The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-12, Page 9Original Nabisco Large Shredded Wheat Stokely's Favorite Honey Pod Peas .05 16-ounce package 2 9 15-ounce tins oR 3 5 F C Ernie Fisher, Inc the past live years mayor of Goderieh, is the candidate of liuron. IA- herds for the Mouse of Com- mons, At a convention in Legion Ball, Clinton, Friday" evening, he won a ma,ority of 258 votes cast, defeating cordon MeG0.- vim farm implement dealer of W.a hon.. Two. ..other n.Ominees with- drew; A. Y. McLean, 'Seaferth, former MP for Buren-Perth, and Kenneth Hunter, .Goderich lawyer who was Huron return- ing officer until, as he said, "Mr. Dieferibaker engineered a bill two years ago dismissing returning ,offiecr supposed to be appointed for life." "Malicious destruction" From Hon. Paul Hellyer, MP for Trinity and •former St. Laurent minister, the conven- tion heard [lie Diefenbaker gov- ernment. accused of "a policy of malicious destruction" in scrapping the Avro Arrow and "the loss of a skilled Learn and an .industrial capacity put to- gether over 10 years." lie staled Liberal defense policy as follows: "At the present time, on the basis of information available to us, there is no requirement for nuclear arms in Canada. if weapon systems are revised which would provide protection for Canada beyond the retalia- tory capacity of the United States, we would have to re- assess our position and get the best available. "The Liberal position is that we must have the best avail- able. The argument is, what is the best? if an effective anti- missile were developed it would change the whole Posi- lion." "Our troops abroad," Mr. HellYer charged, "have been starved for the conventional weapons they require because we are wasting our money on the Bomarc and other anti- quated systems." Mr. 'layer, twice elected for Davenport, became asso- ciate minister for defence just before he and the St. Laurent government were defeated. He got back into Parliament by regaining Trinity from the Conservatives in a 1958 by-elec- tion. Optimistic for Huron At the Clinton convention there were predictions of vic- tory, not only in the riding ; represented for 22 years by i but in the dominion, Elston Cardiff, Conservative, Hugh Hawkins, of Clinton, president of Western Ontario North Liberals, declared "there is not a Tory seat in Canada that is safe today," Mr. Hunter said: "E]rnie Fisher can win, if you can hold Goderich you can win Huron." Given "the co-operation of all in Huron," .Mr. Fisher himself foresaw success. Ex-warden William Jewitt, Hullett, believes Mr. Fisher "a man who can win Huron for the Liberals," Beecher Menzies, Clinton, president of Huron Liberal As- sociation for provincial pur- Cop opener — Continued from page 7 Hamburg crew and they whit- tled the lead to 3-2 with less than five minutes to play in the period when Gary Stoddart moved up from his point posi- tion to blast a high drive into the top of the goal, Combines take over However, the Combines, who appear to play better when the pressure is on, upped their lead to two goals 45 seconds before the whistle when Wag- ner finished off a play with his two linemates. They added another goal at the 6:18 mark with Wagner again dobig the honors on a play with his mates and then Terry Bourne banged in a puck on a scramble at the mid-way mark. At the 12:14 mark, Bill Shad- dick pulled the game well out of reach of the }Jahns when he again was left alone stand- ing beside the not and hanged in a pass front Overholt, GAME COMMENTS — Terry Bourne was again the hardest working player On the ice, but along with his 'mates a Ken Fadelle and Brian Bonthron, couldn't get the puck in the net .. . The Halms picked lip four of the seven penalties handed out in the cleanly play- ed contest • . Dennis .hock had 28 saves in the pine, while ;Brown. stepped 23. Combine shines Coiitirttfed front page '1 to thwart other attempts. Port Dover pulled Leeson in favor' of an Odra forward in the last minute but. they tetildii't hold the CeMbines in their end to take advantage of the extra strength, GAME COMMENTS — Keith Scarborough WAS (ailed On to Make 85 Saves in the Tree- wheeling contest, while Lee8011, a fernier senior "B" and junior' "A." star blocked 28 — , Eneli 'learn picked tight penalties, including majors to Bev UrbsliOtt and Wall MOM. Mery, Spud Bush started the tray ,After he jumped on ittirry Wraith after the bell in ate second period And All the Sail- ers left the bench, Imt it didn't atneunt to too much , .k n. 470 fans tint" 4 ,14 the contest hi the reeently ran- beated rink, finance committee of the men's OW They are planning a rum- mage sale in the near future. for community projects and would appreciate your donation. Watch for further particulars. The men's club held their dinner meeting last week eat- erect .to by the Women's Insti- tute. Mrs. M. .Becker Kitchener nat Mrs. Mary Becker, 7s, the former Mary Rarich, and wi- dow of the late George Beaker, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Saturday,- April 7 fol- lowing a lengthy illness. She was born at Eitchener and she and her husband farmed in Bay Township on the Bronson Line until 1944 when they retired and moved to DaSh- wood, Her husband died in. 1945. Surviving are one son Emil of Dashwood; one daughter., Mrs. Clarence (Hilda) Kinipel; Kitchener, one sister Louisa Ra- rich and one brother William of Zurich; also seven grandchil- dren. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral borne. until Monday noon then at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood.. Services were held at 2;00 p.m, with Rev. Wm, Gala officiating, Interment was made in the Lutheran Bronson Line ceme- tery. Pall hearers were, V, L. Bec- ker, Edmund Becker, Harold Stire, John Heckman, Arnold Becker and Gordon Bieber. Personal items Mrs, Matilda. Piefer has re• turned home after spending some time with her sons, ja.ek and Earl and their family in Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiherg and family of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gam• ble and family of London vis- ited with L, 11, Rader on Sun- day. Airs. Tetreau of Zurich is visiting with Mrs. Lucinda Melsaac this week. DRAIN TILE 4" —$5.5. per M Feet Del'd, 5"—$85. per M Feet Del`d, 6"—$110. per M Feet Del'd. 7"—$155. per M Feet Del'd, 8"—$185. per M Feet Del'd. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full. truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant, For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Figinfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2, London — Phone 227.4721 Lucan. Thp Times.Advocatft, April 12, 1962 Pagt Career Opportunity A vacancy has occurred in our Setae Force in the Exete'i!: „ district, Our Company has over 150 years experience in the insure,'' ante business and is well equipped to assist the man whit, is anxious to earn a better than average income providing an essential service for the community, If you are between 25 and 45, married and you awn a write for en appointment giving brief details of P 41 0 experience. Up-to-date aptitude testing used in selection, This is a salary and commission proposition with fringer„,„ benefits. REPLY TO P.O. BOX 188., LONDON, ONTARIO. TIME IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FIX THE OLD ONE , • Buy a new one from us ! SP , „...„,, ... /"1 if, 1,114 9,,,,,,r 4," '4 ,Ar.,i, A" , iv i al ;lig 4 Winter-weary cars need this "Spring tonic!" Has it been a long, hard winter for your car? Then our Spring Check-Up Is "lust what the doctor ordered" to give it new get.up.and.go for your big Spring driving season, and those peak driving months ahead, LarrySnider MOTORS LIMITED 235.1640 Exeter We have the most modern electronic equipment with ' which to test your engine and • give it a precision tune.up for new pep, power and operating economy, ti Mt. Carmel Mr. TOM McCarthy of Hes- son visited, last Sunday with his father, Mr. McCarthy and ter and family,. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan. Mr., and Mrs. Paul jiAgi$ vis- ited with their family in Lon- don Sunday last, Mr. and .111rs. Joe Carey and family accompanied by Mrs. Laura .Glavir and. Mrs. -Cathe- rine Morrissey visited .relatives in Cliatbain last Sunday, Mrs. Glavin. remained for a visit with her .daughter, Mrs. Ray `Pruden and family, The High School YCS pupils entertained the YCS students of RCAF Station Centralia on Son- day in it. Carmel Parish Hall. Miss Pauline ,O'Rourke, Elea- nor Dietrich .and Mary McKee- ver visited their home over the weekend, The CW110. members are in- vited to Lucan April 13, Friday evening to present their play. Miss Helen Sullivan, RN - Sarnia visited for three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr, • For a: SMOOTHER RUNNING ENGINE n your truck or Get Shell Gasoline with NV 'rcip in Shell Gasoline neutralizes the effects of harmful engine deposits „ helps smooth out engine roughness —, , helps restore lost, horsepower, You'll find your dollar goes farther with, Shell —and SO d? YOU r,itir, lip, k plr //Jo it ,;;Vit'i/tbnithe ildifirer.4 dr, rb•prd tr1 ,tits// C..rgtr N rearneed Art Clarke. Exefol, tractor For dependable delivery phone 235,4820 farm 19111 equipment 171 FROZEN FEATURES Highliner Haddock 24.ounce package Fish 'n Chips 59c York Mixed 2.pound poly bag Vegetables 45c Libby's 12-ounce package Poly Peas 1 9C SAVE ON MEATS Maple Leaf Bologna Jubilee Tray Pak Sausage Lean Loin Pork Chops 33' 39' 59' s, 1/4 ,Marth Soodlett, large site Grapefruit zv.“' 5 rd'04 39c FREE DELIVERY OPEN FRIDAY 'TR. 10 A&H 235 0212 ry „Dashwood Institute elects new officers poses, said: "We have every expectation we can lake the riding," Mr. Itellyer said that "Mike Pearson has put together a team of knowledgeable men who can run Canada right, as it used to be run under Libe- ral administration," At the opening, a Minute's silence war. observed in mem- ory of the late Senator W. H. Golding. who, Mr. McLean re- called, "made a great contd., button not only to. Liberalism in this riding but in .Canada." Mayor William Miller gave a civic welcome to the more than 300 present. Secretary Harold Shore, Go- derich, announced the four no- minations- That of Mr. Fisher was signed by Ex-warden Jew- ell and Beecher Menzies, Clin- ion. Mr. McGavin was proposed. by William Alexander and John it. Learning, and also by Gordon Smith and Cyril Boyle, Hugh Fill, of Colbourne, chaired most of the meeting on account of president McLean being one of the nominees. Tuckersmith native "I was borne in Tucker. smith, my mother in McKillop, and my father was born and raised in Colborne, so I know a little about farming," said Mr. Fisher. "in 1827, John Galt and "Ti- ger" Dunlop made their way through forest to build a town- site in the Huron Tract, Since then we have had men whose courage made this county, of which I am proud, 1 would like to carry on and enhance the prestige built up through the years. "Canada has not just gone ahead uneer the present gov- ernment, and i am sure that after next election we will get back the progress we deserve." Mr, Fisher is electrical sun• erinlendent of Dominion Road Machinery Company, Code- rich, "He has a job with lots of responsibility," Kenneth Hun- ter said, "but still finds time to look after the business of the town, and • is called an three or four times a week to speak to various service orga- nizations, Give him your whole- hearted support and win with Fisher." Pipe-Major Miller of Code- rich Legion Pipe Band and a "tail" of young people with. "Fisher" banners, marched up and down the aisles at what they considered appropriate times. Dislikes one candidate Air, Mc.Gavin, who declined nomination in 1958, when Dr. Addison was chosen, and in 1959, when Harry Strang be- came provincial candidate, al- lowed his name to stand this time but remarked: "1 know I am beaten before I start, be- cause Hugh Hill has ruled against letting the Walton band in." "I spent a little tune in Bus- sia, and you can vote as you like there as long as you vote for one candidate. Tonight I give you a chance to vote as you like, and if by chance 1 am your choice I will do everything possible to uphold the traditions of the Liberal party. There never was a time when we needed leadership as we do now, and f think Les- ter B. Pearson is the Juan we need." Mr. MeGavin, on announce- ment of the vote by scrutineer .BY MRS, ,.gRyit,i .RAPER DASH:WOOD, Mrs. Sid. Baker was elected president or Dashwood WI for 1962.93 at its annual meeting held Tuesday, April 3. She succeeds Mrs, Leonard Schenk. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Er- h tn a n Willi am Elst on , yin Rader and Mrs. Arnold. Witigha.m, .said it "shows good l<ti n t secretary trostuler, indgment." lie made it unani- Mrs- Glenn. lfoicl . and assist. for Mr. Fisher. Webb mous and called :for support .401.t, Mrs. tuct director, 91rs. Leonard Schenk, .alternate. Sirs. Arnold Bruce Powell, executive di- ;Kuntz director's, Mrs. Otto re c tor .a Ontario Liberal Asso- lYill er t Mr's,. Garnet Koehler elation, reported that the a and m ra, Addison Tiptnam pub• age age of, new 1.4theral, eatIo" lie relations officer, Mrs. Er- dates nominated for this elec. vin itader and pianist, Mrs. Ken Lion. is 40, and several are 4. im c cra- • " "Ernie Fisher is 40," he said. Annual reports were given "Mr% .Diefenbalier talks about and Mrs. Ervin Rader eon- the old guard of Liberals. Do ducted the election. you realize there are only Tour The program was arranged members of the former eabi- by the agriculture committee net left?. One is here tonight: convened by Mrs. Harold Ra- be is 38." (Applause) der, who discussed. the motto Scovs indecision "A garden — a blind gardener." In his criticism of defence Roll ni c all h‘ev gs raener teidm bb tao hint Policy, Mr. Hellyer said that greenhorn >, and also the paying when the F'191 interceptor of fees, Mrs, Addison Tiernan was acquired in the United gave country calender. and. Airs, States "we were to ,swap some Schenk rea d a poem "What to cargo planes made in Montreal Plant in a Garden," by Canadian workmen. The Mrs. Stewart Wolfe was in proposal was put on the prime the chair and Mrs. Otto 'Willed minister's desk in June, 1960, conducted a baby picture con- and was there in December. test, The U.S. grew impatient and it was reported that $150 had made other plans. been •collected for the Red cross. "We took over the mainten- Conveners of standing c,ommit- ance Of some Fine Tree sta- tees elected were; agriculture lions and there is no cut off and Canadian industries, Mrs. date for it. Some people are Charles Snell; historica l . re- training at Clinton to go to search .and current events, Mrs. these stations, and if we have John Rader; citizenship and to do it for 10 years it will cost education, Mrs. Carl Oestricher; us more than 66 U.S. aircraft home econom ics and health, than it would have cost for 200 Mrs, Eben. Weigand; and au.ch- Avro aircraft if they had gone tors, Mrs, R. H. Taylor and ahead in Canada," Mrs. Ervin Schade. Report of the resolutions Easter cantata committee, presented by Har- An E as t er cantata, "The ry Strang, reaffirmed "our sup- port of her gracious Majesty Twelfth Apostle" will be given by the Queen:" confidence”. r , church on Palm Sunday the choir in the Evangelical and in c a n d i ‘I d t a leaders soriandnLre- evening at 7:30, Narrator will Fisher, be Sirs, Carl Oestreicher. This cantata will. be given in Crediton Evangelical 1713 church o nT he Co tautlioi i oi r'e (a; e ilvaelcnt o,;r7p ithiuooconsiec. Ad ndayallled evenin g,Zes1"1317'al eEvAUepiI31: g' church 2 2 i il u call from a stranger. Don't throw it out tion your statistics on •the high cost of living today," said the. Are you housecleaning? Un- stranger. "My wife and 1 get decided whether to store it everything our hearts desire again or throw it out? Why and we get it for exactly 68 not contact Glen Webb, Mer- cents a week, vyn Tiernan or Milford Mer'ner, Fresh, nutritious Milk means health, energy PHONE 27 Snack time, meal• time, baking-time „ . anytime is rich, delicious milk-time! Farm-fresh top grade milk, delivered right to your doorstep each morning , , your energy-insurance for the family! Try all our other dairy meal.makers, too. Hurondale Dairy ~1t:NSAI.L Hell raps, defence, Liberals optimistic with Mayor Fisher: 411. Fa 401) .44 Quick or Instant 3-pound box er Oats 44 _ .,. , .., w., „,. Large 16-ox, jar 4:. Kraft Cheez Whiz Maxwell House Giant 10-ounce iar Instant Coffee Ken.L•Ration 15-ounce tins Dog Food 15-D., Aylmer Brand 10•ounce tins Vegetable Soup 10e Off 16.ounce tins Nestle's Quik David's One full pound Fig Bar Biscuits 9c 29c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 47c Pineapples t2:ei 29c Regular 200's or Chubby 300's Kleenex PRODUCE r•••••=4••••••••••••••••••=, Sun White Cauliflower 16 1,2.Price Sale, Save 1St', Banded Deal Cuban Dec at eaglilat price, second at Vs.Price • •