HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-26, Page 4Mason Silver, the owner of the Ilensall store
which was damaged by fire three weeks ago.
certainly must have been distraught-. when be criti-
cized the efforts of area N oluateer firemen on his
Behalf. This would appear to be the only explana-
tion Lou his incredulous ingratitude.
Mr„ Silver ,voniplained that the volunteer
firemen could have put out the blaze with a band
extinguisher. instead of pouring \\•ater into the
building.. breaking windows and cutting holes in
the root. This statement hardly can he taken ser-
iously since the fire wasn't noticed until smoke
was pouring Out of the building, The first person
on the scene said the smoke \vas too dense for
anyone to got neat' the source of the blaze.
At one Point we. too, felt the niav
have been overanxious about fighting the fire. Vet,
with a large business block with second storey
apartments at stake, they had to be sure . . they
had to play tt safe. It's conceivable that Mr. Silver
might have had cause to be fat' more critical had
the firemen treated the threat lightly and allowed
the blaze to spread.
Our local brigades aren't perfect. They'll he
the lirst to admit they can make mistakes. After
all. they aren't professional. However. they do con-
tribute a lot of time and energy and they take
many risks to protect their neighbors' properties,
That, Mr. Silver, calls for praise, not condenina-
Care essential
Deputy Game Warden flank Green, town,
provides us with some sober hunting accident
statistics. The number of accidents in Ontario in-
creased front 61 in 1958 to a total of 153 in 1960.
Correspondingly. the number of persons killed in
hunting mishaps rose from 14 to 36 during the
same period.
"Most of these accidents happen because of
lust plain carelessness," stales Hank. "If every
hunter would just think about the consequences
of every move he makes when he has a gun in
his hand. we could avoid almost all these deaths
and injuries." The next time you handle a fire-
arm. suggests the deputy, remember that it's a
dispensed by Bill Smiley
Doctor's second office
•S‘%''• • N\
6:71fon. tnq 71•AltIrti.'• $11110C1194 a u'Word t,ghts•
"Everything is A.-okay, except that my nose itchear
0 1 Mt, Roe Pootat±o 51Lidiro e, int 14.);14 riglifgresort'erl,
you asked the to 'gee that incompetent,
compooll In "hem did you wart Mr, Robr.‘, Mr. Alex,
adder, Mr, tansoni Charles or Mr.. Addleb'?"
This vir flasPaPer behaves the right to express an opinion In public
contributes to the pt ogi ess of the nation an that it must be aler•
cried freely 0110 witlotot prejudice to preserve and improve demo•
ere tic government,
Deserve praise
ou're sold
on it...
Exeter 'Bianchi
Centralia (Sub.Aectics):
(Open Tuesdfo., Thursday and On Friday 4.30. 6 p,m,)
Creditors (Sub'Agellqi):
(Open MOO( 0,„ Wednesday and Friday)
Grand Bald Branch: bONAI,I) ROBERTSON, itlariletl'
Aisliwood (Suli•Agelley): Open Mon., Wed.'''zk
leosall Branclit KENNETH ClaRISTIAN...Mantieer
Akan I3ratith STFACY,.,Manager
• ••,t TOL t 10.1•Lt:1•111'
Career Opportunity.
A vacancy has occurred in P.1.4t, Sales Force in the Exeter
Our Company has over 150 years experience in -the in-
0/ranee .business and is welt equipped to. assist the man
who Is anxious to earn a better than .everage income while
providing .an essential service for the community.
If you are between 25 and 45, married and you own a car,
write for en appointment plying brief details of Past
experience, Up-to-data aptitude testing used in selection,
This is a salary and commission pronOsition with fringe
$1 8 9 5 .00
No vibration! (5-bearing crankshaft does the hick.) No rattles!
(Welded body.) No jouncing! Just a smooth ride that will change.
Your mind about economy cars! And we mean economy: $1,849*
fully equipped!
The economy car that skimps only on gas,
sti,Lorr Waif oar, P.O.E. Est Coast, otos tax 3,16 ne/l'iLrf rhArLPI.
ONLY $380,00 DOWN AND $51.50 PER MONTH
See It Today At
Exeter Motor Sales
216 Main St,, Exeter
I started thinking about busts pasture, or you need a dam' hust measurements. High
the other night while I was good spring tonic.- school girls practically break
watching a French film fealty- I can tell you that it's pretty their hacks trying to stick
to-g the little. lithe sexpot. disturbing to a chap who has their chests out another half-
- Blighty Bardot. That's like leered his way through the inch.
* saying you started thinking of burlesque houses of Detroit's So who's impressed? Other
music while you were watch- Woodward Ave., in the height- gilds, maybe? Not men. Men
ing an orchestra play. But. no day of Scurvy Miller, eaten have been marrying women
matter. peanuts in the pit at the old for thousands of years, and
And lust to get things per- Casino in Toronto. and ducked busts have had nothing to do
f,ectly clear, I don't mean busts out for a drink between rounds with it.
famous men, reproduced in of pure art at •London's Wind- Let tenderness, humor and
"-Plaster and sitting on a peck.- mill Theatre, to realize that sympathy show in your face,
stal. I mean busts on ladies. he's blushing slightly at the let goodness and pity and love
The disgusting part of it is sight of a young lady who is shine in your eyes, and you'll
that I started thinking about not only not there in person get a man faster than if you
busts in a clear, cold.. scion- but has some of her clothes had the biggest bust this side
Wk. analytical way-. As Gypsy on. of Bali,
li-ose Lee. or Gertrude Stein, It's (huffing to think that,
ot somebody, once said. "A perhaps. the young sap has
bust is a bust is a hunt." And been boiled down 10 an nid Busts cause nothing but
that's the way I feel about it. fridge, Whe n y nu know that trouble. I remember a girl I
It happened while I was you're :supposed to be sitting knew at college. Her name
watching Mlle. Bardot snaking bolt tiorkti, ide-eyed and was Betsy. She had a vast
her way through a movie in electrified, e hurts to realize
which ('amour was treated in that you are stomped in Your
the boisterous manner so start- seat, hand in tha popcorn bag,
ling to us Anglo-Saxons, from mouth pursed prim?. • head
whom all it usually elicits is shaking and tongue chose to
a hollow laugh, tutstuttin. rn disaPPM
P411 e 4 Th• rinle4A 4te, April 26, 196
Law> er C. V. Laughton', protest to the
Ontario Municipal Board about l!,:xeler's sewerage
project is not only premature,. it is ;tiso ittmortliy
of a man who has been awarded the title of queen's
Laughton indicates he is. tollitT110.1
About the. "procedure - taken by council \volt re-
spect to costs of sewerage. He does not explain
why he is concerned about the procedure. As tar
as we can determine, council followed the pro•
cedure set down by the Ontario Water Resources
Commission. kthich handles such projeets for most
Ontario municipalities.
As far as procedure is concerned. Mr.
Laughton might well review his own It' sstiuid Seem
unusual to complain to the municipal board veer he.
fore .a formal application has been made Inc ap-
proval of the project. and ithout making any
presentation of his views to council d uring the
`extensive period the project has been under (Its-
More disturbing is Mr. Laughton's attempt
to oppose the program front the viewpoint of the
town's retired farmers. rather than elaborate on
his own objections. whatever they may be, Had Mr.
'Laughton been retained by a group of such per-
sons, this eump•laint would have been understand•
able. it perhaps is clever. but hardlv commendable.
for any objector to try to pose as the champion of
some supposedly maligned group. In doing so, the
complainant usually attempts to avoid responsibil-
ity for his own objections.
In this case. we believe the town's retired
farmers are quite capable of speaking for them-
selves if they so desire. Mr. Laughton need not
pose as their spokesman, Since he is neither retired
nor, we presume. on a restricted budget,
Mr. Laughton says the strain of the sewer-
•' age program may be "unbearable" for Exeter resi-
. ',dents. The facts are these: It is quite possible that
• the tax rate will not rise when sewerage charges
are added next year if the project is approved:
• the town's rates are below those of other neighbor-
ing communities which are not as wealthy as
It does not take much courage to oppose
higher taxes: it is easy to be against "evil". A
vote on sewerage. as Mr. Laughton suggests, prob-
ably would result in a negative decision. Vet Mr.
Laughton, as a queen's counsel. must recognize
'the community's responsihiitty to stop its pollution
.of the river. How does he propose to discharge this
responsibility if he objects to a sewerage program?
Sugar and Spice
* ik
It was my first view of the It is disconcerting to find
young lady, I understand she that you are craving a smoke
is the second citizen of France. in the middle of a big pash
after General de Gaulle. And scene, It is disgusting to have
I'M here to tell you that she is to give in to it, and go to the
definitely better looking than back of the theatre and light
the General, though not. per- up, just as the young temptress
haps, as tall. is launching into a discreet.
I'm not blaming Bardot for striptease,
my lapse into busepondering. And it is dr ,. ast alio.. to
though she was all she was learn that you have nodded off.
plumped up to be. She wiggled anti Your wife Is hashing you
her behind. and jiggled her be, in the ribs.. just at the point
front, to the best of her where the celebrated Nliss B.
ability, and she has consider- is making a monkey out of the
able talent along .these lines. .censors.
No, the fault was mine, no; 11 was about this point that
hers. After watching her with i began thinking about busts.
sonic interest for a few min• Don't ask me why. 11
utes, I became, first embar- to me that the whole business
rassed, then mildly disapprm • of hosts has got out of hand.
ing, then bored. then just plain Everywhere w e look, we are
sleepy, About halfway through stunned by deep-breathing
this process. I had sense enough mammalians of mammoth pro-
say to myself. "'toy, either portions. Roy s who can't spell
you're ready to be put out to their own names can rattle off
Vie C,xeter Einie.,Abbotate
Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881
Amalgamated 1924
Published Each Thursday Morning At Wet Ont.
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Ottawa
and for Payment of Postage hi Cash
AWARDS Frank Howe Beattie Shield, best front page (Can'
da), 19574- A. V. Nolan Trophy, general excellence for news,
papers published in Ontario towns between 1,508 and 4,506
population, 1958, 1957, 1956; J, George Johnsten Trophy, typo,
graphical excellence (OntariO), 1957; E, T. Stephenson Trophy,
best front pot (Ontario), 1956, 1955; All.danada tritoranee
Federation national safety award, 1958.
Paid4n.Advance Circulation, Sept. X17, 1.961 3,505
SUI,ItOttPTION RATES; Canada $4,00 Per Year; USA $$,00
Two weeks ago we printed a
picture of Dr. Ilyntiman:s first
office in Exeter. The sign on
b'iding read "Ilyndman's
ti ro'„
The above picture. we be-
lieve is the second Ilyndman
office and strangely enough it
is still standing and used as a
doctor's office. The sign on
the window says Drs. Ilynd•
man and Ilynctman. Few. If
,a iry
wou l d.
thus a s1 le presentreg1 1e lolf-
fice of Dr. M. C, 'Fletcher,
The building at the time this
picture was taken, was the of-
fice of Dr. lohn Hyndman,
the first medical practitioner
in Exeter, and of his son. Dr.
H. K. Hy ndm an.
The building was divided into
two apartments. The apartment
on the left was the Ilyndman
office and the apartment on.
the right, at the lime this pic-
ture .was taken, was the boot
and shoe store of the late Al-
fred Walter, It .was also used
at one time by Miss Spicer as
a millinery shop,
At one time Dr. Hyndman
was in partnership with Dr.
McGillicuddy and the latter
used the south apartment for
his office, Dr. McGillicuddy
moved from 'Exeter to London.
As the buildings on Main
Street took on a new' look Dr.
Ilyndman decided to go along
with the times and had the
building completely encased
with brick walls and a flat
roof, We doubt if another such
a building exists in Huron.
County or perhaps the Prov-
ince of Ontario.
Dr. IT K. Hyndman is seen
in the picture second from the
left, He died suddenly on the
sixth day of April, 1926, fol-
lowing a heart attack while
driving in his buggy after vis-
iting a sick patient. The same
clay the doctor died Dr. Flet-
cher was called to Exeter from
Victoria Hospital, London, to
lake over during the emergen-
cy, and in due time he took
over the practice and has been
in Exeter ever since. lie told
me recently that he has en-
loyed every minute since com-
ing to Exeter.
Owing to constantly increas-
ing business the Jackson Ma-
nufacturing Co. of readymade
clothing, has been obliged to
buy six new .machines.
Mr, Elsie is putting a roof
river his merry-go-round at
Grand Bend.
Bev. ,T, E. Millyard, Hensel],
will give his limelight views
and loelure on "Ten Nights in
a Barroom" in St. Patrick's
schoolroom. Saintsbury, Fri-
day night.
A number of the men of
town assisted the Women's In-
stitute to plant about 85 trees
on the ground set aside as a
park at the rivet' side.
A closed season for frogs has
been fixed by the Ontario gov-
ernment. 'Commencing w i I 11
this 'year frogs may not be
caught or killed during May
and ;tune of each year,
The members of Hensall 'Re-
bekah Lodge drove to Seaforth
and instituted a lodge there.
About 30 went over.
The town trustees of Crediton
have proclaimed. May 6 as Ar-
bor Day for the town.
ilr, A, 'W. Pickard, principal
of an Edmonton Scheel, an
Exeter Old Boy. was ii three
time winner in the recent fin-
als in the badminton tourna-
ment held by the Garrison Of-
ficers' Badminton Club,
Mr. S. Enloe announces that
he has disposed Of his optical
business to Mr. C, Zurbrigg.
Exeter Couocil donated $100
to London 'teed Cross in a spe.
session WOthlOfiLiill" MOTO-
Int to assist in re-establishing
the 5,000 flood refugees hi their
Coronation Day, Wednesday.
May 12 will be a public heti-
(la Y.
Mr. Lyle Statham, tit EXe-
ler Old Boy, has ptirehased
drug business in Kingsville.
Ile was formerly manager of
one of the Standard •brug
SIOrt,S. in St. 'Montag.
.0\‘1' 1';?ift":
Husband:" "Veit knOw those
Oplitude . tests we have et the
office? Well, I took 011P today
and it's a 000d thing I own
o 0001 pa ny„“
The two offices were later
converted into one by taking
out the partition and adding
an archway as well as remod-
dolling the office.
The second storey of the
budding which was used for
surgery and the delivery of ba-
bies before Exeter had a hos-
pital, has now been trans-
formed inti a comfortable and
up-to-date apartment,
Your library
The Rise and Fall of
the Third Reich
One of the ten top most read
books of non-fiction since the
end of 1960 is "The Rise and
Fall of the Third Reich." Time
this week places it in ninth
spot. It is the complete story
or }fitter's empire written by
one of the men best equipped
to write it.
Before the Nazis could des-
troy their files they were cap-
tured and they included the
diaries of officials. transcripts
of secret conferences. army
orders, private letters, all the
vast paper work behind a con-
spiracy to conquer the world.
William L. Shirer, who had
watched and reported on the
Nazis since 1925, spent five and
a half years sifting this mas-
sive decumentaCon. Out of it
and out of his own •on-the-snot
reporting of Germany and Eur-
ope over nearly four decades,
he has written what may well
he the history of one of the
',greatest and mos( frightening
chanters in the history 'of man-
Here is the story of Hitler
himself and hundreds of inside
stories of the war, This is an
exciting hook both for those
who remember the horrors of
Hitler's reign and for those
who are anxious now to learn
— Please turn to page 5
Crediton Zion Evangelical
church will henceforth he called
Evangelical United Brethren
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Klein-
stiver of Bowmanville have
moved their household effects.
i n ( o the apartment above
Koehler's Bakery, Dashwood.
Engineers front Armstrong
& Co, are now engaged in
making a survey of the drains
of Exeter rnd compiling in.
formation in reference to a
sewerage system.
Twenty seven Members of
Exeter TOOle motored to Lon-
don 'Friday evening in a char-
tered hits and were initiated
into the mysteries of the Sam-
aritan Lodge.
A deputation from the High
School Board have an an-
pointment Saturday with the
Department of ..E,ducation in
Toronto with reference to plans
for a new high school.
Mr, Donald JOHN` has cern.
&Ned 1118 radio course in Tor-
Town Council played hosts to
councillors of }him Park,
RCAF Station Centralia's hous-
ing site At Monday night's
meeting. The 'RCAF council
was on hand to see how the
local council handled town bu.
Grand Bond was taken un-a wa ros by th e ea rly r ush of
tourists who sought relief from
the heat Sunday.
Regin 'tiittg May 12 every
home hi the Exeter•Zurleh dis-
trict will receive a visit from
one of the many lady can-
vassers tti conjunction with the
cooling TB mass X-ray'.
Thieves took over $200 from
performers of the 1 Turoni a
Nfale Chorus "TIN'S Pinafore"
when they presented the show
for (he third time in Exeter
Friday night.
Donna Bowde n, ('entralia.
Phyllis Dougall, Ilensalf, Mar-
garet Part.. 1)ashwood And
'Prances Taylor, 1.',lxeter, will be
leaching in public schools in
London nest ternt,
A large crowd is expected to
attend "Tree Planting Day"
at tray swamp May 7, The day
will mark the beginning of tiny
Pnre4 And a start -on the nian1-
ing or 42,000 trees vkili lie
Once attic sold on a purchase that re-
quires financing — drop in and talk to the
people at. any branch of the Bank of Mont-
real. They'll be glad to tell you about the
13 oftit. Family Finance Plan — the safest,
surest. stay to handle all your family credit
needs .. for a car, TV or any household
By putting all your credit needs 'Wider
this single roof, you take care of all your
financing-mat low cosh---With one monthly
pay Ment tailored to your income. Amid
there's life-insurance, too fat' your family's
BOrrowhig now to enjoy the things you
'Want can be good business. Talk it Over
with your neighbourhood branch of the
13 of M today!
Bring all I yew Personal Lroclif riaedi under anti 'root
wills a TiSw.tO0 B of M Iiid•In4Ureef leer~
bosom. I always called her
"Busty" to myself. One night
I was dancing with her, lean-
ing a hit. We were chatting,
and inadvertentl,y called her
"Busty" instead of "Betsy".
Know what happened? 'You got
it, Mac. She bust me. Right on
the nose.
And may-be that's why I've
been a little psychological
about busts ever since.
There was the wife who coin s
planted to her husband, "Look
at the old clothes I have to
wear: if anyone came to visit,
they would think I was the
The husband replied, "Well.
they'd change their minds if
they stayed .for dinner,"
As the "Times" go by
,,,o,P;ti've,ilAe. 4 ,1