Huron Signal, 1853-04-28, Page 2•
Qcetae, Apnl, 1a.
Mr. Chant elated, Is sewer 10 Mr.
Jelin. that it wee out tbe 'stemma lit tie
tloselouNot 10 1sseprots the sa.tgatiu0 111
Kir'ev L' 4lmemptihm.
Mr. Lyn peeved se ealdreBe fat Cap N
of all appl,catawe fat laceoria. to ewe .1..-
bs► of lW waste iambs nit ahs Casino on
th. Clatiaesu Riser, end tea 'opens tore.
After some co Iiia lbb molted was
The Solloway bills were read a lira' ewe.
To uOI.. Has Cuwaly OI Kueth so tee
COW, vlCarlejlua lur )luuc4pal ace Ju4I
nal put petits.
To mcurporrte a Ju nt Stock Company
701 the p'upwdlf humbug se-tlotet Iso sou
C.ty xreetarir?sa.
'1'o rep -el Oreinsteceafor regulating Ihr
market. o. Q,1bec said .11,nticai.
:Tpaluandthe act 1'0 At, to W the lilegat
det•eouue of reel pru,.cny ra Loom Cafta-
adios accordance with the prJtectioo sol
the •roreuto and Guelph Railway fur the
c.S.aructien of a Kll *47 from lb* of
Teruhisa lu the lieolit du Bty•
Mr. Maria stated to ',ewer to Mr. Ter,
Me drat it u no: the Intention of tat tete
i.Ir14wsg else preetul re.swe so to
cuteod lie Schee: Acts of Lower Caned.
as t. rtf,rd tucreas.J facilitates far *dime Wild Laud. fur arrears 01 &heel tette,
and 'bat they do intend to preside a tac•l
boars bur Teachers fru tete dithotcat Cotta
lie. Or ui.teitle t'1 Lower. Canada.
Mr. Uruwwunlssud, to answer to Mr,
Sa•Lwn, that it a t40 1111011110.1 .d int
Gvper8mi:et to 1.11adr1e a Iu.•sure du
ring the present sreehm to rrgata:e eta
raw of the Okays uI 1,e courts.
1)1. Ralph said, In ane•eer lu Mr. Terri
that at le the it. Millin of incl Gaveruweni
10. peas. souring the present sea -wen t2.
Uri to •10.041 Ina Pi1.ic Lan:. Sales 001e
' 04 10 imbed. therein that a eruU.lan
*1040 He lord p.teute obtained by Hand a1,..
Iolhrepeso Otaleu oily ba reaceaced by tire
G.nen:..11. euuac.l epee the re,,urt u' 1.e
C .neints tonere of C-uwn Loots.
Dr. Ralph el.0 Bald, its an.wur to Mr.
I.atebton that It Ir the'•a of the
gascra.mcat to tecutuu.und ileo spenders-,
went el sneerer a ro'it eceu.nJf.tu 1 up .n
caved suet „yltecypteJ Clergy lteeer ee
Lasa is Lovtf nada lu prc*inl those
t•*4I Iemal0t1K,an 04rldle W .ettieweat
by isms fide purchaser..
Mr. Stuart waved en chimes to tl• Ex-
cellency tar cupids of Ct':.'reel'. twecn
.teer. Jack., 1' Iii lees,ey Sr.SBette,
and 1113 1. 4 °,444 will lt.chuhuud 11-1:1,1 07
codynny, 104 *.L ducnm,ute, e.rrurpuo-
Jsace, maps, pians atm acc.,u..ts cuhccra
log Int seal lt,elw••y Coe eeny.
Mr. Ilucks rr.r.ted w0 caution, and
contend 1 that eat pus is lettrest wuu.d
be awed by las pubac,luun ut the papery.
He narrated the clreuUI.tone<i of the cite
tun of the present Dueciore, and., 01110..
IRMA)* a0tagoatsw which a purlieu tr
them ead:asuurcd to produce wad nut cal
col•tea to advance the interests et thus
rulJ 041 nee it 'awl tatereats Jrthe Pru -
vines geucralry. Ile called upou Tho 11
o ut I. soy way to eenc,l00 these prucee0-
Ing., watch he led 111.1 wanting this
iawwa`•reulJ be lug madam J.IOg.
Ile Nati a tek'yrap:e.4I..pstc:l wb:eh he
had deceived t..1 u.y 'tum .sl . deolid Chie woo .i ae4 by Meyer*. Aleekru
104 i'rrr.s, an4 addres-eJ to Mr. Ilutee.
mak.og chrrgvr .gaiu►t Mr.. Jack-uo.
; his Jrspatcn war rent with the o.ew 01
u titacIng p„uue trpr,.wr.; he believes,
however, that the Cuerger are enure y sou
uusdt4. These uspu'ee did nut crit tot
the ir.terveolun of thelluu-c. Ile gene -
tidy cep.urei t5ec mdecl vl Meters. Alec -
kis sited Fermi.
Mist.. Cauceam and Stuart 1up;,u:tcd
the treetop cereceded that oat horns Cu id
result Ilu.n Chu pualica'lon 0t geese parser,
but toe public dire uestuas wuol4 be lately
1u upb4U the right.
• Ali. Jwait s'atedthat the people of (Zuc-
be.: were well plearud with the
sot )lesrro. Mackie dud Terrell, and were
sneer el toe totere1 3 u( toe lt•lietas would
be .1.0 in (heir leads.
Tiled acusaluu lr gong un a the report
l •
Quee.c, - .April 19, 1853.
Leat night at er the rtparler lent, the
ItIuuun sot Jlr. S+,tart, fur papers reletite
to lh• Quebec acid It;ca.u,uJltailway, was
a,ga ower. S'uar !0, Nays 44.
1'aeno,lawla' 1.ite *ere reed a third
11 •ha:
1.11 to an•eed Tho Act incorporating the
M 'street It rya'. t etuctry Company.
1341 w ioc•.rp,rata lbs Capital Stock of
lite \.wars Petro Suopegsluo Bodge Com-
Rh to authorise the Grey Nuns of Mon-
treal to .0'1 put ..1 their prop.: ty.
Th. Dooms again wort into euminlllbe
e• *be'F.soui* Ilial, mad e.nllu.
and :0 roer,u,tes 50111 the wjouratnrot.
Air • Ya•igely Iotro..uccJ • 8..1 to mcurpo
r• a t•,0 C...a.aan L,an Cuuyaoy.
Us motl..11 .l .T•b,t* sol Doruaw, a0 ed
lJeee we. ordered 1.•r cu,Al, sot car l,lm
agreemca r buteeter the laoteruultol and i
lee feet) (.,u1.C11.4 e..:1u•g, Ior the a„e,
el Wee Lake and Uutarao'eat Company.
1 ane tu.lewleg bits. mese read a seeuod
P.raijuung dup'1t'd boundary hued.
To rewire for the Lately 01 travelers un
!b• pu„hc highway.
Te incorporate Stanstead Bi• k.
1'r Imcorpurato '1'uruntu 11u)ul Hotel
Te empower E•t.,ebd Ontario Ral:road
G.mpa.y t •.tgo.recertain triode.
'ro eeorp.'rale Port Staley sod L'seen
Restored ',owpany.
The Ilou,e t. iu.cummlttee Or] the Cos-
tume 1110 .• toe redoitt 110,04.
''u- sage, April„:2t.
Lest sight after ti.w•eporter left, Mr.
McKeszie's resolutions, praying for an ad-
dress; to the Queen 1.,r the release et Smith
O'li:ten and his colleae,e*, was lost. Yeas
26; Nays 32.
lir. Ilfown moved that the Ilouse go
ion (sfm,O,tlee on two resoleln•ns tar Ilse
ialoJ 01 the salaries .4 all public (Misers by
law, for the purpose of secieing • due re-
gard to economy arta the lawn, en J the
heads of departments from the suheitaun0
of their seborjaates for iserea a of 0011 -
'rite uo:ioa was toe yen I h ; nays
On mo(ien of \1r. Al*elKenzie, an AJ
dress was voted to 'vendee, aO tar as wee
praeticdk, and In towed' he no ly ie prat -
table a the sestet, sf 1854,i.(erwatrn of
the s=gtegsle sinew of the I'rnuocial,
4ity,tows urAllay, Nsts.bep, t0•Ny, rad -
reed, tend sed mbar ••!pareses• bunds,
Shake w other coniines of debt, hold 111
i.erepe or other foreign reentries, es the
1st day of December 1353, sperifyiwg se-
p0eately.le far 50 the same esti be ,seer
Wesel, to.meiaat of rack of the above
desertpaha ei Weds ad 1 stack and the grope
Menne of abseedshese ersr:d oath corpa-
haias Is Cum*, estsrsip abated.
yl► trema nous remised Siam rhe Lassie
Melte Coosa with s Iii) far ehr telief a,
Wis. 'leery Har,Jaed, which was recd •
best time. 1 tt
Oat 11101i01101 mt. Cirti.r, the,64►h, 68th
lead Toth notes of the amen wortYsespesd-
ad,wilh reference to the peplum of Messrs
Mc lean, 1Itt.erty & Co., •tad others ro-
wised and read Ibisay.
Mr. Dison introduced a bill to enable
taltractura, builders and others, to held a
lien uponbuldolj(s erected by them.
Tlla C,tt.$ farther to amend the laws relat-
ing to duties of customs was real the third
'I'be following bills were read the second
time :
To incorporate the Guelph, Georgian
Bay mid Lake lluron Railroad (;ornpauy.
To incorporate the Toronto, Owen Sowed
and Saugoe. Railroad Company. To re-
gulate the pree•edmge rotative is the seiz-
ure 01 real property ie cases ofRile cntrh-
ers. The tower Canadian liar Amend-
ment bill sat sat far a retards the seeti0a
of the district of \lonlreal. Tu incorpo-
rate the Vuudieull and Bylowo ltaie•oad
Company. To authorize an addition to
the capital stock of the Quebec Bank, and
to facilitate the transfer of shares in cer-
tain cases. To enable the trustees of St.
Andrews' Church of Quebec to stearate
certain property.
Mr. Robinson moved that the bill to in-
crease the jurisdiction of the Division
Lout is of Upper Canada be read a second
Ur. Richards moved in amendment that
the bill Ise read a second time this day siz
months, which wan carried --yeas 13 nays
T o-nisbt Mr. Brown presented the re-
port of the committee on the Sabath obser-
vance petitions. The Committee recom-
mend that there should be ro delivery of
letters on Sundays, nor any despatch of
mails from the Post office. That mals
which bad not arrived at their places of des-
tination on Sundays, should be stopped at
several pia:es mentioned. Also, that ea -
eels sbuuld be closed from midnig-ht on Sa-
turday to midnight ua Suerday.
The fullowing bit:s were read a third
'To Incorporate the Montreal Exchange.
To extend powers of consumers' Gas com-
pany to Toronto.- To rest Port 'lope
Harbour to Canino .sinners. To attach
part of Kingston to Pittsburg.
The hove then went into Committee on
the Seignorial Tenure bill.
QuEPEC, April 2'2.
Last night after the report left, the house
continued fru committee on the -eignorial
Tenure bill, until the adjournment.
'1'o -night the following hills were read
for the first time :-
To Incorporate the Prince Edwards
Railroad Company ;
To incorporate the Perth and liemptville
Railroad Conepeny ;
'1'o incorporate the Canadian Steam
Navigation Company ;
To sutbortze a survey attic County of
Carleton ;
To provide that plaintiffs shall in cetain
cases give security for coots:
Mr. Gamble moved that thoBill for the
relief of W. I1. Beresford by the first or-
der of the day for Alooday next,
Mr. Crawford introduced a bill to give
a;tpcal from a Division Court In Up;.er
The bill to authorize the Municipalities
of Two Jlountaius to subscribe to certain
Railroad Stock, was passed through Com-
mittee. The bill was also made to include
the County of 'Iwo Alountaine.
The bill to Incorporate the Ilamilton
lintel was read a second time.
Ale. Drummond gave notice that he
would 'neve, on Monday next, resolutions to
provide indemnity of Seigniors out of the
Consolidated Revenue Funds; be slated
that a like amount for local purposes, would
be set aeide for' Upper t:an.tla.
Ilia Excellency came down this evening
and sanctioned the following bills: --
Brockville Gas Bilt
Relations and Friends \Ieeltog Bill.
Toronto Gas and Nater kill.
Township of Georgina Suspension' Bill.
Amherstburgh Market Site Bill.
'sondem and Pot t Sarnia Railroad Bill.
liauiltoa and Port Dover Railroad Bill.
St Maines des \1unts Sup,lleuientarf
Bill. "
Brockville and Ottawa ltailroad Bill.
Alontreal and Bytawn Railroad Bill.
Great Wester. Railroad .Stock Inereas-
ed Bill.
North Shore Railroad Bill.
Public Office Security bill.
Asu•ssment Law Amendment bill.
Megautic Junction Railroad bill.
l'ort Whitby and Lake Iluron bill.
Erni grant and Qu•trent Inc bill.
Sta»tt:ad, Shelfard add Chambly Rai
road hi I.
Remedy against Absent Defeodaut's
llatnilian Debt Consoli,lation bill.
Wellington hill lily Dock bill.
Esse: Divisional Muhidpal Council
bill. •
St. Roeh'e Rending -room bill.
Toronto University 13i11.
St Francois du Lac Common Bill.
British North American'l'eleera,,h Bill.
Conde Military Asylum Bill.
AlontrealGrey Nuns Praise' ty lull.
\lount Royal Cemetery Amendment
Niagara Falb Smpcosion Bridge Bill.
Customs 13111.
The Niagara Dock Bill was reserved
for the Royal Assent.
"ARAM .\ "
New Yong, stye' JO.
Tho tleam•h:p Arabia. moved this won
Riehards.n 14. IM .sae..' Cieu'or "t the
8th. elate.. li a lied a g tout •I (inden.o a1
te.e day'. w,avk•I. A for osteal 11 beet -
legit rook place 1e the •r11c ea el
1,51.'. Fur 1a boa' the rates of our Jell
...eke' were .mi.purt •d. Figur preleIng')
.41.c d. F.'r q ear:ity of P.,ifo.le'phis w t11
ishen at Ods. per 5bi s et .Alp, and one nr
Iwo parcels In ethos at same azurite, whesh
malts a dee:tn of (illy one eluding pear
tbI sop. a 'ban deewepiee wb le other veru'
nes only 61 rh*opi r.
Psovr•onse.-Nuthieg Ming in Pork
.nod e.Ilt haw la heed. Oar stnek are
..ivy ad tellers a • held ng of( 1.,r lower
.ries.. Lard Very null. will not
pee ,.we' 60. per ewe., ettbnugb .0*0
MU bole were we'd Hu m,wM,Ig Rw test
..edl.te moele.
Now Yalta, April l0.
Ths .tesmsJ.ip A•.bie arrnM time •.tit.
Ike II SO or Me Items let sight at 10
**chuck. the quickest two o* the ofa.u.,
The steamer Glasgow erne ad es the
Tae ifermae■ at Soutbampwo os the
Th. Arabia rake He Caeaa a on the
9th goal ie. She brought 116 passe.
gets sod $14000r..perie•
Quite. Victoria has had •sother coo.-
7l.r. her and child atria doter well.
A Bank of endo of 811,044000 (ranee
hu been eatauli.4e# a Btu -sego. A ba.1
wttn A0.1100,000 aerie. has bees e.l•bl..b
rd ■1 I)ortn.l•dt.
The Austria A.b*.e.Jo► ■t Con.tan
It sole has presented souther compile eh.
to the Divert, touching ,hs mat -treatment
of Dstmvaa Christiane.
1,.1la ao uuq.uel 5*01..
'r h. Cliarcelior of the Exchequer he
•ubmalcd a plan to the Motile el t'omm,•ne
for the reduction of th. Nslo.oat dot t, by
ouw0151100 of the Stuck of the South
Sea Cou,pa.,y, and the tsetse of Lechrgari
ho..dv,and the .olui.tary commn*ml°, 1.1
AG three per rent works, tep,e.emi./ •
0'4)11010t £A0e,000,00u. The plait wit,
welt recessed by the House.
The Report of tile.• Beecher Stowe'.
User. caused much agate, by Ito haw.
,ng been understood that the ot•j-et .,1 her
v..11 wit• to atltnd use Mey meet,ag In
Eaeter hall.
The dleene.i.n uo ine 1:dgel was otos
ad In Legielernre on the Uh, and the tom
rtit.rtnwr' ehueen=sames not yet pulite,h04.
The famrms-po(esieal prisoner Wolves.
eeeals•d from prison at Bele:., and woe .t-
•erwarJ. recaptur.d by the peasant..
An asaoetatn n 01 the lead og n.anufac-
terrrd has been (mined t0 oppose an altera-
tion of the tarty. The *bares of the Int
genal tranutautie company cense out at
55 to 56 trance premu"o.
8).atn has offered the Mediate an As• Inm
n that e,un'n. bet 11 is thought they will
proceed to England.
N.r.e person wets allot in
Iluegary. for drinking with three rubbers
iu•tead of int ruing 5Eunet them•
CI11 N:\.
A pri.ate letter frtut Snanghai, gays the
Cnl.'e.* 1.15"li an was beeouuog a /noel
form.. able aif,:r. The rebels aro raid to
ane t..1 60.u,les from Nonkin,.•.,I the lea-
der has ant t.. the aut.:urttle. announcing
hu tn.enilnn to advance upon'iJ, and da-
lmaud.d'to cash elation. The demand had
b. e . re (nee:, and the inhabitants wero fur
11lreng the city. The number of the re
tie! feree5 ate vario'isly staled, from 30,000
to 100,000 turn. nearly all trade, west
and .south ,,i Nankin, had been interrupted
In consequence. Bue:neva in Shanghai had
becu at a • stand still.
A General court of the •proprietors of
U:ucompany wee held en %VelnesdIv, at
tbetr .(lice., S'. Ileten'e place, B•shnp.
'rate cline?, London, Charles Francke,
11'q', the governor, preroding. The fol-
lowing gentlemen, who retired by rotation
weer.'e_el.eIed to their respective office.
51r, Franke, govern"r; S:r J. E.athupe,
end V -sere. Fresh6eIJ, 51. P., and Wilson
dlreetnle; and 51r. Gdlerpie, auditor.
The d"ector.' report, which' was then
read by Vie charntan, staled that during
the year 1431 there, his been 24,686
, eerie. of the company's Itnd sold, via; -
10 503 acres of lee crown reserves at an
average or'ce '•4 13.. 9 i„ and 14.184 error
of the Item' tract at an averatre of 149,7.1.
per acre. pruduc n, together £17,594 cur
renes, end mete lin_ ser:eon town and pork
all 'tmenls, £19,144 currency; 10.494 acre.
of the crown (ea.:eves, and 46.447 acres o'
the lIuron tract had been do.poa d of by
Meer-. during the year, the former et a gross
rental of £500, and the latter of £3088.-,
One hundred and elphty four town and
park lots h.e also been leased at a rental
of £391, making the total rental added to
•heco'.pany'• income £2909. The tots!
receipts on aecutsel of the pe.perIy +e
Canada during the year b;d been £30,750
and rhe ee-t of rntnagement in 1.'od..n,
'nclu.ling the ,:coma tat, L3807; and to
Canada, including the • anent tax
£9309, together £13,616 Toe directors
congraru ated the pra,.rietors upon the in
crease.] settle t.etr lands I id attained, and
adverted to the benefit. the! had been
Conferred on settlers, by the operation of
t P Company. Subsequently tart chelrmao
reed a coIIlparailye .t.IYmenl Of Cho 11.1e
lesser, and receipts from the let of Jan,
nary In the 111',' March, to th:s and the
last year, shl.wing that web be lire lar..'
"ole. that period of 1850 were 4769
acres they hid neon this ys,r to 16,6.27
sere1 and inemdteg lesser., the toll land
dispu•ed 111 to Cho 11th Sla'ch lbw wear
wit. 00 633 .ere. against 1 4.693 acne 10
t'to roue dale of let year, t'.,1 the rteepts
to that elevate 1660 were £44945 I8•. IJ..
and to 1853 to £17.610 14i. OJ., and that
ibe leased Ian as reeeeu,e., euusert0J Int i
freeho:ds to that (lite r. 1857 were 1055
the rum received for which was
£171u 1 t. 8.1., and in 1853, 1614 'tree,
the un,uat recsu,ed thereon being £IJ,•
053 5..
Mr Wheeler enmplaieed that .,, cisnt
11ean1 we•s not taken by the threclor• to
make yobbo the operations of Ino company
,• explained In the Ihrecter report. -
They were sellers of lana, and their oh
ject was to tet the public here and In Can-
ada known That they had land to rel
The acbounte he though( were tory 5111.•
factory. Their termite, rt app.ereJ, had
increased, end their ezpenditrre had flim,.
u'•ed- ( hoar.) Ile was gird to
perceive that the de*ent,r • bad been re-
dna•J from 121 000 to 100,700.
A proprietor did not agree with the last
speaker ae to the alvirabi:ity of forcing
1.1r, her .ales sol IanJ • Out 131 4,040,000
acres they had now only 600,000 left end
he thought lhn better policy would be nut
to cell, but to ezle,J the .yslcm of leas-
Arrow a brief dueuesion the repert was
adopted, and
On motion or Mr. Gillespie, a resolutinn
was pieced:empowering theD.ree'oretn t the
.seen mans efgtving priblic1ty to the doc-
uments es they m:gnt think fit.
Th. Chairmen nest propn.ed that a re
tinag allowance of £400 a tsar rho,ld he
mast. to Mr. T. Mercer J in , the Coin..
pany's Commiasioaer to Caned., from t,,.
tune when hies 'levy I ,f £700. yew] eheold
ce..e. Mr, Jose. h..l Anon twenty NU,
years in the oempany'a .melee, and visa
now /shet to reties, at the tnsiaee of
'he B..rl, who whits .4klt•t,clwlrinf 111 -
great Nwveces hs had rendered (hent
thee/hi 11 edauble to make other arrae-
Mr• Wheeler thenghl £200 a year sols
ental roramg al1nwanre, and reo, a
,neadlwr'nt to that effect; but at obtained
no reeosee►. Th. or•et'eal rwselrron *15
therefore earned, which tormented the
bon saes.- 01.10.
Melita Law. -Nearly two-thwdsnith.
tsew.lsetsd ammbors of the popular breach
of the C..e.etieat i egislatems are is favour
eif ibe Maine Li 'or law ; bet Ile Senate
may be able W frustrate any SUS*pt tot
asset •soh • limmore.
The postage impost nuisance of which
a writer in the Signal with great justice
complained, still continues at the Coln-
pa0y's Ageuey (r) here, notwillutaodmg the •
Let it be remembered &c." advertisement
of the Agent which lately appeared in this
Journal, and which asserted that the busi-
ness of the settlers would be transacted al
the Company's ollice at Toronto through
the a Agents of the Bank of Upper Canada
both at Goderich and Stratford, witlwut
charges to the sail settlers." \\-e really
du 1101 uuIerstand this ioconei,teney. But
041ful0duct. thing we do know that it is a disgrace -
We bare heard miry cuupleiu of their
hating to pay ,his postage tax, we bare
fail it -sory receMfyorrrrelees, and we Min
heard of one who bring well acquainted the
managwent of the Company's affairs refus-
ed to pay it when denan1cd, eonsiderin,
it uncalled for by the company and who wast
permitted to escape on accoul.t of bo sa,te-
rior information on His head. In detail
the amouat thus collected is small it is
true, but the aggregate is large, mod mor
be regarded by the poor settler of Ilion,
as an unjust tax tbrowu upon him by the
Comi,any m• Sts Agents for the most sclew!'
purposes. We frequently hear the remark
"What is the use of the Goderich Agency?"
\\-hat n•e indeed 1 it remits money ao
any Bank or looney letter woulJdo,,toToo!
mato. It seeds the applications of settler,
to the Office at Torunto after they hate
tramped with them from the utmost comities(
of the Tract, and then charges those settler
for the postne of the sante. All which
trouble and time might he saved and the
business as well executed by the settlers
themselves at the Post Office nest their
homes, where a" counterpart" or a transfer
could be as eorrectly .executed and the •
money forwarded and the.postage paid, a+l
before. We have faded to least whether i
any other facilities are afforded 'to the set- f
tlers by this agencyalthti we have anti-
ousts- enquired. Our lrier.ds equally anzi-
ous with ourselves, hare also been unser-.
cessful in eliciting apy fur`th'er knowledge
of throe facilities. The numbers and situ-'
.tion of the Lots yet for sale or lease. The
price, of such Lou.. •1'he amount sti:l due
by the settler on his lot. The awaent If
rent already paid on account of cert.'iu I•es
&c., Exc., are ail prob:ems tea profou DJ 1:
be solved at Goderich and must he referred ,
to Toronto -from the centre of the sphere
of the Company's Operation• 10 a female city
The a.•sd exhibition of Stud Horses
and Bulb for the Fiend Counties of Hu-
ron sad Bruce took place oo the Market
Square, t:oderich, oil Thursday last. The
day was highly [avertible and the animals
*debited reflected the lreutest credit not
only upon their owners but also upon the
whole Counties. A rapid and valuable un -
inurement has been wade in this kind of
stock to Huron. The horses eabibited
were six or eight in number, and the ma-
jority of them wojd not be discreditable to
Warr settled podium of the I'roViae
The Judges were Messrs. Longworth, Ai -
leu and Burke.
The first premium was awarded to Mr II.
Taylor, McKillop, for his horse Messenger,
5 years old, which is certainly a very fine
animal. The second premium was given
to Mr. Stonehouse of Goderich Township,
for hi* young horse which we believe will be
only 3 years old this Spring. Mr. J. Rye's
grey burse Young Clyde, 4 years old, is al-
ae a very noble looking animal, and has eur-
priiiagIy improved during the past year. -
hr was coasiderea by many competent
judges of burse i eeh, to be an animal every
1[.Fweitedtoelte elitiremgnts of IIone,
end although 10 himself rather heavy for
general use be.isjust su_h J hone a, wee 1.1
improve the bone auJ weight of the future
horses of these Counties.
Some dieeatlsfacttun was felt by many
11.31 Mr. Rye's horse did not obtain a pre-
mium which in our estimation he well ste-
no -1.
The I3ulls shown were few in num-
ber and there were only two whieb merit
our attention.
one of the.•' mss shown by Mr. Young of
Colborue,u,J is we believe a pure Durham.
He is an enormous animal, four years old,
but very gentle. !le took the feet premi-
um of which he was every -nay worthy. -
When placed upon the scaled after the ex*
bibition be was f0ued to weigh 2505 lbs.
this is not bad• for Huron.
\lr. SalLtIJ also exhibited a noble look-
ing 13u11 which obtained the second premi-
um, be is not so large as the other, but is
described as a well bred and active animal.
Altngethel our Farmers may feel proud of
f.e manifest ads, n:ement made lately 10111
important branch of miry, but we trust
they will not rest satis.ied that such improv-
ed sto.k exists in the Counties without
g rading thrmsthes of its advantages. •
'''here is mn•:h room far improvement -in
the general faun stock of our eon'nties.--
Thc fail exaiait4o,ls at least i" Goderich,
bare net hitherto shown as many noble
e p ecimeus of the capabilities of I lu, on or of
the enterprise of -her -agricultural sous as
would ' have been desirable. We hare
malty public spirited men -of agricultural
euterprise among o, who merit the appro-
bation oldie community and we hope the
n umber of such wi11 inrrcase and that the
setae o1 our !Mania; pa•ulatien will take a
far away from the bulk of the Company',little pains, If only for .their own benefit,
lessees and purchases. And the settler powards improving the quality of the farm
has to pay a grievous tax fur (hese great- ' stock of our comities.
ly accumulated iaconvehi,'nces.
It is a grave piestion with the settlers
who now inquire. at whose fustigation this
tax is levied and who receives the benefit
of it 1 The Company by the advertise-
ment ai ,urently disclaim it, bat still it it
collected by the Agent. \Vho is repre-
lienuble, the Company- or the Agent? Is it
to be att'ibutel to the oppn'itlon of the
Company or to the grasping of the Agent?
4-e hope snow one wt1l ...mealy the public on
lips head for it Is not in our power to do
so a1 present. But we are aware that the
Company used prose,/ y to 1 ay all posta-
ge*, and we see nn just reason why they
should not continue to do so.
If the Company should come forward and
claim it as their act the settlers will brand
them with contempt. Ilut what do they
care 'for the opinion• of lluron. It is ge-
nerally lboueht, and tangible rumors are
rift that cxpre*'inns have escaped from the
lips of these high in a ithority in the'Com-
paoy affairs, 10 the effect that •i they dont
crier for the settlers." 1f such is really the
case they arc pretty public agent. truly for
the settlement of a vast and valuable por-
tion of the public: domain! The legitimate
profits, which they inept hare gleaned from
the sale of the land ought to have satisfied
thein without their avarice leading them to
tax and oppress the settler. We are
glad to tee that. the 'ion. \ialcolm
Cameron on the 20t11 Met brought before
the ilouse of Assembly the Petition of the
Settlers, praying for an enquiry into Ute
manner in which the Company have fulfill-
ed the terms of their charter,
We trust the Legislatlare will give it
that careful investigation it deserves, for
we are rnnfident that more thee one screw
ran be found loose in the machinery. if the
Agent is In blame • 10 the postage tax mat -
ten, he will no doubt make the amends
honorable, and gine further and that notice
that the settlers' busmeee will in Ware be
executed "reithoret rhnrge" to t hems/Ives.
if an Agency will net admit of as the
necessary hooks, maps, and ntber snare's
of informatinn being kept then for the
intpectinn and instrutt,on n( settles -if
Tots cannot be bought nor traasfrrred at
once --rents received and iaform.lios
given at such, then the people of hero*
have a right to demand that an 'Afire of the
('omwvwones should be held al limit etch
and a MMdrnt,appoiated to tra0aael any and
at,t. required basilicas w,lh the Mast possi-
ble delay, and with the least possible sz-
peetii.Wd Meeere•aeea I• the treater.
;The Town Council met on Tuesday last.
Present hi* \Vorohip the Mayor, and
Messrs.'larwnml, Horton, Story, O'Con-
nor, Smith, \Vatson and Seytnonr.
The minutes were read and al-proved.--
Sevetal communications were then read.
The nom of l5 was allowed for improving
Colborne Street, and .C2 10s. for the oke
to Nee -gate Street.
Alr. 1., Trueman was appointed inspec-
tor of Bark, Wood, Stone, sec., in place of
\]r. G. A. Dezang, resigned.
A resolution was passed " That Mr.
Carceral do stake out the work according
to the verification required to be perform-
ed by Mr. \Ic\lillan to complete his con-
tract for making Drains, and th•et \Ir.
\Ic,illcn he notified that unless his con-
tract is completed by the 1st August that
this Council will look to hill sureties for
its completion." •
It wee movedby Mr, 1I. Horton, secon-
ded by Capt. \larwood. "That as it is
expedient for this Council to take steps
to raise by Loan or otherwise the amount
required by the board of School Trustees,
that the finance committee receive ,the
papers and documents from the said Board
rel T'ruslr.o and devise: some plan to recom-
mend to this Council by which the money
may be procured." Carried. The report
of the surveyor on the Harbor Bill road
wits referred to the road and bridge com-
mittee. And upon motion, Messrs. Sey-
mour arid Alanvood were added to this
committee. We ore not able to giro our
reatlt'rs any further account of the proceed.
ings Open this occasions as the public were
ordct-ed out of the room. The object of
the clearance was that the Connell might
receive the report of the Surveyor upon
some matters without a knowledge of them
leaking out In the wide world. The pro-
priety of this step will be questioned. --
The public hare a right to know all that
their representahvee are doing. And
Iron what we afterwards gleaned upon the
matters then ander consideration, esp.e.
This report we understand related to the
street and sewerage improvemeses epos
which we rommeoled lately. These (hinge
ought to he made peblie sad discussed
lbroug15 the prose and otherwise. r:olm-
eillors, wosWiy these seam arrive metas
safely at the wishes of tie pimple. The sr-
gemeet that if the Eari.ier's estimate,
of tie priest of iws* shave Mak amt it
would Weems Contractors, it is all judos
0.d r wit to beli.ntartaiued when weighed
with the iojery which might result from
the public heist almost totally uoa equaint-
nd with vast lb Important measures for public
Improvements e•(ertained until the contracts
fur such were take.. We are glad to see so
much spirit in our Councillors. Our tow*
uee.s many improvements but the kind re-
qures dee:us:eoe. We are sorry that we
are compelled to use censure upon this oc-
mill, the fruits of the enterprise of Mssrs.
Parsons and McDonald, is again to opera-
tion, and will materially anal ie supplying
our rapidly improving 'Town with lumber,
which Is at present in great demand. '1'be
seine gentlemen have also this season im-
ported from the States a large amount of
Pine lumber, of a splendid quality, fully
equal to any that has yet entered Goderich.
Such investrueuls are *ready for the public
benefit, and we doubt out the spirited pro-
prietor* will also reap commensurate pro-
William R. King, Vice President of the
United States died at his residence in
Alabama on the 1Sth inst. he tad uarcely
arrived at his dwelling twenty four hours
on his return from Cuba before he expired.
Licit on LAW. --Our readers are already
aware that the liquor bill which was ,lily
introduced by the 'lou. JL Cameron, was
defeated by a small majority. \1-e were
prepared for this. But the friends of Tem-
perance will now be more energetic that.
formerly and indeed are so already.
I ranches of the "League" are forming
every where and the weight of public opin-
ion will be brought mora directly to bear
upon this question against another session
Its ultimate triunll:biscertain despite the
silly croaking 01 its enemies.
Locomorivse.-'1 be first locomotive
constructed ir. Canada was turned out of
the Fouadary of Meese' Good of Toronto
0 4 Thu sday last. It made a very gcod
MAILBAcs.-Mr. Rob't Dcau of Mon-
treal is the successful competitor for the
construction of Alei1 Bags recently adver-
tised for.
Our thanks are due to the 1Ion. Mal-
colm Cameron, for sundry Parliameotry
tIttebcc 1orrespoOcntc
of tl)c !:jurors Smut.
(jt itatc, 1 2t April, 1853.
T thjnk I tncuhoned in my last that Mr.
Dison the prose. t member for Loedoe; had
moved for ell papers and correspondence
connected with hio dischargre from the ma-
gistracy together with the names of the
petitioners for that discharge. The mo-
tion created quite a ricb.xene in the 'louse.
Ale. Dixon had esideutally been preparing
'iiansell for some time back to sustain his
position, and I really believe that he must
have read nuncios catechism all through,
(the bright countenance of the gentleman
lorbid's my supposing he wo,,ld be guilty
of diving into a larger work,) and as to
Blackstone, the " immortal commendation
wboee 011inluns the gentleman opposite would
not dare to controvert, why 1 ata decidedly
of opinion that some wag of a lawyer, ansr
0115 to play off a pun upon the old man,
must have selected the questions, for more
i,revident extracts I hare 000cr hail the
honor to listen to. For instance he very
gravely produced a quotation proving that
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
are the inalienable rights of man. Now 1
do not for a moment suppose that any one
will be found possessing the hardihood to
deny this; but if it be true Ihat liberty is
one 01 the Inalienable rights of man, then
would a government be highly culpable in
keeping to office, a violent political partizan,
whose d6eisi00S would be regulated, not by
any regard to last or equity, but solely by
party bias and prrdeliction5. Mr. Blocks
answered the gentleman very briefly, bit at
sufficient 10140 10 demolu.h the miserable
clap -trap, whish according to the reporters
was frequently cheered during it* delivery.
Ile %ai.l that the strangers listening to the
110rt0urable gentleman's speech would have
imagined that he was the most abused mite
to the c'lnotry, that he had been reduced to
,the Reade of a felon, and then the
common rights of every criminal denied
him- But what were the facts of the case
Asa time of great political excitement,
w the country was disturbed from one
end to the other, and appeals were made to
the worst passions in the outran breast, by
men belonging to that party, of which Mr.
Dison w proud of being • member; a peti-
tion had been received by the government
preferring certain general and eery speci-
fic chargee against the magisterial conduct,
of the present member for London, and
praying for hes dinned from the commis-
sion of the Peace. The charges were duly
fee -warded to Mr. Dison with the request
that he would answer them, but instead of
doing so, the honourable gentleman flew in-
to a paasion, refused to answer any charges
or indeedeven to deny them at first and im-
periously demanded the names of bis ac-
cusers. These the (Government did not see
fit to give, and as they could get no satis-
faetinn from Mr. Neon, their limy lateen -
tire was to dismiss him. Mr. It ick, en-
minerotad a *ember of instances of other
glr.tletbss lobo bad bee. dismissed from the
eomoWiligp of the Peau, by the presto(
oppssilioa, sad concluded by a.yiag that as
be did pot we that say •dva.t•ge .oeld me-
tros from giving op the omen of the wi-
llow, to the of the Hee. mow -
her III► Levities, wile had roomed to Speed
hie bet e•ipr, irs their pissee.tibe, be
we•I4 es isbrtf of the now
the *0(10.. Alter a wary k
.ion wbiebls.tdseveral hnrs,ia winch Mr. gave:iitson a wrest Will • M►
tapas* Misr` my► Iia mast bitter ins
those poetise m his speech is which h,
boasted of hie .bolsi e. to the Ifls
Crows, sad Mia he the British tunable-
tio• and rami•%g ym el the It°°. •(
1849. Tsense sties was p•6 M thelfo1,
and Isar.
I t was'rather swag le bear hsreribie
geatleesas apposing to lflr. Diss', prevent
position ss sit *vires of the esteem of itis
fellow low.sreea. Mr. D....8 sleeted by
so accidental shyerity *114 over his apse•
poseot, sad I hese it from the best aetheti.
ty that meq old rsfinnters voted for him,
sol bottom of the love they bore him, but
betook* they had lost is the Re-
form candidate Mr. Wilson. Malay of them
argued is Choi way: " Drees w a mere 11 -
thing at any rate, he is • Me eotirsly des-
titute of talent, and caa .aver mitre Ike
least degree of infinities in the Ii oohs, so
That ilk does no good be can do as so
great harm, and rather thea allow Mr. Wil-
son to go in we will cooaeot to be virtually
disfranchised for four years. It was really
Mr. Dixon's consummate ignorance and in-
capacity to obtain the least degree of influ-
ence that secured his election, as another
trial at the hustings with a good reform
candidate pitted against him would amply
'1 he Commercial policy has been fre-
quently discussed during the past week, but
uo definite conclusion has as yet been ar-
rived at. There are several amendments
before the House, and rumour says that a
combination between the ultra free trsdere
and fomil protectionists, will he entered 1, -
to to defeat the Government. %%'betber
our friend Brown assumes the leadership or
Ont, I have not been able to bear, certtio
it is that be forms one of the party.
The Rectory Question canoe up last
week, on a motion of Alr. Brows
for their abolition. 'rhe dmeussion wee
n ot very lengthy. \lr. Richard, the At-
torney General hears, mewed a months
hoist which was earrtied. It w45 deemed
improper for the I.seielalure to ioterfere
with a qts.-sti011 which is slew the subject of
litigation in the Courts of,
The Seignorul Tenure question which
drags i.s slow length along. baa during
the 'ant week received repeated lineations.
It is fined for the first order of the day this
evening, and much dnuot 4* now entertained
of its ultimate passage, On Thursday
n ight last the Bar of Lower Canada feast-
ed the Bar of Upper Canada. The dinner
went off well, the house having adjourned
about six o'clock, witbouts treusacting any
business of consequence.
\1r. Cauchon's P.esolutions of the Pro-
vincial guarrantee came up last night and
was loot on a division of 45 to 18. It had
been gelerally thought among the friends
of the resolutions here, that the• could
command a suirient majority to defeat the
government upon this question, and it
was eren reported at one time ,that Mr.
Brown had consented to joie Mr. Cauchon
fru the attempt. it is but Just to state that
the rumour was unfounded. Mr. Brown
strenuously supported the government
scheme. stating very correctly that it would
be a preach of faith, to pans them, and
would destroy confidence in the govern-
ment and the credit of the Province. Our
citizens are rather down in the mouth in
consequence of the defeat of their pet
" If your lou hand looks grave, let him
alone; don't disturb or annoy bum."
Ob, pshaw ! were I married, the soberer
my be,baud looked, the mure fun I'd rattle
about his ears. Don't disturb Isms! I'd
sal: his coffee -and pepper ins tea -sugar
his beef steak -and tread on his toes --and
hide its newspaper --and sow up his pock-
ets -and put pills in bis slippers -and dip
his cigars fru water --and 1 wouldn't stop
for the great Mogul, till I had shortened
his long (ace to my liking. Certainly he'd
get vezed;" there wouldn't be any fun in
teasing him if he did'nt; acid that would give
his melanchaly blond a fine healthful start;
and his eyes would snap sod sparkle, and
he'd say, •• Fanny will you be quiet or not?"
and I should laugh, and pull his whiskers,
and say, decidedly, "Not !" and then I
ohnuld tell him he had't the slightest idea
how handsome he !coked when be was vex-
ed, and then be would pretend not to bear
the cumplimeut-but would pull up kis
dickey, and take • sly peep in the glass (for
all that)! and then be'd begin to grow
amiable and get off his stilts, and be just as
agreeable all the rest of the eyeing at sf
he term not my husband; end all because
1 didn't follow that stupid bit of advice " to
let him done." .lest u if I didn't know!
Just imagine ark, Fanny, luresdown on'
cricket to the corner, with my orefinger to
my mouth, looking out of the sides of my
e! os, and waiting till the man got ready to
speak to me? Yon can see at once it
would be -be--. Well, the emoost of it
is, I should neer do it!- 0/ire Branch.
NSW Maetm,au n11".:1111 Wsattaw Anrea.
-Tns "Manchester (3uarde.yi:-W•
bay. be.. (seemed bj Mr. ,ss" T.oma Clegj,
of tnu town, ♦iib eampiee of two sew ma-
terials for textile Inau'aeter.r, which bars
been recently maimed from the south-west
const of Apnea, and wheels, 11 they can be
furnished In a auf!ktent quantity, and at •
moderate price, will probably blooms tin --
portant articles of lied' with that coaetry.
The first of these Is a fibrous eebetsate
sent by a missionary et Abbeokuta, as "red
cotton." It Is not produced In the neigh-
bourhood of that place, but is brought
thither from the Hoses. country to the
northward in considerable quantities; end
the people who bring it state that the deep
red enloar whieb it heave Is .einrd; but the
writer of the letter adds that the Hie( at
Abbeok,la "th'nka they lie." The s eep-
l-ciem of the chic(• a undevb,ly well hued
ed. The material which Is not 0.1(00 ■t
all but so entirely ewe epee*' of silk, re
unquesltnaabledysd probably with 011ie •1
root, which we helices is abusdaM a Africa.
1l sent ,n iia iteral .tate a would uedoubt
• ily prn00 a .Ory uerfol ..tonal for eb•
wets silk spinner. Tem jlttter dos' sot
10*ta'n .ay infnrmatien ss' fa the prise
which this material boon in Aries; but,
ail staled to be pvodoe*d ea great *heed-
, 11 51eme probably this the fes will
es acemudar'ts- Thu other wereb
w e hams referred re a saw and somewhat
r trotter description of wool, .sated to M
brought from Candie. a taws N the *oat
'e the batii•rd of Abb*; hot se tba
climate of the coast draft ba wary
stats rM a prodeettoe of weld. w1 ro
it m p**Wy br*a&ht Nem sem+
m ss•t•I.saers t i.
la V* eoterier . ibe
*saddest., L li. the dyed off.le fowl
uoa. ed
W taro ewteroary M • •0104)4• ad
with K erne twos yard, porpoise( es he
ap iritis It, That, bsereessy js, .MMM•
f •
1.,0 . t