HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 20rape 20 The Times,Advocate, April 19, 196 ,*•N<A:k3t•• STAGE -EXHIB.ITION —The community centre at RCAF Centralia was alive with color and activity Sunday when the Centralia art and ceramic clubs acted as hosts at a local exhibition. 'Participating were clubs from Exeter, liensall and Centralia. Shown above are the, presidents of the local groups: from the left. Mrs. Ada Din- ney, Exeter: Mrs. Anita Cook, Hensall. and Mrs. Lafrance, Centralia, discuss- ing..one of the paintings with the instructress, Mrs. Edith Ashton. —ND photo Freedom in color, ideas features area art show .Units mark astertide Report on Thames Rood E' f•.,•,,:• " ' Davies Grant Denning Berm CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GIFT Every consumer who installs a 40-gal, automatic electric water heater purchased from Exeter PUC will receive this handsome Universal Op'n Top Electric K e t t I e absolutely free. This offer applies only to consumers in the Town of Exeter. Act now! MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR TILAS ALL-PURPOSE SAFETY LANTERN IT'S A LANTERN, spreading a bright tight evenly over a large area, IT'S A SEARCHLIGHT with a powerful, long range beam, IT'S A SAFETY BEACON with a red Dashing light a for emergencies. Whether you're at home or in the field, on the, road, on the trail or in a boat, you'll find the Atlas all purpose safety lantern the handiest, most useful lantern you've ever seen. This offer is for a limited time only so make sure you get your. Atlas all-purpose safety lantern soon I YOURS NOW FOR ONLY (including the Atlas Heavy DUty battery) MUCH BELOW ITS ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE (plus sales fax when, applicabfa) ••• • • erteet'weeeeeeteeek AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT WHOSE'NAME APPEARS BELOW GEORGE VRIESE — EXETER ALWAYS ILO OK TO leepkwr L. FOR rHE la EST Pillsbury Deluxe Cake Mixes White, Chocolate, Double Dutch Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice - Libby's Deep Brown Beans Stuart House 12" Roll x 25 ft, Foil Wrap White Swan Toilet Tissue Kraft's Miracle Whip Golden Dew Margarine Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied Cranberry Sauce 3r off 1-pound package Fluff° Shortening Plain, Salted or Saltines Weston's Sodas Save 12c Giant Tide Henley's Choice Fruit. Cocktail You grind it fresh Hostess Coffee FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Florida Stalks 30's CELERY Crisp, Julty SPY APPLES California 140's LEMONS 2 49 C or Pineapple 40-ounca 27 20-ounce tins 21c 29' Family Pak 4 NCILL.r.; 49c 16-ounce jar 394 2 Les 47g 15-ounce tin 2c 33 c Pound Plen, 354 69c 1.5-ounce tins 2 FOR 49c Lo. (7 Cic eaecH 29c 3 Lgs, 2 5 c 5 ,Fcfq 19c H 2354)212 Free Delivery' 'OpooThurL '0 9 Maple Le f Tendersw't or J. M. Schneider's Ws SKINLESS, DEFATTED AND READY TO SERVE 4-6 lb. average Other Kinds To Choose From Grade "A" Oven Reedy 8 to 10-lb, average -resh T ar a'50 VAC Breakfast Best price in town! Devon Sweet Smoked kindless B. con Maple Leaf Minced Ham Maple Leaf Wieners OXgTEtz W, H. Hotigsorl M, J. Gaiser "The Insurohte Men" PHONE 24 OR 720 21-l$,..90;c4t e pkg, 39c 12-ounce pkg, 2 rdo 39' All Ffauork 89, FROZEN FEATURES Supreme Pets/ Fancy Peas Libby's Panty Slieecl Strawberries Libby's Poly Corn York Half Gallons lce Cream 59c 59c 45c This Is The Way We Want You To Peel Cairn, cool and collected—confident in the knowledgeyou've got the right insurance program for your needs. Plus the assurance Of service 'round the-clack if necessary. Whatever' your insurance needs, we'll be glad to help you And the answer. Call on us today, L51, Lg. W H Hodgson Ltd. 1 1/4 tiy MRS. WILLIAM RPHRg Some 150 pieces of art in bright panorama brought an enthusiastic crowd of viewers to the community centre, RCAF Centralia, Sunday when area artists exhibited their work. Painters numbering 30 show- ed results of their work in dif- ,ferent art forms from tradi- tional to abstract and the freedom in color and thought paid lively tribute to their m- struetor., Mrs. A, L. Ashton, Centralia. Three tables in the building held ceramic pieces, each an individual study in shape and finish. Mrs. Jack Doerr, Ex- eter, instructed the nine-mem- ber class during the 1961.62 season-. A number of paintings in one still life group were of great interest to viewers. Described as an exercise in cubism by Mrs. Ashton, these pictures sheaved the various stages (de- pending on the individual paint- ers) of artistic projection from a strictly representational be- ginning, to the separation of shapes, to the ultimate illusion of space. Portraits of two different eubjecLe showed the variety in approach by individual paint- ers. Interesting backgrounds were used to give texture to still life studies. There were a few more imaginative subjects which showed— an idealistic view to painting and there were street scenes, landscapes and still life groups to please viewers of 'traditional mind. Painters displayed various stages of abstraction from focus on recognizable objects to a stage where the academics of design, line and color are 'primary, leaving only a feeling of subject' for viewers to pon- der. Interesting contrast Ceramics displayed were de- licate and d e s i g n e d with thought. There were a few pieces of ceramic sculpture in small figures and masks. A group of three elongated demi- tasse cups on three-cornered saucers with dark glazes stood Fete couple departing By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR. BASELINE Mr, and Mrs. Harry Squire of . Base Line, who sold their faini due to the former's ill health and are moving to Ari- zona, were entertainer? at a euchre. party in Woodham Hall on' Wednesday evening, They were presented with a purse of money, a pair of earrings for and for the three children, necklaces. An enjoyable eve- ning was spent, Harvey thank- ed all for the gifts. Hosts for the evening were itsit'a and Mrs. Lloyd eowdrey and Mr. and Mrs. J. Doupe, Kirkton. Personal items Miss Noreen Walkom accom- panied Mr, and Mre. Robert Menitegor of Kippen on a trip to •Tartlet° where they spent a entente of days, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mar- riott, Ron and Maryanne, St. Marys, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Dewar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Bonis, Mr. Nelson Bonis and Miss Alma' Bonie, St. Marys, and Mt. and Mrs, Austin Hobbs, Granton, were. guests with Mr, Fred Jameson, Florence and Kate on Sunday and on Tues- day entertained Mr. and Mrs. „I. Wareham, WoOdham, and Mrs, Delmar Johnson, 'Kirk- ton, Mrs, Robert Elston, accom- panied Mrs. Humphrey Arthur to °riffle on Sunday where they spent a couple of, days. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Allen, Si, Marys. Were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 'Nelsen 'Baker and family on Tuesday. the +we- sieh being a wedding annivelee. Cnopere UCW The tiCW of Coopers hold a Meeting on Thursday, April S at the horrid Of Kate and Plorenee 6 l a n With 13 members and two visiters, Mrs„ Oliver Baker and Mrs, Arisen taker bad charge of the progratn. The therne being "Crown Kin the LOrd tight"," Mrs, 'red Parkinson gave stewardship reading. Mrs. D. MaNaughlon had charge of the Jana-Mess end PlOakieeJameson gave- an Easter Wiry. MI% Wareharit sang g SOld, beside a gravy-hoat of tradi- tional design in white, showing well the contrast of ideas. Members of this class in- eluded Fran Simpson, Madeline King, Marion Haber, Gwen McDonald, Er Sorenson, Helen Burton. Ruby Hunt, Raye Ben- ning, Centralia. There were also pieces displayed which were done by Vi Beaver, Ex- eter, in the previous year's class, Painting accepted Painters from the liensall group who exhibited were Pat Cook, Jean Middleton. Audrey Joynt, Grace Peck, Anita Bengough, Henrietta Brown, Elsa Fiford. Ida Welland, Mar- jorie Blending. Kay Elder, Anita Cook, Exeter exhibitors were Ada Dinney, Donna Jones, Gwen Whilsmith, Mary Van Camp, Howard Henderson, Lila Brod- erick, Avis Cudmore, Ruby Brand, Others who painted but did not exhibit were Connie Johnston, Vi Beaver, Doris Dettmer, Flora Doerr and Jack Doerr, From Centralia, the painters were Lilt La France. a portrait winner in a recent RCAF ex- hibit at Ottawa: Madeline King. Ella Fee, Trawla Aitken, Mar- die jonhston, Lit Walker, Ann Mellor, Moira Wallace, Fran Slater, \'era Burke. Dorothy Christie and Mrs, Ashton. Mrs, Ashton, who reluctantly included her own work "just to fill some gaps" had one of the paintings accepted recently for Hibbert singers festival winners Pupils of 'Mrs. H, L. Sturgis. music supervisor in Hibbert eehools, won top honors in the Mitchell music festival held in the United Church April 11, 12 and 13. In the girls solo section in the rural area Elizabeth Smale, SS 4, Hibbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smale, won first in her class. She won the LODE open award of five dol- lars to five outstanding stu- dents for soloists in elementary and secondary schools, and also the Mitchell branch of the Canadian. Legion award for the most promising rural or urban vocalist in Mitchell School area, Eric Ross, SS 4 Hibbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross, won first in the boys' solo, changed voice class, and was One of the special award win- ners in the Gaulci WI award, He also won the IODE special award In five outstanding pup. 115. Six - year old jack Christie, SS 5 Hibbert. son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christie, won the boys solo class for 6, 7 and 8 years. Denise Kerslake, SS 7 and Bob Harris, SS 2 each came second in girls and boys class of 9 and 10 years and SS 2 Hib- bert was placed second in the unison chorus class, a London show, sponsored by the London women's committee to the national ballet. She has been painting vigorously for about eight years. She has lived at RCAF Cent- ralia for almost four years and began a .class there duringi the first winter. Although she had no intention of teaching painting to begin with, she has enjoyed her classes and con- siders every student a serious painter', The exhibit marked the end of her work in the area since she and her family will move shortly to Ottawa where her husband, Wing Commander A. L. Ashton, will being a new position following his retire- ment from the RCAF in May. Mrs. Ashton has advised her students that they a 11 a u 1 d change instructors from time to time and that they should sift any instruction keeping what they want and being free from the things they don't want to use. "I have tried to give them confidence in things not eon- ventio.nal. There is a place for good amateur painters and a great need for art in small towns, It does take a while for painters to develop who just have a few lessons every year, but maybe after 'five years someone will say 'this is for me, and become really good." She stressed the importance of frequent viewing and study of paintings, and of making good use of resulting mental impression. With this idea she added the need to paint often. "Once a week is not enough." she said. She spoke encouragingly about the exhibit and mention- ed that there had been four offers to buy paintings from the show. Previous art instructor in the area was G. C, Koch, Exeter. By AVM G ft AND B E D At the meeting of the Evening ]'nit of the Grand Bend '1:CW held nn April 9 Sirs. Robert Keyes, was presented with a. life membership certificate and The roll call was answered with an apron donation for the bazaar. Mrs. Blewett read editorials from. Liberty magazine for and against "leis- siona ries. Thirteen quilts and .four chil- dren's dresses were on display Lirom the afternoon Una. to he packed in the halo. Mrs. Clarke Kennedy assisted by Mrs, 11, Skipper conducted the devotion- al. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. McMaster sang a duet. airs. Wiliam Blewelt introduced the guest speaker, Miss Derlene Stanley, who ease a talk on Easter. and the tree meaning of the Lenten Season. There were 38 members present. Afternoon UCW meet The afternoon unit met on Thursday. April 12 with la ladies present. A special East- on, worship service was taken by Mrs. E. Roulston with the theme "A Virtuous Woman." airs. C. Tavener read the scripture. Following Sirs. Rnulslon's ad- dress Mrs. Will. Love showed a film on the ''Easter Story," Mrs. Mansell Mason favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs. C. Reeves, Mrs, Colin Love conducted the business. The roll call was an article for the bazaar which will be held August 8. Group two is in ea t er for a weddine dinner May 5 end group three in plan mother and daughter banquet in Slay. The next general meeting of the 1'CW will he held April 27 at 2 nen. Lunch teas served by airs. Charles Reeves, Mrs, Hansel Mason and airs. Alex Hamil- ton. Personal items Miss Buelah Hob RN, of To- ronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Mae Holt, Mr, Alex Hamilton visited last week with his son 1,./S Barry and family of Churchill, airs. Gladys Oakes is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. William Dace returned home last week after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. George Campbell is a patient in Westminster Hos- pital, London, Personal items. LTV unit 3 catered to the mother and daughter banquet of the Junior Institute on wen. nesdey evening last in Ihe church basement. Miss Brenda taallanlyne was a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, :Exeter. last week re- turning home on Friday eve- Mug. air. anti Mrs. Ernest Pym spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Ern- bro. Ales. Pym remained there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steelton of .Exeter, air. and Mrs. Percy Stone were guests recently with Mr, and Mrs. William Fergu- son. Mr. and ,Mrs. Philip Johns and family of Elimville spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda. air. and Mrs. Willis ill .Idr- rel'Y of Exeter, Mr. and !sirs, Cann. alr. and Mrs, Robed ('ann, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert were Saturday eve- guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Duncan. Mr. end airs. Milton Slea- mon, air. and Mrs. William Thomson of .Exeter were Sun- day guests with Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, Mr. and airs. Ron Clark, Cheryl and Cathy, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Heard, Wendy and Joan of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whit- ing, Debbie and Nancy of .Exe- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil- lert and Jane of Zurich were Sunday evening guests with Sir, and Mrs. Glenn. Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, alr. and airs. Ray Cann were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chester alerkley of Lon- don. M rs , A nn i e vea l o f E xe t er , fir, and Airs. Will i am Elford. Ronald and Doris were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Sire. Arthur Ball of Clinton. Rev. Clifford and Sirs. Park of Clinton were Wednesday guests with Rev. Hugh and airs. Wilson. Mrs, Lloyd Knight and Mrs. William Rohde called al the Ross Marriott Funeral Home, St. Marys, on Monday evening where the late Mrs. Albert. Scott, the former Bessie Mc- Curdy lay,. at rest. There Will be a church see- vice on flood Friday evening in Elimville United Church,. Thames Road people are in- vited, Rev. Hugh .and Mrs. Wilson attended the funeral of their cousin the late Mrs. Vera, Gregg of Gorrie an Thursday, Exeter * SHORT SHANK * PICNICS * BONELESS * WHOLE HAMS PUC * BUTTS * SMOKED OR SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS DIAL 235.1350 All at attractive prices