HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-15, Page 15MR, AND MRS. GEORGE WILLIAM CLUFF
Seafort it, photo
Grand Bend nuptials
Centralia chapel rites
Jan Neilsen, who arrived re-
cently from Denmark, is em-
ployed with. Exeter Frozen
Foods. He is living with his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Vincent Kimball and
family at Huron Park, RCAF
Rev. Melvin Holmes, Morley
Hall and Milford Prouty of
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle,
are attending the Eastern Can-
ada Pentecostal Sunday School
convention in Windsor this
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oke
have purchased the new home
built by Arthur Whilsmith on
Sanders St. E. The transaction
was completed through John
Burke Ltd.
Mr. Gordon. Appleton has
been mov.M from South 'Huron
Hospital to St. Joseph's HoS-
pital, London.
Miss Joan alt.ir, London, and
Mr. Wayne Fordham, Chat-
ham, visited the past weekend
with the former's mother, Mrs,
Jean Mail and grandmother,
Mrs, FergusoA,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery
have moved into their new
home Victoria St. W., Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Reeder
visited over the weekend with
their three sons, George, Pete
and Jahn and their families in
Mr. Alf Andrus la a patient
in South Huron Hospital suffer- ,
ing frOth a heart condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ater-
'lock of Weston visited for the
weekend with. Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton .Finkbeiner.
Miss Marjerie Hodgert, Exe•
ter, just returned from two
week in Florida with Mr. Ray
13011r10100t and his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Norman ten-
Rev, R, E, and Mrs. SOuth•
Cott of Oil City spent the Week-
end with Mr: T. 0, and Miss
Stella ,,outlicett,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jones of
Kitthencr spent the weekend
with the A ornier'S parents, Mr,
and Mrs, J. Hubert .101108,
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Witmer
Phone 2354323
Energy to share
in milk!
Kids and kittens come running when
it's milk timed They know it's good ...
Mom knows it's nutritious Nature
knows it's tops!
Your whole fam-
ily needs the
vitamin - packed,
energy-full nutri-
tion of farm-fresh
dairy foods each
t "You know, the divirien4
en my Life
policies are
higher than over
this year" .
flowers. She carried red roses
with white stephanotis.
Mrs. .Kenlynn Bell, RR, 5
Strathroy, was m a t r on of
honor wearing a red street-
length dress of satin with fit-
ted bodice, full skirt and three-
quarter sleeves. Her flowers
were large white mums and
white pompoms. Miss Dianne
Shaw, Grand Bend, and Miss
Kathy Love, RR 2 Dashwood,
were bridesmaids gowned simi-
larly to the matron of honor.
James C]uff, London, was
best man and :Messrs. Wayne
and John Shaw ushered,
A reception was held at the
Dawn Resaurant, Grand Bend.
For travelling the bride wore
a two-piece turquoise suit with
white accessories and corsage
of white mums.
The couple will reside in
and Ronnie of Tillsonhurg vis-
ited over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Wes Witmer. Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Witmer, Kitchener
spent Sunday with them.
Constable Douglas Web, RC-
MP of Windsor, N.S., is spend-
ing a three-week vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence 'Wein.
Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Davis,
St. Marys, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belling
returned home last week after
holidaying in Jamaica. Mrs.
Don Link, Trenton, is spending
a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Belling.
Mrs. Florence Gould and
Mrs. Violet Smith returned last
Wednesday from a vacation in
Plans were made At the
meeting. llittraday of the ,Ladies
G 41 I.d of Trivitt Memorial
Church for a St. Patrick's
euchre to be held in the Parish
Hail Saturday .evening, March
Nltss Norma Westgate, pub-
Be health nurse, showed slides
and, told of her work in North-
ern Canada where. she spent
seven years.
Arrangements 'were made to
serve ittneh following Marina-
Hon on Sunday to Bishop
Appleyard, .the eenfirmed and
their families. Mrs, Cecil Gib-
bona presided for the business.
Hoatesses were Mrs Homer
Russell, 'Mrs, L. Gibson and
Mrs, B. T, .Dobson,
To continue
local award
At the meeting of the Worn•
en's Auxiliary to South liuron
Hospital on Tuesday afternoon
it was decided to continue the
bursary of $100 a year for
three years to a Grade 13 stu-
dent who wishes to enter trath-
ing for a nurse,
A. painting by the late Miss
Ella Link and donated by her
to the Auxiliary is to be suit-
ably hung and an "in me-
moriam" fund, started in her
honor to be given to the nurses'
it was noted. that Airs. Ralph
Bailey on behalf of the nurses'
committee of the Auxiliary was
present at the capping cere-
money of five nurses' aids and
presented them with gifts.
Membership convener, Mrs.
R, E, Pooley reported 118
members to date.
The next meeting, April 10,
will be a social meeting with
Miss Norma Westgate, public
health nurse, as speaker,
James St. units
discuss topics
Mrs. Robert Southcott con-
ducted the Bible study and
discussion on, the Church in
Corinth and Canada at the
meeting of UM unit 5 'last
Monday night.
Miss May Jones, Mrs. Glenn
:Fisher and Mrs, Harry Dougall
led in the devotional period,
Misses Linda and Barbara
Dougall each favored with a
piano solo.
During the business conduct-
ed by Leader Mrs. Southcott,
the unit was divided into three
groups with. Mrs. Eric Cars-
cadden, Mrs. J. Kirkland and
Mrs. Hugh Rundle as leaders.
Plans for catering for A.OTS
ladies night were discussed at
the meeting of unit 2 with Mrs.
Warren Brock as leader Thurs-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Brock took the Bible
study followed by discussion,
Miss Pearl Keyes and Mrs.
Alfred Hunkin led in the de-
votional and Mrs, Andrew
Dougall. and Mrs. R. E, Pooley
sang a duet.
At the meeting of unit 6 with
Mrs, Lyle Little as leader on
Monday evening, 'Mrs, Hugh
Davis presented an Easter mes-
sage illustrated with a flannel-
Mrs. .Wes Witmer led in the
devotional period.
Canada's motorists are tak-
ing better care of their cars.
They keep pedestrians in good
running condition, too.
Tulips, daffodils and mums
formed the setting in Christ
the King Chapel, RCAF Station
Centralia, for the ceremony
uniting in marriage Louise
„Katherine McAuley, daughter
of Sgt. and Mrs. if, A. Cos-
grove, RCAF Station Centralia,
and Reginald Racine, son of,
Air, and Mrs, .1, Racine, Gall,
on Saturday, March 3 at 11
PULA George E. Grant,
padre, RCAF Station Centralia,
officiated and Mrs. L. Howard
played the wedding music and
sang „Ave. Maria."
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a cock-
tail-length gown of .peau de
faille with organza overskirt,
elbow-length sleeves and scoop
neckline, Chantilly lace edged
the bouffant overskirt and
sleeves, A crown of pearls and
crystals held her shoulder-
length double silk French illu-
A wedding took place in
Grand Bend at the home of
the bride's mother when Bea-
trice, elder daughter of Mrs.
Curtis Gratton and the late
Mr. Gratton, became the bride
of Murray McNab, son of Mr,
McNah, Shakespeare,
and the late Mrs. McNah.
Evangelist Albert W. Joyce,
Toronto, officiated,
Junior institute
exchanges linen
On Wednesday, March 7, the
South Huron Junior Institute
members exchanged linen tea
towels in answer to the roll
call "Exchange of piece of
linen". The roll call was relat-
ed to the topic "Linens", given
by Barbara Ann Morley.
The motto, "Looking to the
Future," was read by Helen
Frayne. She gave several rules
which all should practice in
everyday life to prepare for
the future.
Sacred moments were react
by Frances Skinner followed by
the current events by Ann
Darlene Fr a y n c and Pat
Down were in charge of the
Sion She carried red and,
white roses.
Miss Shirley Sixtus, Toronto,
as maid of honor was dressed
in a cocktail-length gown of
mint green peau de sole with
matching accessories and car-
ried pink carnations,
Ted West, Toronto, was best
inan and Terry Cosgrove, Ot-
tawa, and Gary Racine, ipper-
wash, ushered.
A reception was held at the
Dufferin Hotel, Centralia,
where the bride's mother re-
ceived guests in a honey beige
wool sheath, green accessories
and talisman-colored carnation
corsage. The groom's mother
wore winter white lace sheath
with matching accessories and
yellow corsage,
For travelling in the United
States the bride changed to a
green paisley sheath dress,
black and white accessories
and pink corsage.
Mr. anti Mrs. Racine will
live in London.
Given in marriage by her
brother -in - law, Lyman Grat-
ton, Grand Bend, the bride was
gowned in a street - length
dress of eggshell brocade,
with flower hat and accesso-
ries to match and a corsage of
red roses.
As matron of honor Mrs. Ly-
man Gratton, sister of the
bride, were a street-length
dress of pale green silk with
matching accessories and a
corsage of yellow roses.
James W. Gardiner, RR 1
Kirkton, was groomsman.
Miss Nancy Gratton, niece of
the bride, played the wedding
A reception was held later
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.
Lyman Gratton, where a wed-
ding dinner was served.
The bride and groom. left
later on a motor trip to the
Southern States,
Air, and Mrs. Murray MeNah
will reside in Grand Bend,
The trouble with being punc-
tual is that nobody's there to
appreciate it.
Entertain family
on anniversary
Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs, Laird F.inlayson, BA 3
Kippen, entertained in honor of
the -34th wedding anniversary
of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parsons.
Those attending were Mr.
and. Mrs. Don Parsons; Mr, and
Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mr. and.
Mrs. :Bev Parsons, Mrs. Irene
Finiayson, Mr. Wayne Parsons
and Miss Marie Voisin, Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mr.
and Mrs. James Regan, Air.
anti Airs. Hugh Parsons, Ailsa
Rif Girard'* Newest
Garden Catalog
* New Roses
* New Gia!nt Muhis
* Newest Garden A'ds
566 Erie E. — Windso
E it
The Times,-Athrocale, March 15, 1962 PafIC 1.
Aleda E. Shaw, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, 'Hurley Shaw,
Grand Bend, became the bride
of George W. Calif, son of Mr,
and Mrs. James Cluff, London,
in a ceremony performed in
Grand Bend United Church,
decorated with large red mums
and pompoms and ferns, -
Rev, E. Roulston performed
the ceremony on Saturday,
March 3 at 3 o'clock, Mrs.
Irene Kennedy, Grand Bend,
played the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Miss
Linda ilayter, RR Parkhill,
who sang the "Wedding Pray-
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor-
length gown of white organza
with stand-up collar, bouffant
skirt and long lily-point sleeves.
The collar and front of the
skirt were embroidered with
Town Topics
Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter
The Exeter TInies•Advocate is always pleased to publish these items.
We and our readers are interested in you and your friends, Phone 770,
Evangelist weds couple
PH 23 1640
'61 CHEV coach, V-8, automatic, radio.
'61 FORD 6-cylinder, 2-door,
'60 METEOR 6-cylinder Sedan, it's good, but I'm tired of
seeing the . . . pleasant thing!
'59 FORD Hide-away hardtop, full power real girl catcher.
'$8 METEOR Sedan, automatic,
'58 MERCURY Monterey sedan, a good one,
'$7 FORD Fairlane sedan, V-8, automatic, 2-tone, radio.
Let the moths out of your purse and pay 1,000 small
'56 FORD Coach, V-8, stick shift, a steal at , $650
'54 BUICK Sedan, automatic, radio, impress the neighbors
and your own pocketbook $400
'60 FORD DUMP, has everything except the kitchen sink,
ready to roll $3,750
'58 FORD 174" chassis and cab , $1,600
'56 FORD PICKUP, above average .. $ 850
'53 CHEV PICKUP, needs a paint job S 400
'51 FORD 3-ton stake with tarp and grain auger S 750
'$2 FORD PICKUP . S 125
'50 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP . ...... .......... „„„ $ 125
Have You Registered Your
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Bring Them In Today To Chock Fat'
You Can't Win With Them Filed In
Your Wastebasket At Home I
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Mouirdl, 1=slctitir rod 4tut Fatten trutkt
Get the most from your insurance dollar
Guaranteed protection and savings—plus high dividends
The company with the out.standin€ dividend record
Sre the Man tram
The Mutual Life
Corner Sanders & Edwards
Exeter, Ontario, Tel. 235-274o
HERE Is the difference
Superior Hair Conditioning, A Lipidizing
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Waving Process Infuses Natural-Like Oils
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Far The Finest Permanent Wave With No
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Longer Lasting Waves arid Curls, Special
Bonding Treatments Strengthens Hair
Structure and Reduces Wave Relaxation
Tlioso nricos include sliarnpo and sot,.
Closed All ()ay Monday
Open Iuesday end Friday evenino
)..',xuras,:li OPERATORS
Reined Praticy and Wreatha Shnitheti
.Phone 28S-20n
G.RANDn1N oPim.nott
tv61311 Pralley, Phone lg
to GB Linda Miller on March. 1, .sgtiagneliil(ti ‘,,e'lre irsaoi n di;;10)4,4 gija,
w.S Nine girls Were Preaent-
o g
Mrs. Willis. Wainer led .a xt meeting will be
By MRS. wELLwpop Gill. discussion .on pinn i ng th e pat. mar.* 30 when the lionwEco.
anAND BEND tern on the material, cutting, nomist Miss Gilchrist ,plaAs tla
1'1w e Na 1714gtitdern.Q"piir Tlit;fir isi: marking and assembling the be present.
.day, March S with nineteen
ladies present.
Mrs. Ezra Webb led the
worship period. Mrs, Colin
Love presided for meeting.
life membership pins
tificates to Mrs. John Gill,
Mrs, Emery Des jardins and
Mrs. Remy Ravelle.
Study book was given by
Mrs. Raymond Koding,
lowed by a film "God's man
in ,J apan."
Roll call for April is le
bring an article for bazaar.
plans are being made for a
special Eater meeting. Lunch
was. served by Nra, John
Mrs. Douglas Gill and Mrs,
eiorls)onPaTlite. items
Miss Mary Yeo left Friday
fora vacation in Florida,
Mrs, Herb 'Me is visiting
this week with her son, Dale
and family at Sarnia,
Mrs. Ella Patterson of -Wind-
sor is visiting with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Herman
Gill and family.
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Airs, Wellwood Gill is a pa•
Club to have display
The 0 r p h a Club's first
March meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Robert
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Clark Kennedy, on the eve-
ning of March 27, when ar-
ticles will be turned in, and
final arrangements made for
the display and tea to he held
on April 6,
4-H meet
The third and fourth meet-
ing of the Grand Bend Play,
mates was held at the home
ekt: lb lit it a.