and Airs, Lorne
Hicks. On Sunday the two ladies
visited at the home of their
brother, Mr. and. Mrs, 0. Pol-
lock in Kincardine.
Miss. Suzanne Rennie ofHen-
sail with Miss Jean Lammie for
the week.
With Mr, and Mrs, Murray
Elliott: were Miss Agnes Ander-
son, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. El-
liott and family, Mr, and Mrs,
Clarence McDowell and Janet.
Mr, and Airs, Reid Brown
and Roxanne of Lambeth with
Mr, and Airs, john Thompson
on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth Greb
with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile
in Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Lammie
and Mr, George Dunn attended
the funeral of the late Frank
Dow at the Dinney Funeral
Home in Exeter on Monday,
Mrs. W. Palmer of St. Catha•
rines with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. George Hepburn.
Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson
with Mrs, Chas. McKeever of
Clinton, who is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot
and Sharon with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Baker in Grand Bend on
Mr, and Airs. John Bowie 'Sr.
of London with. Mr, and Mrs.
Amos Wright.
and for the Easter holidays
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Young and
family of Millbrook,
With Air. and Mrs. Fred Bow-
den and Margaret were Mr, and.
Mrs. Ray Paynter and David of
Kirkton, Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Allison, limmie and Debbie,
Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Jaques and Steven of Granton.
Judge: "Is your wife wholly
dependent on you for her sup-
Shiftless le u s b a n d: "She
surely is, Your Honor. If I
didn't find jobs for her, sine
would starve."
South :Huron Dietriet. WI pre-
sident, Airs. Harry Strang in:
stalled the officers. Annual re-
ports were given.
Mrs, 'Robert Reid presided
for a program which. in eluded
piano solo by Airs. P a 1.11
Schenk, Easter reading by
Airs Sam King .and a poem by
Mrs. 1h Thorne. Mrs. Reid dis-
cussed the motto "If you can't
be a star you need not be a
Hostesses were Airs. Reid,
Mrs. King, Airs. Roy Swartz,
Airs. P, 'Rudolph and. Mrs.
Personal items
Visitors over the weekend
with. Mr. and Mrs. John Wade
were 'at. and Airs, Robert
Wade and family of Hamilton,
Air, and Airs. Terry Wade and
son. of London, WM A. Johan•
nesson and Mrs. johannesson,
of Ottawa.
Tommy Silvcrthorn. London,
is spending a few days with
Air', and Mrs. Lloyd Hey.
Services in the EMS Church
were a sunrise service at 6;30
a.m. and regular service at lit
a.m. with. Rev. B. Al. Mohr of
Elmira as speaker, accompan-
ied by Mrs, Mohr.
Miss Lillian Heist and Airs.
Al, Gallop, who went to Flori-
da with Air, and Airs. Everett
Heist, of Dashwood, returned
home last Wednesday evening.
Airs, Ruby Molitor left New
York Friday on a boat cruise
to Trinidad.
Air and All's. Robert Lamhie
anti family of liensall, Mr.
and Mrs, Ross Haugh anti
family, Air. Matt England, of
liensall, and Joseph Wein spent
Sunday with Alt'. and Mrs.
Lorne Finkbeiner and Reggie.
Alts, Violet Young anti friend
of Fort Wayne, Incl., visited
with her sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Next Sunday, April 29, is the
anniversary of the RUB
Church, Rev. F. 'Al, Feist of
Kitchener is the guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green-
wood and children, of Don
Mills, spent a few days with
Mr. and Airs. William Oest•
Mr. Paul liai,st, of Chicago,
visited last week at the home
of Air. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick
and Mr, 11. Mist:
Al r. anr r,. Harold le ethe
of Lorne Park visited a few
days with Airs, William Hevi-
land last week.
Mr. .and lairs. A. Robertson
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Airs. Ed Beaver.
Air. and. Airs. Chris Heist of
Zurich called on friends in
town on Good Friday,
South Huron • •
Ladies quilt at Guild
The guild meeting was held
.Thureelay ofternoon at the
home of Airs. Raymond. Green-
lee. The ladies quilted a quilt
to be sold et the June tea.
As they worked they dis-
cussed other projects for the
year. A mystery prize donated
by Mrs. Lorne Weibere, was
won :by Air's. Karl Weiherg and
exchanged to. Mrs. Earl Green-
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Airs.
Tom Kooy.
Easier services
On Good Friday afternoon
service was held in St, Pat-
rick's church with Rev. Lyle
Bennett in charge.
On Easter day service was
held at two o'clock, The spring
flower's made an attractive
setting for the Holy Communion
Mr. Wayne Carroll, server,
assisted the rector Rev. Lyle
Bennett and Airs. Tom Kooy
was at the organ,
Personal. items
Alr. anti Mrs. Jerry Vander-
hock anti sons, Lucan, anti Mr,
Marien Vanderhoek, Dashwood
and .friend were recent guests
with Mr. anti Mrs, Earl Green-
Air'. and Mrs. Howard Mac-
Donald, Lucan, were Goon
Friday guests with Air, and
Mrs. Hugh Davis.
Mr. and Airs. Clarence Da-
vis, Cameron. and Sharon were
Easter Sunday guests with Mr.
and. Mrs, Heber. Davis and on
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
M. He Elston, Centralia and
Mr. anti Airs. George Davis.
Exeter, were their guests.
M rs, Henry Hodgins and Miss
Richards, Lucan anti Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Carroll were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Airs. Har-
ry Carroll,
Mr, and Airs. Tom Rees and
boys were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. and Airs. Ron
Mr, and Airs. Don .elaguire
and boys, Air. and Mrs. Her-
vey Latta, Carol, Kenny and
David were Sunday guests
with Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Atkin-
Mr. and Airs. Bob Tindall
and Nancy were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green-
On Tuesday evening the
Guild and WA sponsored a
brush demonstration at the
home of Mrs, Ron Carroll.
'Vivre was a good crowd .pre-
sent and the proceeds were for
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs Jr,
and Mr. 1-I. S. McLean of Tees-
water attended Easter service
Trivia Memorial, Exeter, no e William Smith and Jerry over With Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd
Morgan were Mr. and. Airs, at Sunday and were guests with theweekend. Hugh Rundle and family, Exe• Mx. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs Sr„ Airs, Beatrice Tate, Airs. E.
ter, Mr, and Airs, Norman Mor• Exeter. • ()non and son Billy, Water-
gen and family of Melbourne Mr. and Airs. Bill Johnson down, Mr. and errs. Fuller
and boys were guestsat 4 Sund ay with...I. and Mrs.
ton and Miss Mabel Refoir with u".'"•"“x • son's sister, Gail, at the home Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Vogan and
family in L of her mother,istowel, Mrs. Vo- Mrs. K. Fair- Airs. Alex Crago at the piano
bairn, London, on Sunday eve- and Mrs. Fred Switzer at the gain, Sharon and Heather ac- nine. organ.
are spending
Rev. T, gave the companied them home and will Larry and. Leslie Greenlee remain for the week.
With Mr. and Mrs, Frank Os- a" few days of Easter message. Easter lilies
Easter holidays with Mr. and and a basket of flowers placed
borne, their son, Mr. Ralph Os- Airs, Bob Tindall, their uncle in the church were in memory borne of Toronto on Mond a ycool aunt. of the late Mrs, Albert Scott.
el.r. and Airs. William Gil-
martin and children of Port
Hope visited with Mr. anti Mrs.
Joseph Woodall and Mr. and
Mrs, jack Prycie and family at
Mr. J. K. Wolfe of Detroit Exeter over the Easter bolt-
visited on Sunday with his days.
mother, Mrs. A. Wolfe,
Mrs. Clarence Fah.
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