HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-05, Page 16The •Tirnel-A4v.0c4te, April L '047 1'dtte 16 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 2 Cars, Trucks For Sale 8 Situations Wanted Classified. Rates Classif ications FE .ED TURNIPS - Ross, Oke, phone 235-1707. Se APPLES - Special Sale, of ap. pies, Apt-it 9 to 14-cooking .and- .eating apples, $1,00 per bushel at the farm, Bring your own conta.iners. Fred AleClymont st Sons, 1 mite south of Varna. 5'' RABBITS. purebred. New Zett- land, white i all ages or all: siiesi .1 a in e s Donaldson, 29:3:12;19:26e Cla ndeboye, .311XED SLAB WOOD, $30.011 truekload, delivered, Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ansa Craig,. or phone 212.4450 .N anat. 3:22tlnc SPRING COATS, girl's, size 8, blue; size 6, brown tweed; Boy's -charcoal suit, sine 12, Apply 129 Wellington St., phone, 29:5' 235-1935, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to buy first quality paint al a bargain. Discontinued. colors, Ilat tone Super Ken Tone Enatneloi.d: 98c qt., 65c half- pine Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033. 2913c USED• DEEP FREEZE, Inter- national, 21 cu. 11, guaranteed 90 days, only $165, Gingerich's Sales and. Service, phone Zur- ich 34, Seaforth 585. 5c SEWING. MACHINE, Singer, treadle, natural oak finish, sel- dom used, $25; 17'' Rogers Majestic TV with aerial and stand, $65; Maxwell mower, 1 year old, impulse starter, cost M. for $45. Ward Fritz, Ex- eter, phone 235-0351. 3* 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR, new 1961 Frost Free Frigidaire, guaranteed. List at $509.95, Clearance special $395.00. Gin- gerich's Sales and Service, phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 585, SPRING COAT, girl's, beige, size 12; also yellow nylon dress and slip, size 1(1. May be seen at Slid-Town Cleaners. 5c :BUDGIES, singing canaries and hen canaries, Mrs. W. .1. Frost, phone 227.4204 .Lucan. HOUSEWORK, by the hour, Phone collect liensall. 1131W3, 5:12" .Mc8Ig.P1-.1.gN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind. Centralia: Air Base Wrecking: '56 Plymouth. good motor "53 Oho% good motor '33 Oldsmobile. stick shift 51 Chev 1 ton truck Good used batteries for car, tractor. or combine, $4.00 exchange PHONE, 228.6214 NEW LOW PRICE ON 228 Words -5 1. Lost, 5tra2.ed • 2. 'Found S. Stale Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted S. Help 'Wanted .6. Business Opportunities 7. 'Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars. Trucks For Sale 1$. For Sale 11, Wanted To Buy '5, Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent • 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21.. Property Wanted 22. Notices .3. Legal Notices 24. Tenders N\ anted 25. Auction Sales C. V. PICKARD BOOKKEEPER and secretary. experienced, will -take work in own home. Apply Box AITL, Exeter 'rim es-Adv ocate. 4:5tfue ATRAZINE Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 85 , REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 20c Off We have clieins prepared to buy, if you wish to sell, Sec us for weed control in -corn Now 1.3 less than last year SPRAY $1.95 :PER LB, GRAM. bAR 53e PER LB. 14 Wanted To Buy U paid by Saturday :tollowing last insertion. 9 Services NEEDED EVERY WEEK-20 open „ailts. Top prices paid, R. Etherington, phone 2354628 Exeter. 3:2211ne HIGHEST P.R10ES for scrap radiators and batteries. Phone MeStephen Auto Wreckers, =- 6214, 4:511 ti 111(311 CHAIR, in good condi- tion, phone 268J3 Hensall. 3-,BED11.0011. HOME, close to post office; large living room, modern kitchen and bathroom.; good basement with oil-burning furnace. This is a comparative- ly new house and in good condi- tion, Moderately priced. Tembs. 50 ACRES with medium-siod brick house. Tidy barn on well; good roofs; drilled well with water on tap in house and barn; hydro throughout; Soil deep' loam, suitable for any crop, 25 acres ploughed; well located east of Kippe.n, Price $8,000,00. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. SEPTIC TANKS P PEI) - 1m media le sere ice. aiWayS at ailable. Harold Butler, :Lu- can. phone BA 7-1231 or BA 7‘ 4312 collect, 5.9 -tine ELE1TROLUX sales and ser• ice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St.. Goderich. phone .1A 4.79H. 21:10 tine D EAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals. call Darling & Company of Canada Limited. Phone Kirkton 48r10. Licence No. 175-C-62. 1:5anc __ _____ ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5:25 Hne Second Insertion 21/2 PER Viii3R0 Minimum 35c1 4;5U:11c VAUXHALL, Envoy, as new, 13.000 miles; priced for quick sale. C. P. :Boulter, Nurses' Residence, C oder ic h, Ont., phone JA 4-8511, 1961) RAMBLER, blue. push- button automatic, reclining seats with bead rests, very good condition, $1,750 cash. Phone Lionel, 228-6611, Local 315. 5c Six Insertions 2c PLR Warta Alimmum CANN'S MILL LTD. Phone 235,1782 Exeter 5c NEW & USED PIPE, any size and quantity. Phone 198 Grand Bend or write Surplus Mater- ials, Grand Bend. 22:29c:5ne Semi.Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion-Per Inch 51.25 Minimum line inch. accepted only in multiples of inch. • LADIES' SUIT, spring and fait, spice colored, beige-sheer blouse, size 36, good condition, Cheap tor quick sale. Display- ed at Brady Cleaners. SLEEP BEST on a Simmons .Beauty Rest. Costs less per year than your breakfast cof- fee. Visit our sleep shop today, All sizes smooth top, quilt top or tufted foam or spring-filled. A big value in every price range, Sandy Elliot. 5c 13 For Sale 15 Wanted FILTER QUEEN sales and service, Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:31tfne WE NEED IT-.Donq. give your waste paper to the garbage men. Roll it neatly and contri- bute it to Scout work of Exeter Lions Club, We'll pick it "up during our paper drive 00 Wednesday, April IL 5c C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414. 1 Lost, Strayed 2 FORMALS, ballerina, size 11, one blue nylon orgaoza, one net. Phone 235-0435 after 1 p.m. Apply 57 Ann St., Exeter, 15:22:29;5c 4 Female Help Wanted ;MAN'S GOOD SHOCK and pair of glo\ es. between frock's Fit -and Winchelsea, on county road. Finder please leave at Freeman Horne's, Winchelsea. 5' Bruce Refrigeration 8:24e PRACTICAL NURSE and 2cne- ra.1 helper. Apply Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell. phone 348-8903, 5' 16 Property For Sale BUY IT ALL at one store and save more, Electric appliances, furniture, mattresses, carpets, vinyl floor covering, baby car- riages, cribs and high chairs, Sandy Elliot. 5c 130 1"S SPORTS COAT, grey tweed, size 14. Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 5* WI-UTE VELVET Wing coat, hat and leggings. size 2; pink nylon snow suit, white fur trim, size 2; white nylon party dress, size 3; box of dresses, size 2 and 3, Phone 235-1888, 395 Al- beet St.- - • - BATH INETTE: play pen; small size crib and mattress. 395 Albert St., phone 235-1888. Sc GILSON GAS DRYER, like new, guaranteed, Only $105.00. Gingerich's Sales and. Service, phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 585. 5e TRACTOR PLOW. 2-furrow, on rubber, in new condition, Phone Lloyd Ballantyne 235-1827, RR 3 Exeter. . 5:12c • GE STOVE, 4-burner, in new condition: also .boy's dark 'grey suit. size 14-16. Phone Dash- wood 38r2, - 5c • GAS RANGE. Gurney. 30", like new, guaranteed. $120.00. Gin- gerich's Sales and Service, phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 585. 5c W, C. P EARCE, REALTOR 200 acres, Exeter. shit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. 200 acres, Dashwood, suitable for livestock or cash crop, Highway 100 acres, also 150 acres, Choice 143 acres. See before buying elsewhere. Seine reds and three fifties, Hardware stores, general stores, houses, RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Phone 235.0477 CASE TRACTOR, 310, crawler ith .front end loader, just like new. Joe Van Dongen, BR 2 Grand Bend, phone 41r1, 22:29:5' BUILDING LOT, 76' x 99', $50 TIONVII, balance monthly. ,John Burke Limited, phone 235-1863. 15:22;29:5e SALES ANT) SERVICE TYLER STORE EQUIPMENT ICE MACHINES PHONE 224 'GRAND BEND 5:411ne __________ ______________ HADCO WELL DIGGING-Ma- chine dug 1 ft, to ft, diameter up to 130 ft. deep: repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan BA 7.4680, 27:10.Ithc .--.^---- ^- :FEMALE HELP required. Ap- ply Highland Shoes, Seaforth, Ontario. 5:12e LADY OR gentleman, middle- aged, to rare for middle-aged tip-patient during daytime. Monday to Friday. Apply 140 Andrew St. North, Exeter, phone 235-2967. T :12, WOMAN OR GIRL for kitchen and housework, good steady position. Also experienced wait• ress. Call in person at Rother's Restaurant. 5c 2 Found BRICK, ranch style, large liv- ing room, natural fireplace, dining area, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, vanity, basement, garage. 236 Huron East, Exeter. 3:2211ne SMALL CHANGE PURSE, small amount of money. Owner may claim same by identifying at Exeter Police Office and paying for ad, 5c 16' ,BOAT, Peterborough, cedar strip, 10 horse power Johnson motor, Cruise-a-day tank, boat trailer; ideal for fishing and hunting. Priced reasonable, Ross Francis, Kirkion, phone 34118. 29:5* 2-BEDROOM HOUSE with Ey- ing room, kitchen and bath- room, oil heated. on 83 High- way, third house west of No, 4 highway. Phone 235,-0374, 5:12c - 3 Male Help Wanted 5c STOP SCOURS - Get Hibitane Compound Scour Tablets for calves and, pigs at Middleton's Drugs, 359 Alain St., 'Exeter. 1:5tIne • µ^ n •- -,^ ---,---- BALED HAY, mixed alfalfa and timothy: also haled oat straw, 25c. Phone John Kabat, Centralia 228-6281. 29:5:1V YOUNG MAN for farm work, experienced with farm tractor. ,Apply Otto Darling, RR 1 Clandeboye, or phone Lucan 227-4347. Sc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals. phone Ed An- drews. 863W1 Seaforth, Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- postal Act, License No. 66C61. 1:25* MODERN RED BRICK home, 2 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, sun porch, full basement, substan- tial down payment, balance ar- ranged by monthly payments with interest on mortgage. Apply '183 Main St., Exeter, or phone 23.5-294. 4:5tfne FIRST QUALITY HAY, approx- imately 800 bates; also 1,000 bales of clean oat straw, Berg Bax, RR 1 :NVoodham, after 6 p.m. 29:5c LAUNDER MAT, Westinghouse, like new, $145; 2 wringer washers, $25 each; Philco re- frigerator with across the top freezer, like new, $1011. Beavers Crest Hardware, Exeter. - Sc ._ CUSTOM WASHER, Frigid- aire, Model WCIC 61, list price $479,95; Frigidah'e c u a t a in dryer, Model DCI F. list price $369.95, Clearance special• price, both for $595 delivered, Ginger- ich.'s Sales and 'Service, phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 385. 5c FARMERS! Ti you grow corn next year for your own feed, silo or as cash crop, we have the right varieties for any our- pose you want, -Warwick", "Pride", "United Hybrid" or "Canada Hybrid", We plant the corn at a special rate if the seed is bought from us, Please contact W. Victor Knip,- custom work, RR 1. Centralia.- phone Exeter 235-1815„ Sc 17 Properly For Rent 5 Help Wanted 4 Female Help Wanted ALL TYPES or lawnmowers sharpened and repaired. Have them sharpened the Electra- keen way. perfect cutting ac- tion. Rotary blades balanced for true operation. Apply John- ny's Shell Station. Grand Bend, Ont., Highway 21 South. 3:22.4:26c 1-STOREY HOUSE, 2-bedroom, hot and cold water, 3-piece bath. Quick possession. W. C. Pearce. 2:15tfnc UPSTAIRS APARTMENT - Main St„ Exeter, above Gould and jorys Available immediate- ly. Phone clays 235-0270: eve- nings 235-0685, Exeter. 3:Stfnc AMBITIOUS man or woman to take over established Watkins Business. No money to invest. Oldest and largest company of its kind. Products nationally: 5"-DAY WEEK advertised. No lay-offs. Oppor- For permanent position in Ex- tunny Inc promotion. Writelin- e ler office, good salary. Apply mediately to Jules Gauthier. Box NAS, Exeter Times- 330 St. Roch Street. Montreal Advocate. 3:Sttnc 13, Quc. 5:12:19:26c STENOGRAPHER MAPLE SYRUP, high quality, from Elmira district. W. Mor- ley, 322 Andrew St„ phone 235-1853. Sc BRICK HOUSE, 3 - bedroom, full basement, modern conven- ienceS, ideal central location in Exeter. Apply Box TDZ, Exeter Times-Advocate. 5:12:19c 50 ACRES LAND, house and barn, also building lots, High- e ay 4, between Clinton and RCAF Clinton. Phone Bruce Cann. Exeter, 235-1764. 5*12nc P LOUG it, 3-furrow internation- al, ace bottom, with 3 .new lance cotters; International side deli' ery rake. Charles Dietrich. Mount Carmel, RR 3 Dashwood, 29:5* Building a Home? HOUSE, 2 - bedroom. 4 -.piece bath, in Grand Bend, immed- late possession. W. H. Love, phone 75 Grand Bend. 5:12' Annual Meeting South Huron Hospital Association 100':- FINANCING Only your lot as down payment, Write or call at outs office ,for FREE BOOK OF PLANS OUTBOARD MOTOR, Evinrude 14 , horse, excellent condition. Phone 89 Grand Bend. Sc. APARTM ENT, upstairs, heal- ed, 5 rooms. Apply Penitale Apts„ 70 John St. East. 4:5tinc TRY RENOVATOR-The mir- acle :automagie cleaner that beautifies rugs and upholstery, Only $1..75 per bottle, You can rent our applicator at very small cost...Hopper4lockey Fur- niture, phone -235-1990, 3:29tfnc Call 1B at 1863 10 TUBE FEEDERS, Purina, nearly new. for chickens or turkeys. Phone 136 Dashwood. 5c EAGL ESON CONSTRUCTION CO, Lakeview Blvd., Southcott Pines Phone 63r15 Grand Bend 29:5:12:19e APARTMENT, 4-room upper, heated, private entrance and bath, refrigerator and stove: $13.50 a week; business or re- tired peopl e. Mrs. Tonics, Clandehoye, phone 227-4683. Sc PIANO and bench. Phone 235- :1693. Sc te*..t.iiaelileass'etatAtietzeltst.VettaraMiieeii ,,,,'s'i ,-",:•"-,:. • PUSH BUTTON RANGE, 30", Firestone, used but like new, guaranteed 90 days, only $125. Gingerich's Sales and Service, phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 585. Sc - BEDROOM BRICK home, surrounded by stately pines, close to downtown and schools. Owner will sacrifice due to transfer. GRACIOUS LIVING- with an income-tompletely remodelled, 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms s 2- bedroom apartment, Close to downtown. 3-BEDROOM HOME on Slain street, oil he-at, garage, 'Re- duced to sell with reasonable down payment, 4-BEDROOM BRICK on An- drew street, new kitchen and oil. furnace, LICENSED nursing. home, ac- commodating 11 patients, Mort- gage arranged. 50 ACRE FARM hear Exeter 50,000. 50 ACRE FARM near Morten- $0,500. 50 ACRE 'FARM near Crediton BRICK. HOUSE and steel barn with 3 to 13' acres. Priced to sell with terms. 2 MOBILE HOME trailers, in excellent condition. Terms, HOUSE, 4-bedroom. 1 4-mile, off 84 Highway; between Hensalt and Zurich, water pressure, kitchen, cupboards and furnace, partly furnished if desired; immediate possession, 'Phone Elton Bender, Zurich, 881122, 5:12c We can Dig it Business Directory MONDAY, APRIL 9 8:00 p.m. atlitele04094111MeValk~. ...,4410104441alareze:CatitrANeitie*M,.. Basements, ponds, ditches, tile, drain s, bulldozing, loading, crane work, gravel, topsoil, sand and fill. CALL U'S: ('REAM SEPARATOR, electric, No, .1.1 Massey-Harris, white; hammer mill, 10", John Deere, A-1 condition, Apply john Miners, RR 3 Exeter, phone Kirkton 32r24. :5* BOY'S SPORTS JACKET. vest and trousers, size -6X, in excel-- lent condition; also sports coat,. size 5. Phone 235-1286. Airs. Gerry McLean, 5c DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.O.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building , Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L,D,S., D.D.S, Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233' AUXILIARY ROOMS Please Use Anne St. (North) Entrance APARTMENT, bachelor, fur- nished, suitable for man or lady, heated and utilities paid. Phone 235.0913. 4:5t1'ric For the purpose of receiving the directors and auditor's. reports. For the purpose of electing directors. All individual contributors and presidents of organ- izations contributing are members and entitled to attend and vote. SAM SW E ITZE R 235.0181 EXETER 5:12:19:26c APARTMENT furnished, 1-bed- room, centrally .located, Phone 235.0915. 4:Stfnc • G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC. ELIVER I), BELL, Q.C. C, V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LL13. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235.0440 EXETER 19 For Sale or Rent UPHOLSTERY CLE.ANING.- Chesterfields, chairs and cars. For free estimates, phone 235- 2464 days, after 6 p.m. 235.0485, Jim's Upholstery, Exeter. 15:22:28:5:12:19e CHAIN SAW tree rutting also trees may be cut into logs or cord wood, Apply Peter Spoon- er, Box 125. Grand Bend, 'USED REFRIGERATOR, Mil- co, 11 cu. R., automatic de- frost. guaranteed 90 days, 8170. Gingerich's Sales and Service., phone Zurich 34, Seaforth 585. 5c HOUSE. 4 - bedroom, 3 - piece bath, oil furnace, also garage and good.sized garden area, good location. corner William and Nelson St., Exeter, Avail- able April 1. Phone 235-2417, William. Westlake, RR 3 Ex- eter', 5'.' THE PUBLIC GENER,\LLI INVITED R. L. Morlock. Chairman ;NJ, fieedel. Secretary JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC MARYS PHONE SINGLE BED, "Vitas" rock maple, spring - filled, mattress and steel slat Spring, good con- dition. Phone evenings, 235-0487. 5* Statement Of Expenditures W. G. COCHRANE, O.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday Afternoons from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER COTTAGES STEEL 'DRUMS and wooden barrels, for every 'use; also 5 gal. cans: will trade on baled hay or straw. Phone Graolon . 72117, Si 10 livestock For Sale COWS-Holstein springing cows and heifers. clean lest, pure- breds and grades, Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth 652-3200. 3:1-4:26* 1272 s'r. For The Fiscal Year Ended December 31, -Salaries and Wages General Services Inventories-31 December, 1960 10.284.31 Medical. Surgical &: Sterile Supplies 6.1126 14 Drugs, Medicine & Prescriptions 6,881,62 Laboratory Supplies 527.58 ..., .X.-flay Supplies & Expense 7,553 99 Meta ry-Food 15,298,78 1961 138.978.89 -oth.er Expense 335.01 Laundry-Supplies 1.160.91 B:edding & Linens , 2.142.111 ' Housekeeping 1,688.88 ------- 32.095 65 Inventor es-31 Decernber. 1961 10,128.61 41.366 98 General Administration Printing & Pnatage & Office Expense f492. to Telephone & Telegraph 1.140.66 Bank Charges 111.81 Miscellaneous Supplies & Expense .112.76 Association Fees a0.40 Group Insurance & Pension Fund P,,1112 35: 6,150.01 Operation of Plant Fuel ...... 4,310.80. Electrieity II • 1,161.11 'Water :in 21 ' General Expense 190.05 Maintenance-Furniture & Erlutpmefi 1,012.52 & Grounds 111,18q..81 15.134.92 Sharrow Survey 'l'wo miles north o Grand Bend N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday FOr AppOintment Ph 235.2433 STOKER, like new, complete with all controls, $50, Ginger- ich's Sales and Service, phone Zurich 14 Seaforth 385 5e (LARRY SEED OATS; also Fin- lay 4.burner combination stove, in good condition. Apply Elloit :Bender, phone 881122 Zurich. 5:12c FORAGE BOXES, 'Forger Mas- ter, self unloading wagon units. Brady crimper: hay eendition- ers, oh display, We also haedle Keels forage blowers: long double chain elevalort, Pest hole dielier, 8198, Weld. in". Main Si,'. Zurich, phone 721112. 4:5.6:28c rsED OIL VERNACE,200,000 11TC, complete. air eenclitiolled unit, Removed' from a chtirell, in gond condition, euaranteed and comMete with all eenlrolA, 8115. Giriteriell"c Sales and Service, phone Zurich M. Sea. forth 583. 3e PHONE 233.2915 EXETER 1;i1 William St, ,5* JOHN BURKE CATTLE-7 Shorthorn bulls, 8 to 15 months old; 15 young heifers and cows:r egistration can be supplied. Edgara Mon- teith, Thames Road. on 83 highwa y , phone 235-0467. ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 0 r your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, • "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD', EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 Limited REAL ES'l'ATFI BROKER MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235;1863 20 Wanted To Rent APPROXIMAI'ELY 50 act-es of sandy lOnni, preferably Dash- wood area. Write Box %RI', Times-Advocate, 29:5o GRASS for 15 In 20 cattle, Ross Oke, phone 235.1707, 5c USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy R 11 1 Kirkton President Tirnethy T3, TeOheY Vice-President i1"ill.iarn 1-f, Chaff(' 29:5* 18 WEANER PIGS, good. jud Dykeman. RR 1 Centralia, phone Kirkton 901'11. 7 YORKSHIRE SOWS, due in April and May, Can be regis- tered. Emerson 1,, Johns, phone 141-8 Kirkton. LACOMBE 110GS, purebred. arOld Clarke. Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 92121, PASTURE for cattle. Phobe Lloyd .Ballaritybe, 235.1827, 11110 3 Exeter, 5:12e MODERN HOLISt or apart- ment, preferably 8 • bedroom, vicinity or RCAF Station Cent, Possession as soon as posaible. Phone 228.4848, Mrs, Sutton. 'OUSE 011 APARTMENT, 2. litschtein t modern conveniences, Phone office monagor, :Ian Canners, 285.2445. C. H, RODER, D.C, DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathray, Ontario OFFICE 'HOURS Mon., Tues, Thltrti., Fri. 9 - 12', 2 - 5 Toes, and Tri. Es oiling, 1.9 8y Appointment lflease Office Phone 654 Home MB 1st Mortgages RR 3 Lucan 11.11 4 Slit elicit Colquhouit RR 1 Science Martin .Feeney Pit 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RA 1, Cremarty FARMS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 11 Poultry For Sale E. Clayton STARTED PULLETS, special spring sale; 6 NvOtic old, 79'e; week old, 080 12 week old, $1.29. All birds vaccinated and delivered. lienderson Started Chicks Liniited, Phone 645,11, INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE- CoMMercial, Industrial and Retidential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0463X E -tER,' CLIMAX TIATO'PHY stra) ilovitic. RR 2 Hensall, phone 7'10 44110, S Lie VIKING EL'Ectitid 'EPARAT-010$ MILKING MACHINES 86n sIttlt autheriZed dealer for repairt and sales. BASIL oirkif5Ufft<rt Btu field ?hone 0131 Clinton 4.12:24* Agents flush Venninger Dublin Harry COW BIT 1 Centralia Clayton Liar riS Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Q.C. Exeter Sectitery-freasUrer Arthur Fraser II ter Seaforth 2 .'2 2.4•26'llne EGG SPECIALISTS, A in e s, Sykes and Comet, to reach best egg Markets, Dayold 'to ready. 22 Nolica DON'T THROW PAPERS away They can help support Scout work. in the community, espec- tally if they Are nearly rolled, Everyone can help this easy Wits , Exeter. Lions Club paper, driV W'edtiesday, April lt, 6:1.2t Contact our Agent: Miscellaneous Insurance Audit, Legal Depreciation 1,938.98 382.36 18,838.17 Collection . 21.38(101. to.lay, Best dual purpose Vani- JOHN BURKE LINOTErl Real tACate, Thsoraftet t Mortgages PHON1,1, 383.1803 Ctrrtill ties, and teglierris, tit IVed chicks-, pullets and, cockerels. Request pried list, Bray Hatch- ery, Etie ('arseaddeil, Exeter, phone' 239 ,2734,,. Se TOTAt, PlItibrrt, 814,210.81 ES