HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 13CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., CD. Organist: Mrs. W. G. Cochrane EASTER SUNDAY, April 22 10:00 a.m.—Sunday' School 11;00 a.m.—Church Service You are invited to worship with us. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren do Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist GOOD FRIDAY, April 20 12 Noon - 3;00 p,m,—The Three Hours' Service Sunday, April 22 EASTER DAY 11:00 a,m,—lloly Communion Nursery and Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Student: H. Ethuis GOOD FRIDAY 8:00 Service ;Sunday, April 22 10:00 a,111,-,-Worship in English 2;13 O./rt.—Worship in Dutch p.in.•,-teek to God Hetit CHLO MO Xt.) MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rest. R. S. Hilts Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfort, 10:00 a,tri,—,Stinclay School )1:1, a „in.—aMerrtirtg Worship tatter Aiessage Choir Atithenit "Triumphant Voices" "Conte and worship with VS.° Come to church to .•celebrat Now In Stock . HEAVY 7'x12' 2-WHEEL TRAILER REDUCED TO ONLY $160.00 M T,eCT.Eea Als:IT113.1•CiT1p.1 stays potent longer to fight CRD, Stress, and other diseases GM A test caper Item your dealer And see If your farm water is It it 1.$-, you need Terramycin, the antibiotic that stays potentlonper in alkaline water. 1`50;4 of Canadian /arms have ground water supplies which are usually 41frzlIne, 2782A You're sure of a potent, longer-lastina disease fighter in Terramycin Poultry - Formula with Anti-Germ 77, Terramycin's unique potency-protected molecule gives prolonged broad-spectrum action, stays in solution even in alkaline water. Terramycin Poultry Formula will help pre. vent or treat CRD in broilers, laying flocks and turkeys; combats Stress due to weather changes, vaccinations, debeak-- ing, moulting; helps maintain high egg production, It is also very effective for prevention and treatment of Bluecomh, „ Infectious Synovitis in chickens and tur- keys and Hexamitiasis in turkeys. Start chicks and poults on the road to healthy, uniform growth; stimulate appe- tites, promote early maturity with Terra- mycin Poultry Formula with Anti-Germ 77. Complete, directions on package, Other potent TERF1AMYCIN Animal Health Products: Animal Formula !! LIttutri Ferr,i ula for Mastitis AA.. D Scours 'Tablets z ln. feclable Solution, SPECIAL 5.1„95 Rechargeable Flashlight ONLY 42.00, Send 4,741 and carton lop otrany Terrainycln Animal Wealth Product 01 .F F 1 In "Flashlight". PI), sax firl, Montreal J. Que. :1‘ Buy Terramycin From • Buy Terramycin From Worms can cost you up to $3.00 per pig in reduced feed efficiency. And did you know that a single full-grown fe- male worm may contain 26 to 27 thousand eggs'? Did you realize that. worms in your pigs can mean a delay 12, of weeks in time-to-market? These are strong reasons why you should worm your hogs. Pigs — Worhi 2 Weeks after weaning to 'remove in -nature. round-wOrms. Worm again ahont 1 month later to remoVe worms that were the lungs during the first worming, Market.goo — If pip are raised in con- taminated Onarters An Additional vvorming may be tseceasary 80 days after scowl worming. For feeder pigs 'purchased from outside sources worm pigs after they are on full fried and have become actuatoffied to the new management, Re-worm in 30 days, }reeding Stock--Worm sows arid gil ls 15 to 30 days before breeding, Worm boars as necessary. Use Purina Liquid Pig Wormer, Ws' easy to feed and there are no setbacks. Just mix it with the hogs' drinking -water, if you prefer to worm .by .the feed route, use Purina Pig Wormer Checkers .or Pig and Poultry Wormer Concentrate. Why not give us a nail today, or drop in at My Store with the Checkerboard Sign. I'd like to tell you About Purina's many other produeta that cart help you iserk up your fartn's profits, for fast, 'tnicient feed sOrtitet4 Can Conn's MIII Ltd, Exoter 'Phone 13.5.-1782 Whalen .COrlierS. Phone 3505 Itirkten 411),MP Art Cann's TIPS ON WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO WORM PIGS Caogdiaht who wantbigger profits tomorrow, feed PURINA CHOWS todayl III. 1111. is"-x-111-7ar-11 .4-* , dfrN To hear again the wondrous Easter story, observe this Day in the church of your choice SUNDAY SCHOOL, 2:00 P.M. — All. Ages Welconteci Nursery Provided tor Pre-School Children Praper Settled' Wednesday EVeningit aso,W-talx(414XestteonalawqsAvasatzw,m.,4salAampomrtrommovesagospin BA'''Wgernotits-101 its* JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E., Lewis, M.A., Minister Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M, Organist and Choirmaster EASTER SUNDAY "Now let the heavens he joyful, Let earth her song begin; Lel the round world keep tria umph And all ilial is therein." le A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departm en ts 11 A.M.—MORN1NG SEB VICE Easter Music: Duet: Ann Marie Kraft and Linda 'Wainer Anthem by Junior Choir Anthem by Senior Choir Sermon: 'The Lord is Risen, He is Risen Indeed" Nursery for Lots and ,Junior Congregation for children 1 to 6, Easter Is not Easter without worship, Come to Church. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron St, East Rev. K. Van Farowe, Minister Thursday night and Good Fri• day, 10:30 a.m., Union Holy Week services continue with Rev. N o r in a 11 Schlerbauni preaching. Good Friday 2;00 p.m.—Dutch Service: Easter Sunday Worship at 10:30 a lit. Arid MO p,m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH EASTrii It SUNDAY, April 22 Speaker: Mr. flog Miller 10:00 School 1t:00 a.111 Morning Worship 7:30 p.m,—Everthig service Wed., 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Sri'. vice "Ye are the Tight of the world."—Matt, ,S:14 "Alen die in darkness at Thy side, Without a hop to shear the iambi Take up the lerch, and wave it wide. The torch that lights i nine's thickest gloom." 'X',..t'..C...•M319?:!•:*. • • ,.#;:•*IM:.• •-7-VetMeratere PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev, W, Holmes, Pester 0:00 aan.—CJCS Radio (1240 Kr.) Easter Radio Program 0:15 a.m.—Sunday School Hour Many special features Illustrated Easter message by Rev, Norman Schlarbaum EASTER. SERVICES with REV, NORMAN E. SCHLARBAUM of the Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, Peterborough, Ont.,, preaching at both services. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m, Monday, April 23 ZONE RALLY Services 2:30 p,m. and 8 p.m. with Pastors and People from the district coming to Exeter for a great Spiritual feast. Plan to attend, "VISIT THE TABERNACLE THIS WEEKEND" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S, M, Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a,ro.—Worship Service II:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 8;00 p.m.—Easter Program at zurich. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev, William Gat: GOOD FRIDAY, April 20 10:00 a ,m.—floly Communion EASTER SUNDAY, April 22 0:00 A.m.—Sunrise Service 7;00 a.m.—Easter Breakfast 3;15 a,m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A, M. Schlenker, Pastor GOOD FRIDAY, April 20 10:30 a .M.—Com Munion Service Sunday, April 22 EASTER. SERVICES 6:30 a,111.—SUTtriSe Service Easter Breakfast -follows. Sponsored by the Youth Fel- lowship. 10:00 ant —.Laster Ser vier Rev, E. N. Mohr, former pastor, guest speaker at both services, 11;1.5 ani,—Siinday School , tfalt.,1117,", TWO* from Mt. Carmel , ' • Personal items. Mr. and Airs. Charlie Regier and Judy visited with Ale, and Mrs. Lou Parker and family of Woodstock last .Sunday, Miss Margaret and friend of London spent week- end with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miss Helen Sullivan, of Sarnia visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan Sr, Miss Madeleine •Gla vin of Port jaaMh1.011, spent the week- end at her home. Mr. Paul. Dietrich of London spent a few days „last week with his father, Joseph Dietrich. Miss Mary Regier and Mary Eileen Carey were guests Sat- urday evening at the home of Miss Janet Dietrich. Mr. Terry Dietrich, son of Mr. Wrrt. Dietrich is staying at the home of ,his aunt and un- cle, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Be- gan while he is employed with Mr. Chas. Dietrich. ,Some farmers have started seeding in this district and have planted oats, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey visited Mrs. Abraham Desjar- dine last. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ho- gan, Celebrate silver anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietriech celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, They entertained their families and friends to a. turkey supper last Saturday evening at their home, balance of the night. was spent in dan- cing and. playing cards, Many gifts were presented to them by neighbors and relatives. Youth join area UC by MRS. C. WOODBURN GREENWAY Fourteen young people en- (erect into church membership in the United Church on Sun- day. One member was also re- ceived by transfer and there. was one baptism. Communion service was held also at this aervice. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPher- son of Toronto and Miss Ruby :Pollock of Hamilton are visit- big with Mr, Harold Pollock. Mrs, Lloyd Brophey visited for a couple of days with rela- tives in Sarnia. Mrs. Joe Horner, Mrs. Ed. Stewardson. and Mrs. Harvey Eagleson attended a, UCW workshop in James St. United Church, Exeter, on Thursday. Mrs, Ida lloclgins. of Lon- don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wood- burn and Pauline, Mrs. Jos. Carruthers J'f, turned to her home last week after convalescing at the homes of her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pt;'ock and family, of London, spent the weekend at the home of his father, Mr. Milton Pollock. Mrs. Douglas Dixon and in- fant son returned home from hospital on Friday, Mrs. Cecil .Smithers visited with. her mother, Mrs. John Shank of 'Parkhill, who is a. patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mrs, Nellie Reddick, Wayne and Donna, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brantley. The CGIT of the United Church and their leaders at• tended a CGIT rally in. Clinton on Saturday. Mr. and Sirs. $ I b r e English spent a couple of days last week in Detroit. Middleton's Dr ug Sinus 235.1570 Exeter Buy Terramycin From The -Timos-Acheocalo, April 19. 1962 .PAgo SP.nd in you pink onvelope .novel Don =Gregor PH 235.1273 EXETER Electric and Acetylene Welding Trailers Built Of An Kinch See the REMINGTI3N CMAU SAWS Huntky's Drug Store 235.1070- Exeter Buy Terramycin From Celebrate Easter with joy in your hearts, with song and with prayer EMMANUEL fAAPTIsT CHURCH, EXETER in Bethel Rat orttittcl Church, Huron St, E. Cordially invite you to worship (his Easter Sunday, April 22, at 3:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: REV. R. D. MtLLS, B.Th. Pastor of St. Marys Baptist Tabernacle Special singing by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lIaberinehl, St, Marys Exeter Co-op Conn's Mill 'I.,' 235-2081 Exeter 235.1782 LId. Exeter knx