HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-05, Page 17AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items Lot 19, Concession 5 BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 21/2 miles east of Mooresville, 1 mile south. SATURDAY, APRIL 7 at 1:30 p.m. Oliver 101 combine, like new; Spramotor irrigation pump and pipes; Case 6' combine; Allis Chalmers 60 combine; Oliver 77 row crop tractor; Oliver 70 row crop tractor with 4-row corn scuffler and bean puller; 2-row Oliver mounted corn picker; Campbell grain dryer; Cockshutt 15-run drill; Spra- motor mounted sprayer; Int. 13-run drill; Oliver 13-run drill; John Deere 10 ft. cultivator; Case manure spreader; M-M tractor disk; Int. 4-bar side rake; New Idea mower; M-H No. 6 mower; corn plow; rubber tired wagon, rack; corn elevat- or; 4-section John Deere rotary hoe; Bissell culti-packer; Tilt Arbour bench saw and planer; platform scales; household fur- niture and miscellaneous items. 5c TERMS: Cash. DOUGAL CLARK, Proprietor Auctioneers: FRANK TAYLOR, Exeter WM. H. SMITH, Creditors. 29:5c AUCTION SALE Of Choice Hereford Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Machinery and Feed 1962 Bicycle Licenses May Now Be Obtained at the Exeter Police Station V. L, BECKER., Reeve H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Township of Hay 5:12c TOWN OF EXETER Notice Dog Owners Please be advised that dog owners are required to secure tags for each dog owned on or before April 15 of this year. Tags are available at the Clerk's office on the following schedule: Male Dog $2.00 Each Additional Male 4,00 Female Dog 4.00 Each Additional Female 6.00 Spayed Female Same As Male Dogs are still required to he kept confined to the owner's premises. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, 22 Notices poietmeots will he Made at the Township Hall, Elim on Friday ..afterneon, April 13th, at 1:30 o'clock. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, Township of Usborne 29:5:12c CHANGE OF RESIDENCE John Ridley, carpenter and paper hanger, John Street West, Exeter, 11/2 blocks west of Fisher's Hardware. PHONE 235.2871 5* WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts, Exeter, remind you beginning this Friday night they will be open till 10 p.m, for your shop- ping convenience, 5c TOWNSHIP OF HAY Notice Notice is hereby given that any person or persons intend- ing to subdivide any area of land in the Township of Hay should meet with the Council of the Township of Hay and discuss the proposed plan be- fore starting the project, TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late Douwe DeVries GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29:5c Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Finance Co. Repossessions, Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures and Personal Consignments Consisting of Modern Household Furniture, Televisions, Appliances -and Brand New Clothing at the CLINTON LEGION HALL on. SATURDAY, APRIL 7 at 1:30 p.m. sharp Special. Outstanding items: Westinghouse upright deep freeze, brand new; two 5-piece bedrom suites, complete with bookcase beds, box springs and mattresses; 2-piece foam rub- ber zippered cushion chester- field suite; large chord organ. Also: 8 television sets, all have been checked over and are in A-1 condition; 2 re- frigerators; 2 electric ranges; automatic washer and dryer; 3 chrome kitchen. suites; two 2-piece davenport. suites; two 39" continental beds; set of maple bunk beds; combination radio and record player; space• saver; conventional washer; odd chrome chairs; tri-light and table lamps; coffee and step tables; platform rockers and hostess chairs; many other pieces of furniture and appli- ances; quantity of brand new clothing, dishes and glassware; plus many more items which will be released by Saturday, MOTHERS EXPECTING Just arrived! Special maternity Kotex napkins, designed exclusively for your needs. 660 VICKS VAP-O-RUB, Reg, $1,09 ONLY 79e, JO BAND AIDS, Reg, 80 ONLY 891; DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT Two for the Price Of One 2 JARS $1.25 Full Stock of ,fenny Lind :Easter Candies and Novelties, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10' MIDDLETON AGruys ,472 PHONE 235-1570 EXETER -arr=1A1h---- ARTHUR WILLERT, OTTO WILLERT, Executors for the estate of the late Almer Willert. GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5:12c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Beef Cattle, Hogs, Farm Implements, Tractor, Feed, Household Effects & Misc, Items On the premises, Lot 27, Con 5. USBORNE TOWNSHIP, 21/2 miles east of Exeter and 11/2 miles north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:00 p.m. BEEF CATTLE: 23 Durham and Hereford steers, averaging from 1,000 to 1,100 lbs, each, ready for market and all of choice quality, HOGS: York sow, carrying third litter, due before sale date; 'York sow, carrying first litter, due before sale date; 15 Real Estate HOMES This beautiful 4-bedroom home in Exeter offers:: • Remodelled kitchen and bath • Hardwood. floors •!'"* New plumbing and wiring • New heating system *1`' Located one block from school • Reduced to sell with reasonable down payment EXETER - 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con; struction, oil heat, $2.500 down. EXETER - New 3-bedroom. attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down, Terms. EXETER -- 2-bedroom home with full basemen and oil furnace. $1,000 down. GRAND BEND (2 miles south) - New split level home, 8 acres of land, two-car garage, 3-bed: room, Terms cart be arranged.. FARMS EXETER - 200 Acres CENTRALIA - 150 Acres Mt. Carmel - 125 Acres Mt. Carmel - 225 Acres Kippen Area - 150 Acres Kippen Area - 150 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard; good land, modern buildings. Terms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. EXETER - General store with separate paint storei on main corner. Equipment includes paint blender. Terms, MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) $8,)0(); 19(40 turk and van. Terms. MOBILE PEED MIXER - With established routs of over 50 customers. BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION From $700 $1,200 WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited, W H. Ho Ltd Rao] Wate Insurance PHONE 135,2420 'BUM M, J, Galser r Ph 135,1416 G. t, Dew, Mt 235.2164 The TimeSA00010, .April 5, 1962 Nog. 17 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25. Auction Sales Of Real Estat e chattels god cows, all under 7 years old, vaccinated and negative to blood test. Good foundation stock. SHEEP: 9 good Lincoln ewes, all due to lamb. ' PIGS: 1 York sow, due in April; 1 York sow, due in May; 1 York sow, just bred; S pigs, about 80 lbs. FEED: 1,000 bales of good hay; 400 bales of straw, MACHINERY: Oliver 66 tractor, adjustable front end, like new; Oliver 2 • furrow tractor plow; 'M-H 3-section Weekdays - For GEORGE HARMER 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m, Lot 7, Concession 6, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 1 mile north of Parkhill arid 1/2 mile west of, 81 Hay. Poll ,No, 1 - Eden, No, 4 5c FRIDAY, APRIL 6 at hoe p.m. School; Fred Ford, DRO; Harry Coates, poll clerk. 23 Legal Notices CATTLE: 16 choice Hereford Poll No. 2 - Thames Road, cows, 5 with calves at side Lloyd Ste w a r t Residence; NOTICE TO CREDITORS and remainder due before May Charles Jeffery, .DRO; Lloyd 15; 1 Hereford bull, 1 year old; Ballantyne, poll clerk. In the matter of the estate of 3 yearling Hereford heifers. This is an exceptional herd of 22 Notices coR.PORATION TOWN S HIP USBORNE SYNOPSIS BY-LAW NO, 5,1962' THE USBORNE TOWNSHIP QF THE ELEcToRs QF SCHOOL. AREA. AND NOTICE A by-lay to provide for a vote of the electors in the. Usborne. Township School Area, on the approval of debentures to raise $180,- 000.00 for school building purposes. WHEREAS The Public Schools AO, R.,S.O. 1960, C. 330, S. 63 (6) provides that, "Where the board requests that the Application be submitted by the council or each of the councils, as the case may be, to a vote of the electors, unless the board otherwise agrees. the vote shall be held within ninety •days after the receipt of the request from the board." and WHEREAS on the 6th day of February 1962, the Council of the Township of Usborne re- ceived and acted on an ap- plication from the Trustee board of the Usborne Township School Area for tentative ap- proval of an expenditure of $180,000,00 for school building purposes, as provided for in the Public Schools Act, R.S.O. 1960, C330, S. 63 (3), and WHEREAS the Council con- sidered the application on the 6th day of February 3962 and by v.ote disapproved the said . • application of the Trustee Board of the Usborne Township School Area as provided for in the said Public Schools Act S.63 (3), and WHEREAS the said Trustee ., Board on the same date of February 6, 1962, being in- formed of the said disapproval by the Council of its applic.a. lion for approval for the said expenditure of $180,000.00 for school building purposes, made formal request to the Council that the said application for approval should be submitted to a vote of the electors in the Usborne Township School- Area as provided for in the said Public Schools Act, S.63 (5), and WHEREAS the Council act- ing under the mandatory re- quirements of Section 63 (6) of the Public Schools Act, by re- solution directed that a vote of the electors in the Usborne Township School Area, qualified to vote on the question, be polled as soon as possible. THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Usborne deems it expedient to comply with the provisions of The Public Schools Act, S.63 (6) and en- acts as follows: 1, A duly proclaimed vote of those electors in the Us- borne Township School Area, who are qualified to vote on money by-laws as set forth in Section 260, The Muni- cipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 C.249, shall be held on the follow- ing question: "Are you in favour of a debenture issue by the Council of the Town- ship of Usborne in the amount of $180,000.00 for the purpose of building a new school with eight classrooms and a playroom in the Town- ship School Area of Us- borne?". 2, The vote shall be polled on. day of Monday, April 16th, 1962, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 3. Polling places shall be pro- Saturdays - vided in the following places with officers appointed to be 9;00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in charge as shown: Robert Sanders, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired, deceased. Robert Sanders, who died on the 30th day of November, against the estate of the late All persons having claims 1961, are hereby required to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1.6th day of April, 1962. After the last named date the assets of the said estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto hav- 4, Those electors in the Us- ing regard only to clatinS of borne Township School. Area Which the undersigeed shall and residing in the. Town- then have notice, ships of Blanshard and Bid- dulph shall vole at Poll No. W. G. Cochrane, Q.C., 5, The Clerk of the Tomiship of Usborne shall be the Re. • turning Officer for the Afore- mentioned vote and shall provide a certified list of those electors in the Town- ship of Usborne qualified to vote on the question and shall secure from the Clerks Or the Townships of Man- shard and tidduiph certified lists of those e le c t ors in th e Ali persons having Usborne Township S c h 0 n 1 against the estate of Ella Area qualified to Vote on the Beatrice Link, late of the TOWti said question in their re. of Exeter, in the CmIlltY. SPeetlye townships. Huron, Spinster, who died on 6. The Reeve or setileette about the Mat day of Febru, pointed by the Council shall ary 1962; are 'required to file Make the appointments pro- particulars of 'sane Willi Bell vided for in Section 259 of & Latighton, Solicitors of EX.. the Municipal Act , 'titer, Ontario,. by the 14th day n os ,u401 to of April, 1962, after which date a tte n d a t th e polling pa ces the estate Will be distributed and at the final summing up hAving 'regard only those Of the voles by Ofi claims of Whieli notice bas behalf of the, persons been received, ested in voting in the af. Bell & Laughter firlitative of negative on the question. Solicitors for the txeentrikt And all such; persons are Exeter, Otit, )44rebY tinfified that such ar, 20.5;12e The farm consisting of 100 AUCTION SALE acres choice land, being Lot Of Valuable Tractor, Far m 17' Con. 4, Hibbert Township, 3 miles south of Dublin, 3 Implements & Misc. Items miles north of Staffa, on main road. On the premises, a barn On the premises, South Half 26 by 50; hog pen 54 by 50; of Lot 5, Concession 2, new steel-covered drive shed; McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP garage; an 8-room stone house, 8 miles south of Exeter or 6 30 by 20, new frame kitchen, h- b y 20, modern inlaid and miles north of Lucan on High- hardwood floors, 31iiece bath, way 4, thence 1 mile west. steel built-in cupboards and me undersigned aucti oneer sink, good cellar, cement received instructions to sell by floors, laundry room, oil fur- public auction on nace, hydro, phone and rural FRIDAY, APRIL 6 mail, abundance of water, 2 at 1:30 p.m. pressure systems. All roofs in A-1 condition. Ford Power Master model CATTLE: 10 Hereford steers, 860 standard tractor, in new 1,000 to 1.050 lbs.; 4 Hereford condition; Oliver 3-point hitch and Holstein steers, 900 to 1,000 3-furrow plow; Ford power lbs. take-off mower, 7 ft. cut; M-H HOGS; 2 young sows, due binder, on rubber, 7 Et, cut; time of sale; 4 sows with lit- Int. 13-run grain and fertilizer tors; 1 sow, bred; 1 hog, 2 drill; Ford 3-point hitch stiff years old; 1 ng ho; 17 tooth cultivator; Freeman front pigs, 120 lbs. 30 you pigs , 150 g lbs. end loader; Ford Flexo hitch each. 24-plate disc; McKee harvester and wagon; AC power take-off FEED: 8 tons of mixed side rake; Dearborn land pack- grain; 400 bales of good mixed er; 3-point hitch spike tooth hay. harrows; 4-section diamond IMPLEMENTS: Cockshutt harrows; 2-wheel trailer; 3- No, 70 tractor; 1935 Case D.C. point hitch post hole auger; 4 tractor; LPTO dual. hydrau- rubber tire wagon; single lie, in good condition; set of plow; Lets grinder; cream tractor chains, 12-38; Case 3- separator; root pulper; elec- furrow mounted plow, 3-point tric oat roller, etc„ etc. hitch, nearly new; Case 7 ft. Please Note: Above mention- power mower, 3-point hitch, ed machinery all in brand new nearly new; J.D. t r a. c tor condition. spreader, in. A-1 condition; Case portable 2-way hydraulic cylinder; M.If 8 ft. binder, on rubber; Mateo 40 ft. bale elevator; Mount Forest 24 by 42 steel threshing machine, with straw shredder and grain thrower, like new; drive belt; Fleury 8 ft, double disc, 16- inch plates; I.H.C. side rake; rubber tired wagon and rack; J.D. 3 ton wagon with new flat rack and basket rack; 3-section new diamond harrows; M-H 13. disc seed drill; Fairbanks hammer mill; drive belt; I.H.C. wheel type cultivator; gas tank and building; 34 h.p. motor; quantity of lumber; set of truck scales; pig troughs; fan- ning mill; 20 ft. straw pipe; steel tank; 200 ft. of snow fence; 2 new feed bunks; 24 ft, extension ladder; aluminum wheelbarrow; cedar posts; quantity of new lock asphalt averaging 185 tractor spreader, used one sea-Auctioneers son; spring tooth cultivator; „ Bissell tractor disc; Al-H side delivery rake; McDeering 1.1• run grain and fertilizer drill; land roller; 3 h.p. electric motor and grinder; 3 and 4- section diamond harrows; steel wagon with rack; 2-wheel trail- er and rack; aluminum wheel- barrow; AI-H root pulper; 2 small electric motors; fanning mill; set of sleighs; 32 ft. e.x- The undersigned auctioneer tension ladder; pig crate and received instructions to sell by scales; chain saw; block and public auction on tackle; 8 cords hardwood; log- ging chains; emery; chicken SATURDAY, APRIL. 14 crates; sling ropes; iron kettle: at 1;30 p.m. dinner bell; anvil; vise; sap buckets and pan; tools; forks; Drop leaf table; 5 chairs; shovels; barrels; many other cedar chest, like new; GE misc. items. radio; brass bedstead, springs HAY & STRAW: 200 bales of and mattress; 2 dressers; wash Second cut hay; quantity forage stand; kitchen cabinet; Cole- h„ man oil heater; 2 oil drums; ""' kitchen stove; cot; oak rocker; HOUSEHOLD EFFECT 5: wicker chair; organ stool; Findlay Condor kitchen range, fancy toilet set; cuckoo clock; like 'new; 2 complete bedroom kitchen clock; fancy parlor suites; small desk; cherry lamp and jardiniere; antique drop leaf table; large storage smoke stand; pictures and box; rockers; small tables; frames; ice box; trunk; crokin- quantity quilts; bedspreads; ole board; large assortment of variety of dishes; sealers: new and used quilts, mats, crocks; coal-oil heater; cup- blankets, comforters, linens, board; couch; combination hall bedspreads, cushion cover s; mirror and bench; picture buffalo robe; assortment of frames, etc„ etc fancy dishes, glassware, silver- No Reserve as the farm is ware; small antique g sold. churn; antique vases; kitchen utensils; copper boiler; galv- TERMS: Cash. tub; pails; sealers; crocks; quantity of garden and WILLIAM ETHERINGTON, carpen- ter tools; many other misc. Proprietor items, GARNET HICKS, Clerk TERMS: Cash, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29:50 This valuable farm is situate directly adjoining the Village of Hensall on Highway Number 4 and contains approximately 100 acres. Auctioneers: EDWARD CORBETT ALVIN WALPER RUTH BELL, Administratrix of the Estate of Dr. James Bell, 22:29:5c Poll No. 3 - Hurondate. No. 1 School; Harry Jeffery, DRO; Evan. Sims, poll clerk. Poll No. 4 - Farquhar, Fire Insurance Hall; Robert Mayer, DRO; Kenneth Duncan, poll clerk. Poll No, 5 - Elimville, Town- ship Hall; Lloyd Johns, DRO; Laverne Skinner, poll clerk. Poll NO, 6 - Zion, Ross Hern Residence; Ross Hun, DRO; Everard Miller, poll clerk. Poll No, 7 - Kirkton, Lib- rary Association Bldg.; Lorne Marshall, DRO; Robert Ruridle, poll clerk. Barrister, etc., EXETER, Ontario, 29:5:12d NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ella Beatrice Link, deeeased, AUCTION. $A.1,,E. spring tooth; 28-plate Bisset tractor discs:. 4-section drag harrows; 111-1-1 rubber tired There will he offered. for sale ft„ wagon and rack; Coekshutt 10 on spreader; Oliver man- ore apreader, en rubber., like APRIL 7, 1942. at the hour of 1:30 p,m. new; -Case side .delivery rake; Ills 5 ft. mower; Hie tearn cultivator; Viking cream se,pa. in the after000n, chattels of the late Dr. e Jafilfeins rator; Pail heater; set of elec.- Bell, on the premises, being elec- tric pipe; dirt -"Pile"; :if"' °f Lot 5, ConeeaSiOn 1, London hog teecterd;trt fosleic rsa,;pers;bomyeeits-a: Road Survey, Township. of Tuckersrnith, SAVE AND EX- sting ropes, chains and other CEPT a small parcel On whi01 articles too numerous to men- .tion, Also a small quantity of is erected a second house on the premises. household effects. At the same time and place to Oilvi nhe eragaih. giving up farming due there will be offered for sale the above-.m.entioned farm, sub- TERMS: Cash. Plus 3% sales ject to reserve bid. tax on taxable items. TERMS: Chattels-cash. Real D. McGREGOR, Clerk Estate,-10% down on the date of the sale, balance 30 days. BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer. Possession of the farm may Phbne Parkhill 294-6759 he obtained forthwith upon a 29:5c deposit of an additional 1046 of the purchose price pending completion of the sale, Clearing Other conditions of the sale will be read at the time of the auction, FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auctioneer, RR 2 Gadshill Dial 271-3049 Stratford 5c Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Of a Modern 100 Acre Farm, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Feed and Implements on TUESDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p,m. 25 Auction Sales but not .available Tor publica' shingles; forks, shovels and stocker pigs, Hon at this time, many other articles; also a lbs. each. ns aeTsevb i sof of ii'11s1) irlauanr ieo tn.) : eei'dV oa:Optd:ltiananendaciien d.sgy quantity of looafn;chkeo'aursmil:old101,17ndiatyttreef. MEATS: 1954 Ford tractor in 30 da ys. A with 1600. working hours, fully TRACTOR ..44 FARM INFIX- A sale you can't afford to mortgage could be arranged. .equipped with power take-off - and hydraulic lift, in brand TERMS: miss, Cash on clay Chattels; Cash of sale. new condition; Ford 2-furrow 3"; sales tax in effect. Cheques MRS. ROY BURCIULL,I Prop, hydraulic plow; hydraulic lift accepted, W. E. NAIRN e.: Son, spring tooth cultivator; Case AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Misc. Items On the Premises, Main Street, in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Nobody beats Snelgrove FOR STEREO & STEREO FM VALUE SAVE 100 ON ReAVICTOR STEREO BY BUYING NOW COMPARE OUR QUALITY, OUR SERVICE WAR. RANTY, OUR DELIVERY AND OUR PRICES WITH THE DISCOUNTERS! WE CAN BEAT THEM I Save on Stereo at. Snelgrove's Phone 23544770. Exeter. 25 Auction 'Sales important AUCTION SALE .Of Valuable Real .Estate 4, Household :.Effects On the Premises in the VILLAGE or ZURICH on SATURDAY, APRIL 21 of 1:30 p.m. Complete list in next week's paper. ALFRED MEIDINGER, Executor for the estate of the late Fanny Bender. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Si, AUCTION SALE Of Dwelling, Property, Garage, Storage Building Household Effects At. the premises of the late William Henry Edighoffor, Main Street, - zURICI-1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 al 1:30 p.m. At the time and place afore- said there will he offered' for sale the dwelling and buildings, on the said lands for removal within 15 days of the sale. TERMS: Chattels, cash, Dwelling: ire', on day of sale. Balance in 10 days Complete lint of household effects in next week's issue VERNON SCHATZ, Executor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Cork conies from the outer bark of a species of oak found in the Mediterranean area.