HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-12, Page 17COMING EVENTS APRIL TPA and Bazaar in the Library basement, April 11, 5 to 5 p.m. Home baking, candy, a p r o V. a, handicraft, country store, white elephant table and Parcel • Post sale. Under the auspices of the Exeter Chapter OES, 5:12e 1,9 .1‘,1 711 i nv• ".; • JAW ',No,. owe, "Next." Superior Propane Ltd. presents your HOME AND FARM SHOW Thedford Legion Hall Wed., April 25 1-10 p.m. 3 FREE DRAWS FOR CAMPING EQUIPMENT Free Gifts for everyone in attendance ALL THE LATEST IN GAS APPLIANCES No admission charge Brownie's Drive-in .Theatre Ltd„ Clinton OPENING Thursday, April FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH Children Under 12 in Cars Free .. .. 19 NIGHT THURSDAY & FRIDAY—April 19-20—Double Bill "FULLER BRUSH MAN" RED SKELTON I%FULLER BRUSH GIRL" LUCILLE BALL (Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY — April 21 — Double Bill "FIVE GUNS TO TOMB STONE" James Brown — John Wilde "OPERATION BOTTLENECK" Ron Foster — Miiko Take (Cartoon) Watch This Space Every Week For Top Entertainment S tarlite Drive-In Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Box office opens at 7 p.m, 40411111111,0617 Children Under 12 in Cars Free Fri., & Sat., April 13 and 14. (Double Feature) eht,tor. TeorNiebus..„ tie4**4 is Uinta: AMR toseiel1417111114114DIMIlLE 11111111111111111111111111111111, Hot Beet Supper (Ail You Can Eat) Wednesday, April 25 6;30 p,m, EXETER LEGION Sponsored by Mon of Trivitt- Memorial Church ADMISSION: ADULTS 51.50, CHILDREN 6$g For Take-Out Orders Dial 235,0422 47-VOICE ItiCapella Chorus From GOSHEN COLLEGE Goshen, Indiana UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MR. DWIGHT WELDY Sacred Music Centred Around Easter Zurich Community Centre Saturday, April 14 at 8:00 p.m, Everybody Welcome No Admission Charge —1;4 This week The TimesAcivocate, April 12 1962 ,P49A,1,7.: Alias Noreen Wallorn And . Howard Bum s.v.e.re Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Kohl. McGregor of Kippen YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PAGE Boys! Girls! OVER 12 Years of age on January 1, 1962, and under 21 years on December 31, 1962 Join one of these. 4-H Clubs AT THE inn :4!) Euchre and Dance CORBETT COMMUNITY HALL Friday April 13 Ladies Please Bring Lunch DON'T THROW IT AWAY I Paper Drive WED., APRIL 18 Starting at 1;00 p.m. Covering Exeter, Crediton, Centralia and Dashwood Your waste papers will contri- bute twice as much to welfare services if it's neatly rolled. We'd appreciate your assist- a rice. EXETER LIONS CLUB Proceeds for Scout Work DANCE CONTESTS Grand Bend Square Dance FINALS Friday, April 13 Starts 9;00 p.m. MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE AND HIS NIGHT HAWKS UM week's winners—M. Deitz and his set from Mitchell, Twist FINALS Saturday, April 14 Starts 8:30 p.m. MUSIC BY STEW BAIRD AND HIS COLLEGIANS Last week 's winners—, Pat and Ron Westrope, Windsor Entrants Can Still Vie For Finals If Entries Received Before 10;00 p.m, on Both Nights GENEROUS CASH PRIZES AWARDED FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD ON THE FINAL NIGHTS, Preference given to advance entries—write or phone. Fun For Everyone At the HOTEL IMPERIAL GRAND ..BEND FRIDAY NIGHTS FISH FRY ALL YOU CAN EAT .500 ELGIN FISHER & HIS RHYTHMAIRES Will Provide MUSIC for Listening and Dancing SATURDAY NIGHTS AMATEUR NIGHT JOIN THE FUN — ENTRIES STILL OPEN FOR CONTESTANTS Chicken Fry — 50 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TWIST PARTY WATCH — LEARN — PARTICIPATE mon. e:r.m Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Dancing 9 to 12 Admission: 750' Per Person • 1.1.0.. Jackets and Jeans Not Allowed • ORGANIZATION MEETING South Huron District High School Tuesday, April 17, 8:30p M, Exeter 441 Calf Club Exeter QmN Sweet 'Corn .Club Oe any Other club, provitlect there are at least 1 net bert 'PARENTS ARE URGED TO BE it,'FteaNT April 12, 13, 14 THURS., FRI., SAT. April 16, 17, 18 WED. MON, TUES., This is how love is... end always will be... INGRID BERGMAN YVES MONTAND ANTHONY PERKINS RRit 1E, ,,,Sr V4 I V. :111E .01 M eftStoi ttlfl 0, AGE Oe Com Uses! 'Ten the nerd "Aimei•Vonst3r.km." M FRANCOISE SAGAN Midnight Show SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, APRIL 22 "Curse of the Demon" • plus I Married a Monster from Outer Space' Re' OThtneilded Adult: Entorteinthel 4.1111111111111#411PAPAPI. Get more out of life ... GO TO A MOVIE Double Thrills! * VINCENT PRICE With StereSonic Sound ROBUR THE CONQUEROR and his amazing warship . destroyer of the armies and the navies of the world , the fabulous adventures of a man who conquered the earth to save it I "THE FIRST TEXAN" A hard-fisted story of the Men who blazed the trails in Texas, HILES units MASTER, or THE WOBILD MAGNACOLOR 'JOEL MaREA FELICIA FARR JEFF MORROW AA Al4TI$I$ Piet COMING SOON I TYL LyTrt il: re i n * HEY, LET'S TWIST * BRIDGE TO THE SUN * FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE (Adult) 7k KING OF KINGS * SPOOK CHASERS * A POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES * FANNY (Adult) * X-15 (Filmed Actually in Outer Space) 'Craw 'Best Actor' Greet Film Festival ea' rfle ANATOLE LITVAK rsoavcrto "GOODBYE AGAIN” A woman and two men, one devoted, the other unfaithful Ingrid Bergman, greater than ever, with Anthony Perkins, winner of the Cannes acting award, and the popular French star, Yves Mantend, LYRIC THEATRE tttEtt '123 X -,2011 First Show 7s30 Socond show 9A0 Matinee 2:08 04114 Mrs, ,ra coutt 4 of •C.,a0VCOT, 3,‘Ilar, Brenda, Parkinson- who has been visiting 'with her Mr, and Mrs Maurice daughter. Airs, Fred Parkinson ker. Roeliwomi, were guests. and. family has returned to her with her parents, Mr. and lilts. game• Arelue Dewar for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrow, Miss Janice and. Laurie Et- London, were Sunday guests Mon, London, spent the week. with her parents. Air. and Airs, end %tub their grandparents, Otto Reimer. Air. and Airs Robert Elston. Alias Kathy and Joyce Airs Tom Coward. is a pa- ken were Sunday guests with Bent in St. Joseph's Hospital. lay MRS. W14,141.AM. .R91-1Pg 'TIIAAIES ROAD On Friday .evening around seventy five -adults and cltrl- drnrn sat flown to a pot luck supper in the school house, After supper the children played bingo and the adults played ruebre. Prizes were won by: men's high,. Ron Patterson; low, Wil- liarn Snow; lone hands, Mrs, Wilfred Hunkin; ladies high, Mrs,. Robert .111aver; low, Airs, Gertrude Wiseman. At the close Mr, and Mrs. `Thos Ballantyne of Exeter were called forward and Alvin Pass- more read an address and. Lee Webber and Reg Hodgert pre- soiled Mr. and Mrs, fiallantyne with an occasional ehair and ehina floral centrepiece. and. Mrs. BallantYne both spoke a few words of thanks. This evening brought the euchre parties to a close until next winter. Speaker .at-meeting Easter UCW thankoffer- ing meeting was held in the .church basement with a fair attendance with Mrs, Ross .Bal- lantyne and Mrs, Jack Duncan as hostesses, Mrs. William Cann was in charge of the worship service assisted by Mrs. :Edwin Miller, Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Mrs. Ar- nold. Cann, Mrs. fiev Morgan and Mrs, Kenneth Duncan, Airs, Nedegier of Clinton sang two solos, Airs. Hugh Wilson introduced the guest speaker Airs. Norman Holland of Clinton who gave an interesting talk, It was decided to bring in articles of either new or good used clothing preferably for children. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ether- ington and Johnnie, Air. and Airs. Albert Etherington, Air, and Mrs. Richard Etherington were guests at the Etherington- Ferguson wedding in Rowntree. Memorial United Church, Lon- don, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .13allaft- tyne entertained a number of married couples on Friday evening. Misses Joanne and Laurel }lodger( spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hewett of Londesboro. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Johns and family, Rev, Hugh and Airs. Wilson were guests at the Gertsenkorn- Johns wedding in Elimville United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hun- kin, Margaret and. Kenneth visited recently with Mr, and Airs, Lloyd Knight and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Alan were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs,'Barry Mr. and AIrs, Ross Hodgert and Diane were guests on Send nylons to Japanese By MRS. C. WOODBURN GREENWAY The UCW meeting was held in the church with Mrs. Ed Bul- lock as hostess. The worship service and program was ta- ken by Mrs, Paul Eagleson and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey. Mrs. Brophey gave a read- ing "The miracle of the Mes- siah" and told of the origin of the "Messiah" by Handel. Miss Evelyn. Curls played "The Hal- lelujah Chorus" by Handel, Mrs. Brophey gave a chapter of the study book "Signals for the Sixties". Mrs. Eagleson gave two readings. - Mrs, Joe Horner, the presi- dent, took charge of the busi- ness session. Several improve- ments in the church were dis- cussed and committees ap- pointed to look after same. Airs. Harlton, the supply convener, reported that 15 lbs. of used nylons had been sent to Japan and used nylons are still being asked for. Six pair of mitts knit by Mrs. Jos. Horner Sr, were given to be sent in the bale. Letters were read in- viting the ladies to attend a UCW workshop in lames St. Church, Exeter, April 12 and a rally at Blyth April 15, Two members visited the birthday batik, Twenty three 11101'11)er:5 were present. The May meeting will be held at, the home of Airs, Harvey Eagleson, The Bereat Bible Class of the United Church will hold its Meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and. Airs. Law- rence Curts and the, Harmony Class will hold a meeting at the Ironic of Mr. and Mrs. ROss i3rown. Several relatives in this com- mueity attended a iniS0011 A . norms Shower in Lieury United Church on'Tuesday evening for Miss Donna Mee Steeper, A bride-elect of this Month. Exeter Figure Skating Club will meat Wed„ April 18 8;15 EXETER TOWN HALL To make plates for next. season All interested pa,tents welcome WAIlltIN MAY, President Sunday with Airs Muriel liil ler of Seatorth, Weekend visitors at the. manse were: Airs. Nelson Tre- wartha of Clinton, Mrs. William Norman of Holmesville, Margaret Cragg, Air. Max Rey- craft, from Toronto, and Mr. and Airs. Arthur lioisooneau of .K.leinburg. Air. and Airs. 'William Snow and Billy visited on. Sunday with Mrs. ,Lorne Linker of lien- sell. Air. and Airs. Mae Hodgert and family were guests on Sun- day with RI% and Mrs. 00r -- don. llawatt of Londesboro. ,Rev. Hugh Wilson attended the funeral of the late Mrs, (Rev.) J. W. Hird of Gerrie on AlondaY afternoon, Air. and. Airs, Victor Jef- fery, Mr. and .111rs, Reg, Hod- gcrt, Grant and Brenda, Air, and Mrs. William. Rohde were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Airs. William Fergu son. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Cann of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Moore. The Elimville and Thames Road Young People attended the Sunday evening service at the EUB Church in Zurich where Rev. Hugh Wilson was speak. Mg. On the way home alt went into the manse for coffee and lunch. A group n.1 ladies house. cleaned the kitchen of the church on Alonday afternoon, prior to the laying of a new tile floor. News bycl9et from Baseline .0.y MRS. ARcHIE .t IIWAR. Forsenal items Airs. 11 o b i Dellrabanticre spent last week with her son. Mr. Jules De Brahandere and • faintly. Miss Mary De Brat:m.1)0re of St. Joseph's .Acariemy, Loudon, spent, the weekend with her parents, Air. and .Airs. Jules De.Brabandere and family, Alr. and Mrs. Laverne Budd and family were guests on • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and family. Thames Road group pc:y5 tribute to .couple