HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 14ago, 14 The Times-Advocate, April 9, ereateeetemeeeee PcaT .R.. OFfIcg. iNIOTHEli. with 3 children aes FOR PROMPT service, seven '51 GMs,' '14 TON TRUCK with sires job As housekeeper ie dart's a Week, on dead or dis- reeks, 1 speed transmission, Permanent foll.airot employ- would help some if f arm borne, (I rma, Bowl sa a eo r le, Tru c k vliosen, , motherless home. Oldest boy a bled animals, phone Ed An- 700.17 tiros. William Allen, 'Win- 114, Duties require reception and supply own furniture, Appl,y postal Act, Lis No. OM. men( In Micssi"Al office. No remuneration expected. Wilt licensed under Dead Stock His. 19:18 MERCURY-lies 1962 il- hookkeepiog, Apply in writing )30a ;ORB, Times-Advocate. i :,45 La c Pen ce plate, pgrit,e0,5 ready ix, e to or giai,01-1?iti stating experience and refer- 19''' eines to MOTHER will do babY•allting 10 livestock For Sole Vine in her own home, Phone 235. TI I E T131A(IIS.AND930CATE 2496, 132 Huron SL, West, 19 0 and heifers, clean lest, pure 190 WOULD CARE for p ro.acapat breds end grades. Phone Keith child during week d ays. Apply Marr, Lambeth 612.3a00. 19c a Box MR.Q, Times-Advocate, E J:1-4;a6 x- eter. , , „ 12 Cars Trucks For Salee 9 Services 4 Female Help Wattled 8 Situations Wanted 3 Male Help Wanted 1 Lost, Strayed 1 rssificgtiran.s Classified Rates TRL'Cia' LICENSE PLATE, Na. 8329613. Finder please call Wal- ler 'Weber, phone •Crediton 234-6275. 19e ee Word% *8 5 Each Additional Ward 3e (Mtnimum 85e) Constable Loel. SU'al ed Found. a. Male help Wanted -t. Female Help Wanted 5 Help Wanted 6 Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8 Situations W ant rd 9 au% lees 111 . l.n Wink For Sale 11. Poultry For sale 12. Cara. Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14, Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted la. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent eat. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24 Tenders Wanted 2.5. Auction Sales 3 Male Help Waded for TOWN OF EXETER 20c Off :MECHANIC. class A or 13 licence. Living quarters avail- able. Apply in person. to Dash- wood Motors, Dashwood. One 19e 13 For Sale Tt paid by Saturila.t following last insertion , Applications for the position of Police Constable will be re- ceived at the Clerk's Office up to Thursday, May 10, at .5 pan. Duties to commence as soon as possible. Force will consist of Chief and two Constables. Pen- sion. hospitalization and P.S.I. schemes in effect, Applications should include police experience, in any, with references, age, information as to family if married and salary expected. awaseeelio i st e i n spri ngi ng cows SEED CORN-Choice of PHs. ter, Delaalh, Warwiek, .letuak s and Delicriver. Order yours now at Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 2354782 Exeter. 12:10c MALE PUP, Toy ;Manchester, black and Ian, registered. Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Clandeboye, phone 227-4598. 12:19c {/, Second Insertion 1/2 PER. WcR C. 01111/1111.1M 53C1 RANDY MAN to work around motel and yard. part time. Ap- ply Pine Dale Motel, Grand Bend. 4: 191.fne GIRLS WANTED HOLSTEIN HEWERS, vaccin- ated, bred Hereford, due .soon. Apply John Lierendsen, High- way 83, 11,1 milee cast of Farquhar, Phone Kirkton 21r4. 1.2;19:20a 9 Services Six insertions 2; inF4 mien, (Minimum 45e) To serve as ear' hops for drive- in restaurant at Grand Bend. APPLY LEN VERI, EXETER Phone 235-0141 19:26e SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - immediate service, alwa y s available. Harold Butler, Lat- een, phone BA 7-4254 or 11A 7- 4312 collect, 5;9' tfne FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR, 1 Zur- ich, phone liensall 6961,2. 8:31tinc l'It T It EN OV ATOR-Th e u'- ache automagic cleaner that beautifies rugs and upholstery. Only $1.75 per bottle. You can rent our' applicator at very small cost. Hopperdlockey Fur- niture, phone 235-1990. 3:291.t e RABBITS, purebred, New Zea- land, white (all ages or all sized. .1 allies Donaldson, Clandeboye. 29:5a12:19:26c MIXED SLAB WOOD, $30.00 truckload, delivered. Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn, 3:22tfne BULL CALF, Shorthorn, 12 Months old, could be register- ed, Phone Jack Coates, Kirkton 103r18. t9a Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) Pleat Insertion-Per Inch S1,40 Second Insertion--Per Inch aL25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples ,of i'i inch. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter, Ont. ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St,, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27;10atfec GIRL OR WOMAN for general motel - work; start immediately, Also girls for summer work. Apply Pine Dale Motel, Grand Bend. 4:10tfec 10 WEANER PIGS-Jud Dyke- man, RR 1. Centiealia, phone K irkton 90r11, 1.9a 19:26c ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r3.9 Dashwood. 5:25' tine APPLICATION FOR YOUNG HOG, 51e4 months old, York and Landrace, Rea Neil, phone 227-4591, Clandeboye, 19c LADY to work in store and do the bookkeeping. (Read Ann Landers, April 17.) Apply in own handwriting to Box TSP, Exeter Times-Advocate. 19e DOG CATCHER HEREFORD CALVES, from 1 to 2 weeks old. Harold Taylor, phone :Kirkton 39r8, 19e Topics from Bruce STENOGRAPHER Refrigeration Report on Applications for the job of dog catcher for the Town of Parkhill and the Villages of Grand Bend and Thedford he received by the undersigned up to and until May 1, 1962. Pens for the impounding of the clogs are available and interest- ed persons may contact Counci- lor Edgar Willsie of Thedford for details relative to the job, COUNCILLOR EDGAR WILLSIE, Thedford, Ontario Whalen 20 CHOICE SOWS, first litter, Mark Whitney, phone 35r1i Dashwood. And .for farm build. inn needs, free estimates, con- tact Shark Whitney. 19* Shipk a 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex. eter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Ex e ter Times. Advocate. 3:81fnc SALES AND SERVICE TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT ICE MACHINES PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 5:4LInc Sy MRS. FRANK SQUIRE STOP SCOURS Get Hibitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and pigs at Micldleton's Drugs, 359 Main St., Exeter. 4:51:Inc 11 Poultry For Sale Personal items Mrs. Milton Rate returned to her home on Sunday after spending a weeks holiday in Washington. She was accompa- nied by her sister-in-law, Mrs, Walter Fassold of London. Mr. and Mee. Stuart Sweilzer and Jim and Mrs. Stilton Swell.- zer and Sandra spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Comfort in Fenwick and at- tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs, Stanley Comfort. on Saturday, Mrs. Amelia Brierley of Exe- ter and Mrs. Ida Jackson of Hensel] were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mor- etti and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Deitrich spent the weekend with rela- tives in Toronto to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prance of Grand Bend and Mr, and Mrs. John Lovie of the Mollard Line were Sunday visitors with Mrs, al, Baker. Mrs, Roy Morenz is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willoughby and her bro- ther Mr. Carl Willoughby, Mrs. Willoughby, Lynn and David at Pompano Beach, Florida, Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner 're- turned home on Monday after spending a week with her grandchildren. Janet and Da- vid Sanders at Welland. Their parents Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Sanders attended a medical conventioe in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell of Essex attended a meeting of Imperial Oil Ltd. at Toronto on Wednesday and Thursday, (intended for last week) Mrs, Hugh. Movede visited on Sunday with her aunts, Miss Annie Consitt at Hensall and Mrs. Flora Consitt at. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering and family of London were Sat- urday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering and fam- ily. Sirs, Arthur Finkbeiner is visiting this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Sanders, Or, Sanders, Janet anal David in Welland. John Coleman of Nippon was a Tuesday afternoon visitor with his aunt, Mrs. Hugh Mor- ena, Mrs. ,lack Pickering was Thursday visitor with her cou- sin, Sirs, Wesley Cook and Mr, Cook at Strathroy. Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Drummond of Toronto were weekend visi- tors at the home, of air, and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. Roy Rate received some broken ribs last week, when he was dividing some cattle in a loose pen, in his barn, Personal items Mrs. Harry Klahre, Cather- ine and Martha were in Lon- don Saturday visiting Miss Barbara. Gibberd. Mr, Harvey Herbert, Bramp- ton, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Pullman and Mr. Wilfred Herbert. On Sunday a family gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Florence johns, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simp- son and Miss Cora Nuttycomb, London, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mr. and Mrs. James Kinkade and Susan, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Bristol Holden, St. Marys. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Mr. Bert Duffield is again a patient at St, Marys Memorial Hospital. Miss Avis Hodgins spent the weekend in St. Thomas with Miss Donna Cowley. . Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hod- gins, Gordon, Grant, Avis and Allen attended a presentation Woodham Hall on Wednes- day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire and family who are leaving in the near future to reside in Ari- zona, Mrs. Laverne Morley attend- ed a teachers meeting at the Teachers College, London, on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Webb, Gran- ton, 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr., Howard Morley of Hazel Park, Mich., spent Sunday with Mrs. Cora Morley. Miss Betty Duffield, London. spent the weekend at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pyin, Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley and family. (Intended for last weekt STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; 6 week old, 79e; 9 Week old, 980; 12 week old, 51.29. All birds vaccinated and delivered. Henderson Started Chicks Limited, phone 645.11, Seaforth. 3:22.4:26aanc 1-1A.DCO WELL DIGGING-Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft, diameter tip to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira 110 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7.4680, 27:10atfne 5 Help Wanted FORAGE BOXES, Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units, Brady crimper; hay condition- ers, on display. We also handle Hoots forage blowers; long double chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198, G. & E. Weld- ing, Main. St., Zurich, phone 72812. 4:5-6:28c PIANO and bench. Peter Plan- t132668‘a2,Rat 2 Crediton, phone 2 12:19c FISHING BOAT, car lop, and motor, 10', one year old, new condition, $10(t. Phone 235-1130, after 6:00 p.m. 12:19c 1951 FORD TRArran, has operated only 1015 hours; also 2-furrow Dearborn plow, 8 ft. tandem disc. 3-section diamond harrows. All in good order. Will sell only as one unit. Call after 4:30 p.m. for interview. Ira Geiger, Hensel). 19c WESTINGHOUSE extras make the difference. See them at Beavers Crest Hardware, phone. 235.1033 Exeter. GIRLS' SPRING COAT, size 7, in good condition. Phonic 228. 4 :5(faa 6947, evenings. AMBITIOUS man or woman to take over established Watkins Business, No money to invest. Oldest and largest company of its kind, Products nationally advertised. No lay-offs. Oppor- tunity for promotion. Write im. mediately to Jules Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. 5:12:19:26c ALL TYPES of lawnmowers sharpened and repaired. Have them sharpened the Electra• keen way, perfect cutting ac- tion. Rotary blades balanced for true operation. Apply John- ny's Shell Station, Grand Bend, Ont., 'Highway 21. South. 3:22-4126c EGG SPECIALISTS, A in e s, Sykes and Comet, Day old to ready-to-lay, to reach best egg markets. Best dual purpose varieties, and Leghorns, mixed chicks, pullets and cockerels. Request price list. Bray Hatch- ery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 235.2734. 1.9ne 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 4 Female Help Wanted Women for spring house- cleaning 2. Dishwasher Machine Oper- ator, June 15 Sept. 15 3. Room housekeeper, lune 15 to Sept, 15 Please Call in Person OAKWOOD INN, GRAND BEND Speaker CONTRACTOR to remove con- crete installations from barn. Contact Lloyd Reynolds, 235- 1917 Exeter, 190 Guest speaker for Holy Week services here is Rev. Normon E. Schlarbaum., dean of men at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. Peterborough. 'Ser- vices have been held this week in Bethel Reformed Church, Huron St.. and continue Thurs- day night (tonighti and Fri- day morning at 10:30 a.m. The series is sponsored by the local ministerial association. Building a Home? TEACHER-Usborne Township School Area requires Protest- ant teacher, duties to com- mence fall term. Reply in writing stating former inspect- or's name and experience to Garnet 'Hicks, Secretary-Trea- surer, RR 3 Exeter. 19e McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Air Base 'Wrecking: '56 Plymouth, good motor '53 Chev, good motor '53 Oldsmobile, stick shift '51 Chev I ton truck Good used batteries for car, tractor, or combine, $4.00 exchange PHONE 228-6214 100^;, FINANCING Only your lot as down payment. Write or call at our office for FREE BOOK OF PLANS 19c GIRL to mind 2 school-age children and do light house- work while mother works, Mon- day to Friday, May -live in or out. Phone 228-6781. 390 EAGLESON CONSTRUCTION Co, Lakeview Blvd„ Southcott Pines Phone 63n15 Grand Bend 29.:5:12:19c YOUNG MAN, couple or active pensioner to help set tip young people's camp in Northern Ontario May 4th to 12th, Also for a week or more in June, July and August. Good fishing, beautiful scenery, no alcohol. Would make a cheap and in- teresting vacation or honey- moon. Write Cecil Hodgins, 151 Avon St., Stratford, phone 271- 5840. 19c don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Guenther, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Harlton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nich- olson, Kenneth and Leona at Brigden. Lyric gets top crowd 1.960 PONTIAC SEDAN, black, a cylinder, whitewalls, radio, mirrors, one -owner, well cared for, price 81,700 plus tax, Phone Exeter 235-2212. 19" We can Dig it EASTER LILIES, pot mums, mixed pots and jumbo glad bulbs. Bailey's Florist, Exeter. 19e Antics of Fuller Brush sales- men Lucille Ball and Hope at- tracted a record crowd to the Lyric Theatre h e r e Friday niglu. April 6. Manager Ron Horne reported the audience filled all but 29 seats in the house. "It's the biggest crowd we've had in more than seven years," he said. The double f e a t ur e was "Fuller Brush Men" and 'Ful- ler Brush Girl". Manager Horne report a enacts have been growing slowly hut steadily over the past year or two. etateaMeatealeatteeletealatatigareetateattareataglaarteentaLarattatteatteitat Basements, ponds, ditches, tile, dr a in s, bulldozing, loading, crane work, gravel, topsoil, sand and fill. WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts remind you April's birthstone is a diamond, Your loved one would be more than Pleased to receive a beautiful OrCal dia- mond. 190 Business Directory 1960 ORIGINAL ENVOY Spec- ial, in excellent condition, low mileage, Will trade for older and larger car and cash differ- ence. Phone 228-6746. 10c CALL US! ..a4avezaatiaatataievfameestateeteateeaie. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Bates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER SAM SWEITZER 235.0181 EXETER 5:12; 19; 26c N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 LETS YOU ENJOY COOKING WITH EASE Personal items Avis and Allen Hodgins at• tended the Perth 4-H organiza- tional meeting on. Wednesday evening held in St, Marys High School, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pull- man, Roy and Ronnie visited on Sunday at Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs, George Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mor- ley, Carol and Jim Foster at- tended the funeral on Saturday of the late Mrs. William Bat- ten, Marlette, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson. London, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien attended the funeral on Satur- day of the late Mrs, Ogden, Bxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Parkin- aett and family, St. Marys. spent a few days during last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire, Sue Ann and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Boo Squire were Wednes- day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickies, toucan, honoring the birthday of Mr, Frank Squire. Mr. and Mrs, Mg. Rawlings and Glenn, ClaectebOye, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Alton Nell. Dr. and Mrs. R. N, Linda and Robbie, London, weed Sunday callers with Mrs. Cora Morley and Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. Miss Betty Duffield, Byron, spent the weekend at her home, Mr. and Mrs, Andy Langton, ;lira, Wynne, Misses Evelyn and Cattle Wynne, all of Lon- *ton t were, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon ,lohn. ton, Carol and Mary visited On Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. reed Anderaon, Mrs. Austin Gowan, Merton, iS eta feW days netendy with Mrs. E. `Ferguson, Sue Anti Squire spent the Wdekerid in St. Marys with her aunt, Mrs, Mae Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Baker and Marion, Me, and Mrs, Greaten Santee and Paul were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herman foster', Z)teter k UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Chesterfields, chairs and cars, For free estimates, phone 235- 24(34 days. after 6 p.m. 235.0485, Jim's Upholstery, Exeter. 15:22:28;5:12:1.9c Fete bride at Whalen DR. J. W , CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons CHAIN SAW tree matting; also trees may be cut into logs or cord wood. Apply Peter Spoon- er, Box 125, Grand Bend. 3;15-4:1P Regardless of whore you live, you can cook on a modern range with gas -- safe, clean and thrifty. DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D,S., D,D.S, Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE MIA LEN On Friday evening, Mrs. Milne Pullen was hostess at her home when ladies of the community met to honor Mrs. Gordon Fitzgerald. the former Jean Arksey, Mrs. Jack Finkbeiner was chairlady for the evening which opened with a sing-song with Mrs. 1,3ert Duffield at the piano. Mrs. William French, -airs, la.ae, Parkinson and Mrs, Barry Maher, gave readings, Contests were in charge of Mrs, Klahre and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, A mock wedding was put ml by several ladies arid girls. At this lime Jean was presented DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call Darling & Company of Canada Limited, Phone Kirkton 48r10, Licence No. 175-C-62. 1:5tthe G, A, WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 The cost is low and the convenience great, Call us today for complete infoemation. We sell appliances too. BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER 0, BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 215.0446 EXETER SOWING GRASS SEED a prob. hem" Our 3-point hitch seeder sows all kinds of seeds. Order your seed requirements from Cann's Mill Ltd. and use our grass seeder free of cost. Phone Exeter 215.1782, 12:10e JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St,,' across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 HOTSON PROPANE Mrs, Ross Pickerieg was in London Tuesday to see her mo- ther, Mrs. John Shank of Park- hill. who is a patient in St. Jo. seph's Hospital. Mr. David Sheppard of Tor- onto was a weekend visitor at his home here. Phone 156W Grand tend CUSTOM WORK THIS SPRING SOW Contract Barley W. G, COCHRANE, Q.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensa II Offce Open Wednesday Afternoons from 2:00 to 5130 p,m, PHONE 2J5.2234 EXETER with a corsage by her hostess Mrs. Goedon Meal* and and was seated ie a decorated Mrs. Don Kennedy of Ilderton chair, After the address given visited Sunday with Mrs. E. by airs. William O'Brien, „lean Lamport and Mr. Toni Lain- was presented with a floor pert. lamp and a fable lamp, ,Teen Mr. and airs. David Holland graciously thanked her friends of St. Marys were Wednesday and hostess. evening visitors with Mr. and ales. Harry Sheppard. LION meeting ales. Kathy Love was a guest Mrs. William :Morley Am( at, the Pepper•Dbig, wedding and Mrs. Hamilton lindgins were receptioli following, in 'du; Win- hostesses for the Easter throp United Church. on Sat- Meeting held at the churn nri erds v. Thursday afternoon. Sixtben Sunday visitors with Mr. and members Ana Iwo visitors were airs. :Harry Sheppard incloded pr e'senl. Mr, and airs, Gordon Fraser Mrs, William Mnrley presided and Mrs. David Sheppard of tied waS pssiAttA iii the worship Parkhill and Mr, and Mrs, Ron by Mrs. Bert Duffield and Mee. MOO and family of Kirkton. Alton Neil. Me and Mrs. Donald Picker- twice recommendation of the ing of London visited Sunday executive, plans for' a blossom At the home of Doriald`a par tea on May 16 mere Made. it nis. Mr. and Mrs. Ebner was decided to Make . A quilt kerieg, in the near foittire, Mrs, Wil4 Mr. and Mrs, Wattle Marlton, Ham region Helen and Toineny of St, Matys Al President for south section visited With Mr, and Mrs, tier- of Huron gave art interesting hag'( Harltob last Sunday, talk on Bible study, The Pees- ale, Stanley Jackson of Xit. bytery are having "Woritsho»'" pert was a Thursday visitor in lames St. Church, Exeter', with Mr. and Mrs. Karl inert. Tnn hiPsday, Three ladies plan tiler and rtItnif,y, to attend, Mee, NOM 01 Lone USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office a- Exalte r Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy Eli 1 Kirkton President Timothy 13. Motley Vice.-President William H. Cha fie Varmers, just pick up your phone and dial 235.1815 to get the right Man arid the right equipment to do your sowing and plenting. We have modern equipinent to do all your Wing work, sowing grain or planting roue beets, beans, cOrta We are equipped for liquid and dry fertilizer Or for both dry and ihriuitl together. Anddo not forget we handle the best seed sold in Canada, seed grain, dinners, grasses or m iktures. "M a r-Web Oil the tag means quality in th e bag." Do you know we have, the ,Oght corn for your fart% Warwick, Pride and United' trybtid 'rho EXeton Farm See- vite is Viii Ditty plane whore quality and service goes to, Bagley price the past year h.as averaged $1.35 per bushel. The Dominion llureau of Statistics states that this year's Western !brio/ acreage is down 20"6 on the five-year' average, T.',arley prices are expected to remain good. it is one of the easiest cash crops to handle with seed and fertilier supplied, Delivery is taken. directly from the field. Free Storage supplied. ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sate, largo or small, enueleotas arid efficient service at all tittles, "Service That Satisfies" OASHWOOD EXETER Pliene 119 Phone 235.0991 It II a lateen NB. 4 Mitchell Ti. Clayton. Colquhotm TM 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney 1111 2 bubuth Robert 0, Gardiner lift i CeoMarty SEE US FOR YOUR SEED DRAIN C. H. RODER, D.C.. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC twin-way, biSfario °Prim: ilourts Mom, Thurs., .9 12, 2 ties, and P.Ivening, By Appointment New 0040 Phone 654 Mom. 1496 Adenfs Hugh tienhinger Dublin Harry Coates tilt Centralia Clayton 'Harris Mitchell Salletter W, G. Cochrane, Q,C. Exeter tectotaryiTriaiutar Arthur Prascr DIxtter .COOK BROS, MILLING 4:0„ W. VitToR KNIP ttn. 1 Centralia VittOP.Z1111 11.11.11 Stone your extra food in a looker at Planter Frozen Fonda, Rental by the Month 'or year, PLINIO 235-0400 taa1.er, 19:26:11100 P '10110 24 HOW{