HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 16CLEOPATRAS HAIR ENHANCED HER afAUTY, WE DOME SAME FOR YOU- THATi" OUR DUTY Rev. C. W. Down who of- ficiated al the marriage cere- mony of the groom's parents in 1939 performed the rites unit- ing in marriage Barbara Hope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Roth, Exeter, and Grant. E, Bertrand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bertrand, RR I. St, Marys on. Saturday, April 14. For her wedding the bride MODERN BEAUTY SALON BRENDA BRENNER PROP. PH.235-1663 • 429 MAIN ST. Decorating ideas CONTRAST COLOURS ,Contrast colour in yow' room plays a very important part. It is like the icing on the cake. Too much or too little colour ran spoil the effect you are Kiting for, in a warm, rich atmosphere. Try to keep your walls, rugs and .drapery background all on :the same tone, The furniture 'ran he of a complimentary colour, or of the same colour hut a lighter or darker shade, Now with only one or two haste colours in your room, you can bring out the contrast colour to add the life and put the finishing touch to the room There are many places to Tiring nut this contrast, Be sure. the contrast colour is well spaced. Don't have it all on one side or end of the room, hut well placed in ail areas, lf you have an odd chair as the main contrast. then using the same colour, add a couple of cushions to the sofa, and net a Vase of the same eolaur or ash trays, for the table in the opposite corner. Books, pictures, lamp Shades, glass ware, flowers and nickliacks can all be Used for your con- trast. For help with your colour problems, call Interior Shop at 235-1511, Next week: ''Surnmar Living Indoors", RAL,1"'1-1 SWEITZEll, 0.part Thursday Night 111 ?age. 1.4 The Times.AOPYilit, Aptql 19, 1962 . . . r F^IN. C I MR, AND MRS. GRANT BERTRAND rhom by Doerr Honeymoon in Florida chose A cream wool suit with matching hat and carried pink roses, Her maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth Roth, Exeter, wore a rose wool suit with white ar• cessories and carried white carnations. Glen laousworth, Gait. attend- ed the groom.. Following a reception in Lon- don Mr. and Ws, Bertrand left for a honeymoon in Flor- ida. The proportion of Canadian households equipped with auto- mobiles increased from 37 per cent in 1941 to 4,3 per cent in 1951. In 69 per cent in 1961. V The trouble with the chronic borrower is that he always keeps everything but his word. Open Thur5, Night 9 o'clock it ,t WREATHA SHOLDICE UWO GRADUATES—Elizabeth Ann Ferguson, daughter of Dr. Howard and. Mrs, Ferguson, London, and James Gordon Etherington, son of Mr. and Mrs, Archie Ether- ington, RR, I Hensall, exchanged marriage vows in Rowntree United Church, London, They will make their home in Kingston where the groom is on the staff of. Queen's University, --Beta photo 235.2144 Deily Delivery delicious nutritious Exeter Dairy HAIR STYLING EXETER 235.2992 - GRAND BEND 18 Closed All DO' Monday • )pen Tuesday end 'Friday Evenings :RON PRATLEY It's HOPPER-HOCKf-Y for ki? MON MEE YOU M.AY BE A WINNER IN window KU COLONIAL display °f ,s25,0011.00 CONTEST! handsome Vilas HOPPERaHOCKEY FURNITURE. 2354990 "Who Quality is, Economy" See our There's nothing to buy! Simply bring your lucky number from your Ca»adiah Homes magazine (May issue) to see if it's Among the prize-winning numbers hi our VILAS Colonial floor display area, it's thrill for es to meet world chief jelly Easter Eggs make jelly .Kasten eggs for novel salad or dessert to ac- company the Easter dinner. Save egg shells until the re- quired number .have been ar- cumulated. instead of '..break- ing the eggs as usual for the morning scramble or for .cake or cookie batter, make a small hole in. the large end of the egg about ,the size of a quar- ter or slightly larger. Shake egg carefully into a . bowl and the yolk will slip out whole. Rinse inside of shell thorough- ly and let dry, When ready to use. oll the inside with salad oil and with a small funnel fill shells with jelly. Finely shredded cabbage and carrot and a little onion juice may be added to lime or lemon jelly for a salad of if making a dessert the jelly may he left plain or finely diced fruit may be added. Set filled shells in empty' egg cartons and refrigerate until set, Carefully crack shells and Peel off, Arrange salad eggs on SPECIAL Wool Coats 41 M1144 -.7.- ley-1,1140A HUNTER,-PQYAR t Linda represented Exeter Goides at a rally of 4,500 for Lady Baden Powell. world ChM Guide, in C'NIi Queen Elizabeth Building, Toronto,. last Wednesday. Mary Wilson and Susan Page of the Brown- ies also attended. They went with a busload from the dist- rict.) The bus left Exeter at 2 p.m. We stopped at Kitchener for re• lreshments and then proceeded to gallon airport. Here we ate our box luoches. We went up. above the terminal and watch ed several airplanes land and take-off. The bus then went towards Toronto. We arrived at the Exhibition. grounds and stopped at the Exhibition Building where we waited in the bus for about 20 minutes before joining the steady stream of Guides. Brownies and Rangers going into it. On entering the building and seeing all the chairs, 1 couldn't imagine that many people gathered at one spot. i am sure I've never seen such a multitude at one place before, Guides, Brownies, Rangers and Guides kept coming in and many weren't able In find seats, so they stood at the hack. A speaker told us that Lady Baden-Powell would enter through the side door. She told us she would tour the aisles in a golf cart and asked us not to take pictures when she was doing this, We were, told that she didn't like to have pictures taken when she wasn't aware that they were going to be taken. As she completed her speech, the door, through which Lady Baden-Powell was to enter, opened. lmm.edialely everyone began to cheer, The girls were all jumping and straining to see het'. Since the building was so large only a few girls at the front could see the door. Then the Girl Guide choir leader told us that it hadn't been Lady Baden-Powell hut that the exe- cutive had appreciated our welcome. The Girl Guide choir sang some songs, The leader taught us several rounds to sing, We were taught the welcoming song of Burma which we were to sing when Lady Baden- Powell went op onto the stage. The door opened again and everyone began clapping, cheer- ing and jumping up and down, trying to get a glimpse of the Chief Guide. She got into the golf cart and it was driven up and down the aisle. I have never seen anyone who looked more radiant than she did. She was smiling and waving as she went down the aisle. When she was seated we all started to sing the Burmese welcoming song, If you were Juniors host to mothers Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Huron home eonomist, was guest speaker at the South Huron Junior institute mother and daughter banquet held in Thames Road church last Wed- nesday evening. She discussed the qualities of a good leader in any group, Miss Barbara Ann Morley was mistress of ceremonies and proposed a toast to the mothers to which Mrs. Ross Marshall replied. Mrs. Theron Creery toasted the daughters and Miss Helen Frayne aponded. Misses Marlene and Darlene Frayne favored with a duet and also led in a singsong be. tween. the. courses at the, ban- quet. One of the UCW units catered for the banquet with about 40 in attendance. Painting Chine discussed Mrs. M. C. Fletcher gave talk on her hobby "Painting China" at the meeting of South Huron Junior Institute held at SHDHS, April 4, The theme of the meeting was "China and Silver for' That Man." Roll call answered by the question "What is 'Your Silver?" Sacred moments were given by Margaret Oke and Marlene Frayne gave current events. Darlene .Frayne was in charge of the meeting, Film on Easter seen at Caen At the Easter thankoffering meeting of Cav-en IVMS Thurs- day evening a, as-minute film "The. Miracle . of Love" wa.a shown, It depicted a busy min- ister faced with family and congegational problems who realizes in solving them by applying the "Miracle of Love" he has the theme for his East- er sermon, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bridges were instrumental in. showing the film, Mrs. William Sillery sang "Christ at the Cross" ac- companied by Mrs. 3. G. Coch .rant. President Mrs. C. E. Er man was assisted in the deer' tional by Miss L. 13allantYm and Mrs. F. Whilamith. Hostess was Mrs. Nortmar Stanlake a s s i s to d by Mrs, David Millar and Mrs, L. Kirk. . Members attended as •guests. the Arnold Circle meeting of Carmel church, Hensel", Mon- day night, Thoae things that come to the man who waits seldom turn out to be the things he's wai(.- ing for, shredded lettuce or grated car. rot or arrange dessert jelly eggs on bed of .coconut and ton with whipped cream. For a. jewel-like array make up'sev. era.1 different flavors of jelly powders in the egg shapes. Baked chicken. and Ham F'or the holiday season or for any company meal the Ontario Department of Ag,riculltire sug- gests baked harm and chicken. 2 slices mon- 04 inch thick). 2 chicken .hreasts 1 ran cream of mushroom soup .tbl flour I to salt 1/2 to monosodium gluta- mate 1 tp paprika pinch of rosemary dash of pepper Cut ham slices in h a I f, Brown lightly on both sides. Bone and halve chicken breasts, Mix seasoning and flour. Place in plastic bag. Add the chicken and shake to coat with flout'. R emav e, rz w N For an elegant molded des- sert to ade a touch of glamor to an otherwise simple menu Macdonald lnstitutc, Guelph, suggests a rhubarb charlotte. sl‘ttilpspedeasciii.yemmaidn ein bay gelatine —Please turn In page 17 , , when you discover -the Exciting NEW STYLES W1 :LEARNED AT THE RECENT TORONTO CONVENTION FOR HAIRDRESSERS • an lnatri,l• the a Cathy's 13eauty Loun0 ST. P.H 23.13,33. Perms. ..gpts. Sets T4iits .42PEN. Mandey to Friday, 5 ,.0- Too's. Thurs. gleanings Only Closed Satyr*? CATHY R_PBEIN.S.,, Prep., .00 OFF Save on your Easter. wardrobe, watching her -carefully YOU could see her tap with her fingers time 'with 'the music. From the moment she began to speak you could tell she was a delightful person. She .opened with "Well, well, swell, isn't this lovely!" When .a photo7 grapher took her picture she said. "I don't like to be photo- graphed when i am talking be• Mae 1 talk with my face. and it takes many funny shapes." She talked about how nice it was to see so many of us gathered together and sold, "When I look at you 1 see not only you but thousands of other Guides from other .coon- tries." She then started to talk alumt how far Guiding had come in Ontario. She asked us to say with her, "Thank you for starting Guiding in On- tario" as a tribute to our leaders. She told us many things about Guiding and she used phrases such as some of the above that will never leave our minds. She was then asked if she. would allow those who had cameras to take pictures of her. When she consented it was amazing how the flash bulbs went oft. There were very few moments when the stage wasn't lit up with them. During this time the Girl Guide choir sang, Lady Baden-Powell was ask- ed to close. Before starting taps she said, "Please take my hest wishes to all those Guides, Brownies and Rangers who were not fortunate enough to be able to come." We sang taps and then she closed with "Good- night and God bless you." Rrown lightly on all sides in a A .coulemeter little hot fat. ,meat for measuring Place chicken on ham in the .bottom of ; lightly greased baking dish. Top with ,creant of mushroom: soup, cover and bake in _a 350" oven for 1. hour or until the meats are tender. Garnish with .parsley and a. sprinkling of naprika. :Serves four. Rheharta Charlotte Suddenly. YOU ARE A HAPPIER WOMAN