HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 143 Male Help Wanled 3 Male Help Wanled 4 Female Help'Wanted Constable HANDY MAN to work around motel and yard, part time. Ap- ply Pine Dale Motel, Grand GIRLS WANTED 13end, Receive promotions at Centralia Three personnel. frmn RCAF Centralia received promotions from the rank of Sgt, to: that of Flying Officer it was announced this week, Commissioned from the ranks are:. left to right. Sgt. William Douglas Gordon. Tech. AE; Sgt. Robert William Fore- man, Tech AP: and Sgt. Robert Jackson, personnel branch. —ND photos 0 LING STATISTICS MEN'S LEAGut A.' onnun rt•.(71,.0 Tla e 11.14R r,1 Nt-ra41c n1 a :.ttt.n''n. e4, 1.1!,,,S4 a4.4 7114 F:!rfgpt (n. 11-'1. 1' I;s11.1 ,.is Nftar,- t rarpe:av NN (n(111 ,17!,, 1 1,. 41-5zon, 1 .451 7'71.1( t. ...Super 4:0 2E , 1rifia444.41 4 4N,i:t RI ngnrs • 4w.:9 Sts1.1rPS4 s.,.451) "R" GFICAM 71. 1":*. .csss n -p<toi.; Rarlcfri4nt, 1:44.4104. 4(4.4(i Sr.:4 1 rittnt” 7.... (1.(P4 (1(1 TI?;;1•1 i4 t417 ‘1.greIt$, I I. Fairlann, I., 1.44 f,:.4 s! iiint7,140.,.. 1711T F: fkitt..1.14 ..., IVect on,: 4.47: I''(112`la..11‘1961.117,1 l'in-111(17pyr. 7..nrk c tans:, sla,.1;m...n t.: ris14rs i :Ws CONSOLATION l'iepiyal, I .1 4 `1s...•0 ,,s , 11 kirsrspss TiZaws 1.1 st asps, s .A&T-T R114404(4; .(3t. I frn f•ftp...4. 147S1 2 1414(401,4 r.1,,,n.,•iinik 3971 2 Oln. Tin? 31. T:,(04(1.1iis • Pup. c '0. 4:1(1( TtNripsr(u,l, (1. C;(4....for,;((14.1 6:17) 2 r.- Eine(' rie 411. Per,ls 114125 Trad.,,1f11 14.04t. l•el(aq ' inf. 4t5:ty.11 A ek- if 111", 1,...0-4pr4 102.( I ft , Plust. ir.rh .44514- 4 1. 1-1 ,41 (9,1-411‘44 f• "Se: j..k4 ',z!` 1):4 ,47‘, LADIES' LEAGUE Gaoup. A-1 Re,r , 1,1(.11”. M. from:2 la Milt,,..on 74471 • .11,1 ,14 ss I*,1(4•44!-,1 7;sil f • r".17.,,, A m. , GROUP B•.2 ..1;;PN t R V/- 5a2 ) .14 ,7 A 4.4. Flurke 4721 64th Iint.A. A K nogarA 7,77 mighty ?titian :1 71 17111gY FIPOs 31; 7+0 IV hn I F npiri 70.1 rat, ts I iffr 111)1405. ............ ,.. , 4 t 11 I'll 4..asrf.x fl .10.11 .4111. , Fl ag!' it(Ar?,. M. e,'I'r11tYr). Maikg, 1:1121 High '1 iIPP: .1. NI (, 1'712, 14, 11, .'MarhF. 17171. MEN'S LEAL,,uE 44,1a 4444-4-4, (1-1 Erilling. 745 I lint :41111,51 T.-1(4$.1iet 537 H 1.k,r),)nald 54» Eanntoir ts:!rIC N111144 61474 Win eight points in men's playoff The Exeter "1-3" team took a giant. step toward their group .title in the men's intertown league. Saturday, when they scored an 8-2 win over the Go- derich "B" squad. Playing in Exeter, it was the first meeting in the home- and-home series, and the teams will return to Goderich this Saturday where the locals need to only two of the five games to cop the "B" chain- pionship, Peter McFalls sparked the win with his 1174, finishing his afternoon off with a sparkling 336 performance.. Larry Holiove followed closely behind with an 1,159, while Neil Redman con- tributed a 1,087 towards the winning cause. Gene Baker topped the Gode, rich effort with an 1,185. The Exeter squad are defend- "B" champs in the inter- town group. Don MacGregor PH 235-1273 EXETER EXETER LANES LUCAN LANES 44%1 GPoco a Eectrtc and Acetylene Welding Teatiers Built Of All Kinds Ste the. Ouality•Built REMIHGTON CHAIN SAWS 4.4 1414. ,I4,41 ;4, g'lo'm In Stock . . . HEAVY 7'x12' 2-WHEEL TRAILER REDUCED TO ONLY . $160.00 SEE US TODAY,!: Whether it is a complete new installation, an alteration to your present system, or a service requirement . WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM! Free estimates, Finance plans Available with up to EXeirte' •• • • tin years 'to par 4 Lindenhelds Phc~t1 25.23.61 MEASURED ACO ZAMA R RATLIF .F, BA Idwyrt, Miss., is the first grower, and Funk's G•Hybrid the first corn, to reach this history.rnaking goal. For good corn . . and lots of it , , plant Funk's.G. ORD Ek NOW! RoLD-. G. ELDER RR 2 HEMALL Phone 1601 • • . TED HOLMES 145 Peer Park Circle, London GE 4-91.1.;2 or Enquire at The Times• Advocate Air ), THE STEADY RELIABLE PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF STONE'S H-56 LEGHORN PULLETS MEANS PROFITS FOR YOU ! vimarns Sit:mum OROS% AN, antAaevto WHITC LtGlIORN Please call or write for avallabilities and prices, ROE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 356.21I1 TR1 THE eassinED QuiekFasa 4 Save time...Save money Buy your fertilizer in polythene bags and store it outside...where you'll use it. You'll save both time and money when you buy fertilizer in polythene bags. Here's why: Polythene bags are waterproof—you can truck fertilizer in any weather without tarpaulins. You can store fertilizer outdoors, in fields where you'll use it. Polythene bags are tough—they don't absorb moisture and weaken. They are easy to handle and stack. Polythene bags are closed with a heat-seal—there's no lint or string to plug your drill. Polythene bags are transparent—you can see the fertilizer you are buying without opening the bag. MASTEX FILMS UNIT PLASTICS DIVISION CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Lay your plans for more poultry profit at chick starting time. Even at a day old , your chicks represent a substantial investment,. Protect this investment by giving them a safe start with Purina Chick Startena—Canada's favourite chick starter. Economical too . It takes only 2 pounds of Startena to nourish a light breed chick through those important first five Weeks. Costs only pennies per chick. You get high chick livability when you bring 'em along the low-cost Purina way, Chick Startena contains 26 l?tiritlatTi,esearched ingredients in- cluding trace minerals, vitamins', and antibiotics that combat disease. And what's even more important, Purina's exclusive Micro-Mixing guarantees that all 26 ingredients are precisely balanced and thoroughly mixed so that every thimbleful of Startena is a complete diet. When you order your chicks, see us for Startena and all your chick start- ing needs—at the Store with the Checkerboard Sign. for fast, efficient feed service call E. L. Mickle & SON LTD Phone 205 Hensel! Ca nadthos who warabigger profits tb,m-lrvw toed PURINA CHOWS tohyl .0t.it* X X a 'IV . a Al 111- iss fro.0 1.4 The Times-Advocate, April 26, 19.62, Classified Rates Classifications :eason starts on Saturday 11'ond bui cher, 1.4. fioRt 4'14441(14,1)0yr I DnfauRi I It II,, fitly roic.) .;;.alto E Oaring 127, , E. Eater, Ii Van 1,1(..hout 1.2),1 Ho, ) 1, Make C91 1 111 T. .4. 15'a+ =01,14 ▪ ( ts 411. ei 3(1,0 -1 riair men Shamrocks . so Shirt i'ircUttF Lumber xingh to firs: 41 F'i'r Eat . .... „. :17 Unmet 27 1 Toi Shot. . 11 22 Final averages High t Pr:1.1;r: 'arlilpg (211)) High 11411 (11e High triple: E. 0;11110c I so21 LADIES' LEAGUE Diamonds (14, Drennan and 71. Murphy 1.SS1 , I SOMniks IF:, SI PR, !." inn . 1 Anon. 4.1. 1 1 raniti 1, '.:11 \ ) 7, 1 In ir.-111nid s 131, 1'e,o,)..4 2stt I .... 2 11111ithi'4s II. Erideer and 11, Ewrn 21s)5 . . 1i.t.i. IL. Dhlt..0)) '.2.154 . , - 4iIRP11.111•10 (N. Thilin118011 211'1 :1 r1all'ill(1^ IM, 1 o, %A - ic 2221 - SRIPI;((it(: CM. Zuha 1 turn S high Hope,. (II. 1,piich 21? I - 1.egionel (P' 1 P. Orinlce 2114 I :t niljo, .1.1, Simic-oo 1771 , .117 411:7 Inc 10:1 14 , gun 911 179 711 High i:inicle; .1. tie:mien (2 4 5) High (rink,: 51, Young (Sig') (-Ugh n veva:Tr): 1,. 1)irhson (178) COLLEENS LEAGUE S i. 'Pate ('I'. Damen 4691 Biowetles E.-an,. 5161 -1.tie.'els (Libby 1,, OS Hawks W. W(N.SP.1 576 . 7 High $111gle: Libby 1,, (239) High triple: 'Libby I., 111)31 High arerago: C. Wissel (133) 5 (i 5 ti ( 'halm-is 95 Jinx. . 95 SParkphigs . 65 51Ploors .55 .kees SS Dumbeils , . . . .. . .. .... , 14 High PitIFIP: Girt'fg. L. .1.1'nfil d (192(; 'boys', 17. needy (n43) 22 Words *85 Each. Additional Word 31 (Minimum 85c) paid by Saturday following last insertion. Second Insertion 2 1/2 Pk a1Nf7RD tmunnium 550) Six Insertions 2 c wcmo lIllinun um 152) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1,40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.2$ Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1.2 inch, Kool Kats cop mixed honors Paced by Bill Gilfillan's 1,113, the Knol Kats emerged with the Exeter mixed league bowling championship in a five- game playoff with the Legion- naires. Following their will in the "A" group playoff, the new champs look the honors with a .slim 65-point margin over 'the "B" group winners. Verna Stagg was also a big gun for the Kats as she trun- dled a sparkling 1,046 total in the playoff. The members of the teams, plus the Mr Wicks, 1. Lost, Strayed Found 2. i11l 3. eHelp Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11, Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 11. Wanted' To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 16. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21N o tices Pr o perty Wanted 22. 23. Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales for 'TOWN OF EXETER Applications for the position of Police Constable will be re- ceived at ..the Clerk's Office up to Thursday, May 10, at 5. P(M. Duties to commence as soon as possible, Force will consist of Chief and two Constables. Pen- sion, hospitalization and P,S,I, schemes in effect. Applications should include police experience, in any with references, age, information as to family if married and salary expected, C. V. PICKARI), Town Clerk, Exeter, Ont, TRUCK DRIVER, — Apply in person. Guenther Tuckey Trans- port, Exeter. 26c WANTED Men Over 50 Western Ontario Company of- fers genuine -opportunity for respectable, challenging and interesting employment — part or full time in your own coin. finality ,— to men over 50 years of age. Preference given to men who have been forced to retire due to age retirement regulations. Must be in reason- ably good health, For full par- ticulars send name, address, age and last occupation to Box No, ANR, Exeter Times.Aclvo- cate. All replies held strictly confidential. 26:3:10c 4 Female Help Wanled !Pun Wel', Sal I es. tairynlaids ('((t (es Shamrock. 1 lich 1.1.opAs clown. Dninholls Logii mei I OS 111411110(1,144 Spill net t CHILDREN'S LEAGUE Champs (4,. Arn,,tri in.2) Acne 231, Rolland and 11, -krnohl 15:11 Meteors (0. Briager Iwo numbens (S. nrirtgpr re) Tieady 3511 . Sparkplugs ( W. lio(IgIris 2 ;22) wh o 1'4- won the league's regular sche- dule are as follows Kool Fats — Reg and Verna Stagg, Tom and Diane Burke, Ted and Shirley Wright, Chub -and Mad Edwards, Bill and Grace Gilfihlan, Legionnaires — Pete and Ruth Durand, Jerry and Isa Camp. bell, Lloyd and Dorothy Reyn- olds, Bob and Marg Wragg, Bert and Olive Ostland. Air Wicks — Neil and Midge Redman, Bob and Dolly Osgood, Ilarold and Ann Spencer, Terry two and Sybil Farrel, Ross and Do- reen Tremblay, Did you know ... that $1,000 put into Investors Mutual in February of 1950 is worth over $3,600 today? invetors )1ovncinoc:IQa OP CANADA, 4.1 MiTtli We have a big selection at modest prices. See our rose bushes, too PEED;:e,SEE,C0 Exeter Ph 235.1782 Whalen Corners Ph 35r15 Kirkton 30:26c To serve as car hops for drive-. in restaurant at Grand Rend, APPLY LEN VERI, gxgTgR Phone 235-0141 19;a6c Now's the time . TO ORDER NURSERY STOCK FOR SPRING * Rose Bushes * Evergretma * Fruit Trees WE PLANT THEM AND GUARANTEE ONE YEAR Catalogue Price FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We have an entrance off Wil- liam Street and have plenty of free parking, REDER'S FLORIST Exeter 1. GIRL OR WOMAN for general motel work; start immediately, Also girls for summer work. Apply Pine Dale Motel, Grand Bend. 4;19tfnc 235.2603 Bill Mickle's TIPS ON A SAFE START FOR YOUR BABY CHICKS