HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-15, Page 18' Noe. 111 The Times-Advocate, March IS, 190 farce wins drama f ey. ;11. H ere A rollicking hillbilly farce, ",Conele'' Round the Mountain'', won first prize for Seeforth Junior Farmers in the drama festival held here Friday night in- eenneetion with Huron Seed Rabe Adjudicator Mrs. Bruce Sully,Goderich. praised the setting, the c o s t u me s and blocking in the Seaforth entry. "You did e grand job." she. told the winners. Director Mrs. Robert Doig received, the trophy for the best play from donor Merton Keys, Best actor award went to Brian Hern, of Woodham, who performed in the South Huron entry, "Bobbie Pulls. 't.'p Her Socks". • Best actress was Amy Stew, art `th. the Seaforth play. Several hundred persons at- tended the festival to see the three plays presented by ju• niOr farmers in the county. It was the eighth annual compe- tition. The South Huron entry de- picted the story of a tom-boy stealing the handsome football player right from under the nose of her flirtatious older sister with the help of an un- derstanding brother. The cast included Ann Cree, ry, Margaret Oke. Brian Hern, Edward Hern. Eric Kintz and Mrs- Robert Down. The direc- tor was George Wright. and Bober t Down was stage helper. Cast for the winning Sea- forth entry included Francis Hunt, Shirley Henderson. .lack 'Crozier. B o h Fotherin.gham, Helen Broadfoot. Roha Doig and :Mervin Pepper. Director Mrs. Doig was assisted by Mr. Bill Strong: Mrs. Sully praised the North Huron group for attempting the serious drama, "Judge Report on Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE NAMED BEST ACTOR ... Brian Hern, Woodham Lynch". depicting color pre- judiee in the southern She said, she was pleased to see the group undertake the portrayal of such a difficult Play. The east included Bessie ,luhnston, Ann .Wightman. Har- ry- Brydges and Jim Pivey. It was directed by Mrs. Roy Ken- nedy and Jim Bowman. Bill Strong, Seaford), was master of ceremonies for the evening. Stage manager was Barry jeffery. Sing songs were led by Edward Dunn, Clinton, Bob Cunningham. Ethel, pre. seeted Cities' Service awards, in the form of books, to mem- bers of the Huron debating team, ,Tohn Wightman, Mur- ray Hoover, Jim Spivey and Bob Higgins. enveetors 4ffer$ 4 new Mutual Fund. INVESTORS INTERNATIONAL MUTUAL FU NP A fund. comprised. of the best ef American and .C.onedian securities, n v es to r s . ; • [11)doaCita 56HARA, [Amite; TED HOLMES 145 Peer Park Circle, London og 4.9502 or Enquire at The Advoca te -HOME SWEET New is the time to brighten your home with our oxquisitely made scatter rugs. NEW IN .DESIGN — NEW IN QUALITY MANY Lovel..y. COLORS TO. CHOOSE PROM OVER 1Q4 RUGS IN STOCK NOW. For it hand-made rug that will wash and wear and really look attractive, come in and see the rugs right away, S. SADDER ANDREW STREET NORTH — EXETER 235.2877 Imported Makes , Conadlon.M44 , , RUBBER BOOTS .$3.55 $4.50 'telephone 23$.0611 WUERTH'S FREE DURING MARCH ONLY Insoles included with the purchase of each pair. Davies, Grant, Denning and Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors Office Hours 9 a,m. to 5 p.m. DEVON BUILDING PH 235.0120 EXETER WORK 6( DRESS SHOES Men's and Boys', Big Selection, 16,9$ And Up Rubber ttlethee Repairing Expertly, 00'0'1101V It's ti to sew with Et E Ft XI NA Let BERNINA bring her sheer sewing delight ... because BERNINA is so fully, completely automatic. The most intricate stitches are at her finiertips... zig zag, blindstitch, 2 and 3 needle embroidery in countless exciting designs. BERNINA sews on buttons, makes perfect button holes in seconds. For now and forever... BERNINA, your best buy—automatically. BERNINA models, with lifetime guar. antee, start at $109. Payments as low as $2.00 per week. BERNINA utt ). "I know what mummy wantS most!" Meet eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,ee:eeeekieeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeei,eeeeeeeeeeieee, eeeeetee,e-e a.,. • Avail.§156 235.0173 Dinney: • •, •••_-• Furniture EWER, Mein $1. BE PREPARED FOR SPRING! Now's the time to get in your supply of Shell's quality farm products. Don 'I wait for warm weather.check your supplies today, And call us for fast, dependable delivery, • GASOLINES • MOTOR OILS • DIESELINE • GREASES • HYDRAULIC OILS Art Clarke DIAL 235.1820 SHELL \\\IV eiieeire ". the .bigger the need fora Chevy Heavy ! The tougher the joh, the harder the haul, the mote reasons to turn to a Chevy Heavy. In Chevy Heavies truck power is tailored to the job, There's new meaning to High-Torque power in the husky 348 V8 and the mighty 409 *V8* engines. Durability is another reason for owning a Chevy Heavy. It's evident in the massive ladder-type frame the extra-strong Independent Pima Suspension that combines with Variable-Rate Rear Springs to lessen shock ... and in the unitized construction of the rugged, good-looking cab. It pays to team up with a Chevy Heavy on tough tasks. See your Chevrolet Truck Dealer now, *Optioned at evra rev' • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CT-i0120 ANEW WORLD OF WORThl„dVEW EPPICIENCY,iNEW EARNING POWER FOR YOU! '62 CHEVROLET TRUCKS JOBMA SUR SNELL BROS. LIMITED pH 235.0660 Choy Olds Corvair Envoy Chov Trucks EXETER Firemen raise funds topurchase masks Fes... Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Pass- heore entertained a number of married couples on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier of Brantford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P'assmore. Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Willard of Mount Hope are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. .rack Bor- land. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benneweis, Dennis, Vicki and! Bradley of Bornholm were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cottle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett of Exeter and Ronnie Dyke, man of London visited on Sun• day with Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heist of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Almer P ssmore. -Quite a number from this community attended the Mac- donald Brier curling plavnifs held at the, Kitchener Curling Rink' last week. and Mrs. Ernest Pyre `spent. the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Em- bro. Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson, Mr.' and Mrs. Victor Jeffery and Billy were guests recently with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gar- diner of Exeter, Mr. and. Mrs. Warren Brock of - Exeter were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mee. Edwin. Miller and family, the occasion being Barry Mil- ler's seventh birthday. United Church Women The meeting of the United 'Church Women was held on Wednesday afternoon with a fair attendance. Mrs. William -Cann. was in charge of the meeting and was assisted in the - devotional by Mrs. Robert ' Cann, Bible study was given -by Mrs. Donald Bray. The to- pic was the nature of the church in Jerusalem, Corinth • and Canada. The study "Youth in Transi- tion" was given by Mrs. Wil- ' barn' Rowcliffe. Respite! Auxiliary report was given by Mrs. William Snow, Mrs. Mac Hodgert offered to be card secretary for this year. Mrs. Norman Holland of Clinton will be the guest speaker at the Easter thank- offering meeting. It was de- cided to have family night on Friday evening, March 23 in the church basement. Mrs. H. C. Wilson gave a Christian. Stewardship reading. Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs. Bev Morgan were the hostes- ses for the meeting. Community night Community night was held on Monday evening in the school house with six tables of euchre in play. Prizes were won by men's high, Mae Hodgerat men's low, Harold Rowe; lone hands, Mrs. Robert Mayer; ladies high. Mrs. Mac Hodgert; la- dies low, Mrs. Ron Patter- son. Committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hun- kin. During lunch "happy birthday" was sung to Mrs. Ron Patterson whose birthday was Monday. The next community night will be held on Monday eve- ning. March 26. Hurondale SS honors couple About 50 friends and neigh- bors of Messrs. Gordon and Ernest Oke and Miss Lille Oke Con 2 Usborne met in Huron- dale School in their honor prior to their moving to reside in Exeter. The evening was spent in progressive euchre with Mrs, Evan Sims winning ladies'. high score; Evan Sims, men's high and Miss Lilts Oke, most lone hands. During the lunch hour Mr, Ilarry Strang read an address and Mr. Mervin Dunn pre- sented the Okes with an oces• sional arm chair. The Okee are Moving to their new home on Sanders St. E. Message from Centralia gy MRS. .F.REP. BPWitEN Miss Barbara „Wiley of Lon- don was .a weekend visitor with Mrs. Arthur Meralls and Helm Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning- ton were Friday e v e •n i n g guests with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cuimington and family in Ellmeitte. The ()eva- sion was in celebration of Mrs. Fred Cunnington's birthday. Morris Abram of Iiiilsgreen was a weekend visitor with Billie Huxtable. Mrs. Beatrice Allen has re- turned home from St. Joseph's Hospital. London, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hue- table and Billie were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Madge at ifillsgreen. Morris Abram returned home with them. Cheryl Ann, Dale, Garry and Sandra Morgan of Melbourne are visitors with their grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Morgan. Air. and Mrs. Fred. Cunning- ton were in London on Sunday and were accompanied home by their cousin, Miss Mabel Refoir. who will spend sonic time with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker of Grand Bend are spending a few days with Air. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Reelable and Billie. Jimmie Allison returned home on Saturday after spend- ing last week with his grand• Parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bow- den. Mrs. Theresa. Mahoney re- turned to her home in Seaforth on Saturday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Overholt and family. Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Thean- der, Ingrid and Paul, visited. over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Theander in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brown and Miss Pearl Feline]. of Credi- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Claire Wright and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright. CGIT learn hair care The meeting of the Centralia CGIT was held M. the Sunday School room, March 8. The meeting was opened with a sing song. The wor- ship service was conducted by Marilyn Morgan and. Gayle Lamport. Marie Powe selected "The Sleigh Ride" for a spe- cial piano solo, A St. Patrick party is being held on March 15 at the home of Mrs. J. Essery. Miss Wreathe Sholdice gave some very helpful hints on hair care and settings. Her sister, jua.nita was the model to demonstrate hair setting. Messengers The boys and girls under the new ,ame "Messengers" met for their monthly meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday morning. The gift boxes for the children to use at home are to be returned on the last Sunday in the year, and presented to the treasurer of the missionary and mainte- nance fund of the congrega- tion. The story was told by Mrs. Harvey Smith, Day of rrayer Between twenty and thirty ladies from C.entralia joined the ladies of Huron Park in the Protestant Chapel at the reCAF Station on Friday in a service to observe the World Day of Prayer. By MRS. M. PAM C RE D ITON Crediton fire brigade held a successful bingo i n the com- munity centre Friday 'night. The firemen are raising funds to purchase gas masks, Fire Chief le P' Boulianne said the equipment will cost over $300. The brigade has received a number of compliments for their prompt service rendered in the last two fires this winter, The men were credited with preventing considerable dam- age. Winners of hems and groce- ries at the bingo were Ross Krueger 12) Mrs. Horace Lake, Lori Shrimpton, Erie Shrimp- ton, Ed Hendrick, Mrs. le Becker, Mrs. Norman Norry, Mrs. Sam King. Carl Radford, Roland Gibson, Mrs. E. wee. zei. Ted Chambers, Bob Reid and Don Averill. Special prizes went to Anna Ruggaber, Julie Higgins, Airs, Larne Hodge, Lori Shrimpton, Mrs. Walter Weber, Share the wealth lines were won. by Chartnaioe Schenk. A u r Schroeder and Mrs. M. Bea- leer and door prize by Hugo Schenk. UCW plan Easter meeting .The Crediton TIVW held their meeting with Mrs. Earl. Neil Ladies join for prayers By MRS, ROSS SKINNER ELDIVILLE The Elimville and Thames Road TJCW met at Elimville church on Friday afternoon for the World 1)8y of Prayer. The theme was "God's Love for the Whole World." Mrs. Philip Hern, Mrs. Hor- ace Delbridge, Airs. William Cann and Mrs, Edwin Miller were the leaders for the pro- gram. Rev, IT, Wilson gave a brief address and Mrs, Howard Pym and Mrs. Ross Skinner sang ''Pause for a Moment of Prayer." Unit A served lunch, CGIT The Elimville CGIT was held on Thursday evening at the church. Miss Kathy Hern led, the worship assisted by Miss Margaret Brock. Mrs. .Montmorency gave the Bible study and during activity period the girls began their bark pictures. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns and familyvisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fulton of St, Marys spent the week- end. with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton., The Ellinville Women's Insti- tute held a successful millinery course in Eliinville Hall last week with 18 ladies completing the three-day course. Mrs, William Benning and Jane of Mitchell visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. Miss Janet Here of Winchel- sea, spent the weekend with Miss Carol Bell. The Elimville YPU is with- drawn for ,two weeks till the exams are over. Air. and Mrs. William }louder visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Avery of St. Thomas. conducting the devotional pe- riod assisted by Mrs. P. 'Buie Haone E. Lamport reviewed the study book telling of the rural churches and, their prob- lems and achievements. Airs. G. !,wicker, took charge of the business. The Easter meeting will he held April 5 when Miss Audrey Finkbeiner will be guest speaker. The treasurer was instructed to pay the manse fund also the quarterly allocation to preshr- tery. The hostesses were Mrs. M. King and Mrs. Boulianne sist0d by Mrs.. Neil. Personal items Mr. and al es, Willi am oes t, reicher spent a few days last week with Air. and Mrs, Roble Greenwood and family at DOTI Mills, Alr. and Mrs. Lloyd live' and. Lorne Voigt visited with Air. and Mrs. Al. Stelck at. Brad- ford over the weekend. They attended the Sports Fair and Casa Loma in Toronto and also with Air. Albert Morloek in Toronto, Ile enjoys good health but is lonesome for the Credi- ton .folk. Miss Sandra Einkbeiner of Aylmer spent the weekend. with jy.her parents, .7.11r, and. Mrs, Alvin Finkbeiner and fami Mr. 1) on a 1 d Hendrick of Ridgetown spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed :Hendrick. Air. Ross Wein of 'Guelph visited with his parents Mr. and ,Airs. Emerson Wein over the weekend, Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Geiser are spending this week visit- ing relatives in Detroit, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. non Harris of Rexclate visited with. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Preszcator last week, Airs. David Marty of Park- hill, Miss „Isabella MeLarty and friend, Mr. Lloyd McLarty, all of London, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Haist, spent Sunday with Miss Laura Mathers, Ali-, Garnet Hill, who has been confined to his home this winter, suffered a heart. spell last week but is showing im- provement. Mr. and Mrs: Robert Wade and family of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Wade and Heather remained with the grandpar- ents for this week. Crediton Cut.otits The fourth meeting of the 441 homemaking club was held Marcia 10 with all the members present. Joanne Marine gave a dem- onstration on. pinning and sow- ing of darts and also the sew- ing of underfacing. Notes were given on "How to gather a skirt" The next meeting will be held March 24. Let contract$ for ..Bicidolph .Contracts for supply of gra- vel and -warble, fly powder were let by Bicidulph council March Ii. The te.ndcr of Ray Ireland was accepted for crushing and battling epproximately 8, 000 cubic yards of gravel at 74 cents per yard. Scott's Elevator, Levan, will supply 45e p e\.1711.)-11.be . fbl.)a g P and. "$.4.7a5t per 15-lb. bag, The report on the Ewald mu- nicipal drain, reed by Engineer C. P. Corbett, was provisionally adopted. Court of revision was set for April 3 at 3 p.m. Di', ii. George wits ap- pointed acting medical officer of health for the township sub- ject to the approval of the Ontario dept of health. Road appropriation bylaw for the mount of $39,000 was pas- sod for 1602. Delegates re- ported on the good roads con- vention in Toronto. Council was informed that the convention of the Ontario Arena Association will be held Lucait Memorial Arena later this month. Reeve Harold 'Wallis presided for the meeting and all mem- bers were present,