The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-05, Page 83.4
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C Foster
iliton ed in junior series,
osing coach predicts vice • r
RURAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS-KirIcton won the championship of the area rural
league Thursday night by defeating Crediton in a two-game home-and-home series
by total score of 9-8. Front row, from left, Wayne Prance, Jim Allen, Harold Blan-
shard; centre, Ken Clarke, Stuart Stephen, Paul Robinson, Barry •Briotnell, Jim
Foster; back row, Harry Jaques, Brian Heim, Doug Galloway, Coach Ed Horn, Glen
Lampert and Keith Selves. -T-A photo
LA4 six Pain semi-finals,
'Bolts quit after losses
"Cam you. Imagine 7 Six stores
and not one of them had what
I wanted!"
The Lucan-Ilderion Combines,
showing the effects of their
two-week layoff, took two per-
iods to get rolling in the first
game of their series with Clin-
ton, but rattled in seven mark-
ers in the final stanza to
emerge with a 10.1 margin,
The Thunderbolts, represent-
ing the homebrew teams in
the Big Eight final, carried
their share of the play through-
out the first two periods and
only some spectacular net.mind-
ing by Keith Scarborough kept
them off the scoresheet,
However, with Tom Collings
leading the way in the final
20 minutes. the Combines hem-
med the Clinton crew into their
end continually to post their
decisive margin.
Collings was the scoring star
as he dented the twine five
times for one of his best nights
of the season. The other goals
were split evenly between Max
O'Neil,'Stu O'Neil, Dusty Al-
dis, Ken Loft and Steve Storey.
Substitute goalie
The Clinton crew arrived at
the game and found their
regular goalie Dennis Amacher
had failed to show up, so de-
fenseman Mark Trudell strap-
ped on the pads and played the
first half of the game before
John DeFraneisco a r r iv e d
from Clinton.
Trudell played a steady game
in the nets and allowed only
three goals as he was called
on to make 10 saves, one of
them a clearteut breakaway
by Stu O'Neil.
DeFrancisco took ut, right
where Trudell left off and.
blocked eight shots in the last
10 . minutes of the second per-
iod, but he couldn't stop the
Combines in the last period.
Two of Collings' goals were
- Please turn to page 10
between Don Fletcher, harry
Wraith, Ray Yelle, Tom Col-
lings, Dusty Aldis, Max O'Neil,
Jack Park and Don Urbshott.
Collings hot
in first game
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By BItr L ,BATTEN, Sp9r1.4 Editor
With. action Wiling bat and heavy in the
Stanley Cup playoffs, most of the ink is being
.spread liberally on the summary of the games and
interviews with key personnel on all four semi,
finalists and most of the sports writers Lave failed
'to recognize the honorable act of the Detroit Red
Wings in their attempt to keep the NHL thriving.
Because we are a Red Wing fan, we would
prefer that the circumstances behind their showing
this year bad been noted by someone else, but un-
fortunately it appears that none of our writing
cohorts spotted it and naturally manager Jack
Adams wouldn't make mention of it because he is
such a quiet, unassuming chap and prefers to have
his deeds go unheralded.
At any rate, we have taken it on ourselves
to point out the facts because we feel the Wings
deserve considerable commendation.
As our readers will recall, the NHL moguls
have always been sharp enough to realize that the
success of their league has depended upon a good
balance between the six participating teams and
they have done considerable to ensure that this
balance has been maintained as much as possible
and the Wings have been the most prominent in
this respect.
When the Chicago Black Hawks were wal-
lowing around in the bottom of the league for so
many years, all the teams got together and came
up with a plan to help them in order to keep the
Chicago crew going. The teams set up a draft
whereby the Hawks were able to choose several
good players from the other clubs and this has
paid off handsomely as they are now one of the
stronger teams in the league,
However, the Rangers started to skid badly
for the past few seasons and failed to make the
playoffs. Unfortunately, sonic teams in the league
appear to have forgotten about maintaining the
balance and so the Wings had to take this on
Throughout most of the past season they
were contented to sit in fifth spot as the Rangers
were battling the leaders, because Adams and his
cohorts realized that if this balance and interest
in the league was to be maintained, the Rangers
had to make the playoffs.
The New Yorkers appeared to be in fairly
solidly for the first half of the season, but then
they faltered and started to slip badly. This then
put even more pressure on the Wings as they had
to start losing even more to keep behind the
Naturally, the Wings had to make it look
good and they jockeyed back and forth between
fourth and fifth place with the Rangers. However,
when it came down, to the last few games they
were forced into dropping crucial tests and even.
had to suffer the humiliation of being beaten by
Boston right on their home ice.
But, this is the price of glory, and it makes
our heart throb to think that our favorites are
made of such good stuff.
We trust that at least one of our readers
is stupid enough to fall for our reasoning and will
drop into our office and purchase two Wing pen-
nants, an autographed picture and one of Gordie
Howe's old skate laces because we're through with
them. This material is very reasonably priced and
the purchaser will have an added bonus in that at
the end of each season when the Wings finish out
of the playoffs the clerk of Grand Bend will very
kindly send you a sympathy card to help ease the
Due to the fact that this column has to be
written by the weekend, we find ourselves in a
bit of a tough spot as far as predicting the out-
come of the Stanley Cup playoffs at this late date.
We could make our choice now and by the
time the paper hits the street, our team could be
sitting on the sidelines and we would look a bit
However, after picking Detroit we really
.can't look any worse than we do, so we will go
away out on a limb and say that Chicago will
again win the silverware when they whip Toronto
in the finals.
The Hawks have lost a pair of toughies to
date and we don't think they will get an inferiority
complex and could easily rally to oust the. Can-
adiens, On the same hand, the Rangers have also
lost a pair of close ones, but we don't think they
can stop the Leafs especially in Maple Leaf Gardens
and the Toronto team gets the extra game,
However, anything can happen in the battle
for the big cash as last year's results prove, and
we wouldn't advise anyone to go out and invest
their life savings on any of the squads,
BATT'N AROUND-The attendance at the
Hensall arena for the junior series with Strathroy
is certainly the most noteworthy thing that has
happened on the local scene for a moon or two.
just when most area officials had come to the
conclusion that hockey was on its last legs, the
fans in the Hensall-Zurich area proved that they
will still come out to watch a winning team eom.
prised of 'local talent , With the addition of
Strathroy's two best players, the Combines could
quite easily go all the way and we think this might
be the shot in the arm that area hockey needs ,
Hockey fans should also be reminded that the
Combines down Lucan-lidertee way are still going
strong and they have one of the best teams ever
assembled as far as W6 are concerned, New that
they have copped the Big tight title they expect
to travel north in the OHA "B" semi-finals, Who
knows, we may even have two Ontario champions
an the district this year!
The Clin t o n Thunderbolts
conceded their best-of-five se-
ries to the Lucan-liderton Com-
bines after suffering two one-
sided losses this week and the
Combines will now enter the
()FIA inter.nediate "B" semi-
The powerful Combines, who
have won 29 of the 30 games
they have played received
word this week they will tackle
the winners of the Port Dover-
Aylmer series rather than the
northern winners.
Manager Harry Wraith said
the OHA had apparently tossed
the northern teams out because
they failed to post ..their 5100.00
performance bonds and had not
sent the OHA their share of
the play off games.
Wraith said the Combines
would start their next round
either early next week or per-
haps even on Sunday. The two
teams in the Southwestern
OHA are now tied 2-2 in their
best-of-seven finals with the
fifth game in Port Dover, Wed-
nesday and the sixth in. Ayl-
mer, Friday.
The series will he wrapped
up in Port Dover Sunday after-
noon if it goes the limit, but
Wraith said there was a chance
the Combines would play on
Sunday if the Sailors ousted
the Aylmer squad before that
Both the southern teams ap-
pear to have much the same
lineup they had when Exeter
and Lucan-Ilderton played in
their grouping last year, when
the Combines finished in third
They were pitted against
Delhi in the semi-final at that
time and blew a three-game
lead to lose the series. 4-3,
while Aylmer who finished sec-
ond were ousted by Port
Dover's fifth place team.
The Combines are stightly
stronger this year with roost
Last week's scores:
tAican-lIderton (lin ton
tucku•leleri on n-("tnton
WT, 17 Lit ,^art- Ilderton 2 11 4
'10404.............(4 2 A
SOKOS in otra, semi-rmalS,
raman-taierten t<ho now meat
tvinner. or Aylmer • Port Uovor
witnion conceded third game in
List week's scores:
NO:iv Hamburg 12-Milton 2
Ron ge.'1 - Zurich 17-M11 ton IS
H ensall- Zurich 11 -Milton 2
Standings ,
Henean-aatrinh 2
Nen' Pritrrata) 1 et
Milton ...... 0 1 O
Games this week;
Friday, aprii A
!New 1.TaniPurg: at MIlt6n
ga!prday, nil! 7
lienra,11•74trich at Nett, liknthat
Filial /tenet Scores;
14:-W tie it Ors 5, Qucbcet Arte'.5 4 Quchee lies 5. 1e-iv Beaveara
K•W teat ors A, 'Quebec Acts 2
Plna1 Standings
V4' i, 'r h 1 P
‘S. 136:4% erS 2 1 n 14 11
4:111nhec Aces 1 2 n 1.1 11 2
ITC.. Is' Re a v e r (4 House League. 0)kt-tit/lona/tip.)
FIllaf %erica adoret I
1V11.1.0 s, rhantoms 4
rhaatem, 8, Wings. 2
emai Standhies
tv 1, 'r
Phantom's l I It 1/ 7 2
, 1 t eh 7 14 2
Phan tnni it,in tea-i•gaine, Total.
siIaJ -aerie!, an0 l lnunr Lentu
Ptt Wtt. I-tbUSE 'LtAdLe
fiutaf teribt Sterea;
Moheityks It ints
',14611,AA'ke: 2, '‘Vingt 1
t the Standing-6
w i• .A
h e A' 4 4
Winga .......0 2 0 4
Ofehawks 1.11o ,•tareth,
gal itoree: and House fieague
eh4mptonsh i 0,5
league this year and many of
their players were brought up
14'0111 the Milton midget and
juvenile leant.,.
The Combines posted 17.5 and
1/.2 wins over them, .while the
New hamburg Crew whipped
them 12-2.
The big test in the three-
team playoff opened in liensall
last night (Wednesday) when
the Combines hosted the New
liginburg crew. Observer's have
rated the two area squads very
evenly matched and the series
promises to provide plenty of
.1lowever, the manager of the
Milton squad said be thought
dangerous as ever when they
got around the net, while the
Milton squad had just the op-
posite trouble as they re-
peatedly failed to get their
shots away in the liensall.
Zurich end.
The Combines picked up sev-
en of the 12 penalties handed
out, all minors except a double
major to 'Bourne and Don
Curry for fighting in the first
Curry, a husky defensemau
was by far the best player for
Milton and he led the hitting
assault that the smaller and
younger team dished out, to the
Combines, who appeared to be
content to take it and make up
for it on the scoreboard,
Little Giants in Milton, Friday,
to post a convincing 17-5 win,
time in the opening game of
walked through the Milton
their round-robin as t 11 .e
The Combines hart an easy
Playing before a crowd of
275, most of whom had made
the trip from the Hensall area,
the Combines were away Off
their usual form as their pas-
ses failed to click and their
defensive play left much to be
However, after a shaky first
period they came out flying in
the second and potted seven
goals while holding their hosts
to a single tally and then
coasted to their win with a 5-1,
margin in the final.
The Combines opened the
game in their flashy passing
style and potted two goals in
the first four minutes and gave
the partisan Hensel( - Zurich
crowd an indication of how the
game was going to go.
However, with -Ken Fadche
sitting out a slashing penalty
the Little Giants whittled the
lead to 2-1 at the 6:02 mark
and after Bill Shaddick upped
the count to 3-1 at the 12:29
mark. they came back with two
more to knot the score with
only four minutes rema ining in
the first stanza.,
still as Gerard Overholt broke the
the Combines were fo'tr .goils
better than. the halms,
"i hope be's right",
Zurich manager George Beer
commented. ,lie said he at,
tended the game in New Pam-
inirg en Saturday a nd. reported.
that the Balms were .very Itist
and played exceptionally good
positional hockey.
Some old faces
Two members of the Ilahns
will be no strangers to the
Combines as. they were stars
of last year's Riaitsvine juve•
rile team who put Zurich out
in the DAWN semi-finals,
.1teg Cressman is an assistant
captain on the club and picked
up two goals in Saturday's tilt
with Milton, while Lynn Sa•
yarns accounted tor a sinale.
The ilahn‘s production line
of Jim Leo and Grain and
Bryan 'Pfaff was weakened
when Grant Pfaff received a
coneusaion, suffered in a col-
lision with a Milton player, It
is not known whether he will
see action in the Hensall game
or in New Hamburg, Satter,
However, his linemates didn't
slow down as they picked up
six goals between them and
will give ilensall-Zurich plenty
to contend with even if their
winger is missing.
If the teams split their
games and New Hamburg
beats Milton on Friday, the
series will be awarded to the
team that has scored the most
number of goals against the
team tied with them..
This means (ha the goals
scored, by the two against
Milton will riot count in de-
termining a winner if they
tie at the 17:18 mark I nd
Wayne Willed, gave them a
two-goal advantage when his
shot squeaked between the
goalie and the post with only
one second remaining on the
From there on, the Com-
bines came up with enough
good passing plays to keep the
Milton entry off balance and
after Harold Jacques' tally at
the 7:48 mark of the middle
period scored a goal on an
average of every two and a
half minutes,
Bill Shaddick and Gerard
Overholt paced the attack for
Hensall-Zurich as they each
- Please turn to page 9
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of last year': performers back
in the lineup plus the addition
of Dusty Aidis and Ray Stoth-
et's, two top-notch pucksters,
who have made their presence
felt in the lineup since joining
the Combines for their playoff
with the Philipsburg Chevs.
Came as surprise
The action by the Clinton
squad came as a complete Slir-
prise to the Combines after
their 10.5 win in Clinton, Sun-
Apparently the Thunderbolts
were experiencing difficulty in
getting their players out and
felt the trip to Lucan would
have lacei,, a waste of time
anyway as they were badly
Stage rally
to post win
Overcoming a 3-1 deficit in
the first period, the Lucamil-
derton Combines rallied to post
their second straight shellack-
ing over Clinton Thunderbolts
to post a 10.5 win in Clinton,
The powerful 'Big Eight
champions came roaring out in
the middle frame to pot four
tallies and pulled away from
the RCAF squad with five in
the final 20 minutes,
Wiry captain Steve Storey
spearheaded the attack with
two tallies while the remaining
eight tallies were evenly split
The Milton Little Giants
.were eliminated tom the (MA
Junior round-robin semi-final
this week when they lost three
games, leaving„Hopsall-Zurieh
Combines and New tiatunere
Itahas to battle for the honors.
The At i 1.1 0 n crew, who
changed their lineup consider-
ably for their two contests
with the Shamrock winners
and with the ,Halltls, Were badly
outclassed by their opposition
and had 40 goals scored on
them, while managing only n i ne t h emsaxas ,
However, they were at a de-
cided disadvantage as they
have no t com p e t ed in a re g ul ar
Milton change lineup,
still no match for H-Z
Sporting almost. an entirely
new lineup, the Milton Little
Giants were still no match for
the llensall-Zurich Combines,
Monday, coming out on the
short end of an 11,2 count in
The Milton entry brought
only three members of their
Friday night lineup, but they
still couldn't match strides
with the powerfa I Sham rock
champions who carried play
throughout the contest wit-
nessed by 650 fans.
Bill Shaddick was again the
scoring leader for the mein-
ners as he dented the twine
four times in the one-sided
con test and he also picked up
three assists for a seven-point
Strathroy's Terry Bourne and
Ken Fadelle continued their
hard-working efforts for the
Combines and accounted for a
pair of tallies each.
The other three goals came
off the sticks of Earl Wagner,
Gerard Overholt and Gerry
Chapman, who was in the line-
up replacing defenseman. Mur-
ray Bell who was in Toronto,
After Overholt finished off a
three-way passing play with
Shaddick and Wagner at the
4:43 mark of the first period
to give the Combines a 1.0 lead
they never looked back as they
continued to add to their count.
They notched three more in
the first stanza, picked up an-
other four in the middle frame
and coasted to their margin
with three in the final 20 min-
Dennis Mock, who played a
steady game in the Combines'
nets, had his first shutout bid
foiled at the 14:59 mark of the
middle frame when Allan Reid
banged in a rebound off the
screen. Don Lawrence picked
up the other goal for Milton
near the mid-way mark of the
third period on a power play
with Harold Jacques sitting
out a tripping infraction,
Scrambly play •
As in Milton, the play be-
came very scrambly at times
as the Combines couldn't get
untracked against the pesky
Little Giants to open up with
their smooth passing that car-
ried them to their wins against
However, they
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