HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-04-14, Page 21f r
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n r 1 Q 115 C 11 t R 1 i1 su■earned hl contemlej lfw Lha k«piing Witb37 teal. , __ '^cam_- - - y� . ____ - _ - __ _
of -tach • ►.beau a. t ,M .sear■t e.4168 Give I Pev htilif over work. BAULT f § MAMIC CANAL.-'I'ke A ktter aleerl�MtiaJ ,y.th ua estiwlewas at Ctrstford, of billions ftver,o tMr Ya a 'I J ; ----•- -�_
Piece work for the mew T ge of thsl'auada' as Col Prince htia U,
• s,sua..�w^ . either to the O,alsa,sl Yr Pohtlul.dyaatr�o bncy ork fo� apal>!rs a Paid-- Cewwiaatuwre Jove awarded tiny eostnct14" bl IdWil h ilr. O'C.oauor fur IM out. We den leant that Mlr. David 11. and especially Ili. own coutiluents xbould
_4+e, .+a • mat: April flwdr IGAL of Ihn m -u otry. }ar 1000 esus, ouupared , fur corotrucliag tkia unportant wwk le be full infurlued of the obedient and faith
l� k/ aTt: r tae_ report left, too de Mr. 11,ncka replied (bat lbeee la a 30 cents pgr 11kq alts• litioot "Ctrytees, authonaug and rryurntt� Lisatra, who IaR (;t>,lericb, fel) ovrrLoarJ T
n Er1Wus C xalti� t11 AMIamJ aaJ ria asaa fol manner iD wbae4 there reprrxntatiye u
IetN� r. (liscki eowsuere al vesolura■ come of ,n0nep were out ab•ululelp owseJ la the rural dulritts, mnrh diBaeulty Lea cialra, 'Tyre propositiwa u( Jlrasn Corn- rsakr lie Cowww Scboul Act 13 a;J lb any was only rescued when ghoul to ,ink
se16. Tuuungsalmrrtslutkiw= Mn fliorke fuodsrspch as �1!,eaH.Le,;l_grJ to spatial been exp erirucrd in obtaining asst retaining ing mild Company are ru c,amplete the canal \ ic. cap. del, yet. '.1,, sub-stetiva 6, the and was insensible when brow ht on board perturonng the work of bin masters os The
o ,.Dome@ In_ the siremnary supply of labor, but still no fur the entire amount 7J0,GW acres of g opposite benches. Tbera is not a man in
for fs'enaef•veney, slid rayo,g G.,.1 e!.•se tan dereani!y F.uJ, ear, Lswrrace and Aslaoin: marenal stop Las been put to agnculiural land appropriated with [tile understanding Cooacil to raise tGOU for the eredioa of but rccarered by proper altenli„n. thee the Hnnse who has Fire. such uscompro-
trll . Lu Ilia eommenul pubo of Cawsda any Great tb'eagl o ItulrwJ, awl the Es- .or s[oral ursuits. I he wages for single I I all lases shall be rclaAtrd p aut►or- a new School House, and XI60 for Teach- )ouny men will do well to weigh mining hostility to every measure of floor go.
w. c.Nlt•os3O11 that ,but so laud after rte I- tiatutes W P ( ycrnmrgt, as has this h1r. Browe, asst Joel
proe:ty a„g,a to be ablimAk,•aed. Ile did kir. Young C'.arended that they could 1 rue; as shepherds have averasr from X5120 izeJ Ly �l� supplrmnrtAl act M Ibe Mltchr• en' salosses, bee. carefully the (natter before. venturing upon
oel R. leve n sur of sive greet wp•.rt+uer nal L gisluto w,th.,ut u.ore prrcLe Itliur- to �v'U0 per aenum with 10 pounds fresh ' Can legislature last winter. They regorge ` This letter and estimate were thrown the inconveuitoce and risk of a Ione vuyaga, he is a refonuer, and the mimutry re a re -
and Crossed■ ooghl 1.. atsor ITN Aestrlcam notation, and the/ bo:h she In.peclor G*a., meat per vicek,and full rations of tea, sugar, , to build the caYJi witiwa Iwo yew, IfUw aYI weed Y;terC)DUnlO0a1), a lbs fmCe Of 811 auJ (raving COLplrahwt' C0.1[UfI, m11J Cer- way ami ist 1! j he Reffewstatlos bill
Guy,irurut u.at we rsu du Gntheat it.- oral's ocbru.e and the rr•ao••er in w hail It flour and tobacco, Mlarrird /hrphwrds bare Ibe daft of signing the contnet• pl un to the general rule,
p for ponrvrea el ich Sl• Inwrrnce, wt we asa S t ruiwud were Jlarodltable to Iron $173 to *225 per tauoet with dttuLls I r e I Act of ['a,liamcol-any the only mason tainlir+ for what has already proved to many but on the contrary we find that at every
pr»rtw a poser wDa11 wiles iaJeymw- b,m as a fiaaeCe muster. rations. Shearers earn during the orawns - -' 1 adduced f„r such a course was that the a disappointment. By the late mecotrota ala a of tion measure, be did surae w Goold
d•at of * 10 is s kgslaIke liar puucJ Mr, eoubj bout. rwr, lid to post from 7 i cents to a dollar per score, with ' Town could sot aroril it, while at the same we find that while solve are Jumg to defeat it, by the introduction of awesd-
•�rw was fo un pru,e t►G St. Ls ,.tutu Pune the subject til, FnJay, raid uN l.'ou full rations. -Butchers frws :ren L•, the passage of which inert here
lav ger oo. amt ep•e ■ mhlp eaoml to Lake w,ttee rnee sod r. *ted $ LW to • . • time the Couuctl lad uuJtr its favourable well many are succeeding inliiiere.tly, and prove) damning to the final must of ales
C1aa.plaia;y nMs erases ae•huYldea on- Te slgl.t ib Ila r w.olfeiru eemmittre �ti00 Per a..uta,with rations and quartan ( eou"eration urrasures ofa more expensive while Lire rates of wa{ss err hi;6 the en- measure. happily bre aaod others have
ry r, e.nsaea ipe tee! u,ulr to the Atlantic of 11:0 whule on Ilio Ch.wplai; and St. 1 loug6mem and other mervanla from $100
but (rut; Ifo Nwhera S:■r(s Io the iia. I.,wreuceCannot. to *1.50 err auaum with food and lust iia � I character, which although very desirable nanous prier of the moressariv, of life full) beta drleated, and the country is now is
tern `Matra, Ile would t of girl pr the Mr. uctifillt epukr at length m faror Of tiOgd neeldlew'uulen earn at piece work frrom i j would benefit only a small portion of for counterbalance the advantages thus gainrd. the Powe'"'°° of au adequate representatios
ern aavof on Dy lisle k•r o didueat) a.oatrucreg thl. canal. Ile mrgued there nine b twelve dollars per week, ordinary ' HURO SIGN ��L. I Towm,peo, le, while the erection of a pro- The tide of emigration from our little Thanks to file energy and Peraevenog W_
Instead u( u■ wing lhctil• If Le dist nut was an ,mtneree trate to Lave been dune seamstresses from three to {our dollar* r ent of such men as pacts Hiucka, Mr.
Ph ,1 the h isrnic bona w r to. prom, I e from wrst to cave o, d U,:■ canal wuuid be - -- ----- --- -- ---- _•_-_-_- per School Iluuse would materially bene- town to the Auld retinas is not yet stayed, Morrin, lir. John Rolph and \lalcolm
vho,.IJ ray Lu Intcsnnne were to prum.,te lbs rhorlrt anti beet way to do t,, we& -k will :all mea{s prowiJed. Female �
Louse servants obtain from $70 to $1150 ; THURSDAY. APRIL Ill, 18.53. fit the whole inhabitants, and save the life and we understand Thal several are now Cameron. What Mlr. Browns notion+
an,tatwti, [o ju gs (ecru the pvl.ry be •kir. Chabot opp»rd Ihn propt•a.Coq to per annum, with board and ludgi0g, ---- of miny 3eliclte cluldreo, who art cow- prepasiue for the *suture, auJ sur tat the t°"IJ VossiLlT bare bred, it is very turd to
puna LuM the (.'sial, • It will thus a car that manual labor is l SCHOOL BILL• yelled now to pass a great portion of their late proprietor• of Ibe Signal left a few say, my own opinion is that he desired to
Af•.er furl Lar dirrusion, tlw Committee Mr. Robmssnnlpportd Lha propnNliOo PP' Jefral ilii. Lill, without abet!•!; 1
rove And rerortrd progress, and totaled when he sus/ Cvaums/ruOtr u! still has been much cheaper ie, Australia lime amid the iwpuridea of our crowded Jay.aga for the IauJ of proDri,e, 1 .v e.y vulina
The followm; b,.la wife read a ltsird Publte \\'urks be h+•1 a repu&t made c„u_ than in California. In a leUer from Cali- I The Supplemeotarr School Sid is co- I e' against it, ant. ,nen �o to tLt Country, de.
time :-Tl.c I!JI, w o aed 1'u:.LIitl•e (tall- cern,ng Ue,a propnrcJ Canal, in order to aa. fornia received to day we learn that day i gaelj►. Ilk attention Of the public. \1'e I and unproper School Rooms. We were _- _ _ I omits the ministry and attribute rhe tie-
reslComps c; the DI:I to tncrrsss the tersin tt,e eapeesO tat mskinpr rt, laborers wades have fallen to four dollars i cannot say that we altogether approve of I eerlruuy veer rcuc6 a,loaiaLtJ al many of �tiCbt •` teat to iLa obstinacy of Mlr. Limcke or
eepfnl tock t f the Great Weattrn Rall- Mr. Y..uog :a epraklog In favor of the per diem teeing been as LidL as fro Jullars I I lh! remarks of MIr. \1 allace upuD this nub- ,C j V ic �ult copolNltl(e 11 r, Somebody else in lire littutly. llriw
rvbd C.•alpany. and to •Ler the name of canal as the Report leaver. , its provisions, as the clause providtag for I such conduct can be rthe31iled with re -
Ike aid Com an the bi:l to Incur per diene„ But then it has to be borne in-Ithe estabh,hment of SecWriao Schools is Ject' and eeu'ider that lir trtattd the Of II)t C)UTCll 05iltliat.
F r J. V rale mind that rovisions hate been murb chem
Co pany.te bill ton Rulroat and Canal r p• I Board of Ttvsttea with the utmost cop- - form principles, I (cave the grullrma■ him
Quest , Apnl 7 ° era Australia flan a'ahforuilI and flat I by no means celcuialc immedialcl' to -_w__ _ --__ f
Cumpan►,Itba Dill to mcurpvlte tLt Nu: th last Dight after tb0 reps• t fnli, the fu:- � ! i r - self to explain .-
Sho,e Ru.rwd C•,. lowing rce,•lutlnci o were •mgreed to one im portant item Latcher'a unto,, has been P tem, L Perbips \Jr. \Cal -,cc is Iris zeal n
1 romote tLr rataLh,hmrnt of a uuifuuu' QUEBEC, -9th Mlarch, 1533. There a one other reformer, who if his
'1 :.e 1uilow'!ag bit's were read a second on a division of 37 to 6: selhag at Inwer rates iu the gull colunirsof j system of �a•ional 1SJutation. Nti;l sur to protuote the welfare of the Town after The representation hill [bas paa%ed bi, vote only had been required In defeat tbia
r,as :-blit to repayar0 Lha County UI B,rtot Ifroolerd,-'That from the prom.- Australia, (Lau ie, l6e tvlvu, of lLc CuiteJ Las cwq iashioa, fc:bets that there arc a very large Majority, sixty-one to sixteen. bill, wnuld I thu,k have given it, Ih,t i, \Ir.
)!altos from the G,uOty til R'culwoth; mor of L,ke Chamyl.ln to �he R:aerto St:.tcs. La►e qol tLOsc Tran It:al appear to pose,, \rver did parties work harder either fur South of LurLam. '1'6ts gemlemau had
Ls Tor, oto Luo+uc Asr:um bi;l; bill to liudson and tat Lawre, toe the triffitag Ole• 1'hc mar':rt price of proviatuns at Syd- , o16er me. is Ge�el'icb who feel as d r au
some of our coctewnoranes, that bur r(In- ' V
tar against any measure Bran tLrr hate sone particu,ar crotchet m rcferrare to a
alaPl/ 1 O nil la IPgUlatO 1-:O Isxtng rb tenon of thin tomm�uta rDleh di,•da them ley, mt.U;c close of 1 2, was as fuilowa: GaliOrul rus'tutlons trill Le thus entirely int`rest is i;s prosperity a, hit.l,el f. June oti llu, (wcasiou, Lorry el1Mt was dlvision,of Ili% county. wbaeh thae min late
■PrarllPs m Office: the bill to emend and acid the natural Wvantagre of the teat y
g Buffer per Ib. 371 cents. I handed over to the cler r and be ruined b ” e eoga:drr thit Use prori,iohs of the made in cominiltee and nut ret committee very justly refused to aecepti and although.
rxlsad aD act to lacorporaie the Caboure chain of Laken and Rivers leading Into Ilia Bcr( er Ib. K T i
and P, Is tb^ruUlh Railway CUmpany;t:'e.bill Interior possess the a msl-uet.oa el a ea% P 1:, a I l centa. I aett"i:"l indiences. We b.-lieve it w;i, `ch -lo! haw whelp t-C,ta the gUarrhan,l,ill of IJ uefegt the lull. Seal! adopted the ex- several lelrgraphie despatches were reeeiv-
to an;rr,d the act tncerpuroting tine liter- cal to cunnrct ilie 51 Lawrence with the Mluiton Icer Ib. 10 a 12 cent,.: rdicol of m;,vmg innumerable rexaliou, 1 ed from the leading risen of the clowtry,
boron h aaJ Putt 11. nut tntendeJ by the ?upplrmenta:r mid to ill' e,lneahnnant] hea!th of list Children of I' o
It pe Rfe c. CnunpauJ. Kirrr (tech:nen, or Lake C..eusplr., o. F.n li,b ('beast per Ib, till eters. I our Town, in the lands Of an iude lendant amendments, others tried to have the con, I praying of ministers for (;ods sake'not to
The fuii"atng bail were cona.drr„J u, POIfich rel 6tlnenas,•ns t., a:lmtl the larger Bacon per Ib. 3U cents. ' do away' with file proyi-inns of th' fanner I side ratio. of the qurstinD Jefena•d UII af-!retei%e file proposition of the memuer, yet
eta uurore;bl!is ,0 amend tie laws rel.ting class of eteaulere from Lake onrarlu to Fowls, each $1 0() Act, but tile.el ' to make Board, wh.Q, thowwol •rs art responsible to ter. the Easter lloliday%, when, it was he threatened if it were not accepted to
to the University of Turouto; bill to pro- 1\'bt'ebsll, would hialeturAy Chao -s the Turul s, ,er Aos. J a few ado f til, the people for the proper discharge of their known, some of the tnembels in favor of aminst the bill. \Chen the -vote was
reel Juticcs of o►e Peace Trow veuuonm rtes of tranmpmtauuu between l.ar Enu Uuios er Ib• 1 0U which would facililr.e iae workm • of Ute vote a
me'ons• any New York, retain el en L or rhe p - S cents. `Bill of 1350, `\'e do cot think trader all . dutie,, The board of truatces were unapt- I the bill would be absent. I mentioned in takeo,Ze retrained iu Lis seat without yet.
JuJke B.-.quet died Pm'den!y fast night West through Its nalurAl chanael ■nd ,s_ Carrn Peer per gallop '10 cents• mous in their vote for a new Scbool llotue, a funnrr letter l6at the (lutist -nu!d like- wG al all, until it became known that there
Carroll •ser doz. the cirenys;tacrs that sectare% will find ly Le dissolved, if Ihr Lill pa,,ed. %I,. was a sufficient number of members without
be w+s us Ibe bench ycstslJay, creator the nvnue of the luL/ tau ail our 1 7.a cr)Its. ' • !Le neceaail Ter xuCh haven bora forced
— !vsd,ng I ubhc a rake. Radishes per doz 23 cents. it vill,er advantageous or ecouuwical to } g ,liutks bas slated thlt as yet elle goverllr i him any he then have Lis vote villi they
Qrsnr.c, Apnl 4, 1$53. Second, Ifrrolrrd—,hat a; humble aJ• Milk Per quart 371 cents. ' ,Multiply separate schools. I upon thenl from the Inrge number of ':bit- ment have Colne Lo nn drnnite couclu•ion i as, Whether ht would have 4000 so
Thi/ evening Mr.-Isruwn prceruted a pe- ,Ire -s be presented to Ilia Eace;sency ole Flour, at last gioluaiJas w as $12 .,tor ' Int tie seeticn which refrn W dreu in the To%in,ol scisool a;e, the di4icul. in the matter, atiJ That for hi: own part he or not, had his vote only been required to
htion, perp,oling to be from two hunJrtd Governor General, to cowu,uolcate the bbl., In Sv,!ney, white is Catirornr,, ny a \\ a dors not re�anl a Ji,+Olutinn a, a nuts- turn the +rale, 1 "lint( not rctend to may,
sad fifty bookers slid merchants nt Aloo furegning resolution, and la recoualnand 1. -otter rt' lard today from stn et�ter a The St:tariall Schools: I ty of procuring any well qualitipd Teacher I P
l,tal torr The cicrtng of the Yust Office any the subject there„f to the attentive coast• j who,w'm:IJ be vsdline to sacrifice his 1lcahh i,s(I."j cogsequelm” of the •passage of the I certain it is that bis eonduct lonked very
U. Statue army, it sp,te&n tact the gov. , '•.ind be it euatted That in all Cities• bill. After the committee had adopted suspicion,, and having staled the farts, I
Canals on Duudapa• Also from (ore hun derarton of Ills Lisceil^Dcy• be ^m,nt � `uA 1L th tatielce` lQu,'una'r m I Towns asst incorporatrJ ri[lagrs iluJ ScLoOI and waste his time by Teaching i; our re- 1,
d,ed and twentZ poiebiorersof threPRivern, Mr• drown moved the second readin fg� P i the reannble of the bill, on Mon•lay night I leave ypu and your rtadcrs to dralw the in-
nc1 . g the S” ('hnlehwerdes, the n( fits Bill to abol,sh the Rector es• g ton"'^1i't:on d.urioe the wio!er at the rate tJeclions, to which separate Jchool, do or stilt SClrool rooms. The total unfitness la,t, and were p.epared to report, no less feresee. The following is the division !-
1'reudtot, aril Neer■I membcrm of U.e Mr. Auonmy Gencnl RlcharJe mound "I vdJa Per ?."., an.t I; many of lire I;ca._ '1'-411 exist according to the pruvisinus of of our present School rooms fur the purpose than six further inn, witnents were propos- le'la•-Me@sre, Brown, Cameron. Car.
Schoal et.nitni-ion• mild several Justice o: to give the 8.11 a sex month■ hclal, ,b{. ,to's the price wool kept up at elGa per the COmrnnn :chain acts of Upper Cana- of tuition and the impos,lbilil • o[ rcuttu� ; ed, but they were all uusuceeeaful. On tier, C+uchna, Chabot, Chspale, Solicitor
. tire Peace, ■gains: the'fhrre Rivets Collie. ter a debate In w-h:eo Alesers. Brown, Fee bbl• So to a sI cdnJ article of grail Impar, da, persons til' the rtliginus persua,ions of Sn' suit ) ^ , \\ tdne,Jay evening when the uunllioo for G.•neral Chauteau, l'hn+r,s of Gaspe,
dol ►dl. A:r a It in,on Trow llaltun gnat^n, Cbnsuo, and Ilusm+m, argued raecetn a Jn:etrc pnl..t of view-pntaton, each such separate S:hooul, srnduagchifdten ) able preulists in p}act of (Lose al :the third reading of the Lill was made the Chriene of K'entworth. Clapham, Attorney
egusst tie Uu vrrs,ty b il. !torr the 81;1, &red Al.»n. lticharda, Mail- The price hl Auatra!la is quoted at one to it or _u „o present occu ied. 1\'e are sum •w G(neral Urunlmosd, UubnrJ )
i I 1 td:; sbrh iclrunl b� suL:cn- . r t hat' snhject of the dissolution was again mooted I umauhe,
MI r. M• t.Ydun tne0 moceJ that the cellos Caanerun, Palr.ck, ,;rcutsee and Can. dollar -or I,OU Ills., whereas to California' b:ng tLeretu aunualty au amount *'nal to connected with The board of ,Trustce4 }' pp>o Faen, Forgt'"mon, Fortier, Fuur;ler.Guum
H, we du t roto C., u:ml r.te rn errann cbua /gains It, a suss throw n oil on the g y ,� b lLe n sitinn. Sir Allan \lac\ab, llartmsn, Inspector Gener■I l)meke, }ubl.,
*aoleA, lb the Truer of the officer bufure the suits which cath such person would be I .and are glad to Larr a. opportunity of I as the leader of the Phalan: of ob,truction- J"boson, Lscu+te, Langtuo, La ern er
L, -t wi ho for the repeal of 'the Uo:rn. tinned the ct was iurxpeJiont Io pu+e h q'oota,l, X30 ,tor bushel o(b01ua hu bean a e
Ln•t wnthuut drviston • at present. Yves 35, Nay* 12. '1'h,a 1) it fur potatuea the„ugbout tho wt;ler, liable to Pay (,1 ranch serarale Schuol did bringiu� Lefuse the notice of ,hJ ublic the j ere, stated that the Iluuse must be. di%soly- L+urin, LeB'sme, Lcm,eux. McdonslJ of
kir. D x,.n !hen allowed for the p o,;uc evening .Mr. Young pretoemed a petition I (So much for Ilia price of prov:s:.,n3 and not exist) ou any assessment to obtain the P ; ed, that a body which had by a deliberate ,('ornwetl, Msekenzie, Mattie-, Mcf)wlrsll
ties of ceru,n p+pen cunnrctcd with the from several parties In I'ngla red praying to ^ lsh"r in Autralla. By advice@ front Sy.t a"Ou.,l (:wu:nou School graut for each ouch' «Lsdu!c ,ucrssrtJ which txiats (nIt the I vote of more than two thirds of its mean- M"Lachhn, Memo, M„ngbaa,s, !No,ln,
disroutal frual the mai((■tract, and rbc be incorporate• as a co Dptnv to work the 1 of by mall, via S neopttro to tke 3rd Jaou- city, town, Ic'torponted vdlageor township' erection ora new Scl:col Louse—this isal- bers, declared itsell inadiquale torr ,re,eut Mf,•r.Irwtn, P■,ge, Patrick, Pu'ette, po„hn�
debate wap procc"1919 when the report mines at Sherbrooke and el-ewnere; mad Dry. we fen, that the f:eld'of gold eunt:a. %half be eaelnpled from the payment of all .' ready well known to the majmit) of the in -I the country, had nu right to auempl the Prince• A!tonory General Richards, Rolph,
left Mr. Damouh; a p• tenon fr,sit threw It: v- 'ied very great, although there had bean a lisle, impoxJ for the support of the cow- Lahibants who hart children, and who wise- settlement of hoe of tL• *cat t ursdone Rose, Sionbore, Shaw, S,totte, Snub of
en emmpltmng that Their ;+mem bsJ Dceu dlm:nnuOn of .Ube q 1intity brooxht to Mlel - muss public Sr600lsof Tach such Cit}• To%ra I �• g 1 Dnrhams tituarr, 1 ache, 'Terrill. Tessier,
Quantic. 5th Apr,l, 1533. put without their cua-out to trte pe-tpua bouroo during, tho month of Uacerubrr,
Jacor ”)-xted Vilta,%e or School Sectio I Iy cogsiJer that the hralthaud eJucationoft�, the�l emLlth�countrJ;anJ that so lar '1'urcnrt►, Vat.•Is, Ysrtn, Yager, WhitO,
Iaat ori •t,t alter th0 Re ono* felt. eta !against the Three Rivons .l;,thed,a.' bail, tram the qu iwity brought its dura, Thu t those ehiWren areamoag the most im ortaa I sa,• I r' of York,
y a concrrgtd, (fie ins- R"tllsnn, 11'n ,t of }est Rld:ne
addrete sato reed for copies of the last l list! praying that touch bit /!Iuuld be mai.- month of November, owing to the uunera i Ilpd of all rates impo cJ for the purpose of , 1 e P rre of the bill would of ueces.ily be suci- +r•d Y'ounx,-61.
Report of,t,lie Inspecture of the Prov,sti■1 I tained, hating been attracted i; lu a r.un,h rs to niatawing Ihr LePi,lalile (;ummou School ; o`9ects which could engross their energies. I dal. Mr. Ilideks iu reply stated that lit 11'o s.—Mlessn, Nay le_v, Burn
now d' nus ro the frau iora of new SJti b j ('rata Ior such Cityr, Town, Incorporated Our Schon:s I;ave not been so ciricient I could not say what toursy it might vet be i nix,•n (;AmAle, M1eclJs,nald of KI. tong
1'rmlee'arv• The fullawing bila were raid a second I?C g
The L-gisltive Council agree.) to a bill 'lure : Wales, Fru:n Ade,'..dA the aceuul,to are \-tlla�r or Township; antleach such sopa- asrit6er itve lru,tees or ublic hay a, richt found eci,edient to pursue, as it .was not! Alarehndon, S r AI'en N. Mar Nab, Mal_
to,neort orate the LooJun asst l'urt SarolA Ta ■'heli part of Kine@tun to PUebnrg, eq„aap pruu,la,nL oithe Joie J of gold'a also : rate School shall share i; such Le;;ialative ,' P b ' certain that the present government wmlld locb, Murnev, Ridoot, Ri b,nsoo, Seymour
ItulruaJ• Tu ami red An act mcorporatioy; Mount nervil discovered J:gYlDgs; end In New Cumnwn StLaol (;rage, note (any not to to ctrcet, and we answer that they never be In power even at the close of the ire- Srn,[A of Frl•ntenee, Stevenonn, Street.
un mot on of Mr Rid,�uf, the G4.h rule Royal Cemen:ry Company. Z-alAnd gn1J hs Leon dsacu,'cred nn site!, any,Sc-bool money raised b)' Local Mum will be rilicient until new, buildings are seal ar„inn, Lut that up tO the natant y''J Wright of West Riding York, -16_
of the lho.” was suspanJed In en (ar as it The proceeding bills werea!war.ced uta- quantity that ten risen in one day, coliee- rocured. 1Lis is a much easier matter time no Jcicrmiut the had i Usrne Rumgr hmecirculated sundry linec-
gt opal assessment) accordin r to the average , P , bceu come to
te'ales to a b, 1 Ia ineorp,ra:e a c. •,may der an order made on motion of Sir A• N. ted lu0 worth, and thus oe Great .8ouf.'i a d" -es in -reference to the conduct of mini/ -
y ,UcNa b, to allow any order to be laked / °red m:nl e"ntluut* to pre/eint lea glutei, atteadauce of ptyiils atlending each such se- I than some of the members of the Council in reference to Ihr matter, JJlat, on the eon- ten after tins rote was declared
fur the etccuna of inn hotel to t!, c,t 01 parateSch�ol, themeauaticudance of q tear for his own Mr. Mo.
Torr oto. up whr,her In turn or no►, If a ma},n1J in, attrae,rona to t.io nttsuu* of t 1 o carte, ( V wpuW Lace the public to lelirve. The '' y' cart althowd, lire reason- rin who ore a very devout Catholic, It is surd
Mr. Rideut then introduced the said of the llou@m were :a favor of It whhoot 1&ferirntiunof. pela.for avin(cr and so:nmrr brink eaten) as q ms of the ,alllui hstir;bt of f)uudurn might rnrnet] n•und to At r. H .cks and m the Dost
bill- debate. Thin order way atn,n 1 0 need ___ _- __ ; ewaiiarrJ with lite wlvete artiest atte9_ Board of Trpstees re vire Ct:OU from the be eery plausible, any mi�Lt acne to aJ- ! tmprentwe manner, that tf
B 7 PP olen,n and
MrC6ri}lie o{ iY'entworlh, moved that sly eavcral mewher■ se ,t war a.11cutued to THF. "(iRCAT BURS" wT Toa IIooaAC Jauce of pupils a(tcnJlgg the Cumwoi Couucd-til recur. for wluc6 they could .tenet the lion. brutlemalib prevent ,tar_ ,t wain n t holy week, he would errtaiei
tno64'h ru'c of the house be w@prod-J' ,flow ❑ua.ures to bre paeaed in rhe abatnce! ,\Iot;.NTAIs.--"j'Jlc Committee Of the Sci,00ls i. each such Cily,Town,incorpur_ plate a Town lot at present occupied b Pose Of Jtica:ing the bill altoq thee' he Itr:nk vome'Mnr. Nr. Hnneks, It a sa+d
u, a far u u relate+ t r the irc:,rpunuor, of use:n,cra rep;, ,Pel to rb m, but lgnurent 11Tassschu+cies Le nslaturc, to whom was ate) pillage or Township ; and a certilicale them worth 0200 in the ban a dill not for a molneot *,if) int . to it. 1 ou !e -s Prousty melinrd than hes cnllea ue, re-
of the company to construct tho ra:iruaJ that they wart• t, be brought up. o J, of else tired wish Pome of h:e /needs to another
f ora, llran,t-d to Mlalden. Loet- ,liter Ihese two bilis had been passed it ; refer red the petuwn of file Trnv and of y ialiGcation siynrd Lr any one of the will ob,c-rre that Air. Ilinck•'sanswenliave
Ilus(ee• of Such se,aratr. S Coto*'til- The Council well thus real) hart of the buldtti th
g. a Ppoukere room 1
r. Chn*tae, of t\'entworth, mtr,ducr•J wain moved to :ako up the Nlsgara F.II't'reeutictJ lailru-4d Cnmpaay, aalin� fur a { _chool s�itbe have Orel !'ta10 to raise and a y ager all Leen rather evasive tion other- be;n•wo, and had m regular bustitica
a bill mcorp,rattng a compaw !or ere,t,ng purl Ale,e-m. Brown, L-ington, ' sudi:icnt for any TeAcher Ofsucli.ch,sol: J t other Ise, and thit be• has carefully avoided I The IInnnnble entlema t o^.
D:11, w4ercu l loan of $L,0(1i),000 to aid thew 61 tunnel- g n however wu
1V4Ier p •w•cr on the Grand River, M cKehzte Voting and of hen moved &,aimed- I Ing tire Ilausac sMountain, arrived here on 1 rovi•b:d altva}'s, lir,tlf, illat file exrmp � moneys will be required for �Iocal improve; eolmnitting the government In any parties_ •n elated oral the ehaw a ore
Thr BIII to sr.c,ably le Ilio Stansr r I wen P. I tion Iron tL•r ,a •mint of such School I menta,' this could any ought to lar course. They are in fact as free to "Lgbte.t eiTect r on h'P g had not tie
ea, , Thera wain eo Jwice bat M r. 1'rn ay, from "Troy, w6cre they earned over 1 J e P m. Thee matters
fah"16P1d any l'ban,Lly 1(allrueJ (uolpany Illncks r j,C•,IAtOJ anCe Or IwICe whit great I the previous mgLl. 'j he Counnitter, Con- )T.fr %. as herein prov'1Jrd, shall nit extend i raised by debenture or otherwise w' rte I devr,e, a dissolution ."%w, as they were be- of entlrme I cannot vouch for, an tbO shove
a,v read the 2nd alone. Referred. wurnith `ht will be worse for them" and waling Oi sevrnlecn members of the beyond the Period of -such persons sendtoo l ith those i lure �Ir.ILncl- rnaJc his stllement nn the O1eniion►d lady upeswhnee m,.thnnt tine
Ci.e bJl Ie repeal •o much of the amend oti,er els ,tut eir retsioD■ Jon wh cb he a mono s. :1lrcad ilia ereclioa O(S •re n &dr, a ons st aft Umal suer linty
9' V i V senate and [louse, Irft 13oston Ou'1'uesday ' thsldn n to tar suh:,cribing as aforesaid fur } T chool subject, and 1 Illink w'e may inter from the, f
dN Aaaeument .\ct u( Upper Cana 1a as w:r celled to order by Mr. Langton, who the support of &act, se ,arate Scituol ; pro- houses has been Postp?ol:ed to permit other that ,Ibe Iluuse will in all robaLiltl wnrtht ae a faithI 8 cnronlPler of thO Par-
lagnrres alis Cnunl► Council to sir t nn •s,J ha conslJcreJ /tach ezpreeal.,ns, esti morunr last, and arrived at lire Mlouulam 1 P T be Ina. any dolor• of lbs peaple tat the/ rave
r tided aecondl' that tLe Trvistte+, of each internal improvonems--it now appears lite I di„olved after Ilk! present mession shall nlrt,.. o11P. n g
thin Isi dap tat Mlap In ear h pear and fixe) r'iallpf.um t!10 brad of ohs gorernlrlcnt carp in the town of 1'IotiJa, on \I"eJuesdty' D i told net e c his gra''
'br 3:J MnnJ,y In J .nr InetrmJ elicits OJeront. A: length Air L)rnn mevcd in '+'here tLcr Lad an opportunity of witnratug s:tch separate �chnOh sliall oa or before the object In postpone the matter amain area u _ have barn prorogued. II is important (hat *.mit the me.lion of
w,. rend a third time. amr0drlr, ret I:.o at Jnement of a.l the [lite g tLirleegtfi da of .lune, and thiel! -first da ° I Ilke ptople ehnulJ kke warned Of this, in rnpOrtante. malleo o/yvch weighty
p.t p areal boring wacLine operate,upon the T y ; le"s the board of School Trustees ,erform order that they ma at once look- ah I ( On Mlon,
Them evening Mr. Street, a/ Ch&�rma.Of orders of :he day, which was carr.rd 31 to : solid rock. The„ weather was col•1, and of December of each year, transmit to tine I T ort (lr p nicht as i staled In m► tut
ihw Prince Elward i, e:tion Cuullll.ttae, 21 and the lienee adpwrned Al b ,; clock. i the machinery was quite frosty, but not_ local iuperinter.dant, a curfect return of ,their Jutr Il wJl fie put off idefinitety, for { pe I'e . MI r. Centeno Milne Law bill e■meu , for
ro r nuns to reprr,rnt them in the
rep r/ad Ih.t A►rsers. Shu•er mud ll ,Ilio- withstanding, file mammoth instrument was ,.the uanu.s of ani Per,Uns of tilt rehetous' we can see oo end to the petty requirements Oext Parliament. It will br an cmporiaut 'a P•cond reading. After eutidry gsne•t!oee
(sad hat I sLeret.►eat to w ld on Cn,n- ut in motion, and iu tires ace of fifteen persuasion of such separate School, wi,U wllicll will be brought follvard to,hare theOuse to reformers, and on their conduct at iron'hot npposirion, an to whether the bill
m'ltee, }a 1 ail J that Lo would on Wed- AILS Cl._1 L[A. i . t' shall have s. ret children to or sub<cribed ra: lolls mu,t depend Ihr wcce"s of their priu_ �nre to be Considered • government mea
•ne.d+y m,en that th••p be dealt with in ac. tmoutts bore) four and nae eight in hes. I mumcip al spoils. \Ce really Jo not think w., fisc. Al r. Cameron roma and in a
c rlsnet with the E igheh practice• Our list article on Australia was %written 1'hk circle is twen'y-four feet m diaureter, aforesaid for the support of such separate ciples. ',•hey have only lO honk at what very able mod appropriate m tech , an i -
I School Jurin. the ere months ,*0%10 , and I tiro COunc;l unJentnod this matter and :(lair lhcisiom in (heir ranks have dove for tole ed the ueition. P d e
•-'An Art to inco P""" a C"Inpanv t, by a correspondent who has lived many and will a:lnlit a double track. Til; rata- : I q Hs went over ilia sutis-
form +Rai road ensaecung chine was several limes tested and with hie the nacre, of tire cluldern sent, ant] amquuLs ! Position with regard to it, and trust they Prrvtnt 1'arllament, tLr) have only to re• �ICa of cams m Great went o
St. Cmtluno'" Jean in the duherent gold Colonies,any is subscribed b- them res ertiv'el tu•etber }'[ br induced to Lake calm and fa- T mod the Ua-
wlth the Great Wor.tera Railroad, success. It las buret at the rate of _} i I P )'. O I mar a membt•r that the have giveD Nie JOLn led States, ant] also the coneumpuos of
to a,utio& wrefers pauuun of M•. C, perso al well gnalitirt] d des erieJ Froin inches per Lour. with for average atlen(lance' of puptla in ; vnrable action upon if. Packington and others an opportunity to spirits to theme place", showing that the
Small was, nrgauwed. perwnal obaen'ation aDJ e7tpenemce, a such+e 1, rare 'Sc•h-As during such eriod • taunt them with the defeat of refo. m cam- furter was tm a grout degree the natural re•
county which is now exciting so rrat a Where a said to be room for great Im- i P i Mlr. Moleswnrib the En ineer read en *tilt of the tatter. Ile then sdwerted to the
Tree (uilowiag billy were real a third )" e g rowidrd thirJl flat the rovisioas of the i 3 Jit]atea at thee last election -and take warti-
time :-Aa Act regulating Searity; Ihn degree of interest in tire British Provinces Provclnrnta tel the knives. The machine T' C ealnnate he bay rreparcd a, ordered fur Ibe ing for the future. 1'hr tor'. efface of a Oimily law lO tAat which b
(till In regulate Em gr.nt. and Q•anuuno aq,l throughout the Coiled SWtrs, is also very unsteady at preset, and will thirteenth section of the said I pprr Cana- I g erects of re-
raueJ ibroa h the eonfinire'to he so until it enters far anon *h •'la School Act of iS,-r:), shail a d to eravrlling of \fest Street from Ibe hill to luno, the interests 1)( this tet and ow_ Propo.ed, tr the state of Maine, where it
Y Cumo,atee. and the We propose in our preacat number to � I'i T � gv qr had been enforced, in supprpeimg crime,
University arnendmrnt b;l a./., aG*eJ into the tunnel to be more better secul-rd, the 'i ru-tars and 1'eaclw rs of xparate elk market Square, in eoutintahon thence I'^R country, call alike upon every true van proving the tine ruulta ie th't int t
P pursue the subject, any give our readers Schonls, the same ss to 'trusters and todo his duty. The anxiety of Sir Allen Ane must /+tislector mad Aad er a e had
[b►oath ('nmmuree• Aa to certain sten- "Toe eomnuttee were accompanied ori their to Iiingaun �trcet, and Kiugaton Street,
correct iwformatino respcctw� ilia rate of Teacbers of other Common Ncbools• 0 7 en eoper-
ers, Mr. Ihneke e(.t••d teat ,t w.s bu In- visit by sever:) dt•tingui+lieJ scirntitle , 1'ru-, NacNah and his compeers to impress upon ceded the mot sanguine t+lopporterr. Ne
s,rouun t.. mak•, acorn pens,noo to thea wades and ilia price of provrsiuns in Aw- viJrJ IiwrlLly, that the '1'ruatres of each cart of 1;bin and TonaelO Ntreets, to the trot Iluuse ilia nrcrsaclJ of • Jissnlutinn +fin read from a debts is the No
tralia. It must however, be born in iaind, ge m e rs o citizens of telae husetts, and \ old South Bou uJan•, which he r used to ma be thus accounted for. It became nee of
ticdlcal Pro(ays.,n for tale Inma of ilia i rociuLcn of the ['cess, the whole part) s°lir separake t rLool +hail Lr a co,porattun' prep y Lords, whneh occnrrtod on Ftobrnary 1743
Chane, the sun,unl to Le 6xeJ by th; t! at tiler. can be Da steady or reliable numbering about sixty. After witac„nag acid s11aI1 have the power to levy and col-' gravel one chain in width for that Jtslancr ge no the celebrated Gin met, eztnets from eke
!louse, slaudnrd of wa es in a eountr whic:l is in ^ o known that certain ntlemen from Lower
' y the experiment, Ibe)- crossed the mnunt,un lett 'school (Tates or sub,cril,ti�ns from ! any wnuld cost about JC 1,7.2. Ile also ace C'oaila had stated their willingness to vote "peeehes of Lords Hardwick and l heater-
- l trans tlhree mil like Australia. 1\,ouln rrsOns sending clulArrn to or-ubscrtb- g for the measure mvided it were JistincU 6"IJ, the Bishop of Oxford and others show,
Qter f). GIL April. 1953. thalast three inonlhs thiel thuusatiJ snub in sleighs, over the proposed Iwo of tunnel ^ an a"'male nfthe ex P y ing that the prmriple which Le desired to
[a/! ori ! t, ahrr ilia y which is 1, miles in length. Thr wP,l tog t°wards tie support til such separate, Pence of a culvert the understood' that no dis,otulion %I o01J take Introduce was b no mean/
g' Repo left, ,lsv base been added to nue Oiulation of Purl 1 w!lnle length of \Vest 8 y anew nor, but
Uat's*. t1 bit- was pa@sed lethebh too,a1- , P i (highest) a; the a is tum feet above the bons^I, as it"' 1l- vy A o a Scho"I Src_ e treat, lint stated place, Lut vol othrrwi,e. The Opposition had been Ddrneated more than a es
mttr'cl It suet a cl.,,e that tine M, J ca: I 1 is of nsira c only nae of the gold vious ;,rade Itvel; the rut anomie, 1,1,0) feet.- f!.t nave to (err any c•.i Oct s�cLuo, that hi, plans ant catimales were not fin- very justly supposed that if the could con- y •time of the retest m °tory
Nc11ool/ /;n,u:J De cl,.arJ *flet 1n1 y since• b gg Inds i.
nlrs of :\ at of l -4nJ it mint be obvioa, (Late/ or Pubecn tu,tis tom Tetsuo, send i,hed nuts, Vince thea gentlemen that there was no the United Kingdom. He adverted 10 the
y, IY33, Co1J Rirrr--a small titan -flows down p
'n.i *het the MI�1L�vl proir..,n s!t„ct.I that the rate of labour will fluctuate with rag to nr rnbxnbin_ towards the ntpporl -
bAvr one peal's cum c.sauon from that fLu demand and ilia quantity to the warkcl. Ihr centre rel the mountain, ntnning south of the Coaimuti School u( such acti0o; The l;ouncJ consldereJ that fire expense ilnu alive, but that they must dissolve the re.ponanb,bly of those mew ben of the coin
P to within S00 feel of the gr,xde level. I'll) I s d 6 th that the ( ae, they should }e able, to defeat the munity, who having the power to reprove
d."i bYe parr cum ileJ a refurti of the rale of f• un•g, p would Le ton M•avy for the7own to carry bill. 1 regret to be obliged tO stale tial the evil• of intemperance refused to ueeat,
P Ir r..v -
Tato Ill, me went *gain iaa, 1'6e eomPanJ tarrifd at �inrlh Adams s om+ rti thi+ et:use sh%ll fake CUect 1wm use out the work, actorJin to
c"mm,Uee wages p(v Jay, payed r Syn a l which On the west side of tare mountains „q first dty of JAnu.ry IC+J, and Phall exist I a totaled that theme membcn who wnnld vote
u"Aes fie. ihock: rctoolunons u; CuPluw• is the r,ldr"t cdy m .lustralia, and ata die- ! R Ile estimate but -tie gentlemen from whose professions we against the meaen►e• and cnn/egeunify for
ir, - \\"ednesday tai Lt where they w,•re rrceiv-: to the s:•parsle ; h .un esr,b,i.ber or ,n- L.Jushl ILaI a p•>rtio. of the wok mi3ht bay 1 ri; ht In expect better things, took tine continuance o/ the li nor tr:f6 e_
Mr Y"wg LIJ on ilia t able a serious of tloce of from I60 to 100 red, + from the I t J by the Presnlent anti Directors of five tended lube r*ta/ilvhed under for prowl- be Joac any that n o streets ml� 9 e, they
raoleuoo, prop ,arng fvtLrr redocuuns. old Ji n any this table will a nail ! 1'roy aad (;reenfiel-1 Railroad Com,,in)'. „lit be ! up the opposition cry of dissolution, with a by reader thomeohtoto to a essews extent
hl to he rate n( wa es in ticlboura, t e ;ct.. ts,., ppral;lly. u (u .,,nee 1c ,uo,. i gravcllyd one third of the width of tLr esti. zest M•coming a better cause. Mfr. Brown reepnnOible for the evils hereafter nowi.
After some dtecInform AI r. Brown tar r 1 g • I Prorrt u .,xf A -J. t:u1 n•. perm..+ tar• stated lint he rose merely to eater his pen- from it� and wmrnd op with s ver testing
i g•d tbat.0 Gtant isformat&ull cr•a r.ct yet capital of A^,tralia Felix, wbcre the labor and other tiUzens Jf Troy, any. next dei iuog,ng a, to reag,. u* p•nuati.,n ..f s cl, mate any than Ibe expense mi ht be re- testa sins t y g
dura lne flues to eub!r it to d-c.,la on ( is ua greater demand, if the ■dditiOn of 35 Proceeded iu carriages to the vJlatte oI Prp,rese ctcAoo. and oeii ora g is t he dnrtrirre Of the inspector mppeal to the'bumsnity and•phitanlhroplry of
IA* "client. of tho Iloouc, surveying the line of the '1 unnel chest+ t"re a "r eubeurb&ux towardaia the P I p(ol"lrltonahly. A portion of these (:en!lral, that the passage of the bill need membcn o/ IAO Hnuss. At tM clow of
In.pector General. Tus I P•r coat i, made to Ibe different rates:— hie .beech+ Mr, Whtte for member of A, of
Pe b aeenurt. of 193:, he aril pees not Hirers rf Wn�rs J, r Miry, rat Sklnry ih road. I"hey arntrd at "Troy '1'hursJar w ,ryart fAerrd ■yeti be allowed •o vote G, `vdrksare nrecssarJ,maJ we Think the time °M neettaavly lead to a disaolufion Of the
rev Oelero the II.N.., a(trr;non, wfxre the were Lua+rtab! re- tor" E.(ttina of sl' Roux ton, who was sitting bee,do blot, pretested
and nn e• tote or Ike. 1`fJ•_. 1 1 1 y '1'ruven Ior m poblle has come wh& n the C'nunct] wood be war_ .amt said Thal he perfrcfly agree) h,m with m very bgnti/of told ebmin, a a
'r pre►tbl. rcnnus any rxpeajl.. fur 2 eeived. noey visit,bit City for Ibe pur- Comm"n tleAuol ,m the C$It.'j'u a, IOtur- wile ilia npmio; of Lis hon. fnrnd tee reward for hs adyoCscp of too enble� a
Sonne Ulasonv earn from fit• 00 to 2 2:a pole of wittering the oprratron of a small +ted Y i1`' 2e Jr Seb •ol �'ro n wnb - ranted in raisins a sum ori runner fix the bo- *nem
*the 'les n,j,jo,a &oust IGr wait, IAa 13rickls GIs •2 P bar for Haultrm, that the llatise must cause. This tribute was well deserved for
orbmarl ea,wnd ince. and there w.•, Le- 1 W l0 2 6U A law t -of wn.ch such a motion of sue L, bol we hope the innernecer y 1 u man asal�ato std eoesret•rt tewparatibe
t wsehtne similar to tb&t int the mnuaUu, pard 'School i be dissolved. Had be mere) en ered his
/'stem a large balance row in w+ IDLs 'Nawm 2 1: t0 ' S0 a. Ilbe n•us,e.
M^K p, Laborers 1 50 l0 2 0J which a u,ed at the Stone-etittin� ya•J ofI I eery ob)eels will be too 'Jared first. Protest and allowed the matter to rest man than the Honorable MGleom Compares.
Cwenf ei lith at., and East Rivers and is scof a 5 provides fur mOmf ►snaal re there, it would not have been so bad, as Canada does sot poetess Dr. LoTemere
Mr, Ilir.ek. repLel IAL tbome ts'e l'aintrn most (aazien 2 25 to 2 b0 y- g tuna of +nil.danee at c+eA slcYuo' " --
iwests ware g'& tO nenecs•s-try to detsJc F3riekm&key., per 1')(N) 4511 to 500 Mid •o work well. -- - we should Give put it down to the bent aeewosred Me, Cower" In the Nepal etrale
m Ili. I ACSTRA 1A. of t)aat unfortunate distemper under wbith o/ the ■till -wane Isw was. Hs pnlOd
Nat•s,taaa b,•Fare the itoaso, the Draymcn 1 73 t•% 2 30 1Y'e I.•arr from a gentleman who was TUR' COI'\I;LI,-('0\1110\ I of Jot liberty 4n the Nmovet, I@ Pr tet
we's an 165 to ilia arnnuat i Jt n,,uo0 lett (;nnpri, 2 vrrscnt when the msckttK worked That tt SCHOOLS--ft0ADS, &c, I The press is teeming wst6 a to • amnnnt whe homx"ble (1)ge;tlemmn is IsAnoring asst salient, erty f tau and a orstgo d
ow N 1x31 tad nal;1, Oaks n 110 nib."( to 2_i to 2 7.-t i rr high leads him to find halt -till the wain- with tine moweewbt original and atnktag its
pep s� aa,l be l"phr.lstercn Y 2.a to 2 St) gave the greatest satislirUon h Ks oprro- - of intclligtnee tram this modern
et,ul.l M.ke nu 6uU1Js C u \1'Larf laba,n•n 200 In 300 one• 1•:rery person seemed ro bt agree- Os 'Csesday eveins the 'i nein Council 7'I,e tale arcie weer is mo a rj (�phir. istry at every possible OppOrturtty; but hists"t oa that " Love b alma tbetyrout
Tuve L.ra c„aa. whJP mnrh men ■+ fir Allan MluNab, .f.
Mr. Lro•s n al<•., ir' ft wa fur Baker+ 2 00 to 2 50 ably surprised. hider itAe Rrydemrn who were otcspted to con, slerin man impor- ink In Canadians, as they rr+ntaiotJ letters Of old mad pon(s; yet sus. do mot reprtaO
teO , Aill and mut bur Mr. be psi+, to di. Cor le listilaera 250 to 300 w•ry Pre+rive eOenidrr it clearly demrm,trs- T T A. Me l)r„ald, f4yw,mr, Ata!„ were mit toe evil by IePisrfties!” For my own pard
ter "ato wL.t deli a *ere [o k J utl; ■;,I ivc ted that ilia wnumfaim cls bt email tunnel taut measures, sPe
pe Car titer% mrd Joiners 2 00 to 250 7 from many young roes, who Ion this cosy- iOg against the bill, nr weal is more likely i be" yet to Tear; that inra is a evil, al-
~ whet rnfeetia rs a .uIJ b• meJ• end ib^y I:nelnnrs ed. The oral esUaa remaimn sa a !'resent, the 11a or &m speakisg mggsltist tirse, leeir tiew, Obaz nietp themgh it meJ M agree tyrant, M
2 a0 IO 3 7.i T 9° T 1 !1lesan. \\'al- try ret the first atimOar, tweet of Ihr gold nail ower hitWoI spy wi hl be neen9 Anew as the honorable gestfawse is prepat-
wOVO r1 ao p stti.w 1 . de too sold torr kion 1'ounden 2 iO to 3 73 matter of dollen Its coals. --.V. 1. Ti r- ,lace, U'Cosaor, Iiesl �larw i!wg eA to a As
"ala Oxm-910t were brought de.wa. nihipw6ghls Lases. y' ' , \\ bite„ discoveries m `Aostrajta. (; rich Jos round awoag tine des►tt taofttrberyy rm_ pr ve that it to• t w bably the M
Ib quet.r 4►e 1, 250 to 8 7b I Smiib mad \Y'ahJu' I funi,l,eJ its ymnta to lee corps of glrld di ►few ► giebteee may IN iiid,reed t� .b t ,sOt-
.ppoeie, G,aerrl fur what \Vatrh.;,kere 2 50 to 2 75 The minutes of for r nm them that Mr. Hsweka was ter am and dryimti motion means for its sap -
Le ,WIN bi* 'rwnatrm"w.af.ki' adiwioteira --- ---- mer mecU wren' Eon, and vye are p(lad tO lieu ori tho aniesl ""ly deaeirtmR them, mad lust b• set rawly pvttttrt!iM.
teen of th•r pabhe Ataeee■, la Ibeee,r*, _ I3lackamitM 1 23 to 1 7i r r8
.. ot hes M A F►rarr Lavas ..A drunken rasa iti tie I read and. approved. Stearal enwmgatea- a! man n( lira++ whO bad kR the h meat dis+nivo the litswae, blot tint k bed Then was ere tbh which-litalatly
walla Mir Rrerr to J 111,1 fa• N be.lwn-lits. 250 to i 7:r gotrer y oases Of at+ftglly wady Mp bit rmri t; IfM Oo. Moak r p�f
- ��'Os y"sre f+iw, t%_,o east bNr lying gh,_ t •abio.•I "I *ken 2 50 to 2 73 Unna were then read. mmong whir!1 were' thmir (atheri isare fw those .oak we dwtief lite LZI" as/ o urea
a , fw ' A* ,:a •tetw•tlawr a ranlsn•mt. Cailors o .'M) to 2 75 OfTicul rop rte slow that the avenge Petrtiona from dllf •rent distant r'gssm. was the reigns work at wlieh Int sur wlatr tine {silt with wMcA asawban 1 t a tjwen
s + t' o[ Ilse l'nwvl \Y/'e are ear to beer n( the few Kest was t(lasd a W f
sur• .d av,w t5pp,,yt y wbrrb m 1"s, SMemakrn maswb•rbf pasoongees rsrrred Ihily by the P thea K l�h liN h fe o
sty mrmNy 4 30 10 200 or"" ndways rr;srrifg fair Mater. to !0, for mprnvrm sts to 16t atretta, whteis Mfr. Mi. D. Lintee a tloafb of mr10a when tie � � ��- e d $ IN emof
x71 Ilqu ,a ua•ese best M.ti t'owon.>,itnrs lMtiva sushi tit (a le Mott► the s; t of
:rO to 9'OD 9". s were tefsrred to k area of Mr. me 10 teed �� �• a�to�tt
I ioaacs (.owpittee. (John J. iii,. Liakw Joie Clerk of eke 1'eate tati� 1lermre setse� fo dlt'cell tftt=4.0eo made a etatsd}ag j,.!», qs d
• s *Maly Ir it is�1bt a well that Ibe fW a traatwd •irh fAa trtwaset
. !•4d -*"a Ifbe moot of tttl► � 64 j ft-
- + a�
• .,llrlk..• - i Z -tor, a:.=+ ,
....._._1 ._._ .r__ - - __ - —_ a aCa�., _�, .:,.,a_.,�._- it:i�.i^•',da'lltirr.;:.._•'f�., _,. it. x.'sr,