The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-12, Page 3LSMFT
'61 MONARCH 1-door hardtop, A beautiful thine.
loaded with all the extras except the kitchen
sink . . , a steal at
'61 FORD Sedan, overdrive, V-8
'60 FALCON Sedan, lovely black
'57 MERC Sedan, automatic, radio, turquoise and
white, lady driven
'60 ENVOY Station Wagon
'60 Vauxhall Station Wagon
'60 ANGLIA, low mileage above average
'56 MONARCH Sedan, above average
'56 FORD Sedan, black
'56 METEOR Convertible, lust the thing for sum.
mer 5 750
'55 CHEV Sedan, 6-cylinder, automatic, Bel Aire 5 700
'58 R ENAULT Sedan, an ideal second car for the
good woman or those who want economy '5 650
'56 FORD Coach, V.8, stick shift, a steal at S 650
'54 MONARCH Sedan
'53 FORD Sedan, automatic
'57 FORD Fairlene Sedan, V-8, automatic, 2-tone,
radio, Let the moths out of your purse and nay
1,000 small measlier, (Choice of two.)
'54 MONARCH Sedan
'53 DODGE Sedan
'53 CHEV Coach
'53 FORD Coach
'62 FORD PICKUP, demonstrator,. 7,000
everything, Save 5583 at
'58 FORD 174" chassis and cab
'56 FORD 34ton dump, ready to roll
'56 FORD PICKUP, above Average
'51 FORD 3-ton stake with tarp and grain
$ 850
Auger 5 650
'57 FORDSON Major Diesel, only 1,000 IMO 32,100
'50 MASSEY "30", heat houser along with
other Virtues $ 5$0
MASSEY 101 Junior, she's good (for sernothing) $ 350
'59 MASSEY 2-furrow lift plow $ 50
MASSEY 24urrow drag P(ow $ 50
Larry Snider Motors
PH 23.54640
Ford, Moniottl, PAtit n, Ford Arid 6111
Choice 51,350
5 850
.5 300
S 250
.$ 100
stinting her with a corsage.
Also honored was Mrs. Har-
old Kendrick, Seaforth, a for-
mer pastor's wile, The pre-
sentations were made by Mrs.
Mel Holmes.
During the evening Mrs. El-
don Millar gave the highlights
of the past 20 years noting that
the first president was Miss
Della Pearl: with Mrs, Clemens
as honorary president. First
secretary-treasurer was Sirs.
Edgar Cuchnore, who still re-
tains that office. in May 1949
a younger group was organized
known as "The Challengers"
with the late Ntirs. Thomas
Jolly Sr. as leader.
The WAIL helps maintain
missionaries both at home and
abroad, assists in keeping a
station of supplies in Toronto
for outgoing missionaries, aids
with summer camp, remem-
bers the sick and shut-ins and
maintains the local parsonage.
Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson, sup-
erintendent of the Bethel Home
for girls, at Scarborough, was
the guest speaker, Members of
the Clinton anti Godericli
groom were present and as•
sisted with the program..
During the social hour Mrs,
Holmes and Mrs, Kendrick
poured tea and .Mrs. Clemens
and Miss Peals cut the birth-
day cake.
Mrs. Keith McLaren, Croms
arty., is the present president,
"Sixty-eight cents a week!"
echoed the economist, ''1 can't,
believe it! Won't you tell me
how? And to make sure I get
your story straight, please
speak louder."
".1. can't speak louder," said
the stranger. "I'm a goldfish,"
A new house?
An t o her b , aro
easy ways to buy
1 Cash and carry
2, Cash on delivery
:3, :30-day charge acc'f
4. Monthly budget plan
60fflit l arrd Ooditit1l Thkittied
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with 4. f -corn c
Here's value! MEDALIST
all-wool suits feature .slaclk.
with TIP TOP's "aura-
Press - crease, the built-in
press neither wear nor
weather can erase! All this.,
plus Ti'!' TOP's handsome
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READY •-•c40 Cr)
For Easter
'Tian Tittloa,AdYPP010, Apo 1 Z t 1762 Pau Vssliffflitrerwat raistsst!tV"S"Sr":17 .,—..,ISSTIStrilasms'slssISrsong"rs'OsireAratstressest°"."smsse4sr;, `risrSArliel
Save on Seed
Women's Missionary Council, of Exeter Pentecostal
Tabernacle celebrated its 20th anniversary with a special.
service Monday night. Guest speaker was Mrs, P. Hutch-
inson, superintendent of Bethel Home, Seiaborough.
Among those present were two former pastor's wives
and two former presidents. Top row, from left, Mrs• Mel
Holmes, the present pastor's wife; Mrs, hi, .Kendrick,
Seaforth, and Mrs, E. Clemens, Toronto, wives of former
pastors; bottom row, former presidents Miss Della. Peart
and Mrs. Eldon Millar and the present president, MrS.
Keith McLaren. --T.-A photo
Fete former officials
on WMC anniversary
BECKER -- Bill and Nancy
Heeker,. Pashweod, announce
the birth of A San, Joseph
'Todd (.Joey) at Smith Huron
lioSpital,April brother
for 1.4ettrie and Cathy,
Air, and Mrs.
Robert Borland, flit 1 Grand
Fiend, announce the birth of
A son, Stephencorey, at
,snuth Huron Hospital, April
10.4 brother for Robert,
Sandra and Charles.
WC/LEN—Mr, and Mrs. Gig-
don Coolen, Main St. N.,
Exeter (nee Adamson), an-
nOtMee the birth of twin
daughters, Leslie April and
Lynne Michele, at South Hu-
ron Hospital, April 5,
,DIXON—Mary Lou and Doug-
las Dixon (nee. Eagleson) an-
nounce the birth of a son,
Jeffery James, at Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, April
6-s-a brother for Stephen and
George Eisenschink, Exeter,
announce the birth of a
daughter, Heidi Anne, at
• South Huron Hospital, April
1.0—first grandchild ,for Mr.
and Mrs. Clifton Moore, Ex-
eter, anti second granddaugh-
ter for Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Eisenschink, Germany,
.1-10PC.ROFT— Emily and Rus-
sell Hoperoft, Dashwood, an-
nounce the birth of a daugh-
ter, Ginger Clare, at South.
Huron Hospital, April. 5 — a
sister for Grant, Rusty and
jEFFER LES — William and
Mildred jefferies (nee Han•
nigan), Waterdown, wish to
announce the arrival of their
chosen son, Brian William,
March 26,
KIRKLAND — Malcolm and
Mary Ellen Kirkland, wish
to announce the birth of a
son, Andrew James, at
Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital,
April 6—a brother for Mar-
RILEY—Mt', and Mrs. William
Riley, Lucan, announce the
birth of a daughter at South
Huron Hospital, April 6,
ROWCLIFFE — Mr, and Mrs.
William :B. Roweliffe, Hen-
sall, announce the birth of a
son, Alan. Elgin, at South
Huron. Hospital, April 4 — a.
brother for Billy, Joe and
SMITH—Mr, and Mrs. Harry
' Smith, Gidley St„ Exeter,
announce the birth of a son,
Danny' Lawrence, at South
Huron Hospital, April 6 — a
grandson for Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin MacKenzie and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Smith, all of
WALKOM — Art and Evelyn
Watkom, Exeter, announce
the. birth of a daughter, Caro-
lyn Marie., at South Huron
Hospital, April 4—a sister for
BECKER * Mrs, Mary, 78,
widow of the late George
Becker, Dashwood, at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London,
April 7 — mother of Emil,
Dashwood; Mrs. Clarence
(Hilda) Kimpel, Kitchener,
and sister of Louisa Rarich
and William. Rarich., Zurich,
Service Monday, April 9, at
2 p.m, at. Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood; T. Harry
Hoffman in charge; interment
in Lutheran Bronson Line
cemetery. 12c
Mr. and Mrs, Gerben Wyn,ia,
RR, 2 Hensall, announce the
engagement of their eldest
daughter, Rennie, to Mr. Simon
Brand, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Hendrik Brand, RR 1 Exeter.
The marriage will take place
Saturday, May 12, 1962, at 2:30
p.m. in Bethel '11. e f or m e d
Church, Exeter, Ontario. 12nc
Mr. and Mrs. .ft ay mond
Smith, Exeter, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Carol Diane, to Ms..
Gerald Clarence Reid, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid,
Hensall, Ont. The marriage to
take place at Caven Presby-
terian Church.. Saturday, May
12, 1962. at 2:30 p.m. 12c
The family of the late Mrs.
Mary Alberta Skinner Wish to
express their sincere • thanks.
and appreciation In relatives,
friends and neighbors for their
many acts of kindness, floral
tributes and messages of syrn.
pathy extended during their
recent sad bereavement. Spec-
ial thanks to Rev. Hugh Wits
W s the Pallbearers, Hopper-
Hockey funeral home. We wish
4180 'to thank those who re-
MeMbered her ur i n g her
lengthy illness with cards and
visits and speeidl Gans, to
Di'. neither, Dr, Gans, Miss.
Claypele and.. n'oi'sing staff Of
'Stiitth Huron Hospital and Mrs,
:Roth and the staff Of EXeter
Nursing Mind, 12nc
The. a sera ge Weight of the
human brain is 48 OunceS.
Sake arid Service
The: family of .the late Ed-
wara.Comard. wish to thank the
people of Exeter for being so
wonderful, Their kindness was
g r ea ti y appreciated, Special
thanks to. Harry ,loseph for all
he did to help Dad and thanks
to Harvey Pfaff, 12e
Mrs, Alma Isaac wishes to
sincerely thank all her friends
and relatives for their kindness
to her while in South Huron
Hospital; also the nurses and
staff and Dr. Fletcher, She is
now living with her daughter
at Lobo on 23 Highway. 12"
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
who so kindly remembered me
with cards, visits, treats and.
flowers while a patient in Clin•
ton Public Hospital and since
returning home. — Edward L.
Gackstetter, 12*
The family of the late Wes-
ley Hodgins wish to express
their sincere appreciation and
thanks to relatives, friends and
neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy during their re-
cent sad bereavement; for
floral tributes and cards. Spec-
ial. thanks to Rev. G, W. Sach,
Dr. A, R. Meredith, Dr. Rey-
nolds, Dr. Bailey, sisters on the
second floor south of St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, Haskett fune-
ral home and all those who
helped in any way. ,2c
Once again we inns( thank
our friends and neighbors for
their help in time of illness,
We wish to thank Dr. Read,
DI. D. A. MacKenzie, London,
the nursing staff on fourth
floor Marion and surgery at
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Rev. .R. S. Blitz and the Crecli-
ton United Church congrega-
tion, Mr, and Mrs, Edward
Lamport for keeping Eric, and
Grandma anti Grampa Wild-
fang for keeping Heidi, To
these and many more our
heartfelt appreciation, — Sieg-
fried and Marie Klatt. 12c
MO to express my sincere
thanks to all who so kindly re-
Membered me with cards anti
visits while a patient in Vic-
toria. Hospital and since :re-
turning home. — William Ste-
phen, Woodham. 12*
S i..n cere appreciation and
grateful thanks to the Lucan
volunteer fire brigade and many
friends for their commendable
efforts in saving our office
and contents during the fire
on Main St. Thursday morning,
April 5, 1962. Also many thanks
to those who offered temporary
accommodation. — Donald G.
Beating Insurance Agency.
The family of the late Mrs.
N. Ogden wish to express their
sincere appreciation and thanks
to their many friends, relatives
and neighbors for the many
acts of kindness and sympathy
shown during their recent sad
bereavement; a lso for the
beautiful flowers. S p e c i a
thanks to Rev. Lewis, DI'.
Gans, Dr. Goddard, Miss Clay-
pole and nursing staff, also the
Hopper-Hockey funeral home.
Corporal John Cowen, Ex-
eter, wishes to express his ap-
preciation to his friends and
neighbors for the many kind-
nesses extended to him while
he was a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London, anti since re-
turning home, 12nc
wish to express my thanks
to all those who so kindly re-
membered me with cards,
flowers and treats and who
helped in so many ways dui-
big my recent illness.—Mrs. H.
I. Kellerman. 12"
The. Balfour family wishes to
thank their friends, neighbors
and relatives for their kindness
and sympathy during their
recent bereavement. Thanks to
Dr, Read, of Exeter, and Dr.
Pilsen for their kind services,
I .would like to express My
thanks and appreciation to all
those who remembered me with
eards, flowers, treats and visits
Since my accident a few weeks
ago; also .to the neighbors who
so kindly sent in baking, Your
thoughtfulness is most sincere-
ly appreciated. — Mrs. Russell
Brock. 1.2 0
511:111.(-1n loving memory of
a dear mother and grand-
mother, Mary Ann Smith,
who passed away three years
ago, April 1,5, 1959.
This is the month of remem-
Anti one of sad regret,
A month we shall always re-
When the rest of the world
Like falling leaves the years
go by,
Bul loving memories never die.
She lives with us in memory
Not just a day but always will,
—Ever remembered by the
family. .1.2e
BIERLING—In loving memory
of a dear husband, father and
grandfather, Henry 13100111g,
who passed away April 10,
There is a link death cannot
Love and remembrance last
—Lovingly remembered by his
wife and family. 1.2"
NORRY—In loving memory of
a dear 'husband and father,
John Norry, who passed away
April l7, 1961.
Thy will be done seems hard
to say,
When one we loved has passed
Some day, perhaps, we'll under-
When we meet, again in that
better land.
—Ever' remembered by his
wife and family. 12"'
WOODWARD-1n loving mem-
ory of Mr. Thomas H. Wood-
ward, who passed away one
year ago, April 10, 1961.
There is a link death cannot
Love and remembrance last
—Lovingly remembered anti
sadly missed by Alvin and
Nora Cottle. 12s
ANDERSON—In loving mem-
ory of a clear wife and
mother, Mrs. Herbert. Ander-
son, who passed away April
13, 1959.
Though three years have gone
Your memory' still lasts.
Though gone, but not forgotten,
We still think of you so often.
—Lovingly remembered and
sadly missed by the family.
FASSOLD—In loving memory
of a dear husband, father
and grandfather, Philip Fas-
sold, who passed away April
16, 1959,
He never failed to do his best,
His heart was true and tender,
He labored hard for those he
And left us to remember.
You are not forgotten, Dad,
Nor shall you ever he,
As long as life and memory
We shall remember thee.
—Lovingly remembered by his
wife and family. 1.2c
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DUALITY — finest seed always, from
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ECONOMY reasonable prices for
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SERVICE. convenient "close-to-home"
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Ask your Dealer for
Or calls us direct: Exeter Phone 235,0363
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B-A research gives you better petroleum
products, filtered before they leave nor
Middleton and Genttnei"s three trucks
assure you. of the hest in service, par.
ticularly important during the busy
farm seasons.
Sport ckets
In spring pastel shades of
Gold, Blue, Green, and Beige.
Fritin4 S 1 0.9
The Women 's Missionary
Council. of Exeter Pentecostal
Church in its celebration or 20
years activities Monday night
honored its organizer, Mrs. E,
Clemens, a former pastor's
wife, now of Agincourt by pre-
Mrs. M, Skinner
Usborne native
Mrs. Melville Skinner died
quietly on Monday, April 2 in
the Exeter Nursing Home in
her 75th year. She was a pa-
tient in South. Huron Hospital
for eleven months previous.
Mrs. Skinner was the for-
mer Mary Alberta 'Cooper,
daughter of Isabelle and jona-
than Cooper, all of Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner farmed
for 37 years before retiring to
Elimvil]e 15 years ago. They
celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary in 'March
She was a member of the
Eli -my:We United Church and
also sang in the Ellin ville Choir
ninny years ago.
Surviving besides her hus-
band are two sons Delmer and
Ross and seven. grandchildren,
all of Osborne. Township,
Funeral service was con-
ducted from Hopper - Hockey
Funeral Home on Thursday.
April 5 with Rev, Hugh Wilson
Pallbearers ware Messrs,
William. Baker, Cooper McCur-
dy, Alvin Cooper, Elgin Skin-
nor, Bill Ford and Dalton Skin-
ner. :Interment was in Exeter
Repaira and bags for all rrizi-
dels of Vatiluni eleatiera and
polishers. Reconditioned
Chines of all Makes RA' sale.
606 ritdVi Rrt 1 lijilch
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New Arrow Dress Slitrtz,
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