HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-15, Page 12Page 12 The Times -Advocate, March IL 1-90 • •Fin.,I your 'green' here for CLASSIFIED RAT.g$ 4 Female Help Wanted ag Words .85 Each, Additional Word 30 (Minimum 85e 20c Off U paid by Saturday follow last insertion, Second Insertion 1/2 l WgiRci 'Minimum 2 found MAN'S CAR COAT, dark grey doesheen, large swe, at Exeter Legion Seed Fair hincheon. Would this gentleman oho pick- ed up this advertiser's coat by error please enntart 'Melbourne Greenwnod. Mitchell, phone 348. 8287. 15e Fieldmen ---scnntinued from pa' 11 insurance protectinn hv farm -ers. It made me wonder if it wasn't just as urgent that farmers provide themselves with their own market protec- tion. It is all very well in seek higher prices hut first we must have a place of sale. It has disappeared in some products. Let us take steps to see that our market for livestock doesn't vanish. Seed wmners — Continued from page 11 Alexander. Broarifoni Earl corn — Fotheringhain, truce Shapten. Exeter; Broad - foot, Gerald Mantis. Exeter. Turnips — Harold Dignan, RR 2 •Hensall; Roy G. Bell, Henson; Jim Neil, Exeter; Rene Delbergue. RR 3 Auburn; Elmer Powe, Centralia. 4." oats — frotheringbam. 4-1-1 hybrid corn — Broacifoot, Fntheringham, K e n People, RR 4 Seaforth, First cut haled hay — liam Etherington. Hensel]: Al. Ian Rundle, RR 3 Exeter; Troth erin gi am Second cut baled hay—Foth- eringham: Richard F,thering. ton, RR. 1 Hensall; Russell Bolton, RR I Seaforth. William Etherington, Ilensall; Allan Rundle, RR 3 Exeter. First cut chopped hay William Etherington, Robert P. Allan, Richard Etherington. Robert Down, RR. 1 'Tenni'', Archie Etherington, RR 1 Hen- sel]; Richard Procter. Brus- sels; Jim Broadfoot; Ehner Powe, Gerald aleFalls. Lloyd Hudgins, Exeter. Second cut chopped ha S — Richard Procter. William Etherington, Richard Ether- ington. Silage — Fotberinghtim, Broadfont. Papal e, Rundle, Powe, Ian McAllister, Zurch; Newton Clarke. R. Ethering- ton, Shapton, A Etherington. Farm manager of the year — Ian "alcAlbster. RR 2 Zurich. Cutting costs — 'McAllister, R. Etherington, Allan. SPECIALS Robert. Fothermisham, TiR Seaforth. wins Simpson -Sears blanket for highest number of points (351: 13 of M $10 special for championship silage; Bank of Commerce tray for hay championship: R N. Alexander award for haled hay: ;tones. MaeNaughton perpetual shield for small seeds: Pfister corn special for best corn; CIL fer- tilizer for white beans: Cann's Mill $10 for barley -champion- ship; Clinton Farm Supply feed for hest 4-H oats: A. Y. McLean trophy for top 4-H competitor. Jim Broadfoot. Brucefield. wins Royal Bank tray as the new exhibitor with most points (251 Hensel' co-op $5.00 to youngest exhibitor with a t least 10 points, Southern Onta- rio Seed corn prize for hest 4-H corn. William Etherington, R11 1 Hensall, wins Siftn Sall see. dal for chopped hay champion- ship. Robert P. Allan, Brucefield wins Eaton's fruit howl 'fel best oats, 13. N. Alexander, Lcides- bore, wins Shiflett FA special anti Alvin Betties. Bayfield, wins Goderich FA special. STENOGRAPHER For permanent position in Ex. eter °Mee, good salary- Apply Box NAS. Exeter Times- Advoeate. 3:8tfne AFTER APRIL 1, elderly or middle.aged woman to help look after male patient in his own home. not a bed patient, Phone Lucan 227-4631. 15c 5 Help 'Wanted aMBITIOUS MAN nr Amman to take over established Wat- kins Business. No money 10 invest. Oldest and largest com- pany of its kind. Products nationally advertised. No lay- offs. Opportunity for promotion. Write immediately In Jute Gauthier, 350 St, Roeh Street, Montreal 15. Que. 8:15.22:29c 6 Business Opportunities SELLING AVON COSMETICS ran he both pleasant and prnfitahle in a rural territory. A car and a few hours weekly is all yon need. Don't wait for spring, start now. WRITE T() MRS. E. BELL. 81B Albert St., Waterloo. or call me collect at SH 5-0751 before 8:30 a.m. 15e 10 Farm Stock For Sale 13 Articles For Sale 16 Property For Sale 17 Property For Rent 11 OLSTE1N HEIFERS, due MIXED HAY, 3.500. bales; 1,600 soon, vaecinated, bred. Here• round bales of straw. Bea ford, blood -tested herd, John Gamble. Lot B, Concession 8, BerendSen, miles east of Usborne, 2 miles north .of Farquhar, 83 Highway, phone Whalen Corners. 15* Kirkton 21r4. 15:22* APPLES—$1.00 a bushel. Sher- COWS—Holstein springing eows row's orchard, Pa miles north and heifers, clean test, pure- of .Dashwood. Phone 136. 15* breds and grades. Phone Keith Slam Lambeth 652-3200, 2 OIL BURNERS, 1 play pen; 3:14:26s gond .condition. Phone 2..85-_781 15* 90 YEARLING STEERS, white. - faced. Purina fed. Apply Lloyd GALANT1E ACCORDIAN, tea. Lynn, Clandeboye, phone 227- therweight, 120 base, with two 4642. 15:22:29s switch keys. Red and white pearl finish. in -excellent con. YORK HOG, purebred, 21 •dition. only $85. Phone Zurich years, guaranteed, Shur -Gain 38. 15e Farms, Maple.Ont. Phone 231,- 6429, •Crediton. 1.5c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, register. ed, due March 17, from high record dam, accredited and listed. B. .1. Vos, RR 3 Exeter, phone Xirkton 39r10. 15s 2 BATTERIES, 6 - volt, one heavy duty, one nearly new, $6.00 each; truck wheel wrench set; 2 ear radios, $4.00 each: sealed beams, $1.00 each. Apply 79 Victoria St., Exeter. 15* BABY CARRIAGE, in excellent 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, pure- condition. Phone 228-6735. 15e bred, vaccinated, bred artificial Holstein, due middle of April FEED TURNIPS — Laverne and May. Phone John Berend. Heywood, RR 3 Exeter, phone seri, Xirktoh 21r4. an Highway 235-1057. 15e 83. 15:22* 11 Poultry For Sale ORDER FROM the good vane. ties now available, including Ames. Sykes and Cornet egg specialists, to reach hest egg markets. Day old to ready -to. lay, Also mixed chicks and day old .cockerels. Request price list. Bray Hatchery. Eric Carscadtlen, Exeter, phone 235- 2734. 15en HYLLNE PULLETS, vaccinat- ed and de -beaked. Phone 294- 8 Situations Wanted 9523sorpaaprkplhyiliAlbert Wydooghe, 15"' FARM WORK—Young couple from Holland desires farm work in Exeter arca. Phone Tui Van Steeg at 235-2602 Exeter. 15-nc 9 Services SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available Harold Butler. Lu - can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect 5:9*tfne ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New. gale St., Goderich. phone JA 4-7917. 27104fne DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead nr disabled animals, call Darling & Company of canacla Limited. Phone Kirkton 48r1n, Licence No. 175-C.62. 12 (ars, Trucks For Sale PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK 1956 Dodge, Works like a charm. Only $475. Beavers Crest Hardware, 235-1033 Ex- eter. $: 15tfnc 1957 CHEVROLET sedan. 8,000 miles. new condition, Phone 235-2037, Chester Dunn, RR 1 Exeter. 15c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton, Behind Centralia Airport USED & REBUILT PARTS GUARANTEED Wrecking '57 Plymouth, '56 Buick, '56 Meteor V8, '55 Meteor V8. '55 Chev Good selection of 600x16 tires. PHONE 228-6214 3: 15tfne CAN'T BEAT RENOVATOR — The miracle autornagic cleaner that beautifies rugs and up- holstery. Only $1.75 per bottle. Hopper.liockey Funiture, phone 235-1990. 15:22c DEEP FREEZE CHESTS—hold 540 lbs., 5 year guarantee, only $240.00. This is value second to none. See them in our store, We sell more because we show more. Sandy Elliot, phone 235- 0585. 15c REED ORGAN, modernized, any reasonable offer, Mrs. Ken Hodgins, phone 228-6296, 15c ANTIQUE MELODEON, burl walnut, octagon legs, good con- dition. Phone 265 St, Marys, 15:22;29* 50 ACRE FARM near Exeter— $9,500. 50 ACRE FARM, stone house, good barn. good Nvg Ler supply, Lot 171/2 N., Con. 4, 21/2 miles east of Exeter. Reduced to sell. Apply Ambrose •Koricina, phone 228-6278. 2:22-3:29* NEW HOUSE 2 bedrooms. large living room, kitchen, 3 -pc. bath, utility room APARTMENT, a-room,unfur. Walled, downstairs, private entrance. Apply 512 Main SL, at the rear, 15:22* HOUSE, modern .3 -bedroom, in COtintry; ftlrnade, d4.-Plcce bath, hydro, garden; $ 011 o al bus passes door. References requir- ed; inamediate possession; $40 monthly. Apply 13.ox DTZ, Ex- eter Times -Advocate, 15e BACHELOR apartment, fur- nished, suitable for man or lady, available April 1, Phone WES WITMER 235.1505 days or 235-2754 after 106 Min St., Exeter 6 p.m. 3:15Une 1:2511ne APARTMENT, 3 -bedroom, un- furnished, dining room, living loom, kitchen, bathroom and utility room. Available April Tenders are called for the 1. Days, phone 235-1505, eVe- purchase of swill and for the Call J B flings, 235.2754. 3:15 lbw purchase of kitchen by-products from RCAF Station Clinton for at APARTMENT, furnished, steam the period April lst, 1962 to 1863 heated, freshly decorated, new march furniture, new carpet, new TV; not cheap, but awfully nice for 1962. Tenderers for the removal for tenders is March 22nd, 31st, 1963, Closing date two people, Elliot Apts., phone 235-0585, 444 Main St. 15c of swill are to quote a price per 100 pounds. The successful tenderer will be required to remove all swill daily and to provide all containers and 50 ACRES of grass land, Con. maintain them in a sanitary 16, Stephen Township, 214z miles condition. Tenderers must hold west of Dashwood, 1 mile a license from the Department south, Mrs. Joe Wild, Dash- of Agriculture to feed kitchen wood, 8:15c by-products lo animals, 23 Tenders Wanted winter calves; 3 Holstein bun calves; purebred Helstem 8 months old. This is a good TENO,aRS, FOR selected Iron) high producing type herd throughout, carefully REMOVAI, OF SWIt4., blood linesb.10Aolol etea,s1ftletodoti vaccin- cooked, bones cooked, removall‘ellciers ofareswell41„necibonfeosrrotttlgthi 0°1tFedoEa0"Ddd l&ilixGedRAiliNa;:,; 300200 bbalkrss. fat and greases from RCAF' of grain, Station Centralia, Ontario, foe DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge period 1 April, 1962, to 31 March, 1963, All tenders to be 2 -unit completely ped with piping; Mcpeering addressed to: The Command- 650 cap, cream separator;gaiv, ing Officer, RCAF Station Cent. „„s relies Ontario, and are to be 'I114A E u' strainer,11S C E L ',- received on or before 28 Marl, ANEOUS ITEMS; MeDeering 1962. TENDERS •FOR PURCHASE No. 6 hammer mill; 35 ft. rub - power takeoff binder, 8 ft, cut, in new condition; MeDeering OF SWILL AND KITCHEN ber belt; 2 -wheel trailer and racks; rubber tire wagon; BY.PRODUCTS electric clippers; rotary pump; newly built bay rack; Stewart hog scales and crate; bag truck; pig feeders; large cular pig feeders; chicken feeders; rubber tire wheelbar. row; single plow; single scuff. ler; brooder house; brooder stove; set of Oliver bean puller knives; canvasses for 6 ft, Deering binder; 2 tires, 4.50 x 21, on rims; vise; other mise, items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT St Findlay combination stove, in new condition; dining mom fur- niture; tables; chairs; buffet; china cabinet; rocker; new linoleum, 9 x 10; tricycle; Tenderers for the purchase quilting frames, lawn mower; of kitchen by-products are to daybed; high chair, etc, quote a price per 100 pounds No Reserve, everything will foepio'keedachbonoefs, tlr,oinuignhiecriat,bosntelest, besold. TERMS: Cash, and grease, The successful tenderer will be required to re- move by-products at least once a week and to provide all con- tainers and maintain them in a sanitary condition. 4 -.BEDROOM ERICK, home, surrounded by stately pines, close to downtown and schools. Owner will sacrifice due to transfer. GRACIOUS LIVING with an income—completely remodelled, 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms p 1 u s 2 bedroom apartment. Close to downtown. 3 -BEDROOM HOME on Main street, oil heat, garage, Re- duced to sell with reasonable down payment, 4 -BEDROOM BRICK on An- drew street, new kitchen and GRASS FOR CATTLE for rent. oil .furnace. S. Deelstra, RR. 1 Centralia. 15* 18 For Sale Or Rent HOUSE, 4 bedroom, 3 • piece bath, oil furnace, also garage and good-sized garden area, good location, corner William and Nelson SL, Exeter, Avail- able April 1, Phone 235-2917, William Westlake, dRII. 3 Ex- eter, 3:15*tfne LICENSED nursing home, ac- commodating 11 patients. Mort- gage arranged. WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts, Exeter, have just received a fine selection of beautiful spring and summer jewellery. Remem- ber—pleasing you pleases us. 15e WILSON'S Jewellery & Gifts remind you there is only three days left to get your St. Pat- rick's gifts of quality and cards, 15c KITCHEN SINK UNIT, Youngs- town, 54", white enamel, 2 drawers, 4 doors, Harold Cald- well, phone Hensall 54,1. 15e SAVEATNOW ANYONE wishing whitewash. 13 Articles For Sale Sandy Elliot' inp, or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- FILTER QUEEN sales and son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. service. Bob Peck, IIR 1 Zur- 5:25*tfne ich, phone Hensel] 696r2 8:31tfne Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:17tfe HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep, repairing and deepening. Highway 85. Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfnc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week. on dead or dis- abled animals. phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- posal Act, License No. 66C61. 1:25tfc REUPHOLSTERING and furni. lure repairs; free estimates; prices moderate. Ron Mollison, phone Kirkton 38r9. 8:15* LIGHT HOUSEWORK or iron- ing by the hour desired by middle-aged lady. Phone or apply The Times -Advocate, Ex- eter. 235.1331. 15* ISPHOLSTERY CLEANING — Chesterfields, chairs and ears, For free estimates, phone 235- 2464 days, after 6 p.m. 235.0485, .linits Upholstery, Exeter. 15:22:28;5;12:19c CHAIN' SAW tree cutting; also trees may be cut into logs or cord wood. Apply Peter Spoon- SLEEP ON a Simmons Beauty er, Box 125, Grand Bend. Rest mattress. Sold exclusive - 3:15 -4:19* ly by Sandy Elliot. Costs less per year than your breakfast coffee. We have a special mattress at $29.50. The value will surprise yoti. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 8:15e GRASS for 35 yearlings. Gerald 444 MAIN ST. PH 235-0585 0 FREE TRACTOR FUEL plus SUNBEAM hundreds of dollars savings if The Best Appliances Made you buy a new Fordson Super Major, Dexta Diesel or Ford SUNBEAM SPECIAL Diesel now, Super Majors only VACUUM CLEANER $3,400. See Larry Snider, phone 235-1640 Exeter. 2:8-3:29e TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, Hollywood, fully e q u i p p e d. Phone 235.1377, nights only, 12tfe CHESTERFIELD, 2 -piece suite, with slip covers; combination electric heater and fan; set of bathroom scales. Phone 235- 0776. 3: ltfne FARMERS! 11 you grow corn next year for your own feed, silo or as cash crop, we have the right varieties for any purpose you want. "Warwick", "Pride", "United Hybrid" or "Canada Hybrid". We plant the corn at a special rale if the seed is bought from us. Please contact W. Victor Kid's. Custom Work, RR 1 Centralia, Tel. Exeter 235-1815. 1:15c SEE THE beautiful new Sand - ran floor covering. It is patent- ed; only $1.79 per square yard. Also wool and nylon rugs and carpet by the yard. Sandy Elliot, phone 235.0585. 8:15e DISH WASHERS are selling and we are selling them. Sandy Elliot, phone 235-0585. 8:15c PEED TURNIPS, 2,000 bushels, Gerald O'Brien, 11R 3 Dash- wood, phone 161r18. 8:15e + Trucks + Cor SE 4. Tractors + Machinery ir FARMALL (4 with Loader and 2 -Row Cultivator • ONE FORD TRACTOR 4 INCH. :10 TRACTOR -4- LHC. 11.25O TRArroft 21,41 'MOWER, 7 Ft. FOUR 'USED SPREADERS HEAT HOUSER for 13-250 or 13-275 1),L 1056 FORD FAIRLANE CAR • INTERNATIONAL, L-1.85 TRIM< • 1952,FORD PICI<UP F.F W. Huxtable 2 54102 Exotoo' s's• Exclusive Magnetic Touch n . lock cover Powerful 1'4 h.p. motor gets more dirt fast + 2 year guarantee on vinyl- urathene hose Ss Save $5.00 Now on this cleaner ONLY $74.95 ROGERS MAJESTIC STEREO99.50H! FI Exciting new stereo concept, a long, low luxurious table that, is a functional lii fi. s• Rogers Majestic 4 -speed transcription turntable is precision perfect. * 50 ACRE FARM near Kippen— $9,500. 50 ACRE FARM near Crediton —$10,500. BRICK HOUSE and steel barn with 3 to 13 acres. Priced to sell with terms. • 2 MOBILE HOME trailers, in excellent condition. Terms. JOHN BURKE Limited REAL ESTATE BROKEll MORTGAGE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE DEVON BUILDING EXETER Phone 235-1863 C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, See us. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 8:24c BUILDING LOT, 76' x 99', 550 clown, balance monthly. John Burke Limited, phone 2354863, 15:22:29;5c HOUSE, 9 -room, newly decorat- ed, on large corner lot, village of Granton. Phone 227-4680, after 5 p.m. 15c 19 Wanted To Rent HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, in Exeter, by mid-April. Phone Mrs, Earl Moore. RCAF Station Centralia, 228-6369. 8:15e 21 Notices REGISTRATION DAY for be- ginners September 1962, at Mc. Gillivrayl C e. n t r al School, Thursday, March 22, from 1 to 3:30 p.ni. 15c Any questions regarding ten- ders are to be referred to the Senior Supply Officer, RCAF Station Clinton. 15c 24 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE LISTINGS Alvin Walper, Auctioneer MARCH 16—Stanley Township, Dispersal Sale of Dairy Cat- tle and 'Equipment. Eldon Bender, Proprietor. MARCH. 17—Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Feed and House - BUILDING BY-LAW hold Effects. Estate of the late Royal Geiser. TOWNSHIP OF HAY ,MARCH 20—Dairy Cattle, Farm Notice is hereby given that a Machinery and Feed. Lloyd Building .By-law No, 2, 1962 has Parsons, Proprietor. FARM NO. 1 — 100 acres, - been passed by the council of MAprRi:tHor, 21—Lot 12, Con. 7, Stephen Town liolstein Dispersal ship, on which is situated a immediately. the Township of Hay, effective Sale. Joe. Van Dongen, Pro- stabling, implement shed, gar - good hank barn with all good MARCH 22—Household Effects. age and brick house. Freshly Estate of the late Mrs. Wil- painted condition,tedbuilhigs.neavlelr infaifliirnsgt liam 14, Thomson. water supply, small orchard, land in good cultivation, ELDON BENDER, Proprietor F,RVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 1.5e Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Thresher, Auto, Farm Implements, Poultry, Hay/ Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 12, Con, 7, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP, 14 Mile North of Crediton The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 17 at 12:30 p.m. sharp The by-law may be seen al the clerk's office, Zurich. Ap- plication for a building permit for any new or renovated build- ing must be obtained before starting any proposed work. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Hay, Zurich, Ont. 15:22c 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James William Brock, deceased. 1 All persons having claims against the estate of James William Brock, late of the Vil- lage of Crediton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 9th day of February, 1962, are required to fyle particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter - Ontario. 1:8:15c 19" PORTABLE 17 Property For Rent The best TV buy. $215.00 Compare the set. Compaee the price 14 Wanted To Buy SURGE UNIT, used. Phone 30r15 Kirkton, 15* 35 HEAD OF CATTLE to pas- ture for season. Apply Bert Bax, RR, 1 Woodham, after 6 p.m. 15:22c 15 Wanted 1 -STOREY HOUSE, 2 -bedroom, hot and cold water, 3 -piece bath. Quick possession. W, C. Pearce. 2; 151.1ne APARTMENT, upstair, 1 bed- room, kitchen, living room and bath, heated, private entrance. Available March 15, 313 Car- ling St., phone 2354543, 2; 22tfnc APARTMENT in Beech apart- ment building, Lucan, 1-bech room, living room, kitchen and bath, heated, stove and re- frigerator supplied, $55 per month. Phone 2274313 after 6 p,m. or apply Ralph Lippert, 3:1 tfnc RABBITS, .. 113 3 Dashwood, phone 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, heated, large New Zealand, 1.611.18, O'Brien,' private ages. ,Tames norialdson, Clande- IF YOU HAVE or know 8a:11.yefurnished, main floor, . white, some show stock, all - 15 entrance, centrally 1 o c a t e d, boye. 8:15c one who has a dog or mature /available Alien- 1, Phone 235- eat, ligeleas to owners, it can 0776 or apply 365 William St, 3:1tfim BEAUTIFUL BLONDE — She's he useful, tring it to L. V. a lovely 21" Westinghouse TV set in limed oak, scms--Slogarth, 324 Senior St., Exeter, 0 nie - model with doors, in good phone 235.1414. 15e shape, Only 595, Beavers Hard- EARMEIIS to keep brood sews Ware, dial 235-1033. 3:8tfrie on litter -sharing_ his. Apply 2 FORMALS, ballerina, size to Box .11811,Exeter limes. Advocate. 15e 14, one blue nylori organza, one net. Phone 235-0435 after 1 p.m. Apply 57 Ann St, Exeter, 16 Property For Sale V15e M.G., PEARCE, REALTOR LAUNDRY EQUIPIVIEN'r— Used wringer washer, $85.00; 200 Acres, Exeter, suit cash tiled automatic washer, good erops or cattle production. condition $75.00; new wringer 200 acres, SeefOrill, cash erop washer, 598.50; new Thor pair, or Tivestoek farming. washer and automatic dryee, 200 acres, 1)ashwood, suitable $340.00; Thor, Kelvinator, May for livesteck or testi ere'', tag washers and risme, Sandy Ilighwas, 165 aeres atitl 150 Elliot, phone 235-0585. 8:15c acres. .460ver, NEW PICTURESchoke 143 acres. see before uoekeynonow offers haiiid8Ome. buying elseWliere. Sotne s hund- picture to beautify Stout walls, redand three fifties. Coote ()tie that will give your PlArdware stores, general , home new spirit. New modern stores, hett868- !faille& and shapes, From $1.50 RUSS IIROtARICX, Salesman to tif.ti. Mono 2854090. ,Rox 1/4, Phone ,235.0•117 35:220 11:9tfe • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Taman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William 'Taman, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3rd day, of Febru- ary 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Ex- eter, Ontario, by the 17th day of March next, after which date the estate wil be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been reteived. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the. Executor, Exeter - Ontario. 1:8:15c .APARTMENT, in Lucan, 1 bed- - room, self contained, utilities paid, .available April 1, Phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS 227-4254, UPSTA IRS APARTMENT — Main St., P.,xtter, above Gould and Jory. Available immediate. ly, Phone days 235-0270: eve. eines 235-0685, Exeter, 3:8tfnc All rit$Oris having &Calms againetthe dstate of Laura ITOUSE, 2 -bedroom, oil heated, Ede Elliet, Tate of the Town modern conveniences, central. of Exeter, in the County of ly located in Exeter, available Heron, Spiester, who died on or at once. Phono 235.1771, 15e about the 20th day of Oetober, 1961, are reqUited file Par. 41-1„OlUISenEs'11/4 Iil all, With hot and cold tangliton, Solicitors of Exeter, be8 ofr nighwv ticulare of eame With Bell & ivater, 3 -piece bath. Available Ontario, by the Nth day or API' I. Apply tior 1, 11018'6,11- March next, after Which date, , 0140 the estate will be distributed 5 rit having regard only to those n(LACARpEog, /31.1;c.itiBdtalvx!.. till 1 .,,etalls of whith tietite has been vvoodhat, after '6p in14:,22e "cuivec' Bell & Laughton, AP Aftl4MEN't, fief Vale entratlee, all ttrilitleapaid, Solicitors for the Exoeutor available April f. Amity 4 ,foliti Exeter Willie. St, East, phone tS.2681. 15k 3:1S;22e In the Estate Of Laura Eda EIII� deceased. MARCH 23—Farm Stock, Ma- chinery and Feed. Gordon Oke, Proprietor. MARCH 24—Real ' Estate and Furniture. Estate of the late Myron Culbert, Lucan. MARCH 26—Farm Stock, Ma- chinery and Feed. Chester Dunn, Proprietor. MARCH 28—Farm Stock and Machinery. Joe Ratko, Pro- prietor. MARCH 30—Farm implements. Victor Chatten, Proprietor. MARCH 31—Real Estate, Farm Stock, Machinery, Feed and :Household Effects. Mrs, Dan- iel Ryder, Proprietress. APRIL 2—Farm Implements, Feed, Household Eff e c t s, Mrs. Elmer Restemayer, Pro- prietress. APRIL 4—Real Estate, Farm Stock, Machinery. Mrs. Leon- ard Sararas, Proprietress, APRIL 11—Farin Stock and Implements. William Ether- ington, Proprietor. ingueMoisrsecomplete list in follow - 15c Complete DISPERSAL SALE Of High Quality Holsteins, Dairy Equipment, Machinery, Misc. Items & Houeshold Effects On the Premises, Lot 14, Concession 11, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 6 miles north of Zurich, Goshen Line, FRIDAY, MARCH 16 at 1:00 p.m. CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Hol- stein cow, tarrying fourth calf, due in June; Holstein cow, earrying third calf, due in April; Holstein cow, carrying third, calf, due in May; Hol- stein cow, carrying second calf, due sale date; Registered Hol' stein, niliking, rebred Feb, 61 Holstein cow, fresh since July; Holstein heifer, fresh 6 weeks; Holstein cow, fresh since Nov.: Holstein heifer, fresh Jan, 2; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, milking, rebred in Feb.; °Holstein cow, fresh since Dee, 1; Holstein heifer, milking, freshened Dec. 1; Milstein heifer, rnilking, freshened in Nov,; 2 holstein heifers, rising 2 year old; 3 Holstein yearling heifers; 4 yearling Ilolateie steers; Polled Shorthorn year. ling steer; 2 surnn-ler Holstein heifer Carves; 3 Holstein heifer Oki441A. FARM NO, 2 — 50 acres of grass land, 1,4.1 Lot 5, Con. 5, Stephen Township. NO. 3 — Two acres, south half 10, South half 11, Stephen Township. Terms or Real Estate — 101 day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS, THRESHING MA CHINE—M. C. Deering W,4 tractor, on rubber, in good condition; M.C. Deer. ing Farman A tractor, on rub- ber, good condition, completely equipped with 2 -furrow hydrau- lic lift; plow, horse-drawn: rubber tire manure spreader: M.C. Deering 13 -run hoe grain and fertilizer drill; M.C. Deer- ing 7 11. cut binder,. in good condition; M.C. Deering 2 -row corn planter; M.C. Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; McCormick 2 -furrow plow, on rubber; Mc- Cormick Deering 2 -row seuffler; 2 dump scrapers; 2 -wheel trailer; 2 -unit Viking electric cream separator; 12 -unit Surge milking machiee, completely equipped; Goodison thresher, 28x46, on steel, equipped with shredder; electric grinder; heat lamps; cutting box; root pulp. er; fanning mill; grain auger with motor; dump rake; 2 cultivators on steel; MeDeering cultivator, on rubber; drag harrows; roller; 4 -section har- rows; trailer; grass seeder for tractor; hay loader; McCor- mick double disc; dump rake; garden hose; butcher -kettles and tubs; scales; electric motors; carpenter tools; rotary pump; pressure pump; spray. er; chicken fountains and feed- ers; electric brooder, GRAIN & FEED — 1,500 bushels of oats; 1,000 bales of hay; 5 tons of loose hay; quantity of clover seed, POULTRY — 150 Sussex New Hampshire hens, FURN1TURE—McClary .wood and coal stove, like new; G.E. electric stove; Woods deep freeze; Coffield washer; re. frigerator; dining room suite, including table, buffet,6 chairs; leather couch; electric lamps; quilts; comforter; trunks; pie. - tures; frames; rocker; mat- tresses; beds; dressers; chest of drawees; kitchen utensils; settee and chairs; hall tree; &able radio; cupboard; book. case; curtains; drapes; 4 fold. ing theirs: quantity of 8ea1erg. 1951 CHEV COACH, good rub. her. Many o Itt 0? Miseellanemia Reins. TERMS: Cash, No reserve: everything will be sold to settle estate. The Estate of the late Royal Geiser Auctioneeres WILLIAM 1L SMITH. Cretliton and ALVIN WALPER, bashwood lifloMAs YEARLEY & PREEMAN MORLOCK, AdministraterS DALTON PINKFIEINER WILDON $1411114f Cieeke 8:186.