HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 18.,ales,; is
Page la April 19, 1962
Correspondent: Miss. tine Abbott
and .district. news,
rberle. 27.4 S5
Lions to Church
L,.acties hear
campaign activities missionary
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Prizewinning costumes at Lucas, H & carnival
Hero are some of the Carrtival 'Minters: frOili left, ths Ankers and Maureen Smith; Oink, 13 years and over,
SitaaB tBvingtorit the, bull; fahey, 11 to years, Prian .Culbert, best„.,dressed couple, 1pett,P Conlon % the .111Atatleo aril Stevs Davis as the girio and Bill Darling, the bay,
Ontario Loan & Debenture Co.
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At the Easter Thatikoffering
meeting of the lumen LaC,W in
the chereh school room, Thurs-
day, Miss Grace. Bartja, a 10-
year missionary in Ethiopia.,
East Africa, Was the guest
Miss Bartje who has been.
teaching with the some a nt ee
riot Mission since 1950 and now
home on furlough, was given
e warm welcome, With the. as-
sistance of interesting and cote
orful slides, she gave a vivid
description of her work, the
mission,-i and the children, m-
preseing on all the importaiTe
of missionary work in that tbs.
Alies .Marteia returns Jame
16 for another five years of
Airs, floss McRoberts on be-
half .of the members, thanked.
the speaker, Due to the fact,
Miss Bartja had to leave early,
refreshments were served prior
to the business meeting which
was presided over by the pre-
sident, Mrs, C, H, George.
Mrs, Eldon Young's unit was
in charge of the worship ser-
vice, She was Assisted by Mrs.
Alex Young and Mrs. M. Aren-
Mrs. B. Heath, read :pas-
sages from the study book.
Mrs. 0, W. Sach gave an. in-
spiring message on "Palm
Sundey", in keeping with the
Easter theme, Miss Ilene Don-
aldson accompanied by Mrs.
Sach sang "He Lives",
Prior to the meeting, 37
CGIT Explorers, and three
leaders were thrilled to have
,Miss Bartja attend their box
lunch supper at 4:30 p.m. In
the school room, Mrs, Murray
Hodgins, CGIT leader, assisted
by Helen Sigsworth, and Ex-
plorer, Rose Coursey was in
charge of the worship service,
Funeral director, vice-president
Thursday and Friday the
csiadtedd, rt championship was de-
The squirt league consisted
of about 60 boys ages 7 to 10.
The teams were the Black
i-[awks, Canadiens and Red
Thursday night saw the Red
Croannladietie ni s
On Friday evening the Cana-
diens and Black Hawks met in
the finals. The Black Hawks
were victorious winning the
Squirt championship.
The Pre-Teen Town will hold
a beatnik dance April 25 7 to
ry McNaughton of London. 9 p,m, They gave up the dance
Air, .Barney Welch, Lucan's this week due to Holy Week,
recreational director, has ac-
cepted a position as assistant
manager of the Huron. Bowl
in London, Mr, Welch had pre-
vious bowling experience in
St. Catharines.
Mrs. Wes Hodgins and her
daughter Mrs. Bruce Stewart,
spent a few days last week
with Air. and Mrs. Jim Tubb,
of Mitchell, the latter return-
ing to Ken era from the Malton
airport Sunday evening and
the former returning to Lucan
on 'Monday,
Airs. Louis Kilmer has re-
turned home after spending a
few days in. Guelph, the guest
of Professor and Mrs. George
Jones and Mr, and Airs, Bruce
Following a dance at the Le-
gion Hall Saturday evening the
hall was broken into sometime
during the night. Nn report on
what, was taken, is yet avail-
Medway euchre club
The Medway Euchre Club
held a four table euchre al
the home of Mr. and Airs, Cla-
rence Lewis last Monday eve-
ning. High score prizes 'vent
to Mrs. Carman Hodgins and
Wayne Culbert, son of alr. Mrs, E. Summers, lone hand
and Airs, Cliff Culbert has be- prizes t o Mrs, Austin Hobbs
gun working for the Coca Cola and Mr. Earl Aliddleton and
Ltd., London. low score prizes to Airs, Otto
Air. and Mrs, Lyle Simpson Daley and Mr. Carman Hod-
of Exeter were Sunday guests gins.
of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hamil-
Danny Hardy, four year old
son of Air. and Mrs. Harold
Hardy, whose eye was injured
by a dog was able to be
brought home, after two weeks
in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mrs. Clarke Taylor and two
children of Harrow and Mrs,
William Dickerson of Balti-
more, Maryland were weekend
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Toni
Mr. and Airs, Cecil. Robb
spent Monday in Sarnia with
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bawstenhei-
mer and family. They brought
their small son Dale home
with them for a visit.
Mrs, Don Downs, Sunday,
held a joint birthday dinner in
honor of her husband and his
sister, Mrs, Wilfred Benning-
ton of London, Nineteen Lon-
don members of the Downs'
family were present.
Bruce Haskett, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Calvin }tasked was
injured in a hockey game last
Saturday and required four
stitches in his, head.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Leo Watson
of Detroit were Sunday visitors
of the former's sister, Mrs,
Ernest Ross and. Mr. Ross.
Mr, and Mrs, Irving Gibson
held a family gathering last
Sunday, Guests included Me.
and Mrs, Wilmer Jones and
family of Kippers and Mr, and
Mrs. Les Woodward and fam•
ily of Lucan,
Correction — In last week's
TA, the name, Steve Davis,
got misplaced in the printing,
It should have been under the
heading of the Belmont-leuean
Bantam genie and not under
"Cenliti Stars in Toronto,"
Airs, Jack Wellington and
friend, Mrs, Henry of Cortinna
Were Thursday gnests of Air,
and Mrs, Frank Hardy.
Mr, and Aire, Itobert Robin.
soh and family of London,
Were Saturday guests of Mr.
and Mee, Evan liodgint,
The LOBA Ochre scheduled
for last, Wed., had to be tell-
Mr. and Mrs. lad, Marie of
Chatham were weekend guests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutely,
Mrs, S h eri d a n Revington
Was a Friday gtlest of he inn.
theta Mra. Harry Menne, of
,UCW .,hears
Thursday's old timers game
was a real scoring affair.
Most of the boys looked in
good shape, If you did not see
this one believe me you missed
the game of the season,
The next game will be pre-
ceded by a turkey dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Austin Hobbs Monday, April
Prior to attending the Mon-
day night Holy Week service,
at the Penticostal Holiness
Church, the Explorers held a
business meeting in the UC
schoolroom, with Counsellor
,Joyce Coursey in charge. Pre-
partitions for the Bunny Tea
were continued.
Far a number of years the.
Exeter Mayfair Bakery has had
a bake-shop in the George
Young building, Owing to in-
creased business in Exeter, the At the Western ()Mario Fun-
last owner, Mr. Tim Bosch, eval convention, held in the
decided to discontinue the Lu- Walper Hotel, Kitchener, last
can store. Friday, Mr. Clarence Haskett,
air, Young has now taken who has been secretary-treas-n e e r .th e stor e himself and urer for the past two years,
with the assistance of Mrs. was elected vice-president,
Ernest Ross as clerk, began Other Lucanites attending,
selling Jackson's baking Thurs- included Mr. and Airs. jack
day with boxes of cookies as 'alurdy and Mrs. Clarence. Has-
an opening special. ken.
Lucan personal items
Thursday night 400 Lions at.
tended the anieteal Region
Lions Club rally held at the
Panorawa Restaurant, Lon-
don, to elect officers for the
corning eear. Not only did 16
Lucan Lions attend but they
also took with them- a fit('
teenage hand.
Zone chairman Les Wood ,
ward who was running for dep-
uty district governor was de-
feated by a email margin. by
Lion Jack al:Leper of Port Stan-
Friday night was another
big night for Lucan Lions_
being ladies night, when 55
couples. attended a turkey
dinner at the Glen Allen Res-
taurant, London_ Speaking on
'The Privilege of Serving"
Deputy District Governor, Ca-
meron McLean of Strathroy.
was - the guest speaker. Like
Lion alositrinjohn of Lucan he
will he attending the cons en•
term in Nice. France. During
the evening Mr. McLean was
presented with a gift from the
Lucan Limns, past president
Clare Stanley making the pre-
sentation. Eight lucky door
prizes were presented to win.
Together. with providing rec-
ords for the pre-teenagers, the
Lions donated a Public School
Hockey Trophy, which was
'ton try a•ount Carmel.
Nerves require
boy to leave, HS
Tnmm wFlier, eon of Mr.
and Mrs. Themes Weller, who
has been a star pupil at both
Clarke Rd. and Medway. al-
ways standing second, has had
to leave erarie 13 Medway this
year when lie was threatened
with a nervous break down
While in grade 11 he- received
the London Township award
He is now working for the
Flits Den Construction Co...
The enthusiastic lad i.e not
beaten vet, He still intends to
write off part of his evade 1a
this year, and finish later.
Bride and groom honored
Mr. and Mrs Ron Squire
(nee Culbert) were postenup-
aial gueste when a couples get-
to-gether evening, was held at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Ron
Crozier Saturday night.
To a feast, proposed by the
beet, the groom fittingly re-
plied On behalf of the 26
guests, Mr ,Tack Steaey pre-
eaented the happy couple with a
gift, The groom's parents. Mr.
and Mrs Frank Squire of
Grantor were honored guests,
A emellines contest was wen
by Mrs .rack Steacy, Mrs
jehn Park and Mrs. Murray
- One of the lughlights of the
evening was the compiling of
a scrap hook. Each guest had
come prepared with suitable
donations for the book, which
when completed to the bride
and ea-nom.
: Aeststing the hostess at the
buffet lunchenn were, Mrs.
Cecil Robb. Mrs Glen Has-
kett, Mrs Don Maguire and
Mrs. Clarence Hardy,
Honored en birthday
Last. Tuesday Mrs. Bob Cole-
man entertained in honor of
alter - George Bawdens 34th
birthday. Other guests included
Mrs. Irving Gibson and Miss
Lima Abbott. In spite of .her
over four score years Mrs.
Bawdi;n lives alone and is sure
prieingly bright and cheerful.
and still able lo play a good
hand of bridge,
After the Lenten service,
Thursday ev.entrig. the members
of the Evening Auxiliary made.
palm crosses for the Palm
Sunday service nn Sunday.
Though the Anglican joined
the other two churches for the
week of prayer services they
are holding their own Holy
Week services or Wednesday,
April 18 at 10:30 a.m. Holy
Communion; Thursday, a! 6:30
p m.. Lenten service; Friday
at 8;30 p in_ Good Friday ser-
NiCP and Sunday at 8:30 and
11 a.m. Holy Communion and
Easter' servi,e.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The YPL' held an .all musical
program of solos, duets and
quartettes, provided by the
members Friday eeening.
On. Saturday evening Iwo
ear loads attended the Musical
Youth Rally held in the new
Evangelistic Centre in Toron•
to, where the Lucanaires ass
eisted in the program.
United Church
The first of the Cl.' and Pen-
tecostal Holiness, Holy Week
united services, was held in
the United Church Sunday eve-
ning, with the Rev. E. A. Gag•
non as guest speaker, taking
as his text, "Blessed is He."
CGIT members and the YPL
sat in a body.
After the service the latter
met at the home of Robert
Eaton of Clandeboye for a bu-
siness meeting, when plans for
the tour to Greenfield Village,
;time 3n, were finalized. It was
decided to attend the 7 a.m.
sunrise service at Parkhill on
Easter Sunday, After a break-
fast provided by the ladies of
the church, a short church ser-
vice will be held before re-
turning. to the 11 o'clock ser-
vice here.
Granton Institute
elects executive
At a meeting of the Granton
WI held at the home of Mrs,
Kenneth Hodgins, Mrs, Clar-
ence Lewis was re-elected pre-
sident of the. Grant= WI,
Other officers are; Hono-
rary president. Mrs, Andrew
Knox, vice-president, Mrs, Nor-
man Hodgins. secretary-treas-
urer, Mrs. Edith jermyn; as-
sistants . Mrs, George Wilson,
district director, airs. Kenneth
Hodgins, hr anch directors,
Mrs. Andrew Knox and Mrs,
William Allan, honorary direc-
tors. Mrs. James Dykes, Mrs.
Nilson Stanley and Mrs., Flor-
ence Chitticle. pianists, Mrs.
Norman Hodgins and Mrs. Win.
Cook, press reporter, Mrs.
Bertha Hanson.
Roll call was answered by
"My opinion of central school
areas." A reading was given
by Mrs. Carman Dann, poems
be Mrs. ° Bertha Hanson, Mrs,
Clare Bryan, and Mrs. Nor-
man Hodgins, the topic, on edu-
cation by Mrs. Gordon Dann.
Mrs. Clarence Lewis re-
ported on the North. Middlesex
district directors' meeting. A
donation was ma.de. to the pub-
lic library and cancer drive
canvassers named.
Mrs. Rupert Gagnon
Mrs, Rupert Gagnon died in
the Queensway Hospital, Tor-
onto, April 3. Funeral services
were held in Hamilton Thurs-
day, April 12. Among the sur-
vivors is her son, Rev. E, A,
Gagnon of the Lucan Petite-
costal Holiness Church, who
with Mrs, Gagnon, attended
the funeral.
Representatives. from seve-
ral local Woman's Auxiliaries,
last Wednesday night, joined
with Holy Trinity's afternoon
arid evening branches and .the
t'CW in Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, to hear Miss Lillias
Powell's illustrated talk on her
work in Ja,pan.
airs. Erwin Scott, Lucan.
president, Mrs. T. C. McFar-
lane, vice president, and Mrs.
E. 0. Lancaster, welcomed all
at the door. Mrs, Scott pre-
sided .for the worship service
with Mrs. Lancaster at the or-
gan and then introduced Miss
Powell, who was later thanked
by Mrs, Harold Hodgins.
Mr. Frank Egan, SS .super-
intendent, was in charge of the
projector. The offering taken
by Mrs. Jack Murdy and Mrs.
Harold Corbett was presented
to Miss Powell for her per-
sonal use.
Miss Powell spoke of the
1959 centennial celebration of
Cbristia.nity into Japan. She
told of her own work as head
missionary nurse in the 100-
bed New Life Sanatorium in.
Obuse and of the fire which
destroyed the main building in
1950 and of the new building.
A new clinic has been opened
at Nagano City, eight miles
from Obese. Her pictures of
places inand around (abuse
were particularly colorful and
Visa Powell, who was born
in Granton, is well known to
Lucanites, as she. spends so
much time of each furlough
with her sister, Mrs, Cliff Ship-
ley. She attended St. Marys
High School, Stratford Normal
and taught for 10 years (most-
ly in Orillia) before entering
St. Luke's Church Hospital,
New York to train as a mis-
sionary nurse, She went to Ja-
pan in 1934,
She arrived home March 9
and expects to return in Aug-
ust to Japan.
After the meeting all went
to the Parish Hall for 'refresh-
ments. provided by the Sr. WA.
and served by the evening
Coursey school euchre
Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs.
George Hodgins were -hostes-
ses for the four table euchre
in the Coursey school Friday
High score prizes went to
Kathleen Ryan and Mr, Tom
Coursey; lone hand prizes to
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mr.
Bev. Hodgins and low score
prizes to Mrs. Evan Hodgins
and Allan Ryan.
The next game will be April
27 when Mrs. Wilson Hodgins
and Mrs. Evan Hodgins will
be hostesses.
Crash with taxi
injures driver
Lucan Main St. north was
the scene of a weekend ear
accident when a '61 Steve's
Ford taxi, driven by Harold
Edward Smithers of Centralia.
was in collision with a Volks-
wagen driven by Philip Dixon
of Butler St., Lucan.
Mr, Dixon, going north went
to cross the road to turn into
the White Rose gas station,
when hit by the taxi going to
Mr. Dixon received multiple
bruises but the other driver
escaped injury,
The damage to the taxi was
estimated at $500, The other
vehicle was complete 1y
wrecked, Both cars were in.
Busy fire truck
hardly cools off
With eight .fires eineade two.
Weeks, Lucan's fire ,engine
hardly gets a _chance to C901
off, Two of last week*s fires
were grass „fires, one between
Lucan and .Clandeboye .anal the.
other et the home of Mr. .Cter-
enee Manson,. Clandeboye,
The third fire was on Thum-
day .at the home of Mr, Lloyd
Haskell,. about two miles north
of Lunn, when his truck
caught fire and was destroyed,
The Wean CG.LT met, in the
'Wean United c'hur'ch school=
room last Tuesday evening
with president Patricia. CO-
leigh in the chair and. Bette
.Jean Smith in charge of the
worship service.
During the business session
it was decided to join with the
Explorers, al a supper meet-
ing (box lunch) on . Thursday
evening after school in the
church school room to meet
and hear Miss Grace Bartja,
an Ethiopia missionary.
Dana Culbert, Sharon Blake,
Bernard Stanley and Ready
Paul, were in charge of re-
Margaret and Patricia Cob-
leigh 'reported on the CGIT
rally in London.
The date for the annual mo-
ther and daughter banquet. was
set for Friday, June 1 when
Mrs. John P. Nichols of Col-
borne United Church, London,
will he the guest speaker, It
was decided to parade at the
Sunday Holy Week service
April 15 rather than Tuesday.
The last two chapters of the.
study hook, "Keys for Tori,"
were taken by the leader, Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and then dis-
Bake-shop changes hands
Mrs. Leroy Revington and
Miss Rose Revington, spent a
few days last week in Burl-
ington, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Tom Hepburn and fam-
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hac-
kett and Mrs. Will Haskett
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Art, Haskett of Toronto,
Mrs. Haskett remaining over
for a holiday.
Mrs. Robert Jenkins was a
Tuesday guest of her sister
Mrs. J. C, Taylor of London,
Mrs, Dell Sprout, who spent
the winter, with her daughter
in. Oklahoma, is home. for the
sum mer,
Mrs, Wm. Brownlee, has re-
turned home after a week's
visit' in Hamilton where she
was the guest of her Baugh.
ter. Mrs, P. J. Laverty, baby
Sharon and the other members
of her family.
Mrs, Bob Coleman, Mrs,
Earl Atkinson, Airs. Heber
Davis and Mrs, Harry Carroll
were Thursday guests of Mrs.
Harry Noels of Aylmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier
and Mr, and Mrs. Don Maguire
last Wednesday, attended the
Macdonald Institute Spring Fa-
shion Show, at Guelph, where
Miss Julia Crozier was one of
the 62 models who modelled
their own "creations".
Most people are satisfied
with one birthday dinner but
not Mr, Clayton Abbott who
was guest of honor at a turkey
dinner at his mother-in-law's,
Mrs. Hugh Birtch on Sunday
and with Mrs, Abbott was
guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Abbott of Centre.
Zia on Monday,
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Raving-
ton of London had as Saturday
evening guests, Mr, and 'Mrs.
Wes Revingtim and family, Mr,
and. Airs. Doh Revington, Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Revington of
Lucan and Air, and. Mrs. Har-
United Church
At the CLandeboye United
Chereh on Sunday, April 15 the
Rev. G. W, Seen was assisted
by the elders Messrs. William
Northgrave, Lloyd Lynn, Gor-
don Eaton and Wilmer Scott at
the .service of Holy Communion
with a good attendance,
Air, and Mrs, Harry Hardy
and Air, Bruce Kerr were re-
ceived in full membership of
the Clandeboye United .Church,
On Good Friday the service
of Holy Communion will be a
combined service for the Lucan
and Clandeboye members at
7.30 p.m, in the Lucan church.
St. James Church
On Sunday, April 15 with the
rector the Rev, E. 0. Lan-
caster in the pulpit at St.
lames. Church the service for
Palm Sunday was observed.
Palms in cross design were
presented to the members.
On Good. Friday the service
will be held at 2.30 p.m
On Easter Sunday service as
usual at 2.30 p.m. with the
Holy Communion. service.
Personal hems
Mr. William Wilson returned
home on April 13 from St.
Joseph's Hospital. where he had
heen a patient since ;January
6 when he suffered a fractured
hip -in a fall while going for (he
mail, He is able to get around
with the aid of crutches now,
a month for his 'back-
Ra e Kt/4Ms returned
home no Monday from .a vaca-
tion in Florida.
,and Alre. Clare Paton re.
turned home -Wednesday from
a trip to the United States.
(Intended. for last week)
Breaks left .arm
Mrs. Ed Flynn of laiddulph
township net with .an accident
on Sunday iii her home. While
removing a roast of meet train
the oven, she fell and suffeeed
a broken left arm, Dr. George
advised her to he taken to the
On Monday, Dr. Wilson ala
tended her at St. Joseph's 'Hos-
pital. She returned home Aign.
day evening.
Choreh ,news
At St. ,lames Church on .Sun-
day 'the rector the Bev.
Lancaster announced the Good
Friday service will he held -at
the church, April 20 at a:'30
At the United Chtireh lhe
pastor the Bev. G. W. Sach
Announced that on Sunday,
April 15 the service of Holy
Communion would he held
with reception of nett' mern•
UCW to cater for banquets::
Mrs. Rea Neil entertained
the ladies of the United Church
with 12 members. and two vasie
tors. President airs. 'Wilmer
Scott, presided, Miss A. North-
grave read the ecripture.
Mrs, Scott gave a report of
the parsonage- committee and
— Please teem to page 19
and the
Dwarfs -
(An operette tot children's
With 2-piano accompaniment.
Adults 750 Children 50o
Proceeds for crippled
News of Clandeboye
If You're TIRED
NOW And than evetyhotil rteic "brad-rfl"
leeliriP end may be botheeed by backacim,
Perhaps OWN /*bulgy *Meg, lust a tempos,
key Condition mined by twincry irtitalion et
bladder 11,1171,11 cl ortodiaida,, tgitnitnendiaot
Iddrieri td tattsys thle condition Which May
Often &tittle beckiche and tired feeling, Teen you;
Idol bettotr teal belief, work better. 81
45th, wedding anniversary Mrs, Gerald Millson and Debbie
Mr. and Mrs. .Clarence Mill- of the village.
satwere entertained by .their Me- and Mrs- Millon are- ay.:ettit:i.alyryinia Sunday, Apr il e t members of the Clandeboye
hook's Restaurant in honor of 'United Church and Mrs. Mill.
their forty-fifth wedding irn
,I.sorlol vinnrg Ifireontt l-C a"n. aSchceideisnt of
Air, and Airs, mulson were last year when she suffered
married at. the home of the two .fractured legs at her home
.sbsel.:17 parents, Mr. and Airs. here '
Robert Ashbury, Lucan, April
18, 1917 by the Rev, Dr. Barn-
Following thei r marriage
they spent two years in To-
ronto, One year at Grand Bend
and then 20 years in'Lucan
where Al,'. Millson had his
barber shop on Main St.
In 1940 they started farming
at Prospect Hill and in ;lime
1960 they purchased a home
in the village here where Air,
Matson eft)l conducts a shop
in his home.
They have three children—a
da.ughter (Ruth) Airs, Jim
Beckett. of Kitchener and two
sons, Ralph in London and
Gerald at home; also six grand
children and one great grand
cfillIdie family attending were
Air, and Mrs, ,aim 'Beckett and
Sandra and Mr. and Alt's.
RnUri '.Kingman of Kitchener,
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Millson,
Donald, 'Kenneth and Douglas
Millson of London and Alr. and
Mrs. Maud Wainwright of
the village went to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday,
Mrs, Charlie Coughlin. visit-
ed her father Mr. AuStin Rice
on Sunday at St. Joseph's Hos- Apr.26-8:15 p, r9.,
Air. Orville Railings returned
home .on Wednesday from St.
:Joseph's Hospital where he had.
been receiving treatments for