The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-05, Page 15The first of several euchre parties was held in the school house the same evening. The main regret seemed to be that it..had not been held earlier in the school year, The top prize went to Mrs. Robert Blair with runner-up Mrs. Joyce Dickey, Clarence Davis ran away with the top 3.2e see m to have forgotten my wallet." BALANCED 5-STAR PERFORMANCE *164, GRA. * Disease Rettante * latseel Ream * DNA Resew * DICK JERMYN Order study of farm equipment 13y Hon. C« S. ..M0.;Nou911ton, Huron MPP ARK REPORT Hear HS principal Bicidulph euchre BY MRS. M. 4, e LST9Nr Frank ei:s rizei f il i ck s iiDuimi riose at his heelswith second lur8d%larcl29W4sprilenexteuvpar t trTlys ofeit e 1 enrt a t he held at the schoolon Friday,SS 9. Not only4astheea, hre pril t3. euet butepart it was y planned s f &re that dya evening, before: depe rivr. for the visit from Mr. goo*, the principal of Medway High School, Parents of Grade S pupils, Sheila Elston, Judy Blair and Judy Dicker, had been invited to meet and hear Air- ttoople's talk about the new program at the grade 9 bevel so that they might be able to understand the so-called Bo- bacts plan as it will affect their children next, fall, who are looking forward to entering Medway High. The Timos-Acd, voca. April .5, 1962 Page 1$ , dm sure farmers will be Interested to learn that in a matter of al short hours after receiving a petition signed by 300 farmers, the government through the lion. William A, Stewart. minister of agricul- ture, announced ..to the legisla- lnre the appointment of an Ontario farm machinery in- vestigation committee, Because of the importance to farmers of this government move, 1 will outline in detail the proposal for dealing with this problem.. The general as- pect of the terms of reference given to the committee will re- sult in an investigation and report on: e all aspects of the sale and use of farm implements in Ontario; o the suitability of farm ma- chinery and equipment pre- sently being sold in Ontario, having regard to Ontario Ine• Mods and farming conditions; • the quality of farm ma- chinery and parts being of , fered for sale in Ontario; o the reliability of claims by manufacturers in so far as the performance of the farm machinery and equipment pre• sonny being sold in Ontario is concerned; • the availability and cost of spare parts for farm ma- chinery and equipment. The minister told the legis- lature that the committee in the course of their investiga- tion and study will consult with and invite written briefs from the following: • the Ontario Retail Farm Equipment Dealers Associa- tion, o manufacturers of farm in a chinery. a, any others who, it is felt, may contribute informa- tion or who may express a de- sire to make a presentation, Report by November The minister expects to re- ceive a report from the com• mittee by November 1, 1962, if possible, and it is expected that the report, as well as covering the particular mat- ters outlined in the terms of reference, will also make rec- ommendations to the minister of agriculture as to action which may appropriately he taken with reference to the sale and use of farm machinery And equipment in the province. am sure it will he noted with interest that Arthur S. Potion of MeKillop Township is one of the farmer members of this committee, It should also he noted that the committee membership includes represen- tatives .from manufacturers, dealers and farmers, which will undoubtedly insure that fair consideration of this prob- lem with respect to the overall interests of everyone concerned is amply provided for. Control dead animals Last. week also the minister introduced amendments to the dead animal disposal act de- signed to insure that meal from fallen or dead animals will not again enter the. mar- ket for human consumption. These amendments will streng- then the act and are intended to insure that the government will he able to maintain the closest scrutiny over the dead stock disposal .busin.ess and safeguard -the interests of the general public. The bill provides for the compulsory colouring of meat cut from the carcasses of fal- len or dead stock. This will identify the, meat easily And completely. Mr. Stewart ex- plained that this requirement will in no way hinder the use of such meat for legitimate purposes outside the market for human consumption. What the government is .do , ing is preventing the illicit of- fering of this type of meat to the public because R is now mandatory for those engaged in the dead stock business, when a dead animal is but- chered, to apply powdered charcoal to. the Surface of the meat and then to place it in containers clearly marked "un- fit for human censtimption"„ The bill also prohibits the sale of meat for human con- sumption from an establish- ment that is engaged in the processing of dead or fallen animals. This will prevent any dead animal operation from having any relationship with any other business connected with the slaughtering of ani- mals or the processing of meat for human consumption, Mr. Stewart explained that the province's livestock com- missioner has the power to re- fuse to issue a license to any person to engage in the dead animal disposal business for any reason, subject to an ap- peal, This is a very necessary service to the livestock indus- try and the general public. This method has already been acclaimed by represen- tatives of consumer groups across Ontario and, of fur- ther interesf4is the recent an- nouncem.ent that the :Federal government will increase its meat. inspection forces to more than 600 men across Can- ada. Much work remains In conclusion might say that it would appear that the ..Orpha club aids .CAS Fly MRS.•.W.g4W99P- GRANS,1I3F N1 At the March 27 meeting of the Orpha Club final arrange- ments were made for the April 6 display and tea, to he held. in the Sunday School room of The United Church, after which alt clothing will be taken to The Children's Aid Society for Lambton County. This will complete two fruitful years of "doing for ethers" tinder the leadership of Mrs. Leroy Bari- lean. Meetings will be .diseonti- nued during the s rt miner months, to start anew in the fall, with Mrs, Kenneth Rob- erts as the new president, C.GIT talent night Talent night was the main feature of the meeting of the CGIT on Monday night, with Gloria Adam's group in charge. Plans for the rally in Clinton on April 14 were discussed, The Bible study was completed and plans were made to have a speaker at the next meeting, Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Ray Patter- son and Winston spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. William Abbott in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, E. Skillencler of London visited over the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs, R. Newman Sharon.. Legislature cannot possibly rise before Easter. While a large volume of leg- islation has been either proces- sed or is in the various stages of processing, there is still much work to he done in con• nection with the legislative pro- gram. The estimates of. such important departments as edu- cation, municipal affairs, at- torney general, lands and for- ests and public welfare are still to be presented for legis- lative approval, as I write this report today, The house has been sitting an average of three to four nights a week in addition to the regular afternoon sittings— a necessity if the extensive program. of the government is to receive thorough considera, lion of the house And. implemen- tation before the Easter ad. journment, FUNK'S HYBRID SEED CORN Consistently Good Year After Year Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Rollo presented them with a id-light floor lamp before leaving this neighbor. hood for their' home in. To. pinto. The presentation was made by john Speck, MI's. Dean. Gibson and Airs. RhinY Heckman. Fete newly weds A party was held in Elimville hall on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melville BO- well, newlyweds. The party was given by their neighbors and some friends from Centra- They were presented. with a beautiful occasional chair step- up table and lamp- An address was read by Mrs. Sam Skinner and the presenta- tion made by Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Coates and 1114's Sam Skinner, Mr, and Mrs. Burwell replied in a few ehosen words. The evening was spent play ing cards. The ladies provided lunch. Personal items Guests on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston were Mr. and Mrs. harry Dougall and family of Exeter. They had as guests on Sunday their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Elston of Detroit, who ,also visited with the former's bro- ther, Mr. Mervin Elston. Mr, and. Airs, Peter Hoonard .. . ,order later, .These prices. 404e litt/O getting used tol" and family of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. C,. fioonard-. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regier and -Tanny of Crediton were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiherg were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fischer and M r. and Mrs. Harold Fischer, all of London. Guests on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair were Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair and fam- ily of London, ••••••••••••?•••••1 UEEIT$ •,"•V r''',e,f,:i,V;i3...4"...,•wq.:§60;;S:::,;:if•tix.:,:•., • • • • FAST FERTILIZER SERVICE HAROLD G. ELDER PHONE 269J1 HENSALL We Are In The MARKET For • MILLING WHEAT • SPROUTED WHEAT • OATS Rodney and Garry Oats That Will Make Seed • BARLEY Mentcalm. Betze and Parkland Barley That Will Make Seed Bring in your samples and we will bid you a price. CONTRACTS We will have contracts for Seed Oats and Barley, also contracts for Malting Barley. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. PHONE HENSALL 32 TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS Exeter 235.1380 NOW! THE FEED MILL COMES TO THE FARM TO GIVE YOU TOP-QUALITY RATIONS AT ROCK-BOTTOM COST FOR DAIRY OR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, POULTRY AND TURKEYS for saving and service' Boy Seed From Your. Friendly M Dealer Don't Peke ;114n9es, with deed from unfamiliar sources, Rely on your local MacNAUOI-ITQN west dealer to give you complete satisfaction, Specify JONES,MacNAIJOH.TO.N SEEDS At your Dealer's Or call us direct.. Exeter Phone 1354361 creclifun Phone 2344363 London Phone GE 24258 Diesel Tractors NZir Pr FARM EQUIPMENT NEW HOLLAND NORTH END, EXETER Let's Keep 'Em Honest...! WHEN THEY CLAIM TO HAVE THE BEST WHEN THEY CLAIM TO SELL FOR LESS . Check with EFE! NUFFIELD ongskilde GRASSLAND MACHINERY CHAIN SAWS Best by Test Farm Equipment Grinding and Mixing is Done at Your Own Barn with Our DAFFIN FEEDMOBILE * Your own grain and/or roughage * Pioneer-Cafeteria Concentrates * Molasses blending without lumps throughout seeding time from YOUR LOCAL SHUR.GAIN SERVICE PLANT! Right through seeding time you can he assured of fast service from Shur-Gain's modern handling facilities right in your own area,. Consider these advantages offered by your Shur-Gain Fertilizer Service Plant— fro SitUR,-GALN IN BMA< SAVES $3.50 PER TON * the fast modern way to handle fertilizer, loaded speedily (on your own truck if you wish) and checked on government inspected scales. 40 SHUR-GAIN 'BULK SPRNADING SER,VIC,E—precision spreading on your own farm saving you labour-tat the same or very little more than the cost; of bagged goods delivered to your farm, SHUR GAIN IN PAPER POLY BULK See your SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER AGENT ot' call Don't waste another day, or another hour, hauling grain to the mill and waiting for it to be ground. Give us a call and let us bring our Daffin Feedmobile right to your granary door, and do the finest job of grinding and mixing you have ever seen . . . without wasting a minute. For some kinds of stock, you may want to grind and mix alfalfa or other roughage with your grain, or blend in some fresh, appetizing molasses. Our Feechnobile does that too, and does it perfectly. We carry a full line of Pioneer-Cafeteria. Con- centrates and will build balanced rations for your different kinds of livestock and poultry. We have looked into all brands of concentrates and recommend Pioneer-Cafeteria as today's best value. Nowhere else can you find such a nioney-say- ing-money-making combination , Daffin Feed- mobile Service and it Goncen- tratm Pick up your phone right now and give us a call. • SHER-GAIN'S LELA' SPREADERS— pull type broadcast spreaders which will, evenly spread up to a 40' swath —available for a nominal rental fee. SHUR,C,A1N sEt,t.tOmED ,GRAN13.. LAVED FERTILIZER. — more uniform plant growth bedeutse Shur-Gain is not just granular but GRANULATED, Will not bridge, in the drill — dust free — easy to clean from equipment. ONO* 4 VANDERHOEK'S MOBILE FEED SERVICE' RR 1 DASHWOOO. PHONE 74115 ZURICH IllatPHONt 4021 SHUR-GAIN EXETER 4.- -dAr4 EARL, N WAREHOUSE IMPLIZEit