HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-22, Page 13Including ftin g e benefits,
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hour, con pared with $1.19 for
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ll cents foe West Genitally, 79
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for Italy,
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News from Saintsbury
Party .fetes
St. Patrick's
The ladies of St, Patrick's
church sponsored a suceessful
"St. Patrick's Dessert Euchre"
on Wednesday afternoo n,
March 14 in the parish ball,
Mrs. Harry Carroll, Guild
president, welcomed the ladles
and Mrs. Tom Kooy, WA vice.
President, announced the win•
ners at the close of the after-
poop; Mrs, Andy Thompson,
Clandeboye, ladies' high; 'Mrs,
George Miller, Lucan, lone
hands; Mrs. B, Nagle, RR 2
Lucan, lucky chair.
Personal items
Mr. Fred Dobbs Jr. is under
the doctor's care. Mr, and:
Mrs, Bob Mogk and John of
Guelph spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Dobbs,
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Tindall
arid Nancy spent Sunday with
the former's father, Mr. Chas.
Tindall, Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack .Dickins,
Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Atkinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll,
Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Mac-
Donald arid Mr. and Mrs.
Heber Davis attended the tur-
key banquet and euchre at
West McGillivray on Thursday
evening, and this community
was well represented at the
St. Patrick's euchre at Trivitt
Memorial hall, March 17,
Mr, and Mrs. jack Dickins
and Mr. and Mrs, Maurice
MacDonald were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car-
roll. Mr. Carroll was observing
his birthday.
Mr, and Mrs, Murray Ham-
ilton, Ailsa Craig, were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Davis.
Mr, Clarence Davis, also
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
called recently to see their
aunt, Mrs, Clarence Fletcher,
Woodham, who is Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta
and family were Saturday eve-
ning guests with Mr. and. Mrs.
Sill Siddall, Denfield, and had
Mr, Latta's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Garfield Latta, London,
as guests on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
were Friday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Coleman, Lu-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of
Exeter spent Sunday with their
niece and nephew, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Rees. •
Mr. Earl Carroll of Exeter
and Mr. and Mrs. George At-
kinson and family of Edgewood
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Atkinson.
Mrs, Hugh Davis attended a
shower for Mrs, Pat Cronyn. at
Crediton United Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnson
and boys were guests at a
birthday party on Sunday for
Mrs. Johnson's uncle, Mr. Jack
Lake of Hyde Park,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Christie, Centralia, Sunday aft-
ernoon and with Mr. and Mrs.
H, A. Muffins, London, Sunday
prayer day
vitality, -enthusiasm and Youth,'
ittlness. any- age,
As one .of the nation's busiest
entertainers Bob's am r , g h
knowledge of nutrition, inspirod
by his lather, a PbYsicien t
enables him to meet the de.-
mantis. of his, busy work stile,
dules. At ZO: he has no. rillnos^
.see, no glasses, , PO trace of
baldness and no "battle of the
Bob Cummings gives in this
book 14 common sense rules
for positive health And four
basic roles for dynamic living '
and he writes "I firmly be-
them, if you. live them, Can IX BI.G 'DAYS help you attain .and maintain „ . „
more vitality, more entinisi,
asm, more zest, more harm.
oily of mind and body, more
love of life than you have
known before."
lieve these 18 rules if you use.
Monday Through Saturday
March 20 to March 31
Looking into the patient's
eye, the quack said, "I can see
that you are suffering from
sleeping sickness, gastritis, ap-
pendicitis and diabetes."
The patient replied: "Now,
try the other eye, Doc, that
one is glass."
Pedestrian (standing in mid-
dle of street): "How can I get
to the hospital?"
Motorist; "Just stand right
where you are."
All-wool worsted, 3-button single-breasted lounge
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"But I have seventeen minute"
corning from yesterday."
euchre. fete.
By .hm...RpogRT BUNDLE.
Black Knights held A.
euchre in the hall Friday eve-
ning with twelve tables in
Prizes for ladies Thigh score,
. Pepper; tone ]hands,
MMrs,jR, Witteveen; When s high
Allan Berry; lone hands, Law-
twee Beckett.
Door Prize was won by Mrs.
C, Scott; draw for ham, Mrs.
W, Doupe.
Personal items
Mr. Robert Rundle and Mr..
Mel Fletcher, Conquest, .Sask,,
visited with Mrs, Arthur Run-.
die of .St, Marys and Mr, and
mrs, Nelson Fletcher and. Mr,
and Mrs. Howard Fletcher of
Lambeth on Friday.
Mr, Mel Fletcher and Mr,
Btewarl: Kennedy of Conquest,
Sask., were guests on Wednes-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Rundle, Jim and Jack,
Mr, Mel Fletcher of Conquest
Sask., and Harry Rocid were
guests with Mr. arid. Mrs. La-
verne Rodd. and Eddie on Fri-
Mrs. Roy Kirk spent the
weekend With her daughter,
Mrs, Bryce Skinner, Bryce and
family and attended the mo-
ther and daughter banquet in
Munro church on Friday eve-
The ladies of the church held
a successful St. Patricks sup-
per on Friday evening,
Mrs. Victor Chatten and Bar'
bara were guests with her par..
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wes, Shier
of Grant= on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ford
of Hay were guests on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Law-
son and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques
were guests at the Gregory-
Beimers wedding in Strathroy
on Friday evening, The bride
is the former Alice Beimers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pe-
ter Beimers, who lived in the
community for sometime.
Mr. Albert Vodden and Mrs,
Elizabeth Scott of Clinton were
Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Vodden.
Mr. John and Nelson Morphy
and Miss Margaret Welch of
Toronto were weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mor-
phy and Bradley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Dianne and Douglas were
Saturday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill McLean of Exeter.
Mrs. Jackson Woods and Bob
of Elimville were visitors on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Robinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Witteveen
and Sharon visited with Mrs.
William Roudi of Port Credit
and Mr. Wm. Roudi in haspital
at Toronto and Mr. a Mrs.
Gordon Witteveen of .eo.nto
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small
and Thelma of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence
of St. Marys visited. Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
John Rodd and family.
Miss Jean Dunn of. London
was a Thursday evening visitor
with Mr, and Mrs, Don Mur-
phy and Bradley.
Mr. and. Mrs. Norris Webb
and family were Saturday
evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Crago, Fourth Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Wheeler
visited Sunday with Rev, and
Mrs. John Wheeler of Alma.
Mr; and Mrs. Gerald Brint-
nell had as their guests on
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Shepherd and Erryn
of Turnbulls Grove.
Woodham UCW
The United Church. Women
met in the church basement on
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leon-
ard Thacker led in the devo-
tional it saisted by Mrs, Ken
Canadian. Library Week will
be celebrated for the fourth.
consecutive year April .8 to 14,
Reading is the key to infor-
mation ,,,ens
tertainment. None of us can
afford all -the books we need or
want. That's why we need li-
braries. In more ways than
one, reeding is a key to richer
life, one in w h i ph libraries
play a major part.
Libraries find people are
reading more than ever. Many
read for pleasure — but more
are reading for profit — for
information on hobbies, Nisi-
ness, human affairs —... a form.
of education pursued at leis-
Canadian Library Week
Parkinson, Mrs. Ted. Insley
favored with a piano solo.
A film "Reason for Being,"
was shown by Jean Copeland.
Mrs, La Verne Rodd had
charge of he study hook chap-
ter "Old and New Canadians",
A story entitled "Chrysan-
themum Transplanted" w a s
read by Mrs. Jack Thomson,
. .
brings the services of libraries
before the nubile and libraries
take a look at themselves as
to how they may better serve
their readers.
Pioneers in aviculture
The story of a country can
best be read in the lives of its
people. Therefore a series of
Canadian Portraits have been
written, dealing with the lives
of Canadians, who have made a
contribution to the welfare
and progress of Canada and
the world. Each volume deals
with the work of not more than
four or five men or women,
members of 'the same profes-
-sloe or occupation.
This volume Pioneers in
Agriculture, deals with Daniel
Massey, Alan Mcinto5h. and
Charles Saunders. Ma as e
came of a family who attacked
the Canadian wilderness and he
himself toiled so hard that he
sought a way to ease the far-
mer's burden and founded the
great machinery company that
still bears his name.
Alan McIntosh was a Metho-
dist circuit rider whose efforts
to grow and perpetuate a per-
fect apple directed Canadian
agriculture towards specializa-tion. He gave the Maritimes,
Ontario and British Columbia
their favorite apple — the Red
Saunders was an agricuitte
rat scientist. He discovered
Marquis, an early ripening
wheal,' which, for many years,
was the keystone of Canada's
export trade,
Stay Young and Vital
A book received in. the Hu-
ron County Book exchange on
Friday is "Stay 'Young and
Vital" by a famous movies and
TV star, Bob Cummings in
which he gives his own suc-
cessful formula for building
,St,: ...Patrkk e s service
A St. Patriek's day service
was held in St. Patrick's church
at 11 o'clock March 17 with
Rev. Lyle Bennett M .charge,
taking the patron Saint St.
Patrick as the. theme for his
trick's Dessert .Euchre were
discussed, Mr, Bennett asked
the ladies for 'volunteers to
give homes .fer cottage meet-
ings for the Lenten season; the
first service to be held. at St..
Patrick's. .Church, on St. pat,
riek's Day, March 17 at 11
a.m., with the members of
Paul'a, :And. St.
Thomas, °rearm, trivited for
corporate communion, The see-
.ond service is at the home of
Mr.- and Mrs, Harry Carroll
on Tuesday, March 20 at '8
The -hostess Was. assisted by
Mrs, Dean :Gibson, Mrs, Tom.
Kau and Mrs, Jim Barker,
Mr. Earl Atkinson won the
mystery prize donated by Mrs,
Karl Wliberg.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Clarke, Marlene and Vicky,
Shipka, were Tuesday guests
with Mr. and Mrs, Bob . Tin-
Dr. and. Mrs. Amos and fain-
ily were Sunday evening gueats
with. Mr. arid Mrs. Harvey
Latta and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker,
and family were Saturday eve,
ning guests with Mr, and Mrs.
Don Firth, London.
Miss Cathy Abbott, daughter.
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab-
bott, Whalen, spent several.
days this past week with Mr,
and Mrs. Ronald Carroll.
Meesrs, Clarence and Heber
Davis attended the LOBA
euchre recently at Ltican and
Mrs, Heber Davis spent the
evening with Mrs, Clarence
A number of young people
from this community attended
the reception and dance at the
Lucan Memorial Arena Friday
evening for Mr, and Mrs. Pat
During the past week the
following called on Mr. and
Mrs. Heber Davis: Mr. and
Mrs, Cleve Pullman, Whalen;
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Young and
Jeffery, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Dickins, Lambeth; Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Tindall and
Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Mau-
rice MacDonald, Lucan, and
Mrs. Earl Greenlee.
Mrs. Ada Ings, London, and
Mrs. Ronald Carroll were Sat-
urday evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Carroll and
Wayne. Mr. Ronald Carroll
was celebrating his birthday.
On Wednesday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. H, Carroll were
guests with the latter's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Abbott, Lucan.
Mr, and Mrs. George Atkin-
son, Sandra and Daren called
on Mr. and Mrs. Herman At-
kinson on Saturday. Mrs, G.
Atkinson had an eye operation
recently at a London hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
entertained Mrs. Johnson's sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Scremshaw, Tern
and Jimmie, of London, Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Fr&I Dobbs
Jr. were guests with Mr, and
Mrs, Fred Dobbs Sr. Thursday
evening. Mr, and Mrs. Dobbs
Sr. recently returned from a
Florida holiday.
(Intended for last week)
Mrs, Tom Kooy, vice-presi-
dent of. St, Patrick's Church
WA and Mrs. Harry Carroll,
Guild president, led for the
World. Day of Prayer service
held Friday afternoon at the „
home of, Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Mrs, Earl Atkinson was pia-
Rev. Lyle Bennett gave the
"Following the service a short
A meeting conducted by Mrs.
Kooy was held. Several let-
ters, telling of plans for the
seventy-filth annual meeting of
the Diocese of Huron, to be
held in, London late in April
and early May were read.
Mrs. Harry Carroll was in
the chair for the Guild meet-
i Final plans for the St. Pa-
Via; .0a.
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