HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-19, Page 5ens;3Il al o- S .Aprii. 1902. and district .news. .cORRE$P.ONP.g.1\11.$ Mrs, Mot!clgt. Heclden, Phone S Mrs, Archie MacGregor, ,Phone Kippen East elects slate Mrs. William Bell was elected president of Kippen Best Wornens Institute at its annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Harry Caldwell last Wednesday evening, Other officers are; past pre- sident, Mrs, ;WOOS Drum- mond; vice presidents, Mrs, Harry Caldwell, Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, Mrs. James Mc- Naughton; secretary, Mrs, (lam Kyle; treasurer, Airs. Er. ilie Whitehouse. Standing committee conven- ers; agriculture and Canadian industries, Airs, Roht Bell, Airs. Campbell. Eyre; citizenship and education, Mrs. Vivian Cooper, Airs. Grant MacLean; his- torical research and current events, Mrs. 'R., Kinsman and Ales. Alex McGregor; home economics and health, Airs. Robt Gemmel], Mrs. Ken Mc- Kay; public relations, Miss Margaret McKay; press, Mrs. Verne Alderdice; sewing, Mrs, Alex McGregor; pianist, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; assistant, Airs. John Sinclair; sunshine, Mrs, Winston Workman; auditors, Mrs. Alderdiee and Mrs. Percy Harris. The group will attend a birthday party in June at Her- onview, Clinton, and provide the program. Plans for a bus trip to the Winter Royal were discussed. Mrs. John Sinclair reported for the District Exe- cutive held at Hensall, and Jack Caldwell favored with sel- ections on the electric piano. Mrs. Winston Workman was co- hostese. • .Personal Home ,Mr. and Mrs, W. Crawford, Mr. Alvin. Crawford were guests at the 25th wedding .anniver- sary celebration of. Mr. and Airs. Filmer Watson .of 51, Paul's which was held in the community hall on Saturday night, Airs.. Watson and Mrs. Crawford are sisters, Mrs, Robert Dodds is visit- leg. at the home of her sun and daughter-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs, Harold Dodds of Walton, Air. and Mrs. George GUM. len .and family of Auburn were recent visitors with Mr. .and Airs, Robert Gardiner and fam- ily, Mr. and Airs. John Wallace, Air. and Airs, William Harper, Mr. and Airs. Gerald Carey,. Mr. and Mrs. F. Laing and Air. and Mrs. It, Laing at- tended the curler's banquet, which was held at the Legion, Hall in Mitchell on Monday night. The WAIS Easter meeting will he held in Cromarty church on Good Friday evening at 8:30 Sunday visitors with Mr. and Alts, lemes Millet' were Mr, On No. 8 Highway Seafotth s Now Open TO THE PUBLIC completely Remodelled You arc bwit od In the pleasant surroundings and reitlxing atmosphere of the 'HURON ROOM. and the rine rood expertly served in the DIPLOMAT ROOM Huron man gets lewel • CoMMelltS As the "Times" go by M055890 from t • Cromar y HIOHIOPHTS. .FROM THE TAFU Corn 14-Ounce tins Niblets 4 f tin 69c Ctit'istle's 'Chocolate Chia 11 Wen. rik 0, Cookies 3 Patna Garden CtIlo 14-at, No, Tomatoes 2 1=C3 3 rozen Strawberries Libby's 1S-ozr pko, MASULEIS Hensall NOW'S THE TIME , . . To Get Your SPRING Bumper • to - Bumper CHECK-UP To ensure happy, trouble- f roe driving , FREE BRAKE INSPECTION 7AF: 0A4WOY 100,r4 IN WA MT #4,-,er Dow, --Mftwor SKREMEANER: fir WO 70 COI:— Mg vorrAs By MRS. KEN felel<a.LisAR THE ueen s Hotel Guiders plan Brownie revel Ales, Earle T. Jlowe opened her home Thursday evening ,to the Guiders of the district. •the impose of the meeting was to plan a Brownie Centralia will be host on this occasion, and tentative ars rangements were made to hold the Revel at Centralia Airport, Saturday, June 9, Miss Mary Macmille.n, dep- uty division commissioner of Goderich, Mrs, Thomas Laven- der district commissioner of Ilensall, and tiro w n Owls, Tawny Owls of Centralia, Exe- ter and Hensall were present. was appointed assistant Grand and Alt's, 1, Littigton and Sem Organist July 1952 and was dra of Stratford and Mrs. Olive presented by Most Wor. Bro. Seat of Russeldale. Harry L, Martin with a ten Alias Janice Christie, daugh- year bar to his 50 year jewel, tee of Mr. and Mrs. Murray lie also received a 60 year Christie was among the gradu- jewel as a Past Master, and ales at Kitehener-Waterloo Hos- again appointed assistant pital graduation ceremony on Greed Organist on April. 12, Friday, tier parents and grand- 1902. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Very Wor, Bro. Campbell was Christie were in attendance. .„ escorted into the lodge by the Mr, and Mrs. T. Gillespie and drector of ceremonies, and Di-, daughter Ann of Eoineka were Campbell introduced V. Wor, Sunday guests of Mr. and Bro. W. 0. Goodwin, secretary, Airs, T. Laing, and :13ro. George Hess, nisi- Alarion and Norman Chessell tors from Huron Lodge, lien- of Stratford spent the week- sail, and Bro, Ray Lammie, a end with their uncle and aunt, cousin of Dr. Campbell, and Air. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Bro. Leonard Wilson, both Attends mother's funeral sitor of Lebanon Forest Lodge, • Exeter, Air. and Mrs. Keith McLa-: on Miss Wanda McLeren and It was indeed a happy and • -" - Mr, Rodney McLaren attended unique evening for Dr, Camp- bell and he took part in the the funeral of Air. Mels aren's work t rother Mrs. Addle McLaren in a very dramatic man- ner. The evening concluded \vim died at the Anderson Nur- sine- with a banquet and an address --- Monte, Toronto. by Dr. Davies, pastor of Park She was the former Addie Street Baptist Church, Toren- Simpson and widow of the late to. in McLaren, She is survived by three Honor former pastor daughters, Miss Anna McLa. Rev. William A. Young, for- ten, Toronto; Airs, Raymond user minister of Carmel Pres- (jean) Keeling, Dashwood, Mrs, byterian Church, Hensel], and Alfred (Dorothy) Kramer, Phi- padre at OAC, Guelph, will re- 'acidosis; two sons, James A., calve the honorary degree of Clinton end Keith S., Cromarty, Doctor of. Divinity at the May , The funeral was held on Wed• 2nd convocation of 'Knox Col- .nesday at the Box Funeral lege in Toronto. Home, Seaforth. Burial was in. .Hensall Union cemetery. Your library — Continued from page 4 help the reader carry out by himself many lobs that would otherwise have to he done by e professional at higher costs. Five kinds of projects are described: upholstering .furni- lure; judging and selecting fa• limes, making and using slip covers and making and using draperies, Pictures an d drawings illus- trate each step of the work en- abling you to turn out work with a professional finish, Styling Corsages You can make beautiful cor- sages using Bowers from your garden and materials easily obtained, The text is simple enough for any one to understand and the numerous pen drawings save the reader much time n grasping I h e principlein- volved, Color harmony, use of foli- age, ribbons and bows, treat- ment of flowers, wiring taping, Assembling styling and ar- rangements for special occa- sions are all discussed. a. See Cow attacks six.yearf,old, Ricky Ingram, .6, son of Air, and Airs, Ray Ingram, is re- Covering from injurice he re- ceived Friday when he was at- tacked by A cow in the barn on his :father's farm At BR 2, Hensel), The cow, Whieb had Om birth to a calf during the night, Was in a loose pen with .other rows and their salves, Rieley jumped Into the pen to pet the new born calf and the cow threw him against the planks causing part of his .ear to be torn away from his head. His screams attracted his fa- ther, who was in another part of the barn and went to his res- cue, Surgery was performed at Clinton Public hospital, Attend workshop Chiselhurst UCW met last. Tuesday afternoon with presi- dent Airs, Percy Harris pre- Airs, Percy Wright con- ducted the devotional, Airs, Currie Winlaw was in charge of the Bible study with Easter as the theme; Airs. A. 'Ross reviewed a chapter from the study book. Next meeting will he held Tuesday, May 1, when Mrs, Ross MacDonald will be guest speaker. Mrs. Harold Parker and 1\117S. Harris attended the UCW work, shop on Thursday, April 12, Hostesses were Mrs, Clar- ence. Coleman and Airs, Robt Parsons, Youth ioin Kippen UC By MRS, NORMAN LONG K.I.PPEN Communion service at St. An- drews United Church, Sunday, was well attended with Rev, Harold Johnston in charge of the service, The choir was rep- resented by the Young People of the church with Miss Jean ]visor as leader and Kathy and Karen Hendrick rendering a dpet, Marjorie Turner, Gwen Hay," Joan Sinclair, Ruth and Bar- bara McNichol, Airs. Keith Love and Gwen Jones. joined the church Sunday. UCW Easter meeting The UCW of Kippen held an Easter thankoffering meeting in the church on Tuesday eve- ning, April 10 with .the UCW of Ontario St., Clinton and trucefield as their guests. Mrs. R. D. Elgie conducted the worship service. A pleas- ing violin solo was contributed by Brian Smillie, accompanied by Miss Jean Ivison. The speaker for the .evening was Mrs, Bren de Vries of Exeter who chose for her topic "Consider the Lilies". A solo "In the garden" by Mrs. Knox of Clinton was much enjoyed. Mrs. Ross Chapman of Bruce- field gave a reading. Final plans were made for a bake sale to he sponsored by units 1 and 3 to be held al Crest Hardware Store, Hensall. on Saturday, April 21. Mrs, John Anderson and Mrs. Wit- mer Jones arranged the eve- ning program and president Airs. Harold Jones was in the chair. Personal items Dr. Byron A. Campbell, To- ronto, was presented with his .60 year Masters jewel at Ilu- ron-Bruce Masonic Lodge at Toronto Thursday night,. April 12, Very Worshipful Bro. Or, Byron Campbell was born in HIV, practised in Zurich for 25 years . until the 1920's, was .made a member of Huron Lodge July 20, 1899 and Master of Huron Lodge December 27, 1901. He affiliated with Huron- Bruce Lodge, Toronto, as a charter member June 26, 1922; Unit plans supper UCW unit 1, met. Monday eve- nting with 11 present with lea- der Mrs. Ernie Chipchasc pre- siding. Mrs. Sam Rannie was in charge of the devotional on Easter, and Airs, Don Joynt presented the Bible study. Plans were made for a straw- berry supper 'to he held in the near future, Telephone Co. Mrs, John Henderson is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hos- pital, Friday, April 20 at 7.30 p.m. Good Friday Communion Serv- ice will be held at the United Church with reception of new church members and a special AI & M offering, Mrs. Pearl. Nichol of London ter Ales, Fanny Clark, Me. and Mrs, Bill Simpson of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mrs. Lou Simpson, Annual Good Friday shoot will be held Friday, April 20 at t p.m. at Kippen with events for all classes, Merchandise events, handicap and doubles sponsored by Kippen Gun Club. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Broad- foot, Goderich, visited recently with Mrs, Broadloot's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mac- Lean. Brian and Allan MacLeatt of Exeter were recent visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean and also with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Mrs. Sim Roobol visited with her son-in-law and daughter, Sir, and Airs. Don T)odels, Sea- forth, last week, Plants to shut-ins Mrs. lack Drysdale was host- ess lest Tuesday evening for the Kinette meeting presided over by president Mrs. ,Wm, Clement with a 100"I attend- ance. A letter was read ,from the. group's adopted child in Italy, and 40 visits were repotted lo sick and shut ins, who were presented with team* plants. Ales, Heeold Bonthron woe. the raffle, and the next meet- Ing will be hold at the home of. Mrs, Wm, Fuss, April 24. Circle entertains other groups 5(1 YEARS APO Messrs. liodgins Trevi- thick, Crediton," have received a shipment of buggies for the spring trade, The Exeter Canning Co. has Added a 70-fool sign to their factory. it Item the words '''!he Exeter Vanning and Pre- serving Co. Ltd Ten. years .ago there were 38 hotel and shop licenses in South .piton but after May 1 there will be but 13. Licenses have been granted to Corner- vial House, Central and Metro- politan in Exeter. E. Zeller lias purelosed the interests of his partner I.% J. Wickwire in the .Zurich Herald. Dashwood Pioneer and Credi- ton se as an d th e plant mil be located at Zurich. 1' It e ,partnership business heretofore existing between J. D. Atkinson and Rs N. Rowe as furniture dealers and tin• dertakers has .been dissolved and the husiness will be eons ducted by Air, Rowe, Mr. T, A. Russell, an .Exe, ter Old Boy, has been ap- pointed a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Totemto, 2S YEARS AGO Fred Bonthron has received 11w appointment of postmaster of the village of Ilensall suc- ceeding Sit', George Suther- land who held the position frst as assistant and then as post- master for 61 years. The thorn hedge has been removed from in front of Carmel cemetery and anew fence will be erected. TheWatford Guide-Advocate last week contained a picture of Exeter's .main street taken since the telephone poles and wires were removed and the new lighting system installed, The paper states that Watford plans to copy these improve- ments, Moving ,pictures of the flood conditions in London when the Thames 'River went on the rampage early last week were taken by a former Exeterite, Charles Ford, and shown in Exeter on Sunday. Sweeping away two summer cottages at Pork Franks the Attx Sable Rivet' went on a rampage threatening the 300 residents of the summer re- sort. Miss Margaret Kuhn, Credi• ton, will be among the. 1937 graduating class of Victoria Hospital. School of Nersing. A Were 15 YEARS AGO deputation from Wiarton in Exeter Wednesday to CLAIR'S BARBER SHOP MAIN ST., HENSALL Open Ties,, Wed., Fri. S A.M. to 6. Thurs, 4. Sat. 8 ...M. to 9 p, m, Closed Monday visit the .arena and Bxeter community reran. Alias Yip 1 a Ctilfillan and Miss Jean Cann of London Normal School spent last week observing and t e a chin g at Thames Road School under the supervision of Miss Hewett. Rev, Alfred Trueblood, min- ister of the Crediton charge for the past three years. has been .eatted to the Parkview United Church, Stratford.. sail. Both are ex-service men. Reeve Turkey was in Tor- onto this week And was as- sured that at least 25 wartime houses would be built in Exe- ter. The village Asked for 50 homes. 10 YEARS AGO The new raneh style home of Samuel Hendrick on Highway 4 south of town is receiving a permastone Mrs. E. Keyes and 'Miss Pearl Keyes of Shipka moved to Exeter on Monday, spring waters of Lake Huron now at its highest peak in 60 years. have caused hun- dreds of dollars of damage to lakeshore property south of Grand Bend Ii. K, Penhale, acting man- ager of the Exeter Branch of Canadian Canners, announced this week the plant will han- dle close to 2,000 acres of con- tract produce this year. Marie Hodgson received hon- orable mention in the annual verse-speaking competition at OEA convention in Toronto on Monday, South Huron Junior Farm- ens will tackle the big job of painting and placing owners' names on all mail boxes in Usborne Township this spring. Blake #y ,MISS .EMMA.FINI,AY Personal items Mr. and Mrs. William Steekte and family, Mr. and Airs. Or- val jantzi and family ,and Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Gingerieh visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich of _Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West. brook and family of Goderich visited this weekend with Mr. Gustav Bohm). Mr. and Airs. Newell Geiger and John and Mrs. Mary Man- son were Sunday guests with Air. and Mrs. Earl Oeseh and family of Blake. Miss Irene Schwartzentrubor end at her home with her par- ents and brothers and sisters, Mr. :and Mrs. Edmund Schwart- tentruber. Mr. Harold Finlay and :Em- ma ;lane visited Monday after- noon with Mr. and Airs. Lyle Stokes of Ailsa Craig, To the .editor — Continued from page 1 it didn't seem to bother him but we didn't talk about the past or it might have upset him again. I must admit, it just doesn't seem right to people in Exe' ter. when they knew Daddy had a family that didn't go to sec their father very often hut you see we were thankful for small mercies. When Daddy wanted to see us and our chil- dren, he knew that he was wet come in our home. If we'd gone to Exeter too often Dad- dy May have thought we were going to hurt him and he might have moved farther away. Hoped for return There were so many things We had to accept and we had to remember ii was what Dad wanted to (lo. Cntil two years ago, Mom kept the house in Si, Marys :hoping Dad vrolltri ° come back but she just could- n't take it any longer and the eNpellSes were beyond her means. it ither is .a very sen- eitive person and :she's heart., hroen. to think that Daddy didn't get well and come back to us, Out' ebildren .accepted their Grandpa the way be .was and really and truly loved him. but oh, how I wish they could have seen Daddy the way I knew him .AS a .child. lie hived to see us come out with the children and rifi sure he appreciated the little things we took Out to hint, a loved m , Dad. very. match and always val. never know how my heart ached. to see hdtn all alone in his cabin especially in the %inter, but it. was his wish to be there. Thanks for taking time to read this letter. ,could go- an for hours. but I don't 'think it's necessary. I hope you will .understand the position we were in and .not judge us too :harshly. it's awful to love one you love when all the time your praying for them to get well, but God knows best and we aren't to question. his actions, nowor ever. God takes us all and I know someday we'll meet again. Mrs. Gordon Johns BR 1 St, Marys, HIENSALL NIPICOTORS ROY CAMPBELL PROP. NEW a USED CARS GENERAL REPAIRS-COLLISIONS Explorers tour church Al the Explorers meeting Thursday after 4 p.m., Rev. Ross MacDonald was guest speaker. and took the group on a tour of Carmel Church, He answered clustions pertaining to the church, Janice Boni-low presented Air, MacDonald with an 1.41xplo- revs pin on behalf of the group. Faye Troyer led the game which was "Inside hockey". Hensall personals Flowers et the church Sun- day were in memory of the late Mrs, Wm, Windsor and were given the shut-ins at Kip- Pen- Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Robinson included Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskell and family, Me, and Mrs, Alfred Proctor all of London and Miss Joanne. Robinson of. Woodstock. Air. Edward :Robinson, neph - ew of Mr, Irving Robinson, of 'I'uxford, Saskatchewan h a s purchased Mrs. W.M. MeKen- zie's farm on the 2nd conces- sion of Stanley township. Mrs, Jean Kyle of Clinton was a Sunday guest of her son and daughter-in-law,. MP. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim, Sunday visitors with Air. and Ales. WM, McLachlan included: Mr, and Mrs, Howard Adkins and Gloria and ,lean, Airs. Pettey Adkins, Mr, Geri Reich- ert, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hohner and family, Mts. Alheet Hess, all of Zurich, and bliss Kathleee .Hess of LOtidoti. Mr, DoWson is not enjOying the best of health, Recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs, DowSon were Miss Margaret Winder and Mi" Al s, F. Feenks, all of London, and Me. and Mrs, El- din Kerr of Winthrop, and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited Friday eye! ning with , and Mee, 'Carl Willett Of Zurich, Mr. W, Ilowntece, Weston, vi sited a f e w days with hi s brother-in-law and. StStet k Mr, and Airs, ,Norman Long- Mr, Alid Mrs. Edward SW. ago, Ter of brydeit, Welt, visited a She Was a fAithful member ot hiss Mary Shaw, Exeter, few days with the formers St. Andrews United Church at favored with salty with ac. aunt and mole. Mr. and Mrs. Kippen for inahy years, And cordion Accompaniment by Mrs, NOtOrt end While here at. will be greatly Miased in both Ken Elder, Alre, Rebell El a d- tended the faithral Of the la th church, and cOMMUnity, Xippen, gave eti Easter read- MrS, Winder, , Servces Were conducted Sat- ing, Mrs, Harry HOY, Mrs, A. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hyde Vie. urday front Logan, It`tmeral Scholl., Mrs. John Baker and fled recently with their deugho `thine, Leridon, Rev. D. A. Mae, Miss Hannah Murray conducted ler Evelyn of Oshawa, Millaii. farther Minister of Kip. the, worship period, All's,ttodbnhurg. gels- perlr officiated which was re. Mrs, fleverley Motion, own. gaits',rollAnd, mother 0f Mrs, OtioSted by Mrs. Winder, in dent, chaired the Meeting. Airs, A, TeneMeettiartv died :StRitionly ternittit was Iii 'NO0410111, Cent. Stewart nett and Ales, Cordon Ti,Yer Weed lunch ennveners. *eeent Wry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Good- Aueust with the Hay Township man, of Detroit, visited over the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al, Air. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie and daughter, of Toronto, were weekend visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Sam Rannie, Mrs. Eva 'Parker visited with her daughter, Airs. Clarence Ruston, at Stratford, on Mon- day, visited last week with her sis- Dr. Norma Hopkinson, Joan, Bruce and Mary Beth of Lion's Head visited OVer the• weekend with Airs. Hopkinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, E. Cook, Miss. Jean Noakes and friend and David Noakes, who is at- tending the University of West- ern Ontario, all of London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Leonard Noakes, Brian Noakes and friend and Ronnie Noakes, of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Noakes, Mr. and Mrs, Roger Venner and Debra spent the weekend in Toronto with Mrs, Venner's parents. Messrs, James Jenkins, 0, McClintock and JOe Burke were initiated into member- ship into the Hensall Beane+ of the Canadian Legion 468 at its meeting held in the Leg ion hall Thursday night, April 12 peesided over by president. John Shea, Bill Ingrain is taking a course at the Bell Telephone Co., London, in dialing. Bill has been employed since last Mrs. W:VVinden active in church By MRS, NORMAN LONG KIPPEN Ate. Istoe Dowsori wits cal- led Wednesday to London ow- ing to the critical illness of her Members of WAIS societies si ster m rs, JAnn i e wi n d er, wh o from Caven church, Exeter, St. died 'in Vittoria Hospital on Andrew's OCW, Kippen, cGrti Thursd a y, Apse 12 aft er a end WITS Carmel church lengthy illness. were guests of the Arnold Or- Sil o was in h er oh yea r a nd do ,at the Easter thankoffering lied resided with her -sister 11 meeting Monday evening held in the pliurch auditorinm, years before her illness. She leaves to Molten her loss Mrs, Ross MacDonald was a Sister, Mt's, Elston ibowson, the speaker giving an appro• and several nephews And nio- printe Easter message,. She eos. Her husband Predoceasod was introduced by Airs. R. A. her hi Windsor, about 20 years Orr and thanked by Mrs, Roy Smoked Dressed Pork Whole or Half Shoulders Devon Brand Smoked Side Bacon Mr, Howard Ford of the Lake Road has moved to Brampton where be has secured a posi- tion with Canadian Tire. Mr, Cliff White has .sold his bakery business to Messrs, Boy and Lloyd Brock, lien- of Stratford, spent the week- Malting Barley CONTRACTS PARKLAND BETZE MONTCALM E. L. 'Width & SON LIMITED PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. Cottage Rolls 55icb Cooked Ham 89e 39 551b 31 MENSAL" Easter Hours Open Thursday Until 9 p.m. Open Saturday Until 10 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 20 41, ift YlOtItlf1,1011,1,111114111M1111t10 ,111111111MIIIIIIMill(1111‘1,111.1M0