HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 7BACKACHE when kidneys fail to rentOVe exoese acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills cumulate kldneye to normal duty, You feel dotter, sleep better, work better. 80 Bob Taylor Says Thanks 3ob Taylor, the new Car King of Huron County, takes this opportunity of saying "Thanks" to his many new friends for their purchases of new and used cars, Since he came here in January, sales of 1962 Pontiacs, Buicks and Acadians have been so tremendous, the firm is loaded with used cars. Because of Pontiac's popularity, the Car King has been able to pick the best trade-ins and now he's offering them at exceptional prices, Don't miss this clearance! Our PSP Plan Wins Friends We're gaining new friends every day with our "PSP" policy, which gives you low PRICE because of volume sales; complete SATISFACTION be- cause of strict attention to service; and PROTECTION against high finance costs, death and disability disasters. Try us t Find out for yourself I BOB TAYLOR — THE NEW CAR KING t in n the Car King's Spring Clearance! action Sale Hensall and district news Easter :service. At the regular service. at 11 A.m. Rev, Currie Winlaw chose, for his subject 'into Thy. Hands". The choir rendered two an- (hems. Mr. Allan Elston of Exeter sang "The Holy .0ity". Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fee. Easter visitors Mr, .and. Mrs. George Hess, AIr, and Mrs. .1, L. McCloy and family, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McBride and faMBY, lqeSten, Mrs, Alvin McBride, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Woods and family, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Beattie and son, Wingham, enjoyed an Easter dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on SundaY. Mr. and Mrs, Gus Voth of Detroit with Mrs. Lou Simp- son, Kathy Cann of Exeter, is an Easter guest with Dottie Kip- fer, Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Shep- herd and family, of Toronto, with Mrs, James Smillie, Miss Ann Mickle in Kitche- ner with her sister and bro- ther-in-la w., Mr, and Mrs, Ross MacMillan a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and David of .Clarkson with. Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. and Airs. Ron PasSmore of London with Mrs. Pearl. Passmore, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Birosh and family of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maoris, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs, William Shepherd, Miss Judy Elder, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elder, Terry and Timmy Hoy of Port Albert, with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Ronnie and Gary for the holidays, Miss Beth Goddard of Guelph with her parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. C. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Airs. John Rigby of Blenhem, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing and Danny and Mrs. Jean Manson, Exeter, on Sunday, Personal items Rev, Ross MacDonald is at- tending the Hamilton - London Synod at Brantford Monday, Tuesday and. Wednesday of this week. Mr. R. .1. Paterson is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. The Kinsmen Club will blitz the village this Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m. in aid of the Cancer Fund, Pupils of grades 5 and 6 of Hensall Public School contri- buted $8:50 for the Bunny Bundle at CFPL 'Ract`o. Mrs. Mary Haugh is the teacher, Chrissie McRae and Linda Reid forwarded $2.32 to the Bunny Bundle at CFPL Radio on Saturday last, The two lit- tle girls made paper flowers and sold them from door to door selling them at 5- and .1.0 each. They received a nice re- sponse from the people. Mr. Edgar Munn, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, returned home Tues- day. Mrs. Lloyd Campbell is a patient in. St—Josephs Hospi- tal, London, where he under- went surgery on his knee. CORRECTION PLEASE Last week we erroneously re- ported that Mrs. Ken Elder ac- companied Miss Mary Shaw of Exeter when she sang at the meeting of Arnold Circle in Hensall, It should have read Mrs. Ken Campbell, Exeter, who accompanied on the accordion. -gaStPr •wnrhe service Sunday morning at 7.;36: a tit. the YPLI held an Easter sun- rise service and breakfast. Dennis Mock, Steve Kyle, and Gregory Spencer, assisted with the service held in the church auditorium. A quar- tette composed of Miss Ann. Mickle, Miss Nancy Kyle, Bob Mickle and Robert McNaugh- ton rendered a selection In the 'Garden", Mrs. R, Pryde accompanying at the church organ. Breakfast was served to fifty in the ,church schoolrooms. Personal items Miss Norma Passmore has accepted a position on the staff of Burlington u hli c School, By MRS, NORMAN LONG WPM Honor departing couple Friends of Mr. and 'Airs, Campbell Eyre surprised them on March 27 'a( their home be- for they leave for Restoule. Ontario and presented them with a set of hostess trays. Euchre was played and an en- joyable evening spent. Good luck party SS 10 Tuckersmith held a good luck party honoring Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Eyre and Air, and Mrs. Mervyn Eyre on Friday evening, March 30, Sev- eral games of euchre were en- joyed. Airs. Harvey Jacobi read an address and Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs, Verne Alderdice pre- sented the gifts of a picture and folding chair to Mr. and Airs. Campbell Eyre and to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Eyre a set of hostess trays. Surprise party A surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre was held by the hunting gang and their wives on Thursday evening, April 19 at the Cosy Corner Restaurant in Hensall. After a chicken dinner the party continued at the home of Air, and Mrs. Wm. Bell where Campbell showed colored slides of their recently purchased sum- mer resort at Restoule. Several games of euchre were played after which Mrs. Dave Tile!). ner read a humorous address and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, pre- sented them with a table lamp and all wished them success in their new venture. Those attending were: Mr, anc Mrs. Wes Richardson, Mr. ant Mrs. Ross Richardson, Mr. ant Mrs. Howard Striate, Mr. anc Mrs. Jim McAllister, Air. ant Mrs, Earl McClinchey, Mr. an( Mrs. Carl McClinchey, Mr. ant Mrs, David Triebncr, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton, Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Kyle, Messrs. Allan and Wilson Tremeer, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bell. Shower for bride-elect A miscellaneous shower was g i v en Wednesday evening, April 18 at Kippen United Church, honoring Ruth Turner, bride-elect. Mrs. Robert Taylor was in the chair for the program which included a recitation by Gwyn- neth Hendrick, duet by Anne and Debra Stephenson, accom- panied by Mrs. Stephenson, contest conducted by Marion Turner, Mrs. Robert Taylor, and Mrs. Wm. Consitt, sing- song with, Mrs. R. Broadfoot at the piano and two numbers on the guitar by Grant and Ken- neth Jones. Mrs. Taylor invited Ruth to t,c :Easter services. Good: Friday Communion ser- vice with reception of new church em bers was held , the United Church. Received to full communion were Craig. Chapman, William .Chipchase. Ruth ()Atmore, Diane Dignan, John. Elder, _Steven B I d r, Deanna Forrest, Robert For- rest, Fred Funk, Keith flay., Miley Kyle, Ann Mickle, „Ed- ward Mock, Lynda Mock, Lar- ry McLean, Wayne Payne, Suzanne Ronnie, Donna Rich- ardson, Gail itichardson, Bruce Shirray, Lois Simmons, Brian David Taylor, George Taylor, James Traquair and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Re- ceived by .transfer at certifi- cate was Miss Reina Stephen. son.. sit in a decorated chair on the. platform, The address was read by Marion Turner, and and the gifts brought in by Brenda and Janice Turner for which Ruth thanked all. Personal items A successful bake sale was held Saturday afternoon in Crest Hardware Store, liensall by units 1 and 3 of the 'LICW of Kippen, Mrs. Ralph Turner and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot are the leaders of the units. Airs, H. Smith and family of London visited a week .with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wie- ren and family. Mr. and. Mrs, N. Dickert vis- ited Good Friday with relatives in Harriston, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Faber and Dianne spent Palm Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Alvin Ra- der at Dashwood and also at- tended confirmation services at Zion Lutheran Church at Dash- wood. Fifteen ladies from Kippen UCW attended the Easter thank-offering meeting at Car- mel Presbyterian Church at Hensall. Mrs. Ross McDonald was the guest speaker. Air. and Mrs. Vivian Cooper attended the Webber - Cooper wedding in Exeter on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter and family of Guelph called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. Long and other friends in the vicinity. Mr. and Airs. Albert Robin- son of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rob- inson, Mrs, Keene of Stratford is visiting this week with Air, and. Mrs. E. Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride accompanied by Mr. and Airs. Grant Love, Caro, Mich„ spent a few days last week in Nor- folk, Virginia, visiting Mr, and Airs. Norman Coleman and family- Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Van Tol of Holland, who have spent the past 11 months with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wieren and family returned home Ap- ril 12. Mr. Oswald Brown, QC, and Airs, Brown of Detroit and Airs. Alvin Ulch of Windsor visited during the holiday weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Winthrop, visited Easter Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. The Kippen East, WI will be playing host to Staffa WI, Ellin- ville WI, Seaforth WI and Hu- rondale WI in St. Andrews Uni- ted Church, Kippen, on May 16 at 8:30 p.m. Airs. Thomas Hough of Stratford will be the guest speaker. Karen Broderick, 6. flangh , ler of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick, injured her left font on Monday when she fell off the second balcony of her home onto a hush which broke her fall to the sidewalk. X-rays taken at South Huron :Hospital, .Exeler, revealed a bone out of place. tier' font was placed in a oast for 10 days. Dr. V. (inlet's of Dashwood at tended. Unit plans bake sale Twenty one members at- tended the meeting of L'CW unit 2 held Monday evening and presided over by Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mrs. Byron Kyle was in charge of the devotional pr. rind and Airs. P. L. MeNaugh- ton, the Bible study. Miss Norma Westgate, pub- lic health nurse of Exeter, who was to have been e tl e s t speaker, was :unable In he present hut will speak al the May meeting Plans were finalized for the special order Mother l)ay hake sale Saturday, May 12, BUY CHO L. 011.FPRM.4 two. Easter parties of Sun' day .School children were held. in Hensel! 'United .0 h. tt r c 11 rooms Tuesday .aftrenoen .and. evening With the .offering.s re- ceived, school 11104'318 ar.o to he purchased for a Korean child adopted by the Sunday The offering amounted to lip. Recreation period included an assortment of games. Airs. Don joynt, was in -charge.. W., .4,'"q4.4 is Sunday School supervisor. Personal items David. MacMillan. Kitchener, is. spending a week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle, while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, are on vacation. Mrs. John Henderson returned home Saturday from Clinton. hospital whet— she has been a patient. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Marty and. Shelley, of New- tonville visited .over the week- end with All' and Mrs. Ross Corbett and fainitY, Mrs, Ella liedden, Exeter, visited on Sunday with her nephew. Herb liedden. Airs. Herlden expects to take. up re• sidence in London in the near future. Sell plant slips for UC flowers UCW unit 6 led by Mrs. W. IL Weeks sold potted plant slips at the meeting Thursday afternoon and. realized. $7.70 to be used for flowers for the church for the month of May. Quilting was p 1 a nn e d for June 5, 6 and 7 in the church seiVoirootn and they agreed to Join with unit 1 to hold straw- berry festival. Mrs. George'Bess presided for the d evotional, mrs. Earle Rowe took the Bible study and Mrs. Fred Beer presented the topic "Into the SUnset." Flynn and Linda 'Lenaghan fav- ored with a vocal duet with Airs. Grace Harpole at the pia- no. There were 22 members Present. The. Tim.e...40vocete, 1962 E3ELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC Thurs., May 3 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Middleton's Drugs E, R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener Departing couple honored at Kippen Fall off balcony • injures girl's foot If You Wish To Have Your Hearing Tested Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to All Makes of Hearing Aids We're slashing our $50,000 inventory of used cars, all spring conditioned and guaranteed to give you complete satisfaction '62 Corvair Monza Coupe Autumn gold, stick shift, 4-speed transmission, big engine, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, 2,000 miles. '61 Ford Starliner Hardtop Two-door, 8-cylinder automatic, radio, a real beauty. 700-lb. capacity Copper tubing Drywall construction A FIRST QUALITY FREEZER AT THE BARGAIN PRICE OF . '59 HILLMAN SEDAN '59 FORD CUSTOM 300 Four-door, 8-cyl. automatic '59 BUICK LE SABRE 4-DOOR Automatic and radio '59 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 6-cyl., radio, record player '59 DODGE MAYFAIR V-8 Automatic transmission '59 OLDS 88 4-DOOR HARDTOP Automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls. '58 OLDS SUPER 88 Automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, '58 FORD RANCH WAGON 6-cyl., automatic, radio. '58 BUICK CENTURY HARDTOP Four-door, automatic, Power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, '57 CHEVROLET 210 Four-door, 6-cylinder, '57 PONTIAC PATHFINDER FOur-door, 6-cylinder. '57 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN Here's what were doing to used cars! All Taylor used can's are thoroughly reconditioned from top to bottom, inside and out by our factory-trained mechanics and are backed by our goodwill factory war- ranty. A TAYLOR CAR IS A GUARANTEED USED CAR Quality merchandise always sells and we can prove it. We have sold over 250 used cars since January. • • '57 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN MANY OTHER MODELS 8-cylinder, automatic, radio, TO CHOOSE FROM '57 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE LOTS OF MAKES AND MODELS Four-door, 8-cylinder, automatic, FROM $395 DOWN Terms Available Delivered, Serviced and Installed NO CHARGE FOR MILEAGE ON SERVICE OR DELIVERY Arta..-Call Collect GE 24916 Open EVeriings lit 91 Saturdays 'Tit 5z30 R MOTORS,. Phone 7'8 Zurich The New Cdr King of Huron .Country 2”48-00 Exeter -