HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 17EXETER GtI LS GRADUATE—Seven Exeter girls were among the record 29 from
Huron county who graduated in the CGIT ceremony at Clinton Saturday. From left,
they are Linda Walper, Lynda Westcott, Margaret Homey, Vella Smith, Helen Hen.
drick, :Marian Kerslake and. Bonnie 'Purvey. —Jervis, Clinton
-Record number of girls
graduate at CGIT rally
AMONG HURON GRADUATES—Centralia anti reen-
way girls also were honored in the CGIT graduation in
Clinton Saturday. From left:, above, are Marilyn Morgan,
Centralia; Rosalie Hicks and. Maxine Mel in, both of
GreenWay. —.Terris. Clinton
W1 returns executive
Make your Easter Weekend complete with
Jenny Lind Candy
:5oxect 'Varieties and Children's Novelties
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Ti)* TiMPIkA0vocatei April, 1962 ,Page
panted to .our Indtvidttal 'boltess req4iremetli$
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Which airyd
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Nourishnig. delicious
milk comes in a variety
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900-calorie food
supplement for diets
Ask your
Free' 1.1ar•e Fraser's
"Milk-Mates foe Moderns"
recipe booklet, Write today.
,A Diviston of
14.7 Dpv onport Roati, Tomtit* 0
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Seat eta
Life Insurance is a good investment
Bu} protection from a life insurance company but invest
Anon money elsewhere, This \ tee, , held by a number of
people. reflects a belief that lire insurance is a safe hut
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the belielhehind it completely ignorethefacts. Thetheoretical
adf antage of ins esting elsewhere soon es aporates in the
light of Manufacturers life's low premium deposits, liberal
annual di; identia and high returns on annuities. The rate of
interest credited to policy owners compares more than
vas ourablA ct ilh net yields on good, reliable stocks and bonds,
Behind ibis performance is progressit e money manage-
ment practiced by a group of specialists who administer a,
fund of one billion dollars. They hate earned for the
company a reputation for in; estment operations that pro-
duce an ens table combination of profit and safety. These
men it ork for you When you incest in a Manufacturers
111'( policy,
I his stoo, is far from complete.1 here ate many additional.
practical ads antages of int esting in life insurance. The Man
from Manufacturers would welcome the opportunity to
grt e you the complete picture,
C 0 M RA N Y
A. E. Pym, C. u.
Tel. 671-M
You've probably noticed it in Weekend, The
London Free Press and other papers, Our.,2.
Westinghouse Slanty-Cato loads from the front
instead of the top. The tub revolt es on its '
side . , instead of sitting on its bottom .
lifts clothes up through the suds. then bet,
them fall for another dousing. Our automatie
washes 1,igorously—bait not roughly. It'll take-:,
the toughest stain out of the most delicate taboes ithout ruffling fib re, And our pric0.,
is onl $2.05 with trade.
Crest Hardware
his 'n that
— Continued from page 16
1 package plain gelatine
1. '4 cup orange juice
3 cup rhubarb, cut into 1;2
inch cubes
1 cup sugar
• "1 '2 cup water
3;2 tp vanilla
.tp almond extract
3/a cup whipping cream
3 slices lemon filled jelly
Saten, gelatine in orange
juice. Combine the rhubarb,
sugar and water. Cook over
low heat until tender. Add the
softened gelatin, stirring until
dissol ve d. Stir in flavorings.
Chill until partially set.
Whip the cream until stiff
and fold into the mixture, Ar-
range jelly roll slices in the
bottom of a long, narrow mold.
Pour in the gelatine mixture.
Chill until firm. Unniold and
Mrs. Fred Beer was re-
elected president of Hensall
W o m e n 's Institute for the
fourth term at the annual
meeting last Wednesday eve-
Vice - presidents a r a Mrs.
John Skca, Mrs. Harry Horton
and Mrs, James .Bengourdv;
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wil-
bert Dulling; assistant, Mrs. R.
al. Peek; district director,
Mrs. Carl Payne; alternate,
Mrs. George Arm0 n g;
branch directors, Mrs, Clar-
ence Reid. Mrs, Bruce. Koeh-
ler, Mrs. Sim floobol; press.
Mrs, al aude liedd en ; card
convener, mrs, %V, B, Cross;
assistant, . Mrs. W. O. Good-
tt in: auditors, Mrs. Goodwin
and Miss Mary Goodwin.
Standing committee conven-
ers: agriculture and Cana-
dian industries, Mrs. Walker
Carlile, Mrs. Wes Richardson;
citizenship and education, Mrs.
T. J. Sherrill:, Mrs. Robert El-
gie: h o n1 f economics and
health, Mrs. 14, A. Orr, Mrs.
Clarence Reid; historical re-
search, Miss Matte Ellis, Mrs,
William Henry, Mrs. forne
Chapman, Mrs, N. E. Conk;
public relations officers. Mrs.
Maude Redden, Mrs, George.
Airs. Robert -Elgie presented
the slate and installed the of-
"Take rota' Choice" was the
highlight of the program with.
Mrs, Elgie, Mrs. 'Sheri:la, Mrs.
Armstrong and Miss Laramie
on the panel. Guests were Mrs,
Payne, Mrs. Cook, Airs. tress,
Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. .tames
McAllister, Mrs. IL Horton,
Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Bengough
and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Airs, Carl Passmore and
Miss Mary Goodwin sang two
duets with Miss Greta Lam-
ru de accompanist.
The short course voted on
was -143 lbs. of meat", Plans
for the District Annual to be
held in Hensall United. Church
May to were made and an
overall commit tee composed of
Mrs, Beer. Mrs. Peek, Alt's.
Hess and Miss Ellis was ap-
Program conveners tv e r
'1111.5. Basil Edwards and airs.
W. B, Cross and hostesses.
Mrs, Harry Horton and Mrs,
Len Purdy.
Personal items
Col Con Havens stationed at
the RCAF Station. Clinton for
the past four years has re-
eeived a posting to Portage La
Prairie, Man,
Alr, and -Mrs, Jae 'Lecuwen-
burg arrived here from Hol-
land last week and spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Tamils Van Steog, William St,
The young couple are now em-
ployed on the (arm of lean
Sparrow, lift I Dashwood.
People who fly into a rage
always make a bad landing.
Alts, Roy Aidersun has re,
'totaled to her tome after being
a patient in St. Joseph's hos-
airs. Archie Morgan. accom-
panied by tee 60(1,i a-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. BON.'
DeK ay. Hyde Path, leaves to-
day I Thursday r to spend the
.Easter weekend in Bethlehem,
Penn , with Air. and Airs.
Carey JoYnt and David, Mrs,
Morgan will remain for a
moat It.
-'si rs. Violet Qua nee. Brace-
bridge, is t.'isiting with her
lent, Mrs, Preston Dearing
and Mr. Dearing,
Air. Len Dilates is a patient
in South Huron. Hospital.
Mr. E. R. Hopper attended
the Western Ontario funeral
director's contention in WalOcts
Hotel, Kitchener, Friday.
aft. Clifford Quanee attended
a birthday party al the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Hon. Preszcata
or, London., on Sunday on the
occasion of Airs, Preszcatorts
Airs. John Fraser, of Aber-
deeo, Scotland, who' has spent
the past two months with her
cousin, airs. Leslie Richard,
and Mr, and Airs. .Don •Gaiser ,
left on Tuesday to visit her
ister-in-law in Toronto.
Cut roses now
florists suggest
Roses of the hybrid tea type
should be pruned each spring
before the bushes leaf out, say
horticulturists with the Onta-
rio Department of Agriculture.
Start by cutting back all the dead wood,. Then remove the
weak twiggy grotstth that are
usually found near the base of
the bush. Finally, cut all eros-
.ing growth,
This should teat e 5 or 6
strong growths which may he
shortened to give a balanced
bush of the desired height,
When c utting back these
growths he sure that all cuts
are made so that the top buds
are on the outside of the plants,
Hybrid perpetuals may he
pruned similarly to hybrid
teas. However, they are more
vigorous growers, so you can
leave more stems and longer
Prune .floribundas lightly, so
as to obtain as many blooms as
Dwarf polyantha. do not re-
quire much pruning in the
spring apart from the removal
of growths that have been win-
terkilled. During the summer
and, fall, remove the old .flower
Climbers. tamblers, and pil-
lars'vary greatly according, to
variety. Most of the climbers
grown in Ontario flower on
wood of the previous season's
growth. Old flowering wood
should be removed. in August
or September,
Some of the la rge.flow erect
ctinrhers, however, produce
their flowers on laterals borne
on older wood. With this type.
restrict your pruning to a
shortening of the laterals in
the spring,
Trivitt envoys
bonnet contest
Miss Norma. 'Westgate was
the speaker at the meeting of
Trivitt e Memorial Church Guild
Thursday. taking for her topic
"The Living Christ,"
An Easter bonnet contest
was led by Mrs, Herb Broom.
Mrs. Murray Greene won first
prize With Mrs. Gibbons, Alt's.
J, Potter . and Mrs, R. Diekins
second and Mrs. 0, II-origins
winning the novelty ,,wire,
Mrs, Jack ',Meter and Mrs.
George nether gave davOtiortal
In the business conducted by
Mrs, C. Gibbons It was 'voted
to purchase 100 stacking chairs
to be used in the Parish Han.
A salad supper was served
with Airs. George Rether as
hostess assisted by Miss West-
gate, Mrs, Fuleher and Mrs.
Place ?
On the fate aaion of their
',Olden wedding celebration.
Mr. and Alva, Jolla Simpson re-
rciierl telegrams of ,eongralu-
lamina trron Prime alintaler
John I' Bohai ta and Iron .1.
Edit arils, al pp, of Pa tin erson.
anti from the Province of on
Ellen. Robbins of the Swat-
low Patrol was enrolled on
'Thursday, April 12,
tiert ice stars Were also pre-
seined. '1'lresc are awarded for
Guides who hate perfect at-
lendance during the year, Carn-
lynne Simmons received her
four-year pin. Leslie Diller,
her three-year, and Sheila
Keller. her one-year.
Congratulations are in order
for loan Dettmer as word has
be en received th a t sh e was sues
tc t tc,rt e.t eal
ssffii Challenge.
l in p assi s
B eP re ri
t there will he two Gold
Cords presented at the ban-
There will be Guides Thurs-
day I tonight!,
' Cookie Day is approximately
a week away April 28),
Cloverdale WI
hears economist
Alt's. Nancy Buchanan, home
economist for Middlesex Coun-
ty, was guest speaker at the
meeting of Cloverdale WI held
al the home of Mrs. H. Bro,
Her topic a as -Fabrics"
and she °ascribed the arlyank
ages and disadvantages and
laundering techniques of the
newer fabrics and finishes,
Alts. Buchanan displayed sain-
ples and answered questions
concerning Them.
Mrs, Fred Beaman, convener
of Home Economics, thanked
the speaker and read advice on
buying, care and laundering of
bed sheets as git en in the ('AC
Mrs. A. Holson commented
on the motto "Worry is like a
rocking chair — it goes but
never gets anywhere." The roll
call "Air favorite household
gadget to lighten my duties"
was answered by 24 members,
Mans were made for the
canvass for cancer campaign,
A quilt made by the members
was displayed and the winner
will be chosen at a card party
Mar. Ritchie, Mrs, A. Hot-
son and Mrs. B. Lagerwerf
presented. a humorous skit
t"Unexpected callers of 1912",
A mouth organ selection by
Airs. II otson. a reading "Mo-
ther' Shipton's Prophecy" by
M I'S, .Lagerivert and a recipe for
angel cake were the highlights
of the skit. Mrs. licaman gave
a humorous reading. A social
half-hour closed the meeting.
Nobody ever gels anything
for nothing, but a lot of people
keep trying, -
Sales and Service
:Repairs and bags tor all mo-
dels or vacuum cleaners and
polishers. Reconditioned ma-
chines of all makes for sale.
BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich
Phone Hensall 6/6r2
Return WI
Mrs. itatold lay for mitts re-
elected praasident of Etna+, ille
%Voirien'a Institute for 1962 ,63.
at the annual. meeting Thurs.
clay, April 12.
Other lithe era arc tree Irit•a.
dents, Mrs. Ito.," Skinner. Mrs.
erilbert johns: ais ere; ary-treaae
twee, Mrs. Jaehaon. Wood.;
,IN1 irl'as111,Tr_ •lire. TOM
11(T11: distriel director. 11r,
(1111)(11 John ,: alternate. Mrs,.
Wellington F; Net; director
Ws. .1tul 1)ykeitiau. Ward
Horn, Mrs Jim Miller and
Mrs barb hero.
Mrs. Kenneth Johna pit:aided
for the election and installed
the nifirers
Shies Shirley Johns gat,- a
commentary o n -Featuring
Fruit." Miss Joanne Miners
was presented with a rup anti
saucer for obtaining 4.11 .vounlY
honors, Miss Barbara !fern
fa cored with Iwo tais.
Roll call it as answered by the
paying of fees. The Hospital
Auxiliary rummage sale was
announced for April 28.
The. annual pot hick supper
attended by 33 in Minty Ole
I fall preceded the meeting.
Mrs. Ross Skinner was in the
chair. .1 collection of pennies
for Friendship is to he taken
at the next meeting.
A 1. workshop far Huron
Presht,Verial was held in -Tames
tree! Church on Thursday with
Miss Marion Thompson, travel-
ling secretary for the Board of
Women, as leader.
About 60 women Were in at
endance for morning and
afternoon .sessions. Discussion
groups, films, flip charts and
rariotis forms of literature
were used in prnmoliMg pro-
;tramming for the CCW.
own Topics
Personal {toms of Interest In and Around xetr
The gxetse trimaii.•Aciyoeote is pleased to euhino thaw .1.0a*
And OUI itodeia are intereated in you and your Irlentip, Phone 4n-1411,
'''7 record number of girls-,
29i- graduated from CGIT in
0— ceremony which Completed
tlip annual Huron county spring
rally in Ontario St, VC, Clin-
ton, Saturday.
Ten of the girls were from
:Pixeter. Centralia and Green-
way groups, They included
Helen Hendrick, Margaret
Marian .Kersla ke, Verla
Bonnie Turvey, Linda
We Iper and Lynda Westeott,
all of 'Exeter; Marilyn Morgan.
Centralia; Rosalie licks and
'!%laxine Willa, both of Green-
Rev, John Vardy, Egmond
chairman of the presby
cry Christian education emit•
conducted the gradua
the fourth held in Huron
In chaie, of the rally. which
attracted more than 200 girls,
was the presbytery girls' .work
counsellor, Mrs, R, S. Hiltz,
Exeter, assisted by Mrs. Em-
erson Deajardine, Grand Bend,
During the morning session,
shdes were shown by Miss
Audrey EMI:better, London.'
formerly of ('rediton. mission-
ray home on furlough trom the
Weal Indies.
Among those in charge of
diseuSition groups were Mrs.
N. C, Fletcher, teen talk:
3.1iss E. :McTavish, Exeter, vo-
cations: Mrs. Emery Desja r-
dine, Grand Bend, worship;
Mrs., Jack .Doerr, Exeter, cer-
arnica: Mrs. Arthur Whilsmitt.
Exeter, dra m a ties.
Mrs, Lyle Utiles group,
James St., led in the worship
During graduation, 11 i s a
Gloria Adams of. Grand Bend
rendered a solo and a quar-
tette, consisting of. Joanne Des-
iardine, Neva Johnson, Deb-
orah.‘ Thomas and Mary Lynne
ennedy, also sang.
'-Guest speaker at the rally
.ryas Mrs. W, Pike, 'Merton,
former missionary in Newfound-
land and Northern Saskatche-
The newly-formed CGIT
—group from aiensall attended
the rally,
‘Ve'll speed you on
your way with per.,
feet service ev ery
time, See .:'ott soon!
Fill 'Er Up With Some Today',
Beavers h s the slanty-faced
washer you've been
reading about .7
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