HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-15, Page 13r Tits Tirrtes.Advocetisu Merch 1$, 1962 PAgct 13
...F.X.tonsiyo. -hay:. 100 bales straw, motor.; SI-li 4-bar. •side rake: planer attachments; Maxaw 800 AUTO & 'TRACTOR; 1950 POULTRY: 40 Rock yearling MONDAY', MARCH 20
Pontiac 4.-door sedan, in good hens.
AUCTION 5A14. piano; MeClery refrigerator; Bissel 30-plate tractor disc; and AlacKewn. edger:. Crafts- CHOICE .CAT`I'LE; Holstein Deere
at 12. o'clock FURNITU.RE; lieines Bros, 2-furrow mounted 'plow; .Eleury heavy duty skill saw; Waugh
PI 'HoNtPin Petry Herd, GE flOor• poilsher:.heifer, milking, earr
conditioe, low mileage; John HOUSEHOLD E F F E C T S:
Of Valuable 100 Acm
some, table, 6 chairs and .hufs
dining -room Int. fiti. ft., stiff tooth •eultival.. man's band saw'; Skill. 1/2 -inch
.or; 3,cletini steel 'roller; Int, Calf, -bred Oct, 6; Holstein completely equipped; also. heat new: modern 4 piece bedroom
"'A" row-crop tractor, coal .and wood' r•angeIte, like.
.Faarm, .Livestock, Fat i Tractors, Trucks, cPeril?lne.., let;
drill.; Stanley sabre saw; Chin- Yingsecond
Mouser, in Al- ,eondition. suite, like new; ,.(laybed; centre 1
? belt stlites, e0P1* inower„ .6 ft. eta; 3-Seetion lever ton 18-irien. chain saw; Webster Heifer, milking, carrying, second. Implements,. Feed &
:and mattresses; smell tables; fertilizer .0011; 1,,1-4I ',Weiler., 7 li •ealf, bred Nov. 28; Fluistein 13-rue grain and fertilizer drill tables; 2 steel beds complete.
Farm Implements, Feed plete with dressers, springs harrows.; Int. 11-run .grain and paint sprayer; set of .taps and FARM IMPLEMENTS; Oliver
tAio. items wall mirrors; smoker stand; ft. cut; Cocicaliutt manure LeS; Mit" b" 54W; a.ft. "(Id lathe; lathe chisels; wood- cow, fresh . one month, with
vvith luricers, In new condi,. with springs and mattresses;
dressers; .dining room table Household effects
calf at foot; Holstein cow, ,eleetrie clock; i ron in g boar d ; spreader on steel; Coekshnit working elamps; emery wheels;Hoe; Oliver 7 ft. cut power and cha rts; buffet; electric On Ihe premises, Lot 27, Con. 7, On the Premises, I-4°t '9, Cc41' , Conner w a s h i n g inaehine.; setiffler and an puller; 9- dist.: sanders; pipe vise Jack- .1.ISBQRNE TOWN.SHIP,
milking, bred Oct. 27; Reg.
section diamond. harrows; 101/2 - a il ; h an d saws;- h and pianos; Ayrshire cow, carrying third
calf, due before sale date;
manure spreader, like new; 4- stove: kitchen cabinet;
seal s„
Coleman 2-plate gas
21 e miles .east of Lucan on
take-off mower; McDeering 3- BIDDULPH TOW,NSHIP. laundry tabs; pictures; crib; furrow plow; New Idea tractor
cow fresh two months, with
114 miles south of Exeter, 11,e, linen; bedding; dishes; new inch groM grinder; cutting box; chisels; drills; levels; ham- Reg. Ayrshire cow, carrying row
man Line, on miles east or 3 miles west of set of Book of Knowledge, Renfrew preen) separator with mers; wrenches; gas •torch; third calf, due. May 21; J> u•• Cocksbutt beet smaller; SATURDAY, MARCH 31 gliniville, thence 1/2 mile smith, encyclopedia; Superior propane motor; platform. scales; root propane torch; bench vise; set ,MeDeering one-row sugar beet
NaNo Reserve as the farm is
stow; Dun Therm space heat- pulper; 50 ft, drive, belt.; eir• of. scales; extension ,cords .etc. ham cow, due May 3-drurn steel roller; :is TERMS: Cast', Complete list of sale in neat,
bY cool; stove; 2-burner hot plate; and rack; steel. wagon and , CONTRACTOR'S EQLTIPAIENT stein row, a.arrying third calf,
shire cow, due May 2229;; Atioli: lifter;
The undersigned auctioneer erg Quebec heater; Good Cheer cuter saw; rubber tire wagon section lever harrows; Ale- week's issue,
t received instructions to sell .
public auction on lamps.; bicycle; tricycle; seal- grain box; 120 ft, new cable; •—Large cement mixer on rub
section diamond harrows; Al
JOHN ROLKO, Proprietor
MRS, DANIEL RYDER, Proo,, Clue before sale date: Holstein Deering 4.-row beet settffler; 3-
TUESDAY, MARCH 20 chicken - brooders and stove;
2 her with electric motor; small
Cement Mixer with electric calf at foot, rebred Feb. 27; .ers; farm and gar d en tools, fanning min; colony house; binder; John. Deere 8 ft. cut- ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
at 12;31) p-m, TERMS: Cash. .wheelbarrow; harness; single bases; s t eel scaffold eq.uip• t hi rd calf , due m ay 28; p ar t traetor disc; New Idea 4-bar
Phone 119 Dashwood 15c No Reserve, the farm is gild, motor; building jacks; :lack Reg. Ayrshire COW, Carrying tivathr; Fleury Bisset 32-Plate
Holstein cow, carrying fourth
fresh one week, calf at foot:
cal/., due before sale date;
other mist, hems.
small gas engine; quantity of scrap iron; forks; shovels .and bean puller attachment; Case milking, with calf at foot, re- Smalley hammer mill; 50 ft.
combine with scour clean, pick- bred Pan, ;
11P and bean attachment; Spray- bred Oct. 1250; Ilio)lasiVnIlloTsItfeeirli Znadvlael" millitalinr machine,mll
6 arator
mill belt...u.nDie:
Of Valuable 75 and 55
Acre Farms, Ti
DAIRY CATTLE: 'Holstein plows; set, of sleighs; cutter; meat, Important
cow, carrying fourth calf, due HARRY SQUIRES, Proprietor 2 electric fencers.; oil Nidms; Durham and Hereford cow, side rake, like new ; heavy
auger with electric motor; C ase row crop
FARM MACHINERY etc. — milking, with calf at foot, re• duty rubber tire wagon; heavy
tractor with bred Oct. 22; .Durham ow, cedar before sale date; Holstein cow, W, F. NAIRN & •SON, galv , water trough; grain beet box; steel wagons; AUCTION SALE
HolsteM heifer, milking, re-; •Holstoin leAY & GRAIN: 1200 hales of motor sprayer with power take. and Hereford heifer, hied Nov,
30; Holstein heifer, bred
1,),IeriXeteslyn eq u ipped;
.it JICitt(t)
t Of Tractor, Auto, .F4rrti
Implements, Livestock, Combine, Thresher,
bred March 6; 5 heifers, milk-off attachment.
root pulper; heavy 100 ft, elec— Farm Machinery, Feed, ing, rebree. Oct, and Nov.; DISPERSAL SALE Mixed hay; 500 bales oat of scra p weeks; Holstein heifer, Poultry, Feed, Household
calf, due before sale date; 2 wears old; 8 Hereford steers, emery with motor; horse clip-
bred 4
Miscellaneous Items
Holstein cow, carrying third straw; 700 bus, oats. A large quantity
weeks; Holstein h eif e r, r i sing 2 trio cord; combination saw and Effects & Misc. Items Household Effects & Of High Quality .Holsteins Quantity household effects.
Holstein heifers, due before On the 'Premises, Lot 10, Lake No Reserve as the farm i$ TE.RMS; Cash,
This is a
„ averaging 750 Jbs, each; 8 pers; block and tackle; post On the premises,
sale date; Holstein cow, carry- Road East, 2 miles south of sold , good sale of hign Hereford steers, averaging 500 hole augers; shoulder sprayer; Lot 11, Concession 12, On the premises, Lot South
ing second calf, due before Grand Bend and 1 mile east TERMS: Cash, nuality tools and equipment, lbs. each; 21 Hereford heifers, lawn mower heavy logging HAY TOWNSHIP, Half 15, Con. Lake Road.
ing third calf, due before sale Gardens and 1 mile east on GORDON CIKE, .Proprietor
Plan to attend, chains; colony house, 10 x 12; 212 miles north of Dashwood. sale date; Holstein cow, carry-. or 2 miles north of KlondYke averaging 500 to 600 lbs. each; HAY TOWNSHIP MR.S. CLIFFORD TALBOT, Hereford heifer calf; 2 Holstein clog house; German. Remo 2-
fall calves; Reg. Hereford. bell, shell single barrel 16 gauge The" undersigned auctioneer date: Holstein heifer, bred in Highway al. GARNET HICKS, Clerk Executrix of the Estate
Domino blood line, rising 3 shot gun; wheelbarrow; 50 it. received instructions to sell
byits miles south of St, ,ho pi 1r
Dec.:. purebred Ayrshire heifer, ALVIN WALPE.R, Auctioneer EDWARD VV. ELLIOT, garden hose; 200 ft, new steel public auction on
or 7 miles north of Grand Bend
year old, a proven sire, Con- on Highway 21, on bred in Dec.; 6 Holstein steers, The undersigned auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood Auctioneer vince yourself by seeing stock, cable; heavy duty steel pulley', MONDAY, APRIL 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 . _ rising 2 year old; 2 Holstein received instructions to sell by 15:22c 15'22c— heifers, rising 2 year old; 8 public auction on Cattle all calfhood vaccinated ?•± 11.p, electric motor; forks;
and blood tested. shovels; barrels; many other part Hereford and Holstein, WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 21 miscellaneous items. weeks issue.
Complete list of sale in next Watch for complete list to
Estate - next week's issue, yearling steers; 15 part 'Here- AUCTION SALE HOGS: 28 York stocker pigs,
ford. and Holstein heifers; 6 AUCTION SALE . Of Real Estate & TRACTORS & CO MESE; Garry
at 1;30 p.m. averaging 135 lbs. each.
part Hereford and Holstein fall Sale includes 22 Holstein Proprietress
Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects • M•11. No. 44 standard tractor; 400 bales mixed hay, choice ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer calves, Cattle all of good qoal- heifers carrying first calf,
its calfhood vaccinated and bred Hereford, all due in April. Household Effects, Auto Also 1950 Austin Sedan M-1.1 Colt standard tractor, quality; quantity cob corn. 15c laae
blood tested. equipped with manure loader
This is a choice group of ' & Misc. Items On the premises of the late and 2-row bean suffler; Al-1-I:SADDLE MARE: Light sor- .heifers, all. vaccinated, select-
rel, quarter horse breeding, ed from leading blood lines. On the Premises, Alice St., ,lames W. Brock, in the No, 60 8-ft. combine, complete-
well broken, rising 2 year old. TERMS; Cash, TOWN OF LUCAN VILLAGE OF CREDITON IY equipped with pick-up and
reel; M-14 No, 1 hay baler with TRACTORS, TRUCKS: M-H
No. 65 Ferguson diesel stand- JOE VAN DONGEN, Prop. The undersigned auctioneer SATURDAY,. MARCH 24 motor, The above mentioned
and tractor, completely equip- GLEN WEBB, Clerk received instructions to sell by at 1:30 p.m. items all in guaranteed condi•
ped, including live power take- ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Real estate consists of brick lion. FARM MACHINERY: Mc• public auction on
off and power steering, in Phone 119 ' Dashwood SATURDAY, MARCH 24 cottage with 3 bedrooms, new Deering 15-run grain and fer•
brand new condition with. 1100
p.m. 15c at 1:00 oil furnace and hydro, 80 rods tilizer drill; M-H No, 6 mower, working hours, equipped with at of Creditor, on 7 ft. cut; ,M-F 6-bar side de-
af Lot 20, 21. and 22, Town of, acre of land.
Lot 10,
conditioner; Int, 95-bushel tree. IN THE MATTER, OF SECTIONS 39 AND 41 01'"I'HE ONTARIO
heavy duty Davis loader; MaH. Con, 6, Stephen Township, aa livery rake; Cunningham hay
No. 81 Farman. tractor equip- AUCTION SALE Real Estate consists of Part
ped with 2-row bean sniffler Of Household Furnishings Lucan, on which is situated a Terms of Real Estate: for manure spreader; Int. 10 WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ACT, at.S.O. 1960, c. 2811, AND and puller; 1949 Fargo one-ton
stake and dump track with dual & Misc. Items well •- built one - storey frame 105. due on date of sale, ft, spring tooth cultivator; int.
SECTION 64 OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ACT, (R,S.O. dwelling covered with asphalt Balance in 30 days. Sold sub- 28-plate double disc; SI-H 3-
wheels; 1953 Ford 1/2 ton pick- 1960, C. 2741 up truck with stock racks, in On the premises, 252 Main St., shingles, modern kitchen with 'ject to reserve bid. furrow wide bottom plow; John
A-1 condition. first house north of Anglican built-in cupboards, large living . T erms of Ch a t te l s; Cash, Deere 8-plate one-way disc;
and dining room, bedroom and lal-14 9 ft. grain swather; May- Church in the COMBINE, BALER & FARM clothes closet, 2-piece bathroom SAMUEL KING, wrath 40 - ft. bale elevator,
IMPLEMENTS: A1-171 No, 50 TOWN OF' EXETER with shower. Newly installed ROBERT REID, Executors enuipped with swivel head
7 ft, swath power take-off Clip- oil furnace. Property nicely WM, H. SMITH, Auctioneer spout; 3-drum steel roller;
per combine, in new condition; The undersigned auctioneer situated and in good state of dump rake; 125-bushel all-steel
111-1-1 No. 3 hay baler with received instructions to sell by repair. Inspection invited.
15;22c grain box; new rubber tire
motor, in new condition; Int, public auction on Terms of Real Estate — lora, Clearing
wagon; 100-bushel cedar plank
15-run double disc grain and ,grain box; new Colby wagon • and -
fertilizer THURSDAY, MARCH 22 on day of sale. Balance in 30
drill; Cockshutt trac- days, Sold subject to a reason- AUCTION SALE with rack; 2 nearly new rubber IN THE MATTER, OF an application by the Corporation of the Village of for manure spreader; Hit. et 1:30 p.m. able reserve bid, Of Farm, Farm Stock
tire wagons with 16-ft. racks:
Grand Bend for approval of its proposed By-law 93;1961, being a bylaw pros power take-off 7 ft, cut mower; 2-wheel trailer; 4-section clia• Frigidaire 2-burner ran cite; HOUSEHOLD E F' F E C T S:riding for the imposing of a water rate on owners or occupants of land who Int, binder, 7 ft. cut; M-la 4- Dearborn 'propane gas beater, Duncan Fyfe solid walnut and Machinery mood harrows, derive or will or may derive a benefit from the said Water Works System bar side rake; King Wyse 42 Please Note: Implements i n like new; medium size refrig- din ing room table; Gerhard within the municipality.
ft. bale elevator; Int. 10 ft, orator; chesterfield and chair; Heintzman piano, medium size,
mounted on rubber and in At Lot 3, Con. 12,
TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP, first class condition, land packer; Fleury Bisset 30- occasional chairs; dining room In new condition; Admiral plate tractor disc; 5- and 3• :3 miles east of Hensall on
table and chairs; oa k rockers; cahinet model television with county road, 1/2 mile west of MISC, I T E M St Champion
section diamond harrows; mahogany settee with 2 match- aerial; davenport; occasional
electric grain grinder, 3 h.p. APPONTMENT FOR HEARING Chiselburst, on heavy duty sugar beet wagon ing chairs; chesterfield suite; ch a i rs; 3 oak rockers; centre electric .motor; Viking electric
and rack; 4-section lever har- davenport; china cabinet; bur- cream separator: Universal 2 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday. the STH DAY OP rows; 2-drum steel roller; rub- fet; leath er
rockers; Admiral tables; 6 small tables and SATURDAY, MARCH 24
stands; fernery; 2 trilights; odd at 1:00 p,m, single unit milking machine, APRIL, 1962, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers, m the Vit.
her tire wagon; sugar beet table model television equip- c h a i rs; dining room suite, 6 completely equipped; Beatty'
lifter; single scuffler; John. la.ge of Grand Bend, for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition CATTLE: 3 Durham cows, litter carrier bucket; 300 ft.
ped with loud speaker; Beltone chairs, . table, buffet, china to an application for approval of the construction of the Water Works System sei forth in Deere 81/2 ft , spring tooth ctrl- hearing aid, like new; GE cabinet; antique picture due in May anchJune; Heretord steel track and 40 ft, pole;
tivator on rubber; Lett, grind- radio; kitchen table and chairs; frames; gilt oval frames; an- cow, due in May; 9 well;bred electric water pail heater; fan Schedule "A" hereto, and for approval of proposed By-law 931.961.
erg set of sleighs; set of heavy drop leaf table; centre and tique writing desk; arm chair; Holstein heifers, 1, year old. nine mill; Stewart electric DATED AT TORONTO this 6th day of March. 1962.
tractor chains; 3 bundles of end, tables; various electric GE radio; roll-away bed; oak SHEEP: 16 Suffolk ewes, clipper; 8 pick-up grain guards;
' cedar shingles; extension lad- lamps; Raymond sewing ma- bedstead, springs and matt- bred to lamb in April. shoulder pressure sprayer: root SEAL
tier; ,galv. water trough; 2 chine; bedroom suite; dressers; ress; steel single bed, springs MACHINERY: B John Deere pulper; platform scales; 3 rolls Secretary,
snow blades; root pulper; pig commodes; carpet sweeper; and mattress; dresser; Beatty tractor with power troll; al-al snow fence; 25 steel posts;
feeders; 2-hog water bowls; step stool; oval picture frames; electric washer, like -new; Mc- ZAE tractor, overhauled in quantity .1- and 2-inch elm and SCHEDULE "A" block and tackle; 1 h.p. elec • electric washer; gals, tubs; Clary medium size refrige.ra- 1960; set tractor chains, 11x38; ash lumber; barrels; shovels:
Inc motor; 1/4 h.p, electric quantity dishes, sonic antique; tor, in new condition; 2-,burner John Deere 3-furrow power troll forks; chains. Many other
motor; iron kettle; electric glassware; silverware; suit- rangette; 2-burner hot plate; plow; 3 - furrow John Deere misc. items. To The Foregoing Appointment For Hearing
fencer; rubber tire .wheelbar- ease; mats; cushions; sealers; combination table with flour plow; 8. ft. John Deere spring, HAY & GRAIN: 2.000 bushels
row; forks; shovels; chains, crocks; combination door; rub- and sugar bins; kitchen chairs; tooth cultiator, like new; John mixed grain, .including oats, The Installation Of A Water Works System
etc., etc. bet hose; lawn 'mower; many electric tea kettle and iron; Deere one-way disc; Freeman wheat and barley; 2,000 bales Consisting Of Water Mains As Follows:
DAIRY EQUIPMENT; UM- other misc. items. mantle Clock; disposal unit; heavy duty hydraulic manure choice mixed hay; 1,200 bales
versal 3 single unit milking No Reserve, everything will small wicker baskets; chest of loader (2 buckets); 21A Massey- oat straw. ON FROM TO
P-13- be sold. .ctrawers; carving set; quantity Harris SP combine with pick- No Reserve as the farm is Easement at North-West
ing; single can milk cooler; 18 TERMS; Cash.
silverware; glassware; fancy up, in good condition.; Inter- sold, Proposed Water Treatment machine, complete with Pi p•
LESLIE THOMSON, Executor then Utensils; feather pillows; interhational double disc; John ing sale. . Hill Street
Hill Street
North Village Limit
.Hill Street
180 Ft. Westerly
milk cans; milk strainer and dishes; aluminum ware; kit- national hay baler with motor; Plan to attend this outstand- Village Limit Plant
Centre Street
HAY & GRAIN: 1500 bales for the Estate of the late ironing board; meat grinder; Deere semi-mounted corn pick- TERMS; Cash, Oak Street
mixed hay; 800 hales oat Mrs. William H. Thomson clothes basket; flower pots; er; 2-row corn planter; Massey- Easement 180 Ft, West
of Hill Street Oak Street Beach Street.
Ferguson manure spreader, CHESTER DUNN, Proprietor 390 Ft. Weskits' Straw; 800 bus Rodney oats GARNET HICKS, Clerk card table; new porcelain kit.
.nearly new; Massey-Ferguson GARNET HICKS. Huron Street
Centre Street
tits; girl's bicycle, like new; 7 ft, power mower, new; 15- DALTON FINKBEINER,
Clerks Centre Street
Beach Street
Huron Street. Walker Street
Pine Street. suitable for seed, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer clien sink, 24x18; books; novel-
No Reserve as Farm is sold. Phone 119 Dashwood run International fertilizer drill; Park Street
step ladder; lawn chairs; gar- Centre Street Queen Street
Plan to attend this outstand - 3-drum steel roller; harrows; 5 ALVIN aa/ALPER, Auctioneer Woodward Avenue
King Street • - - den tools; wheelbarrow: many 15:22c Pine Street ing sale, other misc. items. ton. wagon with 225 bus. grain King Street
Centre Street
Pine Street 210 Ft. aare,slerly
with roller bearings; 150 bus.
Huron Street Lunch booth on grounds. Extensive AUTO: Prefect 1052 4-door box, like new; farm wagon
Park Street
Centre Street
300 Ft. Southerly
Main Street North
TERMS: Cash, AUCTION SALE sedan, dark blue color, in Al- grain box; 24 ft, grain auger Important
Woodward Avenue Walker Street
Centre Street
Main Street North
LLOYD PARSONS, Proprietor Of Choice Durham and condition,
trailer type, 1959; 4 ft.. brake
AUCTION SALE Elmwood Avenue Walker Street
Main Street North
Main Street North No Reserve—everything will with motor; weed sprayer,
GARNET- HICKS, Hereford' Cattle, Hogs, be sold to settle estate. wire; mink pens.
120 Ft. N. of Oak Street
Main Street North Of Choice Beef and Dairy Warwick Avenue
Clerks Poultry, Tractor, Farm CLIFFORD CULBERT, HAY & GRAIN; Quantity of Catt Kitchener Avenue
Oak Street
270 Et. N. of Main St. N. DALTON FINKBEINER, ' Main Sheet North
ALVIla/ WALPER, Auctioneer 'Implements, Hay, Grain Executor for the Estate of the
700 bales of oat straw.
mixed grain and baled hay; Farrn ItriplementS, Hay,
le, Auto, Tractor,
1.20 Ft. E. of Elinwood Aaenum
‘f.)7ealaik °Stir St reet et
Muter Street
Highway No. 21
1.5e and Misc. Items
late Myron Culbert.
Main Street North
Warwick Avenue.
G overnment Road GARNET HICKS, Clerk FARM: 130 acre farm, more Grain, Poultry and. Highway No. 21
or ,less, will be offered for sale Elmwood. Avenue Main Street North 360 Ft , South.
On thea premisea, Let :31, Con 2, ALVIN VVALPER, Auctioneer
atiblett to reserve bid, if not
Household Effects
Morenz Road Elmwood. Avenue 430 Ft. Easterly
USBORNE TOWNSHIP, Phone 119 Daahwood previOusly sold, Large L steel On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 2. Dietrich Crescent 480 Ft. Westerly and Southerly
Clearing 21/2 miles north of Exeter or bans,- new 4 years ago; frame BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP, Gibb's Survey Area.
Elmwood Avenue
Main Street North Main Street North
AUCTION SALE 21/2 nines south of Heiisall Oh
house with modern convert- 8 miles south of Exeter or 6 River Road Highway No, 21 Alberta Street
Of Farm Implements Hig
east, Estate hway No, 4 and 1.te miles ' motes; 120 acres ,of. play loam. miles north o f Lucan on High- Alberta Street River Road Lake Road
land, land, well drained. Remainder way 4, thence 1'1/2 miles east, Oreltai.d Street River Road Lake Road
Food & Furniture AUCTION SALE in hardwood Wish,. .This (anti ti Mile north, Highway No, 21
Highway NO. 21
South Village Limit
'rhe uhdersigned a uctioneer .., • . .Green Acres Subdivision
North Village Limit
W. E, Nairn and. Son will received insteuetinns to sell by Of. Industrial Carpenter's .... without the house and 1. acre San* Road. Highway No. 21
Highway No, 21
720 Ft. Southerly
May be purchased with •or „.
'Otiblle auction oft
The undersigned auctioneee
-Highway No, 81 Sattele Road Gill Road Sell,by public auction on Base 'reek, C6i.peeifeel Tools, of lan d, received instructions to sell by
Line of Blenshard, 14/4 Milet FRIDAY, MARCH 23 Contractor's Equipment . TERMS: Chattels, cash; pin public auction on Gill Road Highway No, 81 1650 Ft. SoutherlY
east of Woodhain 'Village, 8 At itttO o,m. i petty, 10at, clown, balance in
miles west of St, Marys, On atig .Farril Mathinery WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28
30,. days; immediate possession. al 1;00 p,'111, Including private hOuSe eoneeetioris and a water treatment plant to be located nn the shore
WEDNESDAY MARcH 21.ale will he held under of Lake Huron 41 the nortli•weSt limit, of the Village 'complete with intake, screens, low•lift
roRD civrnt: Durham cow, Ol the _ •gtate of .Ch-rferd Ti,If" CHOICE CATTLE: Part An. pemphouse, aedimentatiOrt tanks, chlorination eattipineht and high inimphouse at
1100 o.m, dice til Talbot at Lot No's 10a and it, carrying' third 'OIL 'STANLEY TOWN'SHIP,
pit pat .. CAMPBEI L 'EYRE & gits .acid Holstein cow, carrying TOTAL, ESTIMATED .COST
stein eow,. milking, carrying . - - .. r, 1 .. , 1 - ' . third tali, due before sale the follewingt. - Blifewatet Highway (No. 21). 4
fifth calf, due in June; White' from -. ' - i HAKOLI) JACKSON, )Wctiericer
' 11— date; Holstein cow, carrying IMPLEMENT:St lNLC. Deer- Inks seuth of BAY re d (actott , . • • . .
ing tradtee,. model WO, in' good ,,,,, , - E - - t - 13 ac 1 on third calf, due in April; roan
&Mitten; .M.,C Deering trader, calf;
Dui cow, carrying third GEORGE POWELL,. Clerk . Durharti cow, carrying fifth
ean,. dtte in June; black Here- SATURDAY, MARCH 24 15.:22e calf, due before sale. date; 2 NOTICE
Model .C, equipped with .atillist- ford heifer, dile. in Anvil; Dur-
able front, end and riarrOW et 1 t 00 0,re. — - ' - .- Holstein heifers, carrying first
ham heifer, rising 2 year Old; calf, clue May 1; Ilolstein trot, facint end' hydraulic 2-row fatirliam 'heifer . dud iii April;. th e tottow i tt g, Extensive fresh one week, calf at foot; The annual cost of the Water W•orks System is estintated (0 be 834.152 for the first
11\lptISTRIAL TOOLS ere, asa AUCTION SALE. :Durham cow, fresh One week, ,vear, 835;959 for the seeend year, -$31,1S8 Tor the third year, S29,558 for the fourth year and seafflen 2-ftirrow in o u in t e -t Hereford stcer,'2. year eld, 1200 -• ' •• • •• •
plow, pulley and heat liOttser tbs. reactas fOr market; Here- ' $41,647 for the 1.01)1Ailling .1aVeitty,six years, and it .18 proposed to raise the =Mal payrnenla calf .at foot; Ilolateitt cow, 3.ftieroW Cockshutt plow, ail loci .ytarling .hoitor mid stool,: De .Walt radial attn. satY (large -At •to
vi ' wAlu6ble TeActos carrying second calf, due be- by a frontage 'rate of 200'iier foot, a service 'connection •charge of $4..20. yearly and a charge
IiiiVer with Plea' :1 164, IttMil: t Ortibilie, F•artn. irtipleinonts Tott aele date; Holstein cow, of $34 tier Alltili111. .(61' each tiWelling unit. It is estimated. that the dwelling units will increaac rubber, hearty ,new 1V1,14 12 fL :a builuiti And Hereford year- '
eenibine, moel 12t,A., 'Self, ling st e e rs, .3 Durham and „,,,,, fresh !Ave Weeks, calf at fool; front 5.,$ in the first year to 740' in the fifth ”af,
crape _r_ with riitk,titi and Herefeed graat, eattle. Cattle alt hiv:"L •191d saw blades; hi' Choice tOtio w. Ha "s Ill51slein cow, milking, fresh straw spreader, iii gtod shape; „ ,,,,,,„ ,„,,;,,,,,,,,,,;,„ f ,A A at:1811'1e tg 46 611 ,10nc and Steel .,. Ally owners -Or persons affected and Whe are unable to. attend at the hearing may file
Moline '8 ft„ Mather,- pull type, "` "u`" ""`'"" '"'-'—'" table, industrial itincli planet Hh-yo, Grain Straw
and blood tested, ,. otter'. 2G• nett band Amyl 'Pit' ..5‘ Wt".."-11 •ii-o---. lteiS
since December; -Holstein cow, ,, their objectiOn Willi the Clerk of the Villag,e of Grand Bend Or tin The Ontario Municipal
nearly new,.. Payee hammer 1 Ce a ous in milking, '1" in 1.111"1 2 11'''' board, 145 Queen Street West ; toentite, on or befOre the Stith -day of March, 1952.
ritilla hear; 40 ft, true belt; HOGSt York SOW, duo in fav et t`-g Ig.
,,,,,,,.. It in ..J ,, Atas drill press - • stein 'heifers,. one year old: 2
MX. Deering manure tiareadera 1‘114 X.1 TaltiWmAll S°W1 uuc• in With 1/2: hap, Meter; 'a i ai A t
- 1,- aati lates .preiniada, Let .20, Con. 2, part Hereford and 17101steiti All fplatg, 1'004 and tatiniates may- be inspected at the office of the undersnottl
,A01.4 it) sthck'di, No, AVdtAg. Heavy steers, one year old; 2 Here• during busitles$ hours, en rubber.; Fleury' Ristol dise,, du t y Meter,. 44 11.0, STtP1-11iN TOWN51417 . ,
26 plates; 3-8eetion ItatroWs; ita log 15 Ms, bath. mot or; 10;111 01 industrial Platt' EirSt fatiii west Of Exeter on fold -Yearling steels, 2 Ilelstein
Staid" harrOWS: 4' teittien hat'. POUllitY: 2,1 Sussex X NeW ..er, 1.turcii Street, nefios, :tieing two year bid; 3 DATED at tlic Village nt Geand ilend Una I,Sth day '61 March, 1962
reWs: rubber lifted wagon, Hallip, yearling hens, .CAIIPENTEWS• T 0-6:1.i• 8 — Ifeeeford heifer's, rising . two- l'illiMIA? A. /AS JAltb.iNS,
feitarY lawn hieWer, . TAACTOR a MACHTNEftY; Craftsman tilt arbor saw; The undersigned attetioneer year old, Cattle all choice,
a ttAIM :2,ntin. bus. Garry' VAC standard •Case traetort Potter Cable voider and rooter reeeiVecl. instrUctititis to sell by quality:, ealtheod vaccinated
Ari d Weed rested.
Cleek, VIITato of trand Bond • —
0.1s; 700 Valet good mixed Nt4i fi ft. 'criot.ice eafibitio with, kit; Pottot •CAblic .skiider. and 'public auction Ott
,. •
Village of Grand Ben Air
IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission on behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend for approval
of the entering by the said corporation into an agreement with the Commission
for the construction by the Commisaion of a Water Works System at an
estimated cost of $377,175
$$77,In no