HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-22, Page 5Name best
A PUblic speaking contest
iirealving six Grade 8 students
of Hensall Public School tea-
lured the citizenship and edu-
cation meeting of Henson. WI
last Wednesday evening,
Winner for the girls was Hea-
ther Reid, whose subject was
"Sir John A, MacDonald. "Flo-
ra Lee Johnston placed second
on the subject "A Day at Guide
Camp" and Diane Koehler
speaking on Alexander Gra-
ham Bell was third.
Grant Jones was first for the
boys on the subject "Dr. Wil-
fred Grenfell"; Ricky Bucha-
nan, second on "The Atom"
and George Taylor, third, on
"The last days of the late Dr.
Thomas Dooley,"
Judges were Mrs, lames
McAllister, Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Mrs, R. Y. MacLaren,
Other numbers included
square dance selections by Ju-
lie Heal, Ronnie Wilson, Ca-
therine Ann Christie, Scott
Smith, Kay Davis and Jerry
Matson of Grade 1, vocal solos
by Mrs. Carl Payne, violin se-
lections, Miss Greta Laramie
and piano solos by Miss Mar-
garet Elgie, Mrs. R. D. Elgie
presided for the program, Mem-
bers answered the roll call by
telling "one way to help our
young people."
Mrs. Fred Beer conducted
the business, Mrs, N. E. Cook,
Mrs, Sim Roobol and Mrs.
James Bengough were named
a committee to bring in a slate
of officers for the next meet-
ing. A donation was voted to
the International Scholarship
fund and also a donation to
the Hensall Legion Branch, A
collection for Pennies for
Friendship will be taken at the
April meeting.
Hostesses were Mrs. Norval
Reid and Mrs. John Skea,
Bank entertains
area councillors
The Bank of Montreal of
Mensal] and Zurich entertained
the reeves and councillors of
Hay, Stanley, Hibbert and
Tnckersmith Townships, Hen-
sel] and Zurich to dinner at
the Dominion Hotel, Zurich,
Wednesday evening, March 14,
after which they attended the
playoff hockey game at the
local arena between Strathroy
and Hensall-Zurich Combines
in the Shamrock Junior "I)"
Hockey League finals, with an
attendance of 645. The Com-
bines won with a 5-2 victory.
News budget from.
The induction service for the
Rev, .1. C. Boyne as minister of
Exeter and Cromarly Presby-
terian congregations has been
announced to take place in
Croma cc y church on Wednes-
day evening, March. 25 at S
Personal items.
Miss Margaret Ann Wallace
was a guest skaterat the
skating carnival at Kincardine
on Saturday night.
r, Robert Gardiner at-
tended the annual meeting of
the Ontario jutual Insurance
Association which was held in
the King Edward Hotel, Tor
onto nn Wednesday and Thurs-
Weekend visitors at t It e
home of Mr. and Mrs. john
Wallace were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Scott, :Sharon, Karen,
Catharine ard Janet of Gode•
rich and Mr. and Mrs. Fra.nk
Cadic.k, Sharon and Donald of
Pay tribute
to official
Funeral service was held
Wednesday afternoon at the
Heath - Leslie funeral home,
Mitchell, for Roy Burchill,
clerk-treasurer and well known
farmer of Hibbert Township.
Rev. James Ferguson of Si.
Andrews Presbyterian church,
Stratford officiated and Mrs.
Edward Gilck was organist,
.Floral tributes, heart founda-
tion, mission, cancer and Gi-
deon Bible cards were re-
Pall-bearers wore Norval
Elliott, Matthew Coyne, Her-
bert Britton, Hibbert Town-
ship, J. Kenneth Bewley, Lo-
gan Township, William Stew-
art, Kitchener and Gerald
Agar Staffa, Flower - hearers
were Robert Burchill, Hibbert,
Kenneth Burchill, Bi n b r o o k
Charles Welton, Owen Sound;
Jack Sangster, Clifford and
Jack Dearing, Staffa.
Perth County Warden Wallet
Gerth, I4i.ilverton and W.
.Blowes, Perth County clerk-
treasurer and Hibbert. Town-
ship Council and employees at-
tended the service. Friends and
relatives attended from Owen
Sound, C 1 if I o r d, Wingham,
Stratford, Kitchener, Seaforth,
Niagara Falls, Guelph, Toron-
to, London, Milverton, Staffs,
Binbroak, Cromarty, Dublin,
Mitchell and surrounding dis-
trict. Temporary entombment
was made in the Elizabeth
Ritz Memorial Chapel, Mitch-
ell, with burial to be Made
later in the Presbyterian cem-
etery, Mitchell,
St. Patrick's euchre
A St, Patrick's euchre and
crokinole party was held at SS
No. 5 on Saturday night with
13 tables playing,
Gents' high prizes were won
by Ernie Harburn and Alec
Scott and ladies high by Mrs,
H. McPhail and Shirley Gar-
diner; gents low went to Jack
Christie and Alvin Dow; low
for ladies, Linda Hackney and
Mrs. E. Cole.
A draw for a camera was
won by Murray Mueller, Pro-
ceeds were donated to the ju-
Mor Red Cross,
man and family visited
day evening with Mr.
Sirs. Robert Mayer and
fly, Thames Road.
Pearl Ann 'F,frh, Ronald Oesch,
Nancy ,Seliwartzentruher and.
Mervyn Erh., iii charge of the
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Sins-
lard .called on Mr. Harold Fin-.
lay and. family on Saturday al.
tcDss ,Judy Oesch -visited' with
Miss Pearl 'Ann grb, ,on Satur-
Personal Om; clay.
Mies. Joy Erb. has returned to Mr. gal ,011ahings, Mr. and,
her job in. Maryland, .Pennsyl- Mrs. William Londsborough of
vania, Clinton visited with Mr. Hers
Miss Carol grb.: left Wednes- •01d.Finlay on Sunday.
day with her sister and then Miss Linda ,Oesch spent Sat-
travelled on to Florida from ui'day night and Sunday with
Maryland, her brother and sister-in-law,
The Blake school held a St. 111r, and Mrs. Elmer Oeseh and
Patrick's party on Friday with family of Zurich,
Message from
Mr. and Mrs. William. -Cala,
well of Brucefielil visited on
.Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tho-
mas Laing.
0 nests entertained at the
home of Sirs .Sadie Scott on
Monday night were Mr. and.
Mrs. John. Drake and Patsy,
.Mr, and Airs. Bruce Arm-
strong and boys, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wallace, Mr. an Mrs.
jas, Scott, ,Terry and Ronald,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott,
Frances and Agnes and. Mr.
Lindsay McKellar,
Mr. Don Bowman, first year
theological situ-lent at Waterloo.
College had charge of the
church service nn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
were in Markdale on Sunday
visiting with a cousin, Mr. Herb
Walker, whose wife died nn
Sa turday.
Mrs. Sadie Scott visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan. Scott and children.
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Laing werP,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Diehl. and
family, Sebringyille, and Mr.
and Airs. Fred Deichert, Clin-
Ladies to improve church
The Ladies Aid met in the
home of Mrs. T. L. Scott with
the president, Mrs. J. M. Scott
presiding. The roll call was
answered by naming a favorite
Mrs. Thos. Laing conduetd
the devotional period, Alec
Scott played a piano instru-
Plans for further improve-
ments at the church were die.
cussed. Airs. J. M, Scott and
Mrs. John Wallace were a.p•
pointed to meet with the board
of managers. Airs. Gerald Ca-
rey, Mrs, Mervin Dow, Mrs.
Thos. Laing and Mrs. Will. Mil-
Je: were appointed a commit-
tee for the social hour after
the induction of the Rev,
C. Boyne on March 28.
Bachelor: "Bought a cook
book but couldn't make a
Friend; 'Sluff too fancy?"
Bachelor: "Yes. Every re-
cipe started out with "Take a
clean pan" and that always
stopped me."
4 C
Office) Hours 9 a.m. to
PH 2354120 EXETER
5 p.m.
1,4 •••,.i •••••ni. •
"Tour hours wilt be nine to
five—and if there's one thing
I can't stand It's a clock
1.a(iY: 'Plan.- in tion „rites
ifreaks le9. for new minister
bring will be Money in pocket now. If
you don't know how to cull, we'd like
to offer our help. There's 1)0 obliga-
tion. Give us a ring today and whether
you're a Purina feeder or not, we'll
he happy to atoll by at your place and
show you how. You'll really save
money if you cull your floCk regularly.
kr fast, efficient feed service call
E. L. Mickle
phone 205 Hensall
feed PURINA CHOWS today!
With Al's
Matera.ta.ezal4;:azWalaiaeis. ssa.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Singu-
lar of Broadview, Sask„ Mr.
and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur
and Donald, 4th Line, and Mr,
and Mrs. Jesse Elston were
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Elston.
Mr. Howard Rinn and Miss
Noreen Walkom were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Car-
men Rinn and family of St.
Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Mc-
Xeighan of Denfield visited
with Mr. and Mrs, Duncan
McNaughton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marriott
and son Douglas of Sarnia
visited at the home of his par-
erits, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Marriott, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parkinson
and family of Eighth Line vis-
ited with his brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Parkinson, On: Sun-
Mrs. Oliver Baker and fam-
ily were Sunday guests with
her father, Mr. Herb Beer, and
Anna of Munro.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Skinner
and hen of Exeter were Sun•
day evening guests of Mr, and
Mrs. William Spence and David.
Mr. and Mrs, David Holland
Were guests of her sister, Mrs.
Gordon FeeZer and Gordon and
M.', and Mrs. David Sheppard
On Sunday at Ailsa Craig,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker
and family entertained the
East Zion Mission Circle girls
and church choir at, their home.
on Thursday evening when' they
presented King, Linda and
Diana Barnett. with three long
playing records, Mr, and Mrs,
f3arneti arc leaving the farm
to make their horde in St,
Units bold quiz,
nfame committee
UCW unit 5 met in the. Sun-
day School room Thursday,
March 15 with Mrs. W. B. Cross
Devotion was taken by Mrs.
Norman Cook and Mrs. Leona
Park. Mrs. Edison Forrest pre-
pared the reading given by
Mrs. Park.
Mrs, Alf Clark sang a solo
accompanied by Mrs, Laird
Mickle. Mrs. Cross gave the
topic and conducted a Bible
Mrs. George :Hess acted as
recording secretary in. the
absence of Mrs, R. McAllister.
Mrs. William Weeks, the lead•
er of the Unit was unable to
be present owing to sickness,
Mrs. R. M. Peck was pianist
Unit names committee
UCW unit 1 met Monday eve-
ning with the leader Mrs. Ern-
est Chipehase presiding, Twen-
ty-four members answered the
Mrs. James Jenkins conduct-
ed the devotional., Mrs, Grant
MacLean gave the study and
Mrs. Don Joynt the Bible
A ways and means commit-
tee was appointed composed of
Mrs. Ian McAllister, Mrs, 1),
Joynt, Mrs. Howard Scene,
Mrs. R. Reaburn and Mrs, Jack
UCW donates
to new furnace
The Chiselburst UCW met
Tuesday afternoon with pres-
ident Mrs. Percy Harris pre.
Mrs. R. Taylor conducted the
worship period and 16 mem-
bers were present.
Mrs, Ear]. Kinsman submit-
ted the finance budget which
was accepted, Twenty-five doh
tars was donated to the new
oil furnace which has been in-
stalled, Mrs, Alvin Cole, Mrs.
Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Jack
Brintnell reported for the new
dishes purchased for the kitch-
Airs. Earl Kinsman reviewed
a chapter from the study book
and Mrs. Robert Kinsman
offered a piano solo.
Hostesses were Mrs. Taylor
and Mrs. Harris assisted by
Mrs. R. Kinsman and Mrs, R.
Circle plans Easter .meet
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met Mon-
day evening and laid plans for
the Easter thank-offering meet-
ing in the church auditorium
Monday, April 1.6,
Guest speaker will be Mrs,
Ross MacDonald and special
guests will. be the ladies of St.
Andrew's United Church, Kip-
pen, Cave, rt Presbyterian
Church, Exeter, Knox Presby-
terian Church, hayfield, the
WMS ai,d CGIT of this church.
President Mrs. B. Beaton was
in charge of the meeting.
Mrs. Harry Snell and Mrs.
Roy Bell conducted the wor-
ship using the theme of 'The
World Day of Prayer." Mrs.
MacDonald gave current events
on British Guiana...
Hostesses were Mrs, William
Brown and Mrs, Ed Fink.
CGIT discusses health
The CGIT of Carmel Pres-
byterian church Met Wednes•
day, evening, March 14 and
their discussion topic was "Per-
sonality, Health, Plus." Mrs.
Ed Fink, assistant leader, who
was in charge, surprised the
girls with a luncheon of ice
cream, cake and soft drinks.
St. Patrick's tea
The Ladies'. Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church sponsored
a successful tea „and .bake sale
in the Sunday School room of
the church turdAy afternoon.
it was well attended with the
proceeds gratifying.
The tea tables and Sunday
Schoolrooms, were decorated
in. St. Pateiclea theme and the
CGIT, Who served, were dress-
ed in green in keeping with
the day,
Personal items
Mr, Earl Bell of Toronto
spent the weekend with his pa-
rents, Mr, 'acid
Mrs. Glenn
Clark's rink
tops curler
The HA:mall curling club
completed As season play,
last week and declared -Jim
Clerk's foursome as the top
entry as they came up with a
win in their own draw and
whipped the other draw win.
.ners to cop top spot,
The. Clark entry composed of
lloward .Frannie, Keith Ander-
son and Douglas Mantis, scored
three straight wins in the 9:00
pm. draw to gain the berth in
the final.
A mixed team made up of
skip Sam Rannie, his wife
Eileen and Olga and Jack Chip-
chase were runners-UP with two
wins and a plus of 11.
Third. place in the draw was
won by the team of Walter
Spencer, skip; Lorne Hay,
vice-skip; Ron. Mock, second
and Stan Kochan, lead,
McAllisters win
The 7;00 p.m. draw honors
were taken by a rink skipped.
by James McAllister who
fought their way to three
straight wins. Other members'
of the rink included Ian Mc-
Allister, Norman Jones and
Jessie McAllister,
The battle for second place
honors was a nip and tuck af-
fair as two teams came up with
two wins, hut Orville Workman
edged Lloyd Mousseau as he
had a. plus of 10 compared to
the latter's seven.
Members of the Workman
rink were Jack Corbett, Wilmer
Jones and John Anderson.
Mousseau.'s entry was com•
posed of Glenn Koehler, Ray
Consitt and Jack Corbett.
On. Thursday, March 22, the
Hensall club has been invited
to attend an evening of curling
as guests of the RCAF Centra-
lia club.
Personal items
Sunday, March 25, at the
United Church at 7.30 p.m.
"An End to Darkness", a film
about missionary work (Meth-
odist Church) in Liberia will
be shown as it: particularly
concerns two African broth-
ers, The film will be shown by
the M & M committee, in, sup-
port of the M & M fund.
Mrs. John Henderson, who
has been a patient in Clinton
Hospital for the past several
weeks, returned home last
Mr. and Mrs. Joe De Loge
of Sarnia were recent visitors
with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Mr. George Walker, who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, returned to
his home this week.
Miss Geraldine Parker of
London is holidaying at the
home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Parker.
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Chip-
chase spent the weekend in To-
, Me. and Mrs. William T.
Blackwell, Lansing, Mich. vis-
ited last week with Mrs. Sarah
Blackwell in Mitchell and also
with Mr. and Mrs. David Black-
well and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
By MRS. NORMAN 1,,,O140.
Recently Mrs, Russell Brock.
met with an accident while
going to the barn she fell on
some ice, causing a double
fracture to her right leg. She
was taken to South. litiron. Hoe.
pital, Exeter, where a east was
placed on and at present time
she has .a walking cast,
.Personal items
Miss Kathryn Feitser.nf
Grand Rapids, Mich., visited
Monday with. Mr. and Mrs. N.
Long and Miss Janet Doig of
Mr. and Mrs. Bud ooper of
Toronto accompanied by Mrs.
W. B. Cooper visited, Sunday
with W. H. Cooper.
Mr. Norman Long returned
home Monday from Scott Me-
morial. Hospital, Sea f orth
where be has been a patient
for several weeks,
Kipper, UCW
Kippen UCW held a meeting
in the Sunday school rooms on
Tuesday afternoon, March 13.
There were twenty-five ladies
in attendance with Mrs. Har-
old Jones presiding,
Arrangements were made to
hold an Easter thankoffering
service in April,
The worship was taken by
Mrs, Ross Love. Mrs. Ronald
McGregor was the speaker for
the afternoon, Mrs. John Sin.
clair accompanied her daugh-
ter Joan in a duet, The busi-
nesse meeting followed, then all
enjoyed a social half hour.
Hostesses were Mrs. John Sin-
clair and Mrs, Ralph Turner,
name slate
The Hibbert Little Lassies
held their first meeting of Se-
parates for Summer at the
home of Mrs. Carter Kerslake.
Color and size of record
hooks were discussed and Mrs.
Kerslake explained what the
record books should contain.
Mrs. Kerslake also explained
how to choose a pattern and
material correctly, saying that
one shotild always look at the
finishes of the material and
also consider the cost.
'['he officers for this course
were elected, President is
Jane Parsons; vice-president,
Patsy Coyne; secretary-treas-
urer, Joye^ Kerslake, press re-
porter, Mary Ellen Doyle;
record book committee, Janet
Miller and Eleanor Kemp; te-
lephone girls, Margie Wallace,
Kaye Worden and Sharon
Personal items
Fifteen ladies from the Staf-
fa area attended the Summary
day for "143 lbs, of meat"
held in Monkton community
centre, Wednesday. March 4.
A successful St. Patricks cro-
kinale party was held in the
family centre of Staffa United
Church on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hog-
garth returned home last week
from their holiday in Florida.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Duncan,
Kirkton, visited Thursday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mrs. Frank Elliott and baby
son have returned home from
Seaforth. Hospital.
The families in SS No. 4 Hib-
bert were all entertained Sat-
urday evening at a card party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Coleman, in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple,
‘‘..,we bought
it through rim hliffiON ckyA010„;
Lots of good buys are being made every day
under the Bank of Montreal Family Fincince,
Plan. Whatever major purchases your heart is
set on, chances are you can finance them best
by monthly payments under this modern plan.
Why not talk to the people at your neighbour-
hood branch of "MY 'BANK" soon?
iraffeVgairt02.4A9M.,,V.-.7.0..MgM4griaXIIX. ,..,••••••••••••.•
ramp 9 Finance Pia
Brings ail your personal credit needs ',, under one roof
with a tow.cost g al M tife,insured loan
Exeter Branch: CHARLES SZslITH, Manager
Centralia (Sub-Agency):
(Open TuesdayeThursday and on Friday 4,30. 6 p.m.)
Crediton (Sub-Agency):
(Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Grand Bend Branch: DONALD ROBERTSON, Manager
Dashwood (Sub-Agency): Open Mon., Wed. 5. Fri.
Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager
Lucan Branch; JACK STEACY, Manager
Zurich Branch: )OHN BANNISTER, Manager
Monarch (Rag, 1901 #, 0, Smith's 20,est.
-Pie Crust
PKG. 29c
I.B. 33c
Pa5c :March 22i 19 52
and ,cii5trict news
Mr.S.Pde .Meriden, Phone
Mrs, .Archie MacGregor, Phone 54
-rues., Wed,,
8 ta 6, 0,nt:
8 alit, to S pm:
CloOd momiay
Davies Grant Utnning., B.enn ,
Municipal Auditors
Bill Mickle's
Culling is important to you—it will
give you money in pocket now. It will
cut your feeding costa. It should im-
prove your egg production,
Culling is not a hard job, in fact---
it's too easy. It's so easy we often just
put it Oft I-1ow many of your hens are
laying right now? We've seen flocks
where 10%, 20%, even 30% could be
culled without the owners missing one
single egg, And these loafers eat so
much, often more than their she.
That's why regular dulling is soar. im
portant. Then you'll know that you're
not wasting feed you'll be Aire that
your layers are getting their proper
share. And, the price your Cullt can
Canadians who want bigger profits tomorrow
Hunt's ii-oz, Bottle
EACH 17c
48.oz., Reg tae
inced Ham sa.Nt0LR,
rime Rib Roasts
tewing Beef Lle tra
Cherry Pie
EACH 33c
Libby Fancy Quality
Juice 48.0t, R. 35c daa.
POR 79
Hen all