HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-01, Page 14.NAMED TO POST John E. Hall, Mt. Carmel, a graduate. of SHDHS, has been named one of four vice-presidents of the newly-formed Ontario Law Students' Association, The as- sociation is composed of stu- dents from five law schools in. Ontario. Mrs, F, Morley dies after illness Mrs. Fred Morley, 33, died Friday. February 9 at her home in Leamington after an illness of eight weeks. She was the former Katie Willms. She is survived by her hus- band, Fred Morley, formerly of Parkhill, and her mother, Mrs. John Whits, Leamington. Funeral service was held from the United Church with Rev, Bell officiating, Monday, Feb. 12. Interment was in Lakeview cemetery, Leaming- ton. returned home last week after spending a few weeks at Flo- rida. Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick Nor- lock and children of Waterloo visited on Sunday with Mrs: John Morlock and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock. By MRS. RADER DASMVOop The organization meeting for .the 4.11 club project. Separates for Summer, was held 'Feb. 12, with the leaders, Airs. Leon- ard Schenk and !qrs. Eben Weigand and 10 girls present, Officers elected ‘verg, pre. skint, Norma 'Weigand; vice- president, Judy Webb; secre- tary and press reporter, Nan- cy Willert, Many different types of ma- terial and different patterns were .examined. Roll call .for next meeting "One point; to consider. when 'buying cotton." The second meeting of Pash• wood Merry Maids was held at the home of Norma Weigand with the leaders and seven girls present. Alterations andpatterns were discussed. Roll call for next meeting, ''A pattern alteration and how to make it." Men's club solo party The men's club held a sue- eessful solo party at Kipfer's garage Friday evening. Winners were, Karl. Keller, high; Ernest Miller, second; consolation, Earl Keller, The door prize was won by Dawson Keller. Successful in music Miss Melia Gabel, 7A.RCT, an flounces 'results of recent exa- minations in piano by her pu- pils with the Royal Conserva- tory of Music in Toronto. Fay Sehlenrer, 'honors, grade 8; Carol Hendrick, honors, grade 6; Glen. Ratz, honors, grade 5: Margaret Merner, first class honors, Jimmy flay- ler, honors, .Grade 3; six-year- More join library here Membership of the Exeter Library was 653 in 1961, an increase of 100 over the pre- vious year as reported by Li- brarian Mrs. Hilton Laing at the annual meeting last Wed- nesday evening, Circulation for the year stands at 20,257 with 4,122 in non fiction, 8,346 in fiction and 7,789 in juvenile, Lowest book circulation was in August and highest in March. Mr, Cecil Wilson was re- elected chairman for 1962, Book committee includes Mrs. G. Koch, Mrs, H, Laing, Mrs. john Schroeder and Mrs, S. M. Southcott; property Messrs, H. ince, Arthur 'Idle and C. Wilson magazines, Mrs. Southcott, Messrs. Ince and. Idle, old Tommy Robinson, first class honors. grade 1. (83 Also in theory grade 3 his. tors, Donna Peek, first class honors; grade. 2 theory, Shir- ley Flas.bard. first class bon- ( 97 marks). Personal .items Miss Thelma Weber of Lon- don spent the weekend with MI;Rse.v.Da11111erlbe iVielJl. l a mes attended the minister's institute of the BUB church conference at Ha- milton Undo Park church last week. Airs. Mar:. 13 ecker was transferred by ambulance in South nuron Hospital, Exeter from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Ed. Nadigei is apatient in St. Joseph's hospital, London, following a fall. Sirs. Wm, Willed was taken by Hoffman ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wei- berg and family of • Waterloo spent Sunday with L. it. Rader and Fred Weiberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine and girls of Kitchener spent the weekend with friends and relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gilbert JMS raps US cartoon T-A Publisher J, M, South- colt recently rapped a 'U.S. newspaper for what he des- cribed as "unfortunate slan- der" against Canada, Mr. Southcott, iiho is vaca- tioning at St. Petersburg, Flo- rida, objected to a Mauldin cartoon entitled "The Opium Den" in the St, Petersburg Times. His letter read: "As a Canadian enjoying the advantages Florida has to of- fer, I wish to take exception to the cartoon appearing recent- ly linking Canada and Britain with others as the leading na- tions prontoting the narcotic trade. "In view of the fact a num- her of Americans have been the leading figures in this mul- ti-million dollar nefarious traf- fic, it is particularly disgusting for your paper to picture Miss United States with 9 holier- than-thou smirk upon her face. "Some of my fellow Cana- dians, who have been and are contributing much to the eco• nomy of Florida, consider this an unfortunate slander on nor country," The Times printed the letter February 19, Dashwood .gids begin new project anti Miss Ellen Gilbert of Stratford spent Sunday with Sir, and Mrs. Courtney Bur- meister Mrs. 1:larold Stire, AWCM. announces that her pupil Miss Carol Brown or Parkhill re• ceived first class honors in Grade 2 Theory with the West- ern Ontario Conservatory of Music, ATP' Mr MA." PriVer, on way home from New ear's party, "Na wonder we got accidents, Just look how • close that fellow is driving in front of me!" •rorr'!•"1"""7.7".""""`!"." FAMILY ...SECURITY QOQ Life Insurance. (20.year reducing oonvertible term Inspranc0 ANNUAL, ;PR E MIUMS . 559,95 Age 40 5111.23 . 579.10 Age .45 ,,,,,, $11143 Age Age ti NOW ON DISPLAY New Spring Curtains Drapery Sheers Gould & Jory PHONE 235.0270 t.. ."Terri insuranoo on the Beet Terms" FOR CONAUt.TATIPN t RCAF STATION .CeNTRAL1A .LIBRARY St. Ph 235•10$4 TVgaPA.V.S, POP,. 104 Andrew OCCIDENTAL LIFE Ws C, Foster Fresh new • Yards and yards of fashion excitement in new spring fabrics! Beautiful floral prints, geometries, checks and plaids all at a price that makes it extra thrifty 'to sew your own fashions. Buy now for spring and Easter, DAN RIVER GINGHAMS $1.00 to $1.39 yard ARNEL and COTTON $1,50 to $1,95 yard COMBED COTTOM,-SATEEN $1.19 to $1:0 PRINTED ESTRON $1.69 to $1.95 TERYLENE BATISTE $1.29 yard All these materials are Drip-Dry and Crease-Resistant Fancy 14.0z, Tins FROZEN FOOD FEATURES 12,ounce package LibYANCY POLY PEAS 19' ,$•oUncc package 39c 2 ,nound package 43c Fraser Vale 24.oUnce package FISH AND CHIPS 59c Libby's. Fancy Sliced STRAWBERRIES Bir'di eNCY POLY CORN S G Orr Nabob 90 off 1.1b, bag Coffee 69' Hostess pkg. 04 160 Tea Bags '75' 12.c off Giant Six* Cheer 73 dhrktie's Graham Wafers Golden Ripe Bananas 2 L.Eg. Tomatoes 1 .9- 141.0t Cello Tubes Fero- M4e Apples 31.234 33' Regular 200's or Chubby 300's Kleenex Tissues Choice Quality 20-ounce Minnettes Tomatoes Tulip or Golden Dew Margarine Del Monte Fancy Early Garden Sweet Peas Vegetable or Tomato Aylmer Soup 3 Diamonds Fancy Solid White Tuna Ellmarr Pure Peanut Butter OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 A&H Phon 235.0212 7 0: si tins 60:1 4 BSL 8 °sof 3 ($.1 0 $1 REGULAR 1.° CHRISTIE'S Fireside Biscuits Oval Tea Assortment, Sugar Ring, Lemon Cocoanut Creams, Choc. Mallows Creams, 4 .Mix or Match CELLO PACKAGES ark Scout week lacy on Scout Lite given by A. Sweitzee of Exeter, presi- dent of the Huron District Council. Charlie Browning, . leader, made a few comments saying he still needed more boys to add to his pack. District Com- missioner in training for cubs. Harold Sisson of Exeter, and Reeve Glen Webb and Mrs. Webb were guests The meal prepared and served by members of the .Vonsoring body, it7rediton Wo- men's institute) was thorough- Mr. .10:in Gaiser celebrated. by enjoyed by ail. his 95th birthday on. Saturday with a family dinner. He is in very good health only he can't get around very well. He re- PS methods t utations many c e ived cards of cot r" „ and had many cal- lers. Those attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gai.- ser and son John of St. Ma- The Women's institute held r y s, M r. an d M rs. Gaiser its meeting on Wednesday Ve• and family and Clara, who is ping, February 21 in the ('om- at home with him. munity Centre. Mrs. R. Haugh was chaillady for the program. The motto "Calling all citi- zens" was given by Mrs. Molitor. She said it does mean a 10t to a community to have good citizens, also the part the WI plays to help in various ways like sponsoring the 4.11 girl clubs and giving support to Cubs and assisting in all community work, An accordiop solo was given by Linda Haugh and Mrs. Aaron Weir read. a. poem, Personal items Billy Duckworth of Goderich United Church Messengers, visited over the weekend with The Messengers held their Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger meeting Thursday, February and Jean. 22 at 4 p.m. in the Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Donald Fink- School rooms, beiner, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kathy Boulianne presided for Morlock and Mrs. Irvine Fink- the business. Ruth Hodge had healer attended the Dominic- charge of the. worship service not sufficient for the young Dougan wedding on Saturday assisted by Shirley Pfaff, and people of today. She explained the method of teaching chit- at St, Georges Anglican Barbara Attfield. A poem was dren to read which is used in Church . Lund". read by Sharon Hodge. schools today. She said it was The meeting of the Ladies Mrs. C. Kenney gave the bo- a combination of old and new Aid anti WMS of the EUB siness report followed by a methods which had been care- church will be held on. Thurs- Valentine story. The leaders fully tested by experts. day, March 1 at 8:15., treated the children with cup She felt that a child should 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill cakes. • a Crouton an...:: nq By MRS. M. FAIST he told that starting to school would be a aiintlerful experi. The Boy Scout .for him, something to banquet held Pa" to; parents should lhe Community.Centre look" forward read to children at an early day,. February 23 was well at- tended. The program cha i re d age to .ayquaint them with the i nc lude d a wonderful world of hooks. She by Earl Coughtrey also ,said that if parents had showing of slides and violin-len- a splind phlIOSOphy of life they will have something worth- while to ,uiss On to their ehil- 'area. Quoting Benjamin Frank- lin she said "It is not what )ou leave your children but how you leave them that is important. Mrs, W. D. Mack gave an Mr. and Mrs. Bob Neil and interesting outline on the family of Trenton spent a few brary books. This is the 13th days over the weekend with year that the library has been SIr, and Mrs. Charles Brow- in the community. She sires- ring and family. sed the fact that. better care Seaman Paul Boulianne is should be taken of, books when home on two weeks leave when they are in the hands of chit- he will return to Ireland. Pau- dren as well as adults. la of Victoria Hospital, Lon. A splendid talk was given by don, spent the weekend with Mrs. R. D. Jermyn, primary .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. school teacher, Exeter. She Phil. Boulianne. spoke on education and pre- paring a child for school, She said that the horizon of each succeeding generation had en- larged until today it includes outer space and now our world can be circled in less than two hours and the education, which we as adults received is . told to WI Crediton Cut-outs The second ineetine of t he Crediton Cut-Outs was held in the Crediton Comm unity Cen- tre on Saturday, February 24. with 12 members present. Notes were written and dis- cussed on "Selection of the Pattern", "Preparation of the Material" and the ''Use of the Pattern." The next meeting will be held. Saturday, March 3 in the Centre. Celebrates 95 at family fete MEETS CORN Ar2,2224a Spare Ribs 'Sweet Smoked Rindless Breakfast Maple Leaf Chicken, Dutch or 47c Mac and Cheese Loaf lb Devon Bacon Pork Sausage Beef Steakettes PREsH LAN MEATY ,111.1FILEE TRAY p 4,K JuBILEE. 4 PER La, PKG. 59` lb TOMATO JUICE F:eYooz SOCKEYE SALMON Challenger Fancy Red 73/4 .0z, CAKE MIXES FRUIT COCKTAIL Van Camp's Pork 'n Beans Mount Royal Choice Golden Style Cream Corn Westinghouse 25.40.60 watt Light Bulbs 411 .0oputot, brands Cigarettes Assorted Jams Top Crop Popping Corn. Monarch Pouch Pak White, Chocolate, Banana Henley 15-0z. 8 F 0 R. F 0 $1 F 0 R F 0 R $01 15.ounce tins $1 20.oz, this 6 FOR $1 5 Fop $1 okti, of 20't 3 F.. sl 9.ounce lees 5 Fog 1.lb. package $1