HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-04-28, Page 3• meopeetammaeireimiers•ireneaqpnguipmilmet., ineashly as creep, oetb• yore M woe, hem Esslanits L • er -The ime great priori- e aritee. T. Mora mime el tolerable See * gio nook is. IL imemat bailees • rif • Mike hog ot.letio 680•!•"11 kr Walt Thltre it hitillIMC ▪ a./ 1.worth. we are teld, sa.,0% away. certandy...4conaidadi_suistio. I pat pee. 11 et earl be weed le eR theessgimet MI its . irteeroil by jossakl, k was pewee a very emeemsbie k kocomest=rekt scheme, hose eto ti. woolee massufaet ureter, of thee mola say, whose supplies of raw iesterml sea est the letoestroes ewes the laity are Imo ',midi rowed 'ei ineufficieiit. apt to disk tt. Let them but ooce clearly seemsmsces. perceive that its rud eriseiple is to make helmets for Heel at their (lissom, mid sorely they will cease to gruMble. Quitman, 23 April 1153. Last eight after the sepott lidt, the Doom wrist into Cominttteo on the Cur - rine, Bill. ()plowmen being made to the proposed Gujd eo,mgar hf royal. and marg., Idr. Mocks wad he would abandon that part of the bll. els ae to corm accounts to be toot in dollar, and cesie. Ma princi- ple Deject arm to inHoduee the decimal currency'. The committee rose and wart- ed progress so as to allow Mr. Ilmcks mos to rusk.. this change. The Dill to (meditate the performance of th• dolma of Jusiiiiie of the Peace out of merlon. in Upper C•eada, with respect to persons charged WIIb imhettsble . fences • •od the VI to facilltm• performance of the duties 1.1 Justices of the Peace out of sea ',loss in Upper Canada. with respect le summary convictions and orders. Aloe 1 M.A.RaTS. ' Ghntelett, Apra `281135.3. Flour from' 45t to 14. 04 per bbl. Fall W11gatitri4ertits Ss ttel, per boltjt."7 Spring, ft; lOirto 3; per "bushel. Oats, Is Id to Is 3J., per 34 lbs. Pork, $41 to $5, per hundred. Butter, fid to 00d, per Ib. LUMBER• frIllt Subscribers are now prepared to ex. A reut• orders for all kiret• of building •od fencing Lumber. They bare ado re• eared per schooner Annexation. • chutes she bill to protect 01,,,„ peace 0 oreorterietit eit WOO and whit• wood lumber, Upper Canaria from, I.Xm1l0fla actions sore, wbich they offer at low rates for Cteti, •e 'notion et Mr. Richatrit., conrodered ID JOIIIN McDONALD k Co. coromiCe••nd further c,.nsoievatione 01 Goderleh, Seam Saw Mitt, ob.or, was till To•aday neat. A:il 211b. 1853. The lollowing bills were read • second , time :--Tbe bill conveyiug to the city ot QTRAYED from the Suhscriber. tow• Tweet°. crams) water lots with tbe said ".-.7 0(6.41er-ch. on 10itt Aprd mirrent. • City for the construction of so Esplanade. light red snd who.. spotted cow, a large 'The bill to ameod the Act incoporating the • white spot on the foreshouldere, white Upper Canada Mining Company. The , a while Pont on the forehead. cronk- og bill to authorize the formation of a corn- h" "rP°"tether. 7 years old.- '" "L IAnvi person giving sueh inferinsti•.n as will pany to be called the, l'aria Ilydranlic Com- i°he.11 his rewarded for pany. The three proceeding bills were , thaeirtruhlrPc"" e'at the Town Goderteh by referred to the committee on private bills. , ('OLIN MUNRO. 'rhe bill from the Legislative Council to Goderieh, April 27th 1858. .6o13 amend the Art, to establish a consolidated ;Municipal Loan Fund in Upper Canada, A TEACHER WANTED. were read a secr.nd time. The House went into committee on this bill robe and reported progress when it adjourned. QUEBEC, -April 25,1853. On motion of ;Mr. Cartier, the rules of • the House were suspended, relative to the petition of A. Gillespie and others, praying for an act of incorporation for mining pur- poses in the eastern townships. Mr. Drummond moved the House to go into Committee of the whole. on a series of resolutions to idemnify,,the Seigniors. Ile proposed that the monies requirsd sbould be paid from the fund he before proposed, viz: Governmedt and other Scignoit al dues, pay- sble to the Brown rerennes from the Seig- niory of Lauzon, auction duties, licenses to sell liquors in places other than places of public entertainment, commonly called shop lir store licenses; debentures to be issued for the indeninity, charged oa the consoli- dated revenue fund: special accounts to be kept of the fonds above named and if they are not sufficient to pay the indemnity, the balance to be charged on the consolidated revenue, in this case a like sum to be ap- propriated for local purposes in Upper Ca- nada. Messrs. Badgley, MacDoaald of King- ston, Langton,:11 urney , and MacKenzie op- posed the propos'tion, Messrs. Mocks, Mo- rin, Richards and Drummond defended the position of the Government. Against the proposition 11 was gruerally urged that the Cossolidated Revenue should nut be pleat. eJ forPleb a purpose -for the •proposition it was contended that the object is of Pro- vincial importance, and that local revenues to the same extent are applied for lotal pur- poses in Upper Canada. The debate is going on as the report I A CARD. HURON SIGNAL. GODERIC111, PORT 411012, SARNIA AND orriturr. F1HE Illebseritona reter• ,ber s.aer we throats te the ishateteate el 0.41euela wad magma. osairiory. for Ow very liberal padroaart stewed spew them walla b...... la Gide- rick. They ...id sow mats that they h... reat.rwel died betos•e•• le Gederielt is favour .f Mews. BANNERMAN & FERGUSON; em wham obey would respecoo.tiy yoo,,,, the woo •st•sded euppor. 444.14 ehermard•••. (AllIi1X)N & MAC KAY. Gederich• April 20111. 1,653. a6aI3 . - 1111 IN refersoce to the above we have to state that w• har• perchamol the eosin. Steck 1 bbows. GORDON • MACKAY. emi.imini of DItlf GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. CLOTHING. • . the mem sdvianuteoutt term.. The eddlelses we an making therm.. will reader eoreple. ie all it. d•osoluordir. lo the e•sio• • ot .1** lote Form as will a• leliabiltml. generally, w. world ire" Mao the frorilates we prams* leo percharoae •n oh• Lest 11•rkros. with • deiermi•wiros to adhere to ;h. Btaine... P riueicle• osmety-0., • Live. Saki. Small nr, cenfel•ac. te solicit the .,t pori of • de- e/n.100 ;outdo, BANN:ERMAN & FERGUSIDN. Oradmich, 20M Apri. 11453• %Ball pita • common 'loom' in Sorties No. I, If milea from the Town of 6 fir etch. • 'Ind Cli. Common School Cert:firate ..f qualification, school t open cio the filet oi June. JOHN BLAKE. JOHN III1NTER, Trustees. T1108 ELLIOTT; Goderich, April 23rd, 1853. v6n13 Cash for 117lical AT the GODERICII MILL. WM. PIPER. Gofer ch, in 24 h. 1853. v5r5t FUNERAL OF JLDGE St LLIVA3L-Oft Monday at noon, the Barasters of tire City assembled at Osgood Hall in their robes, and at a quarter to two o'clock proceeded Ilw residence of the late Judge Sullivan. There they joined Mr. Chief Justice Robin son, .1 loge 11ralier, .1 iiiI, Iaeautay, Bish- op Strachan, Rev. I/r. Ryerson, the Ilon. B. Baldwin, lion. Copt lrvine, Ilia NVor- ship the :Mayor, and many other leading gentlemen of the City. At about half - past two the funeral procession proceeded to the family vault at Spadina, where the remains of the deceased was solemnly de- posited. At tbe same time and place was interred the widow of the late Professor Sullivan, who died so suddenly on Friday afternoon at the residence of the late Judge, who was ber brother-in-law. The funeral wan attended by a large con- counse of people, and the services were conducted by the Rev. Wm. Baldwin. Tbe population of California is estimated at 250,000. The principal cities are Sam Francisco which contains nearly 35,000 in- habitants, Sacramento with a population of 8,000, :Marysville. 4,500, and Stockton 3,000. The Dumber of Chinese in California is said to be 25,000. THE DirtteicstEx.-A late Paris letter aays:--" The Americans cannot help no- ticing and admitting the rapidity with whirl the French Beet weld to sea. Thirty-sia hours after the despatch was banded to the admiral, his twelve vessels 1.11 the roads of Toulon. Should they be ordered a. secretly and as promptly to Daytt or Cobs they would erne. at their deatiositioa before it could be know• at Washingtow that they bad even left the French coast." It Mr. Dobbin should be permitted by tbe old fogies who surround the Department 10 order two or throe vessels to sea, in an exigeacy, whether from Norfolk, New York, Bostonor Portsmith, instead of leer- ieg * harbor is thirty ail boars. it would reqoiks thirty -ea days for the officer of the etitios to ascertain that be could not get one of them ready in thirty -sit weeks. for nearly a year tbe Deportees' has beta making desperate exertiows to fit out the Vermeet, ship-of-the.line, at the Rolston yard. She was intended for Perry's Rag ship ie tbe Japan Expedition mid widow the past week it has been aseertateed that there to sot merge enough in the service to ter inipliah the object, and the ship is ping foto ordeeary.-Weeld aol Dobbin mod the old fogies odes a alp sou of it, ie ease of a war with owe of the great maritime. powers .4 Kamm 1.-ilsof. Cows. yeraletios of Italy is time satiate grease this dist of dot Uftitoll EMMA. 41110sported at the rid of Nertrit Kat* 1$55, pr....fore Skeane 11.1.1tON BUILDING SOCIETY. • Die/actor, of 150eity.y wit/ meet th British ExchaH nge otel kMua S• iefday EaritaillY (hawk .8.1. wins:ease hl - men id their Foods a• May b. then on ol botadi of the Tiearterer, •itlier by purehr• in g from they member wilting to 11. shams at • menomn on the amount et mho k paid ., er by way of le too a• he4Eloolore. SAMUEL WARD. lnd, as the D,rtr'ors may deem woad advatitage WI LL fuel 010,11 the preseat ..a -nn, sus le Hite uoiP p. as follota•;_- Leaves .Detrod. 10,1 ar.NNrrr RICH. Goderich every Weene•Jay tino.oin;, at 91 T. UM. 11. 11. S. "'el( ck. Go letich, Aped 21, 1853. vg -e12 1. Goderich .very Thurrola• mora• DISSOLUTION (IF PARTNER- SHIP. • are hereby ant.fied that the l'ooniotoorship h•rrito fore .41.•11nrr be toren JOIIN L. ROBERT 1J0NOGII, s. lankeeperv, o• Hue duly dierolved by imam,. ednaant. All parties indebted to the said . firm are rrqoested to intik! their residcliv, wch John Donogh, who will also pay all liabilities. JOHN DONOGII. ROBERT DONOG11. Goderich, March, 9th, 1853. ven6-61i ing st1 o'clock. Routing time 14 M, HURON BUILDING SOCIETY Should he soother prevent the KUM comsat on the Wednesday night, she aill ff Nei ,.n the fool!toolnyt Fridrov night. For Freight or Pasear• IPP!on heard ,r 1.) E. 11. mAta.Tos. G.Jerieh, March 9th, 1653. Ft • W. CANA, MITCHELL, A UCTIONEER. Accountant and Gene- Aeent. Bonit• and arcoent• idol all kinds of Deed• drawn. - Sales attended in any part of the coctte,. Letteor addressed to Mitchell or Horrors hey. will he wiemded to. April 51. 1853. • s610-17 FARM Putt %Vie stibecriber offer., f tr sale one hundree A acre, of excellent fond, 45 it,..ret ilear• ed and well tomcod, e th a wood log barn. an orchard hearing fruit. Tne above lane etio ited on 3,1 Concewion, 1.1 14, Tow n .hio of %Vawanosh, and ane hall mole from School house --all the money will quire,' down. For particulars apply to the MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL IN terms of '1.. Act 14 and 15 Vie. chap. a 110. the klunieipal Coined for the Uno- t.11Coon,ie• A Huron and Breen will 111.44. .t the 11.,,t Hotel. aitniler0) G. «rich. MON D.1Y the 1.1 day of 3lie i.ext Pow nahip redid are Iforpoded to thke oitire that the fey is• I A-sesairieht 11 tor 1. respecitv• Tow melee w t riefotre ,0 be lodged with the County Clerk, 011 or aelore the mud day. D. H. RITCHIE, County Cierk. County Cl•rk'• Office, Goderich, 20th April, 1853. vent:2-2t. PORK! PORK!! FORK!!! .1.11E Subscriber offers for sale 50 barrels Prate Pork. by the barrel or q iantity JOHN McKENZIE. Brucefield, April III, 1833. vtin12 4 OTICE. rilllE Partnership formed liy the Sobscri- z here at Sootothamotoin. Saiszoroo. 11 ,1.o. oho- Firm of JOHN 11AMILTON .xeired by mutuol con.ent on the firer 11, ..1 March lam. Alexander McN•bb Loot iiitherized to collect all at -counts, and In de for all debts against said Firm. (Signed] ALEX. MeN ABB, JOHN HAMILTON. A. MeN ABB. NOTICF.. pug611. Aati.,M (Immoral .f ▪ the 1}rectors nr.d toolianahel.ler. 01 thoo Society wi:1 be hold it the Broads Ka. ch doge Dote:, Coelerich, nn Monday the 'ord.,' day of May next, at sm.sesthyoolitiosiestteteenr.ouei roe rett •, osi new Election et Director. folio rise*. All perm's@ reeoemed to pov up their :-zoitorcriptioria on or h. tore the 30.6 Apia. sa the Books must then be closed fr a week. • W M. 13 NETT RIM!, 'I'r. 51, Scc. 11 11 S. Osiderreli, April IN, 1863, t6n12 31 proprietor on the prettier... Southampton. 13th April, 1853. 001° 3t Wawnnnoh, 4th Anz , 1851. n58 0. O 00 G O •-.3 90 a 1 5. 0.7 3 5. -'1 e z t••: = ; = - 10 Z.• „,5 2- 1 it 9 g- 9 0' 10 • 3- 0 o- 11 r• 5 .1; of. ; Cr° 4"80 0 .1° '1 .11aire la - • • b0 .7" • s, 0.8 e. 3 .4".* g 0 Ob 8' 5 0. 9. ir i Look out fir CYfrap Sales btforc the Car Bells Ring. 60011101 FOEWIll Undonpopera harlot portlialmod..tho Ooderich Ponedry, bet 1 u i pram 'bait (mod" sod the public, That they jowled carrying nn On Fooloodrir Haallintair In .11 Dranche•; to construe( Grist ani Pew .14 to spanufacier• Thr•sbirg Machine*, Separator,. Plooghs and all other Agricelierial Dept. meet* 'squired in 11.1. *cellos of the Previsee• Theo also intend going more Ia'1clV teill the 8I...se helmet as, am/ are now giving up, bo. and Parlor S.oire • f oho totem Patteine and wie ft *preyed prtricipie•. 'Pbe bustrieria will bo• eitioad os, by the tieder•ger da twofer the Frew el Story & C.. WILLI AS1 .6TORY. 11E111)..1A21./ R16E1'..SIKAitt:AWYW 0. 1• S• BOBERT $UNCIMAN. • Rol'ett Rureent•n vi iti tonibiet the Domvets and 1,0161 are bier practical caper- ittoot::l,i.. rooe.iioo.:. !!.i,r1. ta oat in -Trott moats in such, f.ele c..ntherit of keeps hl N. LI Apmmactenb2411., 3 t e .•taait805,d. In the mu ilding and wnm ght departn.ene Tsser (101)ERICII, 25th April, 1b53. ri•wiliF:tiruppLer•mEmt ie•Redh..47GIFF.,thjfm othe abuse parts .robip. WM.. 3. KKAYS. 1111 E Sobs,- ritier will sell cheap to mina! • P.111ors, forty Tow n !Mem the TOO 1, 0' C1111,00. 0111141(A Ceotric41 anal Ii • (4111 In t e Rail Road line: inteedirg purcha.or, can see the Map of the Toon at my Office. or at the Clinton Arms Hole'. J A tl GORDON. Clinics, 516 April, 1853. ,6n10 -So, 01 e••• 50 too r.; 1:2 n; ots (0 e.r 0 51 INO• 0 ••• Sheriff's Sale of Lands... United Couafies 0f)B' virtue ofa WT -11 flutonosdlifliCe *11.01 Fiero, ra,dt• T.wit. issued .111 01 her Ma j-ot'.. Comity Court for the United Coin- .., • of Iluron and Bruce, and to me de. et aemnst the Lando and tenemeets 01 1Vil him lilattlioon at the suit of Gor 1 h,yie aoaol :aken in execution I..t nomber IX north part ir Maitland Con epilS,1011 4,1 vie 'row n.flup of GOsterich•eon ',wane admeosorment thirty live ac,cm ee the tame more or less : oleo the 13.1 "17 thereon, now in working erier, which tentle and tenemeire 1 shill 1 r for aisle It the Court Room in the Town of Gude- r:ch, on Wednesday the thirteenth day oi boy next, at the hour of Twelve of the Cluck noon. -JOHN cr,rOtri1A1 lk aI), .i FnEatres Orrice. . Goderich, April Mb, iass:s v4011 N T.I CR. ALL those indelyird in Gorge k Co. ado. Gorterich Foundry, eel her by NOW of limed or Book account are r' - ti, call and have them bottled on or bet.re . he firer of Jon* next. ar d -all other items due to the minis. stablishment up In the first of 1simary, 1852, u uct beio tile.. at the mune Hate, irtheraviee they wall be placed In the handy of tbe Clerk of the Di• lesion Court for eolleetton. WILLIAM KEITH. pf•t!erICh Poudey, 1 ith Arirtl, 1953. • fl.n,11. Sheriff Sale of LANDS. BOOTS AND fill0F,S. t;Litt.ed.t4....i.s,.; ti:f .: I u. of a writ VIE S 19 t1h.C1Meo• 0r•h! 11111me llit Ihn Farm.. is. i,haboriol. .1 G4, ett. rirh and the To ern: so..a out of mg. rousiliiir to. n• that they limen opened le“,,y's Cunt' Broca, a,4 tor, extensive tolsinesis in the above Ione in &reeled, me.t.est 11.0 Etbd. •ed tenements the Step lately • retie:ea hy Al, sander F. Loiter -at the suit of Samuel Whiffet, 21a, het Scpiareand will ha•i• inn t 10V. 1 halo smied •nal silken in 'imply on heed a large aii.oirtutent of Boole execution Lot Number 13,10 the 12in cops and Shoe, of the be -t iphdity WhIeh they emotion (Western in the township will sell cheap for earth. ,,f Aetttt.Id. crintainthe be adteensoremdm N. B. All klndir of produce and bides takes itt excbasgc ai maikeepilems. DAVID CANTEL1ON. JEREMiAII Goderich, Feb. let. 1853. v6 -n9-8 n 190 wet, be the mane tome or less. Which and ter enienta ',shall eller sale M lb. Coat m to the County of Mien in the Town of Goderich on Saturday the twedie_eighth of Moe next, at the hoar of twelve of ode el. ek noon. .1. bl'DONALD, Slierff, ILIA& Goderich, 7th Mart -141853. %Gni II 1111E SUBSCIIII3KR betas to 'pintos their Sheriff's Office, aud 11. irord• Nsnaorrill• that the late stmamers arrived at New York , FANNING MILLS ANI) PUAIP.S. .,,t nn"'"n• hate hrmlifht • P-'" 01 their NEV FANCY Aso Sll'APLE FABRICS. hand ni the GODERICI1 FANNING So,no ol which •re she idy forward to Dim Sydable fur Me Spine Trade. oubser:bor will keen cosstantly on 5f11.1a AND FUND' FACTORY, on Ar 1:titn; and as the (Petition' now arriving aiA hoe on hoard (to -Ir heavy • Spring 1111//0/o, be., the ljoir,trir !dr. sefemiii..1... tationet they expect to hold • hill Stock tit' .. • of „i,o4ot,,,f. servw„ble and FRESH GOODS, eirmyrrehending •11 ilia superior orioles of.the abtiee description, ;west Styles a the E.:ropey° marlote, by t the iiiiddieof the no nth. which he will sell cheap for earth. merchan• po able Produce. or on approved cr.. dit. The i:scribers continue to hold •1 all f wtsheo those partten search of a good ti"'" nri""*" "6"rtmcats Ifird"rw Grucery Goode• att. cle at a reasonable prtce, give loin • aud " BUCHANAN, YOUNG &, Co. cell, and he flatters himself that hie long experience in the Nomura ensure the "nil", Mere,. 3, 1853. satisfaction of all purcra;t7;ity 1)01)0.i01m. •31C` CIO XII. 1111131 CAMAY t.--PRING IMPORTATIONS --t NEW GROCERY Goderich, March 151h, 1853. s6u131 Qawry..rnen and Lalwarers' Th. 'timid, Sirpenee 4efuore Llte slew .51taling ! WANTED immed.ately, a • kw gond E Subscribers bog leave to intimate to gunirr•nien and Labourer., to wok A the inhabit•nra Godertch and For.. 0( 'he Pilaitrind Brid,re, to whom go"d r..unding country that they hare rimmed' wages will be given. Aoply to In the above lute, tn West Street, 11 ird • JOUSSON k StcEWAN, doer (rein Dr. bleDmigali'• Brick Molding. t • Cualltaelat". where 'bey will ci netantly keep on hand Goderich, 6th April, 1863 *8,10 a choice selection ef Tem, Snore, Woo*, _a hiqu tr... ned Greer rie• of every itimertoe INO TICE.. . (ton, w hich they lie determined to f 112.1. at . . - the very lowest ectrihnerat mg prisms; sue' 1 ALEX 1N HER 11. INT -IRC, do agree they truell by strict oftener .0 to boo news So • to make over el rigid. 11 le end slain" merit a that@ of public patromree• .1 Side- O,..! 1.1-elt- account..., to JAMES .. • VAN EVERY St GOCOIDORP• Gurletich, F, b. 2d14, 1853. tIllobolos ' DONALDSON, to longing to the firm of LIST OF LETTERS oLiatier MnItillte .rdDon elietn• • A. blaINTIRE• 13 EMAISING in rho G .derich ros,tos. WitaissoottArisC#NT-10.10.%.. 1 t ITde 20t h of Alpe. 1853. . Goderiat, Slerch Sid, 1855. sloe Aniterson William . Joline John 8' _......._______-_ -_,-- _:...• .-_____.... Arms -Irony William Jones James, 1.............. Walter Ira ,a Ja.... I NOTICE. Andcreon Thome., . Johnston Mrs Isobel ,THE managing Committee of the Huron Bogie Mil Agaves - Kill. Tb'.. .. A Library A•seciatiot arm Merhamca- In - Bluets F It Keels Thomas smote Irate made arrangements err the dd Bolo Joseph .. Logan Williams livery of a IOW* 01 Leoureis befOre Oa.. Bill Williams Livinastnn Alcx society, in the Ball u( the S,14 til Telliprer Litres Thomas Lsoin Michael ' ancc. , Breed Nathan . Mitchell-8'4mile' '-- The fellow*/ gen:lemon have consented Ba-kloy Daniel Morrie Al he'd • to denser addresse- as foil -'us :- Beacom Disid '21iller Ibmjisuie 1) Wateun, E q., Apra. 21, on MCI' Smarr' John - Matheson D otgald 1.1 0/cattiest. Bennett W R • Miller it o W . Dr: P. A.3 McDougall, May Sib, on • . Cliurebil Arthur , Moore J ElectrMity. valley Luctne Manning Lawrence T'lettttt'e K3414E q., May 19 hi on Rail- Canipbelt George Aleoney Willtdm road., .M'asiin -Rusda, and Local Improve - Crews Mr. 1111:albel11111orrt-nn Doits1.1 menta. Colwell John • Micheli Siintiel P James Wateon, Esq., Ione Ind---- (Nriviminr Wm Moore William , Adiamision in all carts Fite. ' Clake 3..rnes . 2181. Thomas • By eider. C'tilhcrt Mr • MeDenold John 4 - R. IL REYN :LDS, Cam•hell Mrs Mary MeLaily Mileel 4 Cur. tiserptary. A110 31dt on Doeletti - -- Crawford Wm • MoRrin Imilitilie Crano Thonio t McLellan J•Ae Grossonan Gorge McBride Themes Cemphell Joh') WIZ. Ilea Duncan Colo Where' . Met:uric Janie. Craig Henry 2 ' McBride Loma Campbell Ann :itemise:in Jilin Campb' 11 Robert 2 M. Donald flirels Cemphell• Roderiek McD meld Donald-- Chiseetiill Jones DIM -noel, Connell Alex MeD maid Fra.en Coulton It' W 81,1). mild Peter 2 Craw Wm 14. 1) n MI Doi e 01 Charles Mrs Mary McIlmill J 8 Cprry Elle' lilcIsiricd Catharine Cook 1 ihn Slegotzet Alden Choectell Samuel 31,01.11.ohn - Dine; Tirol .1..n kelhans1.1 A. Dort Andre. 2 3.c1)• ,'s1.1 Donald I) intreit• Mrs 3Iary ' McDoi.rald Juba Duffy 21 McKay Jane linoolnp htms MeLel.att Donald 3) in William Ni 61 Cdveird lhartortrel Wnt Nithein A Ion Deeteerlem Christian Peck Mr• NI ,ry Evers, biro Penn .15 00 °ever Enefterfil J•feeph Pfice.N.neh ElVs..lt Groove ,it. l'otrolt F....et y 3 do ph Reed Henry Ymbor J .kph 2 Itici,sr.fis .n Rohert Ember J she it .a.a..fe Charles 2 ritreireson John 8,118.11 ,51 its Slim! Yakosier David 1 Itionom DO.ICall releoner I dio Redd John Ifeetilay The). to Slater, R"40 Fefreby Marie 14 otiose Willie* f'•,r,ery c• Wei Stralilart J Au ii...,4, It nom.. 14.00411111 W.1114011 Green 13 .teed $1118141 JMN•A (1 .rdoe 11, :ander 1 Shark Loners' 11.1)..• 36 .6.1 S:dere Gabriel II 0 .i.hat 3,3,, $ Si are• J on • U,,,.y Mainly, Stiefif John Goilifee A Shalt.* Writ Good Whitens Stalker* John tifloare David (Verting Al. x G,aham Chew" Sheol, J-th• Il• -11151 .1....ph to irltog Jet n Gorton Geary Ti -rt I1 -bpi r holy Mrs Tarleregton Div d !lank -rat 1.lh• Thom,' Wm 1.1 11 dlana Win Watson Jim.* 11.1mer Adams Woman Wm 4 Deletes MIchsel 55'44,110y Willem Hearty John W mean/mon Joh, Ile Pak Welloom• Jorel Janes George Wicker,* nowise Juliana Wre Weirton 111.. May Johnoon Robcoo Whit..1v a .bort 2 Joianst en Mrs, Wood lidetterd both' ti bone, Wall reimood Jose, Gwen Wasidetil Rath* I hareem Joiestbsa 2 THOMAS KVDD, Prosokaater.' ..-e........areowtom*•••"•"" • - A11 there having subscribed towards the eat•blishmect id' the "Isairreve," eras 10. 14111114d that the 1.1.1, are u epoe ;sea yi itt the JaIrtral 5% alma. &qt. and tlidr R•coriling Ser rrtatv. Thomas Nieto he, E q.. either of whom are authorzed to re - auto 11111111/19beer,pt 'or •, R. & REYNOLDS, Goy. Secretary.. G1,21criolt, 17Lli Matcli.„36531_ al LAND AND GENERAL COM- - AlISSION AGENCY. r11111g Sul.erther ink. the liberty of ins forming the public that los has 'efeeraed an 011,e t. 0 dere to for the rale el Wild Land., Cleared I'm lei., Ileosimh Ilmeo for the permute of g wing teems( 'worms - Hon 10 intro ding set. lera. Ddeda, Power et Attorney. 010 Alm, in- 1.1',1/mON.O011/ Of W ran pre.pared us ma,..krata 1, Persooe haring bestrew to trams% 80! any part of Canada. the United State' or Greet 131 tate. will hate ',very Isecity af- tbokq and 1:4Ge4t%niti Dew. collected. Letters meet be 1/.11" P."1 - M. TRUEMAN. P. 8.-Partteolar attention peal to for war,ling k Nlerchandise goner illy ()flier. Market Square, (lately occupied by Jou Stewart, ic.q • lis er, k. Vonlcrish, gird' Vito, ISM 16,.13-3m 0.N TA R 0 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Aces yriritt, d cf pruif.1 Capital -X.100,000. HEAD IIFFICE AT HAMILTON, 1)101C1-11nirr 11.914 C. a..ket. 14:. 1/, M. Merril', .q.• m. W. Brownr, 3. Jr% Id. ter ('arroll, James Ophnirta., I), C. 1:onT, 114111 A. kWh'', $ James McIntyre, M. C. Thorns., •' James 211'01h -eon. 11 Joh, Wilma, THE Subscriber having been aprieledf a Agent et (Idderich. I ir the abialt•Mith • ly respectable Company. Inakoperea tw erect Insurance at the most rtasieveldslIr sore. upon Ifil,i14f111.1R11111pfOg and a.,044 THOMAS NICIIOLI.3, Area'. Gmlerich, 186 Sept., 1852. vOultdi 1 • (ROWS LANDS li PA1tTMENT • ,Quit•ac. I 7- h Feb , 1853. NOTICE te hereby oi,. o the a g; .,1 ,,,•4 1 (comit.itli: of abed 14 sere* '.1 heft) Withat the T.....'. No of stonthenions, in the Town•hip of Saujeen in rAll. County of It ore. 11. C., .01 Meng ".i 1.rsole, by th. Rem fent A gent, A 1.11..1. 21t -N %en KasulfP, al Snit the wed am, ere 11.0 SJIII of noes menth, Cowl prove LIMi; naa. f ph to he paid al 11•41 i.... .4 gale, sad ob• removed,' no Omar equal annual maratiom. a w th oeiere...1 ...... The pertient" to 'Heel • Saito -Mill artilson ••• year sail • (mas-Mill within tore years (rime 1%* thlit ni Moir. 684 to gm* intact •st ewer'', ler the lieniummt sil them ens iltionee. _ Thi. wow Il• stopple the Mills to he rda tamed by • Wiegothre, as vii.erm by a Pta le be aohllottail ,.h. Office of tis Affenl I - iitkille is 131PORTA NT NOTICE. .adhe rung tRubseriber writs!'" anti.. to the. idhatormhts 04 G•Aerich and sorroonding country, that her lath purebarse.t the Stork and Trade of Mr. Jim". Camphell. And Te t ow p•ftikired himiah vine's thst May favor Mite 'Wit% tneir patronsge. were all kinds of sooTtio and 8110E4.4, 011 the shorreeit hotter.. •nr, 110 la detientined, by strict interment bretitters, and lumpier/ a good wadi ales* on hand, to give the poblie general nitrate - tins. On, door %Veit of M. B Neymour le C...'s 810re. ROBERT MzINTYRF. Cholericly 5farch Ind, 1853, tee/ SI)1{ING 1ML'ORTATL9NS. TllE En Na-IdirnPrI Awl to ittfaetei tft•If e ...".nom, •rd l'..11,10 1104 CeMoter Mor, /vole, fieneralty, that they are now InePlvirr 8 conmelerable portion of theft, Leming A etortinertie 4f 88pTr.i1.1r.11.,241Ae.N.r:ChrY,h1).Ttisll'eG(00)06:11/1„: Sneed fur the regent an4 approaehta to Boston aooi New 11...til. Uhl es 3..y beer advice, , the arrival. at them pert% ,.t the messtader of their early arta( loom.. await they expect ro hots Straitly fem. Wed a full and will 'elected meek el ammo. ennoble Sta;il• •o,1 Fancy Dry Gooslisore Drapery, 11.nuirry, I laberils.hery wed emelt 'Were., of the, latest Fe:oilmen try lime which theyro prepered, •11 h1`1111a0ree le tw emosaway a shivers '.1 i THE TRAIN!. ONLY, at fie moderate aJtente s• 'Ley osopertiftg lam...11111 CentIie. They will l.k,..i. toilsome. from lino, to Hos, ssehmilde ealldlleowe le th°61(111(C 1)letiIIIANI) itW tLI"ilatZe.b.HIA:11 w.A.t.in.1,:h4e •otio.cM,..hueld,,meote thriertr.:7:44446•411011breeive In Oho anent a• meeptet• feethWeia. elm, taw forndeg,er r•plent•leng • Stools, as.. Wt. Sirares:t miff-, he:: t%evraiefookeataletorisirlsesiorohimmt %tilt irldial t7seada. , ADAM ROPIlt It Co- Lona..e, C. W., Wheelie, HISS, ______ toduTicils. siTIPAR ram. km. the oftelesetft s 311,tar'rlImr, iled"( the Nei. a Oar% hd *116 16. pleat *Atte. rather Imre Maras ••3 poiale, email.* 4 ymiew *Id *am oe ,teiretitiod to 1“01,11/ elaft,i tato of .w'l IOU Dio14.1011, Isi Afro! 1112,11. •