HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-04-28, Page 1imiggemeggiemmartagem HE HURON SIGNAL Printed if Published every Thssratia r BY GEO. COX. Office, Market Square, Goderic•A. Soak eied Job Preanal executed witf reNsene ad diepatek Tames oidia H.wses 8igwr--'TEN SHILLINGS per ammo d red dried) he advisee, or Twelve mad Six Peace with the separatists of the 'year.' Ws paper dta000tiiued natal arrears are paid sp, es see the publisher thinks it his &Jouster to do ao. Any individual in the country becoming respoosibk for sit sebscribers, shall re- ceive a seventh copy gratia. (('j► All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid, or they will not be taken out of the poet office. Terris of Advertising, --Si' lines and under, fief insertion, .£0 2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74 Ten lines and under, first inner., 0 9 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 Over ten lines, first in. per line, 0 0 4 Each snbsequent insertion, - 0 0 1 B''J A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. Adrertua.menta without wntten instruc- tions will be inserted until forbid. and charged accordingly ; and no adver,isesneot discontinued unpaid for at the time of witb- drawel, voles by the consent of the pub- lisher. tLrb . DR. P. A. MCDOUGALL,. ('1 A N he ronrulted at all horn*. at l•i Mr. Le'Torre's Rnnrdi*g Nouse. ( formerly the Briti■k Hotel.) Goderieh. April 29th. 1862. v5 IR.A I.RW18. B\RRIST! R, SOLICITOR. ke. West- etreet, Goderieb. June 1818. 2cn25 TCN SHiLLINGBt I N A m• A m CS. Oignal. .i POSSUMS GREATEST POSSIS GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER!' TWELVE AND NIX 1'FPC AT TRO inn 0) T.■ TSAR. DANTF.L GORDON. tAR1NFT b1.\ICER. Three donut Foto n ' the (',,n,"* Company's office, West- strc-t. G,'•do•,ch, Ation.t 27th, 184" 2vnlf0 VOLUME VL GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) TIIURSUAY, APRIL 28, 1853. NUMBER 13. CARDS, Sic. DANIEL HOME LI'l,ARS, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. and Conveyan- cer, Solicitor in Chancery, kc. has his otfic• as formerly in Stratford. St rat ford, 2nd Jan. 1860. 2vn49 J. DENISON, 4gIV 11. F:KfINFFR. &e. CODERIC1l, C. W. Aug. 25th. 1852. ,5n31 JOHN J. E. LINTON, ;VOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., • and Conseyaneer, Stretford. DR. BURNHAM. CLINTON, Huron Road. (West of Mr. Thwan: Stets.) Dec. IStb, 1652. 1'6n46 WILLIAM SHARMAN, BRICKLAYiLR AND PLASTERER. 4VWT STRKKT• Gowie,c., IS, prepared to turmoil DESIGNS and PL %NS, no the most rea.onab'e term. Godsrtch, Now. 180, ( 868. •51)43 201118 RALPH. 'TIN AND COPPER SMITH, nett door B to Use Victoria Hotel, West Street, Godo rich, :rax cnnstantly o0 hand, a choice stock of Tinware, Coeku,g and Box SIo•ee, ke., wh ch he will sell at considerably re• dusted prices. The higbe•t price paid in trade for old copper, brass. pewters sheepektua, calf and beef bides. feathers and rag. a. All kinds of Merchantable produce taken in exchange at garb pones. Godeneh, Feb. 19, 183*. v5 -n4 ROBERT SNODGRASS. HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Goderich.- Attentive Hostler• aluaya on hand. t:oderich, Sept. 12, 1850n3n30 ,STRAGIIAN AND BROTHER. Barrister sed :Murales at Law, (j•e,. G• DF.alcn C. W. jOIIN ST.(ACHAN BarristerandAttor- • mer at Law, Notary Public and Convey - 11,.1.0r. 11.EX.' NDER W(wD STRACHAN, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chant eery, Cnweyancer. Godcrtch, 17th November, 1851. MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT. SOUTH SIDE DUNDAS ST., Oppwite Meson. Raygmed if Rai:dawd, Farriers. Written may be hail S'IEET MUSIC of Mary derc'1, tie ., lu•Iruetiun B•",ho for all kit: to of lest rumen a, kc., as cheat. .. eau be bed iu Toronto, Boston, or New You k. Al kind. of MUSICAL INR MENTS, from a Piano Fo,tu duan to a Fite. String of all kinds, and of superior qua!' ty: to short, every, lung wh•ch ran or may he found in a well acid carefully melee:e,! Mune Store. The PIANOS are from the establish men/• of the following celebrated makers, viz: Chickering, &redden sod Dunham, ae- kn-wl'dged to bo t!:e hest nn hie part of he globe, se are the MELODIANS, menus Tact tired by Prince k Co. Piano.. snit Melodians sold as cheap and on as favorable terms a they can be pro- eecurelvM• d .a Toronto, or from tire makers tbem- IIF.R MAN KORDF•S. London, January, 1853. v6 u3 6.n. FASHIONA111.E B11OT & 6110E MANI F.1CTU1lF.1t• (Owe door Ease of C. f'rabb's Store.) WOULD Inform theinlrabitant• of Gode• rich and neighborhood that h• to pre pa'ed to make to order or otherwise, any kind of I.adre's and Gentlemen's Fine or Fancy work, in the neste•t and most fashronahle style. And will oleo fernier heavy Boots and Shoe", to volt the ne creosotes of therm that may favor him with their envtum. Ilia pricer will be moderate. Godrrich, July 29th, 185*. y5h29 WILLIAM HO MINS, AR('HITF:('r & CIVIL ENGINEER Office 27, Dtende's Street, LONDON, C. W. August 16tH, 1852. ,5n30 HORACE HORTON,, [.Parket square, (:odrrick,l AGENT for the Prior.netal Mu'ual and " Desert! lesursnce Ot8ee. Toronto; A:ao Agent for the St. Lawrence County Mubul, Ogdenebnre, New York. Local Agernt tor Samuel Moulson's Old Rochester N orsery, July 1850. 22 R(IBERT REID. HOOK -SELLER & STATIONER. ioppovire Ralkwill'. Hotel.) Corner of Dundu and T.Ihot-.freer■, London, C. W. - School Bonk Commnn and C lo...oat Rook• Dieseling and Retire of every description F.aren- ted no the Pompeii. ET Order. for Accost' t Books, from the Trade or Country Merchants, punctually •ttsaded tno and • liberal dismount allowed. London, March 1851 4v4 A. NASMYTII. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, one door West of 1V. E. Grace's Store, West Street Gode'ieb. Feb. 19,1852. .6-1)4 'THOMAS NICHOLLS, BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT. Arent for Ontario Marine a S-. Fire In. strrance Co. NOTARY PUBLIC, A('COUNTANT same. A!%1) Cel\VRV NCER. Alteommmnie10 ns Avrnhoement,thdress ed (pest pard) to Ayr P. 0.. North Ilam COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. ke. I filen, C. W.. will be promptly attended to. j \rt'RANCF, effected on Houses, Ship - April 1, 1851. .5.10 •, keds of Deeds correctly drawn, and PETER BUCHANAN. TAILOR. • and Aceennts •dju■ted. 1i i TEXT dnor to 11. R. O'Cnnnnr'. Store. t'1B• a ever the Treasury, Godeneh. I " West Street, Godeneh. Clothes made J r 22. 1862. v5n28 and repaired, and ruttier done on the shor- test notice, and nmopr liberal terms. December 3rd, 1851. .4n42 NI'W TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 11 BARTER• Merchant Tailor, would • r.spect(ul.y Inform the rnhsbaunts )t G• dwrtch and vurrounJ.er emmni'y that he has jury opened a new Tailori,g C.tab lisbmeet, r ne door north of Dr. Mrpou- eail'. new Brack House, Market Stymie (:,,der,eh. where lie has on hand a splendid assortment of Brood Clothe, Commoner's Tee. de, S.tinerts, Whitney Cloths, 01 different colours for Oyer Coate. A bar irty of Winter Veetrngs. ke• ke He is .t.' prepared to exeem'e ail Orders in fie Tailoring Line, in the moot Fashion able style, and et mnd.arate char'es. Cutting Done on the Snorters, Notice. London, Paris and New York Fasktone tics -trod quarterly. 111:NR1' DARTER Go,terich, Oct. 1`:rh, 1852, s5n29 E. 'rHORNHILL, WOULD return his thanks to the • public for the liberal support he hee met from themduring•his read' nce in Godrrich, and hopes by strict etten'ieb to business. to roll merit a share of their patronage ,1t hi• old stand, oar door East of the ranad•' Company's Ofee. Godeneh. Sept. fit h. 1852. v5.33 W. & It. SIM1'SON, (LATE DOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) GROCERS. Wine ilerchante. Fru.terers and Oilmen, No. 17 Dundee Street, Landon, C. W. 'February 45th 1852. t5 -e5 ROWLAND WILLIAMS, ACCTIo:Men, is piepared to attend Sales In any part of the United Counties, on the moat liberal terse. Apply at the First -Division Court office, or al hu house, Emu Street, Godrrich. N. B. -Goods and other property will be received to sell either by private er public sale. Jemmy 6. 1852. 1'4047. ctrn. - -SLANDER. Not all they say or do, rax make M. brad. or tooth, or finger aehv. Nor mar my shape. ,,or rear my face, Nor yet one featu'e out et place; Nor roll Id, 'hnns.rd lies, Make one leer, .•rtunue, learned or wise: The mn.t ef.ctnal way to 8.'k Their malice, is, fir lel Arm Talk ! w, - roe Ins areaan sumac. 1 i N ES. Theegh ardent v+'ith with olss.ure dwells on scenes efeweet de!trht, And wa•ware fisc,'s airy dream mead to indite h•trhts, T•,q seen a1..! soloe lowering eland ob- •rtire* the mare plan. And I . 115 to begin agar j'ret where we brat begun. Now •nrrnw reigns where hnpe beamed hrigc,t • ()•w short Irwn'A• 0r• Affliction laid ht 'ren head .w the fair - eat. flower 1 know ! But beauty deck'd is all its 'harms could not the levant stay. And in Isis unrelenting :reap .be :ing•►e.l night and day. Lone long dove and :••air nijhta and menthe of painful e!n,m, Have nt -ped me friend in ea•ly youth aid in her opening bl,.m. And 'rale are' now theee lovely ebeek.. where J,wplt the rraes hoe, And dim Dm !mitre of those (lief, those eye of blonaning blue. 'Po the Settlers of the -Huron Tract. RICHARD MOORF, HAVING during the past torn veer, net. ed in the capacity of GENERAL. AGENT for the collection of debts, desires it to be generslly unJeratoon that he will accept the Agency for the collscttoo of goes in any part of the Upper Province, be- tween I'obnurg in the East and Lake Heron in the Wert. in making ibis announce - 'bent, he would beg to exprehs him thanks to het friends for put favours, and now re- spectfully sohe,ts a continuance of the TITE Underairn'd liege leave to gin r.o- nee to all ttto.e who thou have any hnarnew lo transact witb the Canada Com - pane that •ince the remr'vat of their ,,Iger (tom this town, he ha, determined to open an agency effee here liar the- beeefit• of Or se who-rnay not wish to trace'. to To• ronto to.trnneart their hump.," in rer.nn. Fromb,a thorough knowledge of the Com pony's mode of trammeling business (having been PO long empl in their office) he feel -confident that he can aid and give sa'iefaction to all those who miry require hie ...trice. Conveyancing. Land end General Agrecy Offiers. oleo a let n( la"sIe ,or sale kip!, and a rerr.Iry of three wiehtng to r'irchar• without change excert where a sale's effec'ed, when a moderate per ceotage will be required. ALEX. ROBKRTent, Land Agent, kc• Godeich, Jas. :i, 1853. •6-n 1 for and Good*. E. H. MARLTON, )4 rURWARDER sad Co,umloion Mor- ` chant, Storehouse Keeper, r I \grot. for the sale of Wild Laois Cleared 1'armm. Honsebold Forsythia and Produce ,t c,rry description. 'fftce, our door, North of the Kinear- '.:.; A .rm., Godericb, March 24th 1852. tb-a9 F. k C. H. BUHL, Mk NUFACTURERSof Hata, Caps and ar1 •ney Furs, Wholesale and Retail Deities n For., Boffatn Robes, Deer Skies, Glover, Mildew, kc. kc. Cask Paid for Firs. The highest price paid, at all ti nes is Cash, fur all descriptions of Shipping Fan by F. k C. 11. BUHL. Detroit, Michigan. Aug. 1861. ven28 WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAP*AL $1,000,000. IRZILA HOPKiNS, Hamilton, Agent for the Commies of Waterloo and Ilurns. August 97, 1850. 2y15 DR. HYNDMAN, d)UICY'S TAVERN. Leaden Road. Q May 1811. •41119 £25 Premium. utanes of dirt and verses are the only ava- liable babitat.ons of the people. The little tenement% of Lowel and of Alaaebeater are worth iufiuitely more as residences than the deserted palaces of Genoa and of Rome. Upon the whole, the common people of Rome -the great moos of the population of that city -are the most degraded I have seen in Lirope. 1 bate seta worse s;oeci- meus of humanity in the rural districts of the south of Ireland, though Foodi on the northern confines of the Neapolitan king- dom, inay be pitted against Macroon any day. But no where in a city hate I seen the great body of the people lining in such poverty, sorsa, squalor, and suck dejection Uwe looks almost in vain for • respectable aiddliug darn. --These are in prisoa, exile, or have perished on the scaffold or the field of battle. Cardivala ride in ua- riralled state, but the atreeta are filled with soldiers, priests and beggars. Soldiers, Priests, and Beggars. - These are the priaripal constituents of an Italian town, and especially of Rome, where they mot is about equal proportion .had where sack swarths of consumers, who produce nothing, prey upon the public lrea gory, where such enormous sums are expend- ed ie the creation and the repair of fortifi- cations aa1 churches, and tor tbe men re- quisite to keep in motion the whole ma_ ebiaery of military auJ ecclesiastical systems what remaius but that the mass of the peo- ple should be beggars! The soil of Italy for the most part is is the bands of the go- vernment or of great ^rn.rietors ; the in- dustry of the people is repressed in propor- tion to the repression of their liberty; they are toted beyond eiJurauee; the resources of the country are exhau,table ia coustt-uct- ing means of defence, ,ia buddia; walls, and forts, and eitidele, in maintaining artuies and sines, and the produce of 18. soil goev to feed horde, of indolent ecclesiastics, and of worthless otlir,ials. What *'nuclei that for richest soil iu the world is cursed with beggary and desolation! Let the treasury of the Uuited States be Ism -there l with a standing army in every tillage, and with the support of tents of thousands of p •tests and a few geoeratioos would witneaa tbe same result. 0 cruel I•rant to our roe*, thou foe t• all mankind. How eonl•i st thou throw thy envious diet at the fairvmt of her kind, The brightest gem (ren' India's *treed tam n ot Cmneare with Ells. Nor can th►hirest flower that deck* the meuntaio side or valley, Though time now lags on terries whees and jolt• and jar- .long. And mnntha •ram lengthened out to year.. we oyer to hn;:c in tone, .\e she forth • gl m nering light • Diet and feeble ray, To et,eer ma tw nor lonely path through lifel'• dull dream day• Soon may her eS•e': nit -Vie the rose 03 beauty (reeh and (air,. Her eye a.cnmo th•t'team dieise,that finds nn home but there ; And health avert her .-spinlost, so',per- tly. b!y'he an lav, Then j'+• Will/ beam is every eye to ire that happy day. A.R. Tacker,tnith, April 20th 1859. THE Menteipsl Conned for the Township of Stanleyis erepared In receive Plan., accompanied by Nnecificariens and Estimate for the formation of o hlarhnur at or near the Mouth of the River Rayfield, and will pay for the approved plan, kr., £25. 11. C. no other w•ill he paid tor, plane, ke., to ho larged with the Clerk at Barfield, no or before the 2nd day of Appil• oras ..n nine. W.' W. CONNOR. Township CIe-k. t6n3, 4 FARM FOR SALE. LOT No 50, in the Maitland Conies siun of the Township of G,rterech, eontatn,ng 187 acres of the but land, of which GO are cleared and well forced, situ- ated on the banks of the River Maitland, 8 miles from Gouerich. There a an ex- cellent hone ant flare on the promisee, with an Orchard of the eho•ceat fruit., ,e- lected from the Neter ry in Upetlante, Uni ted States. For terms apply to the Sab- .criber. 1 RATTENBURY, British Exchange Hotel, Godeneh . 981► Jemmy, 1853. •5.52-3m MR. JOHN MACARA. j; tRRISTER, Solicitor in Cbsaeery, Att rosy--at-Law, Coe•eyaeeer, lie, for . ()Mee : Ontarle Bundlers, Ring -Bt, •ppos't• tM Gere Rank. sad the Rank of Brush North America. Hais,LTow. 4 10 Me. T.N. NOLEBWORTH, aVIL&NGiNESR and Pummels! Lased Jrrveyet. Geeloreeb. Apr l 60. 1861. .4.11 JAMi8 WOODS, AUCTIONI&R; la prepared to wood Name 8x115 es say part of to United amti.a meed. n.. WW1& *~4etto Map NN. 44.0a14 New Grocery AND PROVISION STORE. February 7th, 1853. NOTICE. THIS in to forbid any person or person. purcha.ing a Note drawn by the Suh- ecriber in favour of Alexander Bretons. bean' g darn 3rd December, 1852, and doe the 1st n( January, as I have received no value for the same. DANiF.I. McDOUGALL. Townehin of Brace, Feb.61b. 1855. S .6n3 CUSTOMS OF ITALY. the here if hammers peat doer, where ih•y are putout? u;, a balcony. 'ft a soup'!, at this boo-, has emetthi.g stria rid and sinister nit-....Ihrne so *staff 'id fug - cootie., 'het 11 almost givers one a to -be hurl aeat-more ng sort el a feebag. We confess ourselves indebted to the pen of Mr. Thompson, of the •• leJepeod- ant,' Io:'the ensuing graphic picture of life in Italy • The use of tobacco is uni'er•al in Italy; not, however, in the way, of chew - TO THE SETTLERS ('F TIIE HURON TRACT. TIIE Canada Company. let it he remembered. here provrled the be -t pn.a,hle (a ol,'. •o the mid Seiler. Inr the tran.anunn n( Ro"ne.s with ire.• office in Teron,o through the Agent■ of the Bank of Upper Canada, both ai Gndmeh and Stratford, wittiest charges to the mid set- tler,. Godrrich, Feb. 6th. 1852. v6a2tf THE Subscriber would rerpectfolly in form the Inhalotants of Godeneh and surrounding Country, thathha. opened in the above lug, two door. norlth of Doctor McDouralt'a pew Brick Hauls, Market Square, Ond•neh. His stock taetudee 011 kinds ell GROCERIES, enameller to part of TersJ Trinees, 4erisfu, Carra.fs,8piete, Alas: -Apples and Coder of the eery best kind. in the Pr,viaioa Line will M fogad ewer, Oatmeal, Bolter. Eggs, Ham, Beef, Port, rite win's. Oat., . inial deitrw.ised to keep ammo but arti- cles of tee boot tnaltty, •sd to roll cheap at the Dawe douse, be trusts to recites a Aare of noble patronage. Farmers ted ,.ogle from the emeatry eat. Order. wile be received. and say m- ermaid do well 10 e.tI, as he ores& perehee forws•'les gives by Mr. Horace Herten, iog eery desertpues a Produce, for winch Market Ilgnart, O„d•rieh, a.4 Mr. Peter be .111 pay Om Merest ma Wit pnee. Weeds, Owes Hoot, Stretford. lees' A eh:nee awertmoet of Wb,N is be ,old nests for ibis Nnv.s,v. cheap SAMUCI. MOULSON, 1'0117* ARTHUR.toed 044000. 14 3•19V11109.mkeeetor .>'si'y.90 N. Y. •s tai k, Mei. tear ,S10 'VOTE BY AUCTION. It is easy to we what bribery at borough elections will come to. You can't p -event it; so you had better premit it• (Lees deal- ing in votea is better than clandestine cor- luption. English hate all uuderhanJ trans- actions: end the spirit of fnnkoess that raidoa to British boroughs, will, if unre- stricted, vert smog assert itself in the sale of tlecturs without re►rrve or secre-y, by puhhc auction. We forsee the scene whicb will ere loiss be exhibite 1 before. the polling booth of lJribely, "That respect- able b_rou;b is in course of discharging the elecbual trust which has bees confided to it; which it d res by an arrangement aaalo- gotta to Measra. 'l'atter,a!I,. Mounted • pulpit. hammer iu band, behold Mr. LJ- wat des Coppocks, the constituency auc- tioneer; below him stand the the ca ididate%, their age•ta, and the multitude. Oo the eat of a barrel, set upright before the as- sembly, is atatiouej the lot to be disposed of, consisting of a tee pound householder, not a little taebriatet• 'file crown o1 the g• ntlemiu's hat has been knorked in, and iia covet toru in a constitutional struggle, his kuees bend a little under hila; and ba bltuks and grius, with a pot of beer in one baud, sed a pipe in the other, --Mr. Cop - pucka proceed, to appraise flu valuable commodity in an oratiuu of this kind. Lot one -hundred -ail -one. A free and tadrpesdeut elector, inhabiting a hour ra- ted at tee pounds per animal; plumber and glazier. What shall we say her this free end independent elector? Renting • house at feu pouai' per ann'nn and pay- ing taxes. !'lumber and glazier. .hall we say one thousand pououa lor this free and u.Jepcud.at elector 1 A free plumber. ll.oiy mask for this free plumber 1 Au in- dependent glazier. Nobody say oue Brauer mei pound. for this iudependeot glazier I Ao unbouh: elector. lite hundred hexads fur this elector mtbuu,ltt. .1u • mtelhgrnl elector at. fire huudrrd pounds. Four huodred 1 -Three?- 1'wo -one 1 -An tutellIgent elector and only one hand: Jr e,l purist*. Walk the intelli- gent elector down a few paces -and back. Oat ti.nus'md posted, is only aah.•d for this irtelhe.nt, uubuught,free and independent elector ! His priuci,•i.s a, a m,re straight- forward tkau Ins steps. Only one hundred pounds--auJ so body bid,, end hit prim - copies straightforward. Set him up axon Of what benefit is it to •'tctety that forty fat men, is hood, and petticoats, sboalJ get together twice a day, in the sou. ly enclosed choir of the great cathedral at Florence -- winch none may enter but themselves --and chaut over the same wprJ+, in the same drawhn, nasal tone, with no auditors but 5 or n old women. and a, ioaoy beggars i0 LAW RgyPLCTING NCWRPAPEIta' $ UBSCRIBERB who do not giro esprer eottce to t►• eumrary, are ooserdered ••. witb.ag le ce.tiee their tlubaerieio... If Ssbaenbora ardor the disewe metaeee of tbaw pew, the pathetic*,pathetic*, may 'Gouoo• to oiled them 1111 all amperages ars pawl. 1f 8ubeeirta's oeemet or rofW to take their papers frees the *Bae to wt li tl are dtr•ctrd, they areh'Id reameras Ne 1111 they have *aided thole Silk and Irdered their papers to be discoatlsued. If Subeeribere i onoi• other aoalaciei w t'nout tatorwsing the pisNub.r, the paper is sent to the former direction, they •re bred !opposed/le. or universities, otherwise than allowed by law at present; neither can Jews pretest to to beneficiea in the right of office, or advise 1 the appointment to offices in the Esta- b!iahed Church. mommesi OPISCOPAI.IAN STATfS•1'll:S-SIN- GULAR FACTS. The neces•ty of obtaining more &event* slatt5'tes of the ltehg 0u. Drnontina'to•• ie every year rendered more appare•'t from the peculiar demands which are made, and the clams which are urged upon tb' 6 .v eminent on the gr rund of monsoons, an realty the claims are altogether f•llactntt• -they rest upon no ration .l or :post bares. of calculation. During .et•erel seam rot of Parliament have attempts born made to seeurs in the senna rurr•ct rutarna of se- tual commune:antsta euanrzt•'noh wp the various denouun'tiona, out as Ti' wit it ✓ ecces. *lr. Norman gave notice M a Bill of this kind in th• last session of l're last Parliament, but • promise from Mr Meek, to snterweave the measure with one of his own, led Mr• Nntniin to withdrew his preposition, while, after x11, authtig war dune, It is eel Item we ars Nei:tored• with an avowal so honestly gives of the real weak - was of High Churehism-the rb1ase5 of popular syupathy *111 ira d•rgm.te and iia pretension•, a found in the fo'lowing le - ter to the "British Cansdtan" of 11*1 C: andAden' in the festim,ny of oho R Townley in acumm.tn'ca'l'rrto'he Church wb cp we copy below • 111 arch !9, 1833. RKv AND D•A1 Sia. -T .e cire'latlun of the Report of the Select Committee of thn Church Dtoceaan Society, his caused no small astonishment, not unmixed with feel - lags of chagrin and deep regret among those Who rage interest to the welfate of • the Church ia Wasters Canada, that "oat of 40 000 church leers le the D ocees. among 200.000 church people, there should. b only 4000 cuntrbutoro to the Society." and atmage to tell, •o many Clergymen, wh rye mines du nut appear on the Uer, showinj they take no interest whatever in Se prosperity and advancement! Tbis ai much deplored, as proving injorieur to their successors in the ministry, -the Mis- sionary cause and the Widow and U'ph•na Fund! May 'go venture to hope now the working of this •xeellent Institution to placed iso a hotter and m rweure fo..pdation,, times Rey. Oentlrneti will see the propriety •sad necessity o1 immediately a lining for- ward to lend their powerful and influential auJ with the 'Arty to form Parochial Com - mutees wherever such can be effacord, and promote the interest of *WS ,.:sty, which must eland or 1.11, u it is atipp„rtsd or not' by the unitel and hearty eo-upersttun e( bulb. -Cur. Drilisk Cawadiaa. I.,t user sl.ternwo mark be foe that one of a repot"d re' urn of 500.000 Eo.rc:up.- naaa in 1 v Vesr0 Canada only 40.000 are "church g•.rr." acid a ■in.that O' let a 40,' 000 ,sly iso•+ troth or 1000 cuntrtuute to iog: for 1 lose newer seen the lowest Itali- la building capable of holding 33,000 per - an =gihyr of the indecent practice -to suns! -Of what benefit is it to society that of all descri tion, and classes of people, whiehsome ministers in the United Males P are addicted -of cramming his mouth with among the rest, a vast convocation of beg - plugs of Cavendish, and spurting; its eau= gars -the cripple and macs .n endless varie- .rating juice over pavements, floors hearth tics, wrecks auJ remnants, diriaioos and stones carpets, church aisle*, railway cars,' subsliris'on` of mea. and Steamboat cabins. Saaokin; both of pipe% and of cis ra, and snuff -taking are universal with the Itallians-the latter be- ing an act of social feeling or of friendship. Wien one sees now universal this practice i, he can appreciate the self denial apt! the FRUIT TREES! •1111E subscriber to returning 'hooka to the inhabitants of the County of Horns generally for the very liberal enenuragen merit et with in it Tree'.hhegse e00 Ann voce to the Farmer, of thews United Counties that he is prepared to introduce the Fall, a large and yeti re- lerted stock, comptiaing every variety of Nursery frees, upon her u.ual lib.ralterm.. It would be •upere'tu• to enlarge upon the emperor merits o(., •hi. N.n.ery, and the qualities of Fruit ght from it -bus the large gnanttty of Tree• that have been dlstnboted over nearly all of Upper Canada, for the loot 18 years has gamed for tbta Wryer, • auperority over most nt! erv. The.uh.eriher *mild beg to introduce In tl melee of all three who *t•h to get rind Winter Fruit: the celebrated Northern Spy Apple, it. qualities .re e.prrinr t all other. of ns kind, keeptse ont.l July, and 'wetter• - tog 01111g reborn.. end flavor, which ,a • great deaMeratota nine that period. The .nb.erih.r would ale intim.te that M* Dwarf Pear a in great demand se • Garden Prot, b.rur to two yore atter planing. Every variety of Freit Tree. Ornamental non twee/room Tree. sea ftbrnb., Ilardy Herbaceous Flowerier Played, Dahlias, R ilb.nt. Plnw.rtng Roots. ke. Catarngnes Ceti be bed et say Inial or n.eellmg afoot, rural a MI desertp'tea. Terme. whey 50 Travel are take.. 695 per biredMA, er 3. H roomette? etch. msder 60 Trees. is * 1 ey. tae years credit, rope peyote with inter. A priest • stood on tie: steps of the church, with a wooly water sprinkler iu his bated and a little boy at his side, bearing the bemire. The annuala were trotted Ii. before him ; he read a form of benediction in Latin, shook the sprinkler a( them, mil patriotism of certain republicans at Lome they were good for a twclvewoetb. Of 10 refusing to use tobarco with a view to I course, Daises d .nil for a consideration ;'as cripple the revenue of the Pope from tbe I what is sot in the way of church parades, -if be cps t Stand lel lion att. 1• 'Ay 1-- u,1 (.buten Soeinty! )'hietyl--1weutyl--len 1 --Fite 1 --One! Some years *go an intelligent membef rnanx yon: sir. .1:1 is bid fur 18,, mcortu,,t of that Society Stated puhhely at iia arms*. i elector 1mewing the the c ,otribetion. to rt• elr_tx. ljr,.y one puuud fur This at me* t g 1 Bid iucorrupt. lieulcu-hthe incur ruptelec- tjyw.a did not exceed 31'1. per oral p•r aa- tiuni ; And Mr. Town'y Id the Cnurebe ..1 thu 9 h toot. dcdl ryes wh le writing rela- ,iwe to the Chute,. Society,-" t'bo entire' history of Chriauanity does nut. 1 Imagine, tax on its importation. It was after the I ensile jus, and itansuaities 1 The first ap- f1 our uncal not -drinking -tea -conspiracy of the aucieut I phcat• for a be i,.d,r,tion, after o Bostonians. I were two mi,erabhe old cart burse,, wbe In the customs of Italy the daaaical and I"okei as th,wgh Ido ire ssrnga of all 01. fa - Biblical %indent find% much to remind him' theca in the Church could not keep them of ancient and of oriental manners. Thelon their legs for twenty -tour hour,. I fear plowing is done by the same rude tipple- 110 rite wasextreme unction to twin; and yet the owner dniihtler led them away, re- Joirin;, in the faith that oue crows were chratet of the poor skeletons for a year to come• Next came a drove of donkeys, wish their heads aryl tail, decorated with gay ribbon,. tr./or:11ton( prose eammiued the evear::(u-be-np- preheeded aismioe i.iprntrriety brattngi0 the midst 00 the ceremony. So sb•nrd in- decorous, sod pomp n„,ly laeciell wan this water, which they carry home upon their arcne-,m stut,iJ.yet enn.ctnurly riJicor lint. tu'rt tan8ai J. Going at oue pound. l'wo! Fwo Immo!, offered tor this inc,.rrupt elec- tor- a liratnb freeman. Going at two pound. At two pmwid,, and a liriti%h afford anr•ther instances in which so small a frrentan for whom )'Jury bled -at two portion of Vie incomes of it* menlbsrs was pc-alnl Hamlett fought, going at Iwo devoted to this Church tel Chi tot, and hi.' outer, ea is generally the bare 0u (Ism con- ',went 'Posen,• huo.-liat,ng aJmte.i-•na t(nnre Rohl' the.psrty wiuc:i claims the po ton of the only troe fa.th, and witch boasts of iid super:unty over all other duuon.inatlo#es1' to nuurbuta and wealth! Such recta tudlcata the somperatiie(7 .mall amount of popul rr*pup tthr po.sesi• u ed by the Epicenpalan C,ergy and thew is .\la;na Charta--and going at tour .yatrm to this section of the i'ro,ioee. sn4 pound. ! Magna Ghtrtar and the Bill of prove that but fur the energies erected hi, R,,h:a--and--fare pounds! Attire pouuJs tun logsl robbery of oar k:Bebegner they Aorul--this incorru,,t, intelliseut, uubought would 11551 oc. opted, as thoy du, ,o' reality,' Tree, and indtprndaot elector, incurrupt t 6111111 rate he sural er Je.om!satlon O PExaminer lace of • af aa,1 five pounds (tidy-wittntclligrotaud only live --and uobouglit--for the only; ant free and indepenIaut, and g,ting at fist pound,. Sit ! Seven ! Going at seven. .hind his birthright Magna Chart*. Al wren pounds! And his Whet-ittore the meats that were iu use before the tihri,- tian era; sometimes two cows sometimes a horse and a cow, are yoked to a long pole which is tied to a bough or truak of a tree, the fork of which, of the rudest piece of iron, for the purpose of a coulter. The women atilt go down to the streams to wash and to fill their earthen jars with pounds. At two pound+ only and-- three ! For whom Ilatupdcu fought atilt .Sydney bled, at three rends. And ten! Vince ;mum!, ten. Ali,' Hail -Oen and Sidney-- ouly three pouud leo--Ilalniden, Sydney and liussell--going at three pound, ten nbillinga--b!ed--there poeud+ feu'! Four! Going at four. Assist tug 11ritish (ermtn to bold up hi% head And, lira birthright + i heads; their jars correspond exactly in seemed the chief actor., Boit N stniek to - torus form and size with Ilse fart. of the Eatru- casa and of the Egyptians sees in the Bri- tish museum and i. the Louvre in Para. Shepherds clothed to akin are aeen tending their flocks in the fields, and eaves, natural and arttlicial, are visible in which they take refuge by night or in a storm. to short one every where tees the stereo- typed customers of thousand of years. Their mode el life is extremely n•sh- geot and filthy. In the village'', route and heman being% are huddled together under the sante roof, the court -yard or the lower part of the house Whig need as • stable by night. in the cities the houses are saintly high sed built of stone --the remnants of e eriest palaces ---and in these the dirt and debris of whole 'erre ions ire aolferad to accumulate. The only merit to this sub- stantial style of healdtag is Its seesrity against fire. The first cost of tech a build- ing is too great to allow 01 it i being polled Doves every few years to make room for a hotter, and its etreetnre does not admit of changes end " improvements." it world seem impossible to introduce tato Italy the comfort sod the ehenliness of Amer teen and toe benediction might hare commcnre 1. without i,a..propnatetie•s, with an apostutte "uea,Iy-beloved b etbrru'" • Du not thiek me irreverent, fi o n 'hi., or ter thin; of the km 1 I may s,5. 1 fella date► increasing iedlgnotion and contempt toward the monatr I )U, abeur•l,tiea of this system of religion, a,J the actors therein. i o reverence srkb things and .u: li ova. were an Mask to the God in whom i bo - here. There came up a .1,1 h, n and very vi., lent ,hewer. and we were drirl(n for shelter. tato the eho;ck, while►, wm wtre brnsr kt In guy ,•rk p• r• on; air 1 kh• bilking pt the line, Ming wade is th-• northern matted n+' into marc mta.sTle rel inn. with the lower oath, and lb. ,ul„rribi,. toil without Micro I is,..,,,,ttt es heml.ph.rs, le t8. saten- elassea than was adtnd her sate or •story. words, in the 5150 nnmler as Jews are a1• • •49 '11"1" '.01 either 104'. wf thew frevinws,t• ,mtte'l to give ....victim. wi the cater, o11aw, .1 root** 0*f• •0•,H *111 be tele. Hemi 1 am a Garlic astirat, ever n Italy, till it earn• an.l their a4 Ah'ean trader wr lit r'eoe.F. a% to sod pelei, when, l moat codes., shill be deemed autfreiene; lett, with re- m ol alt h•e perces, wt. d rader i tit Pet W my hog in .h racier. y ter the arma Wye Tett tate,` (Ms t.tFn eau 1 aub.crbirr11 stshall 'I'M nr a r1weer 5n.rd.he 8 .+r'My aMntMa character. After the .form wax paa,e,l, 1 i the netsn-uerhape w38 1 toy sl s.atpiles/ Whatnot etnadtl..p„w .hsr , trill,' Ms . Serie bleedhored to pe•w t. t HIGIIWAY OF TiIE OCEAN. An arttele in ChewSrri. Journal. Willed ..S'eam around the cape," counties the fel- 1•owine expian,ory remvku :-" Pers, Rill of Rights. Supply the u,be'tt✓r of who Jo not pay spree! •tfention to nauf4• \la{aa Chaim with another pipe. And est .matters aro Lkely enowgh ail supp«e soiree puu.ids'. la;ht! Ni,.! Nine that, constdaung Of. i.rKn number of veva pore.l. for Ibis uob,u,,ht elerlor. Going vele •t na, the •nrflee ••f the greet ocean at nine -gain,,, --g g 1 Ten pnmuk! moat bo d. tel '.i,•r, a!m"•a se •wiry part ren rind. for this tocorrupt elector! t.oing at ten pound,. For whom Mussel, Sy.1wy and Ilamp Ire, bled --at ten pounds i iomg ! And lit. Imo hri lit Magna charts .burl ten roofs. An Ilalev, Corpus. Going ! althea* Corp', and :Magna t;har- ta ! I labeas Corpus mid the 1ii11 of Rights! Going at len pounds. Goon; ! Bill of Rights! healer Cbsrta. linin:(! Ening oiter---I,^mug - llabeas Corpus!- - 0 (iuDe t Awl Mr. L,Iwardes Cor peck kuor:ka .I,wn the preen" lot, wilt, thereupon, roll. barrel aims) aha cheers and laughter of the spectators. -Protech. Jewish Disabilities.- -Lord John Russell's Bill for the relief of her Majesty'a subjects professing the Jewish religion, 101 lust been printed It eont.ib., only six ,'Ionic,. I h. iit''l provieiol allows that I so0 any of her Majesty''s subjects who professes the Jewish reIigion presenting leinr!f to Os- the Oath of ■'iosrsttin, the •runes " urn the bole faith of a l.luatitaa" •hell be umitl..1 .n adnnstslr.rl's; the oath with the ••il. of the c•r'Atlees Abet. Tk'd 1011Ve.rr, t, not ibi Cape : Hog neoaw, bks th.land, 1.•• ,1. Irrgnente1 hightseys. sad its ord. rowan. of lonitnes.. If an nbeer- ver(i,ttiehe,l with a f,rty-Iler•chel tele -.f ileupe p.wrr of vis on, could he devoted In • height great annogh to roe hint a niew of the whnla MLotto, tet wo.tld ►w struck by beholding hundreds of vessels' f,llnwiag one another upon certain linen , long a very trregnl•r coons, while eV*, • Very large p',rt.on of the portico well • ■• I Would bw vinahle. Thell k. w Weld INS the ably w'r.h leave rhos reentry fir lbw Cape or India pursue et Nom a een•h•weet. erly eoerae, analf thew ratites) the owieh- hwurhood of Meagre, then keen mo* Ai.. recut to thi south• ate nate dt•tanees from, the A'rtean e•,a.t,.'ntrll th.s eroea.,l oh. line : thee .Ireeh covey agars to the eMIC; west, in the Jtem itt.rs wf South Amort•., t.t(lthey gain I've Lone of wester , wind. d. Snails. soaking • rather •hsr tor., t.t.. • wind, go blowing +lona rheas io ea•tear 1 till they arrive al the Cape, or fixe, if an diverted: pass to the Myatt - wart of it. 1►n the retire voyage a einaflei ennntn,g reel* to thir,u«I, •Ith.tigtt taw e 'nrsg'e ere to some extent ►eOmwrpl, thus wtd..t e,rrort, of devl•tine from the direct •n th ti the Pn;x's *to 1 came. snarly driven In car- naZra, ma ntfi.•ent tnrnoitte. '1'hell (olhrw- ed these 00 the ,.ardinak, searrely.lea state- ly sad gorgemn. Nest came twenty four superb uses, bet -yogic; t5 Prince Nom- pec a.ity of takiu j the -tcra:n. a as a qtN- bino, attached to role ear, i1 ', all decor- 19 i ntt"ei n, Ietr r I ei \:it other's, the nab •repre. Al..d with plumes sad rihi,00.-really a head- Io- t(ul eigt1t• vision• ►t is r1i, tdste I that na person ni the f of Ler,' The morals ethvh an 00 inn 1111.00 40,141 .ieRisll ►eftgiot, to bol Imo oi, ,- the Ceraisal,were blaamd •Intl ea'swai .;hsa+ellororLordli••e,..'r,barI-laieate.- d-weeetrstians of popolsr (t•'ing•: Id It is .µ of Ireland. en 1 I lt4!t C walailei o w of n IoM. tit• ..I 14st, .a.ne,lsa, 5t •sl tater General Aeeembty .n Soothed. The ly ndenlpn• r•rew'•mal 1 0v'l Ae1el1. Bill due. nil tastily nl.v pesos. t0 ho1.1 n.1y be ao deemed •ate w1vrr the remote has been returned after the panning of this' Act. The deelarati.rn repaired by ltd 8tY rad 916 Viet•wia e. Iii., *tech repealed the Rglieh bs,n,w►ile tab ..ernee+ depn- at night; all re tateat rt ib r s1r001•a 51 or Whet, ler. 'reokltly a iw.tMp-is Isw firs d •covers( 18at tie ywR sten haul a ►eosr ke img •tarsi hoe diesn *isi', (trail gws .'et 1.1, '*'11 .bb 81 nem Veen ••s well ehRiel gottay! Iron 4.'0bttr toe pmt0se•t 1 were 11 Irisfy f ♦dprtwtia 0Sl-es% 1 Ue.'w.l States, ern eke w( et<rir e15l I.ats$rf w..w1.1 noose Oboes, Pt yao.g Fra.kl'e w•'el4 I •*05e14 1... part nl bra hesily ew the pi' a h14, se -1 obit M htiN8 eI •o ►a1 !'s' T' etwtwrrow e.. sal hes me. It a earn nsp is 1M (rberets eeeleea•tisd e- '*s, ! 41