HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-12, Page 16LUCAN'S OLDEST COUPLE CELEBRATE
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Princess St.
6 7th anniversary!
Ihe fkne fo
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('age 14 April 12, 1942
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott Phone 227.4255
.7.e• •• .
and district news
To start work soon on new PO
ton and (Flora) Mrs. A. L. Moving Day has come early
Kernick of Lucan They also to a number of Lucanites. Mr,
have five grandchildren and and Mrs. Bernard Avery have
nine great grandchildren. moved back into their own
Since retiring 36 years ago, house on Beech St. north, va-
the couple have lived with their sated when Mr. and Mrs. Bar-
family, coming to Lucan in ney Welch and family moved to
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Garside
Albert Simpson moved into the house vacated
and family of London have
by Mr. and Mrs, Avery, area carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scott And
family have moved into their
Albert Simpson (Ab) 82, Lon- new home next door to Mr.
don, died suddenly in London and Mrs, Ervin Scott and the
Wednesday, April 4. CNR agent, Mr. Wes Colley and
Very Rev, K. B. Keefe of family have moved into the
St. Paul's Church conducted Scott residence,
funeral services at the A Mil- Mr, and Aire. Owen Saward
lard George Funeral Home et and famils of London Town•
2:307 'p.m. Saturday, April 7. ship have moved into the house
intiOssilent was in St, James recently gutted by fire and
cemetery, Clandeboye, formerly own. d by Miss Kate
Pall-bearers were two per- Bowyer. now of Detroit.
Aortal friends of Mr. Simpson Boy iniured by dog and- local relatives, Messrs,
7ta4tioce Smipson. Roy Mc-
Rahh, Don Simpson and Har-
old' Simpson,
Besides his wife, he is stir-
vived by three daughters and
two sons, Mrs, Iohn (Helen)
Stringer, 'Bancroft, Mrs. John
(Kathleen) Denelli,
Miss Dorothy and Elliott and
Burton, alt. of London, also six
grandchildren and ono grand-
Son Of the late .tames Simi>
eon arid Mary Jane ratter. he
Was born on Cot 2 McGilli-
vray, where he farmed and
did carpenter Work for some
years before moving to the
Lucan district, Here be farmed,
where Mr, E, ft, nu and Mr,
Pon Crozier now live, before
moving into the house recently
owned by the late 'Mrs, Wm.
Welter's DO Princess St., Ltts
earl. 1929 he 'IneVed, 1.6- ton-
don and confined as a par.
While :in. Lucan he attended
Holy rtrihity Church where he
Sang the thO'ir, lit Lblideit
be was r tnettiber r t
Paul's Chtles"...
Ilie fire Wife, the former
ttnaie Elliott, died about three
varit age,. In February t 62
11n Married lqrS, Etita Mae
ritidley, whti survives hire,
Danny Hardy, four year old
son .of Mr,and Mrs. Harold
Hardy, while playing with a
neighbor's dog was scratched on
the faces He was rushed to St.
Joseph's Hospital for an eye
operation and has been there
for the past 10 days "bul is
making satisfactory recovery.
and the
(An operetta fat ehildren'a
With 2-piano et eoeepaniment,
Apr.26-8:15 perm
Adults no Children .5(10
Proceeds for crippled
`14,.r.7.,.7.4- A •
Mr. Philip Squires' music
studio has been moved frOm•
the old post office building to
the apartment oe William St,
which at One time was the
Dance Studio.
Mr. Bill Pike of Alton, CW-(1.
student, was guest of honor at
A birthday party, Saturday
evening at the 'home of Mr. and
The library was organized in Mrs, ('layton Abbott when 14
1877 as a mechanic's institute. Members of, the Pentecostal
In 1898 it was changed into a Holiness Church, following the
public libra r y association. showing of the film "Holland
owned and operated by the Wonder", met to offer con-
.subscribing members. s;r attdations, and spend a ea-
Now the library will become L'ia I time,
thepro,perty of the municipal, Delores Murray of bonder
ity and will be managed by a WAS a weekend visitor with her
board to be appointed by the grandmother, Mrs, 11. Ater-
vermeil and school board. The ray, returning home with
necessary bylaws will be pre- parents, Mr. and Airs. ..lack
Merray, on Sunday.
Library here
made public
Lucan personal lei. Pay tribute •,Chorch
to organist activities
,,Lucan's oldest couple, Mr. June 1960. For the past year
and Mrs. John Harris (94 and Mrs. Sellers has also been
85 years) celebrated their 67th making her home with her
wedding anniversary last Wed- sister, to assist in the care of
nesday, at the home of their the couple,
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Considering their age, Mr.
and Mrs, A.L. Kernick, of and Mrs, Harris are in good
Frances St., Lucan, health, able to he up each day
but confined to the house. .Mr. and Mrs, Harris were Married April 3, 1895 at the Mrs. Harris still likes to dry
'some of the bride's parents, the dishes but Mr. Harris is
the late, Mr. and Mrs, David content to sit and read, Both
Campbell, of Walton by th e enjoy watching television.
lite Rev. Wesley Cousins. Mr. On Sunday, April 1, Mr. and
Harris is the son of the late Mrs. Kernick held a family
Mr. and Mrs, John Harris of gathering for the count e,
Grey Township. Besides the three sisters, a
The couple farmed for 35 niece, Mrs. Archie Krieg of
M... Preston and Mr. Bob Taylor sears at Walton, where and family of London' were Harris was also insurance
hydro building will be torn
down in the near future.
The new building will have a
concrete foundation and frame
construction with an exterior
finished in plywood panels and
brick veneer.
Ex-wardens meet
Of the 25 Middlesex ex-war-
dens, 15 of them met last Mon-
day for a dinner get-to-gether
at the Glen Allan restaurant,
London. Among the 15 were
Messrs. H, B. Langford and
Harold Corbett of Lucan and
Fred Dobbs of Exeter,
Mr. Langford who served in
1935 has the honor of being
the second oldest living ex-
warden (as to date of service),
'x.--Sheriff Graham of London
•eing the oldest.
This Thursday evening at 8
.m. thet Lucan Irish "6" old-
timers wilt play the Exeter
old timers, This will be a good
game to "watch,
The. lineup of the, Lucan Irish
six includes: J. Freeman, Ivan
Hearn, LeRoy Revington, Fred
Revington, A r t Hodgins, H.
Stretton, Bill Smith, Ross Mc-
Roberts, Norm Hardy and
Jack Hardy. You %yin remem-
ber this team of years past..
Remember the date tonight,
April 12, 8 p,m.
Shamrock Minor Hockey
came to a close last Satur-
day with Belmont winning the
juvenile, midget, and bantam
trophies, Lambeth winning the
pee wee,
There will be a meeting for
all those interested in tennis,
Monday evning, April 16 in
the Lucan arena auditorium.
Watch for the next home
game of the Lucan-Ilderton
Combines, as they win their
way to the Ontario interme-
diate Championship, The boys
could have more support by
The junior drama school
will present its first play
Thursday evening, 8 o'clock,
May 3. More about ticket
sales. etc„ at another date.
The council received the re.
'sort of Auditor Grant •Kime On
1e61 operations.
Dog tags are now on sate and
log catcher, Boyden Herbert,
's busy rounding up dogs, still
'turning at large.
Daylight saving time iii Lu-
van will again coincide with
the date set by London.
Conlin stars
in Toronto
In last week's Maple Leaf
Garden program, Stan Obocliac
gives a lengthy "player pro-
file' of Paul. A few of his
comments were: Paul is now
assistant captain of St,Mike's
and may be, to the leant this
year, what Bruce Draper (a
key factor in the Memorial Cup
victory) was last year", Mike
Armstrong of the Telegram
commented, "Conlin is a good
hockey player, one of last
year's best" and Lack Marks
of the Globe and Mail re-
marked, "Conlin sure is a good
hockey player, a good checker,
an experienced player who
rarely makes a mistake", Ed-
die. Bush, Hamilton coach,
commented, "That Conlin is a
terrific player, We'll have to
watch him."
Though out of play for sev-
eral weeks with injuries, Paul
is back in action again.
Paul at present, a grade
thirteen pupil, is undecided as
to a pro hockey career, the
teachers' college or University
Of Toronto. There's also the
possibility the good looking
fellow could become a TV per-
sonality, Already he has ap-
peared with Rocket Richard in
a TV Vitalis production, He
has also shoWn particular abi-
lity as a football player, but
whatever the future holds in.
store for him, his Lucan
friends are proud of him.
Belmont, Lucan 3-2
Last Tuesday night at Bel-
mont, the Belmont Bantams
defeated the Lucan Bantams
3-2 in two straight games, win-
ning the Shamrock League
Bantam Championship,
Larry Lewis and Brian Has-
kat were Lucan goal getters
and together with Don Bud-
do were Lucan's three stars for
the last game of the season.
Lucan winner
When Mr. Hugh Birtch vis-
ited Mr. Wm, Birtch of. St. Ma-
rys a week ago he told him
that he heard his daughter's
name (Mrs. Clayton Abbott of
RR, Lucan) called on the Lon-
don Coffee Club program as
the winner o.f a food hamper.
Mrs, Abbott picked up her
hamper this week and was de-
lighted with its contents. It
was Miss Line Abbott who sent.
her name into the club,
.Seturday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. •Howerd MacDonald were
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Melsin-
chey and. Airs. Laura aleLin-
chey of Parkhill.
Mr. and Airs, Glen Alca'alls
and family of London were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Sirs.
W. R. McFalls.
Mrs. Wiliam Walker of De-
trait was a weekend visitor of
Mr, and Mrs, Wes. Revington
and family.
Mrs. . Al'. Calder of Lore
don and Mrs. 'I', C, McFarlane
of Lucan, were Friday guests
of Mrs, Don Downs,
Saturday nights
The Lucan Businessmen's As-
sociation met in the council
chamber's last Wednesday to
decide on the time of store
closing for the summer, It was
decided to remain open until
10 p.m. each Saturday until
further notice beginning April
7 and to close Wednesday af-
Plans were also discussed for
a bigger and better Santa
Claus parade this yea t'.
Winners at, the nine-table
LOL euchre in Lucan last Wed-
nesday were: high score, airs.
George Davis, Exeter, and
Mr. Lawrence Beckett., Wood-
ham, • lone Lands, Mrs. Harry
Webber, Woodham, and Mr.
Harvey Hodgins, Luca!), and
for low score, Mrs. Joe Car-
ter, Clandeboye and Mr. N. W.
Wasnidge, Lucan,
Air. Ern: Hodgins of the
Coursey Line won the box of
Raise trip,funds
with PS dance
Miss Margaret. Dejong, tea-
_cher. of SS No. 2 Biddulph, and
her pupils staged a successful
dance at the school Friday
night. Owing to measles the
Hamilton brothers were not
able to assist Mr, Don Petti-
grew with the music hut Alt's.
Harry Clarke and Mr. Don Din-
ney of Crediton filled in.
he large box of groceries
was won by Mr. Ado& Culbert,
Proceeds from the dance will
go towards school trip.
the death of their ,father,
Miss Margaret Culbert of
London spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr, and Airs, Al-
jot, Culbert,
Mr. and Mrs.. •Clayton. Abbott
and Linde and Air. and Mrs.
Jim Alogford, were Wednesday
guests of Mr- and Airs. Billy
Abbott of Niagara, On the Way
they picked rip. Jeffery Maguire,
five year old son of Ur. and
Mrs. Lloyd Maguire, bringing
him to Loran. His parents took
him home on Sunday-
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thompson
and Cheryl were Sunday guests
of Mrs. J. N. Brown of St.
Air, Hilton Roberts of Lon-
don Township is erecting a new
home on the late lot east of Mr.
and Mrs. non `Squire, on iiigh•
way 4,
Alr. and Alva. R. Crosier and
family were weekend. guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mueller
and family of Waterford.
Mr, and Mrs. l{, A, 'Mullins
of London were Saturday
guests of Mrs. Henry Hodgins.
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Dickens
of Lambeth and Mr, and Mrs.
Ray Smith arid family of Fin-
gal, were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mae-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mor-
ris of liespeler and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Second of London
were Friday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J,K. Dickson,
Mrs, Florence Cunningham.
of London spent a few days
last week with her sister', Mrs,
ateFalls of Alice St.
Mrs, Earl Dixon of McGil-
A. large congregation at-
tended the 11 n'elock service
most of whom also attended
the congregational ItIncheon in
the ehtirela basement, to honor
the organist, Air- Ken Clarke
trier to his taking up his new
duties as Organist -of the .Galt
Anglican Church.
The Iwo wardens, Mr. Mer-
ton Culbert, and. Air. Clarence
Haskell, officiated in a presen-
tation of a transistor radio and
purse of money front the con-
gre,gation, the former' reading
an address and the latter mak-
ing the presentation. Follow-
big Mr, Clarke's expression of
thanks, Mrs, Jack Steacy, on
behalf of the choir, Presented'
Mr. Clarke with a wallet,
The president, of the Ladies
Guild and her assistants were
in charge of the luncheon,
Lenten servic e
Thursday a Lenten service
was held in the church but
was poorly attended. The rec-
tor urged that a larger con-
gregation be out OILS Thursday,
April 12 at 8:30 p.m,
Pentecostal ,Helineee church
The four films, "The Ghas
mien" on Friday night, "Hol-
land Wonder" on Saturday
night, and "Miracle Worker"
On Sunday night and the extra
filet ".Black Gold" on Monday
night all drew a good attend•
ance, not, only of Lucan mem-
ItI)enriste 'dbuct hiso ctshider.
Counsellor .1 oyce •Cnutsey
was in charge of Monday's Ex-
plorer .expedition. Nancy Park
and Marilyn Hearn took the
worship service.
President alas, C. H. George
presided at an executive meet-
ing of the IJCW in the .chereb
school room on Monday to plan
the Masonic centennial ban-
quet, April 27 at the COMMU-
oity Centre.
Anglican WA
Last. Wednesday •afternoon 16
member's of Holy Trinity Wom-
an's 1uxiliary met at, the home
of Alt's, Roy Hamilton for the
April meeting. Air's, Erwin
Scott presided and led in. the
devotions assisted by Mrs. Ha-
rold Corbett,
The tresaurer announced the
Day of Prayer collection
amounted to $16.60,
The 75th Huron Dioeisan
Board Woman's Auxiliary
meeting, will be held in St.
Paul's Church, and tire Maso-
nic Temple, London, April 29,
30, and Slay 1, at which time
silver anniversary spoons can
be purchased at $1 each. Airs.
'I', C. McFarlane, past presi-
dent, and Mrs. Wm, Brownlee
will be Lucan's delegates.
It was decided to hold a des-
sert euchre in the Parish Hall,
May 16 at 1:30 p.m. A number
of articles were brought in for
the bale,
The meeting was turned
over to Mrs. Frank ,Hardy, who
completed. the chapter, "The
Break of Day" in the new
study book, with several mem-
bers assisting with Bible read-
ings. Rev, K. 0. Lancaster
then led in a Bible discussion.
Airs. Jack 'Murcia% offered
her home for the May meet-
ing, when .airs. Harold Hod-
Evening Auxiliary
The meeting of the Anglican
Evening Auxiliary was held at
the home of Airs, Don Ankers
int. \vednsay easdA .sd Clare Stanley's
The president Mrs, Ankers
led hr the devotions, assisted
by Mrs, Kay Egan, Mrs. Clar-
ence Haskell, took the study
as voted
Hostesses assisting Airs. An-
kers were 'Airs. E. 0, Lanes-
ter Mrs. Kay Egan, and Mri,
Cecil Lewis.
The Slay meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Clare Stanley,
• •
:A $21,500 contract has been
warded by the department of
public works to Zurich Hard-
ware and Builders Supply Ltd.
for the construction of. Lucan's
new post office.
;The Zurich firm submitted
the lowest of seven bids.
The one storey building meas-
uring 38'x37' is scheduled for
completion in three months and
will be built partially on the
site of last Thursday's fire.
The other building, the former
agent for the Howick Mutual amon g the guests ' you, air. and Mrs. Harris enjoyed
Fire Insurance Co., for 14 the reunion and though tired years, the next day, were little the :They have three daughters, worse for the excitement,
Mrs. Lena AlcGavin of Kitch-
ener, Miss Hilda Sellers o.f Wal- Many families move
The biggest item of business
at the April meeting of the.
village _council, was the accept•
ance of a petition from the
t.ucan library hoard that the
Lucan library be made a pub-
lic library
Airs. Murray Hodgins,
member of the board of direc-
tors, of Camp Kee-mo-ee at-
Paul Conlin, son of Mr. and tended. a meeting in Westmin-
Mrs, Ed, Conlin (formerly of ster College on Thursday 10
Lucent, and Medway hockey Interview and engage Bill Mar-
star, is making a name for shallfor tirri-e f Kli46
-k2 season :for the
lona;li feguaicl
himself on the St, Mike's team camp.
in Toronto. Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden HS staff, and Mrs.
Irving Gibson of Diem visited
the St, Marys funeral home on
Sunday to pay their last re-
spects to Mrs, McRobert's cou-
sin, Mr. Harold Berry.
Petty Officer William Hod-
gins of Halifax and Ales, Ste-
wart. Bruce of Kenora, spent
a few days with their mother,
Mrs. Wes Hodgins following
of her sister, Mrs, Roy Ham-
Mon and attended the Angli-
can WA meeting at her home,
Air. and Mrs, Roy Collins of
Sarnia were weekend guests of
Mrs, George Bawdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Has-
keit and Bruce were weekend
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cummins of Toronto. On. Sat-
urclay both couples were among
time cottagers of Rosseau Rd.
who attended a house-warning Airs. Murray Hodgins, who
party, at the home of Mr. and was in charge for the even ,
Mrs. Philip Brooks. On. Sun , ing announced that a new
day accompanied by Mr, and councillor, Miss Margaret Saeh
S tores will open
Sirs. Ed, Conlin (formerly of had been secured,
,Lucan) they saw Hamilton de- Bride feted
feat St. Mike's 5-1 at Maple
Leaf Gardens, Paul Conlin was
playing for St. Mike's.
Explorer news
The 25 members of Loran-
014ndelloYe Explorers met last
Monday evening first in the
church where their worship
service took the form of a
church service, with chief-ex-
plorer Barbara Cooper in
charge and the 10-year-olds
,making up the choir, lane Cro-
zier read the responsive psalm,
lissaa y was a W e d nes d a y guest Patsy Bradley the Scripture
and Mrs, Hodgins gave the
message, while Marilyn Hearn.
presided at the piano.
Following the church ser-
vice, all went downstairs to the
school-room for the business
session, Plans were discussed
for the annual bunny tea to
be staged in the school room
Saturday, April 28. Favors
were then made for the bunny
Local couple
stumps panel
Lucan residents, .who
watched, "Act Fast," last Tues-
day, were thrilled to see and
hear that the combined hrain
wave of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Beer', was able to outwit the
panel, "The $5 reward." Mr.
Beer reports, "will go to baby
Terri-Lee" — probably for her
college education (?). The pa-
.nel were sium.ped on, "Queen's The bride's mother, Sirs.
bloomer's offend museum visi- George Patrick, who lives with
tors". her daughter, poured tea.
Mrs, Ronald Squire, (the for-
mer Mrs. Mel Culbert) a re-
cent bride, was guest of honor
at an afternoon tea last
Wednesday held at the
home of Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins, who entertained over 20
of her friends, An amusing
cake contest was held and by
a strange co-incidence (?)
Mrs. Squire's solution received
the greatest applause so she
was awarded the prize a large
Blue Mountain vase.
Mrs. Hodgins wa.s assisted by
her two sisters-in-law, Airs.
Murray Hodgson and Mrs. Art
Hodgins of Clandeboye and Mrs,
Ron Crozier of Lucan,
I j