HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-03-01, Page 4.. .
;riy 0114 BATTEN, Sports Editor
Vidre wadi
I ‘ t° DEMI
'56. Dodge .
Custom radio, whitewall
tires, two-tone finish,
'56 Oldsmobile
Custom radio, automatic
transmission, whitewall
'55 Chevrolet
C u s t o in radio, whitewall
tilts, two-tone finish.
'54 Chevrolet
Heater, signals, motor over-
CititAe OLDS 01\10?
Phone 23St660 Exelet
games. it was the poorest season the Mohawks.
nave had for several years, even though they were
playing in a much lower category than they have
competed in for a number of seasons.
On paper this club looks as good as any in
the; .league. They had ..()OM Gravett and Red
1. tier, players who have played senior "B" and
intermediate "A,"; Dick Bedard, Keith Stephens.
and Bob Baynham, who have all toiled with good.
Ignior "B" teams as well as intermediate with the
T4ibe; Jim Russell, Jim MaeDonald and Bill Pin-
ebnbe, who have all played several years in the
gear minor setup and with the Mohawks.
There were a few "rookies" on the club
who haven't had too much experience, but it would
be expected that these other seven or eight players
would be good enough to boost them along and
make the Tribe a winning combination.
„ However, such was not the ease!
..- The Tribe's poor showing could be partially
blamed on sickness and injury to key personnel,
but from what we have seen, it was much more
a.-; tack of desire and interest on the part of most
of .the players. They failed to show up for •prac-
tie,e$: and although we missed several games, we
dorP recall seeing one where all the players were
giving their best efforts.
Their lack of interest was certainly pointed
up in the last few games when juniors had to be
brought up to complete the lineup and especially
in the last game against Mitchell when four Hawks
were dressed because only five regulars showed.
up to play.
We'll admit that some may have had ex-
cuses, but we doubt very much if they all did.
However, it is not really ou.r intention to
hold. a post mortem on this year's play, but rather
to look ahead to next year. We have nothing but
commendation for coach Boom Gravett and his
executive of Neil Campbell, Stan Whiting, Ted
Chaffe and Harry Mailers on the amount of time
and trouble they spent in giving Exeter an inter-
mediate club this year.
But on the other hand, we think they will
agree with us that they were actually banging
their heads against a brick wall, because apparent-
ly the fans and many of the players aren't in•
terested in intermediate hockey in Exeter.
Although the tribe apparently finished in
the black, thanks mainly to a successful draw'
during the season, the arena lost money because
there was nothing left of the gate to split after
the referees had been paid their salaries.
As far as, the Exeter Mohawks are concern.
the 1961-62 hockey season came to a sudden
halt last week as they failed to make the group
playoffs in the aliA Big Eiight loop.
With only five wins to their credit in ',O.
Clinton six
stop Devils
The Clintoh l'hunderlio11.6.
who are laecating aceUstorned Thiety.eight Members of the
to coming front behind, seered South Huron Junior ratIners
time times in the last ten and Junior triscitute chartered'
minutes id Mitchell, TnesdaY, a bus for the LH) while self.
to overeetne a one-goal deficit oral employees from 'hickey
and pick up a VS win. _Beverages motored by cat'.
creditable They extended the Clinton
squad to the full three games and this northern
crew are good enough to go aLl the sway Puzw
zle4 lookS are being worn these days by the Lucan,
IldettOn Cembines and the Zurich Hustlers. The
Combines. won '43 straight and then lost their last
alightBig game to poll their record, while the
010160 received the same treatment in the 4eter
rec leagtte basketball, first thing we know, the $ff
Nritherp wj.1,1 lift they tan beat t*
SeVeral persons from the.
area travelled to Detroit, Sat.
today, to watch the: Chicago
Black Hawks whip the Red
Wings 6.1 in a regularly sched-
uled NItL fixture.
, Dusty Aldis
. , Ray Stothers
-Z entry finish on top .
start series with locals
Com ines
Hawks drop tea third
a The. Times-Advocate, Mach 1, 11'62
It has been pointed out to us that intermed-
iate hockey is necessary to give the juniors some
desire to better themselves and 'a `place for them
to play after they graduate from the Hawks.
We will agree with this argument, but we
wonder if they are really interested in playing
hockey themselves. During the past season three
or four have quit the team for a duration because
or squabbles with their coach or manager and
they appear to have the idea they are doing the
manager a big favor by playing for him and they
-expect him to get down on bended knee to. coax
Allem back into the lineup.
We also know that Boom Gravett has asked
some of them to play for the Tribe on different
occasions and they came up with some rather poor
excuses and sometimes even failed to show up
after telling him they would be on hand.
As long as we continue to have our demo-
cratic freedoms, a man can certainly choose
whether or not he is going to play hockey or any
thingelse, but it our opinion that a fellow who
tries out for a team and makes it should consider
: it his duty and responsibility to attend all prac-
tices and games throughout the entire season
whether he is a first stringer or a third stringer.
After all, the coaches and managers of these
teams are giving freely of their time and energy
and in some cases it is even costing them money,
and it's high time the players realized that it is
they who are getting the favor.
It is still a long time until next season, but
now is as good a time as any to think about it,
If the present executive and coach are willing to
try it again, we suggest they take Steps to ensure
they will, get better support from both the inter-
mediate and junior players.
We even suggest that each player post a
bond, such as the OHA requires from a team to
ensure they will complete the schedule, This Might
• only be for $25.00 but it would make the players
realize they have something invested in the team.
If they missed a practice or a game without
giving the coach a good reason beforehand, they
would forfeit a certain portion of this amount and
perhaps on the third offense would lose the whole
This appears to be a drastic step, but .From
• the experiences picked up this year, it may be the
• only solution,
in summing up, we should point out that
we have not been expounding on all] the players
who play for the Mohawks and the Hawks. There
are some very faithful members on both teams
who call be counted on, but unfortunately, there
are too many who don't realize the seriousness of
their conduct and so some type of stringent
measures must be taken if hockey is ever to flourish
In Exeter again.
BATT'N AROUND—We send out congratu.
Wiens this week to Dusty l3urns and his tlxeter
bantams who have gained a berth in the WOAA
finals. This Legion sponsored squad has yet to
taste defeat this season and we hope a few more
fans will turn out to boost the kids iii their efforts
to bring a charnpionship to Exeter Red. Loader
and his wife, Maxine, still have their 'pee Waes in
the WOAA playoffs and also deserve your Siipptut
Just in case nut readers can't figure out why We
mentioned Red's wife, We are happy to polpt out
s ie is the energetic manager of this team of young
nucksters — Although they were 00000 it
playoffs, 'Cy Blommaert's tn14get4 to 4
With the first same complet-
'd in the three playoff series
in the ,(X14, Big Eight, the Sea-
forth Towners have recorded.
the only upset as, they whipped
the Centralia Golden Hawks.
The Centralia crew placed
first in the four-team playoff
And were faverites to polish off
the, Towners, but the pesky
Seaforth crew skated to an 84
win in Exeter, Tuesday, to
give them a one-game edge.
The, Towners could be classed
as .slight .favorites in the se-
ries. now as they play the next
taco games on their home ice.
'['he Centralia crew were to get
the extra game, but lack of
lee time at Exeter forced them
to play in Seaforth twice and
then return to Exeter to finish.
off the series,
In the other series in the
homehrew clesSifitatieth the
Clinton Thunderbirds came
through with an "expected"
win. over the Mitchell Red
Devils, but had to come from
behind and may have trouble
cleaning up their opposition as
quickly as expected,
However, Clinton play their
next two games at home and
The Luean - Ilderton Com-
bines grabbed a one-game lead
in their best-of-seven series
with the Philipsburg Chevs in
Lucan, Friday, whipping the
Chevs 8-3 in a game marred
by four fights.
Th e Combines dominated
play in the first two periods
and had the Chevs at a com•
plete stand-still. However, the
Philipsburg entry came to life
in the final stanza, hut it was
too late to catch the Big Eight
loop winners.
Steve Storey and Harry
Wraith paced the attack for
the winners as they each den-
ted the twine twice behind
Philipsburg's Fred. C u r r a h.
Terry Hodgins, Tom Collings,
Max O'Neil and Walt Stothers
picked up the others.
Joe Grygaski, a towering
centrernan recently added to
the Chevs' lineup, blinked the
light twice and Jerry Steffler
picked up a single for the los-
The Chevs' defense was al•
most non-existent •in the first
period, and the Combines took
full advantage of the breaks to
open up a 4-0 lead shortly af-
ter the mid-way mark.
Grygaski finally put the
Chevs on the scoresheet at the
3:46 mark of the middle stan-
za but the Combines came back
with' 'k pair of their own to
grab a 6.1 lead as they started
play in the final stanza.
The Combines upped their
lead to 8-1 in the first two
minutes and coasted to their
win, although they allowed the
Chevs a pair in the final 20
Plenty of action
The Iwo teams showed the
200 fans that the series could
be a real battle before it's de-
Centralia came back with a
pair in the late minutes of the
period and appeared to be on
the way, but the stubborn Sea-
forth six held them off the
sheet in the last period and
banged home a pair Of insur-
ance goals to record their win,
Ray Scoins, Bill McLaughlin
and Bob Beutenmiller paced
the onslaught with a pair of
goals wit on Centrelia's Rick
Tremblay, while Doug ROW-
cliffe and Bob Finder picked
up singles.
ilex Killen banged in a couple
for the out-played Golden
Hawks and Claude Audet and
playing.coech Jack Seymour
rapped in a single each,
should be favored to oust the
Mitchell six in three straight,
Combines roll
The league champion "sum-
"Weston .Combines had little
trouble polishing, off Philips-
burg Chers in the opener of
their best-of-seven series, but
fans learned they would see
plenty of .40.1011 before the se-
ries was settled as three fights
broke out in Wean, Friday.
Both teams are playing at
full intermediate "B" strength
and the two. new additions in.
the Lucan - Weston lineup
should help them considerably,
Dusty Aldis, a speedy wing-
er who has seen action with
St. Marys Lincolns and Strat-
ford Indians is just getting
back into shape after being
out of action with a broken leg
picked up last season.
The other new recruit is
Bay Stothers, an experienced
puckster who fitted in, well
with. Aldis and Toni -Collings
on one of the Combines' high-
Powered lines,
The third game of this series
will be played in Lucan, Tues-
day, with games this .Frida
and next in New Hamburg.
elided as they engaged in Um
fights amongst themselves an
one with the fans.
Tom Collings and Jim Doe
ing started the fireworks wit
a brief duel that netted tiler
roughing penalties in the dyin;
minutes of the first period an'
Collings and former Mohawk
Dave Weber engaged in a free
swinging duel in the second,
Weber charged into Calling
near the Combines' box an.
when Collings gave him an el
bow in retaliation, Weber
charged again driving the butt-
end of his stick into Collings'
stomach, Both then started
swinging and when they were
separated, Weber was assessed.
12 minutes and. Collings picked
up five,
Collings then engaged in his
third sortee in the final period
when he started a duel with
Alvin Sararas. Both players
were sent to the dressing
rooms, Weber with a major
and Collings with a major and
a misconduct, picked up for
getting his second major of
the night,
All told, the Combines picked
up 32 of the 61 minutes in pen-
alties, but scored two goals
with a man advantage, while
the Oilers only picked up one
while the Combines were a man
Fights with fan
In the final period, . Fred
Currah took exception to having
part of a stick thrown at him
by a fan, and skated to the
sidelines and handed out his
own punishment with a punch
in the mouth,
The fan was ordered out of
II" sink by the referees, but
two OPP officers merely
moved him to the other side
of the rink.
Clinton six win
final league tilt
The Clinto n Thunderbolts
clinched fourth spot in the
OHA Big Eight loop, Thursday,
when they whalloped the Mitch-
ell Red Devils 6-1 in Clinton
in the last game of the sched-
A win would have given the
Red Devils fourth spot, but they
were no match for the power-
ful Clinton crew on their home
ice. The two teams will now
face each other in the semi-
final series of the four-Learn
Captain Len Arseneau paced
the attack for the winners as
he beat Bill McNaught three
times in the Mitchell nets. Bud
Kelly, Andy Beauchamp and
Howie Cousins accounted for
the others..
Mery Neil was the lone
Mitchell m a rksm an, spoiling
Dennis Amacher's shutout bid
at the 6:47 mark of the final
The homesters jumped into
a slim 1-0 lead in the first
period, but came oack with
four unanswered markers in
the 'middle frame to take a
commanding 5-0 lead.
.Neit's tally cut the margin
slightly, but Clinton were never
in any serious trouble and
• coasted to their win in the
Last week's scores:
Clinton 7—Mitchell 1
Final Standings
NV 1, "1- P
Lucan- fld erton 23 1 5 46
Philipsburg 17 7 41 N
("entrails, 11 12 A 22
Clinton IC 14 n 211
:4ea.fortri 3 15 A 18
Mitchell 8 16 n Is
Exeter S ii A 15
Series "A"
Lui:ari-TIderton 8—Philipaburg
NV 1, F A
t.ucaii-Tldorton 1 A 6 3
IThilinsburg A 1 3 8
Series "B"
I Rest-of -114 e)
Seaforth 8—tent/Alia 4
Ssaforth 1 A
Ceritralia. A 1
Series "C"
(Best-of-ft( a)
Clinton 7-6tt teh ell S
1( 1.
lin too . I A
6fItchell (1 '1
Game's this week:
Lhur-d r, March 1
t. entrants Seaforth
Mitchell at Clinton
Friday, Starch 2,
LIK(4/1-/Iderton PhIftpalmeg
March A
Mitelirill at Cliiqen
Centralia at 1--.'oaforth
Philip/burg at Lateen- (I/lei-toe
as ednesday, Match 7
80a:forth at ("Outran:I
PEE WEE. tobUtSt LcAout
This ssook's sceros:
trassks 5. llanger, n
1,cfr, 3, Mbhat, Ica " Cariaflienf 1,‘ ings
Leib iss
winks csistasit.See
Future satires:
R.eisss.'itan*ess "At tti,tu ),(,5......c.:4,14.aito 3!'$, /iftit'k in,nrl---'Wings l'rt65114.Wkt
11 C116..-.S441a (11.0 to „ 7 '6,64)10 11 :30—$erptt, -4+4 $ „t.-.e4rpl
The liensall-Znrich Combines
wrapped up the Shamrock title
last week despite a loss to the
surging Stratliroy junior itoe.
kets, and now meet the
.Exeter junior Hawks in a best-
ef-five semi-final series,
The Combines, who grabbed
the league lead in the second
week of play, were never
heeded despite the attempts of
tirie.11awks and the StrathroY
c r ew.
The Rockets finished off their
schedule with three straight
wins last week and will be
strong favorites to polish off
Watford in the other semi-final
The Atoms gained the final
berth over the Lambeth entry
despite a loss to the tail-end•
ers rn Watford Saturdey, How-
ever, Lambeth were drubbed
twice last week and missed the
playoff by a mere two points.
Tight series
The season record between
he • Combines and the local
Hawks shows that their best-of-
five series should be a nip and
tick affair and could go all
lie way,
During the past season the
lawks were the only team in
he league to hold a margin
over the league leaders, win-
ning four and tying one in their
sight meetings.
However, the Combines acts"-
Illy out-scored the Hawks 51-39
'n their eight games, posting
hree one-sided wins,
The first game of the series
vas played in Hensall, Wednes-
day, and the teams return to
Exeter, Friday, for the second
game of the series. They turn
right around and go hack to
.Hensall for a Saturday night
fixture and the other two
games, if needed, will he played
hit Exeter, Tuesday and in Hen-
salt, Wednesday.
Manager Derry Boyle reports
most of his Hawks in top shape
final period by adding one
more to their total,
Clinton also picket; up nine
of the 13 penalties, with. Bob
Brown getting nicked for four.
However, the -.ed Devils could
not take advantage of the
extra man advantage-
Last week's scores:
S t rat h roy 11— 1,ambetb 6
Strathroy 8-11-ensall 2
I-tensall 17--Lambeth 4
Strathroy 7—Exeter 5
Lambeth 5—Watford 4
Final Standings
.11-1-teria-t,sat rl lo-yZurich . 2f1
18; In
Lambeth ............ IA 1.9
Playoff dates:
March 2
fenaall-Zurich at Motet Pr
• turday, March 3
Exetex at I4ensall-Zurich
Toesdio , March 6
Hen oa t:till -17,1 et,lorei ,811 arayt) icier
rt edriesda,y, 61arch
to:etor at 1i-email-Zurich
tlf necrisar
(Rest-of•n re)
'T hut/day. March 1
-Wa.tford at Stratbrov
Nat 61:11-01) fl
i'-itrathrm at (1 at fOrd
Memrlay. March 5
'Watford at Strathroy
6iarcli 6
Strathroi at Watford
If necessary)
'11111r-ilac. March 6
Ii °store at Sarni b noy
This week's acores;
K-W ,Reit4 err A. Mop, S
11V T4 .1r 1114
0 1 2 2
for the series, but Bob Jones
and Lloyd Moore are still limp-
ing from recent leg injuries.
Pot 12 in third.
to oust Lambeth
The. Shamrock league cham-
pion .Honsall-Zurich Combines
finished off their regular sched-
ule with a resounding 17-4 win
over Lambeth in Hensall, Fri-
The winners were leading
54 when they stepped on the
ice for the final period, but
they came up with one of their
most potent attacks in that
frame to ram home 12 unan-
swered markers.
Brian Bonthron, Steve Kyle
and Brian Vickery paced the
onslaught with four goals each,
Bill Shaddick added three and
Gerard Overholt notched a
Shaddick was the top point
man as he assisted on seven
goals to pick up 10 points for
his night's efforts.
Meet Morris and Wayne Hay-
ball blinked the light twice
each for the hapless Lambeth
crew who watched their play-
off hopes die with the loss,
Exeter lose final
to Strathroy six
The Exeter junior Hawks fin-
ished off the regular schedule
with a 7.5 loss to Strathroy in
a "nothing" contest in the
Exeter arena, Friday,
The Hawks had no chance to
move any higher than third and
the Rockets coulego no higher
than second no matter what
the outcome was,
The visitors wasted little
4"-455, per M Feet Del'd.
5"—$85. per M Feet Del'd.
6"—$110. per M Feet Del'd.
7"—S155. per M Feet Del'd.
8".---$185. per M Feet Del'd.
Above prices based on 1000
Linear Feel, in full truckloads
or more, delivered within 35
mile radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all sizes tile,
either delivered or F,O,B. our
plant at Elginfield, write or
LTD., RR 2, Londoo — Phone
227.4721 Lucan.
fPoesili fato6 of pi.iyortar~..
time in taking the .offense in
the game as they (melted tip a
3-1, lead in the first period,
They tipped their lead to 44,
hut eon into a rash af‘ penalties
in the middle frame and
watched the liawks come back
to knot the count at 4-4,
Diming the second period, the
Rockets played continually with
A man short as they were
called for several infractions.
However, after spotting the
Hawks a 5.4 lead in the early
minutes of the final period
they came back with - three
straight unanswered markers
to post their win. Two of the
goals were on breakaways as
the Hawks' defense was caught
out of position,
Ken Fadelle, 'who played say,
etal. games with the senior
Rockets, fired four tallies for
the winner s, while Terry
Bourne, Jack Pearce and Bill
Thomas added singles,
Dale Turvey was the top
threat for the locals with three
goals, while Toni Sinclair and
Jack Stephen picked up one
Strathroy entry
trip loop leaders
The Strathroy junior Rockets
pulled to within three points of
the Hensall - Zurich Combines
when they whipped the loop
leaders 6.2 in Strathroy, Thurs-
However, the Rockets had no
chance of coming much closer
as both teams had only one
game remaining,
Harvey Thomas paced the at.
tack with a pair of goals
against the Combines, while
Bob Bartholomew, John Mor-
gan, Bill Westgate and Ken Fa-
delle picked up singles.
Gerard Overholt and. Earl.
Wagner were the lone Hensall-
Zurich marksmen.
'59 Chevrolet
Automatic transmission,
custom radio, wheel discs,
one Owner.
'58 Chevrolet
Automatic transmission, a
one-owner ear.
'58 Pontiac
Custom radio, whitewall
tires, two-tone finish.
CE .ploydowns,
Ireton cop openers
L-1 six drub Chevs,
fisticuffs mar opener
Towners pull upset,
whip Centralia 8-4
The Seaforth Towners sur- The victory gave the Chaos
prised the Centralia Golden crew a 1-0 lead in their best-
Hawks in Exeter, TuesdaY, of-five series with the Red
skating to an 8-4 win and tak• Devils.
ing a 1.0 lead in their best-of-
five Big Eight playoffs. Iiewie Cousins and Mel Par-
sons started the Clinton crew
After spotting the Centralia off on a flying start as they
crew an early goal in the first rapped in a goal before three
period, the Towners came back minutes had been played in
with three of their own and the first period.
upped their lead to 6-2 by the
mid-way mark of the middle
However, Jim East dented
the twine at the 4:05 mark for
Mitchell and Keith Ahrens
knotted the count at the 16:35
mark as the Red Devils fought
their Way back into the con-
Speedy Andy Chaisson gave
Clinton a 3-2 lead at the end
of the first when he beat Me-
Naught in the dyints minutes
and the teams played scoreless
hockey until mid-way through
the ,middle period ,s.‘ hen Roger
Pauli .scored for Mitchell, only
to have Wray Breathier equal-
ize it and give Clinton a 4.3
lead. at the end of the second,
Keith Ahrens scored his Sec-
ond and third goals of the
right in the early minutes of,
the final period to give Mitchell
their slim lead, but Len Arse. it was a roughly played IA
between the two clubs and Sea- neau, Wray Breadner and Andy (Thaisson came hack with goals forth picked up 12 of the 22 in the last ten minutes to pull penalties handed out; mi- the game out of the fire to .. Mits. Clinton.
; 4
4 ;
... ..
Hockey scoreboard
3 42
4 in
4 25
I 26
2 211
1<-15 - Bearers
OOP ba ,! Aces .....
Future genies:
Nioncia v, Match C p.m —Otte8heeac‘ e,14ie.s I . 11‹-IV
This Week'd scores:
"' t, tit rsianiems 4, 7 inga Ag (12.1 Rotla:ea 5, 1-1kOlf-. 0
R .1 14
la Y t1 1 7 1('111.0R 2 1 5 PEIlleoirl$
rif tura Oatmeal
Wednef,c11,1f. M.0,rcli 6 p Wings t, 14*K si
• p M.--Phantoms vs. 1.86/110,4t2
ita ndings
Clinton oust Hawks,
pot six in final frame
The Clinton Thunderbolts lead in the first period on a
pair of goals by Al Simpson urinated the Centralia. Golden
Hawks from the RCAF tout-and a single by Claude Duval
a mand playoffs, Sunday, over- and upped the count to 5-0 be-
fore the midway mark of the
coming a five-goal lead with middle stanza on another goal
six tallies in the final period to by Duval and one by George
post Kelly.
a 7-6 wl
beforeL a crowd esti- Clinton finally beat Rick
mated at over 800 in the Clinton Tremblay at the 10:25 mark,
arena, the Thunderbolts were but
a "new" team when they took tits
a gave
fo ur
Jim Sullivan
nCi nnut tr ea s.
to the ice in the final period later and it appeared to be
and came up with their surg- enoughflowevfeoir%l t cielinGtoonldentool -1k ,ekorns,
ing attack,
Centralia jumped into a 3-0 ole fintecaoin
period cand had
i control the game in
the the
score knotted by the 14:34
mark and scored the clincher
at the 15:49 mark.
Andy Beauchamp and Wray
Breadner scored a pair each
before the mid way mark to
pull to within one, goal and
then Mel Parsons tied the score
at 6.6 on. a play with Beauch-
amp and Trude).
Speedy Andy Chiasson turned
out to be the hero when he.
teamed up with Kelly to beat
Tremblay with the winner.
It was a rough tilt between
the two RCAF squads and Cen-
tralia picked up 12 of the 19
penalties,-an one of them a 10-
minute misconduct to Yves Ca-
,Each team picked up a pair
of goals with a man advantage.
(SoOond nettles of boa t-of
five playoffs)
(Please Mite time changea)
124::,0-8:56,—Plgure Skating
2180.4 t50-..-Public Skating
8;00-10:00---PublIc Skating
27 MOO -4:80--Pubfie Ska flag
X 1 '1