HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-15, Page 16for sewers
OVVRC OK Six hospitalized
in district crash
Constable Don Pettigrew of
the OPP Luean detachment in-
At a meeting of tlw Village vestigated the accident Sun -
Council Monday evening three day night at the corner of
items of interest were re- Concession 11 London Town-
ported. The Ontario Water Re- ship and Highway 4, which
sources Commission has given sent six persons to St. Joseph's
tentative approval, on subject Hospital, when a ear driven
to the further approval by the by Mr. Ronald Griffith of Lon-
Ontario. Municipal Board, of don was in collision with a
the proposed sewer system. ear driven by Mr. J. T. Lan-
caster of St. Marys.
Mrs. Ruth Green of London
was detained for observation
and treatment of bruises and
abrasions but Mr. and Mrs.
Griffiths, son and two daugh-
ters were treated and released.
Mr. Lancaster was unhurt,
Legion Auxiliary bingo
The treasurer reported that
the amount of $200 of accounts
receivable for private work
done by town equipment, had
been collected and that appro-
ximately $1,200 is still out-
Twenty five dollars was
voted to the Salvation Army.
Last Wednesday 15 members
of the Evening Auxiliary met
at the home of Mrs, Jack Stea-
cy with Airs.. Clarence Has-
kett, Mrs. Charles Corbett and
Mrs. Arnold Lewis as assistant
For the. worship service the
members attended in a body
the Ash Wednesday service in
the church where the Rev, E.
0. Lancaster preached from
the text "For where your trea-
sure is there will yotir heart
he - also." Mrs. Clare Stanley
was in charge of the study
During the business period
plans were discussed for at-
tending the annual meeting. A
number of doll clothes were
handed in for the fall bazaar,
The next meeting will he at
the home of Mrs. Clare Stan-
Pentecostal Holiness Church
On Wednesday evening Mr.
Eldon Boyd of Toronto showed
two films — one an Oral Ro-
berts film and the other, "The
Family that Changed the
Mrs. Hugh Birtch was the
guest speaker at the YP meet-
ing Friday. She spoke on the
therne. What is life?
Another highlight of the
meeting was a panel Bible
A senior and junior choir
been organized with the
pastor, the Rev. E. A. Gag-
ner as leader of the former
and Mrs. Clayton Abbott of the
latter. The juniors sang at the
morning and the senior choir
at the evening service.
United Church
Rev. G. W. Sack, Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins and Mrs. Don Pet-
tigrew attended the Bible stu-
dy class at Ailsa Craig last
Wednesday. The class this
week will be held at Parkhill
Wedneaciar evening.
The Loran Clandeboye YPU
met at the home of Nancy
Kestle Sunday evening.
The worship service was ta-
ken by Marilyn Culbert and
Robert Donaldson. The lunch
committee consisted of Dana
Culbert, Barbara Ready, Ilene
Donaldson, Iva Stanley and
Barbara Park.
During the business session
a bus trip was planned. A prac-
tise for the minstrel show was
held. Dana Culbert and Ivy
Stanley reported on the week-
end spent at Wesley Church.
United Women's meeting
At the UCW meeting held in
the church school room Thurs-
day evening Mrs. Charles So-
vereign's unit was in charge,
Mrs, Jack Ready and Mrs.
Wes Revingion assisted in the
worship service.
Owing to other activities it
was decided to forego the
usual March ham supper for
this year.
A numker of ladies volun.
leered to assist in the cancer
canvass in April,
The guest speaker was the
Rev, E, M. Cook, a former
pastor of the Lucan Church,
Mr. Cook chose as his subject
"The Meaning of Lent,"
'The CGIT meeting at J•ho
United Church last Tuesday
night began with a humorous
game conducted by Cathy Ma-
th era
During the business period
girls were reminded .to bring in
their stewardship cards, The
girls were allotted the time of
their shifts, Friday night and
Saturday in the decorating of
the school room and prepara-
tion for the St, Patrick Tea,
Mardi 17 from 2:30 to 4;30
p.nt, Owing to exams it was
decided to postpone the next
meeting until March 20.
The next two chapters in the
study book, "Keys for TOW'
were taken by the leader, Mrs.
Murray Hodgins, Pattieia Cob-
MO was in charge of the wore
Ain service, -
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe pre-
sented her talk in the series
On Good Grooming."
March thaw
Last Monday's thaw and
rain has Set sump pumps going.
as haternenta start to .flood.
Hatiaet And the Leginti
Whitt Vete. never 0 I o r e.
ilooP d liave water at present.
Crown Trust
0!iidetL Gale' 5% Investment
oea' Slane I( ,AS Poti-
4141114441444-411411ilitivisis 44;
Cathy's Beauty Salon
(11/2 miles north of Lucan)
Corner of Concession 4, Biddulph and
Granton Road
Cathy Van Geel
Graduate of. Bruno's School of
Hair Design, London.
OPEN 0 A.M. TO 9 P.M.
Phone 227-4526 Lucan. For Appointment.
A complete range of banking services—because this is the site
of a new branch of a chartered bank /Future customers will come here
to do all their banking, because only in a Chartered bank is it
possible for all banking to be done under one roof /Each branch, large
or sinall, offers a full banking service, from cashing a cheque to
financing foreign trade. Each has a staff trained, and eager to render
the high standard of service that features chartered banking in. Canada,
`-'-'2"-to:k1a7r s "\-aaataasarstaaanca TiTtr5"'r.
and district news
•.aippuk,RH STUDIES C E NTRAL SCHOOL—The new Bid.dulph school area board,
formed for the first time this year, is making plans for the erection of central
school facilities in .the near future, Chairman R. R. Crozier said this week the board
hopes to make new facilities available by September 1963, From left are Gordon
:Dann, Granton; Orville Langford, Lucan; Chairman Crozier; Tom. Gagan, Granton,
and Joe O'Neil, Lucan,
celebrated her 9th birthday on
Monday by having as guests
Joanne Riley, Yvette Evans
and Eleanor Lawrence.
Mrs. Marvin Smout and fam-
ily of London, were Friday
guests of Mrs. Wes Atkinson;
the children remaining over-
night for a holiday with their
Friday evening Mrs. Murray
Hodgins attended the Councillor
Training meeting at Calvary
United Church. She remained
overnight with her sister, Mrs.
Lloyd Bissell and attended a
meeting of the Board of di-
rectors for Kee-mo:kee on Sat-
urday morning.
Mrs. Jack Murray of Lon-
don spent a few days last week
with Mrs. J. R, Murray while
the latter was sick with the
Mrs. B. B. Saulnier now of
Acton was a weekend guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Mrs. Ethel Kerr of Exeter
has returned home after spend-
ing a few days with Mr, and
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young
and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hardy
attended the Horsemen's Din-
ner and Dance, at P'etrolia
Thursday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph. Strasser
of London were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
and Sheila were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Ed Johnson of Park-
hill and called on Mrs, Levi
Darling at the Green Gable
Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs, James Free-
man and family were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Al Free-
man of Woodstock.
While the Rev. G. A, Moore
of Pt. Dover was on a business
trip to Saskatchewan, Mrs.
Moore, Mary and Kent spent
the weekend with Mrs. Moore's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, U. F.
Stanley of Main St. South,
Miss Barbara Marshall and
Misses Rose and Anne Belting-
ton, left on Saturday for a.
three week vacation in Flori-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer
v-.ere Sunday guests of Mr. and.
Mrs. Archie McCullock of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and
family of Mitchell were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wes
Mr, and Mrs. Ruddy Kroe-
her of George St. have moved
to London and Mr. and Mrs,
Stceghs and nine children of
Grand Bend, have moved into
the house they vacated.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Col-
lins of Toronto were Saturday
guests of Mrs. George HAW-
Mrs. Maud (killings of Leri-
da), who fractured her shout-
Clef, When she fell at. the Rita,
ener ice Capades a week ago,
is staying with her daughter,
Mrs. Wes Revington and fain-
tly. Mr, and Mrs, S. Collings
of Granton visited her on 81014
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte
of ,gratebridge and Mr. and
Mrs, Ernest Kennedy, Ulan,
returned on Friday keen a
month's trip' 'to California, in4
stead of Plorida It wasn't till
they Were on their way that
Mrs, Kennedy knew plans had
been 'chabged anr, 'they WOO
Face 16. March, 15, 1?02.
Mark day
of prayer
Once again, some of the
women of Lucan and district,
paused in life's busy activities,
to congregate in the United
Church last Friday, to form
one link, in the chain of prayer
which encircled the earth• in
the 1962 World Day of Prayer.
The guest speaker was Mrs,
G. W. Saeh, who spoke on. this
year's theme God's Love for
be Whole World."
Mrs. C. H. George, .LICW
president was in charge of the
call to worship and act of con-
fession and penitence section,
Mrs. Rufus Thompson, pre-
sident of the Pentecostal Holi-
ness WA, led in act of confi-
dence and assurance.
In the unavoidable absence of
Mrs. Erwin Scott, president of
the Anglican Woman's Aux-
iliary, the past president, Mrs,
T. C. McFarlane, led in the
final part of the program. She
was assisted by Mrs. Cecil
Robb, Mrs. J. A, Graham, Mrs.
E. A. Gagnon, Mrs, Charles
Sovereign and Mrs. E. 0, Lan-
caster, who offered special
The -LIC choir led in the mu-
sic and Mrs. Ed Butler sang,
accompanied on her piano ac-
Mrs, Jack Murdy and Mrs.
Roger Heath took up the col-
lection which will be sent to
h e Women's inter - Church
Council of Canada.
Miss Armett interviewed
On the "Around World" TV
program Sunday mornin g,
Miss Angela Armett, was in-
'Miss Armett, who plans to
visit Ireland again in May,
showed some of her pictures
taken on a previous visit, and
secured singers and dancers
from the "Emerald Isle Club"
for this particular program.
Miss Cathy Van Geel, a gra-
duate of Bruno's School of Hair
Design, London, who had
charge of the Joyce Beauty
Salon, Lucan, for 31/2 months,
during the absence of the
owner, has opened a beauty
parlor at her farm home, 11/2
miles north of Lucan.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden High School staff
spent the weekend at her home
Darren Kennedy, 10-month-
old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Kennedy, who was a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, for
two weeks, was brought home
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cor-
bett returned on Thursday from
a holiday in the Sunny South,
to find Lucan streets still
banked with piles of snow,
Mrs. Witham Haskett spent
a few days last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Cook and
family, of Byron,.
Robins have been seen in
Lucan so perhaps spring is
just around the corner — even
though it be the corner of. a
snow bank.
Mrs. J. R. Murray has been
on the sick list.
Mr. A. E. Reilly, who under-
went surgary in St, Joseph's
Hospital, is able to he home.
Legion Auxiliary meeting
The meeting of the Legion.
Auxiliary held in the Legion
Hall last Tuesday evening was
high-lighted with the annual
visit of the zone commander;
Mrs. A. Seed of Strathroy, who
spoke to the branch,
The convention at Niagara
and the zone .rally at Parkhill
were discussed, The two new
stoves for the kitchen have ar-
rived. The president, Mrs. A,
E. Reilly won the mystery
Bowling tournament
Mr, Earl Carling, his sister
Miss Muriel Carling And. niece
Miss Tetry Walpole took part
in the bowling tournament at
Hamilton last weekend, They'
were accompanied by Mrs,
Ira Carling and Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Arnold of Lucan and Mrs.
Elmer Walpole of Kineardine.
Me. Carling'a team didn't
do. so well, coming 20th out Of.
21 teams. -HOwevet Miss Carl-
ing's came 9th out of 21 and
Miss Walpole's 5th, out of ,21.
(mixed teams), Al three felt
it Was a. wonderful experience.
to Att6hd such a tournament,
Students vie
in zone finals
Competitors from Glencoe,
Melbourne, Ailsa Craig, Mount
Brydges, Parkhill arid .Lucan,
competed in the zone A5 Le-
gion public speaking contest
held in the Legion Hall here,
Friday night,
Winners in public school
grades 1-6 were; Marie Mc-
Vicar, Glencoe, whose subject
was "A Good Cook"; Sally
McCracken, Melbourne, "A
Trip to Remember; Phyllis
Mawson, Ailsa Craig, "Our
Retarded Children";
Grades 7-8, Shirley AleVicar,
Glencoe, "Sir John A. Mc-
Donald"; Gillian McNamee,
Lucan, "Mysteries of the Sea";
Janet May Melbourne, "Mod-
ern Education";
High School: Junior 'High,
Susan Florian, Glencoe, "River
of Time";
Senior High, Freda ,Tans-
sens, Parkhill, "What it Means
to be a Canadian"; Judy Way-
ling, Glencoe, "My Chosen Ca-
reer Teaching";
All winners will receive tro-
phies and compete for district
honors at Glencoe, March 24.
The judges were Mrs. C. H.
George and the Rev. G. W.
Sach of Lucan and Mr. George
Hoffman and. Mr. John Dick-
son of London.
Other contestants included
Kathleen CoDyre, Lucan, and
Jackie Erskine, Mount Bryd-
ges (grade 6 and 7) and Janis
Jermain, Glencoe (grade 7 and
8). The Legion Auxiliary served
refreshments to all present.
Celebrate anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Meine Eizen-
ga celebrated their 32nd wed-
ding anniversary at the home
of their son, Mr, lack Eizenga
of St, Thomas; March 8 and
remained over the weekend.
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Eizenga -and fam-
ily of London,
Mrs. Eizenga ras the for-
mer Hilda vender Ley. The
couple were married in Hol-
land, March 8, 1930. They
came to Canada in 1948 and
lived in Exeter, until coming
to Lucan in 1950.
They have four sons and
three daughters, Reit, George
Eizenga of Sarnia, -Jack of gr..
Thomas, Allan of London,
Louis of Leamington, Mrs. Tina
Graham of Toronto, Miss Mar-
garet of Leamington and Miss
Tina at home.
Too late to be displayed at
the celebration Mr, Eizenga
received a book from. Holland
with his family tree for the
past 200 years and pictures of
many of his relatives,
Farewell presentation
The employees of the Synod
Office and Huron Church book-
room, London (nicknamed
"The • Mice" and "B o o
worms") met at the apartment
of .Miss Patricia Philpott last
Tuesday night, toboner Miss
Rose Revington of Lucan who
has tendered her resignation
as an employee of the book-
During the evening she was
presented with a gift from her
fellow - employees and friends
and best wishes for a pleas.
ant three ,week vacation to the
sunny south.
(While supplies last)
Hens or. Toms
Erwin Scott
Btiv Res.:
227-4479 227-4256
On Saturday, March 17, our
annual Shamrock pee wee tour-
nament is being held. This
year 12 pee wee teams are
participating, playing hockey
from 8 a.m, until 9 a.m, A good.
day of hockey is promised to
all who attend, This is a big
day -for the pee wees and 7
trophies are at stake. So
please plan to see al; least two
games out of the 12. Admission
is only 50t.'.
The pre-teen town will not
hold their weekly dance this
Wednesday. They will have a
Masetterad.e Dance on March
21, at 6:30 p.m,
The Junior Drama. Club has
started the first classes with
a membership of 29 to date,
Applications are being re-
ceived. for a tennis 'instruction
Course that will start this
spring. The course will con-
sist of three groups: junior for
ages 10 to 14; intermediate for
ages 15 to 19; and senior for
ages 20 to 65.
All those interested may con-
tact Mr. Tom Banks at 227-
4221 or 227I391 for more in-
formation. You do not have to
be able -to play tennis to join;
but we guarantee that after
instructions, you will enjoy it.
So no matter what -your age,
the exercise will do you good.
Public skating will be held
at the arena Saturdays 8-10
p.m., Sundays 3-5.
Operetta profits
will aid cripples
Lucan School of Music has
begun rehearsals on an ope-
retta which it intends to pre-
sent on April 26 in the commu-
nity centre.
The operetta will be "Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs"
for children's voices. Proceeds
from the presentation will aid
crippled children,
Murray Stuart SaVage
Murray Stuart Savage, 10-
month-old son, of Mr, and
Mrs. George E. Savage of
Birr died at his home Satur-
day, March 10,
The body rested in the C.
Haskell; & Son Funeral Home,
Lucan, until 2 p,m, Tuesday,
March 13 when the Rev, Bruce
Guy conducted funeral ser-
vices. interment was in Bill
United cemetery.
Besides his parents he is
survived by two brothers and
two sisters, George .Jr,, John
David, Blanche and Mary-
claire, -also three grandpar-
cots, Mrs, Elizabeth. Savage of
Bier and Mr, and Mrs. H. J.
McLagan of Mitchell,
Dance and reception
A large number of -friends
and neighbours met at the Lu-
can Community Memorial Cen-
tre, Friday night to honor 'Mr.
and Mrs, Pat Cronyn (nee Dun-
During an evening of dan-
cing, Mr. Gerald Isaac, on be-
half of those present, read an
address and presented the cou-
ple with -a purse of money.
Music was provided by "The
VcW. plans supper
Mrs, Arnold Blake, was host-
ess at her home for the tiCw
on Tuesday afternoon with 14
members present,
Mrs. Wilmer Scott, presi-
dent, presided and was as,
.sisted in the devotions by Mrs.
Alex Macintosh.
Mrs. G, W. Snit reported. on
the work shop meeting which
was held in London on eon-
venorships in the new liCW or-
A ham supper is to be served
eaot utchneorschumrrocrhe oa ippolnatr:dl,t a2(81_,
vertizthg And posters, Mrs.
Arthur Hudgins, Mrs. Gordon
Eaton, Mrs, George Simpson;
supper, Mrs, Alex Macintosh,
Mrs, Wilmer Scott, Mrs, Da-
vid Nestle, Mrs. ;lames Don-
aldson, Mrs. Arnold Blake and
Mrs. Gerald Millson,
Mrs. Nestle reported on the
types of tumblers displayed
suitable for suppers, A report
of the successful crokinole par-
ty held last week was given
and plans were laid to make a
heavy quilt for Korea,
Mrs, Gordon Eaton and Miss
Aggie Northgrave assisted the
hostess during the social hour.
The April meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs, Rea
LOB euchre
Twelve tables were in play
at the LOB 493 euchre Iasi
we\aer kinOers for ladies' high was
Tom Coursey; gent's high, Bar,
vey Hedgins; lone hands, la-
dies, Mrs, Lawrence Beckett;
gents, Evan Hodgins; COTISO.
lation, ladies, Mrs. Fred Kerr;
gents, Mr, .Earl Dexter.
Draw for a box. of groceries
was won by Fred. Culbert,
The next ,evehre will be held
March. gl.
Picture ,correction
Officers of Clandeboye UCW
were identified ineorreetly in
the picture which. appeared in
The 'Times-Advocate 'last' week,
The caption should have readt
front row, from left, Mrs,.
George Simpson, vice-presi,
-dent; Mrs, Rupert Williams.,
secretary, and Mrs, David
Nestle, suns hi n e convenor;.
back row, Mrs, Wilmer Scott,
president; Mrs, Arthur Hor,
gins, t r easure r, And Mrs,
James Donaldson, assistant .see,
Personal items
Air. and Mrs, Clarence Mill-
son visited last Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Squires, Granton,
Air, Rae Hodgins left last
week to spend some time in
Mr. and Mrs, Carlyle - Car,
ter and Jimmie and. Mr, and
Mrs, Douglas Carter of Lon-
don were guests with their pa.
rents Mr, and Mrs. Mervin
Carter and Ian on Sunday.
Mr. Wayne Williams enjoyed
the bus trip to the Agricultu-
ral College, Guelph, last week.
On Sunday afternoon Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth. and
Miss Helen visited Mr, and
lAtrs. Johnny Moser, RR Park-
Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Downing
and daughter Joan spent the
weekend with. Mr, and. Mrs.
Almer Hendrie.
News of Clqndeboye
14.y MRS, ,i).• H.. PATON
There was a good attendance
At. the Legion Auxiliary bingo
Thursday hut no one won. the
new jackpot which will go up
to $155 in 53 calls next Thurs-
The $5 consolation was spilt
between Mrs. Cecil Hodgins of
Luran and Mrs. Art McLean
of London. The latter also won
the first part of the consecu-
tive, Mr. B, Paseuzzo of Cre-
diton won the second part and
Mrs, Art Halton of Grantan
and Mrs. Russell Schroeder of
Centralia shared the full card
Mr. Jack Benson and Mr,
Toe Haskett of Lucan won the
line "Share the Wealth" prizes
and Mr. Ted Bridger and Mrs.
Jim Avery of Lucan and Mrs.
Roy Pepper of Exeter split the
full card prize. Mrs, Pat
Crudge of Lucan won the 9th
and 11th bingo and her mother,
Mrs, Mabel Ryan, also of Lu-
can, won the 5th bingo,
Solo winners were Mrs. Torn
Smith and Mr. Roy Pepper of
Exeter, Mr. H. Bieber. Clan-
deboye, Mrs, Oscar Ateliers,
Granton, Mr, Conrad Sequen,
Denfield and Mrs. Bernard Av-
ery, Lucan.
Phone 227-4255 Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott
Lucan personal items
Sheila Armitage, daughter of not going to Florida.
Sir. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage Thursday Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins and Mrs. Erwin Scott at-
tended the Board of Directors
meeting of the North Middle-
sex District WI, held at the
home of Mrs. George Zavitz of
Poplar Hill.