HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-22, Page 34"-"),f1WW/IMILE ROMP ,FOR YOUR DAILY BOTTLED SUNSHINE P1127 flE115111.L VISITORS? When Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary come to visit—or you visit them—tell us about it. We like to report the social activities of the folks in this district. phone 770 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Or your local correspondent T HE 1011111 PROSOPINI 11:111:1,1 a•3 III THE FELLOW WHO KEEPS ROWING THE BOAT, DOESN'T HAVE TIME To ROCK IT..1 Business Directory elt.e.deleeerieleseeteleeeradeetatateiteflestekettenteMennieseaftieeteif . "...„ 6 Uardian Mritihtentinc6 .40111=0* ORDER YOUR Spring Seeds EARLY We have available OATS RODNEY, GARRY & RUSSELL BARLEY HERTA, PARKLAND & MONTGALM at competitive prices. BEAN SEED M1CHELITE, SANILAC & SEAWAY CONTRACTS Unlimited Malting Barley Contracts Last year Malting Barley prices averaged between $1.30 and $1,37 per bushel. Feed Oat Contracts Delivery accepted from the field. Bean Contracts A choice of Michelite, Sanilac and Seaway Seed to choose from. FERTILIZER We are selling fertilizer at a new low price, Contact us before you buy. E. L. Mickle 6r, SON LIMITED PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. AUB TENNANT Service Manager Script° Exclusive! Patented/ Revolutionary! The perfect combination—foun- tain pen comfort, ball pen con- venience. All yours in a patented new design—the SCRIPTO You'll love the feel of it and the ease with which it writes! You won't believe it until you write with it t The only ball pen with a tilted tip for easier, better writing. MONEY BACK GUARANTEEI Bey and try the new Script° Tilt. Tip Pen for 30 days. If for any reason you don't agree it's the greatest pen you've ever owned, send it back to Script° and they will refund your money at once, $198 TILT-Ti? PEN ,40t1 WON'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL YOU WRItt WITH 0'1 PotoOt No..t.,31A./76 14.otOO14 Wid • • • • • • • . • ..... • . GUARANTEED— gigagtadoteE fitt Grand Bend council was Ad , wised by its solicitor, Iv endaY,,. to take Action on the lands situated east .of the Walker d rain on the east side of the village in view to Mere .ex• .PATISlori in .the summer resort. C. V, Lapghton, QC, :of Bell and Laughton, Exeter, pointed out that this was the only area open for expansion in the .sUM- tiler :resort and council would be wise to take steps to ensure that it could be subdivided in an orderly fashion. 11.e. recommended that p sub- division control he placed on the lands so the owners would have to secure proper plans before they were able to sell any lots off the properties, "It could he out of control before you know what happen- ed," he warned coupeit„ The land is approximately 75 acres in area and belongs to three different owners, Consider road Consideration of the lands on. the east side of No, 21 highway arose following a meeting held with owners in the area to con- sider the opening up of a road running parallel to the high- way. Reeve Bill Sturdevant point- ed out to the owners that council was concerned about the number of narrow roads al- ready existing in the main portion of the summer resort and that they hoped to take action to ensure that the same thing would not happen in the undeveloped area, "We don't know what we can or will do," he pointed out. "We have only called this meeting to find out your opinions if a road could or should go through there." The persons mainly affected by the road are the Hay Town- ship Telephone System and the Grand Bend Legion, The telephone company has already purchased a lot in the area and plan to erect a build- ing to house all the equipment for their new dial system, Secrete r y-treasurer Reg Black, Zurich, pointed out that they would co-operate with council but would have to know immediately if the road was to be planned so their building could be planned accordingly. "This could alter our pre- sent plans," he pointed out, "as it could alter the direction in which we place our build- ing." He said the building would he erected in such a way that future expansion would be put on the rear of the building and if a road was built later they would face it so expansion could take place away from the road, Black pointed out that their present plans call for the build- ing to face highway No, 21, More frontage Clayt Mathers and Buss Clark, representing the Legion, pointed out that a new road would add 579 feet more front- age on their property and if a water line was ever built along the road they would have to pay substantial costs. Sturdevant suggested that the Legion's playground could be set up as park area and in this way the Legion could avoid paying the large front- age rates. Following the meeting with ST. MARYS N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street,. Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.433 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS 'THERAPIST Is Wellington St., across from PUG Control „development solicitor urges GB TOWN COUNCIL —.Continued from page 1 Another permit requested by Harry Ma-tilers. for -erection of .a house .on Andrew St, north,. Was approved. Council. also agreed to consider Mr, Ma. Thees.request for the provision. of a driveway across the ditch in front of the property on which he intends to build. Consider drain Deaths chairman Taylor pro. posed a new solution to the Waterloo-Carling drainage pro, blem, which council may accept if the engineer finds it feas- ible. Taylor proposed a drain down Waterloo from the Sam Sweitzer property west to Car- ling and north on Carling to SPEAKS HERE,fiev, Howard Mill, lie said that Sweitzer Kerr, who has recently return. would dig part of the .dra;n ed from Argentina, will he without charge and that Lloyd Wiest. speaker at .the mission- Parsons .and Kenneth Otteweit. ary service of Exeter Pepte• would pay drainage connections costal Tabernacle Supday, He of $75.00 each. Taylor esti. has wide i ts of the mated the town's share would country and. its customs .and is be limited to the cost V the prepared to discuss the tens e, tile. political situation there. Hts wife will assist in the service. Raps terni p dumping Supervisor Gerald Cornish reported turnips were being dumped haphazardly pt the town's refuse ground in Hay township making it impossible to keep the area in reasonable condition. Deputy - Reeve Far- row was instructed to investi- gate the situation Council approt ed purchase of an additional 50-feet of drain cleaning rods, requested by Cornish. Accept library budget Council accepted the library board's budget "with pleas- ure" since it was $300 less than in 1961, The board requested $2,100, compared to the $2,400 it received last year. "That's the kind of a board we want," said Mayor Sum- mons, who's been pressing all departments to cut costs in view of the sewerage program. Rec budget up Recreation committee's bud- Bring us your car or truck and let us condition it for high-spirited, economical Springtime, per. formanee, Our Guardian Maintenance Service is "edUcated" car care—the most advanced service, designed specially for your vehicle. It, is the only service combining factory trained servicemen, cUstoin tools and special service equipment foe top results. See us tOday! the land ,owners, .f4aughton sug- gested to council that they ask Hay telephone to, leave ..their front door facing the west but leave available land for the road if possible, He ,was out that the coin-. piny wAs. going to build As soon. AS possible and Wolgcl have to. know if they could go _ahead. He also noted tha t . the road was a benefit to the owners in. the area as it would allow them. to open up lots on their pro- perties and suggested that if they did not co-operate with council on the matter, it would he best for council to ntit sub- divieion control on the land so it could be -opened up in an orderly fashion, The Exeter lawyer com- mended council for thinking about future expansion in the Village. 'This is actually some- thing the land owners should have requested themselves," lie pointed out, "because it is to their benefit," In other business, council: Issued building permits la Frank. Olds and Alexander Lobodockey for the erection of two cottages valued at $8,000.00 each in Southcott Pines. Read .A letter from W, Murphy, Lainbton MP, point- ing out that he would take up their request for a customs officer with the proper authore ties in Ottawa, Police system 'working well' Chief C, 'H. MacKenzie re- ports the new police telephone system is "worlcing out well", "We haven't had a complaint since it was installed," he said, The system was designed to provide contact 24 hours a day. When the policemen are not in the office, they may switch the calls to their homes or to the answering service provided by Harvey's Taxi. tee.Reee e'eeegeffeeee,Tekreewegoealle Happenings in Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN .HOOP ER 1.;.1...ake.eterearaleeeMeettefeeeae4.. ... Mr. and Mrs, Fred Petch of Strathroy spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sis- son. Mrs, Claire Sisson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petch s pent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lawrence Grashy, St. Paul's. Mrs. W. B, Young of St. Marys spent the weekend with Mrs. Cecil Mossey, Mr. Mas- sey is still a patient in St. :lo- se ph 's Hospital. Miss Nancy Brine of St. Ma- rys spent the weekend with Miss Sharon Thomson. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, J. Jones and family were Sunday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bryan of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis, Mr, Larry Davis and Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Toronto were Stuiday afternoon and evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Giadwyn Hooper, Mr. Robert Grover of Eben- ezer spent Sunday with Mr. Clare Hooper. DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 11, NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q,C, C, V, LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 235.0440 EXETER W. G. COCHRANE, O.C. WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER Foe your sale, large or small, courteous sand efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 C. H. RODER, D.C, DOCTOR 00 CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, °merit) OFFICE HOURS Mon., 'rues., Thurs., Fri, 9 • 12, 2 • 5 Tiles. and Fri, Evening, 7 • 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1496 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE corrinArtihi, industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE EsTIMAtes 1t0061106 Rao PHONE IISMO extTER Seek higher fire charges At a special meeting in Grand Bend, Wednesday, the summer resort's council re- quested a total of $800.00 per year in fire retaining fees •from three neighboring townships and offered to purchase extra equipment if their demands are met, The townships have also been asked to agree to paying the regular fees of the Grand Bend firemen at a rate of $60,00 for the first hour they are at a fire and $35.00 for each addi- tional hour, The townships of Stephen and Bosanquet have each been ask- ed to pay $300.00 in retaining fees and the township of Hay has been asked to pay $200.00. At present none of the three townships pay retaining fees, although subdivisions along the lake in Stephen and Bosanquet do, The Oakwood Protective Association pays $75.00 per year and Kingsmere and Maple Grove subdivisions pay $32.00 each, If Stephen enters into the agreement, the retaining fees of these three subdivisions would he dropped, as would the $75.00 from Beach '0 Pines if Bosanquet agrees to Grand Bend's request. The only existing agreement Grand Bend has is with Bosan- quet which signed an agree- ment in December to pay $50.00 for each fire call answer- ed by the Grand Bend depart- ment. Although Stephen has never had an agreement with Grand Bend, they have always honor- ed bills presented for fire calls. Grand Bend council told the representatives of the three townships that they would pur- chase a portable pumper to go with the large fire truck if the agreement was settled. The pumper, v a I e d at $380.00, can be carried by two men to creeks or ponds or other water sources at the scene of any fire. The present pumper, which is mounted on a jeep, will re- main in Grand. Bend at all times as stand-by equipment when the truck is out of the village. District man faces charges George Smith, 22, RP. 1 Medford, has been charged with break, enter and theft in connection with the loss of a number of articles from the farm of Louis Masnica, RR 2 Crediton. Articles reported stolen from the farm, at different times, include gasoline, rubber hose, battery and numerous small, items. get is up this year but by the sum of $41.00. Total re• quested is $3,841.00. The breakdown: Swimming, $500: junior hand, $500; office supplies, $250; director's sal- are, 52.591. Reeve F.sher, a member or (hr committee, said it was pos- slide that the $500 grant for the junior band would not he used since interest' has flag-ge 1 considerf bly in this orga -nization. Only nine Members attended the last practice, he revealed. The committee,asked that $500 remain in the budget, however, in the hopes that the organization could be conti- nued Request payment Council decided to request C. A McDowell Ltd., Centralia, to pay costs of connecting the Albert. St. storm sewer to the AnneSt. drain. The sewer, according to Drains Chairman Taylor, was not connected at the time Mc- Dowell built the culvert. Council is also notifying the Centralia firm that the side- walks on Main St., rebuilt af-ter the culvert was installed there in the fall of 1960, are in an unsatisfactery condition, After the dogs The town may be able to se- cure the services of profes- sional dog catchers with radio- equipped mobile pounds, if a new London firm meets coun- cil's approval. Deputy-reeve Farrow, as sa- nitation chairman, was asked to investigate the offer from "Municipal Mobile Animal Con- trol" which indicated the cost of its services could he met out of dog taxes and collection fees. The firm offers to provide daily patrol, impounding, hu- mane disposal, disease control and other canine services, Council also: Decided to start DST on the last Sunday in April and ter-, Plains plan ARCA topic A it ea. blea uthority's far- reaching flood plain lands ac- quisition prograin will be the tome of A watershed conference At Grand Bend Friday, March 3.0, it WAS announced this week. Chief magistrates of water- shed municipalities and. author- itY members will meet with provincial officials At a special dinner meeting called by the- public relations advisory board. Guests will he W. P. Watson, chief of the production and extension division, Ontario. Dept of Agriculture, and D. N. Omend., supervisor of the wild- life section, Ontario. Depart- ment of Lands and Forests. Purpose of the .confereOcc is to determine if the flood plains plan will qualify for assistance through ARDA, the federal agricultural rehabilitation and development Act, Watson and Om.and are key °Metals in the provincial application of this new legislation. The authority's plan is to acquire ownership of all the marginal flood plains along the Ausable river to establish pub- minute it on the last Sunday in October, the period adopted by London and a majority of area centres; Agreed, "with regret," not to send any delegates on a "local gov't study tour" of Great Britain and Europe, sponsored by the Ontario Mu- nicipal Association. The Times-.Advocate, March. 22, 1902 PA,9e lie control over the strearo. dumping fill in the river. At a recent executive meet- The regulations provide that ing, the :authority authorized no material may be ,dumped ill the preparation of a .submis.• or near the river without per, Siert ttl the federal government mission from the authority. through the provincial con- Penalties are provided for Vio. The .plan may be A pilot pro- pl an. fishing derby servation authorities branch. .lations. jest under .the federal 'act. • . Prior to the .coarvrwice. Fri- soA4 blobae rdPurbel ent ic l l'eyl,4ptiloannss were provincial ofifti1ceina);:erswirlolf totlulre iren,...a iude.astfovvr iltliit4emsholidoirnggraodr e ant authority .executive .and the Ar bor Day planting program the watershed to view key '7 and 8 public school students. locations in the flood plain Th e h.,0 a NI, also reecee, acquisition proposal. concern over dumping junior the promotion of a junior trout fishing derby at. Concerned over recent infrac- the Morrison Dam on the Sat, tions of its dumping regqta. urdey of the first week of the. tions, the authority plans to trout season.. Prizes would he warn watershed residents again given for the -children .catching this spring of the ban against the largest fish. Real Estate HOMES EXETER —. 3-bedroom, full basement, brick con- struction, oil heat, $2,500 down. EXETER — Edward St., 3 bedrooms, well located, Terms. EXETER — 4-bedroom, brick, remodelled kitchen and bath, new heating system. Terms. EXETER — New 3-bedroom, attached garage, hot water heat, $3,500 down. Terms, GRAND BEND (2 miles south) — New split level home, 8 acres of land, two-car garage, 3-bed- room. Terms can be arranged. FIRST MORTGAGES (can be arranged) FARMS Mt. Carmel — 125 Acres, ML Carmel — 225 Acres. Dashwood — 200 Acres. Kippen Area — 150 Acres. Kippen Area — 100 Acres, with 10 acres of orchard, good land, modern buildings. Terms, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE with living quarters. EXETER General Store with separate paint store, on main corner, Equipment includes paint blender, Terms. MILK ROUTE (Exeter area) — $8,500; 1960 truck and van. Terms. BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION From $700 $1,200 WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. W. H. Hodgson Limited Real Estate — Insurance PHONE 235.2420 EXETER M. J. Gaiser, Ph 235.2420 G. E. Dow, Ph 235-2764 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Heed Office — EXeter, Ont. Directors Milfhn McCurdy RR 1. Eirkton President Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Vice-President Im ea n William H. Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E, Clayton Colothoun ER 1 Science 1-till Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. 'Gardiner I1R Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger 'Dublin 1-tarry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell W.. 6, Coehrarie, Q.C. Exeter Secretary•trook sorer Arthur Prager Exetet DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S,, D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons G, A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 RHONE 1272 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday Afternoons frOm 2:00 to 5i30 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER for Let Guardian Maintenance put the 10 in your car Snell Bros. Ltd. Cho 616 . Envoy Phoho 2:35.0660 t: