HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 15The Times-Advocate, April 26, 1962 Pegs 15 but you can fish for bargains '.here every week 4 female Help Wanted 9 Services 13 for Sale 13 For. Sale 14 Wanted To Buy 16 Properly For Sale 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales HADCO WEISIs DIGGING—Me. chine dug 1 ft, to ft. diameter up to ..150; ft, deep; repairing: and. deepening,. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9•3761, or Lucan BA 74080, 27; RABBITS, purebred, New Zea- land, white (all ages or all sizes). J a in e s Donaldson, clandeboye, 29:4;12119;26e NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open gilts. Top prices paid. R. Etherington, phone 235.1028 Exeter. 3:2.2tIne HIGHEST PRICES for scrap radiators and batteries. Phone MeStephen Auto Wreckers. 228- 6214, 4:5Une BRICK, ranch style, large liv- ing room, natural fireplace, dining area, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, vanity, basement, garage. 236 Huron East, Exeter. 3:22tfee 17 Property for Rent various centre tables; Singer sewing machine; oak bed, springs and mattress; dressers; commodes; electric w a she r; vacuum cleaner; clocks; elec- tric hot plate; lamps; assort- ment of dishes, glassware, an- tique dishes; writing desk; sofa. bed; Axminster rug, 9x12; eon- goletira rug, 354.0; linoleum, directly east 'of Gospel Hall 7x9, 6x9, 7x10; wicker rockers; Church. oak rockers; sealers; crocks; copper boiler; gals. tubs; win- slow washer. STENOGRAPHER 5-DAY WEEK AUCTION $ALE Of Household Effects end Misc, items_ On .the Premises, Green Acres, in the VILLAGE OF GRAND. BEND Don't Miss Beavers Crest Hardware SPRING OPENING For permanent position in. Ex- eler office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, EXeter Ti Advocate. 3:8Une MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 Ittickload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa . Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn, aratfnc Hundreds of buys on lop quality merchandise, Sale HOME FREEZER FULL? Store YOU extra food in a locker at Exeter Frozen Epode, Rental. by the month or year, Phone 235-0400 Exeter. 19; nl 3: 100 U PSTAIRS APARTMENT — Main St., Exeter, above Gould and Jory. Available immediate- ly. Phone days 235-0270; eve- nings 235-0685, Exeter, 3:8tfne HOUSE, 2 - bedroom, 4 - piece bath, in Grand Bend, immed- iate possession. W. H. Love, phone 75 Grand Bend. 19:26c CREDITON —2 - storey brick home with garage, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, oil furnace. Pos- session May 1. Phone 235-0416. 12:1e:260 WOMAN, REQUIRED for meat wrapping. Experience prefer- red but not a . must. Excellent working conditions, Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 235-0400. 26c 15 Wanted STOP SCOURS —Get Hibitano Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 350 Main St., Exeter. 4:51..frie f7 0RAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper; hay condition- ers, on display, We also handle Keats forage blowers; long double chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198, G. & E. Weld- ing, Main. St., Zurich, phone 72R12. 4:5-6:28c 1.4 1 e GAL. GARBAGE CAN Reg. $3.49 ONLY $2.88 "WAVE MASTER" SPRINKLER New oscillating sprinkler NEW LOW PRICE . , $4.98 PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 50-foot length . $1.98 HOMEGUARD GRASS SEED 1-pound hag .„.. ,,,,,, . 75e 2-pound bag $1.39 5-pound bag ..... -, $3.40 COMPOSITION TOILET SEAT White only , . $3.85 The undersigned a uctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on. SATURDAY, APRIL 20 .at log p.m, Westinghouse medium size refrigerator; S n t h e rnaire burner gas stove; chesterfield; platform r o c k e r; occasional chairs; Symphonic record play- er; .Channel Master electric radio; 4-burner electric stove. Above mentioned items all like new, Centre tables, electric lamps; leather chair; electric clock; hall mirror and rack; electric radio; 2 steel beds, springs and mattresses; dres- sers; commodes; sewing ma- chine; Beatty electric washer; wicker rocker; bathroom scales; cedar chest; dining room table and chairs; china cabinet; kitchen table, 4 chairs; ironing board; complete dinner set; electric iron and toaster; large assortment fancy dishes, silverware, glassware, antique dishes, linens, cushions, mats, blankets; gale, tubs: step lad- der; garden tools; rubber hose; many other misc, items, TERMS: Cash, PASSENGERS commuting to London from Exeter, daily, Monday to Friday. Leave 7 a.m., return by 6 to 6:30 p.m. Contact Times-Advocate. 19:26c FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An. drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis. postal Act, License No, 66C61, 1:25tfe MISC. ITEMS; Rub-hoe til- ler, fully equipped with new motor; 21i gal. pressure spray- er; step ladder; crosscut saw; pruning shears; power jig saw; wood lathe and sander; large assortment of carpenter tools including saws, chisels, ham- mers, planes, augers, shovels, chains. sledges, wedges; fire extinguisher; 5 bags potatoes. TERMS: Cash. No Reserve—everything will lie sold. MRS. PETER BERTRAM, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26e CHERYL-ANN French Fries, Grand Bend, Sunday and sum- mer months. Apply 236 Huron St., Exeter. 26c PASTURE for cattle, ;Ross Oke, phone 235.1707, 26:3* SHARPEN THAT MOWER! — You can damage grass with a dull blade, Let us sharpen and repair your mower now. Fisher's Hardware, phone 235- 2190 Exeter. 26:3:10c 5 Help Wanted 16 Property For Sale AMBITIOUS man or woman to take, over established Watkins Business. Na money to invest, Oldest and largest company of its kind. Products nationally advertised. No lay-offs. Oppor• tunity for promotion, Write im- mediately to Jules Gauthier, 350 St. Rods Street, Montreal 1.5, Que. 5;12;19:26c W, C. PEARCE, REALTOR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth, cash. crop or livestock farming. HOUSE, 4 bedroom, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, oil fur- nace, garage, garden area; im- mediate possession. Phone 235- 2417, 19"afne FISHING BOAT, car top, and NEED YOUR LAWN mowed? motor, 10', one year old, new Phone Don Wright, 235-0491. condition, $100 or best offer, 26 e Phone 235-1130, after 6 p.m, 12:19:26c Highway 100 acres, also 150 HEATED APARTMENT, fur- acres, nished or unfurnished, 3-piece Choice 143 acres. See before bath, available now. White's buying elsewhere, Some hund- Ice Cream Bar, 445 Main St., reds and three fifties, Exeter. 26'5 Hardware stores, g e n •e r a 1 stores, houses, RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235-0477 11.:9tfc STORE TO LET, in Lucan, Main St,, 24 x 36, suitable for most lines of business; avail- able immediately. Apply J. W. CEanoucchran2e27-B44 0. b er Shop, phone 26'' Custom Corn Planting ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner, apartment size, automatic oven, in excellent condition; also 6x9 rose colored India rug. Phone 235-0924. 19:26c BEAVERS KITCHEN HELP wanted; also waitress, Apply in person at Rether's Restaurant, 26c Clearing Estate AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF IIENSALL, Main Street. SATURDAY, APRIL 28 at 1:00 p,m. Chesterfield suite; sett e e; coffee table; odd tables; occa- sional chairs; dining room suite; glass china caibnet; hall bench and mirror; 3 beds; 3 dressers and stands; air foam ill a ttres s ; flower stand; spin- ning wheel; writing desk; kit- chen table and. chairs; kitchen. china cabinet; washing m a- chine ; vacuum cleaner; 3 rock- ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer ing chairs; electric stove; 12;19:26c apartment size refrigerator, like new; ice box; wood stove: flower stands; lamps, table and floor; radio; pictures; foot stool; clothes hamper; 6x9 Ax- minster rug and rubber pad; hooked mats; wool blankets; bed linen; table linen; clock; lawn mower; sealers; antique dishes including Bridal Wreath Limoges china; modern baby buggy; other articles too nu morons to mention, TERMS: Cash. Prop., Estate of the late Christina Manns HAROLD JACKSON, Auct, 1.9:26c CREST HARDWARE PHONE 235-1033 — EXETER 50 ACRES GRASS—Holds 10 or 12 head of cattle. Apply John Willis, phone 235-2955. 26* SPORTS COAT, bay's, grey, size 8; girl's blue all-weather coat, size 12.14; girl's turquoise pleated skirt, matching lop coat; in good condition, Apply Mid-Town Cleaners, 26c 7 Teachers Wanted Atrazine supplied in. same operation, John Deere 4-row planter. Picker shelter to har- vest your crop in the fall. CLARENCE KNIGHT Phone Exeter 235-2666 26;3:10:17c USED REFRIGERATOR, full freezing compartment. Apply Ross Turkey, phone 235-1392. 26e STEPHEN TOWNSHIP School, Area requires a teacher, duties to commence for fall term,. Reply in. writing. stating former inspector, experience and sal- ary expected to Wilmar Wein, See.-Treas,, Box 181., C. V. PICKARD DAVENO, makes into bed, maple arm, newly upholstered, $45; 7 yards lovely American print, 32.85; 8 yards white organdy, $2; combination coal and electric stove,* fine for farm, $10; modern chair, wal- nut trimmed, upholstered in tangerine and never used, $29.95, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Lucan, Ont., phone 227-4557, 26c • • REFRIGERATOR, Cold Spot, large size, used only 3 months, SHERLOCK - MANNING pianos reasonably priced for quick for the modern home are care- sale. Phone 228.6704. 26c fully built from selected ma• • terials to a high standard of GIRL'S COAT, blue tweed, size piano craftsmanship, Choose 8; also check coat and tam, from 8 models, 3 finishes. Snel- size 3.4; jumper, size 3. Apply grove's, 235-0770 Exeter, Mid-Town Cleaners. 26* 4: letfne TV SERVICE — Our expert takes less time to find the trouble, saving you money. Snelgrove's, phone 235.0770 Ex- eter. 4:19tfne REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE APARTMENT, furnished, stove and frig, private bath, private We have clients prepared to entrance; couple only. 109 buy, If you wish to sell, see Huron St, East. 4:26tfric No Reserve—everything will he sold to settle estate. ELMER WEBB. HAROLD WEBB, Executors for the 'Estate of the late Humphrey Webb GLEN WEBB. Clerk Crectiton, Ont, 26:3c ROOM & BOARD by the week for one person. Phone 235.0320. 26c 9 Services YOUR MUSIC STORE in Ex- eter. Records, sheet music, record players, stereo combin- ations, TV, pianos and musical instruments, all at fair prices. Snelgrove's Music Store, dial 235.0770 Exeter. 4:19tine us, 3-BEDROOM HOME, close to post office; large living room, modern kitchen and bathroom; good basement with oil-burning furnace. This is a comparative- ly new house and in good condi- tion, Moderately priced. Terms. 50 ACRES with medium-sized brick house. Tidy barn on well; good roofs; drilled well with water on tap in house and barn; hydro throughout; soil deep loam, suitable for, any crop, 25 acres ploughed; well located east of Kippen, Price $8,000,00, We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. APARTMENT, unfurnished, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, private entrance, immediate posssession, Ilse miles north of airport. Apply Earl W. Neil. phone 235-1921. 4:26tfnc SOWING GRASS SEED a prob- lem? Our 3-point hitch seeder sows all kinds of seeds. Order your seed requirements from Cann's Mill Ltd. and use our grass seeder free of cost. Phone Exeter 235-1782. 26c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect.. 5:91:fric ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 100 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27:10*tfric 22 Notices Custom Corn Planting TO THE PUBLIC—This is to tell you I am the dealer for Meyers Weed Sprayers, also for Weed Spray for nearly every crop .for several com- panies including C 11 i p ni a n s, Dow, Green-Cross and Niagara brand; also orchard sprays. Call and see me for prices. It may surprise you! Phone 235- 1414, L. V. Hogarth, 324 Senior St., Exeter, 12:19;26c Vacuum Cleaners ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5:254einc 3 NEW WAGONS, all steel, automobile steering. Apply Joe Amos, Ailsa Craig, phone 293- 3039. 26c SEE OR CALL US for strong germinating, high yielding Pio- neer hybrid seed corn. Choice of early, medium and late hybrids. Order now, they may be sold out, later, Keith Lovell, Kippen, Ontario, phone .Hensall 265w1. 19:26e Sales and Service repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale. Seed and fertilizer supplied. Also band treatments with at- razine available. Your choice of DeKalb, Funks, Pfister and Warwick. Good equipment with reliable operators. We are also SALES AND SERVICE equipped to harvest your crop. TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT Picker sheller at your clis- ICE MACHINES posal.. PHONE 224 GRAND BEND CANN'S MILL LTD. 5;4tfnc Exeter Phone 235-1782 ALL TYPES of lawnmowers 26;3;10:17c Bruce Refrigeration VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucerield Phone 9131 Clinton 442:26* WHY NOT GIVE your dog for cancer research instead of let- ting it run around? L, V. Hogarth, 324 Senior St., phone 235441.4. 26:3c BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensall 696r2 C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 TIMOTHY SEED and alfalfa seed, partly cleaned, George Frayne, phone 84r20 Kirkton. 26* BOY'S BICYCLE, 26" tires; Shetland gelding colt, light colour. Edwin Miller, phone 235-1126. 26* 8:24e 24 Tenders Wanted For Sale Modern 4 bed-room home WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts has received a large attractive selection of Mother's Day cards, now on display, Remem- ber, pleasing you pleases us. 2(ic sharpened and repaired. Have them sharpened the Electra- keen way, perfect cutting ac- tion, Rotary blades balanced for true operation. Apply John- ny's Shell Station, Grand Bend, Ont,, Highway 21 South. 3:22.4:26c 1st Mortgages GARAGE 10 Livestock For Sale COWS—Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test, pure- breds and grades. Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth 652-3200. 3:1-4:26* Built by Grade 12 shop classes, size 22' x 14', with cedar bevel siding. 1 window and 8' x 9' steel overhead door. Roof with asphalt green shingles, walk-in door at rear. Project may he inspected at school, Tenders should be ad- dressed to the secretary of South Huron. District High School Board, E. D. .HOWEY, Exeter, Ontario. by April 30, 1962. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 12:19:26c 14' PLYWOOD BOAT with 62" beam, will take up to 25 h,p. motor. Needs a little work— $75, Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033. 26c .s.esseneWeinsoeSOssessftess , I; FARMS RESIDENTIAL 'f COMMERCIAL MAN'S BICYCLE, good condi- tion. Milford Ayotte, Con, 11, Lot 13, RR 3 Dashwood, 26c CENTRE PLAN DRY HIGH BASEMENT INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, due soon. Apply John Berendsen, High- way 83, 1.1/4 miles east of Farquhar, Phone Kirkton 21r4. 12:19:26* We can Dig It PHONE 235.0855 DAILY AFTER 5 P,M, Business Directory Basements, ponds, ditches, tile, drain s, bulldozing, loading, crane work, gravel, topsoil, sand and fill, CALL US! Contact our Agent: 10 YEARLING CATTLE for grass. Apply Ray Cottle, phone .Kirkton 37r12. 26c eal Estate likettetteetleasesesseessesesesss: SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC (Carrying on the practice of law of W. G. Cochrane, O.C.) CHARLES L. MACKENZIE, B, Comm., LL.B. PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. Hensall Office Open Wednesday Afternoons from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER JOHN BURKE LIMITED Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages 15 CATTLE, Angus and Hol- stein; weaners and chunk pigs. Fred M. Knip, RR 1 Centralia; no Sunday calls, 26c 4 HOLSTEIN COWS; 2 Holstein heifers; 16 pigs; Massey-Har- ris tractor No. 102. Arthur Rundle, RR 3 Exeter. 26* HOMES SAM SW E ITZE R 235.0181 EXETER 5:12:19126c PHONE 235-18(33 EXETER INSTALLATION OF 3-PIECE BATH AND PRESSURE SYSTEM Tenders wanted for the in- stallation of 3-piece bath and pressure system for Kirkton Public Library, Kirkton., Ten- ders to be in the hands of Secretary Mrs, Mary Neil by May 5, 1962. For further infor- mation contact :Eldon Robinson or Ross Everett. Lowest or any tender net necessarily accept- ed. 26;3c EXETER — 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 down. EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. Terms. EXETER — 2-bedroom .home with full basement and oil furnace, $1,000 down. EXETER, — 4-bedroom brick home, well located. EXETER — Wartime house, 2-3 bedroom, new kitchen, bath and oil furnace; immaculate. GRAND BEND — Over 20 listed properties in this area. See our resort representative, William Dace, Lake Road, Southcott Pines. FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER Call JB at 1863 Custom Pasture Fertilization 11 Poultry For Sale N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; 6 week old, 79e; 9 week old, 980; 12 week old, $1,29. All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limited, phone 645,11, Seaforth. 3:22.4:26*tfric AMES, SYKES and Comet egg specialists for best markets. Some started pullets. Best dual purpose varieties, and Leg- horns; mixed chicks, pullets and cockerels. Request price list. Bray Hatchery, Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 235-2734. 26tH Let us boost your pasture production! Increase the feeding value of your hay! We broadcast liquid 9-9-9 or 32's urea for as little as $5.00 per acre. PhOne es collect for Particulars, NEW 3=BEDROOM brick with basement and oil heat; garage; $71 per month carries mortgage and taxes, 2-BEDROOM HOUSE on nicely landscaped corner lot; attach- ed garage. Heat tot' $100 and taxes only $172. 11 2 STOREY 2-bedroom brick, on corner lot, oil heat, alumin- Closed All Day Saturdays um storms and screens. ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at: all times, "Service That Satisfies" DIAL EXCHANGE BUILDING Tenders will he received by the undersigned for the con- struction of a dial exchange building at Grand Bend to be completed by July 1, 1962. All tenders must be clearly marked as such and must be aceompaeied by a certified cheque amounting to 5", of the amount of tender and should be in the hands of the undersigned not later than 5 p.m, May 9, 1962. Specifications and plans ace available at the office of the Company in Zurich. Township of Rey :Municipal Telephone System, R. G. Black, Seey-Treas, Box 130, Zurich, Ont. DR• H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L .0.S., D.D.S. Ma in Street FARMS EXETER — 200 Acres CENTRALIA — 150 Acres Mt. Carmel — 125 Acres Mt. Carmel — 225 Acres Kippen Area 150 Acres Kippen Area — 150 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard,, good land, modern buildings. Terms, EXETER Phone 235.0991 DASHWOOD Phone 119 Exeter CANN'S MILL LTD. Exeter Phone 2351782 26:3:10:17c WELL KEPT 4-bedroom lintels with separate garage, lovely pine trees surround the pro- limey. After the down payMent, $75 per month pays mortgage and taxes. 4-BEDROOM BRICK on An- drew St,, new kitchen and new oil furnace, NURSING HOME, accommo- dates 11 patients; moitgagieg available, 50 ACRE FARM, south of Dashwood, brick house, batik barn; 54,000 down. 50 ACRE 'FARM, west of Ex- eter; $9,000, 50 ACRE PARM, east of Kip- pen; $0,500. 50 ACRE FARM, near Credi. Ion, $10,500. 3 - BEDROOM BRICK house, steel barn, with 3 to 13 acres; herries and fruit trees!, located 212 miles southeast of Cent- ralia, :Mood In sell, PHONE 235.0233 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THE RAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC DR, J. W• CORBETT L .D,S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons McSTE PH EN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Air Base DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48110, Licence No. 175-C-62, 1:5tfne BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quartet's. EXETER — General stole with separate paint store, on main corner. Equipment includes paint blender. Terms. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) $8,500; 1050 truck and van. Terms. MOBILE FEED MIXER — With established route %. Of oVer 50 customers, Wrecking: ST, MARYS PHONE 1272 '56 Plymouth, good motor '53 Chev, good motor '53 Oldsmobile, stick shift '51 Chev I ton track Good used batteries for tar, tractor, or combine, $4,00 exchange PHONE 228.6214 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy RP. 1 Kiekten President Timothy B, Toohey RR 3 Vice=Presictent Loran BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELM ER 1), BELL, Q.('. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235,0440 EXETER CUSTOM WORK 25 Auction Sales Fanners, just pick up your phone and dial 2354815 to get the right. man and the right '52 AUSTIN SEDAN, in good equipment to do your sowing Mechanical condition, no rust, and planting. We, have modern P h o n e 39R4, Ray Wilhelm, equipment to do alt yam' spring Dashwood. 41294inc work, sowing grain or planting your beets, beans, turnips, 13For Sale corn, We art equipped Mr liquid a hd dry fertilizer or for SEE:o conN_Chijic6 Or pfis. both dry and liquid together,' ter, Dekaib,. Warwick, Punk's And do not target we handle 1 the best seed sold in Canada, ilto t i, cilifs Mill Ltd. and BeRctiver. Order, phone s seed grain, eleeers, geasSes of 23,14,782 txetee. 12:19:26c inixturee. "Mar-Web on the '- , - • l2g. 111 M18-, quality it the bag" PILTP,R QUEEN sales and Do you Know we Crave , the service, fro Peek, Tut I Lute right torn for your artri l ich, phone tr etu oi ow, Warwick, Pride and United 8".3Itftio ; Hybrid, The EXOter Farm Set. — - ' s " ' • ; s vice 15 the only place where TAY RENOyATOR—qhe tole quality and service goes to ache antoinagic 'cleaner that other. beautifia rtiga and Upholstery. Only $1.15 per bottle, You can W. VICTOR MP rent ettr apelidatot at very AP I Centralia small Cost. litipper.Rockey Fdr., 1.2:19;2'G, ac itUre, phone 225.1900. 3:2011ric 4:Mine AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Carpenter Tools and Misc, Items. On the Premises, 302 Carling H in the TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public atiction nil FRIDAY, APRIL 27 at 1100 p.m, Chester:field with 2 matching chairs; oak clitthig room txten. Moo table; S dining tinoM chairs,' kitchen (able, 4 chairs; buffet: kilehen chairs; loather• covered settee with chair to intifott; Enterprise nil space heater; console electric radio; BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited, William H. Chaffer 1311 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colqnhotin Rp 1 Setae?, Dill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert 0, Gardiner C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario r,'FrrE ITOURS O Mon., 'Pies., ThtirS. 9 s T2, 2 Tues. and Pvt. Evening', 7 = 13y Ap(ieifitment Please Office Phone 6$4 Home 1498 G. A. WEBB, D.C, DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSET) WI4DNHSDAY Por Appointment Ph 935.1980 .Hod.gson Ltd*. teal Estate Insurance PHONE 2354420 EXETER M, J. .6i'Ser, Ph 2154426 Dovity Ph 135.2764 WM. C, 1560, droci Bend, Phone 6210 fal 1 Cromarty JOHN BURKE Agents 1-Itigh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayten Harris Mitch4di Solicitor W. G, Cochrane, Hxcter tocretary.Treasurer Arthur` Praser txotor Limited REAL IlSTATP.1 BROXER MORTGAGE BROXEll GENERAL INSURANCE 1NCLU17INO LIFE DEVON gult.Dit46 EXETER 'V Phone 238-1863 tot r....