HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-22, Page 19ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gate. 0:45 aete—Sunday School 10:00 aatt.—Bible Class 11:00 aen.—Divine Service. Wed., 8 p,m.—Lenten Service CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Student: .John 13oonstra 1,0:00 a.m.—Worship in Dutch 2:15 p.m.—Worship in English 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour CHLO (680 sec.) Errimanual Baptist Church, Exeter cordially invites you In our First Service Sunday Afternoon March 25 at 3:0 p,rn. IN BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH, HURON ST. E. HEAR, Revs Martin 0, Wedge Pastor of Wortley Baptist, London Special ellUSie by "The Clioralettes" Directed by Miss Doris Hewer YOH WILL RECEIVE A wArm wa,comt, Interested pallbrig itiVite.d 'to ntir rtgular Vcits,d. liaday evening praya sorviet on. 111 Bethel 11.0.forniod rhutth, A DMITTANCE Cr V, jg. 0 TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OE AGE OR OVER r TWISTING and SQUARE DA.NCING Saturday, March 24 Starts 8,00 p.m. MUSIC PROVIDED CONTINUOUSLY BY Exeter's Popular Group i‘The Coachmen If and Elgin Fisher and his WESTERN RH YTHMAI R ES Chicken Fry . 50' Square Dance COMPETITION Every Friday March 23, 30 and April 6, 11 Starts 900 p.m, MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE AND HIS, NIGHT HAWKS Twist CONTEST Every Saturday March 24, 31 and April 2', 14 Starts 8:30 p.m. MUSIC t3Y s'rew BAIRD AND HIS COLL EGIANS Each. winner will ba tOreffeett on the following Week acid fill Pi* Orotip4._will yid for: honors the square dance on Friday,. April 13 and in 'Elia Twist an 'Saturday, April 14. GENEROUS CASH PRIZES AWAROEO FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD. ON THE. FINAL WORTS, Preference given to etelvaitiet Otifei6S.,..wriNt Or phone. tute, which will co-ordinate all. The designation of 21-ei miles research undertaken by the of development road from No. Departmeet of Agriculture, is 8 at Seaforth to No. 8th through in iny opinion, and I am happy Walton and 4ruesela, while of to say that this opinion is particular interest to this area, shared by many, a history- will benefit the entire county making development capable of because of the feet that Papi- benefiting alt phesee of our tal construction costs, and the province's agric ultural in- cost of pre-engineering will be come paid for 100 per cent by the Of further interest and great province. The only cost to the county will be the work of sur- riculturalin/portae cteometi.rete?)n,t4Isio ate g the 'eying and acquisition of right- appointment of a special con- of-way, which I tlederstanci has mittee by the Agriculture Min- already been pretty well coin- ister Stewart to investigate the Pletcth very important program of The long-awaited new pro- vertical mtegration, At the vincial hospital at Coclerich Moment the committee's inves- should be completed and ready tigations and studies will be for occupancy some time this confined to fruits and vege. summer er early fail and a tables but in all likelihood will much - needed agricultural of• he extended over a much rice building at. Clinton now broader area. awaits approval by treasury hoard. This building will pro- Huron developments board, for greatly needed office Perhaps might be permitted space and may well become to make further comment on even more than Previously the matters whicl' I announced two egricultural headquartera for weeks ago because they are of the county because of the space particular importance to Hu- which will be made available ron riding, for meetings of our various county organizations at the agricultural level, Represents PM TI ill Times-Advocate, March 1.962 Page 2.: .BY M.ecNAPPIITON Hurete MPP The most, important Iopic. Around Queen's Perk these, days is the budget — over a billion dollars and the biggest in the history of the province. Space will not permit me to. go into complete detail about this budget, but it can be Said, 1 believe, that it is really an imaginative blueprint of future expansion and prospe- rity for all of us ins. Ontario. The budget did note that the government intends to make eure Met Onterjo egriculture remains in the foreground of development,. It was ..also re• ported" that in. 1961 the yields of all major field crops epeded the average of the last ten years and that farm cash income reached the highest Point in its history. I might further observe that in the year that lies ahead, it is the intention of your provin, vial government to strengthen research and marketing facili- ties, The establishment of the Agricultural Research DWI- JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. .Lewis, M.A„ 13.D, Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.—MORNING SERVICE LIGHT FROM THE GOS- PELS ON THE MEANING OF THE CROSS (2) "And He began to teach that the Son of Man must suffer" The watershed of the Gos- pels—when Jesus began to teach that the Galilean. min- istry of helpful words and deeds was not enough, Music by the Junior Choir Nursery for tots and junior Congregation for children 'I to 6 years, COME TO CHURCH IN LENT MAIN STREET United Church. of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hilts Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School All ages, 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "What Shall I Do With Jesus?" —St, Malt. 27: 1.26 Junior choir will sing "Be Still. My Soul" and "Fairest Lord Jesus". Nursery provided. Conic and Worship With Us, ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CR EDITON A, M, Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, March 25 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study Wed., March 28, 8 p.m.—Mid • Week Service Theme: "The Cross" CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist: Mrs. W, G. Cochrane 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship The induction of Rev, john C. Boyne, B.A., B.D., will take place in Cromarty Pres- byterian Church Wednesday evening, March 28, 8:00 p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, March 25 Speaker: Mr. Reg. Miller 10:00 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 am.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,"—Ps, 119; 105. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron St., East Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:30 a,m,—Morning Worship 11.:45 a.m,—Sunday School and Catechism 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Friday Night, March 23 An. nual Prayer Service for Crops and Industry. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, March 25, 1902 Third Sunday in Lent 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11:00 a,m. — Morning Prayer and Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism Nursery and Sunday School THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10130 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a,m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Rev. Mee W. Holmes, Pastor SPECIAL MISSIONARY DAY with Rev, and Mrs, Howard Kerr Just returned from .Argentina— these talented missionaries will have many items of interest for all that will hear them. Everyone Welcome 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p,m, 9:45 a,m.—Sunday School Hour 9:00 a.m. CJCS Missionary Radio Service (1240 Nc) ''Go ye, into :ell the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature." On February 19, I was pri- vileged to represent Prime Minister Robarts and the gov- ernment of the province at what for me was a thrilling oc- casion. It was the 65th anni- versary of the Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Ontario. On this occasion 1,400 women assembled in the Queen Eliza- beth building et the Canadian National Exhibition grounds, having braved one of the worst snow storms of the winter to attend this important birthday party, One group of members had been in a bus from 7 a,m, to 12:30, driving a distance of 137 miles. The entire affair impressed me particularly be- cause of the splendid organi- zation and the opportunity it provided me to witness the tremendous scope and effec- tive work being done by an or- ganization that, I must con- fess, I had largely taken for granted. T couldn't help but feel proud of these women from all over Ontario who put up with much discomfort and inconvenience to attend this 65th birthday party and this explained to me why the Women's institutes have been such an influence for good in this proidnee for so many years, I hope to have the privilege of reporting through these col- umns again in a couple of weeks. It's funny about bill collect- ors—you don't like them much, but still you keep asking them to call again," 4:‘ EXETER FIGURE SKATING CLUB Presents Its Ninth Annual Featuring Guest Skaters and Local Talent Ae 'gating. to. the latest fig- oree,.. Huron. County families have been increasing their tire insurance holdings in the past few years. Their coverage .has climbed to an estimated $139,608,000, an all-time high. One reason given for the rise is that ii has become easier than it once Was to mull- ify for life insurance. Another IS that incomes have been go- ing up, making it .poasible for pelvic to expand their protec- tion in this directieh. Investing more' money in se- curity ef this kind is but one of several defensive measures that have been taken by local residents to safeguard their fu- ture, They have . also been ad- ding to their cash savings and to their investments, The developments are de- tailed, for Canada at large and for each province in the 1961 Life Insurance :Fact Book and in figures released by the Ca- nadian Life Insuranee Offi- cers Association. They show that families in COMING EVENTS 1QOF — Exeter Lodge No. 67, 100F, invites all members of the district to he present on Tuesday, March 27 when Brus- sels second degree team will confer the degree on a large class of new members. We ex- pect our Grand Master and a few Past Grand Masters to be present. Come and bring your candidates, Harold Rowe, NG; Percy A. McFalls, Rec. Secev. 22e TEA & BAKE SALE Exeter Home and School Association's annual tea and bake sale, April 4, 2 to 5 p.m., in conjunction with open house at Exeter Pub- lic School, Everyone welcome. 22c HAM SUPPER — Clandeboyc United Church, Wednesday, March 28, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Ad- mission $1.25 and 65e. 22c BLOSSOM TEA, United. Church Women of James Street Unit- ed Church, May :16, 3:00 p.m. 22c COLON Released the United Artists ( Canada have built up a huge financial bulwark fur themsel- ves in the form of life incur, ;ince. It amounts to more than $16 with same $19.915,e 00n.000 of it in force in the .pro- vince of Ontario. How much does it boil down to in terms of the individual In Ontario as .a whole, the average household has an amount of insurance that is equal te its net earnings, .af- ter taxes, over a period of 254 months. Applied to Huron County, with its after-tax income per month of $357 per household, as shown in the latest annual Sales Management report, the average local family's owner- ship of life insurance is ape ,proximately $8,950. If compares favorably with Ilse amount in force in 1957, $5,820 per family. All told, for the entire local population, it comes to $139 0 668.000. Much of the increase in life in life insurance coverage is attributed in the reports to the spectacular growth of group insurance, which now repre• sents nearly a third of all life insurance in Canada. Since 1950 it has increased by about 50 percent. The spotlight is still held, Reception 6t Dance for SHIRLEY GAISER GORDON HUTCHINSON Sat., Mar. '24 8:00 p.m. CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL HAMILTON'S ORCHESTRA. Everybody Welcome! Lunch will be served, Admission 75q'', ""Thu way machines are Ise placing people, I've decided to be e, mechanic instead of doctor." however, by ordinary life in, surance, which has 66 percent of the total. Reception Dance for MR. AND MRS. DONALD REID (net Anderson) RUSSELDALE HALL Sat,, Mar, 31 9:00 p.m. MUSIC BY jig YOUNG AND ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch ADMISSION .5oe Everyone Welcome SAVE THE DATE I WED., APRIL 11 for the appearance of London's Barbershappers "The Men of Accord" fle SO-MEMBER GROUP • THREE QUARTETS including The Night Hawks Third Place • International Winners Sponsored by JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH AOTS MEN'S CLUB urn's .Paric report Outlines Huron projects. Fan,' les in Huron * Increase insurance ,, , • Sat., March 31 8:00 Exeter Arena ADMISSION 750 and 250 Exeter and District 131'alleh Canadian Cancer Society affodil Party Monday, March 26 8;0 p.m. OETHEL REFORMED 'CHURCH, HURON STREET EAST Guest Speaker: Or, 'E E. Tiernan, Olt A native of Dasitwo04 Pr. Titmlati is assistant exectitive 'director o f. both the N ational rtlitCV of Canada and t,lit Canadian Cart(tir Society, WU, r4g SEAMY Enjoy Yourself Relax at the Movies COMING SOON! Tpou L B est s * ANATOMY OF A PSYCHO (Adult) * THE ALAMO * FULLER BRUSH MAN * FULLER BRUSH GIRL * HEY, LET'S TWIST * MASTER OF THE WORLD * PARIS BLUES (Adult) * WILD FOR KICKS (Adult) 71( X.15 (Filmed Actually in Outer Space) Its stark realism will leave you breathless . a torrid expose of today's social stand- ards . . . an emotional experience you will never forget. LYRIC THEATRE 26, 27, 28 March MON, TUES. WED. First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 pdfi. "Goodbye Again" COMING APRIL 16, 17, 10 TURNER iim oiAr Possessed IE S. V IV, D NI MI:V.5 II IU/S ALAI AtIMITri kJef 235.2911 EXETER ADMISSION s.IO C Fun For Everyone! At the Hotel Imperial GRAND. BEND Friday Night Fish Fry ALL YOU CAN EAT . soe Listening and Dancing Music By DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA ENTRIES STILL OP EN For Second AMATEUR NIGHT SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Plan To Join The Crowds And The Fun Chlidrou with Adults Admitted rree poi 2 .== ggo i=3 Featuring Daily . . BARBARA WOODALL. with COOKING QUICKIES A Cooking School for the modern homemaker Shows Daily-2 P,M, & 8 P.M. lifts For All Ladies Attending Free Door Prizes At Each Show LADIES You are invited to attend our official opening. LADIES ADMITTED FREE 1:30 P.M, TO 3:30 P.M., MONDAY MARCH 26TH ONLY THURS., FRI., SAT. 22,M 23 arch 24 Feature ! quest for secret treasure! and terror , . . a fabulous GOB s Love and hate — treasure NEN IdtiiMiSi31 TREASURE, MYSTERY ,ROU ONTE CI11STO Dancing 9 to 12 AND TERROR! M•G•M prasen i,,,v1.144 (1F it? biECRET)) ,THE ts Saturday Night Dances Double Exeter Legion Memorial' Hail Jackets and Jeans Not Allowed Admission 75c Per Person • CaNew.ScoPE coLoa by Ca LUX! PEIREOPHONIC SOW .Starts Monday! The Big 9th Annual Home and Garden aria*" MARCH 26 TO MARCH 31 INCLUSIVE OP EN DAILY 1:30 p.m. to loop p.m. Visit Western Ontario's Annual Modern Living Show , , See Home '62, HOME AND GARDEN SHOW WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS — LONDON DANCE CONTESTS AT THE inn Grand Bend