The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-04-05, Page 6Lady marks 90 years Mrs. Jane Haugh of Queens- way Nursing Home, formerly of Brucefield, celebrated her 90th birthday Saturday, March 3J, Members of her family were present to celebrate with her. Mrs. Haugh was the recipi- ent of many cards, flowers and gifts, and enjoyed 'a birthday cake served with a cup of tea to callers. Attending were her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,T, W. McIntosh, Toronto; her brother, Robert Allan, Bruce- field; Mrs. Mary Haugh and Miss Tina McNaughton and a few friends. "At that age, they're just bubbling with curiosity!" The New Styles • TINTING • SETTING • STYLING Tuts,, Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6 Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9 WE FEATURE School Girl Perms--$6.00 Regular 58.50 Be-N-Jay BEAUTY SALON Phone 236 Hensall "WI 7i, CL IR'S BARBER SHOP MAIN ST., HENSALL Open Tues., Wed., Fri, 8 a.m. to 6 P.M, Thurs, & Sat, S a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Monday r sa28=848=82=8328118,80818218M 11; Miss Carol Erb has returned home after a vacation to Flo rida. _ Miss Mary Margaret Oesch, was 'a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital last week and since has returned home. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Gingerich and family were. Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family of Blake. Miss Irene Schwartzentruber of Stratford Hospital spent the weekend with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Edmund•Schwart- zentruber and family: Mr, and Mrs. Harry West- brook and family -were Sunday visitors with Mr. Gustor Bohnn of Blake, leaky • ARICNOCV • • • PA6t0f0ftefta 0,5. , •• sAva . . • 11079(11MIA MAW • . • . . atfeVe #0*7 i 81A4VE • • Mg liar grow rod • • • • o • 04070104.171e/S MEP 4ES IT3•• 64444510111 OPIUM Pa01/46 447£17714147116 MAO MU BE WAS Aff NM( efe.t-.RNI -42411 " 411.1 I AMP -1411P-6- 1( PROf0"01/1SR: 4,4o roeumerr olORAND MATO • 044 HENSALL. /MOTORS. ROY CAMPBELL PROP. . NEW & USED CARS GENERAL REPAIRS-COLLISIONS P113111 HIENSALL Lot us get your car ,in peak condition tor,the weather ahead! 'BONTH Furniture Hensall IT'S BETTE TO GIVE THAN TO LEND iT USUALLY COSTS ABOUT HE SAME I. ens and: district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone S. Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phoii 56. Losers pay with supper Kippen. Last Woolens Insti- tute me'_ at the home of Mrs. Stewart. Pepper Tuesday eve. ninr.4. Ninth 27 when the los- ing Side elf an attendance con• test held during the year treated the winners to a pot Deis supper and social eve- ning Thirty three were pre- bent. Winners during the evening were lucky plate. Airs Tony Vanlison: lady wearing a green dress. Mrs. Rohs Kinsman: lady with pearl earrings, Mrs. Vanloons laity with 11106I jew- elry, lir,. William Kyle: lady with. birthdaY nearest to that day, Airs llaevert Winners of euchre were la- dies, Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mrs. S'ewart Pepper. lone hands. Mrs Gram MacLean Pusident Mrs James Drum- mond conducted a brief busi- ness meeting when plans were laid for a euchre Friday. April 6 at SS 2 Tuckersinith. S charade contest acted out Iv. 'he winners ooncluded an en10% able evening Hensall personals Mr and Mrs. William Green spent the weekend with her of Exeter visited with Mr John mother, Mrs. Eva Parker and Passmore on Sunday. Rev Currie Winlaw was cal- Mrs. Edna Corbett visited had to Ingersoll owing to the this week with Mrs. Pearl sudden illness of his mother. Shaddick. who has been admitted to the hospital there Kinsmen attending the Kins- man District Convention at Pella were William Fuss, Jack Drysdale, 'William Mickle, John. Baker and Harold Knight. Mr and Mrs. Fred Beer were weekend guests with Mr and Mrs Peree Phillips of To- ronto Mr. Ed Munn is a patient at St Joseph's Hospital, London, recuperating from an opera- tion performed on Friday. Kinottes deliver Easter plants Members of Hensall Dinette Club on Sunday, April 1, de- livered some fifty Easter plants. to patients in victoria and St. Joseph's Hospital, London; rung attending the banquet giv-South Huron District Hospital, en by the faculty of Western xeter; Clinton Public Hospi- Ontario Agriculture School for tai; Huronview, Clinton, and the first year students and their parents. Mr. Charles Mickle and Mr. Ian Mundell of Medway Hall, University of Western Ontario, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Stickle, Bob and Ann. Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Maims and Donald, of Toronto, visited. in Hensall over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shep- herd. Mrs. Edna Corbett was a weekend house guest with Mrs. Pearl. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Mr, and Mrs, William Stickle of Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Les Parker, Exeter, were guests on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie. Robert and Ann of Essex. LAC Don Havens of RCAF Sell -farms Station Clinton has been pro- moted to corporal. Miss Ruth Anne Traquair of at KIppen St_ Thomas spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Miss Margaret Chesney, Sea- forth, and Miss Judy Cham- bers, Elora, who are attending Teachers' College in Stratford, spent last week practice teach- ing at. SS 1 Tuckersmith of which Mrs. Laurabelle Reich- ert is the teacher. Weekend visitors stith Mr John Passmore were Mr. and Mrs. W J, McLean, Hamilton; Mr. .Tohn Passmore. Delhi,. Rev. R. A Passmore and Mrs. Passmore, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gan- nett, Beverley and Susan, and Mr Ross Smith of Bluevale, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs Orville Jones and family at the Queenasvay nursing home. Mr Smith is a brother of Mrs. Jones_ Mrs. William Cole is a patient in South 'Huron Hospital. Phone 16'6W fr—vo Pago 4 April 5, 1962 Staffa WI will host South Perth annual r This wook Thames Road :Ay MILS, WILLIAM ROHDE Presbytery inducts e• R. CrQmarty ,.mintster Those from Hensall attending the "Under The Big Top” skat- ing carnival at Exeter arena on Saturday evening were Allison Ettore', Jane Smith, Carolyn Cook, Susan Broadley, Troy- ann Bell and Pauline Bell. Pauline Bell is taking a se- ven week figure skating course at Strathroy under her private instructor, Mr, Arthur Burke of Stratford. Mrs. Grace Harpole returned home Thursday after spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. D H. Peacock and family at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. William Row- cliffe and Mrs. A. Shirray were at Ridgetown Friday eve- patients at Queensway nursing home and shut ins at Hensall. Tit's is an annual project. Air and Mrs Archie Mac- Gregor visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mac. Donald, the former Marjorie Cudmere, and family of Bramp- ton, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cudmore. Mr and Mrs. William Foster and Kim of Stratford visited during the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Bonnie. Mrs. William Cole was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter following a heart attack. Miss Betty Parker of London MRS. NORMAN LONG KIPPEN Mr Wm Coleman of Kippen has purchased the Monteith farm from Mr H, R. Arnold, and Mr. Maurice Ommee of Waliaceburg purchased the Henderson farms from Mr Ar- nold, possession to be taken shnrtis„ Mr Arthur Fmlas son had a successful sale Saturday of farm implements and stock. LIr H B Arnold visited Ridg,etown on Wednesday. Mr Bob Clarke. who has been a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, the past nine months. returned to his home recently, Mr and Mrs. Land and tam- sly moved from Beverley Bea- ton's house to Ross Forrests's house on the Con 2 Tucker- smith Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie and Karen of Witigham visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Ed- gar McBride and Sharon. Mr and Mrs. Percy Willert of Zurich were recent visitors of Mr arid Mrs. Harold Jones and boys Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk and family moved last week from the 2nd of Tuckerstnith into Mr. Lou Clarke's house. Mr W, L. Meths, who has been on the sick list two weeks, is improving in health Mrs Wm. Winder, former Icippen resident, was taken by ambulance from Clinton to Victoria Hospital, London, On Friday Mr, and iitra riston riourson, who have spent the winter month's with Mr. and hirs.. James Riley, Seaforth, returned borne Saturday and were ac- companied by their daughter arid son-in-law,„ Mr. arid Mrs. Eldin Karr of Winthrop, Mr and Mrs. John Long, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs„ WM, Ding, Woodford arid Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Inch, Windsor, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs N. Long. Barbara Onatult of Hamilton recently visited her cousin Karren Littleton Living Is easter wheh you rely on gas to bring modern con. Vottionce into your home, Sea us about gas appliances. Auxiliary hears official Zone Commander Mrs. Mary McCann, Howick, spoke to Hen- sall Legion auxiliary Tuesday night. • She also installed a new mem- ber, Mrs. Gertrude McClintock, Mrs. Gordon •Aluim, past presia dent, presented the official with a gift. Mrs. Daisy Bates and Mrs. Janet Hay, both of Zurich, were proposed as new members. Two bowling teams from the auxiliary will compete in the Walkerton tournament April 25 and the auxiliary will cater to Guide banquet May 30. Mrs. Howard Smale and Mrs, Jack Drysdale won mystery prizes. Bingo followed. Mrs, William Smale presided. Personal items Mrs, Sim Roobol will show pictures on her trip to Holland at the Easter joint meeting of the UCW Monday, April 9. Name UC committee At a special meeting of the congregation of Hensall United Church following church serv- ice Sunday morning a pastoral relations committee was ap- pointed composed et Mrs. Dave Kyle, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Clendon Christie, Jim McAllis- ter and Robert Reaburn as chairman. Chiselhurst congregation ap- pointed Russell Ferguson and Earl Treffry, Guides see World head Grand Bent) to 7 to 10 &dock Sorry, de. Message from Greenway Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Christ- man and family of Leroy, N.Y., spent the weekend with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Bus La- gerwerf and family, Mrs. Inez Bettison of Regina and Mrs. Gladys Campbell of Strathroy visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curls, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter- burn and family of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs,, E. 0. Bullock and Mr. arid Mrs. Stuart Bullock and family, Rev, C. A. Brittain of Moore- field United Church has re- ceived and accepted an invi- tation to be minister of Grand Bend and Greenway 'United Churches to he effective July 1. Mr. and. Mrs, Joe Hodge and Jeanette of Detroit spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. and Airs. Ulden Walker and family of Elgin-field visited on Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Earl Steeper and family. ess for the meeting of the Staffa 'Women's Institute' on, Wednesday afternoon, March There were l5 members and six visitors present. Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries was the theme of the meeting with Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler and. Mrs. Bert Felt in charge. The motto. -the love of the land ties deep in the heart of man" was ,prepared by Airs. Lloyd Miller .and read by Airs, John Templeman. Roll ,04.11 was answered with a current event in .agrietiltiire. Mrs. Bert Fell chose .as her topic. an informative address on Dr. Helen Abet who recently returned from Nigeria where she was on loan by the Federal Department of Agriculture here in. Canada. Mrs, Gerald Agar read the household hints which had. been prepared by Airs. Ruby Reed. airs, Bert Fell and Mrs, Cecil Bowman each gave five-minute accounts on British Columbia, Mrs. Fell speaking on Natural Wild Life and Mrs. Bowman on the cities and towns, The president Airs, Russell .Worden presided for the busi- ness. Plans were discusSed for the South Perth District An- nual which is to be held in Staf- fa township hall in May. Committees were II .8 in C d: menu, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs. Roy McDonald, cleanup com- mittee, airs, John Templenian, Mrs, Ross Smale, Mrs. Gerald Agar and Mrs. Russell. War- den; decorating committee, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Tom Laing and Miss Vera Hambley. Airs. Wilbur Glanville and Airs. Roy McDonald were in charge Of the program; Solos were enjoyed by Judy Jeffery and .. Craigi Kerslake, Brenda Kerslake and Elizabeth Smale favored with a duet, A discus- sion lead by Miss Vera Ham- bley on refinishing furniture was enjoyed by all. UCW meeting The UCW meeting was held in Staffa United Church on Wed- nesday, March 21. Mrs. Gerald Agar opened the meeting with a sing song of Easter hymns. Mrs. Rober t McCaughney read the scripture lesson fol- lowed by some thoughts to re- member in this Lenten season. Mrs. R. D. Sadler favored with a solo, Mrs. A. H. Daynard con- ducted the business and plans were made to entertain some of the neighboring church groups at the April meeting. The la- dles were asked to keep in mind the used clothing for their ,t)y MRS. JOHN T.AmPI,AmAti spring hale. S1'AI0 VA Hostesses were Miss Vera Mrs. Lloyd. Miller was host- HanibieY and Mrs R. D. Sad- ler, Twn quilts were quilted during the afternoon Crest Hardware Just For he- BOTH STORES OPEN FRIDAY .& SATURDAY Friday Night, April .6 20e/o OFF ALL ITEMS EXCLUDING ARTICLES ON SALE Foll9w* the Crowds to Henson ! DRYS SAVE 20 CENTS ON or data for E The I'CW catered to the men's club banquet meeting of the Woodham charge last Tuesday evening in the church basement. Mr. and Sirs. Warren Brock. Exeter, visited last Wednes- day evening with Air. and Airs. Angus Earl, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Here, Lynda and Fred, Jarvis, spent the weekend at the homes of their -parents, Mr. and Airs. John Selves and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hem, Mr. and Sirs. Warren Brock, Exeter, were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Brock, 'Karen and Mur- ton. UCW supper and program The 'KW held 'a pot luck supper in the church basement on Friday evening with a good crowd in attendance, A short program followed the supper with Harry Hern, Paul Baker, the primary, class and Vernon and Leroy Hern taking part after which Everard ler showed pictures, Personal item; Miss Anna •Wieke. Kitchener. was a student teacher at SS 13, itibbert last week. She stayed with Air, and Mrs. Harold Par- sans. Mr, David Kemp was a stu- dent teacher at Lumley school in Vahorne Township last week. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Norris. Patti and Susan and Airs. Sam: Norris visited over 1Iw wee.kend. with relatives in Brampton and Agincourt. Alr. Eric-Norris...GA(2, Guelph, spent the weekend with his fa- ther, Mr, Sam Norris. Air. Arthur Su-ole is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Jean and Donald Cole, Crorn- arty visited over the weekend with Alt', and Mrs. John Tem- pleman and family, By MRS, Kgm. PcArisiosn s:sl Ida Hail, Mildred and service oat; mitt- Mabel Thomas. ,or -Lo ndon islet' of Cavell Presbyterian 401 recently with Air. and Airs. 'c'hurch, 11-1xler and CrulartY William ttford. Presbyterian Church took place fir. and Atrs Kentile j3ra4k.ed .Brazier in. Cr n*. oni church on Wednes,, spent day evening before a large eon- with Alr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- gregation, 111010. Michele and Carol Lynn Brazier returned home with their parents after having spent the past month with their grandparents. Air. and Sirs- Pasamore. Miss Marilyn Johns of Elim- ville spent the weekend with Miss Diane Stone. The sermon was preacher by Al -. and Mrs, :Word Bev, William Weir of Rnos, and .Ronald spent Teesday eve- Presbyterian Church, Stratford, ning last with Air. and Airs. and the address to the minister Cecil Bannerman of St. Marys, and the congregation Av a s • Air. and Airs, Ernest Pyre given by Rev, Bruce A. Miles visited on Sunday with Mrs, of ListoweL Ruth Knight of Seaforth. A reception for Air. and Mrs. Mr. and Airs. Donald Bray, Boyne was held at the close of Robert, Janet and Ruth were the service. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, john .Bray. Air. and Airs, Case de Mooy and Sandra of London visited The story in on Sunday with Mr, and Airs, Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Mrs, William Thom- son of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Alan, Ely MISS MUR•IEL HORN and Mrs. William Rohde, Doug- las, Glenn and Calvin were Sunday evening attests with Personal items r. and Mrs, Clarence Thom- son.M • , of .Woodham, EVERY DOLLAR we tannOt alter anyone, Zion ALE Henson time It's time for that Spring Changeover Message from Blake By MISS EMMA FINLAY D ys Left IG SALES Prices Further Reduced to Clear .Our Steck Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Moore and family of Lindsay were weekend visitors at the home of Air. and Airs, T, L. Scott, where a family dinner in honor of Airs. E. Moore's eightieth birthday was held on Saturday Air. and Mrs. Donald Wallace of Carlingtord visited on Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, Misses Marion and jaarbara :Damien of Kirkton spent the weekend with Miss Alice Wal- ker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family of Goderieh visited on Saturday with relatives in the village. Airs, E. Moore was taken suddenly ill on Saturday eve- ning and was removed to Sea- forth Hospital early Sunday morning, Mrs, Dan Alcinnis of Thames. ORDER YOUR Spring Seeds EARLY We have available OATS RODNEY, GARRY & 'RUSSELL BARLEY HERTA, PARKLAND & 111ONTEALM . at competitive prices. BEAN SEED MICH:ELITE, SANILAC & SEAWAY CONTRACTS Unlimited Malting Barley Contracts Last year Malting Barley prices averaged between $1.30 and $1.37 per bushel. Feed Oat Contracts Delivery accepted from the field. Bean Contracts A choice of Michelite, Sanilac and Seaway Seed to choose from. FERTILIZER We are selling fertilizes' at a new low price. Contact us before you buy, E. L. Mickle & SON LIMITED PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. The service was in charge of the Stratford Presbytery and was conducted by .the filOdera- tor, Be'.'. Hugh Wilson of Shakespeare. Rev. Robert Al. f3issett of Avonton, intern' mo. &mita, outlined the steps leading up to the induction. NI HT ford and Miss .5syrile Sweet of :Sarnia, cousins of Airs. {Mo. Walker visited .at .the home ,.of Air. and Alt's. AValker on salnr• day est:mime Mr. and airs. Gordon',Lana, Lorraine and. David visited on Friday es eeine with Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Jefferson of •('lins ten. Al% Lindsay 'McKellar, Doug. and Laurie visited on Stiaday with Mr. and Airs. rerg. Mg- Kellar. Seaforth. Air. and Mrs. Harold Coleman of Seaforth and Airs, Violet Nuance of firavebridg,e visited tiundaa afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allen, Explorers hear history of area fhe Explorers of Cannel church meeting Thursday lis- tened with interest to guest Brownies Betty C ameron and speaker M r$ Malcolm Dongall, Jo-Ann Thiel of liensall and speaking on the Hensall Pres- Zurich respectively and Guides byterian Church from the time Mary Bannister of Zurich and it started until now. Sharron Skidmore of lie.nsall When Hensall was just hus», attended a ra l ly for the World the first settlers came by a Chief Guide, Lady Baden Pow- blazed trail to this spot where ell, in Toronto on Wednesday they settled in Hensall John .evening, April 4, Each Brownie . Skea thanked the speaker and Paek and Guide Company was presented her with an Es:- allowed to send one girl, pincer's pin on behalf of the Mrs. Thos. Lavender was in group. Toronto on Wednesday attend- Michael Hos react Bible pas- log a rally of 4,000 Guides and sages and showed a „,„„1 „s Brownies in the Queen Eliza- pertaining to the worship ten- beth Building at Exhibition Ire. Billy Hoy provided the Park at which Lady Baden. ;antes called ,,„s Powell, World Chief Guide, for Faxplorers,., was the speaker. Mrs. Lavender, commission , Auxiliary holds social or for Hensall-Zurich district Members of Legion Austhary entertained the members of the held a social evening in the Zurich Guide Company and Legion Hall Friday evening their mothers at her home in Dancing was enjoyed and sev- Hensall on Tuesday evening, oral spot dances were won. April 3 Plans for spring ac- Winners of the door prizes livities of the company were were Mrs James ,Jenkins, discussed. liensall, and Fred Simmons. Exeter. Gives You Plenty Of hot water To Make Your WASHDAYS MUCH EASIER Use gas in modern appliances streamline your housework, We liver right to yoUr doorl HOTSON PROPANE