HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 12. •
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PATH "BADGES" SON—Cubmaster Norman Kelly of
RCAF Station Centralia pins the leaping wolf badge on
hLs. son. Norman Jr., during the going-up ceremony at
the station Thursday. The son, a two-star Cub, was in-
vested into Scouts. At left is Scoutmaster Joe Buhagiar.
Woodham fetes pair
leaving for Arizona
T1.4140 T2 The Times-Advocate, April 19, 1962 Four Cubs
1 graduate
" Lions he.a.r • News 'from .Satatsbury
MRS, .HEBER pAw. minister By
it was past presidents' night
for the Exeter Lions at the Duf-
feria Centralia, Thurs,,
clay", April 12. Lion president
Andy Snelgrove after "welcom-
yig the guests turned the meet-
ing over to past president Reg.
A pleasant evening was spent
on Wednesday when close to
100 friends and ncinghbors
gathered in Woodham hall to
honor Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Squires and family who are
leaVing for Arizona in search
of better health,
Twenty tables of euchre and
two of crokinole were in play.
Prizes for euchre were: la-
dies high, Mrs. Reg. Morrison;
lone hands, Mrs, R. Pepper;
consolation, Miss Doris Mills;
men's high, Mr. F. Shute;
lone hands, Mr. Garth Black-
ler; consolation. Dr. N. Amos.
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Squires.
Sharon. Marion and Colleen
were called to the platform and
Lloyd Cowdrey read the ad-
dress and Junior Doupe pre-
sented Harry with a purse of
money and Betty and the girls
with 'r---jewellery. Harry then
thanked 'everyone on behalf of
hiliaseLf and family and invited
all to visit them in Arizona.
LPL euchre
The Orange Lodge held a
euchre in the hall on Friday
evening when ten tables were
in play. Prizes ,sin: for La-
dieS , high to Mrs. Dobbs; lone
hands. Mrs. J. Coward; men's
high, Mr. Jack Smith; lone
hands. Mr. Harry Webber.
Door prize. Mrs. Clarence Swit•
Ticket's were sold on a ham
which was won by Mr. E. Pa-
UCW theme is Easter
The l'CW met in the hase•
ment of the church on April
in. Twenty four ladies were
present. Miss J. Copeland
chaired the meeting and had
charge of the wnrship service
assisted by Mrs. I.. Rodd. A
reading on the Easter lily was
given by Mrs G. Copeland. a
story on stewardship by Mrs. W.
Spence and an Easter poem by
Miss M. McNaughtnn.
The study book "Getting by
Coder was presented by Mrs.
_Mettle Webb followed by a
short discussion. Mrs. L. Thac-
ker favored with a solo en-
titled "He died of a broken
7:Reports of the work shop held
in the United Church in St.
Min,ys were given by Mrs. H.
Wabber and Mrs. .1, Miller.
PO1'3011%11 items
Vaster Larry and Stephen
Guanine of Toronto are holi•
flaying with their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller
and family
The Vnitne People held a
howling party in St. Marys on
Saturday evening relurnina to
the home of Joanne and Doug-
las Webh. when a presentation
to Miss Sharon Squires was
Donna Copeland of Lon-
don spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. L. Copeland
and Murray.
There will he a special wor•
thin service held in Woodham
United Church nn Genet Friday
Mrs. :Ken Savage and Miss
Alice Rowe of, London visited
at the home tit Mr. and Mrs.
By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE Robert Rundle and boys on
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Baker and
daughters of Shipka visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G .-
rand Lawson and family.
Douglas Smith spent the
weekend with his grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Smith.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLean
of Exeter enjoyed a motor trip
to Tennessee and visited the
Grand Olde Opre over the
Mr. and Mrs. John Witteveen
attended the curling banquet
in Mitchell on Monday evening.
John was the lucky winner of
the Seagram trophy and the
Whetham trophy. 'Mrs. Don
Morphy was the winner of a
pin for the most outstanding
player. Mrs. J. Witteveen won
a lovely plant on a draw.
Miss Dianne Smith spent the
weekend with her grandpa.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock
of Detroit,
Mrs. A. Scott
dies in hospital
Mrs, Albert. Scott, 32, the
former Bessie Marie .McCurdy
died in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don on Saturday; April 14.
Besides her husband she is
survived by two stepchildren,
Jerry and Jim Scott; her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mc-
Curdy, Woodham, and three
brothers, Roy, Kirkton; Ross
and Reg, Woodham.
Funeral service was held at
the Marriott funeral home, St,
Marys on Tuesday, April 17
with interment in Kirk ton
Union Cemetery,
Name drain
Tuckersmith council has 'ap-
pointed William Campbell of
Seaforth as the township's tile
drainage inspector for 1962,
Report of the Bean munici-
pal drain was provisionally
adopted and the date of May 1
was set for the reading of the
Clark and Buchanan drain re,
Council decided that the mu-
nicipal dump, from now on,
will he open from I to 5:30 p,m.
Wednesday and Saturday only,
Council will permit no old wire
fencing to he brought to the
Reeve Elgin Thompson, 00
presided for the meeting, was
authorized to sign a warrant
for any properties subject to
tax sale,
Clerk James 1. McfrilOsh Was
instructed to prepare a bylaw
for prepayment of taxes,
Accounts 'included a grant, of
$100 to the South Huron Agri-
culture Society; the Ausable
authority levy of $117.6,1; $166
for Seafortn for the township'S
share of rural fire truck costs(
and $1,694.14 for. reads.
KCAF Centralia Scouts and
Cubs participated in a going-
up ceremony Thursday, Apra WA quilts.
Mrs. Raymond .Greenlee was
Four Cubs from "C" .and hostess on Wednesday .after-
"D" packs were weleomed into noon to the WA of St. Patrick's
"B" troop by Scoutmaster Joe church. Mrs. Tom Kooy,
lluhagiar, They were Norman president, was in charge of the
Kelly, Neil. Hunt, Paul Rodman, meeting. The roll call was an.
and Brie Phillips. swered with. an Easter verse
Norman Kelly and Billy .1\tc* and paying of clues.
Leod, both of whom were in- %ti Invitation to the seventy-
vested into "a" troop, reeeiy. filth annual 'at London on April
ed their leaping wolf badges 29, 30 :and May 1 was read.
front Cubmaster Norm Kelly, `.1..he thankoffering was eallect-
the first boy's father. The leap- theed 'presented eseAnptcridl zatit
lo annual in g wolf badge is awarded only
to a Scout who has been a two- A mystery prize donated by
star Cub. Mrs. Earl Greenlee Was won
by Mrs, Tom Kony. She also
conducted a contest won by
Mrs. Harry Carroll.
This week in lies. Lyle Bennett took the
third chapter of the study book,
The ladies worked on quilt
blocks and a new frontal for
the communion table,
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Mrs.
Hugh Davis.
Personal items
On Tuesday evening the final
cottage meeting was held at
the home of Mr. and Airs,
Hugh Davis, Rev, Bennett
used "Prayer" as the Lenten Greenlee and boys returned
theme. At the close of the, ser- home also.
vice a Sunday School meeting Mr. and Mrs, Ron Carron
Mr. and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan was held, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. RL
and Barbara visited on .Eriday Mrs, Barry Carroll, Mrs, chard Gledhill, Lucan, Satur-
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Johnson, Mrs. Ron Gar- day evening,
Harvey Smith and Penny of roil, airs. Clarence Davis and. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McFalls,
Crediton. Mrs. Heber Davis attended . lie London, and Mr. and. Mrs'.
slides and address by Miss L. Maurice Simpson, Clandeboye,
Powell, a missionary on fur- were Saurday evening guests
lough from Obuse„Tapan, at with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car-
Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, roll. an d th e reception which col. Air. and Mrs. Charlie Rol-
lowed in the parish hall, The rings and Blanche, Clandeboye,
WA from St. Patrick's. are .es- were Sunday evening guests
pecially interested in !Miss with Mr. and Mrs. T, Rees.
P owe ll as sh e i s th e pra ye r Mrs. Jack Dickins was guest
partner for the group, at a tea at the home of Mrs
Mrs, Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Lucan, on.
Harry Carroll and Mrs. Heber Wednesday afternoon in honor
Davis accompanied by airs. of „I)Ailri..-s.a nRdonmSrcs
i hE- ea
ROL Coleman of Lucan spent
were Sunday guests with Mr. Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Harry Noels, Aylmer, Mrs. and Mrs'. Bob Hunter, Exeter.
Maurice MacDonald, Lucan, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Latta, and
and grandson Farren Sove- family, Clandeboye, called on
reign, London, were gues t s the former's brother, Mr. and
with Mrs, Noels for the week. Mrs. Harvey Latta,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Diekins Mr, and Airs. Hugh Davis
were hosts on Saturday, April were Saturday evening with
14 for the former's family, Mr. Mr. and. Mrs. Herman Foster,
Heber Davis was observing his Exeter,
birthday. The table. was .cen- Mr„Tonnie Mercier, Thorn-
t re d w ith th e tra diti ona l birth- dale, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys clay cake and candles. 'There
were 21 members of the ,Davis over the weekend.
family present also, Mrs. Rd. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey' Latta
Dickins, Exeter, gave their home on Tuesday,
Mr. and. Mrs, Harvey Latta April 3 for the third meeting
and family were Sunday guests of the Lenten season — Rev.
with Air. and Mrs. Bob Elliott Lyle Bennett was in charge.
The Winehelsea Euchre Club of London. There were 19 present,
held a supper at the school on Mr. and Mrs, Les Glanville Mrs. A. Greenlee and Bert,
. Thursday evening with a good and family, London, and Mr. Brinsley, called on the for-
crowd in attendance. and Mrs. Horace Lake, Grand titer's son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
After supper progressive Bend, were Sunday guests with mind Greenlee 'recently,
euchre was played with six Mr. and Mrs. Bill JohnSon and Mr, and' Aire. Heber Davis
• tables in play, prizes going to: boys:. spent the weekend at the
ladies high, Mrs. Tom Camp- Mrs. Ron Carroll spent Fri- home of tiler cousins, Mr. and
bell; -men's high, Bill. Wal- day at the home of her grand- Mrs, !E.' B. Smyth, Midland.
ters; lone hands, Ivan. Brock; mother, Mrs. -Bertilm,- Exeter
consolation, Murray Coward, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Airs. John .. Heim and Mrs. ;,Caielal: were guests with Mrs;
Ward.iiern were the hostesses. .:CIfft:1'ngs, London.
The president for the coming Air, and Mrs, Bob Coleman,
year is Bill Walters. It was ,Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, Har-
decided to have a picnic in old Hunter, Exeter, were Sun-
the summer with Mrs. John day evening guests with Mr.
Hera and Mrs. Wm, Vander and Mrs. Earl 'Atkinson.
Wiel the table committee and air.. and Mrs. Toro Rees and
airs. John Coward and Mrs, boys were Sunday guests with
Newton Clarke on the sports. Airs. Rees' parents, Mr. and
Personal items Mrs, Clifford -Railings, Clan-
Miss Frances Johns of Ellin- deboye.
vine North has been staying Jeffrey 'Young of Luca n
nights this past week with her spent several clays this past
gnroarnsdmother, Mrs. Garnet Mi- week at the home of his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Heber
Miss Susan Al o r g a.n of Davis.
Thames Road visited on Wed- Mrs. Hugh .Davis spent an
nesday night with Mr. and afternoon recently with Mrs.
Mrs, Newton Clarke,
Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Mrs,
Wm, Walters visited on. Wed-
nesday wth Mrs. Nelson Clarke
at Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Gi'lfillan,
Randy and Wendy of Exeter
visited on Sunday with Mr. .and
Mrs. Colin Gilfillanand fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters
and Danny visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Dayman and faMily of Kipper,.
Used Cars.
'58 CIIEV Riscayne Sedan, 5-cyl,, radio, Mit 6Wfltr
131;ICK, two.fone, automatic, radio, rllie owner
'55 PONTIAC, Deluxe Sedan, radio
3 55 CI-IEV Deluxe Coach, low mileage
'54 EEL AIR craw Sedan
'54 METEOR Sedan, radio
58 DODGE Sedan '52 CI-1EV Coach
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Walters
and Danny visited on Monday
evening with Mrs. Wilbert
Glanville and family of Staffa.
Mrs. Horace Delbridge and
airs. Eisen Lynn attended the
UCW workshop held in James
Street Church, Exeter, on
"Jesus Christ The Light of the a World."
Hermon Atkinson who was ob-
serving her birthday.
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Mrs, lilt Johnson held a
birthday dinner on Saturday
e ,ening for her husband. Those
Present were Mrs. Kay Far-
bairn and Brenda, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin -Schrim-
shaw„terry anti jimmy, Lon-
don, Ni'. and Mrs. Jack Lake
and Linda, Hyde Park and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Fairbairn, Lon-
don. also Miss Gail .Fairbairn,
London, and Mr. Arnold Flyby,
St. Thomas.
Several ladies front this
community attended the rum•
triage and bake sale held in
the United Church basement
on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis.
Heather and Mike were last
Monday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson.
Ronnie Vanderhoek„ infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry
Vanderhoek. Lucan, spent the
past week with Mr, and Mrs.
Ron Carroll while his mother
was a patient in St. Joseph's
hospital, London. He returned
home on Monday and a little
brother, Tony, who spent the wee k w th an d i rs , Bari
Mrs. Beverley Morgan and
Susan of Thames Road visited
on Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Newton Clarke.
airs. Garnet Aliners visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Airs.
Eric Carscadden and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell King
and family of Crediton, Mr.
and Mrs, Donald Parsons and
girls of near Hensali, Mr. and
Mrs, Floyd Cooper and Kathy,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper
and Air, and Mrs. Bruce Coop-
er of Elimville were guests on
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Delbridge cele-
brating Mr. Bruce. Cooper's
Euchre club
elects head
(intended for last week)
Any Government Deficiency
Payment will Apply only nn
properly graded wools,
Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this
Mr. and Mrs. Bison Lynn
and family visited in Owen
Sound on Sunday with rela-
Mr. and Airs. Newton Clarke
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Beverley Morgan
and family of Thames Road.
Miss Kay Home of London
visited over the weekend at
the home of her parents, Air.
and Mrs. Freeman Horne.
O'ur Registered Warehouse
No. 1, Weston, Ontarib
Obtain sacks and twine
. without charge from
Box 17K, Exeter
or by writing to
40 St. Clair Ave. East,
Toronto 7, Ontario
Mr. Beavers ,was assisted by
Earl Russell as [ail tWister;.
Larry Snider as Lion tamer,
The mi nu es were read. by Ed.
Brady, acting as secretary, The roil call was taken by Wallace
Seldon, Larry Snider conducted
a sing song.
R. Hopper introduced
three -charter meMbers as
guests, I. H. Jones, W. H.
Middleton and S. B. Taylor.
hen Lampman reported that
there was a splendid response
to the Easter Seal campaign
with additional funds still 'com-
ing in.
Guest speaker for the evening
was Rev. E. J. „Roulston, of
Exeter, Mr. Roulston spoke on,
the need for religion in the
world today. "We need a prac-
tical religion, not one removed
front the every day day world"
said Mr Roulston. "Religion is
needed to relieve the tension so
strained throughout the world."
Alt', Roulston was introduced by
R. C. Dinney and thanked by
Dr. If. Cowen, who presented
hint with a gift. •
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